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last thread was semi-successful, let's see if there's enough momentum for another
contrarians and poorfags unite!
old >>1866472
I'm temped to play it again since CK3 is such ass but it's a little depressing knowing all the mods have been abandoned and don't have any new content since I last played years ago
Is it just me or this game is super comfy between fall and Christmas?
I know I should prefer EU4. After hundreds of hours in CK2, I often yearn for EU4 and its superior warfare and trade mechanics. And yet there's still just something so appealing about CK2 that makes me like it more than EU4.
what part of faerun is the most fun
what classes actually have mechanics
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this game still has a small but decently active modding scene on the workshop, even if there's no big overhauls coming out anymore and 95% of what does is junk.
I still release updates to my own mods periodically and have a few more ideas I want to develop into mods in the near future.
If the wife of a lord has a child from an affair and the child inherits titles is it still possible that the real father is revealed?

What happens then? Does the false heir gets to keep the titles anyway since he already inherited?
No, if the bastard isn't discovered during the pregnancy he's just considered the kid. The father gets an event where he says "Oops" and loses 10 piety. Very little drama, cucking and uncertain parentage is widespread.
If anybody is interested in a restoration mod for After the End that restores all the content like confederate battlegear that the developer decided was "problematic" after /gsg/ bullied him into a sex change, I was working on something a while back. If other people really want this I can try to dedicate some time to it again.

Sadly it is more difficult than it should be because as it turns out the developer is awful. I don't think he had ever used git before taking over this mod. There are many, many, many "megacommits" with a bazillion unrelated changes, commits with tee hee wacky jokes that aren't descriptive of changes in any way. A couple times he would exceed the conventional character limit and write long, whiny suicidal rants about how he wanted to quit the mod in the commit messages instead of a description of the change he was making. The first two things are common amateur mistakes but I've never seen any shit like the last one in my life. This makes maintainability near impossible.
>A couple times he would exceed the conventional character limit and write long, whiny suicidal rants about how he wanted to quit the mod in the commit messages instead of a description of the change he was making.
Post em
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Ive use the custom frame and patrum scuta mods to give custom graphics to every single culture, while i was testing i got very unhappy with the samey units for the core nedic cultures so i use it as a excuse to finally edit better looking garbs, no more bong nords, proper nordic units, the bretons heavy troops look like proper knights and in Cyrodiil i gave them a mix and match of assets to look as close to roman units as possible.
I don't know why but I was just reminded of the Christmas music in the game last night and goddamn if I wasn't feeling nostalgic, haven't really played CK2 in over 5 years at least
why the fuck is paradox forcing their retarded sovlless 3d character slop
eu5 is gonna have that shit too now
don't they see how much better ck2 looks compared to ck3
Agreed, but then I think just about everything of the new generation (I:R and onward) games looks like absolute shit
The map, the ui, everything, even the fonts
Can't stand any of it
>Imperator Rome
>Shitty Map
I beg to differ.
A open source CK2 but with EU4 peace deals and war
>EU4 peace deals
In terms of more peace options than just the wargoal, depending on circumstances? Sure.
But there should still be significantly heavier restrictions on CK peace deals than EU peace deals. Without a complete revamp to the way wars work, defenders being able to take territory would be a complete disaster, for example
Can I take the wives and daughters of my enemies as war trophies?
>defenders being able to take territory would be a complete disaster
nooo you can't just take my territory! you're defending! n-not attacking me! ahhhhhhhh
It's to appeal to women. Basically there are two things to keep in mind here:

1) Women prefer to play vidya that is character-driven. When you look at the games whose playerbase is mostly women, it's games like The Sims and Animal Crossing, which are all about character interactions.
2) The majority of gamers are women. However, the people that did the study that determined this counted people who play Candy Crush as "gamers", so the statement isn't accurate if you're only considering core and hardcore gamers to be actual gamers. But the bean counters who will see this statistic won't care for that distinction.

I no longer have the sources for the above two points, but they should be easy to find. My guess is that someone higher up at Paradox saw this information and decided their games need to be more character-driven to appeal to what is allegedly the majority of gamers to expand their market share or whatever. So now characters are forced into every PDS game, even in cases where it wouldn't make sense to do so which is how we ended up with the HOI franchise going from having a focus on simulating a single war really well to being some schizo ahistorical simulator where you try to crown a bear as the king of Poland.
a lot of words just to say that you're a faggot
You will never be a man.
no, you won't get me to post dick pics, faggot
How many times has one of your dipshit vassals declared a war he obviously couldn't win?
Now imagine if the guy he was attacking could just steal his land from you for free and you couldn't do anything about it
I just hate how it actually looks, can't elaborate what it is exactly
There are ways that could be circumvented. Like having this kind of penalty be valid only against the top liege and only in bordering realms to avoid too much bordergore. But then I don't know what to do if the top liege only has 1 county or so. It would be a little confusing probably and other things would have to change to accomodate this but I think it's not impossible.

I have an idea that's probably much easier to implement: Instead of losing land have the top liege become tributary for some years as punishment for losing a war if it was a major casus belli like invasion, conquest, subjugation and such. Maybe for the duration of the truce.
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and with that, my Orsini dynasty run is complete though I'll keep playing til the end date anyway
from vassals of the pope to vassalizing the pope, claiming the HRE and then the ERE, and then reclaiming all the old Roman borders, it's been a hell of a ride.
Do you need to conquer ALL that land to restore the Roman Empire or just some key areas?
without mods?
it's a bit difficult to put down in one post because it's based on controlling a bunch of duchies and regions
but nowhere near as much as he has

to put it into words as best as possible without being a text dump:
you need all of the in-game regions of Iberia, Italy, the Balkans, North Africa, and Jerusalem
and then also the duchies that make up England and Wales
and then most of the duchies in France and Anatolia
and then also Edessa, Palmyra, and Damascus

but that's for getting "imperial borders restored" - for actually forming the Roman Empire title, you only need a handful of key duchies
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to restore the Roman Empire in CK2 (without mods), you need to have ERE as your primary title and completely control the yellow provinces.
for the "Imperial Borders Restored" event, you need to completely control the red provinces as well.
"completely control" in CK2 means every single barony in each of the required counties has to be part of your realm, whether that's you holding it or one of your vassals (or your vassals' vassals).
easy way to identify counties within your realm that have foreign/independent baronies is to click on the "Sow Dissent" job for your chancellor and see which of your counties highlight green.
How can I increase the size of the interface in this game? The UI scale makes everything blurry
"bigger interface" mod
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I think you just hate color.
You probably prefer pic related
holy SOVL...
That didn’t help much, the trait icons and other stuff are still quite small for me
if you're playing on a resolution higher than 1080p you're kinda SOL
You can capture them and then force them to be concubines if your religion allows it or forcibly recruit them otherwise
>easy way to identify counties within your realm that have foreign/independent baronies is to click on the "Sow Dissent" job for your chancellor and see which of your counties highlight green.
Thank you for the tip
sure thing, and here's a couple more:
if you have infidel holy orders cockblocking your Rome run with their scattered baronies, find a way to convert to their religion and you'll get a decision to expel them and seize their holdings for 1000 piety. works for any religion except Sunni islam because Paradox fucked up and coded their decision to expel Fedayeen (Shia order) instead of Bektashi.
easiest way to do this is to get a county with their religion, or one of their holy sites, into your direct demesne. then you can secretly -> openly convert for 250 piety by right clicking the county's CoA. then after you expel them, you can convert back secretly -> openly for another 250 via your wife or your capital (make sure at least one of those is your intended religion).
if you have holy orders of your intended religion also cockblocking you but you don't want to expel them, give them a duchy somewhere within your de jure empire (amd sweeten them up if they have a negative opinion of you) and they'll readily accept vassalization.
Anyone here makes mods? Like a 675ad starting date or adding more cultures like Syriac, Vandals, Galatians etc
I tried making a custom culture with custom dynasties once and the game started procedurally generating characters of that culture in every realm around the map, all with the same dynasty.
every month there would be a hundred more dynasts in the family tree bogging the game down more and more, and it would keep happening in that save game even after I'd disable the mod (they'd be "noculture" instead of the custom one).
no idea what the fuck was going on but I decided against ever trying it again.
Damn that sucks desu, what about a earlier start date with the Charlemagne cultures and counties/holdings names changed to the ruling culture. Would that be easier to do?
it's too much work to change history files, I just change stuff I find stupid or add some minor things for the campaign I'm playing, like a melting pot if I'm vikings migrating somewhere silly
>Charlemagne cultures and counties/holdings names changed to the ruling culture
not really sure what you're talking about here, but localisation modding is generally pretty easy.
If you playing as the Byzantines and conquer North Africa most of the counties and holdings still have arabic names instead of Latin/Greek
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for that you would have to make a mod with a common/landed_titles directory, put a text file in there, and copypaste all the provinces you want renamed into it (if you copypaste the entire landed_titles.txt file you're a bitch)
then right under where the color for the county is defined, you would add a new line with the culture, an equal sign, and the desired name.
so for example if you want the province of Mahdia to be renamed to "Aphrodisium" when controlled by a Greek or Roman, you would add the lines
>greek = Aphrodisium
>roman = Aphrodisium
like so
Good information, thanks
hey no problem, if you have any other questions about modding this game, even if it's the most basic shit, please feel free to ask. I'm on vacation this week and have more free time than I know what to do with.
>noooo the color isn't epic enough!
>uh, cinematic, gritty Romans... ave... it was called the dark ages for a reason or something...
It is ugly, simple as
Thanks, how do you add the silk road from Trebizond to Constantinople?
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Some nerd here is familiar with the Nova Monumenta Iaponiae Historica mod? i am playing with all the DLCs activated and with only another mod for japanese music on, and the water in the north of the island is looking like this, seems like a bug,when i zoom in looks like is a snow, frozen water effect but i don't know if is normal, maybe i should only let the DLCs recommended by the mod activated? strange that in the menu when you are choosing the clan you can move the map around behind the menu and is not looking like this, what can be causing this?
First thought, since it is November: Could it just be some weird shit with the winter texturing? That they didn't bother making any of the other sea tiles ice up, since they're presumably considered non-navigable?
I've never done it myself but check out this guide
honestly the ck2 wiki is pretty great for learning how to mod this game
>Can't declare de-jure war claims for duchies if defender have different faith
>Can't demand conversion from landless prisoner if he is not my courtier
>No-one joins to my holy wars but the whole world joins to the defender side
Lol what ?
>Can't declare de-jure war claims for duchies if defender have different faith
What? I'm pretty sure you can

>Can't demand conversion from landless prisoner if he is not my courtier
This makes sense from a gameplay perspective
Maybe I'm something don't understand but this is what written in the wiki page

>Go to war for all counties within a duchy title. You must personally hold the duchy title or be its de jure liege king or emperor. To declare the war, you must spend tier-scaled prestige (250 for dukes, 500 for kings, 1000 for emperors).

>Can only be used within the same religious group. Muslims cannot use this CB against other sects of Muslims.
Everything is working as intended. I really don't see what's your problem.
>what part of faerun is the most fun
Either the Sword Coast, all the way to Moonshae Islands or Dalelands/Moonsea and their surroundings. Both are divided, with dominant human cultures and all kinds of elves, dwarves, gnomes, demons, lizards and furries. Sword Coast suffers several scripted invasions, while Dales have strong neigbours, both good and evil. I think human war-focused faiths have the most mechanics.
>what classes actually have mechanics
Shadows and Rogues have Heist CB, pretty similar to vanilla raiding, but you need to go to war and get some reparations. They also have a decision to go raiding, risky event chain that gives you few hundred ducats, can change your traits, and rarely, give you new artifacts. Barbarians can abandon their homelands to invade somewhere else. Warriors get all kinds of martial boosts. Clerics and Druids can heal and regenerate limbs. Wizards get the magic menu with some powerful boons. Psions get some magic and a few mental abilities. I think Rangers are slightly reflavored Warriors and Warlocks just Wizards with a patron of your choosing, but I don't know for sure.
any mod recommendation?.
What do you want?
This casus belli exists so that you can conquer counties in a duchy that de jure belongs to you but are being occupied by someone who is from your religion, since you can't use holy war against them. With this CB you take all the counties in one fell swoop instead of taking one by one.

You don't need this same casus belli against enemies of different religions because you already have holy wars.
anything really fantasy shit is fine too
>You don't need this same casus belli against enemies of different religions because you already have holy wars.

No, that's exactly why I need it because in holy wars, they call all their friends nearby, and it's annoying
Yes, and that is supposed to happen.

Get a claim on each county and press your claim on all of them at once if you don't want to do holy war.
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This kid appeared suddenly in my court and has my daughter as the mom, but she wasn't pregnant, he's lowborn and I used the "charinfo" console command to check the father and there is no father listed.

Is this some sort of event or a bug?
I only play with supernatural and absurd events turned OFF.
Can't see because of the tooltip - is he a bastard? I think there are at least a few events where a woman can have an affair with some random peasant and have a child as a result, and the result is pretty much this situation. No father listed because he's not a real character
Unmarried daughters are pretty likely to pop out a bastard by event.
He doesn't have the bastard trait as children born from affairs normally do. With "charinfo" you can check who the real father of any character is, bastard or not, with this kid there is no "real father" showing up in the command.

>I think there are at least a few events where a woman can have an affair with some random peasant and have a child as a result, and the result is pretty much this situation. No father listed because he's not a real character
Well, other than a bug this is the only explanation. It could also explain why he doesn't have the bastard trait and is a lowborn, since like you said the father is not an actual in-game NPC.
It's still strange because I don't remember seeing my daughter pregnant but it's likely that I simply didn't realize it because I don't pause the game all the time to check on family members.
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I am playing this Nova Monumenta Iaponiae Historica mod and seems that the Reaper's Due dlc is creating those graveyards everywhere even in provinces outside the epidemics seems like the depopulation is not goingf away, this is a bug? or just normal behavior, i think i saw someone asking the same thing in the mod's workshop discussion page.
Why don’t plots to kill start at all? Or are they just as random as fabricating claims? And how do you even manage vassals here? My favorite tactic from CK3, just crushing their rebellions, doesn’t work, and they hate you for literally everything.
Three big ones are A Game of Thrones mod, Elder Kings and Warhammer Geheimnisnacht. First one used to be very popular, to the point some people were buying the game for this mod alone. It's fairly faithful and detailed adaptation of the Song of Ice and Fire, with many historical starts, dragons, slavery, valyrian steel and generally a lot of flavor. EK is set in Tamriel, a few centuries before the Tiber Septim. All races are playable and have unique content. It has pretty good class and guild system and a lot of artefacts. Warhammer mod is Warhammer Fantasy mod. Map includes everything west of Cathay and Ind, there's custom magic system, and conflict between Order and Chaos, complete with Black Crusades, Chaos cults and warbands. Also Vampire Wars.
Some other mods worth mentioning: Guardians of Azeroth, Warcraft mod. It's pretty fun, but evidently unfinished. Winter King, (very) low fantasy Arthurian Britain. Faerun, Forgotten Realms mod. It's very ambitious and has unique religious and class mechanics.
>Why don’t plots to kill start at all?
People like others too much. Or your spymaster is crap and he can't detect them.
>And how do you even manage vassals here? My favorite tactic from CK3, just crushing their rebellions, doesn’t work, and they hate you for literally everything.
You can try to keep everyone happy, or kill them and revoke their, replacing them with family members and asskissers. If you won't expand too much, you can also just centralize your holdings and completely ignore weak vassals.
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Muslim Muslimid, what a nice name.

>even in provinces outside the epidemics seems like the depopulation is not goingf away
Were the provinces previously affected by the epidemic and/or warfare? If so, that's why it's depopulated and it might take a while to recover.

Population is a hidden score that slowly goes up over time if nothing bad like warfare, raiding or disease happens in the county. Things like summer fairs and other random "good" events also give bonus points. A province that was repeatedly ravaged by war or was struck by disease for a long time might take years to recover, it depends on how low the score is. I've seen it take close to a decade in some provinces but they were seriously ravaged. If many years are passing by, the province doesn't recover and it's bothering you, open the console and use a command to force the province back to default.

In order to start, an assassination plot (dunno about the others) needs at minimum 80% plot power and at least one person that lives in the same province as your target backing it. The more plot power the faster it can trigger of course.
In order to pursue assassination plots by yourself without any backers you need the assassin bloodline that can be forged by ambition.

>And how do you even manage vassals here?
Make them happy, use swaying, gifts, marriages, alliances, favors and whatnot. Or DON'T make them happy and wait for an opportunity to imprison or kill them. Keep them weaker by "pruning" their demesne when possible. A vassal duke is getting too big? Wait until he tries to plot against you and try to imprison, he might revolt but since you are justified he'll not be able to call other vassals against you, imprison him, revoke some titles and distribute. He's not plotting? Spy on him until you find dirt or fabricate some bullshit about him being a fag and ask the pope to excommunicate him.
Man really, you can be pretty creative in how you deal with others in this game.
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He turned out pretty good. Useful as a court tutor and guardian to my legitimate grandson who is going to inherit after my son died of depression.
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Man, I'm not 100% sure if it's HIP that's causing this but I've been having some minor bugs that are really annoying. Most didn't bother me but recently it appears something went wrong with the naming system (german guy Heinrich, son of Odo, being named Hinriki Odossunu as if the character had some slavic culture or whatever when it should be Heinrich Odoing), it's not every character and it wasn't happening before but now a few characters in different parts of the kingdom who are german with proper germanic culture have these weird names as if the game is mixing german names with a different culture naming style. A man named Albretch, has a son and names him Ludwig, for some reason the son name appears as "Ludwig Albretchssunu" when it should be "Ludwig Albretching". I realized this started happening to random characters after it happened to the King of Germany, but the culture is still germanic.

And now, this happens: My mother inherits some county and suddenly she becomes the heir apparent to my county, despite the fact that I have a younger brother who was the heir apparent and the inheritance law is agnatic gavelkind.
The county was inherited from my grandfather because my father died before my grandfather and never inherited, but this can't be the reason because my mother doesn't have anything to do with this county other than having married my father and gave birth to two sons before he died. She became the heir immediately after inheriting some county somewhere else when previously she wasn't and it was my brother like it should.
This has to be a bug with HIP.
not sure how accurate it is to real life, but -ssunu is exclusively for Lower Saxon and Lower Frankish, with -ing only being for the High Germanic cultures (Thuringian, Swabian, Franconian, and Bavarian)
can't comment on the second bit
you can't mod the succession rules so probably a vanilla glitch, wait a month/year or try reload_succ
Or your mother transitioned
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>not sure how accurate it is to real life, but -ssunu is exclusively for Lower Saxon and Lower Frankish
Wow, I checked and you're right. I thought this was some slav naming style or whatever and the game was bugged. Only lower frankish and lower saxon use -ssunu, other germanic cultures are use -ing.

It's still a bit strange that the german king's name changed from Heinrich to Hinrik, I'm 100% sure it was Heinrich before.
>slav naming style
take a quick look at Scandinavia, you should notice something
>Heinrich to Hinrik, I'm 100% sure it was Heinrich before.
Pretty much the same explanation for that: Hinrik is defined as a Low Saxon equivalent of Heinrich. He switches culture, whatever the reason may be, and both his patronym and his given name switch
isn't someone else doing that already? https://github.com/DeposedAnon/After-the-End-Deposed
the ATE thread died a month ago so I don't blame you for not knowing about this, sadly though DeposedAnon is MIA currently because of IRL stuff, >>1863982 was his final post for now
Now you get it, Germanic, Slavic, we are all much more similar than (((they))) let on
How do you make khans stop having tribal vassals? I want them to hold nomadic land instead.
Retracting vassals technically works but it's the absolute worst option (they always refuse).
Pillage tribal holdings, they should turn into empty nomadic land
I can't pillage them because I don't hold the land, the vassals of the khans do because the khans use the worthless subjugation CB.
Crusader Finns is pretty chill.
Are there any mods that add the level of customizability present in ck3 (specifically custom religions and cultures)?
I don't really care about historical accuracy, the joys of playing HIP are long gone for me
the Reformation Reform mod on the workshop lets you use HF's pagan reformation mechanics for any religion in the game and there's multiple mods that add more hybrid cultures
however, there are engine limitations to generating a truly custom religion/culture in-game (you can still make one manually as a mod, of course.)
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After doing some research on paradoxforums and in-game tests using debug mode I found that my mother becoming heir to my county immediately upon inheriting a county somewhere else, when I still have a younger brother who was supposed to be the next in line and the succession being agnatic gavelkind, is in fact an intended mechanic and not a bug as I previously suspected.

The justification for it is that it is historical. In many places of Europe during the timeframe of the game, widowed women who were noble themselves were perfectly fine candidates to inherit the land of their late husbands, despite being foreigners with no claims or blood ties to the land at all, and if they were rulers themselves, they stood a very high chance to inherit. This is the main reason so much inbreeding and cousin marriage happened, so titles would never leave the family. The way it works in game, is that if your mother inherits a title and you have eligible brothers but no children, depending on religion, succession law and (maybe) culture, she'll become next in line and it could mean game over if you die childless unexpectedly.

So yeah, both the different patronyms that I found strange and my mother cutting my brother off as the heir, are actually the game working the way it should and I wrongly blamed HIP for mechanics that I mistook for bugs. The good side is that now I am the next in line for her county too and will get a demesne increase I wasn't expecting.
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why there is no other games like this bros??
painting maps is cool but shit, i still remember many games from years ago, like the one where my italian emperor married his great-grandaughter waifu and were happy together .
or where my white queen unified Ethiopia ande resisted the mongols
To me, Rimworld scratches similar itch, but they are very different games at the end of the day.
I got kind of bored playing CK3 and heard a lot of good things about this game, so I gave it a chance. But now I’m disappointed. There’s even more random stuff and more 'balance for the sake of balance' features than in CK3. All the characters seem the same and there’s a huge amount of game mechanics buried under unfair randomness or bad game design, like de-jure title claims, spending 1k prestige for a duke conquest, it’s really a joke. The alliance mechanic is also useless and requires too much actions if you want a normal ally, even if you have a good dynasty. The genetic trait management is also useless because there’s a very low chance of inheritance. And many other similar problems. I don’t understand why they made these game design choices, especially since you have imbalanced clan governments from Scandinavia or nomadic governments, which face no real problems conquering the entire map in just one year.
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how did the fucker died??
have sex
spread your cheeks fuckboi
how do I play as a count?
I don't know, I couldn't check because it came out of nowhere and the game over window was blocking the log feed at the bottom of the screen. I got a message that my wife was pregnant, was waiting for her to give birth and suddenly game over. This was HIP on very hard difficulty and this character inherited when he was like 9 years old and died at 18 so it's not like I had plenty of time to have a son before he died.

Speaking of which, playing on very hard is difficult indeed but rather than just more difficult, the game becomes less fun as well. The morale and tax bonus for the AI and nerf for the player makes for a stronger AI relative to the player but I don't know man, also everyone hating you all the time and you can't really do anything without bribing and vassals are always unhappy, it's annoying.

I'm gonna start another campaign but I still haven't decided if I'll play on very hard again or just normal difficulty with self-imposed restrictions like I usually do. Also I will allow raids this time because although they are annoying, tribals might as well not exist if you turn raids off. Pregnancy events off because fuck every other character having clubfooted, harelip and that shit.
don't bother playing tall, take business focus when you need money and hire mercs if you need to go to war
fabricate claims until you can get yourself a duchy and then you can start trying to claim kingdoms
Spy focus and kidnap lords in the same realm for ransom.
kidnapping your liege and leveraging that for independence is kino
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Well, looks like I found who I'm gonna play next.
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Exclave independence: total
Raiding: historical
Women's rights: none

Let's go. For the glory of the Chud(e)s!
Where can i get the mods, as a non stream player?
GitHub and similar sites are the best, since you can just download the latest development version and it's usually perfectly stable. ModDB has some mods, Nexus probably has something too. Or you can simply get CK2 on Steam, since it's (no DLC base game) f2p, and get mods directly from workshop. It might require moving some files. There was also steamworkshop downloader, but I don't know if it still works
Thanks anon
Do you know any good mods for landless, and ones that add flavor(as in more societies, more decisions, more byzantium special mechanics like legions)
Also is WTWSMS and after the end any good?
>Do you know any good mods for landless
>more byzantium special mechanics like legions
There's dozen of various Roman/Byzantine overhauls, pick whatever you prefer.
If you want more events, you can try VIET, but it's mix of nice flavour, meaningless clutter and few meme-y event chains. You can disable the worst offenders in the game rules. If you want vanilla+ overhaul, you can try HIP or CK+
Barbarians are pretty weak and quickly fade into irrelevancy, Romans tend to recover, even if Byzantium often collapses into provincial kingdoms. Other than that, it's mostly fine. Roman government is really powerful in hands of the player.
>after the end
There was /vst/ fork called Deposed, because some anons got fed up with the changes made by the Fan Fork team. But even despite those changes, mod is pretty decent. It's a fun take on American folklore. Mechanically, it's pretty close to vanilla. I've heard cowboy government was broken, and I'm not sure official mod ever fixed it. Mod spawned many submods and other postapocalyptic mods.
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So, here's what happened so far:

I started as the vassal of the High Chief of the Chudes in 936 and wanted to take it easy and just chill while learning tribal mechanics and staying a vassal. But, my liege who was a same dynasty cousin, nominated my son (who is my current character) the successor of the high chiefdom, and then proceeded to die suddenly which screwed everything up. My son who was now my liege, immediately started a war that we couldn't win, I was captured and sacrificed in a ritual (which I thought was fucking cool) and inherited to play as him with a big loss of money and prestige.
Since then, I've been chilling trying to build up my county, marrying children for alliances with fellow finno-ugric chiefs, raiding slavic rulers when possible and waiting for my ruler to die so I can go back to being a vassal. I nominated the son of my original liege the next High Chief, normally in this situation I'd inherit and keep playing as him since it's the same dynasty, but I'll load the game and continue as my son, whom I arranged to inherit the single county I started with. I want to stay a vassal and keep playing with the lineage of my original character. I already sent him most of my treasury in preparation and will leave the rest for the liege when my ruler dies.

The rus and slavic pagan Kiev has grown seriously strong and is conquering my fellow finno-ugric suomenusko peoples left and right. It looks like it'll split on succession however so I'm not too worried.

Raiding is amazing, I raided Kiev when they were busy at war and captured 2 children of the king for a 75 gold ransom on each. If you can find good opportunities you can make some serious bank. Without raiding, tribals don't do anything.
Why is the char interface so weird?
there's some very popular mod which every "top CK2 mods to install" guide would shill for that "improves the UI" but actually just makes it far, far worse than vanilla
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Damn, norse witch doctors can't cure for shit apparently.

I don't know, I'm playing HIP. You get used to it.
I never install that UI mod, it's fucking terrible
>culture display box 50% the size of character modifier box despite printing literally a single word
>religion display box big enough to fit 4 different faith icons in there
>Wikipedia button moved from name+age bar for no discernable reason
>all that empty unused space around primary title
seriously what the fuck man
ok chud
I kek'd
How do I stop the AI from creating/giving titles and transferring De Jure vassals with zero criteria? I'm tired of seeing the king of France just giving away Normandy to some random dude that got generated 5 mins ago.
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Captured only his concubine and thought the raid had been a failure until I saw she was pregnant. Raiding is the name of the game.

I'm starting to think this is a little too good. Tribal holdings generate much less money compared to feudals which balances it out, but what about feudals and muslims that can still raid? You make ridiculous bank if you get opportunities and get lucky with prisoners. At least taking prisoners is not guaranteed.
I think the AI first looks for claimants and only gives titles away courtiers or generated characters if it can't find claimants. But yeah, the way automatic title distribution works in vanilla sucks.
I'm using HIP if it matters, but do you know of any other mods that fix this?

>Current ruler is a pious tradgirl after her father dies in battle

>Raid and pillage the heathenous north on crusade

>Spend the whole crusade increasing piety and shit, leading battles against the heathens

>Suddenly get event that makes her a homo with some heathen wench in a bar

>Come home, she still also wants to get knocked up and still a tradgirl

>Ambition to marry and have babies

>Do that, get preggo

>Become a relatively good poet

>continuously bang my finnish heathen girlfriend in secret

Wtf everyone kept saying you get to be an inbred schizo murder cultist, not some tumblr fantasy shit.
I could be wrong but I don't think there are any mods that change this specifically.

The A.I. does this in order to avoid making vassals even more powerful by giving land to characters that already have land unless it strongly favors the vassal. Say you are king and wants to hand out some duchy, you'll look for historical characters or claimants which'll usually belong to the historical family of that duchy anyway, without any around your options are to generate a new dynasty to rule the place or hand it to a vassal and make him stronger.
HIP supposedly makes land distribution much better and more sensible regarding all this stuff but rulers will still avoid making a vassal bigger if they can't find anyone that "makes sense".
It's also possible for a vassal taking advantage of a regency, to give a bunch of newly acquired land to himself or someone in his family. Then there's the "vassal asks for more land" event that happens with vassal ambitions and I'm not 100% sure but I think a ruler might be forced to hand a title if he owes a favor.

Personally I like it this way because it helps prevents just a few super-vassals controlling everything and I like to watch new dynasties rising and their stories unfolding. See if they accomplish anything of note, which sometimes happens.
since there's no After the End thread I'll post it here, Aguila o Sol finally released a new update
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Fucking finally.

Time to save, reload and continue as my son who is now a vassal. Now I start moving towards my next goal of reforming the faith.
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For some reason both sons of my previous ruler turned independent on succession. Perhaps because I voted for a cousin to inherit the high chiefdom?

Well. I think I'm gonna swear fealty and go back under the umbrella of the CHUDES because I have no chance against Kiev alone and my neighbors in Great Perm just converted into sunni muslims.
This and stressed give me conniptions. I want to throw a temper tantrum every time a 42 year old King dies of Stress.
this is why I join hermetics on every ruler, potion of eudomamia (however you spell it) can remove both stressed AND depressed, and if you have a learning of 25+ and write a magnum opus on universal panacea, it will give you a full point of health when equipped.
>For some reason both sons of my previous ruler turned independent on succession.
elective gavelkind moment
Yeah that's why the Hermetics are my go to society. There is a chance you get screwed over after using the potion though, I think you can get stressed AND depressed if you're really unlucky. But you can always brew another potion and try again.
Just don't ever bother with the dumbass "lets break into this dudes lab" missions. That's how you wind up imprisoned by some one holding count who refuses to accept a ransom.
It wasn't until recently that I learnt that different ingredients do actually have different levels of effectiveness when brewing a potion.
Now if only there was an easy way to remember them without running off to the wiki every time... though, it seems like it's a rare enough occurrence that it doesn't usually matter
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I never even bothered to look them up.
You have been plaing ck2 for more than one mouth and an half
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I'm experimenting with merging some map edits until I end up with a personal mapmod that I really like. Pic related is LTM (vanilla) combined with Real World Map Projection, which looks pretty nice so far. There's a slight piss filter on everything which I'm trying to fix, but there's another issue of the terrain map bleeding into the political map - you can see how there are blotches of a darker shade in the Sahara and how the Hammadids and Zoghbadids have different shades of green in different parts where trees/rocks in the terrain map mod cause a different color. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Uploaded the wrong picture
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Again, the liege starting a war that we cannot win and my demesne county getting wrecked for it.
Okay so hre blobbed a bit too much
It got egypt too now
So what do i do as byz now?
They have 20k more than me
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Easy way out: Send Holy Prepuce to China and ask Yellow Dragon to dissolve Germania
Normal solution: Invite kingdom claimants and push their claims. Wait for inevitable imperial civil wars and hire mercs for a good measure. Playing marriage game also could help you
>poof, you are brave now!
>poof, you're not brave now!
>poof, you're stressed/depressed!
>poof, not anymore!
>not even a sliver of connection to what I am doing or my personality
Yeah I remember why I switched to ck3 now
>poof, you are inbred now
assassinate their rules until they get someone with abysmal marshal stat, while you simultaneously pump up your own with war focus and save up money for mercs
doesn't hurt to do some blobbing of your own as well to bolster your available levies in the long run
That's going to take a while since it cost so much....
Yeah the problem is the main blobs are me and hre, north african mulims got fucked and so did arabian ones other than seljuks
I was going to grab egypt since my wife son had a claim but he died and king of lotharingia (hre vassel and also the guy's son) got it...
>my wife son
Emperor Anon "the Cuckold" of Byzantine Empire
>poof, *farts*
>poof, the jester is training his farts
>poof, 100 stress because you didn't like his farts
>poof, woman rule half the world
>poof, half of europe is heretics for no reason
>poof, winning a crusade ruins the churches authority
>poof, AI written event about your sons gay bdsm festish
>not even a sliver of connection to what I am doing or anything related to being a medieval ruler
Yeah I remember why I stuck to ck2 now
I meant to say my sons wife...
Freudian slip
This did gave me the idea of inviting female claimers and matrilineal marry their sons to my daughters or other female relatives and then killing them so the claim passes on...
>>poof, half of europe is heretics for no reason
to be fair, this is a big problem in ck2 as well if you're playing charlemagne or TOG bookmark, or have secret religious cults enabled
>try to play Catholic for once in TOG
>-130 MA looted temples
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>my wife son
Is AGOT still the GOAT mod? Any essential submods? Also is the all-in-one AGOT mod still being worked on?
>Is AGOT still the GOAT mod?
>Any essential submods?
More Bloodlines is the most popular, unofficial AGOT continuation of sorts. Bastards and Broken things was another popular one. Besides that, their forum is full of submods.
>Also is the all-in-one AGOT mod still being worked on?
I don't think so
the secret religious cults make it really bad in vanilla ck2 i agree.
is there a mod to nerf them? I think it'd be less interesting to play without them but they're both too easy if you make one and they're a bit annoying to go against. although they usually don't pop up much if you just never demand conversions
Okay so even tho hre was stronger i manage to beat them 20k dif without using merc(other than the 2 vassel ones)
My vassel cousin (king of serbia) menage to get kingdom of bohemia who has half of hungary too, now hre is going through revolt after revolt so they won't be a problem anymore.
HRE? Broken
Horse Lords? Too divided
Muslims? Extinct or exile to abyssinia other than the seljuks
My next target? The Pope
Yep rome is getting back together
Nice try but reddit events are easily disabled by mods
Actually depends on your/other characters personality traits, unlike ck2 poof you're depressed events that depend purely on dicerolls
>woman rule half the world
Doesn't happen unless the player helps it to happen
>half of europe is heretics for no reason
Same as ck2
>my liege gets coronated
>I lose 25 prestige
wtf do I have to with that?
Probably some one-sided event, maybe the homage event.
Give me a goal for my next game
i just play vanilla ck2. maybe play vanilla ck3 anon.
>ahhh dice rolls
ck2 is a roleplaying game. dice rolling and randomness is a core component. ck3 is very stagnant and predictable.
>Doesn't happen unless the player helps it to happen
guess you've never actually played the game then. women inherit way too much. ck3 succession in general is garbage.
>Same as ck2
only to an extent. ck3 always has europe become a mismash where as ck2 it only happens with early start dates or the dumb secret cults turned on.
Holy shit the cavalry retinue with a little light infantry absolutely wipes out armies in the pursuit phase of battle. I had no fucking idea
Is it good?
I usually go for horse archers
Yes 1 to 8 ratio of light infantry to cavalry. It actually is OP. Shieldwall from the infantry into pursuit from cavalry. Make sure you have a cruel commander too to make them break faster and it liquidates entire armies.
>1 to 8
You mean one should be light infantry and 8 cav or...
1 Light Skirmish retinue for every 8 Cavalry retinues.
>play as a count
>spend nearly two centuries just to gain two more counties
>can't even become the duke of my duchy (all my scheming attempts fail)
>my family's only saving grace is that I have kinsmen as count and dukes in different parts of the world
This game is almost as bad as Vicky 2 when it comes to progress as a minor power.
People can consistently go from count>king or emperor in one ruler so that's just a skill issue on your part. What's your strategy?
>>spend nearly two centuries just to gain two more counties
how are you this fucking bad?
ever try going to war? save money for mercs? plot for claims? usurp titles?
are you actually retarded?
Legitimate skill issue anon
Then again ck isn't about blobbing so don't worry
>tfw heir didn't survive infancy and now I'm stuck as a female
Will there be any consequences to slutting around? Can my husband divorce me if I cuck him too much? Pope will probably excommunicate me but who cares
no, that's the proper way to play. female ruler with seduction focus is OP even if you don't make a point to fuck every other ruler in the realm
In the game I'm playing now I started as the Count of Evreux and 150 years later I'm the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the Basileus of the Byzantine Empire and have already taken Jerusalem.
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769 start btw.
Hold on, does it come with ancient egyptian religion too? If yes, what mod?
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I have every DLC except the Aztec one and no mods. I just broke the Abbasid Empire.
Well no cosmetic DLC.
If you want to restore the ancient Egyptian religion you would need to use a mod which there are a few.
>she needs guardrails and to be FORCED into roleplaying
npc brain
No. Just the adulteress trait.
I'm running out of ideas... anyone got any to share?
charlemagne bookmark, any ruler but your one singular goal is to max out all techs in your capital before1 1453
I might give it a go
Also which is leadership to go for as baltic pagan?
Siege and heavy infantry.
No i meant as in pagan reform
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So, been nearly 20 years since my current ruler inherited and still no event troops. The marshal, steward and diviner(court chaplain) all have been on the councilor missions to get event troops all this time and nothing, so, I'll just wait until my ruler dies I guess.

Speaking of which, apparently I won't stay a vassal anymore since my only competent son is being nominated by everyone to be the next High Chief again and I'm not going to nominate a different son to my county, save and reload again just to stay a vassal, and maybe have to do it all over again later when they nominate another of my intended heirs for High Chief. I guess that's just how it is when playing tribal pagans.

If they want me to be the ruler of the Chudes, I'll be the ruler of the Chudes.
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I just cannot help myself, I simply love creating the big Socotra republic
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First time restoring the Roman Empire.
incredibly based, I've done more Socotra Republic runs than I can remember, it's so easy to become unstoppably OP after like a century of playing tall.
>14th century
>only 125k in wealth
you should be in the millions by now desu, especially when you control that much of India. what does your republic tab look like? if you don't have 100+ trade posts and any other patrician family has more than 5, you're quite simply playing it wrong.
>you should be in the millions by now desu
NTA but what do you even do with that much money? What's the point if you can't spend it all?
>You cannot create this retinue, your maximum retinue cap has been reached.
Except it's not? Why can't I create retinues? My military organization tech is at 2
All the retinues cost more than 289
The very first one is 200 infantry + 50 archers = 250 people? Not 289
retinue cap usage = / = number of troops
the actual amount used depends on the specific retinue, but the only ones you'd be able to raise right now are the culture-specific ones for Ethiopian/Somali
the actual usage amount should be mentioned in the hiring tooltip I think?
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Are you fucking kiddin me that all the brothers inherit a % of the father's gold under gavelkind, even if they don't inherit land?

What are my landless brothers gonna spend 150 gold on? I was saving for mercs to invade Kiev or Vladimir. Fuck this shit.
>succession system based around dividing your property among your sons
>wtf do you mean his property gets divided among his sons?
a fully upgraded university with the right buildings will give +1 to every stat as well as (iirc) +3 city vassal opinion which is very useful for MRs
if you have 10 fully upgraded universities, that's +10 to every stat and +30 city vassal opinion
>+10 to every stat and +30 city vassal opinion
damn every stat?
holy fuck I didn't know this
B-but even the money?

They didn't inherit land because I only had 1 county.
...especially the money. Imagine if there were four brothers and the inheritance didn't give even a cent to the last three? I don't know much about inheritance laws during the period but I would bet that second and third sons got more irl than ck2 shows for non-gavelkind
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Its my first time doing a Socotra republic actually! I was more or less joking; its been a true learning experience-- my only other long successful game was when I played as Venice, and with it founded the HRE and toppled the Byzantines
>only 125k wealth
I have about twice as much now, around 360k, I really went hard making Great Works and commissioning smithed stuff to send to China if that helps explain it
And I also didn't really know the full power of the Trade Contract boon-- didn't help that China had a string of anti-islam and anti-berber emperors-- I once forgot to renew our peace deal in a timely fashion and they invaded me!
>If you don't have 100+ trade posts and any other patrician family has more than 5, you're quite simply playing it wrong.
Yeah, there's the problem!
I only have 67 trade posts, I really haven't been as proactive about killing off lesser partricians as I should be, even though I've raised a few characters to grandmaster assassin
Mine's a muslim republic so its annoying to have to kill of each man's four wives' various sons to extinction
Swim in my big piles of gold?
I like sending gifts to the petty european lords, upsets the balance of power a little when they can start spending it on mercs and the like
Also buying all of my wives gifts for Ramadan every year is kinda nice, even though it scales up to a massive expense with my profits
>multiple university benefits stack
really? Holy fuck I did not know this
Only the ones directly in your desmense, or do ones you build on your vassals count as well?
Crazy if true
>didn't help that China had a string of anti-islam and anti-berber emperors
that's why you invade them and put your own emperor on the throne. any sort of mounted troops will melt chinese doomstacks like butter.
>Mine's a muslim republic so its annoying to have to kill of each man's four wives' various sons to extinction
once you let them get that big, yeah, it becomes a chore. best to prune patrician families early on. I can tell just by looking at the Ahmedid's mansion and respect value that you've let them get way too fucking huge. most I ever have to invest in an election is 2k.
If you can convert to Yazidi and convert the other families to it, and then form the religious head title, you could theoretically excommunicate, imprison, and execute all of their male dynasts in a single day.
>Only the ones directly in your desmense, or do ones you build on your vassals count as well?
top liege always gets the bonuses from great works.
every university great work has a "Wing of ____" feature you can build for each respective stat. really you only need a level 3 university to build all 5, and the sixth upgrade you can spend on the "Great Seminars" which is the one that gives the burgher opinion bonus.
Neat, thank you for all the advice
Ahmedid are next on the chopping block!
So, did devs abandon WTWSMS mod for CK2?
Looks like they moved to CK3, yeah
Any mods still being worked on or finished?
I know Just After the End (west coast-focused prequel to After the End) is still being worked on
>a few years in
>some woman shows up, she's a pilgrim and wants to stay in my castle
>I tell her to fuck off because it's probably the gay death chess event
>she leaves and takes 15 gold
>chess event still fires
I hate this event
Apparently, letting her stay and giving her money increases your odds, but it's still luck
You know you can always just pick the option to turn supernatural events off, right?
>captcha: 0RGYMP
Yeah that bullshit event happened to me yesterday
What's worse is not only did I tell the guy to go to tavern yet he surreptitiously appeared in my bedroom anyway (he is not a real human anyway so alright whatever), but the event text also made it look like every move I did was at least a good move or better (plus I succeeded with the distraction too) and yet in the end I still lost? Come the fuck on now
What's a Christmas-y run for the season?
You should have seen that event before they remade it. You had like a 90% chance to die, and it would fire every single fucking ruler.
pick/create someone named Nicholas and become a Saint
start with a Saami ruler and spread reindeer worship far and wide
I member, that and immortality
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what is this fucking retard brown mongoloid trying to accomplish
he's making a point
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Where can i see what titles i am heir of? i know sometimes it shows one title you're gonna inherit in your character card, but i need to know manually opening the realm tab for every county or there is a better way?
Shout out for the guy who made the HD menu mod, so much comfy playing like this, nothing is cramped no more!
Use the ledger
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Yeah, a naval combat mod would be kino.
>Your character is leading troops at sea when his fleet meets the enemy in the strait
>He jumps short while boarding another ship and drowns
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>turn on "context sensitive music"
>Our Kingdom Will Fall starts playing
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Managed to resize the SWMH+LTM vanilla map and resize it to the original pre-Rajas dimensions, I'm pretty pleased with the result. Just need to purge the Saharan provinces, redraw some eastern ones and fix things that were broken by the resizing like trade routes, plagues and Mongol/Chinese invasions.
For what purpose?
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Debloating the game, I've no interest in playing the content introduced by RoI so it's just a performance sink, miniSWMH already disabled that but I didn't like how half of India is still there as wasteland and half of the Sahara is now filled with nomad tribes so I resized the map and removed some titles. Currently looking at the Silk Road
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What mean those armies that doesn't have the troops counter in them?

Thanks a lot bro, i keep forgoting to use the ledger, but is essencial to play the game.
Those are troops that are not part of any war that involves you. So basically the game is telling you that there are soldiers there but you should ignore them
>the game is telling you that there are soldiers there but you should ignore them
you shouldn't ignore them completely, as they still factor into the county's supply limit so you may find your army thinning out to attrition if you march them through there
Why the hell De Jure claims are worst than plain claims? De Jure shouldn't mean that you have a stronger claim in the tile? Why when you press a De Jure claim you already lose 500 prestige just declaring the war and on top of that, if you lose the war, you lose more 50 prestige than plain claims, how this makes sense?
Sounds like you're talking about the CBs introduced in Jade Dragon, they're supposed to be a lot more expensive and shitty, just meant as a blobbing tool for the AI if they have too much prestige.
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I mean is probably that, i have the Jade Dragon dlc activated, but how they justify this in game terms? De Jure doesn't mean that you have a stronger claim? it should be chaper right? what am i missing here?
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The first CB is for pressing a claim you have for a title you don't currently own, the second CB is for conquering all the de jure titles belonging to a title you currently own. You basically pay a lot of prestige to consolidate the entire duchy in one war. I think they just made those CBs to make it easier for lazy people and the AI to clean up the borders.
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I'm using an online map over old trade routes as a reference and unfortunately the number of provinces, province shapes and province locations aren't condusive to replicating the routes exactly but the end result should still be decent
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but the first CB is also to conquer the entire duchy right? i don't own this title, my father used to own it, so what is the difference in outcome from those two options? is always better to press fabricated claims when you have it and you gonna have the de jure claim tyo back it anyways? i don't get it, even reading the wiki i still confused.
Unless I'm mistaken you can only use the second CB if you actually are the Duke of Picardie. The first CB would indeed grant you the Duchy of Picardie, the second CB assumes that you already are the Duke of Picardie and want to pay too much prestige to have your titles back, either as vassals or directly. If you're not playing ironman you could just cheat (charinfo in the console, then imprison charID) and try two different wars with the different CBs and see what the difference is.
i am playing Ironman, and yeah is not like that i am not the duke the duke only has one desmene and is not even my vassal, my vassals have the rest of them, this was just an exemple every fabricated claim and de jure claim works the same way.
Fabricate claims will always give you the title you've fabricated while some de jure claims will only make you vassalize a target (or transfer the vassal of your target to you) so there can be a minor difference but to be honest I don't know the ins and outs of all the Jade Dragon CBs because frankly they're not that great. If you really want to blob easily as a Catholic just pick the theology focus, get showered in events that give you piety and virtues then ask the pope for claims on other Catholics. He'll more or less always give claims on titles currently held by women or children.
Playing as a catholic makes me hate the pope

Did medieval rulers feel the same?
Many Holy Roman Emperors hated the Pope. Frederick II had it rough, even went on a successful crusade to clear his excommunication and the Pope refused to lift it.
You only hate the Pope if the Pope isn't under your control, which is, dare I say, a skill issue.
dangerously based
sometimes I hate the pope even if he is my vassal because he repeatedly asks for independence when I try to have him crown me
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>Be Frederick II
>The Pope excommunicates you because an illness forced you to return home during the Sixth Crusade
>A year later finally recover enough to launch another crusading expedition
>The Pope double excommunicates you in absentia because excommunicated people can't join Crusades
>Still manage to recover the core of the Holy Land through sheer diplomacy and crown yourself King of Jerusalem while your fellow crusaders cope and seethe about muh infidels
Popes prioritizing Christianity over money and temporal politics challenge: impossible mode
Should have chosen the intrigue upbringing and then get that faggot dropped off a ledge or something
Opinion when fourth crusade happens the pope shouldn't join in since the prior event states he is warning excommunication on everyone who participates
The first gives you only the duchy title. It's your personal claim. The second one takes the counties held by the other king to your demesne. It's your claim as the king.
Aztecs have taken over almost all of scandinavia, half of britain and are currently blobbing into north germany and east francia
As a duke in the very center of italy, I think it gives me a perfect opportunity to usurp the papal states kingdom title, convert to nahuatl, occupy rome and present the pope in chains to the aztec emperor, in return asking him to leave italy alone once he inevitably paints his way through germany
Should I? Catholicism will most likely go extinct within a century anyway
Submitting then eating realms from within is weak, dishonorable and boring. Use the advantage to have a boss to fight for a good portion of your campaign and push them back into the ocean.
>eating realms from within
But my plan isn't blobbing from within, I'm perfectly content with staying in italian mountains and becoming the richest petty kingdom in the world
Besides the real bossfight is the umayyad caliphate that currently owns the entirety of spain and western france (don't even get me started on their african possessions), they have more or less singlehandedly destroyed byzantium and seem to be completely unstoppable unless a decadence crisis shatters them
I'm kind of trapped between two monsters here, all I wanted to do is just build stuff in my counties and watch the income numbers grow...
wait does /vst/ openly allow generals now, or has janny been asleep for a month? it's a welcome change if so
/vst/ is so slow and the quality of posts here seems to be high relative to the other vidya boards so I guess they don't see the harm done in having threads about Paradox games that aren't completely ruined by /gsg/ shitposting culture
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/vst/'s stance on adventurers? Picrel is realm created by an adventurer. Now his descendants control basically whole Western Europe. Not only is he reformed Suomensko Basque, the realm is primogeniture which means it won't break up any time soon.
most likely it was a child of destiny rather than a run-of-the-mill adventurer
I hate both raiders and adventurers. 99% of the time they're just annoying flies that you have to swat and the moment you disband your levies another band of cunts will show up. If the player defeats raiders and adventurers they should just get a flag for X amount of years preventing more from coming.
I've never seen an AI child of destiny have that much success in Europe, let alone an adventurer
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As part of a mapmod I'm experimenting a bit with restructuring the provinces in Egypt a bit. Both historically and to this day most people live around the Nile so I trimmed down pretty much all the desert and traced provinces to match the terrain that actually has water and vegetation. It's not a finished product (especially the north east and coastal areas, I just wanted to see what the river snake province styles would look like) but I wanted to ask you guys what you think of the idea, both aesthetically (keep in mind that there are still more provinces to redraw) and mechanically, if it makes Egypt a bit too simplistic since you just march north or south in a straight line now, without all that empty tribal desert to maneuver in.
CK3 does this for a lot of the map in Africa (though surprisingly not so much Egypt itself)
I don't like it personally but I'm sure there are other people who would
What don't you like about it? Do you think the map looks better if the provinces are padded out with uninhabited wasteland? Looking at CK3 (and parts of CK2) it looks like they've just invented shit in the middle of a desert to fill out the map. I know there were caravans that made that journey but it seems silly to model permanent settlements in the middle of an actual desert. I understand the idea behind "while no one actually lives in the area between the Nile's right bank and the Red Sea, whoever controls Egypt also controls that area so it just makes sense or looks better if its one cohesive province, but I'm still a bit torn on what approach to take, the more realistic or inventing people who live in inhospitable deserts. I think both solutions can be aesthetically pleasing and in terms of gameplay it shouldn't matter too much, all the power in Egypt is in a handful of the rich provinces and not the desolate tribal deserts.
Try playing as a chinese in xia
Than you will know what real hatred means
You should make the provinces wider. It won't change anything except improve readibility
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I traced them to match the vegetation from terrain.bmp to a pixel perfect degree but yeah it doesn't look all that great in some areas, an in the bend north of Aswan I had to stray from the tracing a bit because it did end up looking wonky. I took a break from it and realigned the Silk Road routes, but if I have another go at redrawing the Egyptian provinces I might just try a different approach like having a 4-5 pixel width from the river no matter what the terrain file says, to make the shape more consistent and to improve readability.
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Scrapped Silk Road for now and created a new route to represent the historical Spice Route, its neater to keep them in separate files since places like the upper (southern) Nile area was never part of the Silk Road to begin with. Not sure if I should keep the part of the route going north to the Persian capital or if I should reduce that part to just the coastal province in the Gulf, but we'll see how messy it gets when I start adding more routes. The Silk Road needs to be re-added and I was also thinking of adding some trade going through Arabia after I expand the desert a bit and turn those massive provinces in the middle of the desert into smaller tribal holdings representing trading nomads living around the few oases in the area.
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Experimenting a bit with expanding the impassable terrain in mountainous regions. In some regions its hard to follow the historical references for trade routes while also making it look reasonable in game, because most mountain ranges aren't modeled so you end up with routes that look like they take retarded detours when in practicality they have to follow some valleys. It looks decent in Georgia but I tried the same in Armenia and it didn't look quite as nice, not sure what to do about that yet.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: India should be on the map, east Africa shouldn't. India was a great way for a burgeoning regional Islamic ruler to get rich and project power back west, upsetting the balance in the region which could and did easily cascade all the way back to Europe. As opposed to in game where, if a ruler finds himself isolated on the eastern edge of the map, he has nowhere to go and gets eviscerated by a central Asian blob which, in turn, faces no pressure anywhere to its east and instead gobbles up the steppe for some reason.
East Africa at the time was completely irrelevant to the power dynamics of Egypt (Baqt) and it was generally highly impractical to attempt to mount an excursion that far south, not to mention how such an effort would leave you exposed on all other fronts. And all to get your men slaughtered in the Abyssinian highlands, or to conquer some worthless coastal desert inhabited by Somalis. It would literally be better represented as a trade route up the Nile and make Egypt less of the pushover it is in the game with all the manpower it expends on defending from holy wars with every ruler to their immediate south.
>India should be on the map
>east Africa shouldn't
I'm not opposed to stripping down east Africa a bit, as you can see in this post >>1925744 I've experimented a bit with slimming down Egypt (without nerfing it in practice, since the purged provinces were 1-holding tribal provinces and all the rich Nile provinces would remain) and that treatment could be applied for the whole extent of the Nile provinces until the horn is mostly just a strip of coastal land and fertile valley or two. The problem with adding India (besides the performance bloat) is why stop there? Why not apply the same argument to the new easternmost rulers until SEA, China and Japan are also in the game? Right now Islamic rulers can use the Silk Road to enrich themselves and project power back west, but personally I don't really have any interest in playing in the Indian region so I don't want the region to exist in order to increase performance and to make the map look better, because the miniSWMH map looks a bit odd with how it shows like a third of India and it's just a wasteland. Cutting off the map at the edge of Persia is an acceptable compromise IMO.
>Why not apply the same argument to the new easternmost rulers until SEA, China and Japan
The exact same as my argument re: east Africa - there was never a history of Burmese conquering swathes of India or vice versa, other than Burma briefly possessing Manipur at its utter zenith. They were again effectively different worlds, with Burma shielded by mountains. There's a reason the Silk Road which went through the fucking Gobi desert was so key to global trade: you weren't getting through the jungles of Indochina. Never mind entire armies and administrative apparatus. The same reason why Muslims explored Indonesia: to find away around the hellscape that is SEA. This argument is the same one that's been repeated since RoI first came out and it falls flat at the barest analysis.
Compare this to India where it faced conquest by Muslims since as early as the Umayyad Caliphate, right the way through the Ghurids, Delhi Sultanate, the Deccan Sultanates and even beyond CK2's timeframe with the Mughals. It was constant, and conquering streetshitters in their millions was critical for the survival of any Islamic state that found itself in that part of the world.
If you feel it's a necessary sacrifice for performance because you're still running hardware from 2012, that's fine, but if you just don't want to play with smelly poos on your screen then own that instead of making gameplay excuses.
The Himalayas and Burmese mountains make the most aesthetic and natural border for CK and it's a shame - though not a surprise - that Paradox don't realise this and keep shoving fucking Tibetans of all things into it (and also Burma or, at least, the low-lying Irrawaddy valley).
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Trade routes are getting a bit clustered
That's understandable, but I still overwhelmingly prefer playing in Europe or around the Mediterranean so I want Muslims expanding west, not east.
Any mod when i can play as landless?
One when i can be one of those annoying raiders or even an adventure like seljuk, even better if i can be a chinese general/prince
I think there's one called Dark Ages or something that sort of allows you to play as a landless character
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The Silk Road has finally been recreated
Did you just make the game saar free?
Essentially, yeah. There's already a mod that does that but I wanted to make my own using the SWMH+LTM map HIP uses and those mods weren't compatible so I made my own version using some parts of both mods, so now the game is back to its original 2048x2048 pre Rajas of India dimensions. I've already (temporarily?) disabled the Mali area and removed all the Saharan nomads that SWMH adds. If you want to see roughly what the map looks like check out >>1923663
Why the fuck do rulers in this game not have bodyguards or Honor guards when they are on the battlefield?There is almost never a reason to have your character lead an army since they can get fucked over and die or lose limbs even when they are winning the battle.
Play pagan if you want to lead armies
Shame. I suppose if they ever do a good job on it then I might give CK3 a try.
So has anyone played crisis of the confederation?
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Years ago, but yes.
Holy fuck what is with the contrasting colors and lack of consistency in the UI?
It's very unfinished. It was essentially a ck2 sci-fi setting (hence the ui) but a lot of things are not done. It is still fun to go from a ordinary politician to the god-emperor.
This but unironically
Even then it‘s bullshit until you reach the last lodge rank.

Their ambition outstripped their abilities (as great as they were) when they decided to do "Space democracy falling into feudalism" rather than just starting out in the feudal era.
Is there any up to date mod that reduces the chance to die in battle or gives more options to minimize the chance?I really don't want to do another pagan run or save scum.But it feels almost impossible to not to die even with a high personal combat skill.It's not even duels but just random events like being attacked by a normal soldier and they can trigger even when winning the battle.
How about not leading armies personally
Not that I know of, but you can probably make your own really easily by looking at the warrior lodge modifier/code that reduces the odds and replicate it with other triggering conditions.
I don't want everyone to be impossible to kill just reduce the chance for those events to fire so it's actually possible to lead armies as a christian.Is there a way to just have the events trigger less often?
Why are nomads so op?Their horse archers and cav being good makes sense but 80% to defense for all units is ridiculous and nobody else gets anything that comes even close to that.Even a fully upgraded culture building will only give +60% to a single type of unit and nomads get even more buffs to morale and their retinues are far better as well.
because they were unstoppable at that period since there was that many of them (and unlike peasants of the time ate lots of meat and drank lots of milk)
Came here just to post that ck2 will always be infinitely better than cuck kings 3
Speak for yourself. My Chad king has killed several kings, fought countless battles, albeit towards the end he was horrifically disfigured and handicapped but such is the price for being a giga Chad warrior KING
really wish they made proper disfigurement graphics instead of those stupid masks
>99% of them never did anything noteworthy
>the ones that did managed to do by copying the settled people that they had contact with
most of them did nothing yeah, but when they did rampage there was nothing you can do to stop it
other people needed to leave 70% of themselves behind to tend crops and whatnot but nomads did not give a shit
>the ones that did managed to do by copying the settled people that they had contact with
I’d imagine it’s because they are good with the land, and don’t use traditional formations, so basically a guerrilla warfare buff
I think those exist and there's gaping hole where your nose used to be. But I don't know conditions for mask/maskless and it might have been a mod anyway
Gotta sell the DLC somehow, Paradox shit is usually completely busted at release and because this genre is first and foremost a map painting power fantasy people want their overpowered shit to stay overpowered, nomads being OP doesn't really affect the rest of the game much because they just jerk off on their steppe all game until the Mongols show up and that event was retardedly fucking broken long before Horse Lords revamped the mechanics.
They were stopped in both Hungary and Poland
Yes, go to the file that has the evens in then, make a copy of it for your mod folder, make edits to reduce the odds of those events firing and then make it a mod. If you are lazy you can even slap it into the folder of another mod you already have (just remember which one you start using for that purpose)
spent 5 hours working on a mod only to realize someone else had already done it, and in a far more elegant way than me...
Modding for the sake of modding can be fun, not everyone can draw or play guitar so it gives nerds a creative outlet as well. What sort of mod are you making?
>Check AGOT
>Think that maybe now they will have AGOT bookmark
>Defiance of Duskendale
Wtf? What's with them not adding the iconic starting bookmark? The main reason people play this mod? Or at the very least the Dance of Dragons bookmark. Why is it taking them so long to add the good stuff? Dragons were added long ago.
Yea it's kinda weird. But you can play Aegon's Conquest with a submod. My fav goal in this game is to fuck Targs and be dragon riders.
which one?????
Has anyone managed to fix the save corruption bug in AGOT?
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What exactly is going on here?This guy is incapable and has a combat skill of -70 but he still beats my character with 65 combat skill?And it's not even a duel just a random event.
welcome to ck2, bitch
you're never 100% guaranteed to win any personal combat in the game, with the justification being that even the most experienced of fighters doesn't always come out on top. even if it means you have to trip and die on your own sword or something.
Now, while that reasoning is valid to an extent, it makes no sense to apply to this event, but get fucked anyway
Wanted to play in Essos during the Bloodfyre Rebellion and 2 years in the Targaryens have half a dozen dragon riders.They even ended up conquering the free cities.What’s the point in having start dates after the dragons died if hatching and taming on normal is so easy for Targaryens so they all hatch their eggs and immediately bring them back anyway?
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Humanity, will rise again!
what happens on that top left rectangle
Without having played the mod in years (I don't think the rectangle was in when I tried it) I would guess that it's the Nerubian Underkingdom or something like that
Now you remember the avatar mod
like, ATLA or James Cameron?
Iirc it's Outlands aka broken-up Drenor. But gonna need to check again to be sure, and i started another playthough in different mod.
Is there a james cameron avatar mod?
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There isn't
Haven't played it in ages
Anything new they added?
>fifth nation
What in the
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Pirates. From the Kyoshi books or the Avatar mobile game.
Regarding the changes, I think it's mostly minor bug fixes and some polish. But the last time I played it was almost a year ago.
is it fun?
no, I play it because I hate avatar and myself
I remember marry the firelord to Kyoshi, and than I did the whole fire imperialism thing while the avatars just stood by and watched.
Anyone here play multiplayer? I want to do a republic-focused multiplayer game
So many retarded mods ITT
Don't like it? Don't play it.
Point out the mod you made bitchboy
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Not a single one
Actually it's nothing burger, there nothing here beside scorched land terrain, and it's seems completely unfinished, which is, no suprise given that devs jumped straight from 0.3 to 1.10 when abandoned CK2 mod version, without finishing it properly.
It's not contrarian to say CK3 is shit
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wow bunch of faggots
CK3 is good for coom and that's about it.
Ck3 has lewds mods?
Some of the mods have done some really neat and impressive things with the 3d DNA, namely the Warcraft and Elder Scrolls mods.
all of them are kinda uncanny though.
playerbase says otherwise
The casual normie retards that will eat up whatever slop is more accessible and targets them specifically?
>whatever slop is more accessible
ck2 is literally f2p
All DLC is F2P?
moving goalposts
>The Reconquista never succeeds
>Charlemagne never forms the HRE
>the Abbasids conquer all of Africa and never collapse
>the Norse never manage to conquer parts of russia due to nomads
Why is the 769 start so fucked?I know they are swedes so the muslim shit is to be expected but you'd think they would at least buff the Rus.
I was calling CK3 easy, retard
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What is the best start date for the mod?
I have only tried playing as Avalon but the mod is too bare bones, is there any nation that has interesting mechanics?
I didn't because that was my first post.
As well, in general "accessibility" was one of CK3 memes devs bragged about alot. And one of reasons while alot of mechanics was dumbed down compared to CK2.
hello esl
The later startdates are more sandboxy as the Terran Confederation collapes
There is also a system literally called Iserlohn ruled over by space Germans.
Is there any particularly interesting faction for someone with only a few hours of experience in the mod?
for some reason this mod is crashing whenever I try to start a game, any idea on how I might solve this?
Depends on what you want to do. There are generic space politics, space commies, neo-feodalist and religious revivalist centred around pilgrims to earth. The more wacky stuff out there are imperial cults, genetic engineering cults and cybernetic cults
The OG mod is old as shit. The modern version is called something like the Confederation in crisis.
>Confederation in crisis.
Thank you anon
Are all the stuff you mention aboved in this version too?
I hope its still being worked on
If you don't have a portrait DLC, you should install the submods that replace them. There is the music mod, but I would only recommend it if you like classical. And no, the last update was in 2020.
Honestly, in my experience they mostly play the same way. Cyborgs in the northeast get slightly easier acess to bionics, Bidirectionists to clones, Pilgrimage can reform into the Terran Orthodoxy (Al Samawat AI usually pulls this off in the second bookmark) and pirates can pirate.
I had most fun with space pirates and classic (administrative?) merchant republics
I think the latest version isn't that one either. It's github version of Crisis of Confederation by Galle. It lacks localisation in a few places and I remember there was weird bug spawning nomads, especially in our Solar System
>I think the latest version isn't that one either. It's github version of Crisis of Confederation by Galle. It lacks localisation in a few places and I remember there was weird bug spawning nomads, especially in our Solar System
Scratch that, the latest version is actually this one:
But it looks like it adds vanilla-ish societies and disables many events for performance. This version does not, but it's older (and probably slower)
Which version should i get anon?
I want to see all the crazy stuff this mod has to offer

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