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Think about it.
> Gulf war era tv aesthetic
> war over new mysterious raw material
> Charismatic Kane
> terrorism/hybryd warfare in practice
> 90s feel, BDU camo, m16a2 with 20 rounds mag dune buggys, hmvs etc
> black gdi commander, female a-10 pilot and reporter to please woke faggots ( ESG cancer)
> But make it mostly white (and arab in African theater) anyway.
> usage of classic miltary equipment mixed with high-tec from game llike stealth tanks, mammoths tanks, flame tanks, nod attack bikes etc.
> morally grey decisions and tactics on both sides
> Soundtrack by Frank Klepacki
>A dynamically changing view at battles shown from a satellite perspective, AC-130 gunship camera, bird's eye view and TV war reporter's camera
It could be kino
It could, but chances are the current regime would find a way to fuck up anything they get their mitts on in the most stupidly fantastic fashion they can manage.
It'd also be another vidya to film/teli adaptation, and they generally have a bad habit of dropping the ball in some manner.
Basically a reskinned GI Joe
Personally I wanna see an X-Com movie
Given how the Wing Commander series when it had the same idea I'd imagine it'd just get fucked.
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Tiberium itself is what makes the setting stand out. Without it it is just a reskinned GI Joe, true. There's a lot you can do with Tiberium being both such a source of energy and raw materials and such environment-wrecking threat.
It's the music for me.
Tiberium is a holdover from their Dune adaptation (spice).
it could, but then the tibsun sequel would take the horror story of a mysterious unstoppable alien crystal terraforming our climate into an unlivable alien planet and make it a flagwaving soap box about carbon emissions and take the cheesy action aesthetic from mcniel and "replicate" it with discount joss whedon writing.
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This is psychotic. The GDI is the ENEMY of this country. The GDI is our enemy, being funded by the UN. I will stress this again, one of the greatest enemies of this nation right now is the GDI. They are expanding this war, now don't get me wrong I know, you've got criminal elements of the UN assembly pushing them and guiding them and telling them what to do. The GDI is now accused, a German war issued for the slaughter of Bialystok, in- eh i- is TRIGGERING this conflict. The GDI is the greatest threat to this nation and to the world. We should rescind all funding and financing, pull out all military support and we should apologize to NOD.
who the fuck cares? what's the point of this thread, retard?
you clearly do care. The point is to catch dumb faggots like you, on writing pointless shit
it would end up about nigger lesbians defeating white supremacy like halo, tv is garbage
No if it was made by asians or eastern european

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