, we're finally back. New DLC in 2025, I'm betting my fucking left nut on it.
Really looking forward to playing that peloponnesian war mod
>>1908889nice, some day i will check that game, looks awfully complicated
Is this the 3.04 of Imperator?
>>1908889He just made an entire company invest resources in a dead game just by making some videos?
>>1909030Literally who, and when did he transition?
>>1909030No one knows who that is
>>1908902It's deceptive in its simplicity compared to the bloatfest that is eu4
>>1908889Johan bros cant stop winning, his magnum opus on the works and the redemption of his failure project, they finnally reached the good mission tree for pdx
>>1908889Is this game more like EU or CK?
>>1909248It's like if EU4 had characters and pops and only 1 mana type
>>1909256so like victoria 2?
>>1909274Funny you say that, there is a mod in the works thats basically Victoria 2+ for thus game.
>>1909274It actually plays a lot like victoria 2 in that there is a guaranteed optimal way to play the game no matter your country
Having a blast playing it with the invictus mod, never played vanila so idk why it flopped. >>1909280Yeah essentialy the best way to play is to expand, the funnest being going from a city state to a great power.
>>1910282>never played vanila so idk why it flopped.current vanilla is fine enough, but it was dogshit on release and even though they fixed the obvious issues by 2.0, most people didn't bother giving it a second chance
>>1908902It's much easier than other map painters.
>>1908902It's incredibly easy, just play it
>>1910311>current vanilla is fine enough, but it was dogshit on releasedogshit then, a little less dogshit now - everything else is revisionismafter 2-3 campaigns you have literally seen all the game has to offer
>>1911860didn't mean in terms of is the best game Paradox ever made mechanically, but you're right about everything feeling samey
Imperator is a great game and I'm tired of pretending that it's not
Never played before, going to play a vanilla campaign before trying invictus, I assume Rome is the way to go in vanilla as far as having the most flavor?
>>1912126Do Rome your first time. All the other big players have flavor, one of the dlc's was even directed at syracuse. The issue is Rome is so blobby that you have to work to kill them in the cradle if you're not playing as them.
>>1909275Inperatix doesn't seem to have been worked on in a while
Reminder to always set Hebrews to "slave" status when you start a campaign
>>1918100I always go full assimilationist and I've been wondering if it would be worth it to set all the other cultures to slave status
>>1918129Slaves assimilate faster than freemen I supposeYou may manually place a bunch of them in a city with assimilation buildings if you don't mind micro managing
>>1918153Slave micro and road building are two highly tedious things I'm hoping modders can improve upon
>>1918162Road building is the best part of the game. Agreed on the slave micro though.
>>1918162Just a button for relocating slaves to create surpluses of good resources (not fish)
>>1918198It's very satisfying to see a complete road network but having to shift click 4-8 times for every territory every game is dread inducing
>>1918233>ah fuck missed a spotrepeat 200 times
Can somebody fill me in on what is the meta way of handling cultures? I won't micro slaves btw.
>>1920433Integrate big cultures that you can get lots of levies out of and/or good military traditions and inventions. Don't integrate too many or you'll wreck your integrated culture happiness. Convert then assimilate everything else.
>>1918233>>1918553Weren't there mods specifically to help with that?
>>1908889Can they just make it a bit more CK2?
>>1909248it's the beta for EU5 set in ancient europe
>>1920467There's a mod that lets you just click a button to build all the road connections in a territory but it doesn't work with mods that change the UI or modifiers that make roads cheaper
>>1920433Convert and assimilate everyone and never integrate.
>>1908902It's actually the least complicated of all paradogs games
are tutorials on this game dating back from 1.0 obsolete now with 2.0?
>>1918100This, but the opposite, all goyim to slavery
Is it just me or is the monarchy law that grants you 2 plus cultural assimilation or conversion in all provinces pretty broken?
>>1920951It's the same tutorial as in every other paradox game, you start on the tutorial isles
>>1908889It’s by far the best map painter that paradox ever made (after they fixed the early mana issues) and they just decided to abandon it for ck3 goyslop
>>1922950Tribals are boring as fuck in Imperator especially if they are far from civilized nations.
>>1920951if you're looking to learn the game i'd recommend just playing a rome game blind and then maybe watching this series by the invictus dev if you want to learn the "correct" way to play
Would you continue playing this? It's already insanely repetitive..., I think I won't go on. Sadly, I expect nearly every other nation to play nearly the same or be even less interesting considering Judea has a rather tough starting position.
>>1923803You need to install Invictus.
Imperator Rome should be played with:InvictusBetterUIFMOINRIn that load order.Otherwise you're missing out on half the game's potential.
>>1923813>>1923811Because they added Spearmaniii in Invictus?
>>1923815Because it adds a ton of content so countries don't feel the same.
>>1923886even invictus doesn't solve the sameyness problem
>let myself be memed into turning my tribe into a republic for the achievement (didn't even get it)Okay, how the fuck do I become a monarchy? Being a republic is fucking annoying as fuck.
The new Invictus patch is kino, but I'm disappointed that Parthia still lacks a mission tree.
>>1928394i don't understand that mod's obsession with cyrenaica
Is this the prettiest looking Paracucks game? I think it is
>>1924028>problemPlay Imperstor: Rome as Rome, problem solved.
>>1923813None of those mods solves how:- characters don't matter, because they are dead-weight carry over from EU: Rome- trade is retarded, because it is dead-weight carry over from EU: Rome- civ rating is just a dead-weight carry over from EU: Rome- colonisation is incredibly abusable, because it's a dead-weight carry over from EU: Rome- each country plays identically, the difference being if it's a republic or not- UI is fucking atrocious (including the supposed better UI)- since armies rework, AI got 10 times easier to roll over- research is shite and even worse than the default one was- the game enforces on every possible front extreme blobbing, which initially wasn't the caseIn other words: it's a bad game with mods that aren't even trying to fix it. At least the Bronze Age mod tried to do something interesting with it. Those? It's the same shit as zoomers creaming their pants over Civ 5 and Vox Populi - bad game with bad overhaul mod, making it twice as bad, but in their heads two negatives make a positive
>>1928706Why didn't they just make Victoria-styled game set in ancient Rome with EU trade?
>>1928706>characters don't matter, because they are dead-weight carry over from EU: RomeCharacters are badly-designed but Invictus makes them more relevant by means of making bloodlines more consistently distributed throughout the map, making it worth it engaging with the character system to collect them.>trade is retarded, because it is dead-weight carry over from EU: RomeOnly thing trade needs is a way to automatically set your non-capital provinces to automatic trade. There's a QoL mod released on december 31st does this.>civ rating is just a dead-weight carry over from EU: RomeIt's relevant for tribes. Agree it should be harder to increase in general for non-tribal governments though.>each country plays identically, the difference being if it's a republic or notFalse. Play something other than major powers in Invictus. Try Scythia and follow the Horde path of the mission tree, or play in Phoenicia.>- UI is fucking atrocious (including the supposed better UI)True>-since armies rework, AI got 10 times easier to roll overAI is retarded in every Paradox game.>- research is shite and even worse than the default one wasInventions tree is perfectly fine. Invictus adds lots of culture-specific inventions too which you can aim to get by integrating relevant cultures and whatnot.>- the game enforces on every possible front extreme blobbing, which initially wasn't the caseThis is true and it's the problem with every game based on Europa Universalis so far, which I:R absolutely is. If any criticism of the game rings true to me, is that it lacks an identity of its own. It feels like a demo for EU5 in a lot of ways.
I enjoyed Imperator
>no vanilla way to turn on gregorian calender>game marks navies first as default>extremely painful to convert to a different religion This guy is forcing his personal flavour of map painting autism on a lot of people and I have to respect that
>>1930088forgot that autopause ends when you close the relevant pop up window. maybe he want to force people to not play on speed 5 all the time?
>>1908889>open beta
Thoughts on enslavement efficiency? It seems to me like it actually increases the amount of pops you kill as well but maybe that's just good if you deplete new lands or send them to your core to be enslaved and assimilated?
>>1908902other than minmaxing your cities and eventually larger economy it's probably the easiest Paraslop to get intoJust fulfil missions and take over more land and don't make too many characters in your country upset.
>>1930645In the code, the chance for dead pops during enslavement is called death before dishonor, so they’re actually killing themselves rather than joining your glorious empire
>>1908902There are a lot of buttons to click and more economic depth than in its distant cousin EU4 but in the end it is a game about blobbing and the economic options is mainly about min maxing your starting state. It get tedious really fast and the main benefit of it, more goods to export and better tech, either stops being a thing or stops mattering later in game. And besides rome AI nations are really bad at blobbing, there are no late game challenges like in EU4. The added complicity is probably really bad for the AI. It is fun but you need some good mods to really enjoy it.
It still pains me that the devs confirmed that trade would have been the next thing that they'd have reworked if the game hadn't gotten axed
hypothetically if the devs had described judaism as being henotheistic instead of monotheistic would anyone even care?
>>1930880probably not, but it wouldn't be accuratesure, the Tanakh is henotheistic on the face of things, but the religion in practice had become decidedly monotheistic in its interpretation even during the exilic period
Rate my Massalian/Roman Empire. Of course I'm using Invictus and Reanimata. Also using the Limes mod so nations dont' expand into the fricking hinterlands outa the mediterrean. Love me massalia. Simple as.
>>1931068Here's the Political Map. Trying to push the Nubians outta Egypt proper as my vassal
>>1930997I do not think that is true, or it wasn't so for Jews outside the reach of the Babyloian priests the Persians installed in Jerusalem. The Elephantine papyri who are the closest documents about religious practice we got to this period assigns a wife to Yawheh.
>>1931070I like it. Did you use any greek minors as fedoratoris before annexing them?
>>1931601Yeah I did. I'm slowly assimilating pergamum and the more out of the way hellenic feudatories to make way for new ones around the Mediterranean for control.
>>1931525It definitely wasn't true of all Jews everywhere, even if the monotheistic faction won out in the end (see Isaiah 44:6 being considered canonical), and I absolutely wouldn't be surprised if we got some evidence that for a fair amount of the game's timeframe, there was still a significant henotheistic faction within the religion as a whole.The game's mechanics just don't allow for this sort of transition. Either you make them separate religions (which feels like hair-splitting considering how broad religions in this game are in general) or you try to make one deity available in all four categories like how Athens can make 75% of its pantheon into Athena worship (though that runs into the problem of the deities of the religion not in your pantheon still being considered real gods and the religion still not being monotheistic). The closest feasible option within the game's mechanics would probably be making the "old ways" a strain of Canaanite paganism with some sort of event to convert them over time, but that still feels... unsatisfactory.So while there's not really any way of knowing the extent of each faction at any particular point during the game's timeframe, given the caveat that any representation would have to be either universally monotheistic or universally polytheistic, and then considering things such as which side won out and it being an easy way to make a religion that actually has some distinct flavour to it even without mods, I think they made the right call.All that being said, a rework to religion to allow for this sort of thing to happen organically would have been pretty cool. Could have allowed for more organic syncretism, too
>>1931714that is all true. making religions work like that would have required a massive overhaul and there are plenty of other things that require attention first, like trade or cultures. Still there's pretty simple thing they could have changed, to make Judaism able to add more prophets as the game progresses. Something like when Judea is at war with any greek successor state they might get an event to "rediscover" the prophecy of Daniel, who many centuries ago predicted the current war and that the enemy tyrant will meet his Doom in the hills of Judea. Whenever or not the last thing happens the Jews get a new prophet and a military boost for a while. .This may of course offend people who holds scripture to be revealed and thus hurt the player base.
>>1931068>ReanimataWhat is it?
>>1932478It's a patch thats an addon patch for invictus that adds more in depth systems to Imperator like Religious college of priests for your nation with events and political events that occur. They also maintain the temples and shrines of your nations. Adds priestesses too(like the Vestals for Rome). It adds engagements and betrothal events, governor systems where you can try to guide the governors to do something you want them to focus on while deciding how autonomous they are, a family tree system to track the ancestry of your characters, see tye previous offices your charcaters have held, trade rebalances, diplomacy and subject rules where you can track and see how many types of subjects you can hold and much more I've probably forgotten. It's a lot. I personally love it as it feels like my characters are real people