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How to marry doll waifu
You can't, that's the point
They give you a ring or whatever they call it in the starter package. Go to your inventory and look for it.
Wrong board, this is for strategy games
It's an x-com like, so it goes here.
We need horny strategy games.
Nothing better after an intense session of strategizing than fucking your own troops.
I want to send hordes of bikini soldiers into machine gun fire so fucking bad.
It has been done.

That would be fraternising
No, I want what'd basically be anime/light ecchi CoH2 but ideally somewhat larger in scope. That'd be so lit.
Yeah they should just make a CoH2 for every universe/genre/style.
do not believe anyone on this site deserves to live.
and yet here you are.
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>I want to send hordes of bikini soldiers into machine gun fire so fucking bad.
If you can settle for school swimsuit and minefields instead, I might be working on it.
Although models' texture will be moddable so the bikini part should be trivial to change.
Why don't they garrison the buildings? Are they stupit?
>Are they stupid?
Canonically, yes. Very.
This is intended to be closer to "Nichijou's crew do warcrimes with DIY weaponry" than some supposed professionals.
Free Cities
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so Valkyria Chronicles but real time ?


That's not the gotcha you seem to think it is.
and yet you are still here.
but FC is just a horny spreadsheet
Horny and spread on the sheets, you say?
wonder how many months this garbage fucking thread will stay up for?
Hitting the nail on the head more or less with the vibe I'm going for (you know assuming the gameplay was all there).

Valkyria Chronicles but larger scale, entire companies blowing each other up at least. Not a bad analogue though, I liked those games.

Not gonna lie I'm basically just asking for retarded ryona bait.

It's been up for too long already, I'm sorry for contributing to it with my autism.
nuts on yo chin
an RTT or a proper x-com in the gf setting could be so fucking good
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absolutely seething.
i love free cities
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How the fuck do I beat that the wave 1 horde 3 without Suomi, there's just too many enemies and I can't just ignore the elite on the right, and the elite on the left can pretty much 1-turn combo all of my dolls with his grenade attack.
First off get gud, this game is piss easy.
Second, why aren't you using any good supports, the pink hair girl ult has a lot of buffs tied to it, and both her and the blue hair girl can keep the whole team alive while fire walking through hell.
Third, why are you using the shitty free shotgun unit, when you have two 5* shotgun girls, put the sniper on the team and get some range.
triple shotgun probably not good. Level groza and nemesis.
>A gacha incentivizes you to pull by making it mechanically somewhat more difficult to progress unless you do

Okay that was indeed a skill issue from my part and not realizing that Cheeta was actually good lmao.


I wanted to try Vepley for whatever reasons, won't do it again. Though nemesis' dps kinda sucks and the extra range isn't really worth most of the time imo.
She gives defense down and also support fire, up to you.
>Though nemesis' dps kinda sucks
She gets 3 shots per turn and can debuff defense.
I'm once again asking if there's a larger scale ryonabait strategy game like that one anon posted further up.
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good, she will need those calories for battle
damn this homer simpson ass bitch is really walking around with a double stacked piece of pizza in her vest
Do you not?
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She's just big-boned.
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I really believe SPAS/Sabrina got fatter since GFL1
especially you
If I only care about waifus, do I pick up Arknights 2 or Girls Frontline 2?
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What's your favorite gun, anon? She can be your judgement zone
>What's that, Commander, a new snack? ...Oh!? D-Does this mean I'm not just pretending to be a heroine anymore? I've become a real one? ...No takebacks, okay?
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She's so cool
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Bros look at this one
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I never did get any of the alt skins for her that I wanted.
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See also.
cool i like her turret arm
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SGs mog all other types due to sheer coolness.
*leans into mic*
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When are they dropping AWP?
Imagine her going all john wick smashing dudes with sledges from every angle while unloading the drum, shit would be kino
sneaky snow sniper

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