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>least hyped Stellaris DLC in recent memory.
>No one seems to be excited for it.
>Is it really that bad?
>Couple of thousand views on Youtube for recent developer diaries about it.

Adds a cool origin, interesting storm mechanics, and some unique civics.

What are your thoughts about it?
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>Buying DLC
I don't know what to tell you anon, paradox is the one publisher that you absolutely should feel no remorse not giving more money to than the base game.
I don't think it'd fit well into Stellaris, but I'd probably shell out a bit for a game that did do somewhat hard sci-fi space wars.
My space autism is telling me that everything would have to be so specifically perfect as to be impossible to play in practice though.
It really feels like machine ascension gets more love and development than psychic or genetic
Pops were a mistake
Recent devpost confirmed that Bio and Psy are getting updated next year in two separate DLCs comparable to Machine Age.

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So, is it any good now?

last thread was semi-successful, let's see if there's enough momentum for another
contrarians and poorfags unite!
old >>1866472
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holy SOVL...
That didn’t help much, the trait icons and other stuff are still quite small for me
if you're playing on a resolution higher than 1080p you're kinda SOL
You can capture them and then force them to be concubines if your religion allows it or forcibly recruit them otherwise
>easy way to identify counties within your realm that have foreign/independent baronies is to click on the "Sow Dissent" job for your chancellor and see which of your counties highlight green.
Thank you for the tip

are they even trying at this point?
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They're trying extremely hard but they no longer have any SOVL
>muh sovl
Not an argument.
>t. hylic
This >>1906686

Why bother if you can just sell a new DLC that only include meme missions for meme countries?
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>Not an argument.

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BW is better than ever, flash is back
starcraft ghost soon
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to a sad bloated wrinkly fat faggot he is now? Why would he do that?
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is reynor still trying to switch to league of legends I remember like 6 months ago he was in korea and lastshadow the rent boy was mentoring him
he never got past diamond
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Post stuff about mods for Hoi4
Previous Thread: >>1881161
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>doesn't even understand what is being asked despite clarifying it more than once
Ho-lee fuck why are you even on /vst/ you should be somewhere more your speed like fuck I don't know, notepad or something.
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What part of "make your own custom start" do you not understand? This isn't reddit, most people here have probably made their own submods before.
kek you missed a discord ping
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Anyone got any tips for beating the PF and NSM as AWD, I always lose when it's time to fight them.
Your best bet is joining their alliance and then spamming legitimacy to overtake them or doing gamey shit where you snipe VPs while letting the others take all the casualties in wars. I'm sorry man, just no easy way to do it.

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Hello everyone and welcome to another Happy Wednesday, the day of the week where you get a new Tinto Talks, the special posts we make to gather feedback about the very very secret game with the codename Project Caesar.

While we may have some skills and some experience in designing games, we are not perfect, and that is why we are doing these Tinto Talks, so we can get feedback on what may be less than stellar, and for us to think about things that we may not have thought about. Sometimes it's small easy things we can do immediately and will tell you in the thread directly, and sometimes it's larger things, which we talk about later.

Our Tinto Talks from a month ago, about Great Powers and Hegemons was one of the very few we have made that had a negative reaction, but what was great with it was that there was plenty of great, constructive and usable feedback from it. Pretty much everything in this thread today has been built on community ideas that have then been revised and discussed internally.
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Fighting in them is going to be awful.
>acting in any way superior when you don't even fucking know where the apostrophe is on your keyboard

>unchecked capitalism
>in the 14th century

>plagues brought by colonizers with blankets and trinkets purposely filled European diseases
That happened way after a lot of epidemics occurred naturally, sometime during the 18th or 19th century.
I always love hearing people talk about plague blankets when germ theory wasn't even an inkling of an idea. The closest thing ever before was chucking cows over fort walls.
>That happened way after a lot of epidemics occurred naturally, sometime during the 18th or 19th century.
It didn't happen at all, there was a smallpox outbreak tied to a Mississippi steamer and some random professor made up a story about this outbreaking having been created intentionally. He was fired and lost tenure.

They didn't know about germs, but they certainly knew that some diseases were contagious. European bathhouse culture disappeared after 1500 because it was linked to syphilis outbreaks which came from the new world.
At the time of the aforementioned smallpox outbreak, vaccinations against smallpox existed, but many native americans weren't vaccinated, and the news of the outbreak led to efforts to vaccinate more native americans in the mid-west. Yes, vaccines were a thing before the germ theory existed.
To be fair the idea of the germ theory did exist as early 12 century but either seen as none sense or heretical similar to how newton laws were known but never linked or discovered together

This worth getting mainly for the story campaign and a few faction runs (if any of the factions are fun to play, that is)?

Seemed like it was pretty contrversial at launch.
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No pirateniggers seriously??
Not that I know. Denuvo seems to be a hard filter, a perfect protection for games with long post release support. All those pirate trannies don't have enough commitment to recrack all games like this every update. They live off an attention that cracking new releases gives them. Maybe proper full pirate version will show up again once TWW is truly complete in 2 or 3 years with no more updates being made for it, after CA switched to TWW40k properly.
The only story in this game is the prologue, which is decent but not worth $60. If you like the setting then it is a decent sandbox but you aren't going to get a good story out of it.
Yes you can get away with buying very few factions. I prefer wh2 though. After you've played the new races, you don't again and the other changes aren't worth it.
No. It still has the depth of a puddle.

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Any thoughts?

Also medieval 2 modding thread
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Yeah, that's extremely hard to figure out.
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As long as there isn't a Medieval 3 game we can enjoy Total War Warhammer especially the Bretonnia faction which is more Medieval-like and less Napoleon-like
>enjoy Total War Warhammer
eh i wish
I'm just gonna say it...SSHIP isn't fun outside the battles. The campaign map is kinda nice however

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Correct, I made this class out of sheer spite for 5e design. It is made with the knowledge that Crawford would hate it
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Definitely the most retarded Canto. It would be excellent if it was a mockery of everyone involved, but unfortunately not. For all these fancy works PM is getting it's "inspiration" from they sure do produce basic bitch shlock.
anyone tried the Library of Babel Overhaul for LoR? it seems a little extreme to me, Canard feels more like Urban Legend
You mean that weird overhaul with extra books/skills and new characters?.. Because i vague remember that someone made a small walkthrough thread-two ago.

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You killed Stormgate.
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Against all odds, looks like rts players don't exist anymore.
they exist they just arent playing the latest goyslop
stormgate is possibly the worst RTS of all time, Id rather play emperor battle for dune
Paradox games?
You are a retard but I think banes, mines and disruptors should not be in the game

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I hate this game, but there's nothing better in the genre. How frustrating.
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Well, now blacks can't become white dixies.
As a side effect, Japanese people never start speaking English no matter how long they're in your country.
yeah such a logical solution, where the only way to assimilate everyone is to enact ethnostate + state religion and keep religious schools because everyone of right religion will become white
Does that even lead to any significant assimilation? I'm pretty sure it's almost impossible to properly assimilate anybody, AS anybody.
for tiers 2 to 4 it's like before, very slow
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Incredible that we managed to win this, i supported Hungary independence and got dragged in a war against Austria, Russia and Two Sicilies, luckily after a while Prussia went to war against Austria and France so Hungary only had to deal with Russia, then Russia left the war and i took Lombardy and that was enough to make the austrian warscore go in the negatives

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Previous thread: >>1881939
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there is still a chance to cuck them out of korashi reserves so their mage revolt disaster fires, but it requires you taking the perma damestear provinces from Xia and eating Azjakuma
once that is done you can beat them up easily (however the mage revolt gives the breakaway tags insane buffs and legendary mage rulers, you might want to wait a bit before trying to take them down)
as anon above said you can try Dhugajir, their military is so insane I was able to beat the Command alone while outnumbered several times
alternatively they will overexpand eventually which will allow a coalition to form, but you must lead it because the I legitimately believe the AI is hardcoded to never ever declare on The Command on their own
>I legitimately believe the AI is hardcoded to never ever declare on The Command on their own
They will declare if they think they can win, the thing is that unless a player intervene they'll never get to that state.
I have had The Command reduced to a rump state with <40 FL and everybody, even the ultrablob Dahui which I enabled by beating them down not deccing
That's not really what matters, what does is keeping their manpower at 0 war exhaustion high and current army size low.

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How fares your empire, /ck3g/?

West Slavic Attire pack is out.

Previous thread >>1888908

Question of the thread: What do you think of CK3's religion system? How do you think it could be improved? I saw this video on the topic and I thought there were some good ideas.
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I think its supposed to happen automagically like you expected I don't think its intended behavior just stating a possible solution where you might be able to force it.
Appreciate the advice but it didn't work unfortunately. Despite having children, the game concluded I didn't have any heirs and gave me a game over after I died. Didn't feel like playing another dynasty so abandoned that game. Might look for a mod that allows me to go adventurer anytime in case this kind of thing happens again.
stupid. LIke you said it should just have a flag or give the choice.
Is there any mod that caps domain limit to 1 for everyone?
I'm not having fun.

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Any tips on Xcom 2 on legendary? I feel like the increased timers on the map are fucking me over hard. 45 days for magnetic rifles is fucking painful.

Pic somewhat related
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Area 51 isn't that hard. But when the Russian base mission comes up, it gets difficult. Sure you can dodge rockets. But how many?
XCOM vs XCOM 2 what are cons and pros?
different games with completely different playstyle
XCOM pros
- fun
XCOM cons
- it's XCOM

XCOM 2 pros
- fun
XCOM 2 cons
- it's XCOM 2

hope this illuminated your path
I have XCOM 2 on GOG.

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