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Is there a better Star Wars strategy game?
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never mind, guess my old PC was just a potato and I needed to upgrade
>*record scratch*
>yup, that's me. you may be wondering how i got here.
I never read the Han solo books that featured the csa, but aren't they more like the British east India company in real life, or like Wayland Yutani in fiction?
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This was originally Thrawn's fleet before his untimely death over Boreleias at the hands of several Home One cruisers. On screen are some Procursators, an ISD II, strike cruisers, a pair of Ton Falks and a commander of one of those horseshoe shaped missile boats
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>missile boats
Based and checked

Sogno di Volare is indisputably the best Civ theme of all time. It's a bombastic celebration of progress with a beautiful Italian chorus. Whether or not you like the gameplay of civ 6 is an entirely different matter.

Baba Yetu is good, but a clear second-best

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>GTFOs Kaiser fags
>Kills TNO trannies
>Murders Bronies

Literally the only good HOI4 mod
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>no first battle for Hoover Dam
>no docks to build ships to stop Naval Invasion bullshit
>massive debuff against Legion
>sixty day focuses everywhere
Mojave Chapter needs an overhaul, holy shit is it dated. New Vegas needs a complete overhaul, too, they feel like they were designed to handle Pre-Lanius Caesar and the NCR.

Also, they need to remove Naval Invasions, period, for the AI. They're the most fucking obnoxious shit in the game. Sure, you can squash them, but most nations don't really have the werewithal to build navies and there's nothing more irritating than pulling half your troops off the front line to defend a random point at the rear.
>naval invasions in a fallout mod
Rivers count as ocean in the mod. Not all of them, but enough to make playing in Mexico an absolute nightmare. River crossings are bloodbaths and you often end up needing to paradrop or naval invade just to circumvent them or end up fighting a six year war of attrition to knock out one minor nation.

HOWEVER all of that would be acceptable if Gente de Sol did not exist. Fucking bastard ALWAYS sides with Caesar and CONSTANTLY sends naval invasions into your rear. You can't even retaliate since he lives down in Mexico and nobody fighting the legion can cut their way down there before gutting the bull. The Mojave Chapter gets fucked through every orifice because they don't get a dock to build ships to protect the Colorado and Caesar just spontaneously declares war instead of having to do the Hoover Dam song and dance. It's a huge problem because Caesar is still the main obstacle of the game, even now- aside from some really rare circumstances, none of the other "evil" factions blob sufficiently to make an end game threat. Washington Brotherhood is old and dysfunctional, Troll Warren has lost all its gumption due to combat overhauls, I've never seen AI Destiny make it past the Blighted Woods, Slate never becomes Cerberus and gets stomped by Texas, Santa Anna gets eaten by the Rio Grande, Relcomm is half finished and Strathhome wins the War of the Burning Leaf nine times out of ten then sits around with their red thumb up their ass for the rest of the game...
the naval invasions are literally free kills lol. I love when the enemy naval invades me it makes it easier to kill them.
just garrison your ports, or your whole coastline if you're really paranoid


There is a major problem in strategy video games, such as Heroes of Might and Magic, or Civilization.
Especially in Homm when you and opponents (AI or humans) start with one town/castle/base.

Imagine that there is a map in the game.
And there is 8 players (for example 1 human + 7 AI) and there is 8 castles and each player gets one from the start.
If you gain someone else castle, you gain a huge advantage, because you get income from two castles and creatures from two castles.
But if you lose your only castle, this will be a catastrophe (if you don't recover the castle).

Now, when all 8 players start with one castle each,
why and when would they go and attack opponents castle?
Because to successfuly attack opponent you need
-to have much powerful army (25% more powerful)
-or you need to grab the castle when opponent hero is taking army and vising places far from castle

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who are you quoting?
So a shitty inconsistent skill was replaced by a useful and consistent skill? Got it.
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>Maybe one game in their youth got lost to his childhood rival due to resistance triggering or something like that. Or his older brother made him cry by using the rampart Resistance specialist, Thorgrim.
>Eagle Eye is also random
>nearly completely useless
>there are 7 heroes with that as specialty
>8 with it as starting skill
how come we never get an answer about why this has been untouched for years?

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Thoughts on the last community post? Didn't reveal much but sounds somewhat promising
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been like that for the last three games bro
>faggot deconstructivist worm
god i hate these guys too, they're really into HotA
nobody cares about them bro
the only homm games are 1 2 and 3, the rest are fanfiction donutsteels
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Fuck off faggot Homm IV was and is peak, everything went downhill from there
Post the HoMM4 elves at the mosque,

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was watching this old EU3 let's play, where Ireland player was able to occupy 30 provinces with just 5 regiments, and it made me realize this is the fundamental problem with even modern PDX games.

Because the garrisons are magic, and the besieging unit doesn't actually have to leave soldiers behind it means, a small army can occupy entire empires, as long as they can keep winning battles.
Even though historically, many victorious generals couldn't complete their objective due to manpower shortages, e.g. Hannibal couldn't capitalize on Canne, because he didn't have enough men.

This lack of (real) garrisons causes other issues like EU4 is designed so that you have to occupy the entire country to get 100% war score so you can get a few provinces from them. Even though historically full occupations were rare prior to the Napoleonic wars, because of the sheer manpower needed.

If soldiers had to be left behind in garrison-occupied provinces, it would mean the army would shrink deeper it goes. Which in turn would mean the defender advantage would grow. This would in turn make full occupations very difficult and risky.

So, does anyone wonder why are the Swedes so insistent on not doing it?
Seems like they are willing to bend every other aspect of their games in order to accommodate it.
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>the military operations were conducted in campaigns (that a player would have to pay for to move his troops) that were over a period of five years or so.
Sounds like war were more localised and less total warrian.
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EU campaigns have a lot of constraints. Players have a somewhat limited counter mix for armies (labeled Army I, II, etc.) and detachments. They can only be lead by turn limited leader counters too. This means that they can really only efficiently operate in a few theaters at once.
On top of this, there is an unpredictable time constraint to the military rounds. After the second one, the players roll a D10 to see if the campaign season stops short or not.
They were also expensive, pic related shows how much it cost for different kinds of campaigns. Because simply being able to move troops would require a substantial investment, it is done only with guaranteed gains in mind.
>10$ for the demo
>20$ for the base game
>100$ for the full game
Seems it was always the same with Paradox.
That sounds interesting, those rules seems very different from how EU3 played, did EU1 already significantly deviate from it was it further versions?

So, if you are declared war on, you are unable to move any of your armies without buying a campaign?

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Never really played a colony sim. I have these two. Which one is easier to get into?
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that game is all about fucking some shit up you never even thought it could happen and then restarting your colony over and over again. but its fun

Never played either.

However, consider the following:

> GO
>spinning it into game vs game
DF was easier for me because it was actually fun. I dropped ONI within the first hour. Plus it's uglier than ascii DF.
Never heard anyone say that before. Do you think all the people playing DF haven't played Rimworld?

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>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
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A fantastic outcome. The park and nature path are the cherry on top. Do hear that? No? Exactly, Mr. Mayor. Finally some peace and quiet here on the hill.

As for the future. We shouldn't be too hasty. Carlos informs me that his friends in the... waste management business are rather particular about their manufacturing hub across from the canals. You know, the fenced lot with all the trucks... not something we should wade into if you catch my drift.

Well, as for the rest, it sounds like Mr. Blueblood's cautious ordinance is most appropriate. A green initiative and a healthy tax break for the high-tech sector should entice some new industry to that location. Once the prison is bulldozed, that land could be used for many things... boutiques, perhaps a soccer and baseball complex, maybe even a private school. Land values will skyrocket. People will be begging to live on this side of the city... as long as they're not downwind of the landfill.
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By that logic "Morrowind" and "Rimworld" are bad games. You are full of crap.
Dumb question, but where did you getthat fountain next to the water tower and close to the prison, if I may ask?

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Yuri > Kane
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They are literally the same person
Yeah except Yuri has mind control and that puts him on the top

how are you doing my lords and ladies
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should I make another account?
Depends on the situation I guess?
Minor scuffles with petty lords who try to subjugate every village in sight without trying any kind of diplomacy.
Two villages attack each other during Friday 13th, then both are slaughtered by a vigilante who had nothing to do with it.
Mors copypastes his city like 5 times.
>Rebellion seems kind of mid.
When Verdantia sinks, I wonder how the lads in the south will move about.

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>Ctrl + F
>Supreme Commadner
>No results
what the fuckity fucking fuck, /vst/?
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>why is a game boring when we do nothing for 50 minutes and end the game with nuke spam instead of playing how it was designed
Skill issue?
It's similar but BAR is played more zoomed in and plays more like TA. BAR has some different mechanics, for example ground radar is affected by terrain and it has unit resurrection. I was cynical at first but fukken hell it feels good being able to play the game at decent fps in the late game but even BAR has performance issues past 5k units which happens in 8v8 matches.
page 8 bump
Why the fuck is FAF client hogging CPU and having RAM spikes all the time are they mining bitcoin with this shit?
it's just juice, anon, i used to grab a sobe and sammich for lunch at my first job (literally a video rental store) a few times a week, and despite enjoy it, it wasn't worth the nostalgia.

I do miss matrix green powerade though.

Why is it so fucking boring?
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Asymmetry. Asymmetry without including interesting counterplay (cat without mouse mechanics) means everyone is just jerking themselves off to their unique mechanics. AoE2 has interactive counterplay for nearly every unit, you can outplay the mango with skirms.
>They wanted the Starcraft crowd.
was doomed to fail
Stop being a contrarian
What? Outside of the Malians, everyone has the same units, they're just unlocked in different ages. A number of these units do have their unique qualities, but that's little difference to a regular civ's modifer/unique tech.
Yeah, civs have asymmetric styles: this means you have to have different strategies (counterplay) accordingly. You act differently for Franks and Britons the same as French and English.
Most projectiles are tracked, yeah, but not mangos--you can outplay them with archers or xbows.
>Briton player puts up palings
>other player can choose to not charge into them
>Mongol player moves his deerstone and kurultai forward
>other player can choose to not fight near them
Peak asymmetric gameplay

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Are logistics fixed yet?
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>no idea why you schizos invade other games threads
Because le meme runs that HOI4 runs on wear out fast and they need their dopamine fix by starting fights.
This, they are great for an initial breakthrough though, even with something like 10 tile range will work if you have time to plan, or get bogged down somewhere.
I really like the game but the DLC was such a fail, it must be some sort of special autism to seek a worse, less interesting solution than just BUILD AND HAVE NAVY. This way my megaempire rising from the ashes feel like their being cucked by some Houthi like mfs with barges
Thank you for bumping the thread, bot-sama
For me, I always thought it was an ultra-autistic approach to laying the framework for that, i.e.: MARITIME LOGISTICS WALKED SO NAVAL WARFARE COULD RUN. I sort of get why it was done the way it was done.
Personally I want more fleshed out minors+diplomacy before I want a navy, but before any of that I want way more thought put into late game ICBM play with regards to missile defense+techs.
Also Autocracy generally sucks and shouldn't be treated as challenge mode.

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this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
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"If I remember correctly, this could already be disabled in the original Total Annihilation.
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high risk high reward

what else would you make the win condition
>destroy all troops?
hide a spybot and make others rage quit
That's the best part of those games, simple win condition. Just kill the other player, no stupid fucking magical capture points or other crap, just settle the score like actual men.
>hen you lose him the game is over. Just let me fucking play.
Lmao the fuck you're saying
I suicide mine everytime to harvest it
In Total Annihilation (BAR is a remake/sequel) there were just two factions, Armada and Core. Supposedly, Armada has fancy specialization units where COR has more brutish approach. In reality ARM has just flavors of cheese and COR has the cool big boom stuff. There's a third faction coming called the Legion that can be enabled by host options, but it's pretty much playable and balanced, that is more about cheap spam or high cost beefy specialized units.

The thing about BAR is that the unit pool is big, and the sandbox lets you play in many ways or has an answer for any scenario. I don't think there's any hole in any tactic you want to use from either of the factions. Spies? infiltration? water, ambhibious, underwater, underwater walkers that come out shooting from the water, flying stuff, big fuck you units, fast raiding units, etc.

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Car, man
Anyone up for showing their modded reception ideas? Like a document with their key pages and cards ?
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New interview with the Director:
I have the files and documents from that one fag's mod from years ago. I doubt he's worked on it once since then
>Gurren Lagann
>Familiar of Zero
>Lucky Star
I'm kneeling

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