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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
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cont'd from >>1751303
>I forget where I heard it but apparently it's better to not stock hotels with anything and let tourists buy from restaurants and cafes, does anyone know the math as to why?
This depends on the ratings you can get for hotels and cafes/bars, and the idea is to maximize the average ratings of tourist vacations so you can get more of them with higher fees. Tourists give a rating for each need they fulfill, including staying at the hotel, but this rating is given by the building they satisfy the need at. If a tourist eats food and drinks alcohol at their hotel, then they will add the hotel's rating onto their trip score three times, or four if they also get meat. You could set up really nice hotels and have tourists eat and drink there to get the high rating multiple times, or you can have them stay in a crappy hotel and have them and others go to a restaurant for high food/meat ratings and to bars (or to an attraction type) for high alcohol ratings.

The really nice hotels require a good setup to get their highest ratings and they use a lot more workers per tourist than the lower rated hotels, which you can stick pretty much anywhere that isn't polluted and save the one nice spot in your republic for the highly rated attractions, restaurants, and bars. Either way, you'll have higher average vacation ratings, which will let you drive prices up more before you don't get enough tourists to fill your hotels.

I meant stations as places that citizens can get wait at and stops as entries in a vehicle's line/schedule.
>The attractions without a listed attraction type function just like normal service buildings do for citizens, but tourists will get a zero star rating for that portion of their trip and you cannot change the price they pay at them,
Sorry anons, I meant to say that tourists will not give a rating for normal service buildings and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
It's really not as crazy as people make it seem. Getting your initial construction industry set up isn't that complex even in cosmonaut mode. It's a fun payoff, but I tend to peter out once I get past the initial city.
>and you cannot change the price they pay at them, which is why attractions without an attraction type exist.
different anon and i haven't gone into attractions yet, but is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
I am not sure if you saw >>1751319
or >>1751315
but I will assume you did.

>is that a good thing that you aren't able to change the price they pay?
No. This means you cannot lower prices to raise the average trip score and get more tourists in, and you cannot raise prices to get more money if you have too many tourists wanting to enter. For citizens it doesn't matter because they do not pay money for any services (at least it is not simulated like that).

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>He gives his dorfs 2x1 bedrooms
Anyways how is your fort going?
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It would be nice if you could reroll dwarves in embark. Is there a mod that does this?
no, but you could always just
I wouldn't worry about it
just back out and reembark

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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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>is extremely genius and talented since childhood
>one of the prolific geniuses from a relic research group (90wish)
>masterminded the events and premises of the Girl's Frontline story, make an AI factory go rogue, alongside baiting his two ex-colleague to do his goals
>lead a cult army of advanced robots + corpse that have deep roots in the germany (or even the europe)
>took three games and thirty+ years to catch up with the atrocities this fucker made
>is the relic research director of URNC
>a siscon

if any, this one mad scientist is the only one capable of doing that shit
My big issue with Gears Tactics was forcing you to use named special snowflake characters instead of /yourdudes/ for main story missions, and they aren't allowed to die. Especially for the final boss where it's ONLY the special snowflakes which was hard because I had on purpose neglected to train one of them. At least with Reverse Collapse you go into it knowing the characters are static, Gears Tactics does a bait and switch.
It's not a TRPG, but yeah I considered playing it if I don't find anything.
Didn't play Gears, but Mutant Year Zero was bad, these XCOM clones miss the good parts of it, thinking that "it was good because it was simple" so they make it even more simple, which obviously doesn't work. And without any production value that firaxiscoms had.

I'll check out Gears Tactics, but I guess I'll have to play the oldcom in the end.
Finished Chapter 1. One thing bad about this game is that there's really no incentive to search for replay content before finishing the story, because it just makes the next chapter easier as you level up.
He's an unimpressive weapon's scientist. The suit he made Oleg was a complete dud, it's just an oversized piloted AA with emp hardening. Shrikes also kinda suck as a military force, killing cities can be done easier even if nukes don't exist in this setting (not sure if they do or not but the lack of nuclear war makes me think they aren't a thing). I'd rather have more tanks or thermobaric warheads. I'm with that one chap who was unimpressed in the files, a man eating monster isn't that useful. I also suspect making your own war dead into zombies is going to kill morale and cause problems next conscription cycle.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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Archer with infinite ammo is to prevent turtling (although the AI doing the same is really cheap)
As for throwing weapons not being infinite, it's mostly so melee enemies don't just turn into shitty archers carrying the equivalent of a double shot heavy crossbow.
Since when are manhunters lowborn? Can you recruit them for PM?
i love battle brothers and love tacticool scifi but I am afraid menace will be a disappointment
3 years in development and they havent released a single thing to showcase the game besides shitty trailers that tell you nothing about the game
I remember when they were making it a big thing about a "sci-fi" and they were going to stop supporting Battle Brothers and the player base lost their shit. So they said ok, we'll continue working on Battle Brothers and here we are now.

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Does the singleplayer campaign still hold up after all these years? I just realized I have RoC+TFT discs from more than 15 years ago yet haven't played the game except for a few matches at an internet cafe.
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in frozen throne you can train backpack from your starting building. while the units can carry items they cant use them. using a fast moving unit to buy from a goblin merchant/base store to carry to a hero really helps a lot
That's not what we are discussing.
>awakening of stormrage on hard
how tf did i beat this one as a teenager
i just built nothing but archers

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Being an aoe3fag truly is suffering
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I really don't see why Germany doesn't represent Prussia in AoE3's case.
no musketeer when it's the one fucking thing prussia was known for.
>muh colony
hasn't been true since you could play as native americans.
why suffering? we're getting new DLCs
This game had soul in it's own way. AoE 4 is soulless garbage.

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this is the thread
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this is more fun than Starcraft and AoE combined. Is it doomed by the rts genre alone, or is it niche because of it's still early development? BAR succeeded where Supreme Commander failed, so I hope to see it grow further beyond it's current scope. It feels way more approachable than it's predecessors, especially with the more reasonable scale, QoL controls, visual readibility.. and it being FREE.
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okay retard
i suggest you to watch this replay of people who actually know how to fucking play
both teams players get rushed in a 1v1, recover, and both of them later tech to t3. because they aren't imbeciles (like you)
I really hate the lobby system where it sets a password for you and shit. I wish it was more traditional.
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How 2 get good at this, I'm shit and enjoy playing bots and watching progames.
learn the economy buildings start for every map with wind/without and rush units like everybody else does or lose every single game
just ask for trans and com bomb every game

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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So a chad.
1960 Joseph Kennedy Jr. vs. Richard Milhouse Nixon.
I feel like Nixon would have had a better shot at being able to beat Joe Jr. than JFK. Joe Jr.'s stuff with Germany would have probably bit him in the ass in 1960.
Does Joe Jr. put in the effort to get MLK released from prison in 1960 like JFK did? If not there's a real chance of Nixon winning the black vote that year as King's father had publicly supported him before changing his mind after JFK intervened
>probably bit him in the ass
Wouldn't the fact that Joe Jr. being a war hero migrated that?
I don't think so.

Age of Empires 2
Why is black forest even on the 1v1 map pool, delete arena if that's going to be a thing
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Italians is very satisfying if you survive long enough to make the gen bows, Mamelukes might be better because of their high HP and mobility.
Why Tatars, their camels are nothing special and halbs only have 1 armor
Flaming camels are now available from the moment you first hit imp, from the siege workshop. Breaks down cav masses like nothing else.
I lost with Gen xbow to steppe lancers against a guy the other day. They're faster than knights and have +1 range which helped. Opponent went all in on them and was pretty effective ngl, reminded me of DE at launch before they nerfed them
shouldve made handcannoneers.
I always been based

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hopes are gumiho/hero, but my prediction is that it's all a toss-up. i know reynor is supposed to be good, but he sucks whenever it comes to GSL lmao.
reynor gumi
hero soo
>hoping for reynor
why? it would be hilarious if he failed to get past the first round for the 3rd or 4th time again.

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aka the GOAT ck2 total conversion
Any news on the ck3 port?
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>you must be an adult to contemplate your gender identity
heckin problematic
>I thought we could make his wife black or jewish, as a reference to that confederate anne frank meme
wife black would be good, jewish would be funny but too memey for such a prominent character. I'd love a pregnant confederate anne frank reference somewhere less visible though
>shriner inspiration for Orientalists as to whether there's something unique about Tampa
I looked it up, and Tampa is where the Shriners are headquartered. I'm kind of hesitant to move him now.
I'll activate the Clearwater barony in Tampa, and give that to a Scientologist for now, maybe to the Travolta character (Maybe named John Terl to reference his Battlefield Earth character).
>Yeah absolutely the imamite one
>Tom Cruise reference character
I think he'll be the replacement patrician for the Imamite one. I just want to come up with a less obvious name, so it's not such a direct reference.
Maybe combine him with one of his more famous movie characters, something like Tom Mitchell (Top Gun) or Ethan Cruise (Mission Impossible), etc.
Riverside makes the most sense for him imo, and like the above Tom Cruise character, he'll also need a less direct name.
>An Assassins type society to represent Sea Org
Damn, you're right, but I'm not sure how much work that'll take.
>some kind of system for auditing that ties into piety, and donations of gold for piety.
Definitely. Though for now, I think I'll just add some simple decisions for that and build upon it later.

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yeah true, maybe a black wife could work but I don't know
>Nice, can you upload the files somewhere so I can download and add them to Deposed?
I want to put I've been lurking through the original version of ATE and the discord to search for any other cut/censored content, it turns out that originally the HCC was split in two kingdoms instead of four, the two kingdoms were the kingdom of dixieland, which are now the kingdoms of Georgia and Tuskegee and the kingdom of Carolina which are now the kingdoms of Palmetto and Tar Heel, the main thing about this is that the kingdom of dixieland straight up used the original Second Confederate Navy Jack as flag and I'm not sure if we should restore the two kingdoms back or keep it to the 4 kingdoms
a compromise I thought about is that we could rename the kingdom of georgia to kingdom of dixieland and change its flag to the Second Confederate Navy Jack
>I forgot about that meme. That would be pretty hilarious, I'd be on board for that.
while it's very funny I'm not sure now, it does mess up the original lore in the same vein as making the Royalls black, maybe not as drastic but still
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oh by the way, the other changes I've done are:
>renamed House Bagley to House Venable, also changed their bloodline name and description
>renamed House Randolph to House Semmes, also changed their names back to their original ones
>House Cockrell-South was originally named house Rootes, so I renamed them
>made House Royall back to being white
>restored the Tonton Macoutes from Haiti
>restored the Knights of the Golden Circle (Fanfork renamed them to the Free Riders)
>restored Varg back into the ameronordic namelist
finally I found some things that were apparently removed but I can't find if they existed in the first place
>the name Goring/Goering was apparently in the Deitsch namelist, can't find anything about it in the files even as back as ATE 0.5
>something about Gitmo/Guantanamo Bay, it seems to still be in Fan Fork so I think it's just controversial and got axed in CK3, which who cares lol
also I've been working on my own edits of Sob o Anil, the south american spin off, anyone interested in checking it out?

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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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What is dystopian about Magnasanti?
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But enginecucks told me Unity is fine for strategy games.
It's a dystopia in the sense that when a competent government exerts control and the citizens obey without contest it creates a utopia.
This is a liberal nightmare, hence dystopia.
>75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever
I thought the limit for vehicles and pedestrians was 15,000.

You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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Because dumb faggots shilled their IDEA of the game based on bogus images
If it's any help, it's not as bad as Farthest Frontier, which got hyped to hell and back and then died within a week.
>ratings slipped again
Manuresisters....i dont feel so good...
>simply a perfect balance and polish with no bugs
retard all those things were promised.
kek I can imagine Robbie was doing contract work for this Slavic magic dude and he refused to pay for his shitty assets or something

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Is Caesar 3 still worth playing when it's the earliest game of the Impressions formula? Should I instead go straight to Emperor or one of the modern games like Nebuchad?
There's a mod that brings Caesar up to Pharaoh's level at least, although I haven't tried it out for myself.
It was great, for it's time.
>But it's time was 1998
Short answer, no. Play something newer.

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