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Do you believe Adean was able to defeat Agrados(Corin)?
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Imagine if Magisterium had an actually good MT.. it could be amazing. Why don't they prioritize it?
Because magic is boring and needs a rework.
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>try to play Naleni harpies
>Jadd and the command hyper blob at each other
>bianfag and baihon xinh also blob at each other
>raj collapses in 40 years
>yezel mora is a 3rd rank great power despite missing 2 innovations
i just want to raid and rape (reverse) its not fair why does this sphere of the world suck so bad
When I played them I killed Jadd and Hon Sai early on with war against the world and command died in their starting war lol
did the kobold mission changes make them feel worse to play? i kind of liked the split path of the old tree, maybe i just gotta get used to the new mechanics but idk

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I will be hosting a game of Shadow Empire on /vst/. All levels of experience are welcome, the game will be run without the DLC, please opt in to the open beta on Steam. Turns will be done via e-mail.
If you are interested, please post itt or e-mail the following preferences for planet generation:
>water or no water?
>alien life?
>hostile atmosphere?
>gravity and air pressure?
>tech level?
>city/army start number?
>story modules and epochs?
>starting council size?
>development speed?
It would be great to get a game going by the end of the weekend.

E-mail: SEPBEM (at) tutamail dot com
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does nationalizing the transport hub early on cause any problems for the private industry? i know nationalizing in general causes some unhappiness, and i think i want to keep scavenging private so the private industry gets credits to build more stuff and dont want to nationalize farms.
Yeah when you take over the taxis too soon your people won’t be able to UberEats. They get pissed about that.
The transport hub doesn't directly earn money for the private economy. Public worker wages end up in the private economy anyway so you shouldn't worry too much about nationalizing assets that you need, and you should always nationalize the transport hub because of how shitty it is. Regarding the recycler you will get more money into the private economy by nationalizing it, selling the rarecoin, and feeding the resulting credits back into the zone as public credit investment.
oh fug D:
thank you
>t. statist scum

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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

This week in history:
Feb 13th, 1861 – Italian unification: The Siege of Gaeta ends with the capitulation of the defending fortress, effectively bringing an end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Feb 13th, 1920 – The Negro National League is formed.
Feb 14th, 1349 – Several hundred Jews are burned to death by mobs while the remaining Jews are forcibly removed from Strasbourg.
Feb 14th, 1804 – Karađorđe leads the First Serbian Uprising against the Ottoman Empire.
Feb 14th, 1919 – The Polish–Soviet War begins.
Feb 15th, 438 – Byzantine emperor Theodosius II publishes the law codex Codex Theodosianus.
Feb 15th, 706 – Roman emperor Justinian II has his predecessors Leontios and Tiberios III publicly executed in the Hippodrome of Constantinople.
Feb 16th, 1804 – First Barbary War: Stephen Decatur leads a raid to burn the pirate-held frigate USS Philadelphia.

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wondering if there will be total war style meaningless rebellions every 5-10 years in "project caesar" too?
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as part of the 'gameplay loop' ??
>queue up
thats the gameplay loop

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Is it good yet? do you still get the same events over and over?
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>I just found this
Nigger, this is just common sense since the game came out. Part of the reason why Monasticism is so good choice for religion is because you don't have to cheat or do blatant Uriah set-ups, but just tell your kid to go fuck off into a monastery once he pops out a grandkid or two.
I am 100% certain the next big DLC will be China. The nomad government type is the necessary prelude to it, which will be the small DLC that comes right before. We're getting China in 2025. Screenshot this.
I think they will but I'd say give it a few years. They haven't done any India or African updates yet and I figure they'd at least give them something before they move onto map additions. I'd put my bets on 2028.
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>das rite, we wuz in baden
It's been half a year and they still haven't fixed the adventurer spam?
one of my favorite playstyles in ck3 is going intrigue, marrying my children to the 2nd or 3rd kingdom/empire inheritor in line (since AI dont value them as much as the 1st) and then just murdering the other AI children so that mine would be the one who's kids would inherit the whole thing. Anti blob playthrough with focus on renown, highly recommended.

last thread was semi-successful, let's see if there's enough momentum for another
contrarians and poorfags unite!
old >>1866472
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>CK3 events are made fundamentally*
>Furthemore, they don't consider events like cat-apult to be ahistorical or absurd*
To be honest, I don't believe that CK3 is *fundamentally* different from CK2. Even though the game is somewhat simplified in order to more easily achieve fantasy scenarios (which is a thing Paradox does since EU4), most of the core mechanics are still in place; it's not like they threw out the previous game in a trash bin and made something completely different that's worse almost in every way (like Vicky 3, or, in my opinion, EU4), it's they're just taking the game in a completely wrong direction, trying to prioritize "interesting" events over strategical elements (probably because they believe that typical modern PDX player is going to be bored stiff without some crazy stuff happening every time), and when people are complaining about the repetitiveness of events, their answer is to just add more events, which is further clutters the game. Also,
>the content would become practically invisible
I don't understand why this is bad. Having some extremely rare events will make a playthrough unique and create a certain sense of discovery.
I'd say that the largely simplified (and in many ways flanderized) strategic elements and overinflated focus on events as "roleplay" does make it a fundamentally different experience.
Let's take for example your average feudal count start. In CK2 you had a pretty decent chance at staying confined to your little country for a long while due to fabricate claim running on MTTH, which encouraged you to find other ways to expand and how the game works. In CK3 this not ever an issue, because fabricate claim is just progress bar that'll fill up in like a year or two - unifying the tutorial island from a count start just within a decade or so on a single character is piss-easy even if you've absolutely no idea what you're doing.
Or take a look at warfare, in CK2 there was already a bit of a problem with retinues, but in CK3 it became a self-caricature - levies (and vassals by extension) are absolutely useless, MAA and knights are king and break the game because AI has no idea and doesn't stack multipliers. The lifestyles, the genetics, artifacts, etc. - CK3 takes pretty much anything that by HF already had an issue of AI not being able to keep up, and makes it even more powerful and easy to achieve. They keep throwing more rewards and power at the player just for existing, each DLC gives even *more* things for player to snowball.
The core intent behind the game design in general has changed - they aren't trying to make a strategy here, they're making a vehicle for silly events and incest gigachad baby Norse-Somali God-Emperor power fantasy runs to post on youtube and reddit.
were those ass end parts of Alaska always feudal? I thought they were tribal
Whats the best fork of the When the World Stopped Making Sense mod ?

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Fuck that specific spot edition

Thread to discuss Graviteam tactics and Combat mission games and others like them.
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Lobbing shells at Britbongs with my stubby artilleryfu
Same here bro. I need to try the American side of these campaigns. They've had a fuck ton of field guns in this one.
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I didn't realize bodies from previous battles showed in in deployment. I've seen destroyed vehicles, terrain damage, and trenches before. Never bodies though. They should have worn their helmets
Sound like a seething grav tranny to me
yeah its a neat feature for sure

It's a neat game on the operational level without hexes, has detailed OOBs and equipment/crew autism aswell
>Its core game(3 missions on the battle of bulge timeframe 1 tutorial)is free on steam with workshop support
I just got into a couple weeks ago and it's great. The free BIE scenarios on the workshop are awesome.
I bought both the Greece campaign and the Market garden campaign and even though they're pricey the DLCs are high quality
This game is really fun would recommend. I like how your orders are delayed and wish more games would do that.
You should check out Flashpoint campaigns: Southern storm... similar concept but cold war gone hot... and a lot less autism than Command ops 2... that may be a positive or negative to you
This looks right up my alley, thanks. WEGO is my favorite type of turn based.
Yeah its great, also top tier menu music

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Stand up against the nu-dev that forbids all fun, anon!

https://gofile.io/d/Z2NBUb - Zip of charts for Bormann, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Egypt, France, Japan, Kaukasien, Mexico, Norway, Palestine, Turkey and many more reworks that'll never release!
https://files.catbox.moe/j8tp21.pdf - December roundtable notes. Germany and Brazil never.
https://files.catbox.moe/c5pdqt.png - Japan rework. OTL PMs only, please.
https://files.catbox.moe/xlhrjj.pdf - Sweden proposal. Dev STILL lurking in the thread, will respond to every comment about it.
https://files.catbox.moe/ycctp0.png - Sweden flowchart. We lost Pakt Sweden for this OTL-fest.
https://files.catbox.moe/uq883w.pdf - Brazil-Argentina war design doc.
https://files.catbox.moe/l70qhw.pdf - Burgundian Eulogy: Burgundy 2 was real but got scrapped like everything else.
https://files.catbox.moe/zff5y4.pdf - Serov "facelift" document. The first leg in the now confirmed Komi rework.
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. Over two years in dev hell, still no release date.
https://files.catbox.moe/48jovf.png - Kingdom of Montenegro flowchart.
https://files.catbox.moe/xfzdpv.png - Croatia flowchart #1.
https://files.catbox.moe/n2227q.png - Croatia flowchart #2.
https://files.catbox.moe/8oi80v.png - Old Bulgaria. You were robbed of Bulgaroslavia, anon.

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Do ypu know what puppets Wagner gets from German lands?
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Blessed yugo, as long as Manchuria comes out I’ll be happy, it seems to be the only good thing in the links.
I guess Ukraine war buckbroke them into thinking denazification is bad or something
Something that bothers me about 2WRW splitting off from the main mod is whether or not the good content from the original mod would be integrated. I want Manchukuo content because I like Manchukuo, and I personally really like the map rework (inb4 muh bloat, muh too many VPs, etc.) Couldn't care less for Oinkraine or Mexico which are just sad excuses for Mango to shit out nothing ever happens slop. I just want the fun stuff in base TNO added to 2WRW
The original plan in the old Panzer era was Wagner giving west Russia to Moskowien but they then decided to just rework the tag... In 2021.

Yugo is on their team, isn't he? We already know that they plan on porting content that doesn't break their mod so Manchuria isn't an issue.

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Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.

CTS: campaigntrailshowcase.com/campaign-trail/index.html

NCT: newcampaigntrail.com/campaign-trail/index.html
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For Want of a Nail shit is always cool to see.
Why are people fixated on George Wallace, Nelson Rockefeller, Jerry Brown, and George Romney?
Where the FUCK is 2024?
It's almost march.
2024 never ever

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So we can all agree that this is the best Civ game, and maybe even best 4x game of all time right?
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Civ 5 base was super, super barebones. Also, units were flimsy with only 10 HP. Barbarians could one shot you. The first expansion fixed the combat hugely.
Seeing the absolute shitshow that was VII made me remember the thousands of hours I spent playing this game a decade ago, and I'm currently reinstalling it after years.
Aside from vox populi, what other mods do you recommend? Back in the day mods adding future techs, additional buildings and bigger map sizes were a must for my games.
I have not tried it myself, but there's a mod called Sapiens. It's supposed be on Vox Populi's level, but Sapiens is less shy about introducing mechanics that the AI can't handle.
what the FUCK
VI's AI is super passive and boring. They simply do not declare war after Classical, no matter how angry you make them and how weak your military is. They just keep denouncing you and making demands. And when you war on them they don't tend to put up much of a fight.
Religion is bad in VI. They needlessly tried to flesh it out into its own victory condition but they half-assed it, it's just a minigame that has no relevance to the rest of the game and religious combat is just extremely simplistic and unfun military combat.
There are a few cases where districts enrich the game for practical reasons, such as Harbors, Encampments, Airstrips, Canals etc. Putting Wonders in their own tiles with specific terrain requirements is cool because it makes it so the AI can't just snatch up every single wonder in any city. Beyond that, putting science gold culture etc. buildings in districts is dumb and pointless and pushes the game more in the direction of a city sim game than a 4X game.
Road building is fun and automating it was stupid.
The loyalty system isn't all bad but they went too far with it, making it so everyone has to expand in boring homogenous bubbles.
The world congress or whatever it's called is boring and low-impact compared to its counterpart in V and it makes no sense why it starts in the Ancient era
They turned culture into just another tech tree. Wowie so much fun.
Generally they game feels designed with the philosophy that more complexity = more fun. The game just feels overly complicated without a ton of depth. Where V is comparatively simple mechanically yet I still find new things after so many years of playing.
Shit board game aesthetic
Shit modability

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>Total War: Star Wars refers to a rumored upcoming video game, reportedly being developed by Creative Assembly, which would combine the "Total War" strategy gameplay with the Star Wars universe, potentially allowing players to command large-scale battles across different factions within the Star Wars galaxy.
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How did they get the licence?
They can't do world war 2 but they can do fucking star wars, this is going to be complete shit
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CA openly said that setting of their future Total War is inherently so dark and brutal, they can't justify making blood and gore separate dlc for it in particular. Star Wars Total War was never real. Assuming that literally who consolefag journo wasn't simply outright lying, his source who "reportedly" leaked TW:SW in best case scenario mistook Cadians for Endor Rebels, Sentinels for AT-ST and Power Swords for Lightsabers.
ah yes, the setting which has ground battles well suited to the TW formula. I can't wait for the x-wings to be totally ineffectual flying units and darth vader soloing armies.

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katowice soo-ACK!
It's over
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I've never had a valentine my whole life. My mom got me some chocolate doe
Just lose weight bro It's not that hard
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at least i didnt waste my day playing sc2. makes up for the fact im a KHHV.
>that shirt
she knows

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Last thread >>1937875
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and P to preview, it's useful sometimes
But it's a route with no future. The lesbians will die without men to sire their children.
The Quran is clear on this, men and women must work together.
not a problem. there is cloning tech
None of that gives +250 Infamy for fucking men.
It should be negative, yes.

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>dude demons are coming you must flee to cumlimdor
>we will be safe from the demons there?
>no they will follow you
>then why not make our stand here where we have our castles and armies?
>the green dudes who tried to genocide you last two games will help out
>plus elves
>we already have elves in Lordaeron
>these are feminist elves with a magic tree
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They didn't have any wisps to cast Detonate on him in the Eastern Kingdoms.
Yeah. Was disappointed by how lazy it was, just reusing maps from the original campaign.
Which one are you talking about?
If a crow flies into your throne room and turns into a wizard who tells you to leave before you all die, you should listen to him.

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last thread died
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So Mono-Tilapi Ethnostate makes me happy.
So if I set the radius to 1%, they will go no further than 1% of the map away...right?
Can a mono-race town do good or is multi-culturalism the fate of every good town?
I love Songs of Syx as a concept. I'm not sure I love it as an execution.
OKAY, can soemone tell me if serial killers can be detected practically or of it's just a guess?

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