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So we can all agree that this is the best Civ game, and maybe even best 4x game of all time right?
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>Winter is the narwhal, it's coming when he bacons.
Civ 5 style Spain is apparently making a comeback in Civ 7
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If you don't like anime maybe you shouldn't be on an anime website :^)
Popura is so cute
The problem with 6 is that it's too damn easy, deity or not. You need a mod to make it remotely challenging.

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DLC coming in 3 weeks, how are you growing your factory today?
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Throw it off the side into space.

Throw it into space, recycling is gay.
>get to Gleba
>didn't bring any resources
>my space platform has been smashed by asteroids
>want to go back home to prepare better
>kill myself
>respawn on Gleba
Oh no
check your autosaves
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Void that shit. Fulgora is all about getting rid of anything you have too much of so you can get the actual stuff you want. The ore patches being tens of millions should clue you into how the devs didn't want you to worry about running out. By the time you get big miners your scrap pipes will last hundreds of hours.
Enjoy your throughput limit on landing pads lol

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Victoria II player trying to maybe learn Vicky 3, after playing it at launch and hating it for the economy micro. Does anyone have any guidance as to how many "infrastructure" buildings I should build, by which I mean things like barracks, conscription centres, universities, and government administrations? In Vicky 2 you just promoted the relevant POP types to the ideal numbers (1% bureaucrats, 2–4% clergy, 5 soldiers), but here I don't know what I should be aiming for.
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I'm probably going to wait a couple of days before trying the new patch because playing without better politics just feels wrong
I can give or take the IG changes, they're good but not anywhere near a necessity to me. But making law passage into an actual mechanic instead of a shit series of coinflips is such a massive improvement that going back to vanilla feels terrible in comparison. I can't believe Paradox hasn't even talked about improving how it works in vanilla.
it at least has changing city names
thats something
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Video is up
they put all this effort into pajeet flavour that no one is going to play

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Last thread hit bump limit a while ago. Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.

CTS: campaigntrailshowcase.com/campaign-trail/index.html

NCT: newcampaigntrail.com/campaign-trail/index.html
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The only mod idea I've ever had was a CYOA mod about LBJ's second term and the 1968 election, an idea I'm absolutely positive plenty of people have had. Plus, I can't code and I doubt I know enough about the '68 election to actually make a competently written mod.
We should make W. but it's about Al Gore instead.
Ah yes, the man who ignored two disasters in the Midwest by going on maternity leave is a sure winner.
It would be Washington by the sheer virtue of how popular a unifying figure he was, nobody else would even attempt to contest it. You may be able to try and do something related to when he passes away about who is the heir to the throne since he had no children, but anything about who would be given the Crown of King of America isn't debatable.
The Pat Buchanan sweep

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>least hyped Stellaris DLC in recent memory.
>No one seems to be excited for it.
>Is it really that bad?
>Couple of thousand views on Youtube for recent developer diaries about it.

Adds a cool origin, interesting storm mechanics, and some unique civics.

What are your thoughts about it?
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This game is so fucking garbage. Paradox really suffers from having a monopoly on strategy games. Has let them be lazy fucks pumping mediocre shit for years. I hope one day they somehow lose all their money and are forced to make a good game. Maybe that game will be Stellaris 2.
Can a regular crisis still trigger after taking the Galactic Nemesis perk?
yes, there can be both an EGC and a player crisis at the same time
it wouldn't have helped because dark matter deposits use research stations instead of mining stations anyways and the game doesn't like to overlap the two
I learned in a recent game that everyone hates you for indiscriminate bombing, even genocidal empires. Then again, they opinions cease to matter after you absorb a couple of empires, so it's not a big deal unless you suddenly want to pivot from conquest to diplomacy

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Was it any good? Did it revive the grand strategy genre like it was supposed to? Looks pretty movie to me personally.
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>Most infuriatingly, there’s one where nine waves of enemies spawn and attack from all directions, and you instantly fail if you lose control of a single one of the seven nests you have to defend – so many that it’s impossible to upgrade them all with effective defenses. That last wave is a doozy, too, which meant I had to replay it from the start multiple times just to overcome the final challenging moments where they come in large enough numbers to be a threat.

just finished the game with all missions, this guy is literally retarded. you click your legions and select the matching color enemy legion, its a literal fisher price mission. id give it a 6-7.5 depending on how much you like bugs and your tolerance for baby gameplay. anyways eu is still better

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>be told the dlc doesnt fuck around
>be told the clowns will fuck me up
>see bitching about the clowns on steam forums
>the clowns are actually easy as fuck
Honestly the only hard missions are the story mission with just Bianca and Alisa and the absolute bullshit that is Crow's Ruin

Also do any anons have a good White Knight Alisa build? That class seems a lot weaker than barbarian warrior
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You don't need to be behind cover, you just need to be against full cover. Press V to see enemy sight ranges then stand against the closest wall that isn't red (the lazy way is to look for flanking icons against walls and stand against the first full cover icon).
It's a little bit fiddly but doesn't take too long to get used to it, and in return you get an unblockable, unavoidable shot and borderline invincibility since enemies won't deliberately look for invisible units.
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this is good right? or its just another cosmetic slot?
Equipment board just means you can preset a loadout to switch between so you dont have to spend time re equiping stuff if you have a setup going. That's lategame stuff you dont need to worry about
oh i thought it was an actual equipment slot lmao well thx for the clarification
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Alisa needs quite a bit of foreplay to get going. It's stupid to just throw her at bosses at full hp,she needs to get damaged by whatever random mooks litter the map before doing anything first. If even those can oneshot her before FR, you're doing something wrong.
That, or you can slot in impulse fields or get glittering shock absorber and just not care at all

Britain going communist just feels so fucking stupid
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The way they divided Italy bothers me way more
its not that insane. Britian was the most industrialized country on the planet in the 19th century, if you were a betting man in 1850 and had to pick which of the great powers would go communist, Britian would be higher on the rankings than Russia.
I would prefer fascist Britain with france taking Germany's role with the cold war being between democratic russia and fascist british empire trying to hold on to its colonies
There was real fear of violent revolution in Britain after in aftermath of what happened in Russia. How well founded those fears were is a matter of debate, but a lot of British politicians and elites were seriously spooked that industrial workers and WW1 veterans would join together in executing the upper classes.
>industrial workers and WW1 veterans would join together in executing the upper classes.
It was the Jews that did this in Russia, because they were assblasted about the Pale of Settlement. They had already controlled Britain since they created the Bank of England hundreds of years ago, so there was never any need for them to pull a communist coup there.

Cataclysm was the last good homeworld game.
Incorrect. Homeworld was never good.
Actually, RTS as a genre was garbage from the start.
HW1 was.
im too retarded to make it work on win10 even after i followed that one guide. it'd be nice to play it even if i did have the story spoiled.

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Hello, and welcome to another week of fun unveiling of the map of Project Casar. In this week’s Tinto Maps we will be taking a look at South East Asia, so without further ado let’s get started.

Quite a variety of countries in the area. The regional power in the decades before 1337 was the Khmer Empire, although at this point they are already in decline and have lost much of their previous hegemony. On the west, the fall of the Burmese Pagan Kingdom and the following Mongol invasions gave rise to the disunited kingdoms of Pinya, Sagaing, Prome, and Toungoo, while in the south the Mon kingdom of Hanthawaddy (also known as Pegu) also split apart. On the center, the decline of the old Lavo Kingdom and its subjugation to the Khmer gave way to the emergence of the Kingdom of Sukhothai when Khmer started its decline too, and Sukhothai is emerging as the dominant Thai kingdom in the area. However, Ayodhya is already gestating the rise of another great kingdom, as King Ramathibodi, the founder of the Ayutthaya Kingdom is already poised to gain power in the region. On the east coast, the Kingdom of Đại Việt is under the orbit of the Yuán, with constant conflict with the southern Hindu kingdom of Champa.
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This looks fucking bad. Even AI slop would be better.
A lot of cool stuff, but I am curious about the culture dominance here
Can cultures merge and change characteristics? If I play as Isle of Man and I take certain portugese islands, will the islands eventually with time become Portugese-Highlander?
Would be much more interesting than them just becoming my primary culture
No, they are mostly static. I bet that they will make a dlc focused on making culture and language formation more dynamic though.
No one wants your AI garbage
>Ck3 succeeded
fuck off, ck3 bobbleheads look like shit

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You already have enough score for the month. Why not sit back and watch the geoscape spin for a little while?


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Piratez is really fun, thanks for the suggestions anon
Playing xpiratez with Grey codex and gals, I feel like I have plenty of money and it's month 6 of the first year. When should I build a second base and what should that base focus on? I have access to zeppelins so I was thinking about doing a radar coverage base.
Usual time for second base is either if you run out of space in your first base or you have money you don't know how to spend otherwise.
If you're not going for plantation bases the second base should probably just focus on production and making more money.
I build my second base as soon as I'm close to being able to equip a ground interceptor (usually means ship junkyard contact) and have it be my training base for lokknars and peasants. You get a ton of infamy from intercepting ground traffic in two continents and lokknar get free training missions by hitting up wrecks at night
Bases can make money rather than cost it so you should spam 8 plantation as fast as you can and specialize them as needed.

nu-games workshop interferes with game balance due to "lore" so it will never happen, sorry. Buy more plastic minifigures instead, thats the only thing they care about

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This is the Jailer, the smartest villain in the history of the Real Time Strategy genre. All of the events of Warcraft 1, 2, 3 and WoW happened EXACTLY according to his design, and he was the well-foreshadowed mastermind of the DECADES worth of games.
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The J'lor made me fail English.
Zovaal the Jailer was like Kargath Bladefist a retarded brute whose power was used by Dreadlords when they had already made the most out of better villains like Gul'dan and Mannoroth and similarly to his adoptive brother Ner'zhul he found a willing servant who eventually betrayed him because due to woke equality Sylvanas should be a female Arthas after she was already done as female Garrosh and female Baron Rivendare
>Warcraft 4 that, let be honest, likely will never be made
That's an understatement, whole genre is dead and buried at this point.
dude's doing goatse with his ribs
>dead and buried at this point
Almost but you see many recent games like StarCraft II Age of Empires 4 Halo Wars and Dawn of War 3 continuing to represent the declining RTS genre. Also MOBA Total War King's Bounty 2 and Civilization VI are closely related genres. There were many attempts to remaster old games such as Tiberian Dawn WarCraft 3 Reforged Age of Mythology and Rome even though they all failed.

Has anyone tried this game out yet? What did you think of it?
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I always felt the AI in Old world was very fair and challenging. But nothing crazy where I wanted to rage quit. So of the War I had going on felt intense compared other 4X games.
>My main issue with the game is that the city building is basically a static puzzle.
yeah, i don't like it too
desu there is too much shit and i hate building spam
AI uses forced march a lot, you should too whenever you got Training to burn.
I hate how short and fast it is.
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New update just dropped.
>More kids: Increased chances for leaders to have children
>Permanent improvements: Shrines, Slums, and Estates are now permanent improvements
>AI improvements


need a brewery runner /vst/
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This shit is legit like drinking chocolate milk to me
It's dangerous
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respectable but I prefer carolan's
Thanks, I will try it.
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There he is, bumpfag showed up

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