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>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%
>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous
>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4


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>They will make a GSG based on GoT
You mean like the stellaris mod gone game release of star trek? Yeah groundbreaking stuff. I can see them doing a reskin based on the mods and calling it their own again.
good, they can either fix their shit or die, both work for me
They're not exactly swimming in it, but they got a solid base to work from. Even if five games is a lot, and spreads the dev team a bit too thin.
>still profitable after writing off $20,000,000 in a single quarter
>"dire straits"
Don't know why they aren't going into the fantasy genre desu. Look at Total War, Warhammer is a massive fucking success.

Stellaris is basically already fantasy. Why aren't they giving us something for all the peopl who thirst for more?

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You dont let Elfs and Goblins move into your fortress, do you?
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I keep wanting to fuck around with modanon's mods, and I've already played a lot with them in the old version, but he's still releasing updates. So I either play the outdated mod, or play the new version while also experiencing cbt.
"racism (including fantasy racism) is not tolerated..."
what a bunch of limpdick wankers.
Lads, just make the leap to Songs of Syx already.
Completely different type of game; while good, it's a substitute not a replacement.
Just play 0.47.5 and continue forcing elves to fight monsters to the death naked for your citizens' entertainment.
i tried 3 times but each time in mid game theres a spike in research cost that slows the game down to a crawl with absolutely nothing changing for hours and i just drop it
is steam adventure mode good yet?

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catholic clergy in ck2
>every church in your realm belongs to various bishops
>this makes it practically impossible to sway literally every single one of them
>if they like the pope more than you, all their troops and gold goes to him, rather than you
>this ensures that to very broadly raise your opinion with the clergy, and get their allegiance, you have to lead a pious life and closely follow the tenets of Christianity
>you have to be a lot more subservient to the various bishops due to the general need for support among them and since they also share some "church's view" opinions
catholic clergy in ck3
>lmao just sway the 1 (one) bishop in your realm that owns all the churches
how the fuck did they drop the ball so fucking hard
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saw some normie during my uni lecture fail to hastein into wessex, just being utterly retarded throughout
any time i cannot fathom how someone on reddit can be so stupid, i just imagine him being that guy
>HIP - Expanded Trade
is it any better than medieval trade routes?
They're different mods for different maps so neither is better since expanded trade only works for the HIP map and MTR only works for vanilla maps, or at least maps that don't make changes to the vanilla provinces.
>MTR only works for vanilla maps
i meant the hip version
Oh my god, this retard again. Buy a fucking dictionary.

Some mysteries solve themselves.

Is it still the best 4x experience out there?
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personally my crack is civ iv bts, if it didn't crash due to not being multicore then it'd be 10/10
Also, by the mid game you can build the public works project which gives you a flat plus one happiness in the city and lowers the individual yield requirements by one. At some point you very likely have to weave in building a few of these, depending on the situation in each city. Over all it's a cool mechanic which enables both shallow and deep engagement, but the downside is that you can't really see the global values or averages that set the bar, so sometimes you can be met with huge happiness spikes seemingly out of no-where. But this is mitigated by making falling below 50% happiness far less initially impactful. It's truly worrisome only below 20% or 30%.

For all of the seemingly extra yields that you get from sources other than the turn ticks, they've added an average yield indicated onto the top bar. You can use that you more or less get your actual, for example, culture yields per turn by adding the ones from the cities (that is the regular indicator) to the one on the averages' tooltip. It's a bit impreciece, but it's accurate enough for estimated the turns for a policy unlock, for example.
it's not even that civ vi is a better game
it's that civ v is the most fucking braindead over simplified piece of shit for retards and pretending it's good is the most retarded thing ever
hexes are great, turn based games were getting too simple with squares

Share builds, self challenges, pets, robots, whatever.

Also, Anne my beloved.
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Starlight Junction my beloved
I usually navigate around the side first, back to the map edge and all that
I remember getting fucked up hard in Starlight Junction the first times around, but managed to beat it pretty well on my second playthrough of the game.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't as proficient in video games as I am... hopefully Banished Children will bring a challenge like Crimson Crow and WLBW did.
Mert is the only one left. Irene got one shotted, Albus got countered with the accessory that lets me survive a death,Jane got one shot,Giselle got fucked by the guys who have distortion field
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I DID IT! I got the Twinkle Jack boxing gloves and some pretty cool masteries.Anything to look out for from the list?
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>4 hours 14
Well done Anon. Pretty much all of Twinkle Jack's items are useful at that point.
>anything to look out for
Shandian has some nice Wind masteries that make a set an anon mentioned earlier, called Second Wind. It's a really strong defensive mastery set for Albus. In terms of items, I think the best one on that map is the Glittering Shock Absorber from Twinkle Jack. It's a gear item that gives you 3 uses of Impulse Fields per map.

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Once again, 4chan's output is greater than that of the actual TNO team by releasing literally anything over the past month.

Current(ish) leaks:
https://files.catbox.moe/mnyk0n.pdf - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160 pages, can you finish it by the time the next rework drops?
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.
(These are actually the old leaks but the only thing posted in the last thread was years old - step up your game, dev lurkers!)

In loving memory of Burma Anon.
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Like this anon said it had to be reworked. There have been many other issues as well that weren't foreseen at the time. Mexico is happening now because everything else is a disaster.
why dosent the TNO team just tell us that then? no poiny hyping something that's not going to come out
They want all their updates to release and believe that they will. It's a common problem. Do you think Corn for instance understands that none of his dozens of Russia rework will be finished? No he believes they'll release and that people will thank him for making [TAG] more realistic in soon+2 weeks.
do they really believe they can release them? i feel like they're being dishonest, if they do believe they can they're being dishonest to themselves
Probably just high on their own supply. No sane person wastes years on something knowing it will never release.
>then y r u on the team anon
Because the one particular thing I'm working on is totally the one releasing soon and I'm not guilty of the same fallacy even thought I should know better.

Can someone help me with updated stats? When I started playing this game shortly after release I got good at division design and naval comp and other elements.
Now with updates and dlc I'm bad at it. I can't into design stats for divisions, tanks, ships, and planes.
Also general vanilla Livers of Tungsten thread
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Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. You're a true hero
>"good" ai in the game design sense doesn't just mean the Ai is smart and makes all the correct decisions, but rather that it's designed in such a way that it encourages the player to use all the mechanics available to overcome it

100%. I wish more people would play battlebrothers, the AI in that game is extremely good but also themathic
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>the power fantasy is the purpose of these games
I disagree. WA is much more fun than vanilla, and if power fantasy was what people cared about they'd play with cheats which is just boring.
>because the AI is super shit at using navy
Unironically how would you fix navy?
How do you get that out of what I said?
The whole balanced for multiplayer meme started with stellaris afterall and spread out to their other games.

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Give me that Dragonhawk tuah.

post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
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Unremarkable just means not worthy to be remarked upon, either in a positive or nagative light.
So yes. Ordinary. Average.
They do for me still.
Anon. the dev is ESL--he sounds Nordic to be precise. So his use of certain english words aren't going to be the most suitable.
game good question mark

Don't believe me? See >>1806946

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It's happening
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>SSsethTzeentach negotiates with Frost Giant to be a whore, and making a Youtube video of "how good" this souless game is
You would accept the shitty Guts Sci Fi cosplayer unit and you will like it.
Infernals. Spamming orges.
I'm convinced stormgate is just a humiliation ritual at this point
following the stormgate development and marketing for even a short length of time does actually feel like reading a kiwifarms lolcow thread.
i'd feel like i was stuck in a personal hell if i was an employee of this company, was passionate about rts games, and thought i'd be working on the next starcraft.
but then again, at least on reddit and especially youtube, there seem to be enough normalniggers hyping the game up so maybe it'll actually be really successful and 4chins is wrong again. let's not forget that tor"tanic" is close to reaching 15 years of being online and it most likely made billions

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Build trains
talk about trains
appreciate trains

Also, how tf do I optimize this station better? It's a major bottleneck on my network but idk what I can do. It's already huge, my only idea is to try to squeeze 4 more platforms in.
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Nvm fixed, don't even know how but I managed it.
that’s just the host, simutrans-extended is actually british
RT3 was released in 2003 and had way more superior cargo/economic system
why openttd/simutrans can't implement something similar?
I only played RT2 back in the day and I loved it. What did RT3 do?
What industry sets does everyone like to play with, if any? Anything that's not FIRS/ECS/YETI?

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Why yes, I do enjoy getting maximum glamour from my missions. How could you tell?
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all you'd really need is some way to limit visibility of research topics and linked articles. for example you can't view a topic if you have less than 30% of its pre-requisites, and you can only see all the pre-requisites if you have more than 50% of them.
but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics, for example, from scratch they're reading textbooks and tinkering with shit to figure it out themselves. that's why the research costs are on the order of days-to-weeks for brainer teams rather than months-to-years. consider the other anon's example of car thieves. the car thieves will sell to anybody with cash to buy and trustworthyness to not rat them out to megapol, but you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
>but the brainers *are* mass copying from their surroundings. they aren't reinventing electronics
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. On one hand they find some electronics and just ask the merchants how soldering works, on the other hand they manually climb from black powder weapons to modern/futuristic firearms, even though that can easily be skipped with some second hand knowledge and modern materials.
>you first need to find out that car thieves exist and get somebody to give you their space-phone number.
Explain how Rank makes any of that happen.
Rank is an abstraction of the pirate queen's notoriety and criminal reputation
Reaver's Harmony mod does this, albiet on a much smaller scale. Most research topics you do unlocks a ufopedia brief on the next topic that has a "difficulty" rating and some flavor text describing what it will unlock.

Of course, Reaver is much, much smaller scale than Piratez and is less complex but the precedent exisfs.

What games are most similar to this?
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Ughh I don't recommend the first one.
play custom campaigns downloaded from hive workshop, specifically Tomoraider's campaigns and the Book of Arkain series. you wont regret ti. Blizzard tier quality.
Godsworn is slavic/latvian wIII clone with slight aom influences.
there is a lotr:war of the ring copycat
I have been checking these out with battle aces too

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Have there actually been any good RTS games that came out this year? I can't think of any
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there was, uhhhhh... that game with league of legends tier graphics that's being shilled as SC2's second coming
>Any recommendations? Gates of hell looks cool
dunno, maybe try some of the classics?
-C&C's entire franchise is on steam, you can also pirate them if you don't want to give your money to EA
-Company of Heroes 1 and it's expacs for WW2 kino
-Starcraft 1 & 2 (pirate these, don't give money to blizzard)
-Age of Mythology and experience one of (if not) the greatest RTS campaign, ever
-LOTR Battle for Middle Earth 1 and 2, but you can only get these via pirating
-The Settlers, if you want something more slow paced (once again, pirate them since Ubisoft deserves nothing but contempt)
>Gates of hell looks cool
As much as I enjoyed the Men of War games all the way back to Soldiers, I can't seem to like GOH. They kind of increased the realism, but at the same time you pretty much have to kill everything thrown you way and there's a lot of tedium to it. Similar to Blitzkrieg games, scouting and hammering things from stand off distance seems the way to go most of the time. Then there's the dynamic campaign which early on is just lame skirmishes. Also, the game tends to run like ass even of beefy hardware and I had to lower some details to avoid crashes, they still happen sometimes - game seems to be really memory hungry.
Personally I've given up on new games, Whatever there is on the horizon seems to just be remakes of classic titles with zero innovation.
Go over to Moddb and get some standalone mods for TibSun. I know people on here like to shit on stuff like Twisted Insurrection, but despite the absolute ass difficulty of the first few missions, I think the story is kind of cool and the graphics and music provide a cool atmosphere. Another one I like is Warzone, which just adds some units and sprites, but it has a completely different vibe thanks to the music and reshade used and the destruction and particles have been cranked to 11. IDK you might like it, for me it's refreshing to play an RTS made with a mindset from before Starcraft homogenized the genre. You can also just play standard TibSun - it's free. Some other stuff I played and enjoyed recently:
>Cultures series
basically Viking Settlers with more autism and a focus on the story, very comfy (it's on GOG, so buy there of argh it)
more wood needed! also on GOG
>Age of Empires 2 HD
pirate this, ignore the enhanced edition, don't give Microcucks any money, get mods
Um we got a HoI4 DLC, a Victoria 3 expansion, a Stellaris DLC, and TWO CK3 expansions. What more could you want? Paradox games are the zenith of strategy games combining every sub genre into incredibly complex world simulators. If you can't see that we are actual in the GOLDEN AGE of strategy games then that's on YOU.
>the GOLDEN AGE of strategy games
>mentions Paradox's shitty practice of making dlc, that sooner and later everyone will get tired of it
Stormgate will be launching next week
Gates of Pyre will also be launched most lkely by eoy

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Wake up anon, new space lab nerf just dropped.
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>He updates his game
>Rather than sticking to the build he likes
Lmao, even

You still need the good ol' "double-tap" fleet, where the 2nd one attacks 30 seconds later.

I don't think the devs even see this as a problem in the first place
>"double-tap" fleet
Wasn't that changed when they added the mechanic where you would get partial pursuit if you threw a higher TWR but lower dV swarm at enemies?
I remember I briefly tried playing after some update and being on cooldown didn't lock ayy fleets into combat when you followed up with a second fleet.
Nah, it's still double tap
Wanna hear a better one? It's still possible to land marines into alien installations without having to fight anything at all, which means you can build zero armor, zero weapons ships with non-existing turn-rate and then just sling them at full throttle to nearest citadel you want to destroy without firing a shot.
At this point, I don't believe it's a bug, but a deliberate feature.
Two main strategies for the space fight:
>tech turtle
You sit on your ass and play nice with the aliens until you consolidate power on earth, have space infrastructure and stockpiles of resources ready to go and the tech to defend it, along with the tech to make ships matching the aliens.
You can nibble at them in the meantime to stop armies landing, earth spy missions etc, just dont piss them off too much.
Then you suddenly build 50 ships and go total war
or you can
>hyper aggro murder death kill attrition warfare
Not much to explain here, this strat NEEDS to be started early in the game.
You basically get space infrastructure going asap, get tech for grid drives(unless they got nerfed idk) and just spam shitty tincans loaded down with missiles and send them off to kill the aliens
The alien ships are much superior, but they are expensive to build and early on the ayys dont have anywhere to build them at for the most part.
While your ships are cheap as dirt, very fast to make and effective at killing small numbers of ayys when outnumbering them.
So you throw fights like 7-1 vs ayys, lose 6 ships, but its still a net positive trade because you replace these in 30 days and the ayys just cant replace them at all if you do it right.

If you are arleady in the midgame and are doing none of the above? Consolidate around your key planets and just defend like hell and rush better tech. Make sure you have resources and defend them well it will be a slog
Thank you anon.
I tried corvette spam but with lasers and it really doesn't work, I'll try rockets next I guess. I've consolidated most of earth but don't have enough space resources to afford a fleet of huge ships, especially since I lost half my fleet on a failed assault on ceres.

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