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post bannerlord bugs and why you hate bannerlord
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Vlandians are scary to fight. i'll go as far to say that they're the hardest to fight against if they chose to advance slowly.
>they spread out their crossbowmen
>shieldwall advance with infantry
>charge infantry and cav while their crossbowmen shower you with bolts
>if you manage to beat the first infantry and cav wave, the crossbowmen retreat and shower you again while the new wave is keeping you busy
i found the best way to deal with them is to have archers advance on the crossbowmen and kill them off first.
and i still sustain decent casualties
How's realm of thrones nowadays? Is it fun? interesting to play for a Asoiaf enjoyer? Are there questlines?
I found that talking to Unthery about the Battle of Pendraic is a decent primer about them; hit Vlandian ranged divisions with your heavy cavalry to get them to fuck off. His implication that cataphracts don't feel crossbows isn't accurate but cavalry can pretty much bully them; worst is later when Vlandians blob most of Battania, and Vlandian armies are like 1/3 Battanian, the fians mixed with the crossbowmen can be tough and the twohanders of the fians can be a danger to your cavalry attacks on them.
Your point of reinforcement waves is dangerous with Vlandia given their heavy-cavalry centric strategy; even after a major rout of their first-line cavalry and infantry, their crossbowment can hold a skirmish line enough to make their opponents tired for the second wave. Vlandians are basically Warband era Calradians, if you have a ranged weapon sit on a hill, if you don't, F1-F3 baby!
True Swadian Master Race.
>wanting everything to be some variant of spearmanii
>My headache was the fact that the kingdoms kept initiating peace too easily; but I suppose that’s to push you into starting your own kingdom, and to save you from getting immediately destroyed when you do.
Are you guys talking about a mod or something?

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Non-generally, what's your favorite capital? For me it's the Asgard.
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>Northriver plot finale, time to decommision the VIG station
>done this before so this time I opted for two fleets, OOS
>first, my personal Asgard, modded to perfection, escorted by 3 expendable Ody Es, to aggro the swarm and slowly thin it out
>second, following close behind, a fleet of brand new ARG ships, 1 carrier with 20 torpedo Eclipse bombers and 10 gunboats
>send the Asgard in, give it a minute to engage the swarm, then order the Colossus to attack the station
>ARG police squad decides that now is the time to inspect the carrier for illegal wares
>3 times in a row
>minutes later, the carrier finally enters Windfall, zooms past the swarm... and waits for orders
>as do its bombers, despite being fully loaded with torpedoes
>no matter how many times I order them to attack *anything* and reaasign them, they instantly revert back to holding position
>all but the carrier, the Asgard and a couple fighters perish with 0 kills, had to order the Asgard to delete the station, order completed within minutes
I guess that instead of reading through the Encyclopedia I was supposed to read the Beta patch notes to know that torpedo fighters are FUBAR in 7.0. Also, it's the first time I'm really trying out the Asgard, always preferred the Raptor and the Erlking, how can this be considered balanced?
Why does the X series have idiotic terms for ship classes?
Destroyers are escort ships, and light ones at that. Why are they considered 'capital' ships? Why don't cruisers exist in X?
You're seeing the same mirrored in modern naval doctrine. Cruisers that still exist are leftovers. You have carriers and you have destroyers. Cruisers are deprecated as they are more expensive than destroyers but don't do anything that destroyers don't already do better.
>turn a fully armed Prometheus with all the best shit into a trader ship for lulz
>pirate still tries to harass it, despite being completely outgunned
>immediately runs away as the default response is attack
>I cancel attack order to save my trader's time
>pirate immediately turns around and tries to harass it again
"I yield, I yield!.. NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE"
Love me some skyrim tier AI
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Just been doing the PHQ missions
>get a new ship, put 3 antimatter cells in it and fly it into this area
>look on the map, find a station selling cheap ships on the other side of the map
>realise I have to give it orders to get it to where I am (I have the cells in my ship)
>figure it out, manage to get the ship to my location
>"awaiting orders" oh, there's a cute girl piloting it
>drop the cells from my ship
>order her to pick them up
>order her ship to the objective area
>"orders complete! ^_^"
>the fish alien thing says "there go the antimatter cells!"
>the ship with the cute girl in it explodes like a fucking nuke

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Whats the peak of Total War genre?
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>the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
so you're saying the problem is it's a total war game?
>1 province France
what the fuck were they thinking seriously ?
I think it's the musket/arbquesus particle effects for sure.
The interface is the real FPS killer, somehow. Switching to the reinforcements menu makes the framerate shoot up immediately.
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I am fond of Empire because there's so few games set in that time period but fuck me the AI is probably the most broken still of any game

Thing CK3's warfare system it's completely retarded, it relies on vassals committing levies, which historic vassals didn't, instead they provided knights and sergeants.

Every fief was measured in knight fees, meaning if a fief was worth 10 knight fees, its lord was forced to send 10 knights (or 20 sergeants) to serve his liege for 40 days per annum.

So, how we make this a gameplay mechanic?
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Please never become game designers.
This idea might be too complicated, but I feel like it would capture the gist of feudal warfare:

>every county is worth X amount of knight's fees
>lords recruit knights to serve in their retinue
>when a liege goes war, he calls his vassals to arms
>which gives vassals 3 options
>a) send knights from their retinue to the use of the liege
>b) pay gold gold to compensate for lack knights
>c) refuse the call (giving the liege a reason to revoke their title)

>during the first 120 days of war, the vassal knights to the liege
>however, once 120 days has passed, even triggers giving player 3 options:
>a) pay knights salary
>b) dispand the vassal knights

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How many games have you published?
Why must it include the whole world? Just make it focused on western europe with written western europe history being the backbone.
Remove levies. Maybe keep them for certain types of wars, cultures or government types. Make retinue troops smaller. Maybe 30 men in the early period. Make the number of retinue groups avaliable capped to one for each county so larger land holders have more professional troops. Then make it so higher tier lords can call their direct vassals to war as allies and the number of troops they contribute is based on laws and opinion. The number of troops a Duke provides also relies on his laws and relationship with his own vassals too. Make retinues tied to the land/buildings as well so the AI can improve them over time. They can't manage buildings and retinues separately so combine them.

Are there any good mods in the works?
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want more flavour? use it with hfm more flavour mod
you all keep crying about Victoria 2 AI, well i did the research and that´s all you can do due to the shit is hardcoded want a better AI? play PA (KatEngine fork) want a more crimeamod approach with a better AI? play Victoria III mod
>play PA
doesn't work on linux
>play Victoria III
>doesn't work on linux
wtf are you talking about? ill admit that it takes fucking forever to compile because their headers are poorly optimized, but last i tried it worked just fine with a couple static_cast's added.
idk people on their discord keep saying they cant compile it and the windows binaries with wine never worked for me

Who's hyped that our french daddies have finally stopped ignoring us?

What do yall think will be in it and will we see more dlc/updates after this?
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This feels like an obvious cashgrab, trying to get money out of Wargame players with downgraded Warno models. Expect Italy DLC to Warno soon.
Play Warno, it's moddable. :^)
No warno is hot trash for sub saharans

It just doesn't play as well as wargame so the community doesn't like it.

And ya Italy has already been announced for warno but its different units

Wargame is moddable and its mods are better just not on steam
>No warno is hot trash for sub saharans
I'd rather play Warno with sub-Saharans than Wargame with afro-Americans like you.
>community doesn't like it.
>Italy has already been announced for warno but its different units
We don't know what units will Italians use in Warno as that nation is somewhat far into future, stop lying.
>Wargame is moddable and its mods are better just not on steam
No they're not. Most of Wargame's mods are the same boring "it's realistic now we gave everything ten times the range!!!" and other minor shit, and even the ones with actual "content" cannot introduce new models into the game and even texture mods are replacements so either you play with wrong models or you sacrifice vanilla gameplay for Juan Pablito's next-gen South America mod. Even the great amazing revolutionary gameplay differences some of these bring like air-transportable artillery or EW planes are in Warno basegame.
Wargame also has no map editor, which sucks the most since all maps in Red Dragon are boring ass Chinese villages.
Face it, Wargame is old, decrepit and feels like crude alpha once you play Warno.
Old thing?
New thing?
You contrarian faggots are exactly the reason why strategy games are a fossilized genre. Fuck back off to European Escalation then.

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Tinto Talks #21 - 17th of July 2024

Hello Everyone and Welcome to another Tinto Talks! This is one of those Happy Wednesdays when we talk about the top secret game with the codename of Project Caesar, so that we can listen to your feedback.

This week we are going to take a look at how exploration will work in Project Caesar. In previous GSG games we’ve done, exploration has primarily been done by units, giving them manual orders to move, or sometimes automated orders, to explore places on the map to reveal. We have a new system that works separately to go away from this and separate the military from exploration.

Exploration in this game works entirely on Areas, and for those of you who don’t remember one of our earliest Tinto Talks, an Area contains a group of Provinces, and a Province contains a group of locations, so it should be about 25-75 locations in an area.
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This guy>>1808934 did
So, am I the only one who thinks the map looks disgusting? The France looks disgusting, that blue is far too dark in comparison to all the other nations around them. It could look good if only they removed the strange yellow fever that every single fucking nation seems to suffer from.

This + the dogshit UI really makes my hopes for this game fall into an abyss. Imperator's was great, CK3's was decent enough, VIC3's looks good.

So what the fuck is this shit?
It's genuinely bizarre how many cultures france has
English is one culture, spain has 4 France has 20
Fuck you
>what the fuck is this shit
A work in progress, even the 3D portion of the map is barely done
They've changed a few country's shit colours so far as well

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Hola, El Presidente! How's your island going?
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>Uneven terrain.
Sorry, El Presidente, retaining walls are beyond the ability of even the greatest Tropican architects.
Me. I prefer 3 over 4.
Sadly the Tropico games are too easy for me and it got kind of old. They should change something. Raiding was not fun. Everything is too goofy. And not in a good, old-fashioned way they did before.
>buy 6 for a couple of euros
>play through the "story" missions
>early islands are easy but atleast different from eachother
>keep getting more and more advanced built up islands starting in modern times
>drop the game
the eras are a mistake

Can someone help me with updated stats? When I started playing this game shortly after release I got good at division design and naval comp and other elements.
Now with updates and dlc I'm bad at it. I can't into design stats for divisions, tanks, ships, and planes.
Also general vanilla Livers of Tungsten thread
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Literally just make infantry divisions with artillery and even if you're playing as fucking Uruguay it should not be possible to actually lose a war to the AI.
Thanks this is exactly what I was looking for. You're a true hero
>"good" ai in the game design sense doesn't just mean the Ai is smart and makes all the correct decisions, but rather that it's designed in such a way that it encourages the player to use all the mechanics available to overcome it

100%. I wish more people would play battlebrothers, the AI in that game is extremely good but also themathic
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>the power fantasy is the purpose of these games
I disagree. WA is much more fun than vanilla, and if power fantasy was what people cared about they'd play with cheats which is just boring.
>because the AI is super shit at using navy
Unironically how would you fix navy?

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Once again, 4chan's output is greater than that of the actual TNO team by releasing literally anything over the past month.

Current(ish) leaks:
https://files.catbox.moe/mnyk0n.pdf - Helldorff & Moskowien mechanics. 160 pages, can you finish it by the time the next rework drops?
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. It's taken them over a year to touch up the superregional.
(These are actually the old leaks but the only thing posted in the last thread was years old - step up your game, dev lurkers!)

In loving memory of Burma Anon.
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>play America
>can't bring myself too weaken the krauts
the burdens of being a chud
Fail on purpose and get Yockey.
The release date is the 9th of August.
big if true
>Nazi mod
>Not doing an 8/8 update

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I don't know why the other one was deleted

Post maps, post your campaigns, discuss stuff you hate about the game, etc
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The Aztec one is fun, you have to figure out how to prepare for the tech advanced euros arrival. The way to fast track the "societal collapse" crisis is to colonize one of the carribean provinces that portugal colonizes. I forget if it needs to be right next to their province or just on the same colonial region. This way the crisis doesn't happen when spain/port (whoever) are right next to you.
In saying that, I played this without the DLC, so maybe its different.

It's to stop land grabs by neighbouring nations.
With all due respect, that's not even that many rebels. Going over 400% AE is when you get serious rebel problems.
You need to control at least one of the provinces on either sider; you don't need to own one per se, just control one during the war. Otherwise fleets blocking troop land movement won't work.
oh I learned that in the following decades. Never blobbing again.
you know you can just magically "spawn" renaissance if you spend enough mana and increase your "development"
hmmm... yeah, god what a trash game it is if you think about it.....i i think i'll fucking delete this scam shit once and for all

I'm doing a meandering playthrough of the Dawn of War campaigns. Just finished the Order route with both imperial and eldar endings for Winter Assault and I think this is the best DOW campaign I've played so far. What's your favorite DoW franchise SP campaign?
>DoW 2
The upgrade and equipment mechanics are more interesting than the campaign tends to be. You kinda just do the same mission structure over and over and maybe like 3 defense missions. Only enjoyable if you really want some Space Marine squad fluff.
>DoW 2 Chaos Rising
I played a squeaky clean zero corruption campaign so it was interesting enough to have to do secondary objectives to keep from raising corruption.
>DoW 2 Retribution (space marines campaign)
finally some mission variety!
The missions on the space hulk were the absolute highlight for me, they were awesome. Escorting the loader robot and fighting off a billion tyranids with my upgraded squads was sick. Will revisit and play through the other factions in time.
>DoW 1
serviceable but basic, just blob up and steamroll the world
>DoW 1 winter assault (order)
my favorite mission was the third one were you had to build up and relocate your eldar and then hard pivot to a desperate imperial guard defense against infinite fucking orcs. Took me a couple retries before I landed on a winning strategy and got a better working knowledge of both factions mechanics. The Final mission is also really dope getting to use the titan weapons, I think I found it more enjoyable with IG but it plays compellingly different with Eldar as well.
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DoW 2 level scaling sucked ass
What was the point of the loot and leveling system if every single grunt you have to fight always has 10x HP than captain sideshave?
Dreadnaught guy with his cone attack literally carried me through the last 1/3 of the campaign
They didn't and Soulstorm sucks. Flying units make the game worse. Sisters of Battle are half baked.
soulstorm was newer and everyone preferred to play the most recent thing. Engine-wise it introduced fliers which everyone hated in vanilla but liked as a concept to expand upon in mods
and it doesn’t matter because the engine is improved and stable which actually affects modders
I agree one hundred percent.
It's a shame that this is only one instance, that's how a campaign can be. And I don't care that the lore has sunk into a puddle.

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epic poggers for losers who will never get a work at EA to work for a new C&C
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I just tried the demo and the game is fun. The dynasty's mission on insane is really hard though.
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is that the voice actor for the spokesman? the setting/storytelling had a slightly nu-xcom pre chimera squad vibe
I doubt it'll run on my shittop.
More interesting for me is how anons have zero interest in this tacticon event either.
Dude, have mercy on the nerves of local anons.
Or should I start listing unsuccessful RTS releases?
This simple disappointment killed all the hype.
I wouldn't be surprised if the game fails, not because of the quality of the game itself, but because of the general negative opinion towards new releases.

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You dont let Elfs and Goblins move into your fortress, do you?
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Looks like a bug
Yeah, that's definitely a bug. Never seen that happen in the old versions.
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the photo i took before the brawl
sounds like a new bug for Steam Fortress, too bad the old bug tracker iskaput and you need to go onto the kitfucks dickscord to report it now.
>it's another episode of the mayor being a vampire

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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
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But why?
Have you ever actually encountered any other race troops with enough exp to make them significantly stronger? For me this only ever happened when AI received mercenaries.
What unit is this? I don't remember knife ears using knives, or metal armor
Elven infantry in Warlords 3, this illustration was also used for some upgrades in WBC and mercenaries in WBC3.
>I don't remember knife ears using knives, or metal armor
What the fuck are you talking about, they use them everywhere all the time?
This picture is a CORE MEMORY from Warlords Battlecry for me. It always randomly pops into my mind when I think about strategy game elves.

>nopan barely covered pussy lust provoking image
>but also bald loser elf woman

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