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this thread is dead on arrival
I just wanted to make a collection of anime themed RTS games because many anons claim that there is no such thing

>Star Maidens Chronicle
>Lost Technology
>LotusCraft - SecondSeason
>Touhou Boushuen ~ Age of Ethanols
>Terra Centauri
>(upcoming) The Touhou Empires
>(upcoming) Some anon making an RTS with schoolgirls

There are of course also mods like
>cymod (Red Alert 3)
>Anime DefenseX (WC3)
>Gundam OneYearWarA11 (Rusted Warfare)
>Girls und Panzer: Strategy Mod (Rusted Warfare)
>Gundam UC 0079-0083 Mod (HW2 Remastered)
>Annex: Conquer the World (MegaGlest)
>Command Assault (MegaGlest)
>XenoForce Mod (C&C Zero Hour)
>Xenoforce Reborn Mod (C&C 3)
>Mobile Suit Gundam: Stellaris (Stellaris)

notable mentions
>Grim Grimoire (weeb game with RTS elements)
>Battle Realms (asian theme
>Metal Fatique (mechs)
>Red Alert 3 (japanese faction)
Look all I want is an ecchi CoH2.
I also looked into if there is anything like lewd mods and there are.
WC3 and Dawn of War have some nude mods. There are also some nsfw maps for WC3
>Island of Erotic Pleasures LTN BETA
>Hentai Show
>Sexy Chick Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjWCXSyxuXY [Embed]
Also apparently WC3 used to have a lot of porn hidden custom maps and mods. Loap 2 gold played a erotic scene when getting married. Some played whole porn videos etc..

I couldn't look into the maps because there are no screenshots or anything and I don't have WC3 right now, but I assume they are just all pretty low quality porn embeds (Like Sexy Chick Island).
4X has more stuff but it's only really nsfw art avatars like Sexy Leaders Races for Galactic Civilizations 3. Hentai faceplates for COH2 is on a similar level I suppose.

In terms of hentai games I don't think there is anything unless you include TD in which case this would easily double the list of anime themed games. Just for completion
>Guardians of Eden
>Girls Garrison TD
probably more
hit the gym, low T tranime fag
>Nude mods
>Instead of adapted, sexy uniforms
What a fucking waste.
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also notable mention
>Dawn of War Unification MOD
has some anime design
>No game that's literally all this
Why live? Why bother?
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that's pretty much what it is
>all the replies are about coomer shit
The absolute state of tranime fans.
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Honestly, Japanese didn't make much in the RTS genre, just like with FPS. Besides the ones that are already in your list I can think of:
Hundred Swords https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPnjznCq2co [Embed]
Rasetsu series
Galaxy Angel games
Right? And half the recs aren't even anime.
name one that isn't
Red Alert 3
>notable mention
Nice to know you just confirmed you did not actually read the list.
>Honestly, Japanese didn't make much in the RTS genre, just like with FPS.
Which makes perfect sense. These are PC genres. Japanese until very recently abhored PC gaming.
Japanese AAA devs you mean. Nerds aka otaku aka doujin game makers always did PC games
>embedded video
Is that supposed to be an RTS? I don't see any resources being collected, buildings built, or units trained.
Is a tactical RPG.
>Galaxy Angel games
I hope these actual RTS at least.
(I can't believe Lost Technology from the OP isn't a Galaxy Angel game.)

The Touhou spin-off games.

This honestly. What a cursed thread.
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>>1933626 (OP)
I'd prefer anime Turn-based strategies (not SRPGs!) but I'll take what I can get, thanks anon.
pic unrelated
>Loap 2 gold played a erotic scene when getting married. Some played whole porn videos etc..
god, I remember this and one dude dc'ing because he had parents in the room
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Interest piqued.

>Whining about anime on an anime website that came about because Moot couldn't post hentai to Something Awful
>>1933626 (OP)
Okay are any of them good?
haha, probably not.
I might check out Terra Centauri these days
Age of Ethanols looks good enough to play for an afternoon.
Lost Technology has some following but it's closer to a Total War game
>I don't see any resources being collected, buildings built, or units trained
Sorry, the best I could do is some RTT. To be fair, the OP started first because Lost Technology and probably other games on the same engine are closer to Total War (turn-based overworld with base building/army recruiting and realtime combat).
PS2 game had base capturing & destroying so maybe you get some basic building too?
>Galaxy Angel
Sorry, it's not a Strategy either. As I said, there's a real drought as far as Nihonjin and anime fans are concerned.
>anime is when I jack off
>>1933626 (OP)
>It's all shit
This but unironically
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>>1933626 (OP)
>Star Maidens Chronicle
>reviews say it only has worker and basic soldier units
I'm scared to check the rest of this list, maybe I should stick to portrait/model swaps after all.
Touhou games (Touhou Boushuen ~ Age of Ethanols and The Touhou Empires) are a safe bet since they are Age of Empires-like fangames.
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>>1933626 (OP)
>>Some anon making an RTS with schoolgirls
Don't get too hopeful on the release date, I'm about to have way, way less free time very soon.

>I just wanted to make a collection of anime themed RTS games because many anons claim that there is no such thing
Outside of Touhou Empires (that another Anon mentioned when I showed my stuff) I've never heard of any of those. Not a good sign.
I would add Dragon Force, but it's more of a Total War than a classic RTS.
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Ah, that might be fine then.
I played those Touhou games before so I'm actually a bit familiar with the world and characters.
Lost Technology is a fun one (there're apparently other games made with the same free game engine) but it's also more like Total War.
the way this works apparently is that the rock paper scissor principle applies to the faction (14), so you pick a faction that has an advantage against another faction. Otherwise its mostly getting up production and overunning your enemy and it's intentionally simple to make it more casual. But I also just looked at multiple videos and reviews. I don't think japs like the typical rts complexity

>not a good sign
the bar is still pretty low and none of them has a school girl theme, if uniqueness is your concern.
I wonder how you plan to make the girls work like intuitive units and remain readable. In historical settings people know intuitively that guy with Bazooka is good against tank and the difference is easily recognizable. I've seen TD games that do something like aligning the girls hair with elemental attributes.
If I made a game like this I'd probably turn it into semi moba like supcom where you have like a few giantess girls and all the normal girls are just trash spam, but maybe I just want a giantess rts.
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>I don't think japs like the typical rts complexity
More like they don't like complexity in anime games.
It's always like this, all these "TRPGs" like FFT, Tactics Ogre or Fire Emblem and they're all just dumbed down turn-based strategy games or JRPGs on a grid.
And then Japs make fucking Daisenryaku or whatever showing that they can, but they don't want to make a complex game with anime girls because most animefags don't like complex video games and the few that do are simply outnumbered so no one will cater to us.
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>PS2 game had base capturing & destroying so maybe you get some basic building too?
A quick search tells me it's just a port of the first two games.
I think buildings are just there to be mission objectives, to heal, reload etc.
Maybe Japs just want their games to have recognizable characters and RTS don't lend themselves to that.
AW exists, the recognizable characters are the COs. You could just as much put the face of general in C&C Generals in the HUD. More macro focused games also have recognizable character

I think there is a lot of potential in RTS with a playable hero character like Tooth & Tail or in a way Spellforce. This also could offer good casualization in terms of fighting gookclick and having decent controller support.
It doesn't have to be as limited as Tooth&Tail, you could have a commander for every unit squad and switch between them or something like this
>a port of the first two games
I figured as much (just thought that it covered only one game). One big difference you can easily notice is that they've got a new artist for character portraits to make the game friendlier for family who changed crazy stuff like bikinis out of xenomorph hides for something more standard.
Units type in my game are standard tropes/archetypes: gyaru, hikikomori, martial-art club, catgirl, chuuni, maid, etc. Schoolgirls are the root unit.

>remain readable
I'm using placeholder models for now so it's 0.
If I can grab decent artists, ideally it would be like pic related: each type with a different cosplay/uniform, with faction color and weapons/accessories giving decently different silhouette even at mid-distance.
For long distances I'm going the TW way and slapping a class icon above the squad.

>make the girls work like intuitive units
By concept I don't think it will be possible (although I'm open to suggestions).
You obviously don't want your units to get in melee range of the Yanderes' knives, but what they do & how has a bajillon "right" answers depending on which character you have in mind. Crazy high mobility glass-cannon, slow but unkillable freak, one-shot-and-vanish ambusher, etc.
I don't think there is any intuitive-friendly solution beyond just picking an arbitrary-ish role and giving each unit a proper intro when they are encountered for the first time.

Right now, all units have the exact same stats, and differentiate themselves with 2-to-4 "perks". This is mostly for accessibility, so new players only need to read two tool-tips to "get" a unit instead of needing Spirit of the Law to explain all the hidden bonuses and mechanics.
"Unused" interpretations of a unit type will either go as Research upgrades, or faction variants. Like, most faction's Catgirls have a simple +Speed & +Camo, stealthily hunting for undefended backlines, but faction X's Catgirls will have a slightly different icon and instead have pounce to charge & stun the target, and Toxoplasmosis to convert units who stay too long in contact. With everyone being able to research Nyan-speak for a passive debuff effect.

At least that's the current plan. I haven't completely finished the raw infrastructure yet so pure gameplay stuff is only implemented here and there.
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I'm not surprised honestly, even the expansion to the first game already has a tamer and more generic style compared to the first, not to mention the sequel.
>durrrr japanese don't like complex games hurrr
... and other copes by retards

Fact is, anime doesn't lend itself well to RTS. It's a medium based entirely on visual appeal, and RTS has you floating miles above the action and the pretty girls. It simply doesn't work. That's why turn based is much more popular, because you have time to be up close and look at the detail.
>muh graffix
If that were true, Starcraft Brood War wouldn't be popular.
>durrrr let me counter with an example of a not anime game
The worst part is that you truly believe you bring anything to the conversation other than retarded nonsense you should be embarrassed about. Your mom failed you, anon; She should have taught you to talk less and think more.
what's the concept anyway. I take a wild guess and say its two schools fighting against each other.
Will it include base building, considering that you use a city environment I wonder what kind of facilities produce units.
Are weapons accessories disconnected from unitd. Like can a maid use cat paws and a martial art girl a knife?
And how do you intend to include pantsu?

I guess if you have a big unit focus and introduce them one by one it might be fine. Impossible creatures had you collect dna examples and start out with pretty much one unit. You need some good level design to make up for it though.
Hikki, Gyaru is probably a weird choice. The more self-explanatory choice would be to use mainly fighting themed outfits (Kyuudo girl, Ninja Girl, Kendo Girl), but even with some artistic freedom not sure how a Gyaru would fit there.
You should make something about cute soldier girls instead. :3
Actually this looks really cool too. Hope it works out for you!
That doesn't make any sense, you don't need to "look at the detail" of every unit, no one cares about that. If you want a game about individual characters you can have VN segments during missions, if you want to focus on the units themselves you can have portraits when they're selected, both of those options lend themselves to anime aesthetics perfectly fine and there's plenty of games that use these techniques. There's no RTS games like that because it's not a very popular genre.
Exactly. Imagine something like Valkyria Chronicles as an RTS. Could totally work if you get a more broad and less style-oriented overview during missions and a closer look between them.
>That doesn't make any sense, you don't need to "look at the detail" of every unit, no one cares about that
That's your autistic RTS sperg brain talking. If that were true then gacha games wouldn't exist, but the appeal of anime artstyles IS that detail. Do you understand, mongoloid?
Do you play much of the ranked mode of any successful RTS?
Without an appreciation for the design decisions and rationale involved in existing games, your project will be doomed.
They did that already

Hardly, Iron Harvest is just a very stylized CoH-like with some heavy steam/dieselpunk influences. Wouldn't lump it in with anime, though I can see how it would appeal to fans of mecha in particular. Lots of overlap there.
Mental Omega
>>1933626 (OP)
whats that game with schoolgirls?
>>1933626 (OP)
you forgot
where can I follow you for dev updates/I don't forget about the game
>Hikki, Gyaru is probably a weird choice. The more self-explanatory choice would be to use mainly fighting themed outfits
The concept doesn't need to become more boring and unimaginative than it already is.
What are they fighting over? I don't mean what is the backstory reason they are fighting, I mean what tangible goals are they trying to achieve in a match? Are there resources or buildings to capture?
Is that Camilla from Fire Emblem Fates????
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>>I take a wild guess
>school ranked worst in the country after last exams
>MC manage to convince the other morons their only chance to not be last again is to beat the crap out of nearby schools, take control of them, and force them to throw the next exam
>no one involved has any idea how to actually wage war
>>base building
I'm going the Warzone 2100 route for this. Base is permanent but most missions are away from it and only let you build defensive structures.
Right now weapons are tied to unit type. More for readability than technical reasons.
>>include pantsu
Already is. Color is semi-randomized, just like hair/eyes/accessories. Nearly only visible during death animations tho.

Backup win condition is exhausting troops reserves. Rebuilding a wiped army is fast & easy, but each soldier lost bring the faction closer to defeat.
"Main" win condition is map-dependent: killing a specific unit, controlling a position, surviving, bringing a VIP across the map, CTF, etc. Standard vidya stuff.

@NitisDev, or /asd/ here. As said above, I'm about to get really busy IRL so update rate will take a hit.

There is an Anon currently making a Fire Emblem like that, iirc.
I might make something more serious for next project, once I have more mastery over my own systems.

>Without an appreciation for the design decisions and rationale involved in existing games
I do, but while I like PvP and RTS, RTS PvP never been my cup of tea. And after seeing so many RTS crash & burn chasing that angle, I'm not even going to try to make this around ranked PvP.
Focus will be campaign, tools for custom maps/campaign, and modding, in that order.
Not sure I will even have multiplayer outside of splitscreen couch-coop, if only because 60k units over network demand lockstep but the amount of multi-threading I'm using make that... complicated.
Yes I'm aware this mean I automatically lose the non-casual part of the RTS population.
You're fucking retarded, you didn't even read what I said so here it is again one last time: you can have "that detail" in some places and not others. There's a million games like that, where you have a gameplay focused part of the game and an aesthetic focused part of the game, including a shitload of gachas. This doesn't detract from the appeal whatsoever.
Know your place and stop talking about shit you're clueless about.
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Generally speaking, if you cannot see their faces that is fine nobody actually cares. If they cannot see the overall shapes and that they look smooth then the appeal of the game drops hard. This applies to all games and is not exclusive to one genre. For anime and mango styles trying to keep it PC-98 tier in quality is basically the minimum standard for character design.
it wouldn't be hard to make units more visible but RTS are quantitative games. Other than maybe hero units people wouldn't appreciate the designs that much.
Neither (old) Fire Emblem even less Advance Wars has much to see for the player in the gameplay, still they are quite beloved. The character portraits is basically enough and everything else you need is friendly art style and a character driven story.

Your best bet would be doing something like SupCom where your ACU is important that shouldn't die but also too good not to use it. Turn that into your waifu commander, then add ingame character commentary and VN like storytelling.
But in the end who cares about catering to japs, they spend most of their day playing gacha instead.
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Do a mix of 3rd person action and RTS a la Brutal Legend but force plebs to love it.
Just do WC3's unit portraits as FE-style images.
RTS is considered niche so that isn't a problem.
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if I would do this in a 3d game I would use a close up camera of the unit
or for 2d some vtuber like rigging animation, so when a nuke hits and you get screenshake and her tits bounce
>Boobs go over the bar
>vtuber like rigging animation, so when a nuke hits and you get screenshake and her tits bounce
Kek, no superweapons modes would be empty then.
Wut? RTS is a VERY visual genre. The action happens in real time, units are fully animated including idle animations, and most games let you zoom in close enough to appreciate all the details, if you like. Some games have ragdoll effects, physics, destructible environments, DoW-style sync kills, all kinds of eyecandy allowed the classics to become unforgettable visual kino. What do turn based games have? Static miniatures that take turns pretending to fight one another?
I know that compfags especially don't pay attention to visuals and even use mods to lower graphic fidelity for maximum clarity, but in the end even the sweatiest RTSes made specifically for e-sports don't look like spreadsheets with Age of Cube graphics.
>>1933626 (OP)
Had a demo of this sitting on my disk, but I never gave it a proper playthrough. Looks autistic.
OP here
I've seen this, but from a gameplay video it looked to me like a simultan based tactics game
Right, you wanted RTS, not strategy in general. My bad.
Not him, but from what I remember playing the demo, it played more like a animu MoW mixed with a bit of VC in it.
There's a LoGH RTS
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV_BLcWzpA4&t=134s [Embed]
How is star maiden chronicle? From the stream reviews it seems to be pretty bad and very shallow
>missing the point this hard
>anime website
Delusional, to be honest.
>hurr, I have to zoom in to see the animu units
Get a bigger monitor. And in-game units aren't even the only way to show off the waifus. You can plaster them all over the main menu, the loading screens, the briefings, the cutscenes, the victory/defeat screens, the unit portraits, the army painter, the unit guide, the bonus content, etc.
If there's a good reason why anime RTSes aren't a thing, it's definitely not because of visual constraints.
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>Literally conceived of as an anime site
>Non-anime content is segregated from boards like /w/, anime is considered the site's default
>"4chan is not an anime site"
4chan was always an anime site. This thread is simply /vst/ returning to the site's origins - its true home.
There's several.. and all untranslated.
maybe i should actually try to learn japanese
Animetrannies are honestly quite endearing. Like a weed trying desperately to cling to a plant.
You're on an anime site, retard.
Here we go again with this fucking mess...
This. Make some sort of action rts hybrid like Battalion Wars. Put in husbandos and waifus and the weebs and fujos will eat it up.
Konami, Falcom, Game Arts, Capcom, Microcabin, TGL, and Hudson Soft aren't what I think of when I think of doujin games, but sure.
ShemHaMephorash is judaism done right
I'm not on 2ch doe.
what about those hundreds Touhou games were even RTS now has two and some mods and and couple more TD games.
He probably meant PC-98 where tons of 1-4 people ministudios made VNs

2ch is russian which is a weeb site just like 4chan. Futaba isn't even more anime than 4ch
Nigger 4chan literally came about because Moot was mad at SA's jannies anti-hentai policies. 4chan wouldn't be here without anime. You're at an anime site full of anime boards made by an underage weeb you dumb nigger.
Idk what to tell you old man, you got replaced. This ain't an anime website.
Practically admitting that you're a Great Replacement nigger wannabe isn't doing you any favors, normie.
>normie instead of normalfag
Tourists larping as oldfags, many such cases!
Nigger I've been here since Andy Stubbings was a thing.
Those I listed were PC-88 and 98 devs. For instance, all of Falcom's games on consoles were licensed third party ports until about the early 2000s. PC-88/98 was their target platform for the majority of their games.
There were tons of American one man PC games made before filleted fish's Fez "invented" indie video games, doesn't mean that it there only indie games on PC.
Now try with Total War and 20 stacks + reinforcements.
Total war sucks dicks
I've heard that you shouldn't expect realism out of TW but what the fuck is a Praetorean guard doing in Athens, assassinating the enemy instead of her Emperor?
It is just an artist meme, don't worry about it.
I want a TW made by the guys who did Wakfu/Dofus.
I think anime schoolgirls would make for a Commandos type game better than an RTS. That way you can lean into the archetypes way better.
i would have sex with all those soldiers if you know what i mean
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I've long had an idea for a game that's basically like Mount & Blade but with anime girls and H-scenes that has dating sim elements. Think sorta like Rance I guess. It follows the same general plot and gameplay M&B except the Calradia equivalent is a matriarchy (or just has a complete absence of men) and the male PC can choose to fight for one of the factions and romance its leader and become her king-consort or just go full Rance and conquer everything for himself and keep all the leaders as his sex slave. I think a diplomacy system using romance and sex could also work well, like maybe one of the faction leaders is a cuckquean who encourages the male PC to fuck the other faction leaders to secure alliances, or if the male PC is very charismatic and has a powerful dick he could unite the queendoms by just seducing all the faction leaders and adding them to his harem. Each faction leader will have their own personality and archetype, for example there would be a yandere khan who will hunt you down from across the map if she finds out you've been with the other girls or a barbarian nordic woman who likes it when you rape the other faction leaders because it shows dominance.
It's a somewhat ambitious game idea and there's probably a market for it, in fact I wouldn't be surprised if there was already some H-game almost exactly like it that I just haven't heard about.
Decent DS strategy with surprisingly great plot
yes it is the part of THAT Mana franchise
I wish there was an RTS or even TBS based on the Dog Days anime series. It would make for some interesting gameplay.
I don't get it?
Centuuri-chan mod for Rome 2 when

Why even bother? Just make something with actual soldier girls or something.
Can this be played on it's own or do I have to play other Mana games to understand the plot and mechanics?
nvm I went ahead and started emulating it and the tutorial did a good job of explaining the mechanics (most of it is basic RTS stuff) and the plot seems pretty self-contained
Anime maps in WC3 were rad as fuck but they weren't really RTS games, usually they were closer to team based top down RPGs instead
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another game to add to the list
Mana series is pretty self contained. Sometimes you'll find some hints towards other games but it's more Final Fantasy then anything else.
>Why even bother?
Because anime. Soldier girls misses the point and is why westerners can't do anime.
>What are they fighting over?
bread toast
Retarded. Give me genderswapped WW2 with hot uniforms and things like that. Way cooler than random schoolgirls and less retarded. Games like Valkyria Chronicles more than prove that you can do this and do it in an aesthetically pleasing way.
>PatchCon is forgotten
>Noooo you can have that appeal elsewhere!
>in the one genre that heavily focuses on the part without that appeal!

You are too stupid for this conversation, anon.

>I know that compfags especially don't pay attention to visuals
Congrats, you just understood the point. RTS games are marketed by gameplay over everything else.
Shartgate was tailor-made for compfags and they still whined endlessly about the graphics being shit.
>RTS games are marketed by gameplay over everything else.
Since when? Every successful RTS in history was advertised as the whole package: the setting, story, graphics, sound design, technology such as realistic physics. The gameplay was only ever described in a few vague sentences, like 'command your troops to victory, general', or 'exploit resources to overwhelm the enemy'.
And compfags are just one small and shrinking group of players. Designing and advertising a game specifically for them is a recipe for failure. They only flock to already successful titles that gained popularity though the strength of its singleplayer content and great production qualities.
It's incredible how absolutely everything you say is wrong, impressive trolling
> impressive trolling

Thanks, I try lol
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>RTS games are marketed by gameplay
Is this the "improved" ver. or the original one?
Why is the combination of Anime bullshit with serious western fantasy/sci fi so compelling?
Usualyl when its done its done as a joke or overdone.
But id actually pay money for soemthign that just takes a cool western setting, adds some anime girls (without deleting the cool western monsters or male characters) and adds some levity, fun and sincerity into the story withotu completley overwriting the overarching narrative.
Why is this so rare?
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>serious western fantasy/sci fi
because Anime does this all the time?!
Anime started out by ripping off american cartoons.
Every second anime borrowed from western fairy tales, history or culture.
Just look at any isekai, it's always european medieval fantasy with magic.

The whole modern sci-fi genre was basically invented by anglo culture. I bet the sci-fi output of american/british authors until 1980 beat the rest of the world
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>Anime started out by ripping off american cartoons.
>The whole modern sci-fi genre was basically invented by anglo culture.
>>1933626 (OP)
>collection of anime themed RTS games because many anons claim that there is no such thing

Galaxy Angel series are RTS AND Flight Sims.
>modern sci-fi genre was basically invented by anglo culture
That would be Jules Verne tho.
>>1933626 (OP)
Sisters of battle rts
I fucking wish. Best we ever got was Soulstorm and some mods.
Check out the "hero by chance" games they have h scenes but it's a tug of war strategy game with a decentish story.

Sexy mystic defenders is a decent h tower defense
Looks like phone trash.
I need more Ogre Battle clones like Symphony of War and Unicorn Overlord.
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>>1933626 (OP)
That girl looks like she was made by the artist from the Djibril eroge series, what's going on?
The game uses a variety of artists
>what a fool you are!
>>1933626 (OP)
>no mental omega
fail thread
I'm not on HRT.
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There's TS: Another World. anime mod for yuri's revenge (though it's a tibsun fanfiction story). it's just a pretty solid campaign but the FMV cutscenes are replaced with VN sections instead
Might be the best discovery I've found from /vt/, thanks anon
Now I could sleep well knowing there's actually a real time strategy stuff made out of this work
Just reading and watched a few gameplays of them, most of them seem to be more of turn-based as far as I can tell

I reckon some commandos were having, albeit not really conspicuous, anime-like icon, so probably
I have Unification and it doesn't have nude anime chicks.

It does have Wolverine as part of the Space Wolves though.

I like this mod better than Ultimate Apocalypse unironically.
Did anyone play the Touhou Kingdom Beta/Demo?
I missed it. Didn't realize it was time limited
Is this different from Touhou Empires?
Space Wolverines would end 40k verse.
It's better because unlike some of the straight model swaps in this mod this one is a fully Space Marine'd Wolverine, to the point where his SM helmet looks like his costume's.
I could hardly tell anything was different from the previous demo from like a year ago. A new faction was added and some stuff in the campaign - I tried the former, didn't bother with the latter.
no, too many Touhou games, that was the one I meant.
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Still WIP.
Probably gonna need to make the quick-access list on the right into a tab with some filter/orderby, once the number of squads start reaching the 10-20.
Also need to find an actual artist at some point. Does the "I can pay in exposure" trick still work?
>Does the "I can pay in exposure" trick still work?
In a post-Patreon world ? Good luck.
>apparently WC3 used to have a lot of porn hidden
How did I miss all of that back in the day? My childhood was a lie.
>Does the "I can pay in exposure" trick still work?
No, but when you hire contract work for art/music/etc always make sure to set fixed rate contracts and make sure you own everything, no royalties for them. Try to find and hire talent BEFORE your project gains traction and starts to seem lucrative for a casual outside observer.

If you're a literal nobody artists actually prefer fixed rates over getting a share of your profits and are more willing to work for pennies. And they will sorely regret that if you actually make something even mildly successful. Many such cases.

Of course, this advice only applies if you actually can grow and pull above your weight.
Fuuju hime?
>quick access list
take a look at Paraworld. Maybe you like it or not

don't do that if you are a pole though
Yeah, someone had posted a screenshot of it previously and that's roughly what I intend to copy.
It's that or Total War's long-ass list at the bottom of the screen, which I'm not a big fan of despite how convenient it is.
not realtime but based
>try Paraworld
>physics and animation are capped at 30fps: not great but okay
>camera movement is capped at fucking 10fps
Oh god this feel fucking awful.

Anyway, finished the tutorial and the game seems nice outside of that terrible camera update rate.
I wasn't sure how I was going to handle Officer level-up (WCIII-style wouldn't work well with support/small squad) and what they use is pretty much what I had in mind so I will take that as validation. Funny you can level up your worker units - not sure if it can turn them into combat Chads, if it just boost their construction/collect rate, or if it does nothing useful.
I didn't meant you have to play it just take notes from the army commander.

The upgrade system is pretty cool, they also had some other neat ideas and the theme and unit designs are neat.
The bloom is almost blinding and something about combat feels off though.
Your max rank t-rex should be able to oneshot most units, instead it feels more like a rpg hit rotation and some attack animations don't quite hit enemies. RTS that do this may be more noob friendly but it never feels good
Why on earth would you ever want these to be capped at greatly different rates? That sounds really miserable. Capping it outside of the user's control alone is bad but combining the two feels like a headache to deal with since now I'm going to have to adjust my eyes and hands to two different paces for no good reason.
The heroes are more of a big deal than super weapons

Sins of a Solar Empire 1, I dunno about 2, has a similar sidebar although made to deal with a much larger amount of units and not fixed in slot number.
Valkyria Chronicles is almost that but with WW1 era rifles and tanks instead of superfuture tanks. Even now there is hope for man.
Enemy tanks have a mix of ww1 and 2 designs, mostly just to add machinegun turrets that shoot your ass on your turn if you get in their arcs.
Edelweiss is very much a ww2 and up tank (despite it being an old relic rusting in a garage until the current war broke out),
Oh I'm keeping tabs on these
It's basically 1939, but with a few bullshit advanced tech
Edelweiss being a super prototype almost kills the whole experience. Would have been better to just be a new design from a factory that was recently bombed or something.
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>mostly just to add machinegun turrets that shoot your ass on your turn if you get in their arcs.
VC2&3 has that, doesn't change anything.
The games are still too easy and still favor using two or three units instead of the entire squad.
These games have depth of a puddle and the AI is braindead in every single game.
what's it called? I didn't see anyone mention the title
Wait anime RTSs are a thing ?!
I've played RTS for nearly all my life and I've never heard of such thing.
More like what is the horniest RTS game.
yeah and?
Warfare Club, although it's not definitive nor really used anywhere yet since the game doesn't have a Steam/Itch/Patreon/etc page.
Are any of these good?

Check out hero by chance 1/2 they are fun tug of war strategy games with some hot h scenes and decent story
>dev removed the touhou empires demo
why? who fucking does this?
Far too many fucking people

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