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how are you doing my lords and ladies
Is it true that I can kill anyone I want on 13th
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Here's a couple links to some starter tutorials. A lot of the old tutorials seem to be down, does anyone know of any other guides?
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Business? Booming
Coffers? Full of gold
Borders? Aesthetic
Neighbours? Vassalized or allied
Population? Increasing

Hopefully I don't become the target of a bored Duke this Friday
Yes, lords and civilians become vulnerable.
I just made a new account after not playing since 2017.
>can't pick your starting spot anymore
>have to fork over cash just to explore the fog that takes up half your land
Nice to see Admin is still making stupid changes.
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Regalia when? Or better yet, removal of regalia when?
Only members of the clique and some lucky few (definitely not r*ssians though, thanks lord admin) are allowed to have higher titles. And that's a good thing.
Friday the 13th starts in 2 hours, who are we killing tomorrow?
me apparently
I kinda forgot about it
didn't have much of worth anyway
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Happenings of this scale will never happen again.
What are the fags doing on Terra boadalasdjadsjasdn fuck the name. Should have called it something shorter and cooler.
should I make another account?
Depends on the situation I guess?
Minor scuffles with petty lords who try to subjugate every village in sight without trying any kind of diplomacy.
Two villages attack each other during Friday 13th, then both are slaughtered by a vigilante who had nothing to do with it.
Mors copypastes his city like 5 times.
>Rebellion seems kind of mid.
When Verdantia sinks, I wonder how the lads in the south will move about.
the game is in 3d now?
you can look at your domain in 3d
like everything else, it half baked and shitty
WTF Ingerland is the 2nd largest state in the game? How did that happen? I thought everyone stopped playing.
It remained the second largest failed state since people got bored of Ursalia.
yo anyone remember the groidman house?
I remember looting one of the characters who was cobwebbed and collected a bunch of gibs since their character was admiral of Ingerland or something.
Speaking of Terra Borealis. How long do you think they will remain on it until they abandon the landmass?
I've want to make a second account to get more title slots, but I've been scared of getting banned.
Is that something mods are active about or no?
I've heard that you can get banned for it, but there are some that do it, with or without admin permission. But I don't to be on the safe side as I do not want to submit to them.
I think I am going to abandon terra borealis too much shotgun diplomacy
I remember Groid the rent seeker
>back during Ingerland prime days
>finally finish massive walnut orchard
>quit game immediately after
I was retarded
New continent dropped
It's pretty smol
Could find only one river mouth, it was already taken
Endor was better
No bigger than Britannia and Hibernia combined.
I don't think it is going to be a chill place.
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break time is over, lads
Someone recently got suspended for it. Use a VPN if you really have to play on multiple accounts.
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Why is the game so dead? It hasn't been this dead in years.
Admeme should increase title limit by like 5
how do you get 3d view of city?
By giving adkek money
Just ask someone who has deposited money into his wine fund
LOL+ feature, little compass icon in the top right corner on the map, above the square and triangle
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Inger on front page
Imagine falling so far that those on Terra Borealis represents what Inger once stood for.
I'm new to all this and don't know what Inger stood for.
What's the story on Ingerland? Is it just /vst/'s country?
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A bunch of people from /vst/ started playing back in 2021 when the server was reset after the data centre holding the server burned down. This game has been around for like 15+ years and a lot of cliques and factions were created throughout the years, but somehow this group of autists who had no idea what they were doing became one of the largest and most powerful groups in the game. Ingerland is far less active than it was at its peak (as is the rest of the game) but >we are still around and still somehow manage to be top 5 in terms of population at any time.
Factions and cliques. Uhhh who are who currently?
From what I have seen lately, Terra Borealis has been the worst experience for new players due to the lack of proper diplomacy.
I don't even play anymore, just check occasionally to see if admeme finally grew a spine.
Terra Borealis is yet another doomed continent that will agonize after a year. As long as the sinking continents and current high-med nobility mechanics exist, there will be no joy and 'free Norf'.
>discord clique of d'Arborea
No thanks
ugh... mein großosakiums imperialis...
Nu-meta and market are shit.
Locked regalias (and regalia system in general) are shit.
Le circles are shit.
Civilian immunity is shit.
Sinking continents are OK in terms of breaking the stalemate but I would prefer the old system (full wipes) way more.

When player market existed, players had variety of how they can play.
They could develop their economy like normal people, they could exploit markets and become super-rich, ignoring the production aspect (at least the 'civilian' one) as a whole. Denarii had more value in general, you rarely could see someone having more than 100k in their treasury.

When circles didn't exist, players had the variety of how they could build or place themselves on the map. High titles should have remained the product of how well the player keeps his shit together in every aspect that truly matters. Being cockblocked by a cheeky discord count who knows nothing of war simply because you started off a couple months later than the continent was released is a truly shitty feeling. Have fun waiting another 3 months till the next continent release! Regalia? To make a Holy See you had to unite 100+ unique IP addresses under a single church. You had to larp and put effort. Nowadays this title is determined by RNG and your sucking skills, because chances are that regalia got into hands of one of tilean powerplayers.

Fuck admeme.
I agree. Do consider though that admin most likely does not share your goals.
Afaik Admin is completely focused on trying to get more political intrigue/drama going.
He seems unable to think of any game mechanics that achieve this, while the changes he does make fucks up other sides of the game that he doesn't care about.

Thing is, most people that are still playing aren't terribly bothered by this (especially those massive faggots that suck up to adkek)
So this game will not change as long as there is a large enough player base that gives admin lunch money.
Admeme has apparently already gotten another job to keep the lights on so things aren't going to change even if more people quit. He doesn't care. And frankly, listening to the playerbase might do more harm than good. The war part of the game has already been completely gutted making it so you're unable to kick someone out of the shitty hamlet they decided to place in your way and yet people STILL cry on the forums when you subjugate someone despite it doing literally nothing to them.
Terra Borealis is suddenly enforcing peace after they aggressively subjugated everyone.
>"Okay I just finished killing everyone, I am a nice guy now."
Honestly if you are role playing as a woman I fucking hate you so don't talk to me go and talk to the queers in your discord if you're bored
How do you feel about confirmed married woman roleplaying as cumslut for discord queers?
you vassalized other human players? i never played the game so no clue how it works
it always intrigues me but i always feel like i'd be filtered or invest too much into it
Talk to them on the same time or send a letter explaining the benefits of being in a big vassal chain. If they refuse to talk, subjugate them.
Is this Tilea? Wait, did tilea win?
depends, either tilia is dead or it's the classic everyone except me is tilean
It's darborea making his own tilea. Plus former drakaris/ecthelion licking different boots now.
>did tilea win
Boorg spend his last active months sucking up to Havoc. Litvin proclaimed that discord circlejerk is actually good the moment he got high nobility from them. Oh, and admeme implemented new mechanics to ensure only the right people get the relics.
The house always wins.
Home..... I miss the Abby of Azzborger
It's literally me lmao
>political intrigue
>no meme/lewd tickets
>can't even steal regalia
>can't even properly backstab except Friday 13th
>players are forced to join powerblobs that conquer the entire continents from the beginning if they want something more than a lordship and stick to said powerblob, otherwise they get stomped
I miss the old times
Soooo darborea is the newest homo to take the mantle... does that mean I am in the troon empire?
Eh, there are semi-independent blocks there, so it's not as bad as original samotras. But his gunboat diplomacy followed by "peace keeping" still shows his roots.
His roots? Sounds like a pompous ass that goons to his self importance.
I hope you already built all your forges and furnaces or you're now forever behind the ones who did. Very cool update.
Gotta love french logic. "More content for older continents!" means removing more and more shit from the first year. Coal also got nerfed to make coke stand out more (same fire bonus as old coal)
That is fucking cruel! so many weeks to wait to do anything.
What changes overall was done? No change log is not helping.
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Looks like deforestation's back on the menu, boys
unlock weeks and bonuses from the buildings are all fucked
you now can't build a large forge until week 36 and the fire bonus is only +10, while a huge (now renamed to vertical) furnace can't be built until week 64
of course, your already built stuff doesn't break so the big boys who rushed their smelter towns are eating good
oh and before you think the build bonus changes might help level the playing field, no
a small forge now gives NO fire bonus and mediums only +5 so get fucked
But the continents don't last long enough to have the impact it needs to justify it being unlocked late. Did the Admeme at least adjust some of the stats to fix the economy?
Ah, that was probably to counter the 20 furnaces you see a mining village have.
yeah, he made it so updating your medium brewery into an urban one makes it objectively worse :)
>designated ERP rooms
Yep, this is exactly what the game was missing the most.
The bedrooms are separate, whoever heard of a king and queen sleeping in the same place? kek
are these new camps just for larp?
fortified camps have resistance to intrusion so you can use them to protect your troops in foreign territory overnight or cover your artillery, I suppose
Soooooo Mantolas, Terra Borealis and now Ursalia are in an mega alliance? What is next, Bermuda?! I think faggotry is at work.
Charcoal being better than coal is strange. Doesn't it make coal a dead resource until over 1 year into the continent?
>French dev
>Mandatory cuckoldry
Fucking hell.

You could argue that coal is cheaper as you only need to maintain miners, but charcoal production can be scaled up much more easily anywhere.
Coke being that good does balance it out, just good luck seeing anyone use it as barely anyone will stick around 1.5+ years on a continent.
Miners consume wood too, need the initial investment of wagons and can't be boosted by prayers
It honestly feels like you're better off ignoring it and not depleting your deposits until coke gets unlocked, assuming you're actually going to stick around for that long
The wood type/quality doesn't matter and you need a lot less of it. You also get an easy +65 to quality from deposit and all the equipment, at medium quality.
Meanwhile charcoal depends a lot on specific wood, so you either need your own woodcutter with good trees or buy it from the market. And if you add priest, that's 3 units doing the work of one for a small increase in final quality.
Changes to existing stuff:
More chairs for house upgrades.
Ships, boats, and barges require sails and lanterns.
Fire bonus reduced by 5 for forge, bakery, brickyard.
Small metallurgy bonus for blast furnace, lime burning for lime kiln, ceramics for brickyard. New highest level blast furnace is only available for like ~5 months before continent sinks.
Brewery got fire bonus but less brewing bonus. Last brewery "upgrade" is just downgrade kek.
Some buildings got renamed without stat changes.
Wooden bridge lifespan halved.
Palace buildings got more expensive overall.
Great hall second upgrade removed.
Candles and lanterns give furnishing bonus.
Fire bonus for coal reduced by 5.
Engineers got more equipment and skills, can be trained in barracks. I assume they are supposed to be your camp builders now.

I do wonder how many small tweaks happened in the past without anyone noticing. Some of this stuff has no relevance to new resources and mechanics.
Lots of background images got changed too
Engineers just became the all rounder to have in construction teams now.
Not too bad for crafting teams either, they're just missing turnery and leatherworking
This player next to me in ancoria is suspended, What does that mean for me?
It means they won't be able to play for the duration of the suspension. If it's long enough, they may even not be coming back. If they have no suzerain, I'd go ahead and subjugate them to keep their tax money until they either come back or the domain auto liquidates.
You don't need to match the quality of coal since charcoal has a better fire bonus now
I switched from 80+ coal into ~50 charcoal and my quality went up
>80 coal
+19.5 to fire
>50 charcoal
+20 to fire
Woah. I don't see it as a good alternative unless you have really good wood around. Needing extra units for practically the same effect is very meh.
Well shit, Candia fortress is gone, now how am I going to plan months long revolt, well to the east of the continent I guess…
It would help if there was a small tool tip to show what changes a percentage does.
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Our investments into cannoncoin paid off
You know what they say about men and bigger guns. kek
With the way warfare works right now, those temples are far more useful than 100% keep. It's retarded.
Besides, "revolting" against the blob only works when you are a part of another blob. The whole reason tileans shat the bed when Ingerland first appeared was because there were a lot of us. That and being a decentralized hivemind, while a typical empire relies on a few autists to control its entire army.
any news about godson?
Heard his snails died
So you are ready for 3 more months of zombies, right?
The last ones haven't fully died either.
>3 months
How about entire year. Even after that southern continent with 1k zombies sunk we still have nearly 700 left between Ursalia and Mantolas. It will be even worse shitshow this year with all those inactive domains.
Why the fuck do you facebook-game-playing retards insist on making your threads for your shitty mobile game here? Fuck off.
Remember, it is canon that the zombie epidemic was caused by admin being a prolific spreader of HIV
Always shoot zombies from a safe distance while wearing a condom
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>Phyrr still full of corpses
>Sinaret just got a bunch due to a perfectly-timed rebellion
Is that the play? Rebel and spread corpses on Terra Borealis, then flee to Ancoria.
Or you can just be part of the blob in TB, up to you. If you flee to Ancoria, build a lighthouse and trading ships so I can import food. My wages are at 300 and I'm worried the population might still get upset with the changes to consumption during the Winter.
My workers are leaving, does that mean the old wage is not enough?
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It means they're unhappy. Either increase wages or have more supply of goods they want in your market through your own production or trade routes. It's getting pretty rough up here, I doubled my wages to 600 and my workers have lower happiness than before. Thankfully no one has left yet.
I hate this game with passion. For some reason it turned from a sandbox with many opportunities and paths admin made the most boring browser citybuilder that nowadays lacks politics and other meaningful interactions. Now this game can be played completely braindead. Want a peaceful farm? Ignore the neighbors, don't train soldiers and earn meaningless shekels. It doesn't matter who you pay taxes, you'll be paying them anyways. Want to become some med-high noble? Your military and diplomacy matters the least, just be among the first settlers, join a powerblob that pre-plans their influence zones all over the continent and build fast. Bonus points if you brainwashed someone or some clueless newb that greater good (tm) of your faction is more beneficial than being alone/trying to build your own group. You can also shower them with printed shekels so they stay for a while before leaving, realizing that whole game is just a platform for ego-stroking circlejerk.

Imaginary wars. Fake titles. Retarded straightforward politics with a single goal and no twists. Farmville with chat gpt written tickets and letters. Gay blobs over continents, meaningless aliances of gay blobs. Tilea won.
Not that I know much because I've never been a political bigwig but hasn't this always been the direction the game is going in?
A lot of people left when admin screwed the whole internal market / autarky thing people were doing way back.
Before that the new building degradation mechanic was the thing to seethe about.
Admin has always given priority to RP fag concerns and this game was never meant to be a wargame I think
24/7 RTS was always doomed to fail, even without preferential treatment and protectionism from moderation. But admeme screwed even with city builders with those retarded circles, so most domains look nearly identical. Really, I think the only thing going for lol is he accidentally managed to make it really addicting, so many people stuck with it despite all the problems.
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What would your answer be?
I like Lands of Lords.
Source code release when?
Godson won
I fully admit that the game is just farmville for medieval wannabes, but I don't care I love this stupid game.
I don't care anymore. Shitty moderation and inner clique killed it harder than any dumb design changes ever could.
wasn't Karsk making his own LOL anyway?
If he's not paid then where does all the money for the premium features go
Server costs. The damn thing is written in PHP, the performance overhead must be horrendous.
someone should just re-do the game
it's a neat concept but the interface was honestly outdated 10 years ago when it was first released
why did admin even fucking add those circles?
>coder plays LOL
>gets pissed off and creates a LOL clone
A tale as old as time.
What are some LoL clones? I only know Ymir dev used to be a big figure.
Where the fuck is it anon!
Is admin going quit now or not?
Should I start writing an eulogy?
It isn't all that good for your player count / revenue to say "feeling cute, might ditch the game later"
>remove building and organisation circles
>redo high nobility requirements so that you either need to possess a certain regalia, have a certain number of unique IPs as vassals or have a minimum number of total vassals (so 3 possible ways to fulfill the requirement)
Admin should run an experiment where he makes these changes and see how player engagement changes. He already makes changes with far reaching consequences on a weekly/monthly basis, so why not shake things up and let the remaining players have some more freedom.

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