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how are you doing my lords and ladies
Is it true that I can kill anyone I want on 13th
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Here's a couple links to some starter tutorials. A lot of the old tutorials seem to be down, does anyone know of any other guides?
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Business? Booming
Coffers? Full of gold
Borders? Aesthetic
Neighbours? Vassalized or allied
Population? Increasing

Hopefully I don't become the target of a bored Duke this Friday
Yes, lords and civilians become vulnerable.
I just made a new account after not playing since 2017.
>can't pick your starting spot anymore
>have to fork over cash just to explore the fog that takes up half your land
Nice to see Admin is still making stupid changes.
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Regalia when? Or better yet, removal of regalia when?
Only members of the clique and some lucky few (definitely not r*ssians though, thanks lord admin) are allowed to have higher titles. And that's a good thing.
Friday the 13th starts in 2 hours, who are we killing tomorrow?
me apparently
I kinda forgot about it
didn't have much of worth anyway
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Happenings of this scale will never happen again.
What are the fags doing on Terra boadalasdjadsjasdn fuck the name. Should have called it something shorter and cooler.
should I make another account?
Depends on the situation I guess?
Minor scuffles with petty lords who try to subjugate every village in sight without trying any kind of diplomacy.
Two villages attack each other during Friday 13th, then both are slaughtered by a vigilante who had nothing to do with it.
Mors copypastes his city like 5 times.
>Rebellion seems kind of mid.
When Verdantia sinks, I wonder how the lads in the south will move about.
the game is in 3d now?
you can look at your domain in 3d
like everything else, it half baked and shitty
WTF Ingerland is the 2nd largest state in the game? How did that happen? I thought everyone stopped playing.
It remained the second largest failed state since people got bored of Ursalia.
yo anyone remember the groidman house?
I remember looting one of the characters who was cobwebbed and collected a bunch of gibs since their character was admiral of Ingerland or something.
Speaking of Terra Borealis. How long do you think they will remain on it until they abandon the landmass?
I've want to make a second account to get more title slots, but I've been scared of getting banned.
Is that something mods are active about or no?
I've heard that you can get banned for it, but there are some that do it, with or without admin permission. But I don't to be on the safe side as I do not want to submit to them.
I think I am going to abandon terra borealis too much shotgun diplomacy
I remember Groid the rent seeker
>back during Ingerland prime days
>finally finish massive walnut orchard
>quit game immediately after
I was retarded
New continent dropped
It's pretty smol
Could find only one river mouth, it was already taken
Endor was better
No bigger than Britannia and Hibernia combined.
I don't think it is going to be a chill place.
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break time is over, lads
Someone recently got suspended for it. Use a VPN if you really have to play on multiple accounts.
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Why is the game so dead? It hasn't been this dead in years.
Admeme should increase title limit by like 5
how do you get 3d view of city?
By giving adkek money
Just ask someone who has deposited money into his wine fund
LOL+ feature, little compass icon in the top right corner on the map, above the square and triangle

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