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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
You magnificent bastard
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Anyone else who plays City Wide Revolt?
I have these Hana Section 1 Decks that I made but I don't like the light cost investment for Reach Heaven. It refunds itself next scene with "Through Violence" and gives me Haste and Strength on the Scene After.
But Unyielding Faith is cheaper to play and can actually clash with Non-Counter Dice. Conviction is an alright alternative to 1 Strength.
In terms of Passives I have Lawbringer giving all my pages a 4-8 Block die at the end and Temperance giving me +1 Draw and +1 Strength at the Start of the Scene if I have any remaining Block dice by the end, which is where Reach Heaven/Through Violence comes in with its "On Play" nature. Naturally this dilemma only really exists for long fights
I play it. No i don't understand how my decks work on a mechanical level. I just build singular strike cory.
Anyone have that pic of Red Sheet Sinclair that got turned into Reimu?
I uhhh. I use Natalie gun deck on floor of Philosophy and uhhh big numbers happen.
I would drop ceaseless and at least one another card in favour of two copies of Witch's whims. Light + draw for 0 cost is fair.
I don't like CRW Hana all that much. Something about using Trigrams every scene rubs me the wrong way. Also I can't remember how every one of them interact with skills and text is too small.
Witch’s whims is bad without Legendary. Hana Light recovery and draw beats it.
I personally love the fact you MUST play trigrams to actually get anything out of Hana cards. Besides, you have Tabitha to baby you if you can’t keep up with your trigrams
>Witch’s whims is bad without Legendary
Not that bad from my expirience. It's just fast Unlock. I think alternative would be that Zwei card, that gives 3 light if you keep counter dices. Don't remember name atm. Something like last line of defence.
>Besides, you have Tabitha to baby you if you can’t keep up with your trigrams
It's exclusive page. And I just forget to use them.
God, I love Santiago's page. Nothing will compare to spamming out 3 light cards at the enemy.
I have a schizo theory. What if the mirrorverse genocide is happening and nobody is noticing it. People forgot about Catherine, so who's to say they don't forget about the random shmucks who died thanks to the boughs?
You'd waste boughs to delete random people?
It's more of a retard theory not schizo.
It happened to Catherine, and nothing is stopping the same events from happening to other people. There are probably dozens of evil mirrorverse hopping variant trying to kill themselves.
Btw this doesn't mean all of the bough kills are happening in the universe we play in.
Havent payed much attention since the g*cha, Has PM said anything about their next game yet?
Yeah. Turns out making gacha and working on another project is too hard, so they postponed everything to focus on Ligma Company.
Enjoy the PM version of the mcu
Why did jannies spoiler the thumbnail?
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When I reached the age of sixteen, my father began to initiate us into the mysteries of the cabbala of Sephiroth. First, he gave us to read the Sepher ha-Zohar, or book of splendour, which is so called because nothing can be understood of it at all, for it sheds so bright a light that it dazzles the eyes of the mind. Next, we studied the Siphra di-Zaniutha, or book of concealment, which at its most explicit might well be thought to be written in riddles. Finally, we were shown the Idra Rabba and the Idra Sutha, also known as the greater and lesser Sanhedrin. These are dialogues in which Rabbi Simon bar Jochaï, who wrote the two preceding books, simplifies his style to the conversational, pretends to instruct his friends in the most basic knowledge but actually reveals to them the most astonishing mysteries; or rather, all the revelations that come to us directly from the prophet Elijah, who secretly left heaven to join Simon and his friends under the pseudonym of Rabbi Abba.
You non-initiates may think that you have got some idea of all this Holy Writ from the Latin translation which was printed together with the original Chaldean in 1684 in a small German town called Frankfurt. But we cabbalists laugh at the presumption of those who believe that all that is needed in order to read are the physical organs of sight. That may suffice for some modern languages, but in Hebrew every letter is a number, every word a learned combination of signs, every phrase a terrible formula, which, when correctly pronounced with all the appropriate aspirates and stresses, could cause mountains to crumble and rivers to dry up. I do not need to tell you that Adonai created the world by the Word and then made himself into a Word. Words strike the air and the mind, they act on the senses and on the soul. Although you are not initiates, you can easily grasp that they are the true intermediaries between matter and every order of intelligence.
Because its a disgusting phoneposter image
So it's a mess of fan-service and threat scaling that makes the entire thing unapproachable?
I just found the thread because I tried to make it with that image
Hokma’s realisation was kinda dull
Sort of, they pretty much made Dante the savior of the multiverse. Because N corp wants to commit total multiverse death.
I respect them as far as them not going full force with it of involving all literature or something, but multiverses will always be shit. Involving N to that extent when they were previously unmentioned (as far as I'm aware at least) isn't exactly great, but I don't know what established corp could threaten all theoretical universes, so it'd have to be someone new if they wanted to go that way.
Man, Greta’s page is kinda ass
This might be one of the worst.
I dunno what they’re thinking with it
One unique passive that costs 5 points and it only works on offensive die when bleed is on the target
Yujin has one that’s just plus 1 to all die all the time, so that being Greta’s only passive is really shite
You think she’d be the bleed queen, not the bleed fool
It's just Dong-Hwan page that is slightly more customizable. It doesn't help that you need to beat the game to unlock her own version of Disgorge Innards. Bleed support dropped rather hard towards SoTC.
Tbdesu a lot of the ensemble pages are bad. Prime example? Oswald. His passive is literally just attribution bait for Yujin. The best ensemble pages are Argalia and Tanya. The latter who has more effective HP than the designated "tank."
>replaying Ruina
>beat binah realization on my first try
>can’t beat black silence
I dunno how I did this the first time
Should add that I’m trying to do it with Hod only
I bite it near the end
How? You have team-wide healing and +2 dice power for one guy.
Post decks
Turns out I never had enough light gen and page draw lol
>Friend doesn't want to play LoR
>Come over to his house and force him to watch skibidi toilet official movie
Yep yep yep, psychological torture is needed.
>on distorted ensemble
>want paying attention and forfeited when I loaded the game
I’m going to kill myself
never mind, the game fucking crashed and I never lost anything
Well I beat the game without touching Yesod, Gebura, or Binah (I only used those two when I had to grind the red mist book)
Probably the most fun I had with the game
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That's probably what I'm going to do next time I play through LoR, on a side-note, damn, I forgot how nice and comfy it is here.
/lcg/ is such a a shithole goddamn
I'm surprised by how much easy power you can get with Hod and Chessed. It's sort of nuts. Plus non-nix tiph has insane amounts of damage with pierce.
/v/chads are laughing at you btw
Do you think our war with ABIB was just a pointless tantrum? There's a reason we fought tooth and nail to avoid the fate of being sent to /vg/.
I like how the floors gameplay style can represent the sephirots personalities
I wonder if the Anon who's grandma painted those pictures of the Library, Blue Reverberation and Crying Children is playing Limbus. I especially wonder if their grandma made any more paintings, they were very good
Can you post them?
This sounds really cute
Ayin lost
...the losers competition.
And won the even bigger losers competition.
>But we aren’t allowed to go anywhere. Carmen just wants to keep us confined here.
>She’s a good person. I hope you’ll open up to her soon.
>I don’t want to get to know anyone else, all I want is to be with you.
>I can’t promise to be next to you forever.
>There’s a lot of things that I’ve been mulling over for quite some time, and I thought I may find some answers for them here.
>Some of my thoughts may be so absurd that the answers to them might not exist at all.
>Or, even if the answers do exist, they might vanish too soon...
>But, in the process of searching for those answers, I will be able to cast off my shell.
>Then I can fly away at last, leaving my heavy body behind...
>Sometimes, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
>I don’t know where you want to go, but promise that you’ll take me with you, Enoch.
I can just post lobcorp stuff here, right? /vg/ is too fast and scattered, and /v/ threads only appear around update days as fitting the self-made rules
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Sure, why not.
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I beat Chesed core today. Playing kaizo mod
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And this is my facility this run, but this was from a few days ago. Today I got and cleared Porccubus and Nameless Fetus and Chesed core. They made Porccubus a WHEN THE WORK RESULT WAS GOOD abno with a counter of 2 and they made Fetus drop counters FACILITY WIDE when he hits 0, and his counter is still 1. He's also a WAW now for obvious reasons
I forgot to say but I meme repo'd back to Day 36 after clearing Chesed core and playing Day 38 to clear Binah's first mission and to grind boxes to rebuy some gear. From the Chesed core win, I lost
>Laetitia + Today's Expression (HE armor) agent
>Solemn Lament (WAW and Pale) agent
>Spore agent
>Hypocrisy agent
and I had all of that in my facility already except Shy Look, who got banished from a previous repo loop. Plan next time I play is to Day 36, then do Tiphereth core on Day 37, then do Gebura core Day 38 if the facility state is good enough to take her on. Then most likely repo back to Day 36
>Overhaul mod
I've heard about this one but I never bothered with mods in LobCorp. Sounds interesting, I might try to do another LC run after finishing my current backlog.
>Spoiler text
Sounds horrifying enough.
God, /v/ is almost unbearable especially with the current Election Season. At least there was a good thread that happened a few days ago.
It's this one
To the guy who's making the difficulty mod for LoR. You should consider adding in new battle pages for the combat encounters. I feel like that's where less easy ruina shot itself in the foot. It would be much easier to add difficulty by giving the enemies more tools.
For example: What if Katriel had a one use grenade mass attack that gained power and status effects based off of the bullets discarded. And maybe she could have a custom abno page (enemy only) that converts all of the status effects she inflicts into paralysis.
Any good channels that do Mod gameplay and show the cutscenes?
My PC’s busted and I need to get a new GPU/PSU
There's /ourguy/
I got filtered by this mod's installation, it just bricks my interface on launch and that's it. What do?
Contact the mod maker for help? First you should check if you have basemods
Do you have BepInEx installed on Ruina (most likely for Skin Format Normalizer)? If yes, your version is most likely outdated and thus is bricking mods that require a newer version of Harmony, so go and redownload it (should be at least BepInEx 5.4.19 / Harmony 2.9 - just don't skip to BepInEx 6, it's not backwards compatible).
Otherwise - do you have Unity Explorer/Basemod (Experimental/Nightly)/Harmony Load Order Fix? If none of the above, grab the last one from workshop (and don't forget to restart the game at least once afterwards).
Got too popular.
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one day there will be "grandma paintings 2"
Those are really good
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Damn...based grandma.
She's got a good eye
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Still alive guys? I'm about to do Tiph core on kaizo mod
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Grinded up Rudolta in the process. It took me a long while to get real white damage weapons like this. It's like everything's red or black damage now, with a bit more pale in the mix
In the process of grinding boxes on Melting Love, which is more fair in this mod than in vanilla, I accidentally execution bullet the elevator squad about to kill an Indigo Noon group, instead of black shielding them
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The real power of a Temperance gigachad
Gave Red Mist a try. Phase 1 is as easy as ever, resistances are whatever. Phase 2 is 1.0 normal to black, 0.7 endured to pale, 0.2 resistant to red and white. Da Capo triple combo is easy instapanic while the Mimicry swing is boring as before. I didn't check how much the Heaven spear toss does, but it's probably still a danger. Whoever my melee black users are have to have white resistance on because anybody else will get panic from that. I might have to invest my prudence guys into being those. I was absolutely correct to have the gift chance increase mod to grind gifts on people, because it alone has made Hod's core suppression winnable as well as many other problems. This is not a mod for the faint of heart, despite being a "difficulty remix" original style of kaizo and not a "haha fuck you lol" style of modern kaizo
I kill every thread I post in. I'm a cursed man.
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Who the fuck are you again
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Project Nexus released official Workshop support. Now you can cosplay as PM characters much easier
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I bought lob corp and installed the kaizo mod. GOD, do I hate the ordeals and abnos breaching. At least ppodae calms down if he kills somebody. But the forsaken murderer is an entirely different beast. Let me not get started with amber dawn.
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So did I until I had enough agents to survive plus gear. Post facility.
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The unknown guy is forsaken murderer.
You got trainers for all 4 stats already. I forgot which one Ppodae does and I don't have him in my facility
Fairy Festival
One Sin
I will tell you right now that success rates are a BITCH in this mod unlike vanilla. It is an eyeopening experience. I have had high level agents die to Wellcheers because of it. Take my advice and get other mods too. I can link you the ones I have when I get to my PC, but you absolutely need gift chance increase because Hod and Chesed were almost impossible without stacking stats with gifts like I did.
All their damage values, damage resists, and HP values are altered from vanilla. Even at Day 36-40 working at Briah cores, Green Noon is a threat that can kill people without red shields.
Okay so here's what I have from what I can recall and by checking my downloaded mods history thanks to nexus
and of course Kaizo Corp itself
AND this ALEPH Justice Fix mod that was erased from nexus, but a kind anon was able to upload to catbox last april
Source https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1404274/#q1407918
Anon, you did play and beat Lobotomy Corp first before playing Kaizo Corp, right? You aren't playing kaizo mod as your first time unspoiled, right?
You motherfucker
Where the fuck is your OneBadManyGood equipment retexture mod?!?!?


its motherfucking ESSENTIAL
I didn't know it existed, okay?! I'll get it right now!
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I can tell you his gimmick.
He's a 1 qliphoth abno that has a chance to breach on normal results. His good result range is 16-18.
Due to his gimmick, and how awful he is to suppress I just work on him when I'm forced to.
But yeah for now my abno selection seems really good considering most of them aren't that bad. Gonna install the mods btw
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There's some other abnos that are also counter 1 and can breach on normal. I don't have any right now outside of Forsaken Murderer myself
>good result range is 16-18
Fucking KEK, what are his success rates to compensate? Is his gear any good?
Can't you just micro him like always? He only has 1 attack
>abno selection
They promoted a lot of abnos in ranks. In fact here, pic related is my facility right now. I plan to meme repo back to 36 after I clear Gebura core. The unknown is Skin Prophecy.
>install the mods
Good, you'll need them.
His movement and attack speed got boosted. You can't kite him with 3 justice. Although it would probably be feasible with 5, maybe 4. He's also resistent to red and white. Although when I get black damage he should be a joke.
His first Library of Ruina play-through was Starlight Revelry. But he did play normal Lobotomy first
Ignor me, that’s the wrong guy
I have no clue what the other guy is talking about. But I beat lc on a pirates copy. Mostly playing kaizo just to see what got changed and to not have lc stay in my steam library untouched
There's a lot of black damage in the mod, or maybe I just rolled abnos that give black damage weapons too much

Who's laughing now?
Are you winning son?
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DD game... One day...
Lol, lmao even. The day we see something other than limbus is the day when asia runs out of money to throw at gacha.
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>He still has expectations
What's the DD game as someone new to the series?
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Wacky adventures with the ten commandments dudette and associates.
WE'RE CROSSING THE RED SEA WITH THIS ONE *fire emoji *fire emoji *fire emoji *fire emoji
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About to face Gebura core again. Already had 2 retries; first was her throwing her weapons to extraction from central 1 and instapanicking people in-between the rooms, and second was her gold rush in phase 1 killing like 5 people who could not get out of the way in time
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So what happened was Gebura threw Da Capo, which made Bongbong have red text but stay sane. I assume the Da Capo throw did so much raw white damage that it instapanicked her but Chesed reward procced and she nulled the damage. But it still somehow counted her as panicking for the purposes of Funeral's instakill, even though Funeral does Pale damage now and not White. What a stupid reason to have to fail the attempt. It was going well too
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What are Safety clerks doing down here?
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Much better attempt
I kinda feel bad (blog?)posting like this, but I'm actually playing the damn game and it's better than going to a /v/ thread or to the /vg/ general
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2 instapanics. One has Laetitia armor for 0.7 HE white resist with 120 SP, the other has Adoration armor for 0.6 ALEPH white resist with 97 SP. I forgot about the phase transition being an insta-fuckyou like that, but I'm glad I managed to get the other safe black weapon users out in time. I'm out of bullets after those paralysis ones plus pale shielding the other black damage group against Funeral just in case.
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Bullets reloaded. My only viable ranged to take her on are Hypocrisy, Syrinx, Hornet, and Hornet. Rudolta melted down so I didn't want to bother sending Bongbong all the way to work on him and risk being Justitia blown to bits. I completely forgot if she still does Gold Rush in phase 3, but I might rabbit her at the end of phase 3 to force her to go to phase 4 just to be sure.
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She still does the Burrowing Heaven spear toss in phase 3 it seems. With these resists and stats that's some major damage. Also I can't rabbit her because Extraction has "low openness" I miss those old translation days, now it's properly "Expansion Level Insufficient" so I need to hope she either does Gold Rush in this phase to go elsewhere or I have to play fast and loose later
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So both Hypocrisy (20 Very Long) and Hornet (25 Very Long) are within the Justitia wave range. There's nothing I can do here except micro back and forth to dodge it at the doorway. She hasn't popped Smile yet thankfully, so I should be safe? I sent away the Syrinx agent because Syrinx is even shorter range compared to the other two weapons, but if I'm at the door juking her then Syrinx is still usable
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The elevator room is slightly lower in elevation than the actual main room is, so the spear simply went over their heads?
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The time it took for an agent to open the fucking main room door to exit actually mattered and got somebody killed. I can still do this attempt okay if I play it safe and rabbit her now, I was planning to meme repo anyway after this
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I couldn't isolate the marked agent and everybody got blendered. Also the modder made her all Normal in phase 4 and not all Fatal. Also the modder made her resistant to paralysis bullets where she's slowed but not as much as she is in vanilla. Also I accidentally rabbited Central with nobody there and not Info where Gebura was.

I really hate this core suppression. More than half of the entire thing is simply waiting for her to fucking move away so I can engage her at proper distance and because baiting her away is suicidal most of the time in her phases. This shit wastes your time as a player for fuck's sake. Without TT10 mod at max speed toggled, I bet this takes like 2 hours real time
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Clutch elevator dodge
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Crumbling Monk is a BITCH ASS NIGGER and so is his armor
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Had to sacrifice the weak low-gift Bear Paws agent to the blender, but I got her without backing down this time
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Good work, Manager.
Keep it up
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Grinding out Child of the Galaxy plus getting the last bits of gear on Rudolta and Melting Love before I repo back to Day 36
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So my plan for next time is to stack abnos on either Hokma or Binah, whichever one still has missions to complete, to get the missions unlocked so I can unlock their core suppressions. This also helps me get more abno gear and codex completion by looping 36-40 again. I want all Atziluth missions done and cores unlocked before I ever think of going into Day 41. I'll also need to grind up more agents. 3 agents for Extraction immediately when it's unlocked on Day 37, so they can have the long-time 10-day bonuses built up by the time I get to Day 47. Then 3 more agents where one is for Central Team 2 and the other two are for Training Team. I might still have to train up more agents in preparation for Day 46-50 to occupy Architecture Team. It sucks that my only HE+ white damage weapons are
>4 Christmas
>2 Wrist Cutter
>3 Frost Splinter
>1 Syrinx
Frost Splinter is underrated when it comes to tearing up Gebura phase 1 by the way, because when she targets the ranged agents in the back and tries to move to them, the Frost Splinter agents slow her strongly enough without any need for paralysis bullets. She bears the full deathball assault for many seconds until she Gold Rushes out.
They put all the ass into the sephirot women
NTA, I really like this kaizo mod so far. If I had to compare it to less easy ruina. Then I'd say the LC modder put in much more thought and attention into the kaizo mod than the ruina dev did for his.
Were you the guy complaining about Forsaken Murderer? How far in are you? Post facility?
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Yep that's me. Btw I love forsaken murderer, his weapon is amazing. Who I actually hated was ppodae. I'm not that far in, I got sidetracked by playing deadlock. But I'll oblige. The teddy bear is the unknown one btw, his gimmick didn't change.
I can just tell the mod author put a lot of detail into his mod and made the abnos thematically consistent. Less easy ruina isn't bad for the most part, but the focus is more about making it really difficult by applying random gimmicks rather than something that would make sense.
>weapon is amazing
I love his armor more for early on, it helps fight Green Dawn and it's 0.8 white resist which is OK early but there's better white resist TETH armors.
I love him, he trains all stats especially Justice with amazing success rates for bald agents, and his gift is /fa/ as fuck this early and easy to get with the gift chance increase mod, and he gives a ranged white damage gun for antipanic. 0.6 black resist TETH can help you endure Galaxy kid's work damage there
They made it unusable, I hate it. The wearer is always guaranteed dead if you don't return it in 90 secs, so you're only meant to ever use it against a nearby or immediate threat that won't take long to kill. Heart is infinitely more workable than this. I miss my free justice tool, fuck the mod maker for nerfing behavioral adjustment to worthlessness like this
The armor SUCKS for anybody that isn't using his token to heal, and the mod maker nerfed the gift by making it only heal HP and not HP/SP like in vanilla. It's still a good gift, just not as overpowered anymore
Wrong, the mod maker added a "if Temperance 2 or lower, die" to him. His armor is very good as a default shitter HE armor for a while
>made the abnos thematically consistent
He made it so you can raise Melting Love's counter with Good Instinct or Attachment work results with the slime husband agent, which makes her safe to work on without the agent being on a timer to counter 0 death like in vanilla
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Compare this armor to Hornet, which in kaizo is
>0.5 red
>1.0 white
>0.5 black
>1.5 pale
>173 cost
>2 max (3 with Gebura)
Both this armor and the weapon for DRV cost 48 too. This is the economy WAW gear of the mod, it seems. The helmet gift gives the same +8 SP that Laetitia's helmet gift does, but Laetitia forces the agent to only work her while DRV is a lot more lax. In fact, DRV is as tame in this mod as he is in vanilla, though I haven't seen him breach in the mod yet
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Did you guys know Void Dream's breached light projectiles go through the entire facility?
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This is my life now until I get all his gear
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Loresages, what does this mean?
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Why is Da Capo armor 1.0 white? Is it because the mod maker wants the player to use it with the EGO gift? Rather pathetic for an ALEPH gear by itself now
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Aren't you using the higher ego gift chance mod? It should be relatively easier and better if you had 3 agents that were immune to white damage.
Yeah good point. I'll be meme repoing back to Day 36 again once I finish grinding up Army in Black. Then I'm done for the day. Next time I play I'll do 36-40 for real and grind agents up accordingly. I might pick up Silent Orchestra again on the way just to grind his gift on the 2 agents with his armor on. Though that Army gift plus the buffed gun look real powerful, I'd rather not have more clerk lovers in my facility past Monk and Funeral. I'll have to loop 41-45 once or twice of course for Hokma/Binah, but I hope I can get and complete Train around that time too. I seriously want to get both WhiteNight and Apocalypse Bird on the final run into Day 46-50
Thing is that even if I do Repression work on Army, sometimes the counter doesn't even decrease. It's not a 100% drop rate.
Put Bongbong in your facility anon
Less Easy Red Mist is all you need to see how fucking stupid the balance of that mod is
I forgot if it was Xiao or Proxies, but you fight WhiteNight at the same time in one those receptions
>you fight WhiteNight at the same time in one those receptions
Who saw that and said that was OK?
It was second row Xiao that had the whitenight transformation. The mod author clearly didn't think of the implications of comparing Xiao to white night.
The biggest pet peeve I had about less easy ruina were the abno pages. Because most of the time they would spoil the abnormalities you will fight (see smilling faces spoiling the adult who will lie.) It would have been so much better if the guests got unique abno pages of abnormalities we wouldn't fight. Imagine the smiling faces fight if they had the scrapped dreaming current abno effects.
But I guess not every mod is made equal. I hope the anon who's making his own difficulty mod makes it kino.
Is nobody watching this for the mod stuff?
I forgot about the gay event. Plus none of these people are interesting besides being used as bait for the halls.
The CityWideRevolt guy is there plus many others in the modding scene. Might be cool for that alone?
I'm listening to it rn. But it's really not that interesting.
Seems they're just picking out their decks and talking about the pages and gimmicks. They haven't started actual ruina pvp yet
They said enter :O
I can't believe redditlip WON!
Could only get to Day 38 after Day 37 kept being fucked up thanks a lot Parasite Tree, you are now a liability for the rest of the run after I got all your gear, and I need to think of anybody that would benefit from your gift instead of another abno's for that slot. Seems Hokma's researches raise the caps on the 3 stats (not Justice) up to 120, and then there's the base increase based on the agent titles (generally 107-109 or now 127-129). Every little bit helps with how much I dread the Hod core part of Day 47. On Day 37 I got back Rudolta while skipping Wolf; that's good for the couple Prudence agents I have because Christmas is +10 SP for the Hat slot at the reasonable cost of -6 HP. And on Day 38 I got Nothing There, whose gift gives +13 HP and +5% HP restored from all sources... which is just +3 more HP from vanilla. Still better than the +8 HP from Snow Queen's gift. More important for the double Mimicry set than anything else right now. Still trains Temperance and Fortitude, but fucking up works on him is riskier with his normal minimum being 24 out of 45 PE boxes.
I don’t think PM content creators are interesting in general
Maybe it’s to do with the fact that the idea of watching someone play a PM game is off putting to me
Same. I'd say that it's a combination of the games being way more interesting to interact with than to watch. The games finding an audience with antisocial weirdos (I mean look where we are) that are rather vegan in telling you what they think and like. And the story being a bit convoluted.
It was a nice event if you wanted to see the exclusive and personal/unreleased mods everyone made mjkvnd
Got backwards clock in Extraction on Day 39. Spent a bit of time grinding gifts on people and getting agents to 126-129 in 2 or 3 stats depending on if they were a Crumbling Armor flame justicechad or not. Several people still need
>Spore (hand 2)
>Moonlight (brooch)
>Solemn Lament (right back)
Plus some more stat grinding. Otherwise I'll be ready to get into Day 41 in a few days. I need to hope for Big Bird and Plague Doctor during Day 41-45, or on Day 40
In a 7.5 chapter, the limbus company gang will encounter a distorted Salvador. His distortion will be based off of Atlas and he will carry marble with the appearance of his family and Philip on his back.
his family is still alive though, they are the only Feathers still alive from CC's attack
Was this confirmed anywhere? Seriously asking.
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Mmmmm delicious grind. Also finally got Wolf in my facility, so now once I get Big Bird for Apocalypse Bird and Plague Doctor into WhiteNight - which lets me have BOTH wings plus the PD Blessing gift - I will be able to reach maximum Justice on people once I also beat Hokma core. Problem is having all my justice gigachad fighters as the Blessed means I can't use them to kill WhiteNight to get his weapon due to being apostle-ized. I'll figure something out.
He has a counter of 1

And of course, no Little Red for her mask gift that gives Justice too
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He took no damage while resting in the main room on arriving, but did not howl and simply started moving again. Never seen that before.
Somehow he gave up spawning visible moons and howling, and all he did was run to main rooms and rest and attack once or twice before smoking out to repeat. Still a nuisance, but counter 1 combined with all his gimmicks remaining the same means having Little Red with him is guaranteed disaster. I wonder if the special gift from killing him with Little Red's help is buffed to be much better in this than in vanilla?
>Once he reaches the room, he becomes invulnerable to attacks for 7.5 seconds as he pauses to catch his breath
Seems he did this exact shit in vanilla too, but I just forgot.

In comparison to vanilla
>counter 1 vs 2
>3000 HP vs 2000 HP
>way more resistant to red
>slightly more resistant to black
>white resist weaker by 0.1
>pale resist the same
>containment damage 7-10 vs 4-8
>0% attachment from 0% repression
>success rates about the same
>PE box ranges feel better?
>weapon damage better
>all suit resists better
>gift gives 2 more Fortitude and Justice
Overall a decent glow up. I don't know how much the weapon's ability is changed, if at all
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forgot image
Look at the success chance and the 3rd managerial tip
the reason why it decreased is because you had a high fail chance at lower levels compared to the other works but when at max level justice its about on par with the rest so its actually viable to use repression once you have higher level nuggets
Read closer you fucking retard. Repression Work at all should drop Army's counter by 1 irregardless of result. I have had multiple Repression work done on Army with his counter staying unchanged, but sometimes it does drop by 1 as it should and I'm saying I don't know why. That's how kaizo Parasite Tree works, except Parasite Tree's counter goes to 0 immediately on Repression work being completed while also being his best work type in kaizo mod. Very funny. I don't mind Army because I already got all his gear and research and he's not in my facility anymore. My main issue is Parasite Tree management plus remembering to always cleanse spores after Little Prince is worked.

Speaking of him, I accidentally did not Insight work him in 3 works so he triggered his gimmick extremely late in this >>1773833. I found out that if you click on everybody he enchants so all the enchanted are cured, he doesn't continue it and resets himself. So essentially, Little Prince enchants like 5 or so people throughout the facility but gives up completely once thwarted, where Parasite Tree always pulls 1 random unblessed employee from his department. Cherry Blossom is by far the worst enchanting abno in vanilla because it will reenchant employees as you click them sane, and continue nonstop until it inevitably eats somebody. Never got it yet so I cannot say how kaizo changed it.
>Repression Work at all should drop Army's counter by 1 irregardless of result
Too bad for you thats not how the code works
Then it's the mod's fault for being faulty about it, what can I say?
Liu says the only house and family spared from Philip's rampage when he was unleashed on the Nest was Salvador's
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See? I got a bad result on Wolf, but he did not breach
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Say your prayers, asshole
I got Megahertz on Day 41. The ideal Day 42-44 now is KoD PD and Big Bird for true justice minmax
NEVERMIND I have 3 abnos in both extraction and records, getting all of
>Little Red
>Big Bird
is impossible before Day 46 now. I'll have to hope I get them all eventually so I can finally reach peak justice before the run ends
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>Vanilla code
What? Was Army like that in vanilla too? I completely forgot him and his gimmicks because of how rare he is compared to the other ALEPHs
Bruh he's a Backer ZAYIN abno
you can get him at the same time as Plague Doctor sometimes even earlier
he only changes to ALEPH once he breaches and does the funi
In vanilla if I miss getting Army before Central is opened or even before Day 21, his chances of appearing are minimal for the rest of the run until Day 46-50
I love you guys
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The feeling is mutual, anon
X corp is named Undefined corp, and their main singularity deals with data obfuscation and generation/subtraction. Nobody truly knows who started X corp and nobody truly knows how many singularities they have.
they make alloys and other indestructible stuff
Sad. Math bros... we lost...
Still continuing Lobotomy Corp Kaizo Mod. Meme repo'd back to 41 from 45 after completing Mountain and Flesh Idol. Flesh Idol seems to be exactly the same? I couldn't tell what the difference is. Mountain is about the same except it likes Insight instead of Instinct, it's resistances still make it weakest to red damage with 1.0 normal and the rest including pale 0.5 or below, and when it breaches it breaches as form 2 and not form 1 to make it a bit more formidable than it ever was in vanilla. Still lowers counter on bad result, on entering injured, on dying during work, and when 10 employees die, and still with a counter of 2. Smile armor is very good now with 0.1 to black and 0.4 to red and white. Pale is 1.0 normal which isn't that much of a deal. Weapon is 17-24 damage which is stronger than Mimicry. Something about my run so far and the things I've observed leads me to believe the mod creator really likes black damage the most of the 4 damage types.

Right now I am on Day 42 and got KoD in Records. Day 43 I complete Records and Day 44 I take on Hokma core. Might stop for the night after I clear Day 42 and complete KoD
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Here's Kaizo Corp KoD. That the blessed agent can still work abnos is a great qol change for her. The gear is also a lot better than in vanilla. The gift is also very good as expected. Not much else to say, she's as tame as ever in a facility.
Did I screw up the download? My KoD had base lob corp weapons and count.
Yes retard. Read the fucking readme in the zip
>R word
I'm kicking you from the limbus guild.
Can someone post the book mega link? Mine got fucked up.
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You mean artbook or books from "to-read" list?
Either way you might check the archives.
I think artbooks and the actual books were together in the link. Also thank you, anon.
Found it on /vg/.
The fuck is Kaizo mod anyway

It’s the same thing as Nuzlock. A Challenge named after the first guy who made the original
It's a mod that changes almost everything to make things much harder while still being mostly fair. Originally it was a "difficulty remix" for a game. Nowadays it's become "extreme amounts of bullshit fake difficulty that exists only to frustrate the player because fuck you" for a game. Thankfully this mod is explicitly of the former old definition style
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It's time
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Got him
I stacked agents in the elevator between Info and Training before triggering Crimson Dusk, hoping to deathball them. I had 1-2 agents outside the deathball elevator, each placed in specific hallways deliberately to stop any spawned clowns from reaching priority targets. Those were
>Upper Safety (Monk)
>Lower Safety (Freischutz)
>Lower Left Central (Yin, Judgement Bird)
>Lower Welfare (Swan, La Luna)
>Upper Disciplinary (Queen Bee, Funeral)
>Lower Disciplinary (Heaven, Parasite Tree)
>Records (Prince, Nothing There, Wolf)
>Extraction (Megahertz)
Both Dusks spawned in Briah layer, and both made their way into the two Safety hallways. They never left the Safety hallways either because I had the 1 agent in both soloing them, and they simply rolled back and forth until killed. Sure enough all the clowns spawned in both Disciplinary halls, Extraction, and Records. After that it was fighting Amber Midnight and thankfully killing both Midnights killed everything else via chain reaction, as opposed to leaving the Amber Dusks alive like they sometimes do. Before the final meltdown level I deliberately put every single agent into all the hallways just in case, which was the best course of action despite only timing out on a couple tools. Then once I hit quota again and hit the next meltdown level I won. Parasite Tree only hit 3/5 blessings by the end.
I wanna plap Hod
Used Goods
But enough about your mom
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Philip won today.
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About to start Binah core. Had to resize this because of the 4 MB limit. White circled are filler agents I forgot if it's the kaizo mod's doing or not but now I can boost stats to EX with LOB points on hiring and after hiring? I don't know but I'm going to make the most of it right now, and the red circled are the fighters. Everybody else is going to be working abnos alongside fillers to clear meltdowns.

Not in the image, but after I finished typing this post up I used all my remaining LOB to boost the fillers to Justice 4 so they can hopefully make it to the containment cells faster. All of them also have black resistant EGO gear to help them survive the Meltdowns of Waves. My Gold Rush agent in Control will take Behavioral and my Pinks agent in Safety will take Heart, because their inevitable deaths are irrelevant when it comes to fighting this bitch. I have no idea how much the kaizo mod buffed Binah core, but I'll see what I'm in for...
She got stunned in the elevator, first attempt failure
File deleted.
3 of the fighters somehow died between phase 1 and 2? No clue how
1 of the Training Team people got Laetitia'd, lost a Diffraction armor but oh well
1 with Behavioral died, lost a Gold Rush set from that
1 died at some point and I have no idea how or why
I'll take it
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Fixed the file
And before I rebuy all the lost gear I can buy right now and meme repo back, I should mention that the ripple effect of Binah's shockwave prevented me from clicking things properly every time. I could not aim at her to get people to suppress her. I could not click containment units properly because the mouse had to be way off to the side somewhere for it to register the selection. In fact, I almost failed phase 3 because of it, but I pulled through somehow.
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This is genuinely 100% train chance irregardless of how many lights are on when you take a ticket. And the stupid mod creator didn't make this ALEPH? He kept it WAW? What the fuck was he thinking? This might be one of the worst changes in this entire mod as a whole. He should have made it so the fewer the lights the fewer the train chance where it's 100% at 1 light and 0% at 4 lights, to incentivize the player to wait until 4 lights as much as possible, in addition to making it ALEPH rank.
I might be the one retarded because I never thought once to let all the lights fill up due to my vanilla conditioning regarding Train. I think, because there is no more mention of the lights resetting on 4 lights, maybe now the 4 lights stay as they are and reset ONLY when anybody goes to take a ticket? The idea must be that you take the inevitable 4 light ticket for full facility heal in exchange for guaranteed Train, but the Train will never come unless you send an agent and trigger it yourself. In that case it's a lot better than in vanilla where you cannot let the lights time out.
So after meme repo looping Day 41-43 and getting all the tool abnos done as well as taking some previous abnos back to complete their gear that I lost, and assuming every gear I have has their abno completed except for any unbought gear post-Geb core, all I'm missing is:

Apocalypse Bird
Big Bird
Dreaming Current
Singing Machine
Cherry Blossoms
Meat Lantern
Wall Gazer
I've played near to the end of Canto VI and the game just became so shitty in both gameplay and story I don't think I can continue on anymore.
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I think it’s fine but I don’t feel as strong towards it
Maybe because the story is so long, but my interest in it is waning and am more interested in what’s going to happen after it
what >>1783893 said
except I'm worried limbus will last like 36 cantos, which would suck really really hard. Because Limbus as a game sucks, and the story suffers because of it.
We are only at Inferno and have Purgatorio and Paradiso to slog through and judging by the UI they have plans for the other 2 too. It's normal for gacha games as you really don't want to shut down or go into maintenance mode so you need this shit. Not to mention all the side stories in-between too.
So it could easily be 36 cantos with 12 for every one. My favorite was the prologue and canto I so it's all been downhill for me.
>and judging by the UI they have plans for the other 2 too.
Actually, judging by the current text assets, Purgatorio is likely not planned to happen. In the localization file for "superchapter" names, there are only Inferno, Paradiso and Deviazione.
Anyone have that art of Ryoshu posing in front of a mirror? Might have been part of a ahort series. I lost mine.
Not very lewd at all. She has her hip cocked out and a hand behind her head. It's somewhat out-of-character.
Godspeed, anon. Thank you.
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No problem.
If i'll find one - i'll post it.
If not - no hard feelings.
Need to cover over 3k pics.
>get the 2 ring IDs
>suddenly game is a breeze
>stages where it took me 14 turns now I can easily do for the extra reward
Is this game balanced by chimps? This is a ridiculous power up and I didn't even build around them. A whale will have an even easier time. If you're a new player struggling look into getting these 2. Both are craftable.
PM just that bad at playtesting. Now both Rings IDs were not playtested at all.
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I assume this one.
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Shit. Anyway here is the second part.
That's the one. Thank you all.
Any of you guys read Ganglands by Florin Pâtea? It has some funny similarities to the City. I’ll try to translate it and post it here when I can
>finally reach the latest event
>locked out of all but 3 sinners
>lucked out that I've got 2 maxed out and can borrow one from a friend
I hate this shit and wish they'd stop doing this or give us some gameplay and story segregation like every other gacha.
>oh no Yi Sang is not with the team, but I can use him in gameplay muh immersion
Fuck off
This is a retard's way of thinking
Yes I had so much fun with the christmas event from this shit I became retarded from fun overdose.
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asking here since I didnt see a /v/ thread up
there are two locations where the assets for limbus are stored: LocalLow and LimbusCompany_Data
The latter has pretty much everything except sprite sheets. And when looking in the catalog .json file I can see that the sprite sheets are stored somewhere in the former. But where exactly are those files that are indicated in the .json?
>inb4 retard
yes I am
Been busy for a week or so, continuing Kaizo. Apple is almost exactly the same gimmicks except Bad lowers outright instead of lowering with high probability. Her highest rate is still lower here than her highest rate in vanilla, as expected. Weapon is also stronger, armor is straight up better in every way, gift is surprisingly nigh unchanged from vanilla.

And I somehow forgot to take the screenshot. Oh well
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Dreaming Current's Temperance 1 statcheck got bumped up to 2 which is still fucking nothing. The high chance counter drop at Bad result is new and is only there to make overworking him a risk. He also has a counter of 1 now, which helps breach him for good or ill. Seems like a way better training WAW than in vanilla with those success rates. Weapon is better, suit is all better by 0.1 more resistance to each except pale, gift is buffed by +2 SP as usual. His resistances when breached are all stronger especially white, but he's still weak to red and pale.
does this pic mean anything? i haven't touched the gacha

wait how did these franchises even get in contact
They speak the same language, violence
The same way many other things are associated with PM, one man's autism willing it into existence.
>does this pic mean anything? i haven't touched the gacha
The character in limbus called Demian is most likely Enoch from lobotomy corporation
bullshit. how?
It’s yet to be fully revealed but
>says the exact same shit Enoch did in LC
>talks about the outskirts a bit
>Enoch said he wished to cast of his heavy body and leave it behind while demian is noted to be lighter than air
>shows up wherever like some special light being
>one of the corps things is that they basically take color and make everything monochrome or whatever, but Demian is able to ignore this
There’s also the fact that he looks like an aged up Enoch and has a blue gem (it’s noted in the Ruina artbook that the blue gem on Tiph’s floor is Enoch’s)
There’s probably more I’m forgetting
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i could have done without this information, i don't wanna play a gacha
Watch limbus on Youtube, and don't skip out on uptie stories.
What the other anon said, just watch the scenes online
Despite what I’ve said, they’ve not done much with him, so atm you’re not missing out
This needs to be a real mod
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>Nimdok -> X
>Gorrister -> Roland
Can't really place the others though.
Angela -> AM
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Firebird is on a counter of 2 and he's way worse a nuisance than he ever was in vanilla. His passive roomwide red damage outside of containment seems to be increased in how many ticks it occurs to the point it can rapidly shred anybody that has less than 0.7 red resist even if it's WAW armor. His charge does like 50 white damage to my Adoration armor agent which has 0.6 white resist. Ludicrous. His gimmicks are exactly the same and he still loves Instinct and hates Insight. His resistances are stronger as you'd expect from this Kaizo Corp mod, but he's still the least resistant to Black and Pale. Gift is slightly stronger as usual. The suit's white and black resists are swapped and red resist is better by 0.2. Feather of Honor is slightly stronger. That's about it. I really don't like him here
Oh right, and the mod maker turned Feather of Honor into Black damage instead of White. Because of course, the mod maker LOVES black damage for some fucking reason, and he's made white damage more scarce than it ever was in vanilla
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Nest has the exact same gimmick. Gift is a bit stronger. Weapon is insanely strong; vanilla Exuviae's max is 50, and this Kaizo Corp one's min is 55. Almost the same thing as Feather of Honor: red resistance a bit stronger, white and black resistances swapped and both made stronger while the white resist is at 1.0 Normal. Somehow, the mod maker wants there to be more black damage than white, but also has more armors white weak or normal than before. What's he trying to do here with this? Anyway this is the last WAW I have left to get other than Big Bird, so I'll be repoing back to 41 once I get the final observation done. Then the order of business is to get Big Bird on Day 42, and get Plague Doctor on Day 46.
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I only played 1 day, so now I'm at Day 42. I grinded my ass off for an hour and a half. The only people not at base 130 in all 4 stats are
>Disciplinary 5
>Upper Central 3
>Welfare 5
>Records 3
and the rest of the facility agents are fully maxed on their stats as much as safely able. I am considering the Crumbling Armor justice gigachads as "completed" in stats even though their Temperance is all at base 100. Or base 120 for that one guy in Extraction, Records, Upper Central, and Welfare. And those two in Training as part of the trio meant to go to Architecture once I hit Day 46. I might bother to raise 2-3 more gigachad agents for Architecture because of the sheer numbers of abnos that will be there and at risk of Binah meltdowns on Day 49, but not right now because I'm fucking done for the night already. Slow going because of how long I'm spending grinding, but I'm not as mad about it as I would be in any other game. This is because I fucking know Hod's effect on Day 47 reduces stats by about -50, or maybe even -75 if I'm not remembering wrong. I really hope I'm wrong about the -75. Also I finally got Plague Doctor in my facility, so the plan is next time I play I decide on which 11 agents of my facility's current 34 to surrender to the good doctor. Then I end the day as soon as I safely can so the 11 blessed will stay blessed, and keep the blessing gift even after I retry the day after I force WN to do his thing the day after. I don't intend to repo WN away this run; that Paradise Lost WILL be mine. The rest of the plan is that I get Big Bird into my facility on Day 44 or 45 or 46 depending on when the game gives me the next non-tool abno. If it's Day 45, I trigger Apocalypse Bird and get Through Dark Twilight for everyone before I enter Day 46.

Also, please look at my original Day 1 agent in pic related. The Little Red armor also gives +30% movespeed when moving to suppress. Fastest agent alive and this is without Heart or Behavioral on him.
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What? You mean Tiphereth?
Of course not.
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It begins
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Okay nevermind, the playthrough is saved
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I'm not letting the game take away the epic +10 to all stats (up from +6 to all stats, thanks Kaizo Mod) from my blessed employees, fuck that. Also it seems the gift-giving console command still works in the preday menu as seen in pic related but you still only see agent names in the actual workday thanks to the new Detailed Info mod update from last year having agent names included. Gonna take a break for the rest of the day probably, but I might as well post the other pics I took in the meantime
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While I was grinding up 2 last agents to base 130 in all stats, Black Swan breached and spawned in Records corridor while the rest of my agents were up in Safety in the elevator next to Monk because this happened in the middle of Amber Dusk. She spawned between Rudolta and Yang, and moved to the left and instabreached Nothing There because he has counter 1 in Kaizo Mod. While I was taking the facility deathball there avoiding the Amber Dusks, Black Swan gave up fighting Nothing There and triggered Little Prince because he also has counter 1 in Kaizo Mod. This caused one of the blessed employees that got enchanted to almost run right into an Amber Dusk before I snapped him out of it.
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I was afraid that because I picked Big Bird back on Day 44 but nothing came of it, that I could miss out on getting Big Bird in Architecture. So I rerolled until I got him because I also have infinite rerolls mod in this. So now I have 2 big round birds. Or borbs as the kids say these days
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When I finally hit 12 blessed, Bongbong's name got changed to "Noa" on the clock, and then changed into "Emilia" after WN breached. When I retried the day after hitting the button, she was back to Bongbong. What a strange bug
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Test run of Day 46. Black Fixer spawned in Architecture, did his move where he breaches abnos and triggered Twilight event. Turns out my facility does have enough raw dps to kill the gate before Big Bird can reach it. Didn't check the gate's resists or Black Fixer's because I forgot
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WN success rates are stupid. I did well to minmax grind the fuck out of my agents. I still need to suppress WN and grab Paradise Lost and repo back to 46. Then I need to finish Day 46 having done the Twilight event and got the wing on everybody
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Moved all 11 Apostles to Control, here goes
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Attempt failed. His pale damage wave does a lot, plus one of the spear apostles wandered by so it went bad anyway
Failed again. I think the best thing here might be to dps the apostles down and then WN himself? In vanilla you have to keep moving and dodge the apostles as you dps WN down because of his reviving the apostles with the pale wave. I notice the apostles have 2250 HP so it isn't that bad I think. Still need to check their resists.
Another huge problem is I've minmaxed justice so good that even at default speed the agents are hard to micro with no pause
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I am preparing as genuinely as I can. I removed all pale weapons off of everybody. I put my pale shitter WAW gear on the apostle agents so I can isolate them easier to move at the start. I'm even making use of the Welfare and Extraction Team bonuses giving a 0.1 (or 0.2 if Welfare or Extraction Team Captain) to EGO armor resistances so that my agents at least have 0.9 Pale resist on ALEPH gear instead of 1.0.
Here's all the armor I can use
>All other ALEPH armor 1.0 Normal
>Discord 0.6 Endured
>Justitia 0.2 Resistant
>Magic Bullet 1.0 Normal
>Green Stem 1.0 Normal
>Sword Sharpened with Tears 0.4 Resistant
>Solemn Lament 0.4 Resistant
That's it. Everything else is 1.5 Weak or 2.0 Vulnerable (only on Queen of Hatred's armor).
The frontliners got shat on by the Guardian Apostle swings and then everybody panicked. Guess the strongest pale resistances need to be on the melees instead of the ranged
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All the melees have good pale resist. All the ranged attackers have 1.0 pale resist outside of Welfare/Extraction agents. Zero white or pale damage to be found. Gave all 12 Apostles all the ZAYIN gear I had. This is all I've got, and if it fails I'll have to grind Big Bird's gear and try again. If THAT fails, I'll have to get Twilight and try again. If THAT fails? I cheat.
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Well Big Bird is still something. That weapon might be exactly what I need over Spore or Heaven or the other black melee WAW weapons
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I saw the Guardian Apostle swing do 312 Pale damage. That's fucking bullshit you fucking faggot mod creator. Also WN's pale wave did about 60 to everybody, which isn't that bad
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Just playing a bit more of Day 46 to scout out the Fixers. Black Fixer in this mod is like this here. Problem with CENSORED armor is no matter how fast the agent might be normally it has an effect of slowing their movespeed or maybe Justice overall? Not sure. Rather annoying with Big Birds here because then once they breach and start enchanting, the agents cannot leave the department in time before Big Birds pull them to CHOMP. Nothing I can do but endure the pain and face the fear
Red Fixer is
>Red 0.0
>White 0.4
>Black 0.8
>Pale 0.4
White Fixer is
>Red 1.0
>White -1.0
>Black 0.4
>Pale 0.4
Pale Fixer is
>Red 0.4
>White 0.4
>Black 0.8
>Pale 0.0
Gate of the Black Forest is 13000 HP. Resistances 0.3 to all damage types.
All Eggs are 8000 HP.
Big Eyes
>Red 1.0
>White 0.4
>Black -2.0
>Pale 0.7
Small Beak
>Red -2.0
>White 0.7
>Black 0.4
>Pale 1.0
I didn't get Long Arms because I killed it first, but definitely no to using Pale on it as in vanilla.
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Got Through Dark Twilight on all agents, the Twilight set, and WN wing on 3 or 4 of them too. A very fruitful session.
Since I got Ppodae and Helper on Day 47 and already got WCCA before, this leaves me missing
>Singing Machine
>Cherry Blossoms
>Meat Lantern
>Wall Gazer
Sadly I won't be able to line up 100% abno completion with Day 50, not to mention having Meat Lantern and Cherry Blossoms on final week is total ass
You can try to get them hit by the train and the yin yang dragon can instantly delete them
I am not taking train in or into Day 46-50, even if it will never ride through the facility until you trigger it yourself here. I do have Yin and Yang but I have never tried the dragon method against WN. It would be easy to trigger because all you need is to grab Yang and run until they fish, but the hard part comes with their pathing and waiting for them to slowly get to each other. Then there's still a chance the dragon can miss WN depending on which direction it spawns in
Doesn't have to hit WN
just hit the apostles

dragon can't kill WN anyway
you still gotta do that yourself
I won't be seeing it for myself because I'm going for the finish before I Day 1 for the last few abnos. Not playing for today, but I did manually make my own list of EGO gifts and their abno codes so I could autistically minmax all my agents before concluding Day 47
Proceeding through Day 47 attempts. Failed first attempt at meltdown 3 or 4 because agent died to Laetitia. It has been so long since the early-mid game when Laetitia kept killing my agents while I was grinding them...
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Didn't make any attempts after that first one, decided to engage in autism instead. Like pic related for example
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This is with Behavioral on, but that guarantees the agent dies no matter what if you don't return it within the time limit. Otherwise as is, that agent is 290 (137+153) movespeed and 280 attack speed. Movespeed is also boosted +30% when suppressing thanks to Little Red's armor.
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hnnnnngh redhead tomboy ass
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Now, after assigning gifts to every agent to minmax but eventually I decided to go fashion for some of them and locking everything possible in... now I am ready.
Yet again I got somebody killed to Laetitia because the gimmick is a stupid bitch. How boring
Failed. Sent a Crumbling Armor flame justice agent to do attachment work in to NT by accident.
Failed. Looked away from BH while unpaused.
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Pictured: me handling Meltdown 5 as I had accidentally done Attachment work on Yin which caused it to breach, which then caused me to move all my agents away from Yin and Yang to the other end of the facility while my main WN handler is down in Architecture. Red Fixer spawned in Records and proceeded to chase Yang all the way to outside Disciplinary. Meanwhile, Black Fixer ended up right in my elevator filled with my entire facility, so I had to move them out because all my own black damage was outhealing everything else on him. Once he died he caused all 4 cells to melt down, at the same time Yin wandered into that lower Disciplinary hallway and decided to camp it back and forth. Sent a CENSORED agent to handle Tree and, once I found out what Instinct and Insight were thanks to sending people to B&B and Teddy, I also handled the meltdowns on Funeral and Queen Bee. Now I cannot look away as BH will gameover me if I do. And in addition to this, Yin is STILL CAMPING THAT HALLWAY and Yang is finally moving over there while Red Fixer is still chasing it and trying to kill it.

As of this writing, Red Fixer gave up and moved back to Lower Central bottom corridor as Yang has entered the hallway Yin is camping, and as BH is sitting there at full HP and all my agents are moving to Welfare
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If you look closely you can see Burrowing Heaven eating shit. How do you like that, Carmen?
I forgot the Yin Yang Dragon also fucks with the counters, so now I have to not only kill Red Fixer who moved to Welfare, but I also have to go kill Clouded Monk and Big Bird and endure the remote BEE damage
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OK I beat Day 47
The one issue that happened which I caught too late was that the Gold Rush agent in Architecture was going insane because the 2 CENSORED armor agents were corroding his sanity by proximity alone, and Netzach's core suppression effect meant he wasn't healing SP naturally. Though I caught it late, I had both CENSORED agents hit and run and two hits of CENSORED weapon plus a Da Capo agent in Extraction running down to hit him snapped him out of it. I picked Wall Gazer because she's one of the last few missing abnos, and Shy Look because stress-free HE abno in prep for Day 49
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Going through the 5 meltdowns with Chesed's gimmick on was a lot more tedious than this fight. It was funny getting the Adoration slows to stick on her right as she began to Gold Rush away, and she was slowed so much mid-charge that I put her to phase 2 during it. I think I have so much ranged that she occasionally swings Da Capo at the air in front of her and doesn't hit anybody. Anyway, I'm lucky I caught this pic related. Going to Freischutz to push to phase 3
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I think the residual dot or something pushed her to phase 3 anyway. The Mimicry toss went left, but due to the hitbox and the height differences Mimicry went right over everybody going to the left harmlessly. Da Capo whizzed over to the right and hit my Smile agent working on Parasite Tree. Well, just look at it
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And this is why I minmaxed my agents as autistically as I could
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I had a spur of the moment idea to try this. I don't think Gebura can bypass the Rabbit barrier, but I never tried this before on Phase 4.
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She tore through those Rabbits, but now she's stuck inside the barrier until they drop it
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I put all 4 shields on the one agent and sent her to the left, but somehow Gebura left on her own? I don't know how, but she was wandering away aimlessly slow to the left, but then after I sent that agent in, Gebura immediately turned around and rushed right and past that agent. Turns out she targetted somebody new on somebody entering the room with her in that state. So I managed to get everybody else out and isolate the marked in with her. But she still kept running to them instead of doing her blender, so I couldn't time their escape properly. They died and the attempt is a complete failure because of it. Not a complete waste of my time because now I know that using Rabbits on phase 4 is a huge mistake.
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OK it went far better this time around. Having the CENSORED duo take on phase 3 which is 1.0 Normal to black damage seems to be the optimal way. Somehow one of my Love and Hate agents with a black shield on managed to avoid having the shield pop to the Burrowing Heaven spear toss, which I never though could be possible with how bullshit all the damage is from the Red Mist.
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I spent like 430 LOB to buy these filler agents. I'm not taking chances with Day 49. All of them have Fortitude and Prudence 5 and the best black resisting WAW gear I can afford to give them without gimping my own gigachad agents. I also gave them all my ZAYIN weapons and some TETH ones so I know which ones are to work and which ones are to fight Binah with.
I forgot Binah spawned on Meltdown 5 in Day 49, so I had to retry the day. I need to
>freshly work WN before triggering Binah to keep his timer high
>freshly work Wolf and Freischutz so Binah doesn't apply meltdowns on them
>move ALL the fighters to Extraction elevator in preparation
>execute as many clerks as possible across all departments except Welfare
I forget if the clerk effect of delaying Meltdown timers also applies to the special ones Binah sets.

Honestly I've been blogposting this Kaizo Corp run in here for so long and thread is still not dead, is there truly anybody else left here?
The game slowed down and lagged so much with Binah's shockwave that by the time I could see the meltdowns happening where, they were already almost halfway done. I strongly suspect it might be due to the memory leak optimization mod. Going to remove that and see how better the game performs during the shockwave
So it isn't optimization nor the speedup mod, even though I cannot speed up during Hokma's effect. I might just remove all non-essential mods just to get through this garbage. When Binah does the shockwave I CANNOT click ANYTHING and all my bullets refuse to land even though I know I'm aiming properly, and it even impedes me from clicking containment cells to issue orders
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Forgot my image. I might as well take a break before trying further
WN putting Burrowing Heaven in the topleft corner of Safety is a fucking mistake. I have to zoom all the way out which prolongs the shockwave. The shockwave screen warp preventing my clicks is still a thing. There's genuinely no way for me to beat this legitimately without pausing and sacrificing a random agent to instakill/panic phase 1 to get the meltdowns, then using Backwards Clock on phase 2.
Yeah, happened almost the same to me once but it was different abno with funny effect.
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How the fuck did Backwards Clock activate but the meltdowns did not clear?
How do the Hokma instakills and instapanics randomly don't show up at the bottom left?
How the fuck does a panicking agent suppression window not appear when I leftclick them during Binah?
How are my ALEPH and high-black resist WAW agents being chunked for so much by the shockwave spikes?
I have no idea what the fuck is going on

I am doing my utmost to face the fear here but it is not my fault that this shockwave space warping is outright preventing me from clicking. It should not be this way, and I don't know why. My old dead laptop on Windows 7 and a shoddy integrated intel graphics was enough for me to get through Binah core suppression even with only 4 GB of ram and an assload of memory leakage, so why is my 1-2 year old Windows 10 laptop with 16 GB ram and a 1650 Ti is causing this stupid issue that happens even with no mods that could possibly be the cause? I'm eating shit only because of the nonsense click prevention, otherwise I would have won by now. I have backwards clock. I have the clicking skills to get through normally back during Binah core. Being unable to click and aim properly, where I am mousing over where my agents are to click them but the game interprets my mouse as somewhere else like several fingerwidths of distance away, is pure cancer and makes this suppression unwinnable. Even the scant few attempts I've actually done it right and succeeded in getting to phase 3 with only 2 casualties (1 to phase 2 clock, 1 to mandatory phase 1 pause), I cannot get to the cyan meltdowns all in time without the click interference causing me to miss valuable seconds and fail phase 3 and the entire attempt.

Do I just say fuck it and console command to instawin? I minmaxed and grinded so autistically and even used console commands to give everybody as many gifts as possible. Ultimately my efforts and hours of autism do not even matter?
>How the fuck did Backwards Clock activate but the meltdowns did not clear?
As far as i remember Clock is NOT working in few circumstances like WN breach and birbs.
It's a tool, not panacea.
>How do the Hokma instakills and instapanics randomly don't show up at the bottom left?
You mean in his suppression? Hell if i remember.
>How the fuck does a panicking agent suppression window not appear when I leftclick them during Binah?
Hell if i know. Just use rabbits idk
>How are my ALEPH and high-black resist WAW agents being chunked for so much by the shockwave spikes?
Shockwave has 200 damage and Binah counts as ALEPH. Do the math.
>I have no idea what the fuck is going on
Face the fear. Build the future.
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WN had the grey meltdown when Backwards Clock activated. Afterward I saw the meltdowns remained somehow.
>just use rabbits
I'll do that next time. Right now I am using "standard overload" console command to immediately get up to 1 before meltdown level trigger to save time and mental capacity.
>face the fear
I'm doing it man, I'm working on it, jeez.

Here WN had no meltdown on it but it somehow still breached? I have no idea man but I got to phase 3 without rabbits again at least.
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I'm starting to think it might be a justice gigachad panicking somehow then immediately rushing to free WhiteNight offscreen. That might be part of what's happening since this happened after I backwards clocked all the meltdowns away in phase 2 as intended. WhiteNight was max counter 3 when I briefly glanced at him while paused in phase 1. It's fucking irritating that Binah's shockwave is damaging enough it can panic my justice gigachad fighters like this. I might have to bite the bullet and remove Discord from them in exchange for SP gifts just to even the odds and help them survive. I deleted the gift autism text file I had on here because I assumed things would be doable. Whatever. That'd be Porccubus neckwear, ML helmet, and CENSORED eye which all give +12 SP. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Justice is dead. Long live Fortitude and Prudence. I have to spend like half an hour unlocking gifts from everybody and assigning gifts to everybody in turn, note the agent ID numbers of all 50 agents in my facility, type shit like "agent present 5 400056" over and over and over until I give everybody the gifts they need to MAYBE survive Binah's bullshit long enough to reach phase 3. How boring. Not even grinding stats out for hours was as boring as doing this for half an hour or more.
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So much for that Reinforced Rabbits mod, huh? One Fairy and they're gone
I got to phase 3 and even stayed on top of WN, but Parasite Tree ruined everything of course. Even if it has no meltdown on it I still need to work it constantly to avoid tragedy. The reason why I lost this attempt other than Parasite Tree was that the slow as fuck 3 Justice agent could not reach You're Bald in time to clear the last cyan meltdown, so I lost. I still need to move everybody in central to the lower corridors just so they can make it to the cells on time
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Forgot image like I always do
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I did it right this time but somehow the meltdown on WN did not go away with Backwards Clock. And it's just WN and no other abno that does this. I don't get it at all
All it takes is Binah to do one Fairy and she instakills all the Rabbits in the room. It wasn't enough that wanting none of the grey meltdowns in Extraction is plenty of RNG.
I've literally been working on this for 12 hours
I hate every retry I have to do when a stupid high justice agent walks over the clerk I'm aiming at and they get executed too. I never want to play Kaizo Corp again, and I never want to play this game again either. I'm going to face the fear legit, then never have this fear to face ever again.
I'm reading your posts.
>failed because WN moved to Extraction
>failed because agent walked into exebullet
>failed because agent walked into exebullet
>failed because Twilight agent suicided into White Fixer reflect
>failed because WN moved to Architecture
>failed because Binah used Fairy and killed all the rabbits, plus a gold meltdown was in Extraction
I might just forego rabbits entirely and throw Moonlight on a high Justice agent so they can apply black shields on the deathball for me because rabbits are not cutting it, but Binah has so much HP that I need at least a dozen agents on her while also having enough agents in the rest of the facility to manage meltdowns. Adoration is not cutting it here.
>failed because shelter agent + theresia not cancelled + panicking justicefag goes to free WN again
>and because Ppodae breached due to a sabotage panic justice agent freeing it RIGHT AS I WAS ABOUT TO SEND SOMEBODY TO CLEAR THE CYAN MELTDOWN
This is the most insufferable thing I've ever had to face in this mod since Hod's core suppression.
Do I spam the meltdown console commands until Binah is disabled, so I have to use Hokma's wincon instead?
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Got all the cyan meltdowns targeted. One of the CENSORED armor agents from Architecture is panicking in the deathball, but I think he has the suicide panic---

Before the attempt was utterly ruined thanks to factors beyond my control and not my fault in any way, I think I was probably going to lose because the last cyan meltdown was on helper but helper was on work cooldown, and that's 12 seconds of time wasting on attacking Binah channeling pillars there. I only paused once on phase 1 and once on phase 3. I think pausing on phase 3 is necessary because I need to target the cyan meltdowns to win. There's a high chance the Hokma targets end up being in the deathball though
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Total casualties:
1. The clock sacrifice in Architecture
2. One of the two filler shitters in Lower Central died to Hokma instakill
3. One of the two filler shitters in Information got Hokma instapanic, but I remember ordering one of the two white damage agents in there to suppress him. Dunno what happened but it doesn't matter
4. One of the two longtime agents in Training got Hokma instapanic, and I could not cure their panic in time because the Training Captain (who was the only one left in the main room because I tactfully assigned the filler shitters to Ppodae right above and B&B to the lower left in Info) had Ecstasy and not any stronger white damage weapon, so they were killed off on day's end
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I still need to Day 1 and get the last few abnos I have not completed yet. Wall Gazer is still not at 100% for example, but the rest are
>Singing Machine
>Cherry Blossoms
>Meat Lantern
Then I should be 100%
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I'm fading away, bros...
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congratulations senpai
Kino blog posts.
I'm glad the blogposting was ok. Normally I wouldn't do it, but /vst/ thread is dead and I wanted to post actual gameplay.

Biggest threats in Day 49 were
I reached the point of verbally reminding myself of this if assigned
>Burrowing Heaven
Things got much easier when WN moved it to Training from Safety
See shelter
>Parasite Tree
Keep working it with only one agent every time, start the work on it immediately before triggering Binah, hope he doesn't hit 5 blessed like he had plenty of attempts until I cracked down on him
>justicechads panicking then rushing to free WN
If justicechads weren't deciding to target him, WN would genuinely not be an issue. He is unironically one of the tamest abnos I had in the facility provided his minder was there at all times. In fact, seeing as WN had a good result in the middle of that, I wonder if WN's facility heal actually saved lives for once? It would be a very appropriate moment
>Binah delaying phase 2
Some attempts Binah did not immediately move to phase 2 and took several seconds to engage meltdowns. I could not help this, it's just random or related to her stun I don't know.
>clock sacrifice agent taking too long to get to clock phase 2
I learned to account for this by ordering the clock agent to move to the left Architecture hallway while paused in phase 1, then ordering him to get in when I see the phase 2 timers appear and not before. On a couple attempts the clock activated before phase 2 meltdowns appeared, so this accounts for any delays to be sure. I also learned to fully disengage by moving the deathball to Disciplinary main room, then back to Binah in the middle of the Backwards Clock animation
>Binah staying up long enough to non-black Pillar or Fairy my deathball and wiping more than half
Rarely happened. Once I saw her black pillar the deathball and they all took less than 10 damage
Yang wasn't that big a threat and rarely melted down to be one. I'm surprised Bracelet and Behavioral didn't kill anybody either, maybe I was that fast? I wonder if deliberately leaving all Central clerks alive bought me enough time on meltdowns. Another useful thing was to neglect all non-vital regular meltdowns if there were any. Energy does not matter on Day 49. I also had to fully neglect the fixers because clock banished them regardless on phase 2.
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OK now I got true end. NOW the game is completed.
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All the Final Observations too. With this, I can finally delete my save file and move on...
It’s fucked that the sephirot we’re gonna be deactivated after LobCorp
I remember beating it and being really sad cause I thought they were gone for good and dead. Was very happy to see them again in Ruina.
I think it would have been interesting. Their story was done and they had found peace with what they are and what they've done.
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IIRC early plot of Ruina was different and featured more of >>1802388 Angela You still can see the the echoes in Angela's LoR bad ending
They reused the Charles fixer knight silhouettes from the Library art of the outside in Roland's bad end. That same bad end has the exact same bar from your gif and other preview/alpha stuff
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Oh, right. That too.
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My hero...
Any new Ruina Mods?
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Cute but i don't get it.
Can't believe this thread is still alive, I was gone for a month
I mean the thread before lasted between December and May, so if anything this seems rather quick.
Oh hey its bookhunter-kun from Angela's ruina ending

So Ayin's grandchild is still canon
I had fun posting about Kaizo Corp. Playing Kaizo Corp, not so much
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Does anyone here feel like making the Shekhinah theory a little bit more real?
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That and many other theories only made sense (if they ever did) when it seemed that we were getting more explanations for some of the weirder parts of LC.
>Why is XYZ the way it is?
>We don't really know, but we are getting more info any day now, and I found something that seems on theme that says it's because ABC.
It's possible to believe Shek theory when the Yomi earring and the Tree of Life is still getting some attention, but does it look like we'd ever get an explanation or even just further info at this point? It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of stuff was more incidental than many think. Yomi is just interesting visual that happen to line up with deeper concepts around the personification of Understanding that Director simply didn't know about.
Shekhinah is also one of those things where you can read ten books and come away with twenty different answers to what it is, and that's not even trying to apply it to LC or LoR where those answers can be shaped into forty different theories.
Have the image for old time's sake
In case that wasn't sufficiently clear, what i meant by my suggestion is making a bonus floor mod based on the idea, similarly to Daat.
Basically, the idea for the mod is that as Argalia tried to reach for the Library's Light even as he was dying for the second time, he actually managed to "grab onto it" and remain inside the Library in some capacity, which didn't become obvious until later when the entirety of the Library got reactivated again way out in the Outskirts. Now he's there and he gets his own floor with some influence over it, but the Library at large is still Angela's, and he also can't leave just like the rest of librarians. So he's kinda pissed that he's stuck there like that, and the rest of librarians are also kinda pissed that he's there, but neither can do much about it. The Realization has Angela and Roland (alongside Shekhinah assistants) come kick his butt again, not because they particularly care, but because they're wary of him syncing with the Library any further.
Tbdesu, the game was just more magical when people were arguing over small details and making esoteric schizo theories. Now the mask has slipped and the director is revealed to be a competent writer and not some schizo who puts tons of thought and detail into everything. I doubt Philip was ever based off of the historical Philip. I don't really think the director ever thought about a shekinah, and it just seems like the director is making up stuff as he goes. But oh well.
Oh, and in case anyone feels discouraged because of Daat setting a rather pessimistic precedent - don't worry, it's janky as hell not because floor mods are fundamentally cursed and hard to make, but rather because it was largely made in a time before modern modding utilities and sensibilities were developed (i am actually participating in unfucking it as well, a big part of which boils down to replacing old "reinvented wheels" with modern tried-and-tested tools). With those in mind, making Shekhinah should be a cakewalk compatibility/stability-wise.
Are you the same guy making the difficulty mod?
10 years of limbus apparently since they don’t have the man power for other games and said they’d considering outsourcing development for other projects to other companies
Not sure which one you mean by "the" difficulty mod, but no. I'm the guy making Better Filters.
There was an anon saying he got inspired by lelor and decided to make his own difficulty mod. He basically wants to build up the game from scratch. For example the dice you roll in a summation check would subtract from the damage of the summation attack if it failed to surpass it.
>He basically wants to build up the game from scratch.
Sounds like Babel.
>For example the dice you roll in a summation check would subtract from the damage of the summation attack if it failed to surpass it.
Ahaha, good fucking luck with that, especially with custom actionphase scripts existing. I have actually made a custom actionphase script for another mod that does EXACTLY that - subtracts the sum of rolled values from the dealt damage - but doing that for ALL mass attacks will be a pain and a half, unless you forgo compatibility with existing mods entirely.

So no, that was most definitely a different anon. I, on the contrary, am very committed to maintaining mod compatibility.
Hope you make your own modpacks one day. Would be fun playing through more custom campaigns like city wide revolt.
I've already got four planned (not counting Shekhinah) - an OJ crossover mod, various assorted shit, other various assorted shit, and an "alternate universe wrestlers vs. the mainline Library" mod.
Alright, if nobody else is willing to commit to participation, guess I'll just dump the ideas here and hopefully get some feedback from passersby.

In the menus Shekhinah will be positioned before/under Malkuth, partially because of the connection and partially because it allows us to not care about altering anything else (unlike Daat which also has to adjust&flip Keter's position one more time). The "marriage" of Shekhinah with Tiphereth will be represented symbolically by the floor assistants being the former second half of Central Command.
The floor map will be edited from Distorted Ensemble's (if you didn't notice, their three maps use the same "base" with different lighting and decorations).
Not sure what should be the "main"/"highlight" colors for the floor logo (preferably not overlapping with existing floors too much)... or the floor logo itself, for that matter.
Not sure what should be the "formal" name of the floor either - Floor of Restricted Works, maybe? Something to do with Shekhinah representing the "exiled".

The floor abno theme will be dual - unreleased abnos/stages of grief:
My Sweet Orange Tree (as Denial), with Argalia's synced appearance taking on mostly "gold" tones;
Cinderella's Pumpkin Carriage (as Anger), with Argalia's synced appearance taking on mostly "black" tones;
Beanstalk without Jack (as Bargaining), with Argalia's synced appearance taking on mostly "white" tones? (maybe more "seed"-themed for the sync?);
Pale Horse (as Depression), with Argalia's synced appearance taking on mostly "blue" tones (probably the closest to just normal Argalia);
and finally, Fallen Amurdad (as Acceptance), with Argalia's synced appearance being covered in flowers reminiscent of the Ensemble, and his head incorporating all of blue, black, white and gold.
>Menu position
sounds goods
>Distorted ensemble floor base
Looking at the floor, it looks pretty good. I'd suggest either using the second or third versions pallet. But I'm more inclined in favour of the third version. It suits Argalia's character
Can''t really help you with colors, it seems like all of them have been used up. Maybe a dual color look? But then it'd look like fanfiction slop. However, you could definitely make the symbol a gate (symbolising the exile)
>Formal name
Floor of restricted works sounds good, you could maybe call it the floor of banned works as well.

What would the floor gimmick be? I had an idea where Argalia plays more into his conductor role. Where he gives out attack power up and protection whenever he uses attack that need a specific amount of resonance. Because most of the ensemble reworks that have a supportive argalia sort of suck. But oh well. Also the abno line up sounds good.
>Maybe a dual color look? But then it'd look like fanfiction slop.
Actually, Philosophy already does that - its main color is black (as in literally #000), while the yellow gold is its glow color. This leads to a few places in code which would normally just use the main floor color having to explicitly check for Binah to replace it with glow color instead.
>attack power up
Manager, your prudence...
Tbf I didn't play LoR in a long time. I forgot it was called strength
Where are the /v/ threads? Did the stream kill the teaser release cycle?
You'll probably get more of an answer on /vg/. It's more active and more focused on LCB, I'd presume.
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We make threads when there are news. Regular updates and teasers for IDs we already know of aren't news.
Threads last a few days when we get content (RR, new story) but generally we avoid making threads when there's nothing to talk about.
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Don Feet
They should rename jumping the shark to removing the shoes.
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can't wait for her Canto, I'm curious as to how they'll spin it
watch it be based on Man of la Mancha rather than the book itself
Her coat originally said Miguel instead of Alonso
They'll make don quixote jump over a shark.
>Finally got a chance to play reworked Accession Project
>It's somehow even worse
How is that possible? I don't understand.
oh yes, now its an actual challenge for the Head.
if you don't correctly prioritize the right cards, Arbiters and enemies and play around their God's gimmick, you will lose. The non-canon (vs the library) version of the fight is still the same and I went in with this very specific Thanathos build made to counter their god, only for the god to not be there.
aLSO i don;t know if Anti-Stall Arbiter F can spawn in Ascension project, so no free distractions (not that you'd want to go for the long game)
>oh yes, now its an actual challenge for the Head
My pre-rework strat involved spamming negotiation aganist constellation and bashing claw heads aganist the wall slowly chipping away Camille's friends. It wasn't hard, just slog. Now it's twice the slog. But you can actually fail. So one can consider this an improvement. I guess. Not a huge fan myself.
Anyone have that one official art of all the librarians and the ensemble on opposite sides
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What’s that mod that lets you combine floors?
I hope the upcoming walpurgis has enough Thread rewards for me to uptie 2 IDs and a EGO, because as it is I'm screwed.
There was a finished one but I can’t find it
Is the link broken?
NTA but works for me.
It's Sephirah Teams (EN-KR-JP-CN) by Kamiyo
Bro, your MD grinding?
How hard is it to mod dialog sprites?
Not particularly. What do you want to do?
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Does anybody know if there's a full page lock mod for the Ensemble in Library of Ruina? I want that early access challenging experience
Hope I didn't fuck up the link.
Thanks but the problem is I can't get this being a piratefag because the one site I know that has ruina workshop mods downloadable doesn't have this
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Why didn't you fucking buy it during the steam sale then?
You got what you fucking deserve desu
I'm an eternal piratefag. I have no desire to ever pay for any game ever again.
I guess you can always try Nexusmods.
https://www.nexusmods.com/libraryofruina/mods/48 Unless you also aganist mandatory registration. But in that case, I have no clue how to help you.
Yeah it’s either skymods or nexus mods, anything else is just too unsafe, from experience
Damn this one is for basemods and not basemods for workshop so it's fucking outdated. Skymods only has the no lock version too. Fuck
here comes the airplane
Aw sweet, dolphin porn! I will not forget this like I won't forget about being posted the ALEPH Justice Fix mod https://files.catbox.moe/wixzi3.zip by that one guy https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1404274/#q1407918
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Car, man
Anyone up for showing their modded reception ideas? Like a document with their key pages and cards ?
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New interview with the Director:
I have the files and documents from that one fag's mod from years ago. I doubt he's worked on it once since then
>Gurren Lagann
>Familiar of Zero
>Lucky Star
I'm kneeling
He is literally a korean version of me
You know what you must do...
Gather anons to make an autism OC project
I'm going to strangle you.
Not if I stab you first
director would have thrown a chair. You are a faker, and a liar.
Throwing chairs is for Korean me
I'm Bri'ish, I shank me knoif inte ya
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Canto 7 teaser soon for anyone who cares
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Honestly, based.
This is a snipped of a homebrew class (in 5e of course) for the Hana Association Fixer. I mostly wanted feedback on how I handled the Trigrams mechanically
first thing you need to do is set up a new restaurant/bar
You play a good system like mutants and masterminds or gurps instead
why do people keep making custom classes in dnd5e
it barely works with the classes it already has
Correct, I made this class out of sheer spite for 5e design. It is made with the knowledge that Crawford would hate it
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Definitely the most retarded Canto. It would be excellent if it was a mockery of everyone involved, but unfortunately not. For all these fancy works PM is getting it's "inspiration" from they sure do produce basic bitch shlock.
anyone tried the Library of Babel Overhaul for LoR? it seems a little extreme to me, Canard feels more like Urban Legend
You mean that weird overhaul with extra books/skills and new characters?.. Because i vague remember that someone made a small walkthrough thread-two ago.
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>the /vmg/ thread that's almost 2 years old finally archived
An end of an era.
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Huh, i guess /vmg/ is more dead than /vst/ then, haha... Just kidding. /vst/ as a board is not that dead thanks to autists
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Why is Roland Kars? He didn't even ascend to become an ultimate lifeform
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Her crying face made me diamonds
Bros... the grudge never ends. My hatred for the director only keeps growing. I am unable to converse about PM without pointing out how much of a HACK the director is, and how many broken promises he made.
To some extent. He is too scatterbrained and thinking too much of the possibility rather than the reality of his projects to be a communicator. Let someone else filter his ideas before they are presented so that they don't promise the moon and stars, and leave him in his corner to develop his ideas.
He reminds me of Peter Molyneux, in a way. Also there should be someone on staff present just to slap him whenever he brings up gacha.
He really does need someone to manage him. But I doubt it'll happen, considering how much of an echo chamber the pm playerbase is. You can only praise the director and if you comment on the bad things he's done it's suddenly rage bait.
The recent events radicalised even the most radical fAithfag. Notice how the recent threads are incredibly slow, die before bump limit and are filled to the brim with doomposting.
That stream felt like a fever dream. It was like seeing a loved one suddenly, in a blink of a eye, become obese with a 180 personality shift out of nowhere And instead of people being concerned and weary, they clapping and saying peak.
And the story feels worse than LC or LoR, but I can't tell if it is because of bittered perception of PM or because it has actually gotten worse.
What happened? I've just had this tab open for half a year out of tradition, but I haven't really followed anything going on with PM after Ruina wrapped up and we got confirmation that LCB would be a mobile game.
Multiple things compounding at once:

Chapter 5 (Moby-Dick) was criticised for not being true to the book and for having poor pacing. Chapter 6 (Wuthering Heights) went back to being book-accurate and was considered by many to be the best chapter so far.
Chapter 7 (Don Quixote) once again goes back to having very little to do with the book, but at least it didn't contain any outright mistakes like chapter 5. It was however criticised for poor pacing, for poor plot twists that were seemingly made out of the desire to make a Gurren Lagann reference without considering the character's circumstances, the original book or the previous foreshadowing. We also know that chapter 7 had multiple rewrites. People are starting to lose faith in the Director's skill as a writer.

Chapters are taking longer and longer to come out. We were promised a chapter every 3 months when Limbus first released, but after multiple delays (chapter 7 took 7 months IIRC) we know that the pacing will be much slower than expected.
During a livestream, the Director confirmed the fan theory of Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. 12 chapters each, that's 36 chapters. Even at a pace of 1 chapter every 3 months, that's at least 8 years of gacha. With the delays that's even longer. 10 years of Limbus was a line that actually came out of the Director's mouth.

No real games for the time being. The Director promised that Limbus would serve as a source of funding to make real games. We now know that it's not happening, the Director feels like he hit his limit when it comes to management, he's unable to manage a team of over 50 people, all of whom are focused on Limbus. He considered outsourcing the IP to another company, but no news on that so far.

We recently received news on our first collab. It's Arknights, another gacha game. It's seen as a signal for some that the Director is planning to double down on the whole gacha aspect of Limbus.
The gacha system was made harsher to, quoting the director, "make more money". You now have to wait a week before you can claim new identities with the grindable in-game currency, for the first week they're only available through gambling. I personally don't see the issue here, the other points are way worse.

General discontent coming from the fact that we now have /vg/ traitors after all those fights with ABIB. They also tend to come to /v/ threads, bringing with them their lingo and memes. The threads are also infected with DBSpics.
It's bad because Limbus is the only game. If the director stuck with his word. We would have gotten LC2 by this point, while he farms the gacha paypigs.
Well no-one knew that /vmg/ or the dreaded /vg/ would be appropriate back in '21
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as a mostly complete outsider who just consumes your memes and jokes, the /vg/ mob and the /vst/ circle are equally gay and retarded for different reasons.
I'd rather have dead threads full of doomposters than have someone rate the characters by how bushy their pubes are every thread.
I'd rather have dead threads without any discussion. /v/ threads are depressing and it feels like only 5 people post in them. /vg/ threads are forced, and /vst/ is the closest thing to actual organic discussion.
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>a friend of mine is playing through Ruina
>it took him 15 hours to figure out you could equip key pages
>in fucking Urban Legend, after beating Walter
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Skill Issue
Better than me, I dropped LoR when it had levelling. Because I only used the rat pages and their prebuilt decks. Got to gyeong mi, and that drunkard.
I never got to experience levelling. Picked up LoR near the end of the Early Access cycle. At least I got to experience the Reverberation live, good times.
Though I was filtered by the floor lock thing.
The funny part about the floor lock? The very next week people already figured out how to solo all of the fights.
Don't waste your tickets on Walpurgisnacht.
I warned you.
As filtered as I was originally, I think listening to stemfags and implementing a partial lock was a mistake. They should've kept the full lock it in and maybe upped the number of general reception key pages. It felt like a proper OH SHIT moment, whereas the current setup kind of lost its punch.
Pretty sure the partial lock was made in the /vst/ threads as a compromise. I think a better compromise would've been to do the partial lock but after clearing a section, you don't get back the keypages you used.
What? Wouldn't that just be a full lock with receptions appearing in groups? Or do you mean full lock specifically for key pages, but partial lock for combat pages?
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>After Attack: kills this unit
The first, although the second also sounds good to me
>The first
In what fucking world is that a "compromise"? It wouldn't be any easier OR harder than a regular full lock (since ultimately the restriction is the same - no repeating page instances across different floor clears), just more annoying for the first time because you could use up some pages before even seeing the stage where they'd be more useful (and then have to redo all previous floors again to free them up).
It's a matter of presentation
This has been said a hundred times at this point, it's just the first time you noticed yourself.
I want to play Ruina again. Is japanese va good? Also any mods for rebalancing of the game?
Japanese VA is switch exclusive iirc. I'd recommend taking some mods from here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PlC1_2nZ_hBRZx8zXyEC61Y5izaUIjnWg2DQDLPPX6s/edit?pli=1&gid=0#gid=0
There was a difficulty mod named less easy library of ruina, but the creator took it down after he realized how poorly everything after SoTC row 2 was balanced.
But, there is a mod that completely changes early game Ruina: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3158437440&searchtext=
You can pair it with city wide revolt and you'd have a somewhat unique experience. Bonus points if you decide to download some mods that change existing receptions into alternate versions. I.e something like Alt Xiao and Ulysee.
Testing. Not sure if mp4s work with soundposts.
Ayin would say this before making random people monsters.
Thanks, I will give it a try.
Consider replacing "On Play Page Fix" with this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3264420605
The older mod only prevents instants from automatically cancelling pages set in the same speed die, but it forgets to also prevent the former from counting the light reserved for the latter as "available" for themselves. So you could, for example, slot a 3-cost while having 3 light, then play a 1-cost instant on the same speed die, and then get to use the 3-cost for free (because when you try to spend more light than you have, you end up not spending any). It's not immediately obvious in vanilla, because the only instants that have a light cost AND don't clear out your action list AND are available in arbitrary receptions are Emerald and Magic Trick, but with mods it's a bigger concern.
Don't think it does
try embedding via 3rd eye?
Works for me. Have you tried unmuting 4chan?
/vg/ ahhh thread
Shut your lame ahh cracker head.
/vmg/ thread is better though I will admit it.
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FYI, just so nobody gets surprised: the next version of Enhanced Combat Page View will be dropping the zoom function in favour of a new scrolling function, which supports displaying arbitrarily long ability/keyword descriptions as well as an arbitrary number of dice/keywords
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And even though this also requires altering the layout a bit (since it would've been weirder to have longer die abilities form tall columns while the spaces under the die range values remain unused), most vanilla pages still fit on one page's worth of space, without needing scrolling to view all their dice. Some of them can now make even better use of the space they have.
The new version also makes keyword tooltips visible on slotted pages in combat (mostly important for enemies).
That's cool. I got burned out on LoR, any good mods that rework the entire game?
>good mods
>that rework the entire game
The only mod I know that reworks the ENTIRE game (in a mechanically substantial way, not in a "you get different effects to play with, but the fundamentals are still the same" way like Starlight Reverie) is Library of Babel, which isn't even a conventional drop-in mod using the official loader, but involves direct replacement of vanilla files. And I wouldn't call it good - not just because of inane word and effect bloat that puts ligmus to shame, but because its extensive mechanical alterations make it ill-suited for running together with other mods. I guess someone could find it good if they were looking to install "one mod to rule them all" and then never play any others ever, but there's another catch - it's not on workshop, nexus or any other public repository, but exclusively distributed in pisscords.
Sorry, I meant more like city wide revolt and lelor
POTATOmods, I guess. Most bigger mods tend to either still be private or start way too late (Star or even Impuritas).
I got filtered at the third zwei fight in library of babel. Truly this is what LoR should have been.
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Reason why Dante wasn't allowed to kill her despite him being more than capable of it is that if Dante killed her himself he wont be able to revive her because that effectively terminates the contract
I do like LoB, but its a completely different game compared to LoR it does give me Speed Rupture Sweepers and thats cool
Where was this stated?
LoB is the anti limbus
>Where was this stated?
Simple facts
My Manager level is over 120
by offence level difference alone all my clashes against her would always be dominating

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