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shooting your paragon before it even enters the battlefield.
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I'm sorry, but my fleet is in a system-wide safe-space where your weapons can't reach me.
My personal opinion is that David is mostly focused on the "main quest" and sidequests, and only remembers to flesh out the rest of the setting when something reminds him/the quests touch an aspect that hasn't received attention before.
I like the HAG. I just like it.
Given that the setting isn't his to begin with, this is likely the case, especially considering the entire mess with retcons and old lore left over from Ivaylo.
Speaking from personal experience, it's hard to keep track of things in your own settings, let alone someone else's. And then some smartass comes and asks "how does your story handle X" and you have no answer because you genuinely never thought about it. On the flip side, making shit up on the fly always makes for fun creative thinking exercises. Assuming you're any good at it, of course.
Is there any actual point to setting your sector size to anything higher than 150%? I tried 200% because I thought it'd be cool, but every mission objective being 40+ly away fucking sucks.
based hag-enjoyer
If anything, there's a point where you should try to actively keep the game smaller to keep it fun. Too large a sector, too large a battle size, too many faction/weapon/ship mods eventually just bloat it to the point where it becomes a chore to play.
Which ship packs are good?
HAGs are suprisingly calming to listen to. I did a beta rampart HAG spam run once. nice and relaxing.
Update when?
did the modding scene die with Matt?
UAF is ded
Turkler is ded (thankfully)
Kinda Strange is ded
RS hasnt been updated in 20~ years
Vtuber mods are ded
Ironshell is still ded
Noah is ded
ATOD is apporaching feature creep synonymous with dying
Literally every single mod you listed is shit.
sorry bro buckbreakers need bucks to break otherwise what is the point
modding died because the game got stale and updates suck and broke mods everytime
>and broke mods everytime
there hasn't been anything to fix since i want to say 0.95a. any mod that isn't updated is dead because the author is completely disinterested in the game
i think there was once signature update, which is literally fixed by pressing i think it's alt-enter
Was modding ever really alive then? I can count mods adding actual mechanics on one hand and those are still mostly alive. Everything else is just pet anime faction mods that honestly don’t matter. If you really want their ships just add them to some vanilla factions roster, like Iron Shell to the Hegemony.

I think keeping a “lore encyclopedia” to keep track of shit you arleady explained and or figured out and put in the background is standard practice. Just because David took over from someone else who didnt make one does not give him an excuse not to document what is arleady there and then work off it/retcon parts you don’t like.
>salvage ziggy
>first negative starship legend trait it picks up by salvaging said battle zone gives it
> C U R S E D
That don't include factions?
>Underworld (just remember to disable the Cabal)
>Missing Ships, Nagato a best
Support Ships Pack
big beans is pretty neat
Modders won't stay on a single game forever. The fault is with Starsector's glacial updates. The game should have been finished by now
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>Modders won't stay on a single game forever
Started playing Starsector again after a long break.
This new Second In Command mod is pretty cool.
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holy shit
I just directly went head-to-head with the persean blockade fleets and lived to tell the tale
these VRI ships are nuts, that blockade fleet with 3 Smods on every ship was nuts
that was one hell of a fight
>old lore left over from Ivaylo.
tell me more about this anon
Ivaylo is responsible for some of the more silly aspects of the lore that have been mostly retconned or soft-retconned, including people being unable to build basic tools because of the blueprint DRM
>including people being unable to build basic tools because of the blueprint DRM
that was cool and make sense tho
is uaf actually dead
It would also mean pirates would effectively not be able to exist.
The Dominator is the true low tech icon. The Onslaught is a false idol with energy weapons. Do not fall for its seduction.
>it was cool
It really wasn't.
the current '''pirates''' are more of suicidal lunatics than anything
I still don't know how Alex got the behavior between pathers/pirates mixed up so badly
Pathers are based tho, can say that as rorally non involved hegemony citizen
praise the Ludd
Did you know
There apparently exists a Interfactional Dispute Council?
>What does it do anon? Is it like space UN?
Well dear anon, I wouldn't know! This seemingly cross-factional political entity which seems to be in some fashion, maybe, perhaps tasked with preventing another sector-wide war is pulled out of the Laicelle Habitat's Archon's ass for absolutely no fucking reason, ONCE, and never fucking mentioned again!

Some stuff was cool, I liked the legion being a space penal battalion or whatever. But yeah its a mix overall
it's all the good parts of the setting
so a bunch of mediators that the factions pay lip service to and ignore completely when it suits them

how unrealistic
Which version was the one where David took over again? So I can download it and examine the differences in the lore
It needeed toning down like 2 notches, from 10 to 8 but otherwise was a fun and unique idea
It's completely realistic, just look at the UN
Problem is it's never fucking really expanded upon, clarified or even mentioned once so we can't really know
The archon saying specifically he doesn't expect anything to come of it MIGHT imply things usually or at least sometimes do come of these complaints, otherwise why specify? If nothing ever happened with the complaints it would be obvious
But then again it might be Archon being delusional about the whole institution which would add and align with his presentation as a guy firmly believing in the law as written.

My point is that both are equally valid and is just a pointless addition because it does not actually add anything which is like 50% of the setting at this point, mention, it sounds cool, never bring up again even when it might seemingly be appropriate and rely on modders and anons to make leaps of logic to compensate
not every detail needs to be followed up on, and not every hook needs to be culled. don't you have a SW:EU wiki article to edit?
It's fine to put in cool stuff to use once and forget, but not when it seemingly should be important in relation to other pieces of established lore is not.

>Hegemony is anal about AI
But does not care about a Alpha Core Radiant park around Chicomoztoc?
>Kazeron and gens Hannah having a pristine Nanoforge is a big fucking deal and gives them a lot of power in the league
You having 5 and 3x times the industrial output does not give you any power in the league, not even a bit of friction
>You are by all means independent once you found a colony and have your own faction
This interfactional dispute council never even gets brought up at any point despite you and your 15 disputes with other factions
playing second in command, where do I get 3 s-mods per ship?
I have to disagree, otherwise life in the sector would be almost impossible, instead of the logistical nightmare it already is.
The XIV Battlegroup?
Management (green) tree, third tier skill "Best of the Best". Four others are required before you can get it. I think the other one is much more useful.
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Download Buckbreakers

is there a way to stop all this shit from appearing in random independent fleets?
get fucked
thank you daddy, glory to the indies
just open ship_data.csv and remove the merc tags you fool

why do you fags still not know how to edit mods
its not even that hard
if you fuck it up just redownload it
the name of this mod will never not be weird
its even weirder because you decided to double down and use this image as advertising

but then again, this is the thread that promoted the creation of RS
if we weren't such smoothbrains then who would you be making this for?
we give you purpose, you are welcome <3
People get intimidated by the first step since coding looks like arcane gibberish.
literally no coding involved
If I were a faction in starsector our fleets would just be hundreds of these
It's like how FPVs are popular now
The Lore being a mess and not expanding shit in detail, just small catchphrases is horrible.

But that let me make Heggie Tales, so go play that. I had to look all over the DIALOGUE in the game to BARELY scrap shit out.

Go enjoy a questline with some Eventide Nobles that makes more sense than whatever the fuck Sang tried to do with the party at Eventide.
The one you make yourself from stealing all the ships you like from other ship packs.
SBR just got updated. Glad Turkler is gone though.
Cabal it's based, fuck you
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How would you implement trade and commodities at their real scale while still maintaining the player as a important player on the field who can actively shape the sector and the events on it?
if you want to maintain memory efficiency with Java, you can't. Even before Nex really started going 4x it already had bloat.
>trade at real scale
you dont, you remove basic commodities from the trade system because they are near worthless and only effect stability in foods case and instead move to ship and weapon parts. high value items that pirates/pathers/rival factions would actually go after also justifying the need for armed escorts.
>It needeed toning down like 2 notches, from 10 to 8 but otherwise was a fun and unique idea
Hardly unique. Battletech stepped on that same same grimderp rake in the 80's (except less DRM and more general technological regression) and similarly had to dial it back when questions were raised as to how the hell can anyone afford to use a Battlemech in combat in a setting where they're completely irreplaceable.
There's plenty of near-magical Domain tech going around to create that feeling of a lost golden age without implying that the entire sector is made up of retards who spent 200 years without a single original thought between them.
>This interfactional dispute council never even gets brought up at any point despite you and your 15 disputes with other factions
The game has barely begun to touch upon the implications of you upsetting the status quo and acknowledging it. Colony crises are a good start, the new interactions with Daud and that Kazeron twit are fun. I'd be willing to bet my anus more will come when Alex finally continues the Galatia storyline since there's an unsubtle implication that you'll have to make use of a hypershunt.
People that never coded anything in their lives are about to disagree with you. :^)
I can start the game with my waifu as an officer. it is the best bost ever made.
combat alarm sounds works for .97, didn't know that
this rocks
Several out-of-date mods work with just a version check. Among them Portrait Changer, Stellar Networks, QoL Pack, Logistics Notifications, Hostile Intercept (and Autopause), Combat Radar, Autosave, Trailer Moments, etc.
what the fuck
I've been missing out so much holy shit
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You can do the changes manually on the mods' mod_info.JSON files.
Most mods which do not affect preexisting in-game entities or depend on removed features will work with just a version check. This goes from simple portrait/flag mods, to some code mods which are mostly independant from vanilla content. I think as a rule mods tagged as 'Utility mods' should always work.

Right now I'm testing the TriOS function that allows you to change the mod's version using the manager while still remembering the original game version that version of the mod was made for.
also works for quite a few faction mods, since most of them don't affect the game enough to have problems with updates.
The problem is that it's a ship that nobody else in the sector possesses.
>Tri-Tach can't use AI ships anymore
>tech-mining fleets never use AI ships
>even the absolute richest merc companies, which would have an interest in the best battleship in the sector, don't try to get their hands on one
Whether for legal, logistical, or sheer knowledge reasons, nobody salvages Radiants to put them in their fleet - so if you do it, you're the only motherfucker in the sector to do it. Instantly recognisable.
Got a PC again after about 10 months, what's the current state of Rapesector and the UC Gundam mod?
It's funny how Second in Command is objectively better than the vanilla game's skill tree.
really not that hard, the vanilla tree is complete garbage
still rape-y not sure about Rapesector though
kek, someone at Corvus took the time to remove the pets from Indevo but seriously it looks like Hartley is competing with Oskar to be the king of bloat
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My only complaint is that these Skill officers don't charge salaries, and some don't even need you to pay for them in the first place.

Also the fact that they can't be injured or die in battle. At least I can enable that for ship Officers using Price-of-Command.
But I can already disable pets in IndiEvo using the Lunalib menu? Is there a difference to it where not all content is removed from an ongoing game?
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Got posted on the Discord:


>Adds a toggleable free camera mode for combat.
>Safe to add and remove
>Most things are customizable with lunalib and the settings file
>Hold button or toggle control scheme
>Fog of war for free cam

>Fixed Luna settings
added setting for fog pixel size
>and the UC Gundam mod
I just downloaded the bootleg. Looks like there isn't any major issues with it.
>But I can already disable pets in IndiEvo using the Lunalib menu?
This doesn't actually disable them, just disables most of them from spawning.
The entire mechanic is still fully active and you can still get at least one special pet.
The last time I did it, despite being completely disabled, I kept occasionally finding those fucking pet centres instead of normal abandoned stations/orbitals.
>In fucking Starsector
I hate modders so much it's unreal.
Think that got fixed.
>Whether for legal, logistical, or sheer knowledge reasons, nobody salvages Radiants to put them in their fleet - so if you do it, you're the only motherfucker in the sector to do it. Instantly recognisable.
Never mind the Rads, they don't even bother with Domain era drones.
After matt I learned about every other modder who includes malicious code and realized I don't want to come home after work and worry if my video games will destroy my pc or steal my bank account info, and its not just starsector modscene either. Matt taught me that not only my paranoia was justified but that i wasn't paranoid enough. Now I don't mod my games anymore and a lot of them become stale too fast but i still enjoy these threads and (You)r company.
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>check new mod
>it's just another vanilla shitbased #6969696 with recolored weapons and another poser battlegroup
>doesn't even do anything different, not even a simple quest
into the trash it goes
uaf just added the OP's picture how is it dead
Whoever convinced Bultach's creator that GW would've sued him for making an Ork mod is a massive faggot.
pretty sure there's another ork mod now
It was the usual suspects.
Doesn't matter, the author is a furry faggot anyway.
wasnt that the AOTD guy who did that?
Why are they so have against the british?
>Whoever convinced Bultach's creator that GW would've sued him for making an Ork mod is a massive faggot.
The problem was Bultach was getting popular and the usual suspects were getting jealous. They basically said "we'll help you convert your mod so GW don't sue" and used it as a way to wrangle their way in, by the time Pogre wised up it was too late and they threatened to have the mod pulled from the forums unless he pulled all their 'assets'. The mans trapped with a mod that's turned to shit and no way to change it without their approval.

Not that the alternative is any better, no doubt they would have sent a fake C&D in GW's name if he had refused their 'help' - after-all, it wouldn't be the first time the discorders sent fake DCMA's because people didn't obey their whims...
Does the "avoid" order also work as an "ignore" order if I put it on a shitty frigate? I don't want my main damage dealers to chase after random chucklefucks.
You'd be better off putting an Engage or Eliminate order on what you actually want them to kill.
Ships on Search and Destroy will always (?) chase the nearest target regardless of relative size, threat, speed, etc.
They don't ignore the ships they run away from them as if they had 20+ ECM rating. So that frigate would wind up chasing everyone away. Outside of rally and eliminate orders, the other orders are unintuitive from their names.
>search and destroy = ignore your orders and carry on as normal
>defend = try to stay in this area, never changes their actual behaviours
>escort = hug your ship at the sides or behind and go in front of it when it is overloaded
>engage = forcing the AI to choose a target but behaves the same in all other ways
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How would you retool Story Points to be more valuable and less cheaty?
give out half as many on hard mode and add an endgame so they're a finite(ish) resource
More overpowered cheats are the last thing I want from mods
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Since they are "Story" points, what if you received every certain amount of time instead of certain XP growth, or during certain story beats?

Also, I'd add more threats you could use them in to make them more valuable/scarce.
>Officers can be Injured and die (Can save them using SP).
>YOU can be injured and even die (another SP)
>These sort of things can occur as random events in certain places (Random encounters in Pirate Ports, other locales of factions that hate you, during certain events).
>Storing SP is useful to prevent risks, but might lead to to take harsh decisions (let an Officer die to not lose your last SP).
>Ships more usually are destroyed and are harder to salvage without SP.

Dunno, Seems like they could be implemented much better while still being relevant, same as Skills.
now you're turning it into a hassle
I'd actually make them less valuable.
Most situations where you can use them, give a real, expensive option without them,
Salvaging a ship for example. You can get the ship with no story point but it comes with all D-mods, 0% hull and CR, maybe even requires a salvage ship or heavy machinery in your fleet.
Colony improvement? Sure, fork over 6 million credits.
Right now story points feel like "I'm going to do something impossible, because fuck you".
>Right now story points feel like "I'm going to do something impossible, because fuck you".
well yeah. that's the point.
I like it from the gameplay side, but I think it completely throws out the RPG part of the level system in favour of combat min-maxing of the piloted ship
Yeah the vanilla system isn't GREAT for RPG either, like the only direct acknowledgment of it in the game atm I think is the transverse jump ability. But at least it hooks into it a bit so your character seems like more than just another combat monkey that offloads every other skill to some guy who everyone can just hire at every bar.

Realistically there would be more to a legendary fleet captain who carved his own empire out in the sector apart from
The Vanilla system reflects that, but is bad at responding to it in-game
Second in Command ignores it completely, like I genuinely don't think it's any more fun than vanilla, it just gives some more variety during your 90th playthrough so you can make a weird fleet build you came up with fleet slightly better
Honestly if you are retarded enough to fall for
>GW will surely sue over YOUR Ork mod in particular for an incredibly niche game while there is 9 gorillion other Ork mods for more popular games UNLESS we graciously help you
Then you fucking deserve it
Also there is nothing stopping him from flipping the table and just posting the mod somewhere else.
>Right now story points feel like "I'm going to do something impossible, because fuck you".
True, although I'd still want them to be valuable. Probably just be needed to do more stuff overall.
Less 'impossible' stuff, and more 'stuff that advances the Starfarer's story' (since they're called Story Points).
I'd make them more valuable, but needed to do more basic stuff (like building or upgrading industries), while letting you do less impossible shit.

They wouldn't sue you, but they'd definetly send a C&D if they believed they could benefit from it somehow.
I'll start worrying about a C&D for a free mod once it arrives at my physical real life adress
Otherwise I am filing it between messages from the Ugandan Prince who happens to be my relative that wants to send me 1M$ and the letters from Santa Claus
>if they believed they could benefit from it somehow.
billable hours are always beneficial for the legal department
Thats already a mod and its shit
your idea is just plain retarded in the first place
It’s garbage bloat like all other mods. Vanilla is the way to go for Starsector.
The modder cabal is the one who gets Starsector content taken down, they have done so many times before.
Bultach author is a furry.
>Into 40k

How did his ork OC look like?
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Has anyone used Stinger Shipyards? haven't tested it yet because UAF it looks bloat...
Shut the fuck up Turkler
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Remember, Turkler scammed someone, lost half of his audience and rage quit.

He has been run out of Rimworld modding several times. He has been banned from a few starsector related communities.

The list goes on.
>check it on nexusmods
>get jumpscared by futaporn
Do I REALLY want to install this onto my computer?
is there a working blackrock bootleg?
Games Workshop is full of assholes anyway, who are on par with Disney and Nintendo when it comes to DMCA claims and C&Ds. I don't blame the furry retard for falling for it.
God, why there isn't a single mod that adds a faction on illegal space racers.
Operating on small scale in cooperation with few independents and some pirate systems, living in minor colonies and stations, modding and stripping ships (mostly wings, frigates and rarely destroyers) for maximum speed, acting as a grey-zone nuisance for major authorities by selling aftermarket parts and respeccing ships. Hosting in and inter system races in which you can participate by betting or racing. Mostly avoiding combat but having a lineup of heavily modified hit&run assault ships, sometimes doing mercenary work but mostly just sticking to doing what they love.
They could have special burn speed bonuses and movement mechanics like space drifting and shit, it would be so great.
>caring about faggy modder drama
the mod isn't good though, which is enough of a reason not to use it
you're replying to an obvious discord tourist
when all of you are going to learn that the only way to make them fuck off is to ignore them
>what is takeshido
Last time I tried it gave a crashes on startup, never bothered to give it another.
It crashes with a bunch of other mods.
I don't think it's intentional crash code, dude's just a shit modder.
it's eh
you're probably better off just ripping the ships you like out of the mod
earlier on yeah. but now hes added so much shit I didn't bother updating for my current run.
so some of it is good but the rest???
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>open support ships mod
>one actual support ship which is just another cargo/fuel mix ship
>all others are combat ships
>less cheaty
They're inherently meant to be cheaty anon. Alex is taking them from ttrpgs, where they're designed to be a tool for players to use against what would otherwise be an unfair encounter. The problem is Alex can't decide if he wants them to be one and done boosts or permanent bonuses. The way to fix story points would be to focus on one or the other.
Although as an aside, Alex needs to fix fleeing early game.
Or maybe just not send out doom stacks?
Man the new Arma mission you can get is pretty fun. Though probably not a good idea to just jump in without any prep.
tranny mod
I would not change a single thing.
I'd however introduce cases where you pay SP for extra challenge instead, with loot as a reward.
Right now, more often than not they are used to avoid a battle altogether.

An huge Ludd church fleet approach to menace you
They send a small fleet to arrest you
SP choice 1: negotiate to avoid the battle or reduce its size
No SP: fight their fleet, the rest escape
SP choice 2: taunt them, fight their fleet along with their S-mod Invictus
Starsector ship design peaked with the Onslaught.
I didn't believe you but there actually is.
But why though?
Coombrains cannot help themselves. They need to keep it in check but they just cannot do it.
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it peaked at this beauty
Okay but sex with Radiant
well huh, that wasn't there a few days ago.
'Avoid' order to come for Waypoints and Objectives as well as ships.

>Added the option to put an "Avoid" order on waypoints and objectives. Excited about the strategic possibilities this should open up!
>(First thing I'm going to do is put one on the enemy spawn so my ships don't go there and get ganked by the reinforcements coming in.)
I don't remember where I grabbed it, but mine works. Just remember to edit the version file so that it works with 0.97.
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Sorry, wrong pic
>(First thing I'm going to do is put one on the enemy spawn so my ships don't go there and get ganked by the reinforcements coming in.)
That's actually not a bad idea to try on really big battles. Maybe three of them, one in the center and two on the corners. Or 5 if that's not enough.
The avoid order on capture points could be useful if you're playing with the mod that adds capturable gun platforms.
would be a beautiful hourglass shape if not for the two mounts in the middle
You hating on the Champion's love-handles?
It's the mission set involving taking over Jenius. First part having you be a part of an invasion force to wipe out the mix of pirate and derelict forces around the planet. The second part having you take out the surviving drone remenants and facing off against a damaged guardian on the skies above the planet without any Capitals along with cruisers? Not sure about the cruiser part yet. Need to finish it properly to make sure and to see if there's a third part.
>taking over jenius
Oooooh. No wonder I never saw that mission. I always naturally settled on Jenius myself.

Do you need to talk to Sera Pha or Dawn Given-to-God to initiate it?
New guy with the new update. New Meshan and OG Meshan systems are now joined together as one. You'll find the guy in New Meshan.
Ah, I didn't even know there was a new update. Much obliged, partner.
you forgot the mission where you accidentally fight over a populated city and unintentionally bomb it in the process
>Need to finish it properly to make sure and to see if there's a third part.
Third part has a Buckwood-class breaker and escorts arrive an attempt to enslave the population.
You can let them take the population or fight them off. If they defeat you they capture you and you can spend a story point to attempt an escape and spend the next few hours fighting through the ship to an an escape pod only to find each of the 10 escape pods contains a marine... in the end your character gains the [Broken] skill for free.
Are you a Steady officer or an Aggressive officer?
Hello! Apogee and Paragon a best.
Any news since early 2024?
What's the current state of SS? Is it even MORE resource consuming?
Is the modding community still bizarre?
Always thought Zig reminded me of something, but of what?
Now I see, it looks like a mixture of some spacecraft from Advent Rising and damascus steel and something else!
That must've been a chore to draw.
>Any news since early 2024?
We learned that devs don't know shit about balancing, if that wasn't already apparent, with the preview of the new Anubis.
>Is it even MORE resource consuming?
Yes, but there's a Java 24 mod that makes it tolerable.
>Is the modding community still bizarre?
>is the modding community still bizarre
Ever since the MATT DAMON incident, the modding community has calmed down.
the modding on the community forum is normalizing, if you go to the tranny moderators discords there is mega seethe but all of it is spread out and much less relevant
Paragon a shit
the lions guard falcon is an absolute beast, almost a straight upgrade to the fury while being a few points cheaper
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>better than the fury
oh wow
Is there a mod to implement autosave? Sick of totally random and unforeseeable crashes fucking me over because I forgot to save while exploring new systems
You didn't even try to look.
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>it wouldn't be the first time the discorders sent fake DCMA's because people didn't obey their whims...
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It's just an upsidedown african tribal mask and some ribs
It's an upgrade from the bad dragon catalog david normally uses as reference material, at least.
It reminds you of Independence Day.
Is there anything in Starsector lore that's truly alien yet, or is everything we have still derived from Omega? I know it's implied there's something in hyperspace that the AI are wary of, but that hasn't gotten expanded at all last I checked.
john motes, the music and phase space in general
Hiver still nerf other mods or Dazs has already stopped this faggot
>The MeatShip
Did not expect that from RS.
Dafuq you mean, did the Hiver mod actually nerf other mods? I thought that was Legio?
>-Added the ability for all Hiver missiles to be immune to Diable Avionics' Derecho ECM system - see below
>-Added the ability for all Hiver missiles to be immune to Arma Armatura's Karma hacking - I feel that Hiver weapons are too alien to be effected by these two mod's abilities

This was in v0.8, don't know if he changed his mind or added more nerfs
He added more nerfs
but at least he's upfront about it instead of being all sneaky like that faggot Noah
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What did they mean by this?
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I have no idea how these fucks even make it all the way out into the fringes of the sector in those rust cans with no logistc ships feeding them metric tons of fuel and supplies, what they even do there, or how they're planning to come back.

I really wish bounties got overhauled to make them less annoying and more immersive/realistic to fight.

>"This pirate is hiding from authorities in an unhabited system close to the core. Find them and eliminate them."
>Target fleet is hiding and is mainly composed of fast ships which will run away from you. Needs to be caught and the specific pirate killed to succeed.

>"This outlaw is coming back from the fringes/leaving the core towards their hideout in the fringes."
>Intercept them in the short period of time they will be departing from certain planet or risk losing their trail or having to chase them all the way across the sector.

>"This outlaw is hiding on the planet/station of this particular faction. Flush them out and eliminate them."
>Get to the planet/station of this faction and decide how to proceed. You can use positive connections to help you find and flush out the criminal onto their fleet in orbit, use foce in the form of a squadron of marines to take them out, or brute force and just procision orbital bomb their hideout on the planet/destroy the whole station, to the faction's rage.

>let's move the game's most dedicated carrier away from relying on its fighters
just delete the class alex
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its my honest belief that if you cant sprite for shit or you cant find someone who can sprite for you, you just shouldn't be allowed to release a mod, simple as that. i mean look at the horseshit that's allowed on the forums
i respect myself too much to waste any amount of my time modding this piece of shit game. every modder is my personal slave that lives and dies by my grace alone. their reason to live is to update and make mods i like while those who deviate from my heavenly madate are raped and killed. this is the truth. fuck you nigger
bit of projection there, no-talents
i made a really creamy shit just now and it'd be my pleasure if you were to smear it over your face and eat it too
>sperg out over some random stranger not meeting standards you yourself can't meet
>post bizarre scatological dominance fantasies when challenged
truly we have found the ubermensch
i mog you
you can't even mog the drawing in >>1934649
>Object addRow(Object ... data);
fuck off alex
Man, eccm will basically a must-have with Astral if it wasn't already.
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Is point defense a meme? Its a bit expensive ordinance points wise for something so short range and inaccurate it fails to take down fighters and missiles most of the time.
point defense is extremely important when fighting enemies with good missile fits, which don't exist in the game
You'd think Pirates would be the kings of throwing missles at you because of having garbage ships who don't serve as much beside being blown up by the player, but not even that they can do right.
That's a downgrade.
what? it makes sense.
>hundreds of ships you hoarded
congratulations, you don't have crippling autism
What if I need that unique modded piece of shit frigate with no shield (and hardcoded so you can't add one) one day?
i dont think you would run out of squalls even without racks desu
i guess there is some modded large slot pd saturation missile which will benefit from this
The Chupacabra is coming for you!
He forgot to reduce the Astrals OP by 30...

Remember when Alex reduced the Lions Guard ships OP because they came with build in Solar Shielding. Same deal, you can't then add a 30OP hull mod to the Astral and not remove the OP from the base hull accordingly (for conveniance I'm treating the ATC as if it has the same OP cost as ITU/Adv.Optics - even though we know it should cost more...)
He already crippled it pretty bad, you want to nerf it even more?
But he didn't, the only nerf was adding a cooldown to the ship system.
Fighters have been nerfed... and these buffs are not fighter-centric, therefore they require balance.
The shield nerf is killer.
It's a carrier not a frontline warship, having even more range on its own weapons is only situationally useful.
The shield on the other hand helps it a lot to deal with the occasional flanker, or survive longer if it ends up being shot at by something big.
Has anyone tried Starcom by chance?
>The shield nerf is killer.
0.7 is not a killer, why does it need shields on par with a Paragon/Radiant in the first place, afterall, it's not a frontline ship.
And I'd argue the extra range of the ATC is more valuable than the 0.1 shield efficency. It can now has more time to attack flankers before taking fire, not to mention how broken the AI becomes when it's outranged.
Advanced targeting core does almost nothing on an astral. At best you get a heavy blaster pretending its a plasma cannon.
pretty sure thats just a normal RS defeat thing for homosexuals who play as a female.
ATC is 0 OP tho
and EMR and AO are only 5 OP apart
2k range grav beams bruh
When starting a new run, do you prefer starting with a single frigate or a small fleet? With or without a colony?
I want to play R*pesector, but I don't want any of the rape. Can you turn that off in settings?
You can simply choose not to rape
nah that's part of the break dialog for reckless officers
Single ship, no colony.
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>be playing RS
>capture female officer
>don't want to rape her
>choose "let her go"
>the option actually lets her go into the crew quarters, where she's used as a public bicycle and toilet

>capture second female officer
>choose "release her"
>she gets released onto my lieutenants, who take turns running a train on her

>capture third female officer
>choose "don't do anything explicit to her and allow her to return to her domicile"
>10 hour sex scene until she's more cum than captain

Just don't rape
Wherever you go, you must also rape. Them's the rules.
Which do nothing. Remember that pretty much every faction in the game uses aggressive/reckless fleet doctrine.
outright lie, kys
Don't play with RS? Duh?
Play Coomer mods, win Coomer prizes.
I do remember you could let them go normally before. Guess RS devs hated people who refused to rape female prisoners.
I just want my officers to be a harem.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is the derivative of officer capture, right? I am assuming the logic goes like this "well if they didn't want to rape or do scandalous hand holding then they wouldn't use this ability".
>anons falling for blatant bait
this used to be a real board
I don't use sex mods so I wouldn't know.
It's about mod. You never know when modder start being petty or unhinged out of nowhere. It's completely unpredictable, so baits about mods is most believable ones.
Was he baiting? I assumed it was a funny jest personally
just don't play with it then or something
Yeah it was probably just comedic shitposting
last time I played with RS there’s an option to just do nothing in the captive interaction screen and exit the menu
unless this changed in the last few days doesn't happen to me
I think he wanted romance or slow corruption if he is being half-serious and just exploring the options but finds them unintuitive.
You can rape them yourself.
You can have your crew rape them.
You can hire them for a one time fee, which gives you the officer as-is with no additional 'skills', and then you can rape them or be nice to them.
You can ransom them for money.
You can release them for good relations.
You can slaughter them to worsen relations and spawn revenge fleets.
You can put them in breeding facilities on planets to raise population growth.
what does putting an alphacore into commerce do exactly? "reduce demand 25%" doesn't seem to do anything
Meeting your own demands instead of importing reduces upkeep costs. But last I checked it is supposed to be upkeep being manipulated directly? Might need to update my game to keep up with you whippersnappers.
Helo gib r*pesector please
when you're older kid
But I had 0.2.4, just lost and can't remember where I got it.
Google it then
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holy fuk, legio is a fucking slog
I actually tried seriously fighting them in this run, killing their fleets isn't even half the battle, then you have to invade their ridiculously strong planet, which is completely hopeless unleess you bring 129005 fuel to bomb them into the stone age, THEN you have to send in a raid to disable their planet shields, jfc its funny to think that they would utterly annihilate a lore accurate persean sector
Putting an alpha core into a vanilla commerce industry increases your colonies total income by 25%, I think the reduced demands is a change by industrial evolution. Which is the most bloated mod to grace god’s green Earth and should never be in a player’s modlist.
>Which is the most bloated mod to grace god’s green Earth and should never be in a player’s modlist
b-but I like it...
It has a couple features that are nice but the other anon isn't wrong that it's bloated to shit. It could be broken into a dozen mods.
The first and last time I ever used it it broke my save file from how buggy it was. Maybe it got better since then, but I have no intention of wasting my time with it again. Also, it bloated the fuck out of the loot list with useless shit nobody asked for.
no you don't.
Reduce demand by 25% feels like a mixup of the gamma core's effect (reduce commodity demand by one) and the beta core's new effect (reduce upkeep by 25%) since beta core's also have gamma's effect, and alpha's have beta's and gamma's. The gamma's effect does nothing in commerce by default and the beta's does what you'd expect.
What's the meta in this version?
I know it's meant to discourage just mindlessly having a giant blob of a fleet, but I feel like the 240 dp limit before skills start to degrade is a bit low.
Is there a way to get the special Sephira Conclave skills on officers, or do you have to get lucky and find an officer with them already?
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it just works
Which folder and file is that in?
It's a mod. Adjustable Skill Thresholds.
my favourite is being outnumbered means you can use even less of your own fleet because ????
What's the best way to learn how to git gud with designing ships? I want to stop relying on autofit but anything bigger than a Frigate feels like they have so many moving parts that it becomes difficult for me to isolate what part of them is working and what isn't. The simulations only help so much.
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>try to give them space nukes
>*fuck you, go to hell*
they're low key the good guy.
Best practice is to prioritize one weapon set at a time and just see what happens when you use it. Like how PD weapons handle PD and such. Other thing to take note of is AI behaviors with their ships.
Religious fanatics are never the good guy.
Religious fanatics are always the good guy.
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Wrong pic.
They'd get gangbanged by the Hegemony and the League if word came out that they possess a PK.
who did you giving it to then?
I'd rather bribe pather every year rather then giving it to them.

I gave it to the knight instead
they ...... will destroy it ........
truly the best faction.
>he actually believed it
>who did you giving it to then?
I gave it to the nearest Black Hole
and now i need to return to the rules.csv mines

please kill me
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>they ...... will destroy it ........
Threw it in a black hole
You should be able to sneak PK via spy and event progress.
PK what exactly?
take a PK at deez nuts
if I want to capture enemy officers/crews what mod should I be using? between the two options, how do they impact in game performance?
tried testing TnP and it started to heavily lag the game for some reason, when previous playthough with same mods minus TnP did not lag even at 4x timeskip on the map, which feels weird.
TNP had some serious issue with memory leaks or save bloating, I don't remember which.
Rapesector doesn't have it, unless you manually edit your maximum prisoner count to something too high.
rapesector it is then.
>the 'official' forum mod has performance problems while their so proclaimed 'shady' one is free from such issues
Rapesector is a fork I believe.
the performance issue just vanished when I'm using RS instead baka
Gave it to TT obviously
they give the most money and all but guarantees the next AI war will have me participating in it
>I don't remember which.
It destroys saves actually
It's not a fork anymore
It's the successor to Capture Crews now since it brought back butchering prisoners
based warlord
>it's real
least deranged starsector modder
>my favourite is being outnumbered means you can use even less of your own fleet because ????
Because your enemy have more force with which to split you up, forcing you to keep reserved to protect the rear in case of an attack.

I wouldn't mind tactical choice like these but it would require far reaching change that many here will criticize because it's change they didn't personally agree with
>Download questions of loyalty because hey commissions are kinda bare bones
>Literally can't colonize because all your planets go the commission faction, which makes no fucking sense
>resigning makes them want to kill you on sight
>softlokcs some encounters because mod maker decided to remove your free will to attacking fleets of the commission faction

aaaaand uninstalled
I hope you learned a valuable lesson
the more i see and learn about Kaysaar
the more i realize hes an absolute retard faggot.
hes is probably both indian and a tranny.
he has nonstop for his entire modding broken saves every week thinking he is making the next master piece that just trash.
Fag aint indian but he sure is "Pole". By that I mean German who just so happens to know Polish. Since I am pretty sure that he's from worse part of Poland. About tranny bit though you are most likely right, cause who normal would work for Malaysian when everyone tells you to not work for him?
can we execute every ESL that's incapable of speaking basic English
maybe im just too used to saaaaaaaar memes
idk why he would call himself saar
idk what it is about this game attracting every tranny to derail the game into their own dating sim with selfinserting
>a game about making a fleet prevents you from actually making a specific fleet with le diminishing return
Mental illness
Not to mention there's already a 30 ship fleet limit anyway.
Thats what Buckbreakers Daemonslayer hullmod is for
smuggling organs and drugs feels like cheesing the game
might as well edit my credit my to 10000000 from the beginning of the game
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It's all so tiresome.
the pirates are just o unrealistic in startsector but so merchanters who pilot cargo ships
it should be like in Sid Meyer Prates where civ ships just surrender against bad odds and pirates are more interesting in loot and survival than charging to death
the role of dumb rabid raiders could be put on wild derelicts
Ehh. I mean, i will give him props cause I can tell he's at least passionate and he dumps a lot of hours of his life on that mod and the other AoTD stuff I guess.

But his design choices are questionable
Pirates will try to avoid your fleet if you're much stronger than them.
Both will try to flee the battle with especially bad odds. That's when you get the "let my second in command handle it" option that lets you kill them all with zero damage risk. If you play the battle you actually have to catch them.
Merchants can be extorted for some of their goods.
They don't outright surrender because the vast majority of pirates are drugged out maniacs who will rape them, kill them, rape the body and then eat the cum soaked cadaver.
almost like its designed around being loyal to a faction.
>Literally can't colonize because all your planets go the commission faction, which makes no fucking sense
Do you think that new colonies IRL belonged to the guy who founded them according to the letter of the law? Retard
Even the East India Company at its strongest was still British, and its colonies were British territories
london knew fuck-all about what the EIC was doing
say that Alex will give a buff to the Gigacannon but couldn't find where that information came from, did he already say what it would be like?
I think you can easily change the opinion malus for resigning in a .csv file
Gigacannon is good though? Niche use, but on ships with a small window to do damage and good kinetic secondaries it puts in work.

>hurr durr being a military commisioned auxilary means the commissioner owns all your shit and you have no free will!!

get the fuck out aotd cocksuckers
This completely ignores the fact that fleet admirals are essentially a class of nobility and the sector practices a form of feudalism centered around them. In-fighting absolutely should be a thing in this sort of situation.
Cope and seeth loser. Your just mad kaysaar made shit better than you ever will.
>confirmed not reading the instructions
i think these people just have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a commission means in this game
literally nothing I said is mentioned anywhere, you can get off your knees for kaysaar now
what part of "commission" did you not fucking understand. Go back to school if you can't figure out the definition of this word.
I've suddenly realized one thing I feel is missing from the colony threats - the ability to tell people to fuck off. As in, written-out responses telling them to fuck off and/or bring it, not just exiting the conversation.
It can and even should have negative consequences like an instant -50 hostile, but I'd really like an option to, for example, offer Sindria a "counteroffer" to their generous deal where they fuck off from my system and I don't replace their fuel production with a smoking crater. It'd be worth it just to see the generous, overly detailed description of the other guy's reaction, David can do those pretty well.
In my ideal Starsector as in with something actually usable in place of rules.csv, the game would also actually acknowledge you going through with your threat. Based on the previous example, it would involve the Diktat talking head appearing to try to talk you out of tacbombing after you blow up Command & Control.
It would be a small thing but it would actually make the player feel like he has some agency and influence on the world.
its more of a rules.csv problem. Having dynamic responses and behavior from player interactions requires an Alex intervention, not David. rules.csv is very easy to bypass and break.
Commissions in StarSector is a hybrid of what is essentially the idea behind compensation for salesmen in business and written warrants that grant authority within a contract without actually being a part of the organization ala the East India Company. The only reason comissioners are considered loyal to the faction is because the principle behind the thing makes everyone assume that you are throwing your hat into their ring as an actual member. Even though legally you are not an actual member.
Don't care
a buff is a buff
instead of locking game functionality behind tranny obstacles of jumping through generic hoops to get more favor.

just offer a setting to send x % of monthly profit to said commisioner from your colony to increase favor and gain ranks from being a governor.

he has a completely backward view of gameplay.

you could instead unlock planet bonuses or special facilities or access to capital ships via donating tributes from colony expansions. or becomping a protectorate.
10 000 years into the future have to mimic something from over 300 years ago.
theres no way there could be other forms of governments or feudalism in the emptiness of space
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nta, if you don't admit vanilla "colonization" is ridiculously easy, you are a retard.
You'd have more of a point, saying it belongs to the colony administrator, good thing he is more loyal than an AI.

Even storywise, you have done nothing to deserve public adulation and creating a new faction.
You are like an inferior version of Andrada.
it's ridiculously easy because the scale of it is retarded
>yeah let me move a 2digit% of the sector's total population lol
If alex made it so you can't grow beyond 10k even if you found a bloody motherload, it would make much more sense. Right now nothing about industry or it's item have any weight to them.
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>Phase ship with Maneuvering Jets
>Phase ship with Damper Field
>Phase ship with Phase Skimmer
>Phase ship with Temporal Shell
Modders need to stop with this shit. It's not fun.
>willingly join a faction commission
>your stuff gets given to the faction

You have only yourselcf to blame.
I think there's a bigger problem where it can soft lock you because you end up engaged by your own faction for one reason or another but then can't fight them. So if you don't have a story point to escape with you're just fucked.
Hell the game specifically has a fleet state for factions engaging you without hurting your rep because it's supposed to be a thing that happens regardless of your supposed loyalties.
>he thinks getting a commission is the same as joining a faction

LOL this slop is right up your alley
You're bootlicking them regardless. >>1937149
has a far more reasonable complaint with an actual softlock happening.
>You're bootlicking them regardless.
They are paying you to sit around doing nothing. Literal Neetbux.
>colonizing a planet is "doing nothing"

damper+phase is fucking fantastic actually - IF the ship is also slow
You have not played vanilla in a while, I see.
That AoTD submod literally make zero sense, even though it removes the ability to cancel commission at any time for some retarded reason so you have the literally fly to a planet and do it in person and do it amicably face to face, the entire faction decides you now need to die for 0 reason. It's even funnier when you do it with the Persean League where the admin will outright thank you for what you've done before every patrol and detachment in existence e-burns at you as soon as you leave the planet
no that's very easy to do. it's just a lot of work. an obnoxious amount.
the problem with rules.csv is never "you can't do X". you can. you've got entry points for arbitrary code for gods sake.

the problem is that adding basic things like a single-entry dialogue tree takes ages due to all the token duplication
oh and that there's no fucking documentation for the rulecmds so even just looking up what arguments they take it a pain
>download faction mod
>said faction's markets/encounters don't have their own music
Very few things drive me up the wall more than this.
i have not had ss music on in the last ten years
What did he do in rw modding, as far as I can tell he makes alright mods. I don't care about drama or him scamming retards because it doesn't effect me as a mod user.
Glass all their worlds. I'm afraid there is no other option.
Is Kaysar fucking retarded what is the point of making the industries VoK adds less powerful and making them use 2 slots if by the point you are building them you have 99/100 times beaten all the vanilla crises and have like 0 threats left.
All you have left to do is sitting and pushing buttons to colonize more planets if you even feel like it

>you MAY be able to change it in lunalib after you beat the ULTIMATE CHALLENGE OF THE MOD
Which is building an item which I have no fucking use for because it's only needed to research final techs in the tree INCLUDING THE TECH THAT LETS YOU BUILD IT! IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Just let me larp as the Domain and colonize the entire sector again in peace man.
Or add an actual end-game crisis where I have to build your retarded fucking item to end it.
Tbh, that wouldn't be a colony, more like a glorified company town.
Even with nanoforge cheat you'd not make a single ship.
Colony would only make sense as endgame after you've either racked legendary renown, or you just happen to have the ears of the true leaders, bringing the people with them.
Like, save some political dissidents everywhere, they move to the rare habitable planet you've found, and trust you when it come to space & heavy industries.
>discover a planet named "The Archive"
>survey it
>zero ruins
Well that's kinda lame.
Another thing modders seem to love doing is slapping one or two fighter slots on capital ships even if it's not a carrier.
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If you're not waging war with the entire sector, why even bother?
That's why the skillset is called "industry" and not "colonization".

If people could just fuckoff whenever the sector wouldn't have the problems it had.
Outside the core sector there are
>no fully terraformed planets
>no stable semi-terraformed planets. half the colonies in the core sector are projected to die off this or next century.
>no planets whose development would bring a net benefit to the sector. Everything is done to satisfy industrial demand, not populational demand.
Calling the act of digging a sealed chamber inside a barren rock to sent miners towards deposits "colonization" is a bit ridiculous.

That's why these days the near terran planet coded to appear in one of the 4 corners of the map. It's almost an easter egg.
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>Modify the built-ins of every single pilotable mech unit to quadruple their damage output, with fighter wings at 1.5x output
>Now mecha are nimble, EXTREMELY deadly strikecraft that can overwhelm frigates or destroyers, or pick apart cruisers in groups of 4 or more - with their defensive capability relying almost entirely upon the pilot's personal skill
>Only reliable defense is a commander bright enough to invest heavily in PD - or in his mecha pilots of his own
>The GP02 Physalis unironically one-shots anything less beefy than an Invictus
The Sector will abandon the legacy of Earth, as Zeon Zum Deikum envisioned
Thats retarded, if you want to prevent damage just fucking dodge by phasing
why the fuck are you tanking shit with your armor
>>The Sector will abandon the legacy of Earth, as Zeon Zum Deikum envisioned
But did you actually fix all the fucking bugs associated with it when the game changed from 95 to 96?
>needing to cheat this hard
It exists to piss you off.
>phase out
>phase in
>damper field immediately
>phase back out
>if piloted by someone with Systems Expertise, repeat indefinitely
Xhan Empire has a frigate that does exactly that, and it's as annoying as it sounds.
>and it's as annoying as it sounds.
>gets instantly overloaded by omens
It's just that easy
because you ran out of phase, retard
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>phase ship
Stats are still too shit for big energy.
>needing to cheat this hard
Wrong. I WANT to cheat this hard.
Isn't this some old lore?
For now everything I saw in the game hinted at war and strife being the main reason why most planets we discover with ruins are abandoned were the decades of pirate Warlord rule pre-XIV arrival, 2 AI wars and Pather bullshit.
There is also clearly plenty of habitable planets outside the core, they are just abandoned and too-far off from the core to bother colonizing unless you are the player who has all this fancy Domain tech he found and needs a place to put it.
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>That's why the skillset is called "industry" and not "colonization".
What I meant is that you cannot expect real industrial work with only 10k,
Thought I'm not against applying the SF nano-cheat allowing to build spaceship with like 1000 people.

>Outside the core sector there are
I do get your point about the lore of everyone "dying slowly", and yes that's also why "colonization" in this game is ridiculously easy.

But I consider the "dying slowly" bit to be because no one control the technology anymore
That and all factions are too entrenched politically, busy fighting each others to spare the kind of money for proper colonization.
Politically the first faction to colonize a planet would see the other faction nuke it to maintain the status quo.

As the other anon said, there's terraformed planets in REDACTED systems, the technology to do so once existed but are now encrypted black box because The Domain kept a tight leash on outer sectors.

To justify proper colony in this setting you'd need the kind of plot I discussed above
-get hired by many popular political dissidents to look for a new world
-keep saving them from X or Y, building up a reputation
-more reputation from reactivating local gates, reactivating sectors gates, kicking Ludd & Omega asses.
-incorporate the game changing artifact into the gameplay
Basically end up as a captain who is just so respected the colonies give you free ships and take your input.
the lore is a fucking mess but at it stands most shit got wrecked in the 1st ai war, which must have been utterly apocalyptic, and also never gets fucking mentioned
Which is pretty lame. Like, supposedly the Heg had proper, awesome ships in their navy that were all destroyed during the 1st AI war, but we hear nothing about them. Like, how cool would it be to find the wreck of one of those ships?
>supposedly the Heg had proper, awesome ships
Those ships are just the Legion and stuff
They are called lowtech but that's just because the XIV fleet was the oldest to begin with
The Heg didn't have anything super special during the 1st AI war.
The only significant difference is that supposedly they had a good mix of all tech ships and supposedly even still have some Astrals.
But as time went on, losses mounted, the industrial base regressed it turned out that shit like the Legion and Onslaught are just much easier to keep and build.
That and they supposedly lost the Lion's(ha, ha) share of their midline and high-tech ships during the Askonia crisis as most went with Andrada and his little banana republic plan.
But this is also just kinda guessing based on the lore, this shit is never really explained anywhere in this much detail.

I don't agree that the current colony system is super unrealistic. I don't get where the notion that people WON'T just move to John's colonies if the pay is better(hazard pay), people in real life do this shit all the time.
There will always also be a non-zero amount of people who just move to break the status quo.
The only real problem is that it is not reflected in the gameplay besides the hazard pay meme, there should be some basic social/internal policy menu so you can decide just how better to live in your colonies actually are and see the effects that has
>The only real problem is that it is not reflected in the gameplay besides the hazard pay meme
There's also the Luddic Majority, where Luddites leave the Church planets for your own. So much so that it pisses the faction off leading to its own colony crisis.
>I don't get where the notion that people WON'T just move to John's colonies if the pay is better(hazard pay), people in real life do this shit all the time.
the sector is supposed to be so crawling with refugees that people will go anywhere there's food, oxygen, and only pather terrorism on days that end in y
Isn't this an RPG?
it's escape velocity
It started as a tactical game (which is this board) and eventually had more stuff thrown on top of it until it became an organ trafficking simulator, and now it has become a very lite 4x game.
No, this is a Reaper torpedo
that's a spoon
We don't use spoons here
knives and forks only
I get that it's just beefing up the military of the station or whatever, but the idea of "ground defenses" on a gas giant is funny.
the shot himself in the foot the entire scope of the mod has fallen of.
everyone loved the idea of a tech tree,
people wanted it because they could play tall and grow the industries.
now the mods have basically nothing to do with that is just is tranny bloat.
xir should realize less is more and just give bare bones template
Just got a Hypershunt Tap from a debris field, holy shit. I didn't know debris fields could even have special loot.
>I don't get where the notion that people WON'T just move to John's colonies if the pay is better(hazard pay)
Coming here to WORK is different from coming here to live, which is the main implication of calling it a colony.
It's like far beyond a Soviet "company town" pushed to planet size, with also no sense of scale over colony growth.

>(hazard pay)
An outdated mechanic trying to balance how OP colony are while adding "gameplay".

>people in real life do this shit all the time.
The only place that's remotely similar would be the Qatar, where the immigrant workers outnumber the actual population by a magnitude, and it's a small place, not the size of a major country.

If we were to depict "colony" gameplay as mere industries, nowhere on the scale as factions, it would be a significant change.

You could argue the problem is you making colonies that are on par with major factions without doing more than most fleet admiral could afford.
Or said another way "if it's that easy, why isn't there 20 colony attempt all around the core systems?"
Brings me back to sepculation the PC is some kind of superhuman out of a cryo pod or even an AI because they do things that nobody else can (or would) do.
All we can say for sure is that our PC hear the same "hyperspace song" that Ludd seemed to hear.
Given the inspiration, that's hyperspace aliens talking to him.
The PC is definitely special in some way. Not just through lore, but through gameplay mechanics as well.
How many officers do you see exceed the double digits? Even the Tesseract and Ziggurat pilots don't go higher than 10, and they're supposed to be supernatural beings.
>Is Kaysar fucking retarded what is the point of making the industries VoK adds less powerful and making them use 2 slots
Whoa whoa whoa. Back up. When did this happen? I've never seen an industry take two slots.
In all seriousness, they're probably dedicated anti-boarding batteries and internal defences, on top of the barracks and shit to house security.
>I've never seen an industry take two slots
IndEvo's raider base also takes two IIRC
Kaysaar recommends greatly increasing the amount of industry slots:
I don't know who is building 36 industries on one planet.

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