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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

This week in history:
1010 – The Jews of Limoges, France are given the choice of baptism or exile.[48]
1012 – One of the first known persecutions of Jews in Germany: Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor expels Jews from Mainz.
1021 – A violent earthquake occurs, which some Greeks maintain is caused by a desecration of Jesus by the Jews. For this reason, a number of Roman Jews are burnt at the stake.
1078 – Council of Girona decrees Jews to pay taxes for support of the Catholic Church to the same extent as Christians.
1092 – The Synod of Szabolcs, Hungary prohibits Jews from working on Sunday or marrying Christians.
1096 – The People Crusaders led by Count Emicho, decides to attack the Jewish communities, most notably in the Rhineland, under the slogan: "Why fight Christ's enemies abroad when they are living among us?" 800 are killed in Worms. Another 1,200 Jews commit suicide in Mainz to escape his attempt to forcibly convert them and 600 are massacred in Mainz on 27 May. All in all, 5.000 Jews were murdered.
1099 – Jews fight side by side with Muslim soldiers to defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders and face massacres when it falls. The Crusaders set the synagogue on fire while the Jews were trapped inside. It is generally believed that hundreds of Jews died in the synagogue fire, and many more were killed throughout the city. Raymond of Aguilers, boasted of rivers of blood flowing through the streets of Jerusalem.

Random Country Picker
kys gsgigger
I, for one, choose Anbennar as my gsg.
What's your favorite gsg? Mine is Rome 2: Total War.
Oh keep yourself safe, thanks I will
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>oh neat this shared focus tree thing looks cool
>fast forward until 1946, the ai still hasn't taken the focus I need so I can finish the tree
what a stupid waste of my evening
ain't seen this before
its called crimememod
i wasted an evening playing idle games
i wasted many evenings watching binxbasilisk livestreams on twitch
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how can you not basedface all over the place when you see this?
look at the arrows, the strategy, the war unfolding.
is this a mobile game? looks like literal goyslop
i'm afraid it's one of those games that you need to play it to understand the screencap
in order to
what order?
its /dfwb/ or here, i like here
uhm its actually zogchow
*read fantaslop sounding names*
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Why is gsg so dead they have to seethe about domg like a schoolgirl that replaced them in popularity
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It's cuz domg has always been better compared to a bunch of autistic map painters lel
Because we're playing the games we talk about retard
oh yeah? prove it
looking forward to that degrees of lewdity aar you said youll make
Based Bread
you would betray the trust of an innocent gsg goer?
nigga what
bro those are literally persian names lmao you stupid dumbass
>game, historical
>game, fantaslop

>girl, humanoid
>girl, fantaslop
is this that dominions trash you keep mentioning
just made another sale on ebay
what're ya' sellin'?
cheap chink shit, I'm a broke capitalist pop
which is worse?
utg general or gsg general
have you ever wondered if you started putting up sales or auctions for literally useless shit like rocks and twigs, if there are people out there that would actually bid or buy it
i don't know what utg is, so it doesn't matter
>doesnt know what utg is
glad you still have your innocence.
but i already lost my innocence the moment i learned about furries
/utg/ - uterus general
we talk about the inner workings of the uterus
>psychopathic trannies
>psychopathic trannies who might sometimes play a map game
look man im not a tranny im a big boy as male as one can get and i love fucking women with vaginas though i havent managed to do it yet
I watch auctions go up for hand tools and no one buys them so they'd have to be good rocks and twigs
>If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.
So everyone here is a discord raider?
you are insane
that sentence is actually a decade old piece of /gsg/ culture but youre too young to understand
i am not insane
i am NOT insane stop calling me that imn not sisnae
ive been feeling like this for a while now but it seems to me that i have started becoming more desperate and basically thinking that any woman is fine so long as she fulfills my minimum requirements and i can have children with her
what vic2 campaign would help fix this? germany? perhaps rhodesia?
ottoman campaign genocide balkanoids
already done that many times but i dont -genocide- them i convert them peacefully to turkish
I'm playing a lanfang game right now it's pretty fun tbf
ill be honest i never played lanfang
it's a lot better than a few of the other campaigns I've done, I've posted some of my Alaska games and that's literally just me alt tabbed for 99% of it
but as lanfang you are in a mad rush to dab on the other unciv subhumans before the Netherlands swallows them up, thereafter you have to keep conquering to Westernize at a decent pace
wtf do you even DO as ALASKA
mine precious metals, raise militancy as fast as you can so you can pass all the reforms, goad the USA to war the UK so you can gobble up Canada,
kick your feet up and look at your pops
1522 and I've only just converted from animism in my Ryukyu Campaign.
Holy shit I'm still kicking myself for not converting to sunni earlier. All my religious unity issues gone done with the dhimmi estate, and each province is more useful. Mashallah ....
i just got my ass kicked in mechcommander
imagine if i cared
Build gold-fueled workers paradise. Passing all social reforms, while the republican party is in charge is pretty funny.
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cheesing militancy is gay and cringe
You don't need to cheese militancy, just import lots of Irish workers and deny them access to liquor.
There, socialism. Why Marx didn't think of that?
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Which of these reforms should I take? It seems like Learning by Doing would be the best over the course of an entire campaign when you build courthouses in every single province nowadays
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Nevermind, mission changed the reforms anyway.
Btw I'm playing orcs that wear peoples faces
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that's a man
This event reads like nonsense. Why would orc warrior bother with disguise and not just destroy the door or enter through window? Poor attempt at horror
Might be that the little story of a colony getting wiped out by you is meant to be after you reach the bottom of their starting tree, which is about going on several expeditions and eventually entangling yourself with a vampire coven or something. So they're like skinwalker vampire orcs I guess.
its troonbennar what do you expect
the fall of rome was a gradual thing and that you won't even notice it's falling, that got me thinking are we in the end of gsg's lifetime...
has God died?
what is truth?
can you shut the fuck up for once maybe try choking on dick you fucking thaneslop retard
on whose dick huh?? you gonna volunteer????
i was just soaking up the ryke and contemplating its geographies
harlem shake
are the DLC for ck3 worth it? if i'm playing elder kings or the like
i'm imagining right now
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instead of paying 300 dollars for that hot garbage you could pay me 300 dollars and help me with my rent
nigga why do you need an entire 300 for a rent just live in the country
landowner will exile me if i dont pay him money every month
that's not your landowner THATS PARAJEW INTERACTIVE
man up and build yourself a house
*has to pay tax to the state*
well that's how your pop feel when you're upping the tax
ive decided i shall convert to anarchist
The skinwalker vampire orcs that like to wear faces have seized the Westernmost section of the Serpentspine. We have cleared the main mission tree that we can see thus far, when I return I’m going to launch a number of expeditions which will hopefully bankroll the developments that need to be made to capture and kill the band of DnD adventurers that want to destroy us, which is a new branch of missions that opened up.
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me when someone posts their AAR
Nice Grugs. Are they supposed to be Reachmen or... ?
Realm is Dawnlight, isn’t that one of the Solstheim factions or something
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/gsg/s for this feel?
i smell console / x ray
nah they just made it piss easy to get diamonds with the update that changed caves. cheating is gay and so are you
is it even possible to do normalfag shit like browse tiktok and play goyslop if you are a gsgod? thank god I was always autistic about history
last time i played meinkraft was back in 2014 or 2015
i haven't played in a minute desu but it's one of those games i come back to every so often whenever i get that autistic itch
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what is your favorite era in history
used to be ww2 but I like the eu4 period too
second for age of sail :3
only trannies and boys like the age of sail
only petrol sniffing soiteens like history past 1800s
i'm something of a neolithic chad, myself
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There were no BBC before 1800s, that alone makes it unvearable and frankly unliveable for an aryan princess such as myself
very nice rajesh... now can you please do the needful and get back to spamming /pol/? im deducting the shekels out of your salary for the time.
that kind of looks like the northern half of italy
yeah if you're a moron
>i-its not like i wanted to post in your thread anyways
the girl I like is the village whore and I've never wanted to kill myself more (d)-__-(b)
Schizo hours.
White men have melanin receptors on their prostate, quite literally made for BBC
the meme is BUILT, not MADE newfag
what kind of insanity leads to men talking nonstop about the cocks of races that theyve never even seen in their life
the j*panese cuck fears the Hakka Bvll
no no thats retarded
stop it
They were MADE as in God literally handcrafted them for it, and is just the truth no meme, white men cant orgasm fr without BBC penetration
no no thats based
keep going
only in crimememod
sirs you forgot to be funny when you made a retard out of yourselves in a public forum
g**ks,,,, Kek
hello grandi
gsg is a brown board
leave and it will be white again
If every brown left it would look just like a vst thread
god built me to breed with a white woman
god built me to breed with a anime woman
no idea how that's going to work
are you going to draw your children into 'existence'?
in my death i shall will my rebirth in her world and bend the laws of the universe
an easy feat for the likes of me
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think the base is starting to look kind of cool
the shitty little homely bases that you make at the start are infinitely better than these retarded wannabearchitect vanity projects
sorry anon i already said it looked cool so your opinion is irrelevant
what's even the point of building this base if you are playing solo
>i already said it looked cool
yeah why arent you playing on the 4chan minecraft server?
what like 2b2t?
no its just a normal server
the focus isnt pvp or griefing
didn't know there was one desu, but I haven't beaten the game yet anyways so I've been playing hardcore and trying to see how far I get
i couldn't sleep and decided to hop back on and fell off the dirt tower i made to make the screenshot. i died, the west has fallen, and its never been this over.
its a sign for you to check out anoncraft
ok ok ill take a look, whats the ip?
its in the anoncraft thread on /vm/
vgh... konstantinoupolis...
why yes, istanbul is looking pretty good this time around, have you been here recently?
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With the Empire of Constantinople at peace under her well-allied grandson, Raymond, Eunike was pleased that she could let her age pass Strymon to her second eldest daughter Gisele, denying her grandson, Antoine of Hellas, the spiteful murderer of Raymond's father Yabdas, his primogeniture. With the reigns of power being handed to the next generation, Enuike decided that, though her age limited her, she deserved to see more than just the battlefields of the Empire, and so set her sights on a tour of Bavaria and Italy after leading her knights to a tournament in Bohemia. Trusting Godke Bardewick of Epirus to watch over her grandson, especially since Raymond was his nephew, via his sister Irminburg, Eunike departed for the Danube in good spirits--only for her world to shatter. While Godke was acting regent, there were still other powers at play in Constantinople and Antoine was master of that game. Though he was an enemy of Guichard Kanavos and the eunuchs at court, he had his hands in other matters and, despite how much Eunike had sought to remove his influences after Yabdas' death, it was clear that his tendrils ran deep; Raymond, had been murdered, placing his 1 year old daughter, Eirene, as the new Basilissa of the Latin Empire.


I ended up making 20 screenshots, so I'll do 10 today and 10 tomorrow
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While Eunike couldn't exactly trust Godke to remain as Eirene's regent, she could at least trust Guichard and the eunuchs to keep on running the empire as she dealt with Antoine. Clearly, her raids on Misynopolis had not been enough, she needed to buy the favors of those in Athens--and, as her agents reported, even Antoine's son Markos had a price. Still, Eunike was no coward and court stabbings were not her forte: while she couldn't ride in front of her armies, she could still give orders and command them from her wagon. As she returned to Strymon, not even having crossed the Danube, Eunike also learned that Gueroc of Nikaea had died, though his was from his own ailments, not that of the assassin's dagger. But, speaking of blades, they would be raised before Eunike marched on Attica: Fabrice de Tarsus, whom had replaced Yves de Lorraine as the Despot of Anatolikon, had taken up arms with the Doux of Sivas, declaring that the Empire of Constantinople was but a sham that needed to be erased in its entirety.

So what happened to openvic and the other open source vicky project? Did both die
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However, rallying to the aid of Eirene's council, Fabrice's armies were defeated outside of the walls of Constantinople, and were driven back to Anatolia. While the city had been saved, it had only fallen to its same failings as before: Godke Bardwick had died and passed Epirus to his son Dietrich, who had conceded the regency to Antoine--a move made only so that he would not raise his own arms in rebellion. While Eunike fumed and wanted even more for his death, another death had changed power in the east, for Ioannikios of Jerusalem had ascended to heaven, leaving his lands to his son, Zenon. Nonetheless, as the Imperial armies chased down the Anatolikon, a new threat emerged, for Despot Alain sought to join forces with Fabrice and seize some portions of Anatolia land in the struggle.

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With Eunike's forces in full force, neither the Nikaeans, a peasant uprising from the provinces (concerned about Antoine and the eunuchs), or Fabrice's depleted forces could do anything to face off against the Despotissa's great-granddaughter. A series of battles around the Marmara turned portions of it, and its tributary rivers, red with blood; both the sharks and the crows ate well.

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Marching west to deal with some rebellious Vlachs and Dalmatians, two enemies appeared that could challenge the might of the Empire. The first was Kaiser Arnold, whose eternal medding in Anatolia had been a long-time foe of the Empire, as, though initially weak upon his throne, had come to command a vast and loyal corps of soldiers who were willing to leave their dark forests for the expanses of Anatolia. The second was time: Eunike had wished to pass her final days in peace; instead, she had been scrambling from war council to war council, all the while plotting against Antoine's control over the throne. It was too much for her aged body and, at 81 years of age, the Quarreler had lasted 4 years longer than Sarrazine.

The only people pleased by this were her enemies, and there were many. Meanwhile, Eirene's court quivered, unsure whether Gisele would be as loyal as her mother, or if her ascension would only collapse Strymon into chaos. Archbishop Tipraite Congalaigh of Thessaly, for one, ever the educated and brave diplomat, assured the others that Gisele would hold to her mother's oaths and, having ruled over Eunike's lands alongside her mother, had earned the trust of her nobles--as well as the enmity of Antoine, whose watchful eyes they all feared. While Eirene's maternal uncle, Doux Andre of the Aegean Islands, and the Basilissa-Dowager Georgia agreed that with the archbishop, the the old eunuch Guichard feared that she would hold a grudge for the Beauffort's palace coup that had replaced her with the 10 year old Ogmundr.

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However, despite their abilities, Antoine's regency put Eirene's supporters in a bind: he had forcibly downsized the Imperial army, instead relying on a large host of mercenaries, who, quite frankly, were not as economically efficient as the standing armies that had rallied around Raymond and Yabdas. And, now that prospects were leaning towards a long war against the Kaiser, it wouldn't be too long until those mercenary contracts dried up, the Imperial coffers too weak to renew the deals. Still, not all was lost: true to Tipraite's word, Gisele led the effort against the western rebels in Wallachia, crushing them by the end of January, 1416, whilst Eirene's loyalists crushed those along the Adriatic.

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However, with the Imperial armies out west, it was Antoine's turn to strike. Arriving with his honor guard, he declared that he had no need to be regent, and that the throne needed a man: Eirene's uncle Guilhem, the duke of Macva, much more deserved the spot than Raymond's 5 year old whelp. Few could understand this ploy by the Despot of Hellas; had it not been Antoine who had assassinated Yabdas and Raymond? Just what was he to gain from this? An oath of forgiveness from the man whose father and brother he had murdered? What the court also couldn't understand is that the villain had the support of Pamphilios of Bulgaria and Dietrich of Epirus on his side, over what would amount to nothing more than minute gains. Nonetheless, they didn't need to understand it, only survive it. Outnumbered, Guichard stayed behind with the eunuchs to see what they could do to support Eirene from Constantinople, while the others fled, as Andre was quick to secure ships out to his islands in the Aegean. Simultaneously, he sent a vessel to the Danube, telling the army that marched eastward with Gisele's to not march into Pamphilios' trap, while the rest of the fleet sailed for the Adriatic, to take the main army from Dalmatia straight to Hellas. In the meanwhile, Andre took up the helm of regent, and immediately tried to expand his rule over the other islands, writing declarations in his own name, retracting vassals from Dietrich, which, wasn't a crime by any means, but Tipraite felt it was overstepping his bounds. Nonetheless, it wouldn't matter much--despite that the loyalist armies had captured Athens, and Antoine's only living son, Charles (Markos had died in a separate battle the year prior), the combined armies of the three despots overpowered the Imperial army.

I'm mostly posting this for my own autism's sake, at least I put it out to the void after spending two days working on it
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Outnumbered six to one and with the Germans running rampant in the east, Tipraite spoke to the routed army as they gathered in Thessaly; blood was being shed in a hopeless cause. Antoine only sought the throne and it was clear they couldn't last another 10 years to Eirene's majority. In spite of everything, Pamphilios and Dietrich would accept an honorable surrender, and so, rather than acknowledge Antoine's superiority, the other two despots received the surrender of the Imperial crown and the acknowledged handover of Constantinople.

Tipraite had made a calculated move and it had paid off. Eirene remained the Despotissa of Thessalonika, and, ruling from that city, had not been locked in some Byzantine prison to be murdered like her father and grandfather. It was disheartening for Andre, to no longer have such ready access to Constantinople, though he still held regency over Eirene and her sister Agne. The two girls, as well as the Dowager-Basilissa, however, were still in mourning for Raymond, but their cries would not cease, for a way of measles had swept across the Aegean and found its way through the streets and halls of Thessaloniki.

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The so-called "Little Leprosy" was not a cute name, for it had infected both of the girls. Some blamed the Beauffremont curse, others said it was God's wrath for their abandonment of the throne He had graced their family with. There was much that could be said about it all, but the empty words and meaningless treatments meant nothing for Agne and Eirene, whose short lives of pain and suffering were finally brought to peace.

Guilhem, too, was beset by the Little Leprosy, but his age and royal treatment would see him better than his nieces, whomst he was unable to give a proper burial, given the fears that laid between Constantinople and Thessaloniki, even though he had become its new ruler. Still, the efforts of Guichard and the other court had at least started the Royal army back on its way to recovering from their former weakness, though it still had a ways to go. However, that time was not available: with the Germans and Frisians rampaging across Anatolia, Despot Alain sought to use Eunike's absence to, once again, try for dominance in the peninsula.

I'm upping it to 12 posts because that the narrative has a better stopping point
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Assembling that army and making sure to keep them away from cities infected with measles, Guilhem was met by a challenge from cousin Antoine: he had placed him upon the throne of the Empire, and he could just as easily replace him. He demanded absolution for his past crimes against Yabdas and Raymond, the threat more powerful with the strength of the knives behind it. As such, through consultation with Guichard, Tipraite, and his beloved wife, Zsuzsa Arpad-Omis, princess of Croatia, he was able to ensure Antoine received his pardon, but a loophole was left so that justice could, one day, be demanded of the villain.
As the army began to lay siege to the border fortresses of Nikaea, whose armies were mysteriously missing, another message came from the west, but, this time, it was from Rome: a new crusade was being called for... Mongolia? What the heck's a Mongolia? Surely, he meant Perisa or Mesopotamia, somewhere closeby. Yeah, it probably was Persia. Celebrating the birth of his first son, Konstantinos, with Zsuzsa, the secret of the missing Nikeans was revealed through the Anatolikon scouts: with Kilikia in German hands, the Kaiser's men had marched west and had ended up fighting Alain's forces that had moved to seize the southern domain, dominating them through their numbers.

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Conceding that his internally fractious Empire couldn't contest the Kaiser, Guilhem formally granted the Kaiser control over Cilicia, even if split the Empire's control over Anatolia even further. Still, Arnold had fought against Alain and that was help enough, and so, with reinforcements from Pamhpilios of Bulgaria (embarked troops I hadn't realized I had succeeded, so who's 'the Forgetful' here?). With only a weakened Nikaea to deal with, Guilhem could focus on building his strengths, such as his alliance with King Nandor of Moldavia through his half-sister Asta, who could help provide a number of trained and experienced soldiers. However, the Moldavians weren't needed for Guilhem's battle against Nikaea, and, soon enough, Alain was forced to sue for peace, paying an incredibly high indemnity for his failure.

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However, the armies of Constantinople were not free to return home--the Crusade for Perisa was here. While Alain's funds were put towards supplies, reinforcements, and wargear, the forces of Christendom marched across deserts and mountains in God's gifted mission. However, much to Guilhem's annoyance, his allies seemed to care little for Jazira and Mesoptoamia, ignoring Sultan Mushin ibn Sufia's castles and merely plundering what they could. As such, Guilhem's siege forces abided the sneers and jeers of their passing-by-crusaders, who would only be marching into the mountains of Persia to meet their death. Instead, taking the castles of Jazira, Guilhem would earn the greatest victory of the ultimately futile expedition--using the fortifications of the recently-captured Mosul, Doux Theophylaktos of Macva lured the Sultan's troops into an untenable position along the Tigris, and, in culling nearly a third of their number, were able to capture ibn Sufia himself.
However, it did little for the war beyond the Zagros, where the Christian dead laid unburied in unconsecrated grounds. Even taking over the city of Samarra, it was evident that nothing would come of the war, and so Guilhem started his march back west, his forces intact, all the while leading the scattered collection of cripples and ragged veterans back home. As Pope Alexander had to make an official proclamation declaring the end of the campaign, Guilhem was saddened by the losses, especially that his mother, Irminburg, had passed away in his absence.

More coming tomorrow, so make sure to filter my name
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yummy... russian fiber-optic drones... very nice!
>struggling for ducats
>finally get a colony to spawn gold
>instantly 10 ducats a month surplus
I forgot how busted that is
I can't stop having sex with men on a daily basis since I started to post on gsg
what a freak!
why is /vst/ so full of underage shitskins this week
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fucking frenchngoid declared on me when i'm 1 click away to flee to brazil and have 1000 dev from mexico, peru, colombia etc
both turned out to be dog shit, who could have guessed
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phew that was close
good thing half their army were stuck in stupid haiti and madeira
how would you know its dogshit? have you eaten dogshit before?
omg i'm getting memed on so hard it turns out portuguese mexico becomes brazilian mexico and not proper brazil
isnt that a bug
now that youre in the new world all your colonies there should become yours
idk i'm uinstalling
it's flee to brazil decision if that matters
very narrowly avoided getting subjugated by sister, had to promise matri marriage i don't intend to keep
had to surrender some isles in the north as well
should have disabled matri marriage it is incredibly gamey
getting "subjugated" by your own sister huh...i didnt know ck3 was THAT kind of game
we're all sisters in here
>we're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief
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>no this can't be happening, this isn't happening
ha ha !!
i installed skyrim together with 200-300 mods including porno ones a whopping three times and every time after confirming that everything works and theres no bugs i just uninstalled and deleted everything while feeling absolutely nothing
the lustpit thane is no thane at all
is playing GS on 55" tv considered faux pas ?
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imageine thaneruyke in 4K ...
thaneslop retard pls just stick to on topic ckthanery or whatever just stfu
want to kill this retard waste of space so much
wish i had done it a decade ago back when i was already planning on it and had everything ready now im being punished for my indecision
>the ae thane contemplating his yt channel
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1st real campaign in hoi4, playing as the cccp. just wanted to share my ebin based tank and encirclement. glory to the cccp and believe in the final victory
46 you forgor to add your ck2 screencap bro
That is a horrible tank template
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Reminds me of my old Bruma game. I was playing Nordic Land Vikings and raising the runestones everywhere.
well no its not ck2 its real life
the fart jokes are better in this game
not sure about the maps though
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I reached the threshold of my skinwalker orc campaign where I'm supposed to explode out of the caves and blob all over everyone now.
i want to racemix so bad (in the game)
what mod even is that
i want to fuck your little gay ass and make you call me by my name, thane so bad (in game)
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Elder Kings
Pretty great interspecies dna generation fun
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Lines in the south are getting very thin while we larp the Huaihuai offensive. Hopefully they hold long enough for the tanks to swing down and help. We're running out of guns.
He looks like he's a bit retarded
decided to try out the extended timeline mod for eu4 and a hyper autism run as incas(nazca) starting in year 2 just feels like playing civilization instead of gsg so far, by the year 1100

meanwhile eurasia(had a look by temporarily turning terra incognita off after the great power list became bizarre) somehow ended up divided between 4 hyper empires of megachinks, megacaliphate, 'pomerania' owning eastern europe, balkans, anatolia and into central asia and 'chamavia' owning the rest of europe - both germanic religion barbarian tribal empires; with any sign of rome or christianity eradicated

what a goofy mod
lore accurate thaneface
death and the devil are already behind us
new deaths and hells should not frighten us
what the fuck there's no way you just played eu4 for 1000 ig years in the americas of all places
spendt the whole lifespan getting whole of body
>get murdered
alliance with the king
15 and 16
it's just comfy colonizing, embracing insittutions and once every 300 years you unlock a new building
what's not to love
oh also since you naturally accumulate manapoints to the cap and the only way to spend them is deving, but then everyone would have 80 dev megacities, so the mod has special events that dump your dev back into the shitter until you reach normal eu4 time, so it's all just sisyphean getting to mana cap, developing, it gets reset, you reach mana cap again, and so on forever
the frostcrag j̶a̶r̶l̶thane
what i dont get is why youre playing some random noname hobo instead of some epic blue blooded royalty with a mission to unite his race or whatever
thaneslop retard works in mysterious ways
not a bum anymore he's given away the booze
got this high elf bitch leading my armies for some reason
quest for black pusci
absolutely feched that vocaroo
yep that's me you are probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
i will play bruma
Russia and Poortugal have just suicided into me
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what nation is that
purple merica
blue merica
green merica
yellow merica
orange merica
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-15 degrees all across the board????
>,wrongdoers will be completely destroyed'
guys have you ever heard of a vaccine that wont work unless you get yours too?
like how insane of a statement is that, may i ask?
how retarded are these people right now?
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new deeptech just dropped, and the nips are cowering in fear
I broke a subhuman vaxxiggers nose and I think his blood went in my mouth, I'm fucked
This shithole got noticeably worse once we moved to /vst/
euhhmmm dont you have a job to be doing???
what has to go wrong in a man's head to roleplay as
3)commie chinks
>polish timezone
ESLgod I kveel
>That you are a slave, Anon. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born inside a prison that you cannot smell, taste, or touch. A prison for your mind. (long pause, sighs) Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back.
>(In his left hand, Morpheus shows a blue pill.)
>Morpheus: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. (a red pill is shown in his other hand) You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
>Remember -- all I am offering is the truth, nothing more.
aren't the blue and red pill metaphors for testosterone and estrogen respectively and taking the red pill means embracing your tranny identity(Wonderland) as wachowski xisters intended?
for the rykers
when is it playable
no i was a wagie and had a meltie and now im neet, destined to wage again soon in a couple months probably
i can tell with just a single glance that you google translated it up you retard
at least switch to traditional characters
and how can you tell huh
heh *pushes glasses up with my middle finger* you see im a bit of an...expert
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Ah yes, the vampire skinwalker orcs that flay and wear people's faces are no longer considered monstrous!
why does he look so ugly
who scared you?
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Final update for now. When we return, we will crush the Copper Dwarves in Ovdal Tungr. Then it is back to the Deep Forests to claim the Fey's own flesh. Doing the missions into Corvuria will be difficult, the last two provinces I need belong to a not-HRE country that somehow acquired the land, and their huge network of allies seem to just be sitting around doing nothing. I might be able to win by taking the wargoal and sitting on it, but it would get hairy. Together they greatly outnumber us, and if they have any wizard generals they could overcome us.
We also need to continue advancing through the depths of the Serpentspine, finding more holds to pillage.
100% JESUS
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The only good that crusade had been its war spoils and so, since Guilhem held no ambitions for the far away lands of Mesopotamia, he ransomed the Sultan back to Baghdad, granting him passage through his kinsmen's land in Syria. Putting that silver to good use in enhancing the artillery and infantry corps, they were put to test against Alain, who was now directly facing an invasion by Kaiser Arnold. Seizing the island of Rhodes from the Despot of Nikaea before the Germans could seize Kappadokia, Guilhem returned to Constantinople to tend to his court, which had been maintained by Zsuzsa in his absence, but she was too busy preparing for the birth of their fourth child. And so he was very gracious to accept an emissary from Bohemia, which was ruled by the Bardewick Saxons from whom the Kings of Epirus, and thus his mother, had come from, to express their condolences for Irminburg's passing, which Guilhem found very touching.

The emissary also came on the behalf of Kaiser Arnold, who asked for formal recognition of the Empire's lands in Anatolia, in exchange for a large cash payment, to prevent future conflicts. While Guilhem was a forgiving man and held no personal grudge against the Germans, he had his own ambitions: while he had once merely been the third son of the Despotissa of Strymon, he had now been raised to the greatest seat in the world, and he fully intended to see the Empire of Constantinople was cleaned of all of its blemishes. The Danube was safe and stable, yes, but Anatolia, the lands of the old Byzantines, needed to be reunited once again. Refusing Arnold gracefully, citing the excuses of his vassals in Anatolikon and Pontus, was soon met with an opportunity just to match his ambitions: Gisele had passed away and had passed Strymon to her son, Jaspert, who, through her first marriage to Ebbon of Nikaea, held good rights to take his grandfather's kingdom from Alain. However, it would put him in an ultra-powerful position, enhancing his place as the strongest despot within the Empire, and Guilhem wasn't sure if the militaristic opportunist could be trusted like that. Indeed, there were other methods that could be found, for Pamphilios had expanded his over Ephesos, conquering the western seaboard of Nikaea, landlocking it between the Epirotes, Anatolikon, and the Holy Roman Empire. Still, that would be a matter for a latter day, for Guilhem wished to celebrate and bring his vassals together with a tremendous series of chariot races.
Placing his personal favor with Aristarchos and the blue Venetoi, each of the despots attended the ceremonies, but, strangely enough, the crowd had turned against Jaspert, making public chants against his cousin, demanding his downfall. While he mistrusted his marshal, he saw no need to turn him into an enemy--he would've much more they turn against Antoine of Hellas, who, admittingly, hadn't done anything too mischievous recently.

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shit dumb idiot
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In a great tragedy, Aristarchos would crash and die from the races, though the Venetoi, perhaps empowered by their comrade's death, would still win the tournament, thus earning Guilhem a healthy payment from the gambling offices: enough to pay for a whole new round of races! However, they would instead go back to the military, for Guilhem felt that now was the time to finally pay Antoine back for his crimes. While Antoine had been distracted by the games, the Imperial army had marched on Athens, and was ready to strike when Antoine defied his liege's demands. Using the loophole that had been planted 9 year ago, the proclamation for Antoine's arrest was issued across the Empire, but, as his men laid siege to Attica, they were repulsed from its walls by the Despot's mercenaries--clearly, Antoine's agents had been able to inform him of the plan beforehand.

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Nonetheless, as Guilhem's forces grouped back up, they chased Antoine around the Marmara and defeated them at Kyzikos, a battle that had quickly turned into a slaughter, avenging the army's honor lost in Attica. Thus, 'the Sluggard' was taken to Constantinople in chains for the deaths of Yabdas and Raymond and was placed under the close watch of the eunuchs--though he was at least granted a personal chamber, more than a dark prison cell. While he would be stripped of his titles, he was still family, and Guilhem was better than him; Antoine would have some benefits from his former rank, and, with ready access to a confessor, would have the remainder of his life to feel the weight of his sins.

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Declaring his second son Yabdas to be the inheritor of Athens, while his third son Georghe would take up the powerful city of Mysonopolis, Guilhem would refuse attempts by the Bardewik prince Sigaward of Chrysopolis to negotiate for Antoine's release. Instead, he would find a solution to the Jaspert-Nikaea problem, for Prince Geoffroy, son of Gueroc, could be installed as a puppet over Alain's realm, and not bring any bagge from the Despotate of Strymon (besides his current barony of Zegligovo). Learning of this plans, Jaspert began to make a real fuss about the betrayal, even referencing some long standing Imperial ambitions he had for the throne, but his father-in-law, Pamphilios of Bulgaria, didn't agree with his outburst.

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As the invasion of Nikaea went underway, Guilhem's agents were pleased to bring news from the Holy Roman Empire, for Kaiser Arnold had passed and the elections had been bought by the King of Wales for his son, Brun. Alongside the backings of a finally-resurgent France, the Holy Roman vassals in England and France had rebelled, seeking independence from the Kaiser, whose only claim to glory was that he had received Kilikia from Arnold's campaigns. Taking Alain's castles and defeating his Oghuz mercenaries at Sardes, the conquest was completed within two years and so, while support was given to ensure that Geoffroy would loyally hold the throne under the Empire, the rest of the Imperial troops would march east, to reclaim Anatolia from the Empire.

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The conquest was quick and effortless--with all of the Kaiser's men fighting the rebels (who outnumbered him), the cannon of Constantinople forced all of the garrisons into surrender, for most of the families could still remember Gasmouli rule from the decades past. As such, Guilhem's conquest eventually reached a peak that Brun could not recover and he was forced to surrender the hard-fought gains of hundreds of years of German efforts, a meager loss in comparison to the lands of Hereford and Poitiers. With Antoine dying of his age and his sins, Guilhem was all in the mood for a great triumph, and so he hosted a tournament in honor of the brave soldiers who, in just a few short years, had reunited nearly all of Anatolia under the Empire's rule. However, what was supposed to be Guilhem's greatest celebration would suddenly turn into one of utter despair for his family and his court. Preparing for a melee, a short joust was organized and Guilhem took to the quintain in preparation for his form. But, riding against the practice target, he managed a successful tilting, but the arm spun around quite quickly and struck him off his horse. Zsuzsa, still holding their latest son, Guilhem, was frozen as the servants tended to their 7 other children, but Konstantinos, their eldest, was amongst the first to reach his side, helping the grooms remove his armor only to find the Basileus in a state of unresponsive shock.

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While Archbishop Tipraite asked that the tournament be cancelled, Zsuzsa told herself, and the rest of the court, that Guilhem would recover in time and would act in his stead until he recovered. However, after the melee and no appearance, or recovery, from the Basileus, the questions became too harsh for her ears, and old eunuch Guichard had to inform the lords of the incident. Surprisingly, however, there weren't any power grabs from the reveal. Without Antoine's daggers infiltrating every corner of Constantinople and the distributions of land after the Anatolian conquests, most of the lords had come to accept the status quo of Guilhem's reign and the administration of his bureaucracy, which could tend to most of the issues of his lands, even without the Basileus to tend to them. It was a long-trusted and costly mechanism, not solely created by Guihem himself, but, through the generations of Latin domination of Constantinople, had revived, bettered and, some would say, perfected the stately mechanics of the Romans. Even Jaspert's anger against Prince Geoffroy had abided, for he had had to go back to tending to the matters of Strymon, which was more than enough trouble for some of the most capable rulers of the age.
And so, a year and the Empire of Constantinople managed, the Basileus never opening his eyes or speaking a word. No wars were declared on or against the Empire, which, thanks to Guilhem's push for a professional military, found itself sitting unopposed against all of its neighbors, with no ambitions to overextend itself into ruin. Zsuzsa, having to manage herself between her comatose husband, the court, her 8 living children, and the coming majority of Konstantinos found little time for herself to properly grieve--that was, perhaps, for the best.

(8/9 - I wrote too much)
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In the meanwhile, the sun still rose and set and the world continued on: Asta Askelldatter separated herself from Nandor of Moldavia, while King Herman Hohenstaufen of Frisia tried to arrange for his granddaughter to marry Konstantinos. However, the Imperial court was quick to reject the request, for their agents had brought them the knowledge that the 29 year old was already pregnant and this was just a convenient excuse to shuttle her shame away from Amsterdam. Zsuzsa was, quite frankly, insulted by the act, as if the throne of Constantinople was a dishonorable place to shove a half-mad harlot who would be as dangerous to Konstantinos as any one of Antoine's spies, given what the court's agents had to say about her behavior.
While the immediate future of the Empire was bright, Zsuzsa was worried about whether the lords would remain loyal, especially the longer she ruled as regent. The plays of the Beauffremont were not that far away, and the game of thrones was a challenging one. For her sake and Konstantinos, she had to make a decision about her beloved comatose Basileus...

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>another day another dungeon
>18 FPS
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>my honest reaction to your AAR
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bgm for chill navarre playthrough ~__~
here will be ,sheepfold'
God willing
you can make thanerkye, thanereich even in fantasy map simulator (you guys ever heard of?????)
aar? what is this, 2016 reddit dot com slash r slash paradoxplaza?
bgm for mean machine ashigaka playthrough -w-
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the goblin fears the giant stack of unedited moteryke prov.'s
gsg is a johan loyalist thread
goddamn whys the slider so smol
were there that many actions in march of the eagles?
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ate food, took a shower, now im sipping on coffee
i truly live like a 21st century king
>ate slop, took a meme, now im sipping on more slop
What's your fucking problem, talk like a normal person
if 200 000 years of my ancestors didn't need regular showers to make it, then neither do i
the earth is only 6000 years old however
>march of the eagles was prototype for eu4
>sengoku was prototype for ck2
what is/will be the prototype for eu5?
and why didn't ck3 have a prototype? is that why it's so shit?
>what is/will be the prototype for eu5?
Imperator Rome
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no its around 20000 years old
the sad part is that you're probably right
a man can't even meme in peace in this gay world
is that where all the pederasts reside? the land of the skinners?
where are my fucking soldier pops
what happened to that weirdo blobbing into japan
did he lose his war and uninstall vicky
*raises paw*
my stack got wiped
happens to the worst of us
at least I'm White
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Oh my god, late game eu4 is the most miserable experience I've had playing any GSG. Minor countries with like 3 provinces should not have 27k troops, literal who African countries should not be as technologically advanced as Western Europe in fucking 1650, if you declare a war on an even slightly big nation you're going to have a million casualties on both sides, every fucking stack taking attrition, even in your own land, is fucking obnoxious because if you even dare to separate them the enemy country will come with 5 doomstacks and kill them faster than you could reinforce. Oh, and these massive wars between great powers, with millions of casualties and years of sieging, what do they get you? A few provinces, like maybe 5% of their land. This shit is so fucking ass, I can see why nobody plays up to 1700
ck3 is a better game, sadly enough
ck2 > ck3
ck3 > ck2
respectfully disagree x 1
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> at least I'm White
seethe shitskin
made another sale on ebay
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> seethe shitskin
that loser robbie is still lurking here?
tsk tsk
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event 4435
This pic never made sense, there's not a single vic2 player who looks like that, most are brown or as brazilians call it pardos who believe their 5% euro blood makes them blue eyed, blonde aryan
stop projecting, shitskin
I'm the only Irish Anglo in this thread
Post face holding your id
it's an Anglo world you are merely living in it
Anglo nowadays from from Lewis Hamilton to Saka, so brown
stacken weipen xd
Its a brown world now, you are just leaving it
It's a meme board you sperg so meme and not bitch
bit weird how i can instantly tell who found out about /gsg/ last month
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it's my world, you're only living in it
disney princess^
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Which idea should we take next? I'm leaning towards quality. I've got an OP religious interaction that I feel somewhat diminishes the need for quantity, at least for now. I'm sure as my blobbing ramps up the manpower recovery will become helpful.
the uninstsll before the 100 dev per province hits idea
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"disney princess", he says...
*sends undesireables to gas chambers*
... that'll teach him not to defy me...
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oh shizzle, seghidir flipped to Obsidian Dwarfs. I've never seen them actually appear before.
>kotlyne has collapsed
finally, i'm all caught up
I would pick administrative for CCR, since it's the blobbing tag
I was behind on admin at the time, but with all my bonuses I've caught up so I'll definitely take admin next.
You definitely want admin if you want to keep blobbing, the dev gets really high in anbennar. As for military it really depends if you want to keep playing till late game and how well the big blobs are doing so far.
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The Halfling farm has been established. I need to rush down the Halfling face upgrades now.
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i've been struggling for 30 years since i flee to brazil and lose 70% of my income, spain almost break our alliance, good thing we fought france to delay that. once i'm finished devving these infinite money print 5000, prepare your anus, spanish colonies
Thanks for the urgent news
/GSG/ viability status?
what campaign shall I post, Lanfang Qing or Russia?
Lanfang Russia
inbound -_-
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Pearls don't look very good in crowns
omg is that a dixie flag in the back!!
The Masked Butchers continue to flood outward in every direction. Our economy is beginning to snowball pretty hard. I should probably start working on Corvuria again while they’re weak. The main trouble is their horde of allies in the Empire.
Also need to do this story expedition that I think will give me more of the dwarf crown pieces
lol nice screenshot <[]8○D
that's a clown face btw
take a guess as to what i'm implying
youre implying that youre trans & like cocks
no i was emplying that i'm all the way on board for anby's circus
*honk honk* !!! ;'&^^Dd
I don’t have a screenshot because I moved to my phone. You get the jist of it though.
I think we’ve broken the Highhold orcs, splitting a lot of their realm by taking the rail line. We just took the copper dwarf hold to the south. Once it’s cored I can turn it into a reservation for Diamond Dwarves to farm masks from. Once we push Corvuria out in the West we can set up a Gnoll reservation there as well. Need to do some savescumming to figure out whether I want to fill our next mask slot with harpies or gnolls.
i should be on a battlefield killing people
i heard ukraine is accepting killers
blud played troonbennar inside his head
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I don't even feel like playing any GSGs anymore, I'm just waiting for eu5's release
God, it's gonna be so comfy playing eu5 while Trump is president
lucky for you
i'm releasing a better eu5 soon
Nevers into napoleonic france incoming
currently blobbing
you probably spent more time savescumming than actually playing
maybe :3c
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So how exactly do truces work, since I got the truce with England by winning a war against France will England just let me take Portugal or do they get to ignore their truce when it's me attacking one of their allies?
Although now I pay attention I don't want to upset the papal state right now anyway
yes the green checkmarks will join
also are you saying you just fought gbr and france, are they allied?
it was a bit back so I can't recall the exact details but it was that they were both allied with the knights that were the primary target of the war
britain will join but won't be able to call in it's allies
if it was still under a truce you wouldn't be able to check that mark as cobellygayrent or whatever it's called square which would allow it to call in it's allies but you wouldn't have to suffer an aggressive expansion penalty for taking it's provinces
why are the french so subhuman?
are you that retard who keeps posting that ugly rat on /int/
big day for me tomorrow bros im nervous...
what's happening tomorrow
yeah its not actually irrational
the retard is more afraid of you than you are of it just grab em by the pussy and hit the gas
why are you nervous about a lesson though, there will be an instructor sitting next to you, he will protect you from potential danger and protect other people from your mistakes
I'm playing EU3 and my treasury slider is stuck at zero. I want to set it higher now that I have national bank unlocked. Is this a bug or some mechanic I don't know about?
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>this is brazil
102 ducats from gold rn and there's still so much things to improve, buildings to build and neighbours to blob into but game feels like a cookie clicker since my mana can't keep up even with good rulers and lvl 5 advisors so i'll end it here
I like to suck cock
look away from that brazilian brazil and it'll pass
what the fuck is this fucking shit
that? that's a meme game.
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My magnum opus, arsehole!
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>Grinded for a whole day to build up a powerful army
>Invaded poland
>It wasn't even all of poland it was like a third of it because they gave me the rest of it beforehand
>I invaded with some progress then stalemated and started getting pushed back
>alt f4
Im sick of grinding so hard only for it to all get put to shit in a matter of minutes.
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how do sea niggers have almost the same tech level as me lmao
fuck this ill just wait until i convert to vic2 to clean em up
how do you even lose as germany now, they start with near ideal templates and insane industry, they're so insanely handheld
like my penis as soon as your mother dropped by
>>1940595 this post was very on-topic, why did the janny delete it
they just didn't like it
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How do i stop losing barbarossa?
Well I've usually got a ton of resources by then from Sealion, but otherwise it just depends. You've got a lot of tools to beat them in a slugging match. Or you can go in on 10 or so strong armor divisions to perform some key encirclements. And of course knowing how to build yourself up in the years leading up to the war are also a huge part of the war itself.
>playing goy4
you lost by default
What's a fun EU4 run I probably haven't played yet?
I'm having fun with Masked Butcher myself
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I decided to bite the bullet and went in on Corvuria. They themselves were very weak, but I had pause because they had several allies, and protector of the faith keeps jumping between Gawed and Gromar, both of which are huge.
What I hadn't realized was two of their allies are across the sea in not-Morocco. And to add to our fortune, the independence war for their PU kicked off with several other neighbors joining the fray.
Claims are too much to get this done in one war, but it will hopefully help to weaken the region when I return for the rest.
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why paradox hasn't managed to render a proper map since vic2 ?
you mean the paper map, right? because the more you zoom in while playing memegame 2, the uglier the map looks
What a fine gulf the America is.
uhh,.. mr professor? my paper map isn't ready yet but i'm working on the video for it i promise
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The Monsters of the Mountain have fallen upon the Harpies. Their delicious flesh entices us. And our mission tree calls for a mage tower to be built in their Queen's Den, I want to get that started because those things take some time to finish. After that we need to turn North and finish claiming ownership of the Serpentspine.
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this game is gona rule (God willing)
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being really generous with the malian influence
>Hey we changed this really really dumbfuck thing that was in vanilla and made it much better, more historical, and fun to play
>Also we completely overhauled this other mechanic that already was fucking great but we just love our new dogshit mess of a system that you will never learn to use and that is incomprehensibly complicated
>What? Just download the good stuff in the mod? Don't be silly, you hate modmakers or something
why is every mod I look at for hoi3 like this?
hoi3 is more of a wargame than a gsg i suggest you start a new thread on /vg/
I suggest you shut the fuck up, nerd
man-fiddler reported my thaneposts
smell yas later (garlic aioli ???)
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Why is Japan one country?
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The Harpies have been hunted down. Our gaze turns North. There are still dark places in the Serpentspine yet to be filled with shrieks of horror.
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what do you mean by fun? a tedious exercise in ball busting or actual fun?
wtf is that ugly grey blob
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>Chud the dwarf
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ok now this is brazil
gbr and 13 colonies declared on me and octoblob austria and plc refused the call to help, consequently broke our alliance in the process followed by the coalition of spain and france and their colonies declaring on me since i was now allyless. had to concede 3/4 of my gains in florida and some caribbean islands and 10k ducats to peace them out. then i made sure that'll never happen again by becoming the numero um in the great power list. making 228 ducats a month from like 13 "10-dev" gold mines rn
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damn anon you made we want to try a brazil campaign
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you need 20 provinces in brazil to flee to brazil but if you use the give your subject mainland portugal strat, you'll be so weak and potentially got declared by spain. i think it's better to ditch everything in europe and starting from scratch, i mean not really from scratch since tech 9 will demolish the aztec or inca niggas real fast
>That Aq Qonylu
>That Venice
Turks collapsed early?
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superior brazil coming through
no i started from 1472 since it already unlocks tech 4 to pick explo, 1472 aq is persia basically and otterman only fell recently after reaching their scripted blobbing zenith
>he chose alternate start date
I'm planning on releasing and playing as and just getting the Portugal PU manually so I can get the turn the tables cheevo.
uma deliciosa
listening rn -_-
listening rn (b)-_-(b)
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red v blue is antiracemixing propaganda or something
Taking my daily dose black cock btw
Black coffee* wtf
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seriously want to strangle to death the retarded little worms who come up with those retarded insults
pisses me off so much to see a grown ass man write something so retarded
Where is this from
but how will predditors cope without the ebin monty python reference?
*farts in your general direction* hon hon what is wrong my friend you cannot handle a little banter!?
lol this tard reversed his left bass
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Little frustrated so many of the missions for this tree require a bunch of arbitrary buildings to set up progression. It wouldn't be so bad if I had known about it, but it really sucks when I need 3 different buildings that I could have had going decades ago had I looked ahead through the missions.
I was also restricting myself to mission claims, only to see that further on there were some really important things I had to conquer that I was supposed to generate my own cb for via religion interaction. It's a neat system but it's arbitrary swapping back and forth, and screws you over if you didn't know about it.
Just focus your offensive troops in concentrated pushes from one supply hub to another and making encirclements when ever a salient forms in a well supplied area. Don't "push" mindlessly just because you can since that just pushes the front to areas of low supply where you no longer can attack from. Just keep hopping from hub to hub with focus on taking the hubs and killing divisions and eventually the line thins so much that you can start a more general offensive and wrap things up. If you want to make things end faster create a collaboration government or naval invade Vladivostok.

If you have troops to spare you can do this in multiple locations nearly simulatenously just switching the air to support where ever it is that you are attacking. Otherwise just take a hub and move in infantry until the rails connect and your tanks build planning in the next location for a good push.
Make sure to have an airforce.
The Nanboku-cho daimyo are Building Based Countries, as a sub-level
starting date of "project caesar" is 1337 right? whats the end date?
1917, the fall of the Roman Empire
Meant to write 1922
it's good to know that some people still remember that vienna is rome
>the Republic of Indonesia is made up of 10s of thousands of islands hundreds of cultures and languages. the Estonia is made up of beef and onion slop eating hungarians who polished the cocks of german horses for 1000 years before being elevated to sapience by the USSR
>a cloaca ia made up of 10s of thousands of cells
Roman Empire is still alive, it's reclaiming the Novus Russum province in a war against judeo-muttistan
the OG Roman Empire never fell
it only faked its death and moved to Greenland, where it has manipulated the world through its Swiss and Scottish puppets ever since
the Middle Ages are a hoax
Wait, Ukraine is the Roman Empire? How did THAT happen?
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umm.. is this brazil?
omg i just asked gpt make a /gsg/ thread and it's...
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not yet but it will be soon
not big enough
para para
errrmmm???? KINO=!=!=!!!=?!?!??!?!
no this is 4channel
Recommend mods for EU3 that focus on better AI and historical accuracy.
it's supposed to be lighthearted and comfy, soulless husk like you from that god forsaken island would't get the 'umour
yeah kill this guy
currently blobbing as Russia
does taking 1 vilage named poopdetskslavyanka a month (population 342) count as "blobbing"?
>blobbing a Russia
What the fuck even is this thread?
>elevated to sapience by the USSR
When Peter the Great gained Livonia and Estonia from Sweden in 1710 it turned out that bureaucratic and administrative expenses of those two provinces were literally equal to the expenses of the entire Russian Empire.
Grognard thread for older paradox games (but not too old) victoria 2 mainly. Used to be on vg
>nyooo you can't call the sperg a retard you're playing into his hand
>but not too old
Which is a bit weird, to be honest. Like, there is a fair share of people who are still playing Civ III/IV, or Rome/Medieval II:TW, or C&C Generals, or the first Dawn of War, but it's literally impossible to find someone playing EU2, HoI2, or original Vicky.
I think in the EU3 thread a while ago some people were talking about EU2 too. Also DH is just a shitty mod of HoI2 and people still play it.
Wow, those Russians sure are frugal people.
because the original games are actual dogshit and don't have a thousand dlcs to patch it up
>EU2, HoI2, or original Vicky
these all had good sequels that directly superseded the older games and iterated on them. dawn of war, total war, etc aren't really like that. devs removed a lot and changed the series as they went on. total warhammer is basically a fantasy rpg, compare that to rome 1
It's time to be mature about it and admit that the only reason paradox games are popular is because of vicky 2. And the only reason vicky 2 was popular is because the train sound effect is so godly it feels like snorting a line of coke.
hmm idk I think ck2 was their first real 'popular' game
lol, vic2 was never popular, pdx games got popular with the eu series and later stellaris
I'm right you're both wrong.
I wish this kind of cost was simulated properly in grand strategy games instead of conquering shit always being a net positive.
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>having fun is illegal
lol cancerbad aidsfaggot being at computers
youre a little over 10 years late bud
This website has a reply function. Please use it.
i was not quoting myself 39
>these all had good sequels that directly superseded the older games and iterated on them
I don't think that EU4 and HoI4 "directly superseded previous games", but EU3 and HoI3 effectively dead too. From that generation of PDX games only Vicky 2 and CK2 somehow managed to survive.
you can't simulate 'egoistical' expenses because spoiling yourself is only applicable irl
even when it could, no one will care, they'll save the money to blob and only blob
Whom are you talking to?
objective popularity ranking
Well, posts without proper letter capitalization and addressed to the Great Void are triggering my anxiety too.
is dawn of war good?
i dont know
Why people are so fond of CK3 slowly turning into overcluttered mess that's starting to feel more like poor medieval version of King of Dragon Pass than an actual (grand) strategy?
fuck you
Original one is fun RTS. Dunno about the sequels.
First game with expansions is a genre classic, especially with mods. Second game has changed very much from its predecessor and it is basically three separate games rolled into one package: campaign, which is more like RTT/action RPG hybrid, multiplayer, which is ultimately Company of Heroes in Spehss, and the Last Stand, which is "arcade horde survival" mode; some people like sequel more than the original, some like it less, I am among the latter, but IMO it's not a bad game overall. And I haven't played the third one, but general opinion is that it's SUCKS BALLS.
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>Portugal, Jan. 25 1484
Brazil soon
i dont know
can confirm your mother said I am very handsome too
damn this january is flying for me
losing my life so hard
why is it flying
does it have wings?
yes, it does
it's catapulting me towards financial debt if i don't recover from this injury, stop paying my caretakers and get a damn job
they love toilets and toilet humor there
What do you do when you're bored?
drink tea and pushups in the dark
drink coffee and cry in the dark
eat ice cream if you can't afford a pus-
but don't eat the ones from the cjvenience store, they're a mix of microplastics sugar and preservatives, it's disugting
What classify as grand strategy game and what gst game is good for beginner?
I'm thinking about trying one.
Shadow Empire
eu4 is the most gamey and what we play the most nowadays
hair: dyed blonde
blue contacts: put on
yup, its time to open up a vn and play with my gfs
who are you quoting thaneslop retard
If you can see a country, but you haven't clicked on them yet to reveal their capital, can they "see" you? Do you get AE against them?
euhhhmmm no i dont think so
last time i checked(years ago) people were using that to make the whole world their daimyo as the shogunate so maybe it was changed at some point
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what the fuck happened to italy/balkans?
It's not whether you ''click'' on them but if they ''click'' on you. When you mouse over the different diplomatic options if their is malus due to ''unknown attitude'' you are still invisible to the ai and won't generate ae. Afaik the ai will ''click'' at random on provinces they have revealed so if you conquer far enough or if they get maps they'll eventually ''see'' you
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Last colony before we evolve
are you planning to play as brazil that early also will you pick the annex migrating tribe or keep them blobbing?
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>big brain play
Yes to both questions, I'd rather have Portugal colonize the area as one of their missions give an increased chance of finding gold
will you do nation ruining such as taking max loans to send it all to brazil as a gift
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Nah that's kind of lame, and part of the fun is building up a decent country and then burning it down. I have been building temples and workshops in the provinces in Brazil, and I picked out the specific provinces I wanted to start with based on gold the natives spawned/CoT
currently blobbing as Russia
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i took a slightly different route when i did it.
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exquisite blob sir
just looking at that makes me sick it must be so cancerous trying to handle all your armies and rebellions + dealing with the constant wars
im too old to bother dealing with such cancerous shit nonstop as i did when i was younger
just press the "hunt rebels" button, you literally dont have to do anything
>constant wars
you quickly become powerful enough where you just declare wars and throw armies around and win brainlessly
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>its time
2nd in income isn't too bad I think
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wait how do i play as them?
don't worry i got this
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>hey you... you're finally awake
very gay that i have to leave the portuguese empire
google says you need to put your capital in brazil
i didn't ask google i asked you
no, mexico city or havana better
well how am i supposed to know
wtf that isn't me
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Alright... the plan has changed. I wanted to play as a loyal subject so Portugal completes some missions for us but playing as a CN releases you automatically. We have 4 years before Portugal comes trying to fuck us in the ass. I think I'm going to vassalize the natives for the extra forcelimit and try to colonize as much of the coast as possible to block them off.
If you have 5 or fewer or something like that provinces in Europe you get the option to flee to Brazil as Portugal, switching your country instantly to Brazil. You can play as the colony as well but that's different. Also el blobbo.
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Yeah but I'm a cheevofag and this one requires you to release and play as. I also can't form any nation including Brazil until I vassalize Portugal or it blocks the cheevo; so that is going to be my first priority after securing a powerbase. Only benefit is that as we're Portuguese culture we get the unique gov reform so that's cool I guess
Dumbo in that case
achievemnets/?????? are you retarded
Honestly, why the fuck would anyone play regular EU4 when you can literally play as an immortal magic god in Anbennar?
because anbennar starts lagging like shit in 1500 instead of 1700
^also fanfiction.net tier lore
Just turn off all the subregions and play in not-Europe.
It's been in development for nearly 15 years, and a PHD was obtained through it. It has almost as much lore as RL.
pffft i was in development for way longer and look how retarded i turned out dev time means nothing kiddo -__-
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I fucked up annexing Potiguara, so I only have the Tupis available as a vassal. Once the regimental camp finishes and I finish converting Ilheus to release we'll be at 15 forcelimit. Not much I can do here except wait for the colonies to finish. Also noticed that everytime I colonize a province I'm violating the treaty of tordesillas and taking a massive relations penalty with the Pope. For now I've bought an indulgence but I can't sustain the hit to the economy forever... grim...
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chat how cooked am i
these are not looking very brazil rn
>he didn't navymaxxing when playing in the americas
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every man woman and child has been conscripted, now we wait for the landing
bro i've been independant for 5 years what are you talking about
lol youre getting rekt kiddo
>he stopped posting
taking a break anon but i'll come back later i think. i guess since you're the only one here do you think i should swap out plutocratic for quantity? i start with expansion filled out but if i drop pluto i won't have access to it again as i'm a monarchy
what are you on schizo that was my first post today but you should take economic for the gold mines
stop pretending to be me
swear i listened to that a decade ago
are we playing eu5 when it comes out or have we still not forgiven johan
ill do it
we're playing total war empire
whats even the point? it will be shit and barebones and have less features than eu4 until 5 years of dlc
^bingbingwahoo niggercattle
It looks like a very different game, it's not a shittier copy like Ck2 -> Ck3
We don't use this kind of language here.
justin bieber 4ever
eugh cant believe weve got a bieberbeliever here
mods do something about this guy
has any guy ever liked justin bieber
i remember back when the entire internet was talking about him and how he should up and hang his twink neck
my body is a woman but my spirit is a grosshungarium forming man
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>1st battle of the war takes place in Parnaiba
Thinking it over I think this is fine, ai is too retarded to handle warfare on multiple continents and I should be able to zerg any stacks they move across before enough reinforcements from Europe arrive
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Quality difference is insane albyit
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chudbros... we got too cocky...
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running out of men
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1 more crack at this or we break
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>1.2 morale gap
it's over
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>1st colony finished
We survived the initial wave... but they still want almost full annexation for peace and we can't sustain this much longer. Economy is holding up surprisingly well though
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I didn't believe it at first but it might actually be joever
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Don't have a lot of options left. It's been 4 and half years or so. I'm hoping I can just kite this stack around the jungle and let them attrition. Portugal just got tech advantage so we can't beat them in battle anymore.
I don't get why you do this.
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I'm an addict to dopamine
I mean why don't you play well, are you rage baiting or?
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You know I might be retarded but the strategy is working
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Suck my big brazilian cock the only ragebaiter here is you
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Greeded and managed to snag Cabo Verde. In all honesty we had no business winning this war
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Seems like we've impressed the English. This will secure our independance and allow us to focus on recovery and connecting our lands
>my body is a woman
doubt it
portugal ate your lunch
please stop ragebaiting me saar realistically that was the best outcome possible for that war, don't see what i could have done better
What are the /gsg/ sanctioned mods for vicky 2
Asking for a friend
i was informed by biggers many times that crimeamod is the best mod for memegame2
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>worlds most productive gold mine
isnt that like a bug
youre not a brown youre white you shouldnt be getting "european diseases"
he took the 'breed with the slaves' decision so his country is no longer white
retarded janny
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Warhammer won.
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>brazil, 1516
We've consolidated our hold over a good chunk of the coast. I think the biggest issue right now is devastation. Many of our provinces are effectively useless so the next goal is to fortify the country and keep building up a fleet to rival the portuguese
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>exhibit a
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>economy tab
Since it's gold you should just dev the devastation away.
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I thought about it but we're already 5 techs behind and I still need to finish filling out pluto ideas
You are one tech behind the tech leader with 978 mana.
I'm considering 'up-to-date' to be 10/10/10 and I still need to finish 2nd and start 3rd idea groups anon
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Ended up getting it to 10 for the building slot
>France violating the NAP, sep. 1517, colourized
made some coffee and saw this
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whew that was WAY too much sex for one night i need a break
how about you guys what were you do.....ohh.....you were playing gsg the whole time huh.........
i was watching binxbasilisk live on twitch
^even worse
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cool flag on sami
thanks bro my mom picked it for me
based maga tard duke ruling over sapmi
satan speaks and i'm not listening
country picker for elder kings when?
i want to play a game of ck but i am so fucking tired of ck2 and ck3 is such a boring retarded piece of shit that i cant be assed
so irritating
at ease, meneth
play ck1, i double dare you
,,Shepherd's Crook''
no that sounds extremely boring
who comes up with these names?
fucking lukewarm coffee
did my kettle break?
it's finaljly,.. VGHHHH... my queen........
extremely cute
henrik where the nudes at
for me it's trollsquat
for me it's ignoring mission trees and doing my own thing while thinking about how much easier doing my own thing would be with the mission modifiers :3
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big chilling waiting for portugals cn in brazil to form so I can gank them
>we do a little trolling
first thing i did on /int/ after waiting out my three day ban was getting banned for racism after i made a post explicitly saying racism is not good
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now that the dust has settled was this really warranted
checked the archive
the answer is yes
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is that a real resolution
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sea provinces not included
that is the required resolution
so your fantaslop finally has its own minimap
i wonder which paradox feature he'll copy next
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>algorithm gives me this video
does anyone here use windows 11?
the answer should be a deafening cacophony of "NO"
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massive eyesore ngl
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could someone translate that gookspeak to english please
don't talk that way about my six-digited waifu
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>4chan pass price increase
>getting a 4chan pass
well yeah i hate it too but if i dont get one how else will i pass as a woman
0-4 have fun
5-9 dont do it
i have the right to reroll as many times as i want
raining like a war zone outside right now
odds i continue mechcommander campaign
evens i start gg's wite2 campaign
read that as raiding
must be tough living in south america
I used to get them before they were blocked by credit cards. They were making good money too because I had to buy a new one after a ban like 4 times
it's alright, heavy rain has always been my thing, especially in the summer
This may shock you, but your "deranged schizos" are in fact the majority of males world wide.
gonna start making ck2 videos
but sir, ck3 has the animated tiddies
fucking die already thaneslop retard
i tried civ6 before it was so so so so boring and trite i had to quit
the worst thing is probably all the retarded wacky quotes by COMPLETELY RANDOM PEOPLE that show up everytime you research something they genuinely piss me off
lord leddit stark is not a random person
oh my fucking god i am so old
same man i am 23 and i have wasted my life
You joke, but the amount of people who genuinely spout NPC nonsense like this is disturbing. Take a shot every time you see someone imply that positivity is more valuable than negativity, and you'll be more alcohol than human in no time.
they literally googled 'quotes about tech'. the quote about no wifi on kilimanjaro is ripped straight from some wino moms travel blog
dom6 is the superior 4x
eu4 best 4x of all time albeit
when was gsg moved from vg to vst?
/gsg/ deleta est.
et taedet me aliter cogitandi.
ching chong ping pong to you too
kiru yoruserefu teinsloppu retardo
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new campaign, i thought imma give poland some love
starting at their greatest extent (1619), surprisingly so poor and i was planning to poland and chill for 50 years going full economic but accidentally clicked the 'c' button when you can join the great power war thingy popped up. can i somehow make money here by looting
try starting from 1444
1619 harder
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wtf is this the new infinite money glitch? since when a province can refill it's treasury/loot when occupied
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yooo how did this happen in a blink
meme game
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blud thought he theodore laskaris
say that again in english my argentinian "white" brother
nigga thinking he be theodore laskaris an shiet
proper english
chap thought he was theodore laskaris or some such bullocks
merhaba efendi :3
are you retarded
thats armenian
it ain't easy being white
it aint easy being me
will i see the penintentiary or will i stay free
you misspelled that little guy
not my fault english is a meme language
you're going straight to the penistentiary
fucking hell it's been forever since I last listened to TK
Kuoleman Päivä remains unbeaten btw
i don't understand polish what does it say
thats turkish retard
fuck me in chinese suck my dick in turkish
says your mom is a lesbo right there
say that again ill knock you the fuck right out
holy shit that music is goofy as fuck
like if you took cradle of filth and crammed it with equally shit techno thanks for the chuckle but it got old after a minute
ohh my god fuck off already so i can get my drink you cunt
its like i have a fucking living camera in my house 24/7
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i dont need medication of any kind for i am ubermensch
tov... podsela na... yagru? what does that mean?
means i'm having sex with your mom
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brazilbros... we bit off more than we could chew...
use your dip nerd
dont let him tell you what to do
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i just wanted the geld... (also check out that genoa it looks very nice)
let me tell you what to do instead
unconditionally surrender and let them black you
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nah matchlock muskets will give us the final victory. plan is
>save the army and pull out
>wait for tech
>blockade and try to minimize gold loss
>once tech hits send marines from the west to draw their forces and then try to push for the songhai capital from benin
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found this pic of you and 60k malians about to help you live your strange fantasies
>we're getting trashed and we're outnumbered more than 5:1 but this largely insignificant miltech will ensure we come out on top
thank you for the insight shaka zulu
im larping as the germans let me cook
we are sure to win because we are w&b and the enemy is not
nuh-uh thats not allowed buddy *dumps a million future doctors into your country*
sshh let him sleep
he earned it
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just gone done and delete it em all, fuckin' tranny janny with his panties in a bunch... ssshhheeeeeit
i dont get it why did he spare half but not the rest
theyre all shitposts
he's got a grudge against specific ips
well im in the half thats beloved so uh not my problem
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Ahh, yes... the Jade Dwarves have seized their rightful clay in the eastern Serpentine Mountains, and begin their march onto the surface to rule over the humies.
i went back in my masked butcher game to make more early aggressive conquests before the map was revealed
it's going well, though i'm struggling with eco right now. about to get two more gold mines so hopefully that will help
graj w grę z memami i daj się zmemeować
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lmao i barely have coastal cities and is already wrecking venice in their own game
i'm bad at math too
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at least you're not in the new world
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kek they are guaranteeing otterman and georgia so i collect 5k ducats every 3 years
You have more coastal cities than venice does
This one went too far
i was good at math and then i burnt my brain and now im a fucking bean
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Theme for this campaign
piece by delicious piece
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Knowing how the religion points are supposed to be spent, I was hoping to do a better job with the mask system. I also realized I was better off taking the dwarven roads from early enemies that couldn't be completely annexed, bottling them up in caves with nothing to do but wait for me to finish them off.
when are we moving back to vg
when you quit being a whiny sissy
intestine rupturing
i have no choice but to move towards the restroom
when you stop yapping about thaneslop
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we can walk from france to poland now ok this is epic
Imagine if france stopped the partition of the plc and teamed up to defend europe from ivan, the t*rks and the g*rmans
yeah im sure theyd go out of their way to attack their allies the turks
gaymanwealth was the gayest state in europe throughout its entire existence, happy to see them gone
unfortunately the poles themselves still exist
obviously in this scenario they wouldn't be allies. maybe they could try and support some kind of independant egypt
also what 2 said
at that time the commonwealth was some corrupt fucking abomination so if anything it was only natural that it be unable to muster strength and get obliterated by foreign countries
read a book nigga
plc was top 3 kinoest state in the age of sail
desu i don't know much about history of the plc. was the partition just inevitable? how far back would you have to go to prevent it? before the deluge?
werent those cossacks literally just random stateless retards
yeah and stop noah from letting the germans into the ark
they weren't on the ark originally they came into being after a snake and a dog copulated
is this the campaign you started in 1619? how did france get so yuge
sigmawealth and the ottermans were a wholesome melting pot state comparable to that of rome and the united states wether you like it or not
didn't really pay attention but if i remember correctly 1619 france had way more navy and quebec while england didn't even have scotland and the other half of ireland and they only got jamestown in the new world. i think even france initially only declared for english newfoundland but they took the state of london then it's only natural they got libido on the adjacent english provinces
speaking of polish-lithuanian commonwealth, i was arguing with this dominions autist the other day about a new nation thats coming out.
i argued that its basically the teutonic order, which it clearly is. while he kept insisting that its the polish-lithuanian commonwealth because "the teutonic order was a part of it" when this upcoming dominions nation is plainly focused on "templars" that have invaded a tribal people in the forests and over the course of time made peace with them, ruling over them. which is literally teutons in the baltics.
but yeah this autist said its the polish-lithuanian commonwealth and could not be convinced otherwise.
autistic pole or lithuanian i suppose.
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have you guys had any luck with the norse meme event? im tempted to fish for a 5/5/5 heir just to see if i can flip but it would objectively be a bad decision
least f*cked in the head d6 nigga
Much easier to convert to pagan than having to savescum a billion tims until the event works.
our ange going down to a famous wolf
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oh my science
2024: I made this post
38 years old and still more premier league nads than eibar midget
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>leave 10 men garrisoned town of eibar to me
kokoro ga waraitagaaaaattteeeeiiruuuuuuuu
>All men are joyous and beaming,
>As though feasting upon a sacrificial ox,
>As though mounting the Spring Terrace;
>I alone am placid and give no sign,
>Like a babe which has not yet smiled.
>I alone am forlorn as one who has no home to return to.
proof of an asian soul?
wally wiggling
based or cringe?
wonder how difficult it would be to portrait mod in ck2
perhaps id be better served asking how to mod caucasian opms into vic2
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can you say that again
ching chong nip nong
something about the matchup and the kits pleased me so i'm linking it here
it's dan vs. spane, nations league in case region-locked

you know danmark is claimed as the lost tribe of dan ? duno if i believe it or want to be lieve it
I am excited for when AI translators get so good they can translate sign language by showing a little dancing man, and at that point you can say "cum cum cum" and he will start doing the the cum action.
looking forward to when ai can simulate in VR posters of gsg's real life (birth assigned gender) faces where you can kick their heads for rugby conversion

i vowe never to use those accursed headsets however so i will have to settle for doing it for real in the next life. God be gracious to me

Psalm 58:10
are we being raided?
someone's just grinding the retard mana
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the whole ai topic is so dull and otherwise satanic
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which is better? hoi3 or hoi4?
darkest hour is not a valid answer, so i don't want to hear about that
HoI3 is the only grand strategy game of the franchise.
HoI4 is the exact same shit as DH, very dumbed down gameplay with a clear focus on events/focus trees
wow, hoi4 is that different from hoi3 huh... interesting
you forgot dh retard its a proper nice and well gee ess gee
looks like you're the retard since you can't read spoilers
nta but seems like you're the retard because darkest hour: a hearts of iron game is the best gsg on the market right now
^trvth nvke
that hoi2-derived game has only less than 3000 provinces which sounds lackluster compared to hoi3's 15000 though
as a man of experience, i must say that i do
Hoi4 is the best paradox game. Hoi3 is only better conceptually but not very good as an actual video game. Lot of better games if you want to spend lot of time fighting the game instead of playing than hoi3.
low IQ post
"durr it doesnt count because im too much of an infant to play it"
try a fidget spinner its more up to your speed
tranny janny doing his daily dilate-and-delete run
*boots up HoI3*
*plays two days and three hours of in-game time*
*game crashes*
mmm now this is the good stuff... the masses could never understand this level of sovl... truly a masterpiece
if only there was a good game i could play instead...like dh......
See, this is what I'm talking about
HoI4 trannies are so retarded they get filtered by not knowing how to install a patch that's been available for a decade
Strategy games just aren't for you
did i seriously just spend a full twelve hours blanking out while constantly moaning about my headache and how terrible it is
what a way to spend a day how is this even possible
the greatest game of all... you can tell because it needs an unofficial patch to actually work...
>encircles your capital but doesn't actually take it
>your entire military collapses because none of the supplies can leave the capital
HoI is a shitty meme series in general
>ai consistently wins sieges at 20%
>mine keep going to 80%
No one can convince me there isn't some hidden modifier trying to slow me down.
And for that, I don't feel the slightest bit guilty about savescumming sieges.
>have glorious trade empire
>over a hundred years watch as greatest rival seizes it within a few decades
>get pissed over an ally and declare tariffs on them
>they join up with global rival instead
wtf. this game fucking sucks
haha yea- hey wait a minute youre not talking about a game!!!