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Time to talk about the most popular and unfair franchise about defending Earth from Aliens.
Is XCOM 2 worth playing? It looks kinda like an ass.
I'm not gonna sugar coat it.
>Run and Gun
>Rapid fire + Shotgun + Talon Rounds
>Implacable + Untoucable
not really, but enemy unknown/within are worth it
Only with recruitable Vipers
It's time to accept that XCOM 3 will never happen, and instead they're going to announce a reboot within the next 2 years.
You know this how?
XCOM has 3 threads! XCOM 3 comfirmed! Checkmate, >>1837248!
With WotC yeah, it's better than the first game.
How is the Long War? Does it improve the game?
Literally spyware.
>Is XCOM 2 worth playing?
Only with nude mods
It's a weird game, where the premise is that you're a ragtag bunch of rebels fighting the jackbooted alien occupation.

In the first non tutorial mission, you're facing impossible odds, with soldiers with a tier of gear better than yours and super-sectoids who can mind-control you. After a couple of missions the difficulty rapidly drops off and your power level curves off to cheeseballs levels, with you being able to finish entire missions without the aliens having a chance of firing a single shot, even on the hardest difficulty.

If the devs were able to keep their sadism up instead of pussying out, it'd have been the greatest tactics game of all time. Instead, only play it if you enjoy powerwank.
I hope its true - they should bring the best elements of the original games, with an X-files like modern setting, body horror and 'cold war but in the 2000s' era tech.
Long War was never good.
Filtered by difficultly.
XCOM The Bureau is the only game that piqued my interest. Is it worth buying?
Eh, not really. If you're curious just pirate it since the devs don't deserve money for it.

The story has a cool twist towards the end (IMO) but that's the only positive thing I can really say about it since it's pretty bland apart from that. The core gameplay is just a below-average third-person cover shooter, the squad command gimmick is nice but too shallow, the progression elements feel like something they tacked on at the end of development just to make it feel a little more like an X-Com game, the AI (both enemy and allied) is straight up godawful.
>friend wants game to play
>Suggest xcom since he's into strategy
>Opens steam page
>"Bruh I'd rather kill myself than play this shit"
This happened more or less with 3 different people, what is it with XCOM and people saying it looks boring?
filtered by being a retard
What makes it bad?
You got the wrong thread. The xcom-files thread is two pages down
>makes the game longer
>doesn't add new content to justify the extra length
all you need to know
Yeah, it’s fun.

This is true, though. Alpha strike is the best strike, but also inevitably gets way too easy while simultaneously feeling like how the game was meant to be played. Still fun, though, and there’s probably mods for this by now.
get laid
Normalfags hate turn-based games on principle unless it looks like brightly colored anime vomit.
it does look boring.
I fucked your mom yesterday, but you will never be good at Xcom.
the age limit on 4chan is 18, not 12
it honestly is a boring game if you arent into this crap
>it's boring if you don't like it
that's true for literally everything in the world
Then why are you posting?
>no you
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>looks kinda like an ass
no u

made me go back to the 1st because buying Tactical Legacy pack made me remember I never played the EW DLC as I hate timers on principle
having a blast

you sound more like cryssalid food tho
twitchy fucking zoomies hate thinking, especially strategic
it scares them like math
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I recently after 10 years found out WHY this absolutely perverse retardation actually works in the 1st game.
Bet they left it in the 2nd too!

LOW COVER defense

So cover is basically fucking USELESS until you start entering endgame.
I upped the low to 30% and high to 75% and NOW the damn game is actually strategic and shit like the formerly IDIOTIC smoke bomb suddenly are game changers!
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>he can't GOG
It isn't just the cover; Shotguns are OP(high crit, high base dmg) and with talon rounds(bonus crit) + flanking bonus(a crit bonus) you can always get over 100% crit easily. You can one round even endgame enemies like this no problem.

This is why I always deploy with two Rangers and no less. They can gut an enemy pod of the most high threat units immediately.
Also, forgot to mention. Implacable also works well offensively or on the run. Rangers make good agents too because it's easier to escape when caught. You just dash kill and run again.
After I played the original and Xenonauts, I've never turned back to nucom
sounds ridiculously op, sucking out any fun
maybe that's why hardly any recruits are assaults
but will use the talons on my lone assault now
and build more for the other two I have out of 30

base defense is coming up soon on my first replay after a decade
are you okay anon?
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Booba! Also cover in both games is fucking stupid
With the expansion it is better than base game Enemy Unknown, but it suffers from the entire concept being rather annoying. I don't enjoy playing these games as the ragtag rebels running from alien overlords, so replaying it always kind of a chore. But the overall gameplay is just much more polished than the first. I've played EW and WotC so much that honestly even thinking of playing either tires me. I will never forgive this company for sitting on this IP for literally an entire decade because..."meh, I'm kinda bored of it."
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Hanging out on UFOpaedia I found out the original XCOM creator crowdfunded a new modern version!
Never even knew about this damn Phoenix Point
and it's even on GOG sale right now.
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>play XCOM:EW on classic
>first months are tough as nails, forced to restart a number of times
>get to july
>finally have time to research and build alien containment, catch an alien and get plasma
>game gets braindead easy immediately
What the fuck is this design? Game should get progressively harder (maybe more and more pods/aliens per pod spawn per mission per month?), it'd even make sense narratively (ayys have tech when they arrive, but not resources, which is how they didn't curbstomp us from the start), it'd force you to hurry and keep applying pressure on you. Instead it was just borefest as I finished the main missions.
Don't get fucking plasma and play marathon so the fucking research isn't over after 2 days?
Just started August and still don't have laser snipers.
Waiting for any Plasma research getting done on time would be death, already lost fucking India(eh who cares).

Also enabled "mind hates matter" because fucking Psykers getting meld buffs on top is plain retarded.
This alone surprisingly creates the problem of only PSI-test failures can get melded.
Sounds like someone skipped lasers.
>slash into middle of inactive pod, bladestorm entire pod as they scatter
>run and gun in for flanking crit kill, implacable out of LoS so they forget about you
>slash from out of LoS to get shadowstrike bonus without concealment
>run and gun into a flanking kill, implacable into a flanking position of second enemy, give extra move with teamwork/skirmisher/psi-op, kill second enemy, repeat
>run and gun into flanking kill, implacable right into the face of second enemy, dodge his shot with untouchable, run right into his face again next turn and kill
Rangers are so much fucking fun.
>retard tip: don't make strategic choices in your strategy game bro
>begs for money to show off the prototype to investors (obviously keeping it a secret from people who funded you in the first place)
>announce Epic gay store exclusivity deal out of the blue
>people who gave you money in the first place tell you to fuck off and either give steam keys or refund them
>Developer acts smug and states he doesn't care, he secured publisher with deal and even if everyone refunded the game it will release on EGS (essentially took interest free loan)
Julian Gollop is the scum of the earth and Phoenix Point is a pile of shit
Anyone tried that Long War re-Balanced mod?
How is it?
>buy game on epic games store to support dev
>buggy unfinished piece of shit
>full price
>months later
>releases on steam
>discounted, patched, DLC is bundled free

vowed never to fall for the meme again
OK, guess I'll just try Longwar mod for Xcom 1&2 instead then.
Thought it was too autistic,
but after beating 1 again so quickly and even the fucking Devs themselves admitting they're the "tutorial" for the real game,
Longwar here I come!
I'm not a drooling retard and never buy into "support the poor dev" scam, so I don't care. Is the game worth a pirate?
I liked it. Thinking of a 2nd play thru.
Best strategy game IP ever. Too bad it got ruined by capeshit.

I just played the mass effect trilogy for the first time this summer. The whole time I was playing it I just kept thinking about how cool it would be to make a tbs squad game loke XCOM but in the ME universe using ME combat principles.
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>Too bad it got ruined by capeshit.
Anon, it was always capeshit
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No, IMO, even for free. It was bad enough for me that even getting through the insultingly lame tutorial was a bridge too far, the game just fucking radiates shit energy the entire time its running.
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>wah wah, I was filtered by the tutorial
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>unironic PP apologist
It had the best turn based gameplay I've ever played (combat wise). I played it for 300 hours but I really disliked how big chore base management becomes and how long a campaign takes meaning that many missions just feel like repeats with no new enemies or meaningful upgrades. There are mods that make it even longer but if there was mods that make it shorter I would still be playing it just for those hard combat encounters against "unfair" mechanics like mind control, stuns, multi-turns and timers.
Unfair mechanics like mind control and timers? Fuck I hate people like you so much. Fuck off and play another game. Mind control and timers were among the best things in this game
You are illiterate.
>mind control
Gets canceled by a flashbang. For the Warlock and Avatars bring mind shields, level 2 bonds, or a psi op with solace. Can also beat the shit out of the Warlock so he bunkers up with spectral army, the stasis component breaks MC.
Again, mind shields, bonds, psi ops. Lancers are really high-priority enemies.
If you mean alien rulers then yeah, fair, fuck them. Integrate DLC and just never hit the facilities they're guarding if you can't be bothered.
Stop playing it like EW. Rush with concealment to get as close as you reasonably can before starting the fight, end fights quickly like you should be doing anyway. Bring a phantom ranger or reaper to aggressively scout ahead, bring a specialist if it's a hacking mission. Both Reapers and Skirmishers have cards for mission timers. If you're a complete bitch there's an advanced option for doubled timer length.
I'm also illiterate...
I just wish the devs had figured out how to make the late-game not a total LMAOstomp against the aliens without resorting to Long War tier autism.
Once you have a good squad with the right skills it's basically impossible to lose because you can now do things even the most bullshit "unfair" ayys can't.
Why is everyone illiterate?
I already gave myself shit for that, you can't double dip!

There's Beta Strike, but it's pretty janky. Alpha striking is what the game was designed around, and it doesn't like being forced to do something else.
I have been playing X-com files and I am having a lot of fun. Firaxis XComs feel loose.
Kek! No shit? It's boring if you aren't into it?
Among my friends it's only the people who play literally every dark souls game say that.
So yeah, the DUMBEST people.
Hey, now...
>they should bring the best elements of the original games
only thing the OGs have that xcom2012 doesn't is realistic hit area calculations (the game is secretly 3D), real arcing shots/grenades and skill point based gameplay.

everything else is already there in some way or form or a straight improvement.

The real thing to add would be 8-way positioning determining LOS and skill point gameplay but that's simply too cerebral for players.
>If you're a complete bitch there's an advanced option for doubled timer length.
fuck you and your ADD rush BS,
that setting is mandatory for this whole retard rush bullshit play style to be even remotely playable
When I played through and beat 2 my A team had 2 rangers and 2 grenadiers because both of those classes were absolutely fucking disgusting
the most unfair thing about it is that they never made an xcom 3
That's blatantly untrue, anon. I've played 2 a lot, and you only need to rush if you got bogged down by something and need to make up for that time. Doubled timer length might as well make the timer not exist. Follow the advice in that post.

I haven't had an A-team in 2 in awhile, but grenadiers and rangers are still the best.
Especially grenadiers; if I'm going on a hard mission and have 6 high-level guys available but no grenadier, then one of the vets is sitting it out to make room from some rando corporal grenadier. They're like scouts, I ALWAYS want one. Except against the lost, I guess.
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You're bad at the game, anon.
The game is easy even on Legendary Grim Horizon.
If you had infinite turns to do shit it'd be so easy that it could attrack Genshin Impact audience.
The game has literaly infinite amount of time for you to think on a turn, I'd be a fine with a time limit for a turn, but I'm actually ADD and I don't spend much time on my turns anyway (And I still beat the game million times on hardest settings with different handicaps)
If you think that having to RISK MANAGE so you make things in time, but don't get fucked by pushing too fast is ADD then it's embarrasing.

ALSO speed is the essence of war, thus any good military game in its essence is an ADD game.
Every sequel to it should be a reboot, international cooperation to militarily defend earth should always be the theme, the toothless terrorist theme of x2 was embarrassing
>toothless terrorist
The term is guerrilla or rebel, anon.
It'll be diminished faggot shit like Chimera Squad either way so who cares
What would I be missing if I don't play WotC? I hate the chosen (and the alien elites are annoying as shit too). The lost were fun in the first mission, but quickly became an unfunny joke.

Number 3 needs to come sooner rather than later. (I'd settle for an HD Remake at this point)

Also: Why the fuck would they switch rocket launchers for grenades? Not even close to as fun or cool.
Well for one thing, Long War 2
>What would I be missing if I don't play WotC?
The engine improvements at the very least.
Load times are non-existent in WOTC, but you'd have to wait a little in 2.
>Also: Why the fuck would they switch rocket launchers for grenades? Not even close to as fun or cool.
Lots of aesthetical downgrades in 2 from EW, good thing you have mods to come up with aesthetics of your own.
I keep getting filtered by the Terrible hit percentages in this. I want to like it so bad.
Define terrible. 80~% is a pretty good shot for lower level units.
is it normal for covert missions to free captured soldiers never appearing in WotC?
>buy game on epic games store
>to support dev
Almost all the abilities you get in the game are deterministic and you consistently get high chance to hit.
Your guys are more accurate up close. Shotguns and pistols especially, but it's true of of all guns besides sniper rifles. This doesn't apply to enemies.
Don't just take straight shots at enemies in cover if you can help it, and you usually can. Grenade their cover, run in and flank them, use walls to sneak units around back and flank. Be aggressive and mobile; staying behind full cover and just exchanging fire with the ayys is an even worse idea than it was in EW.
Height advantage is really good. If there's high ground you should probably be shooting from it. If you're on a city map, move from roof to roof towards the objective.
I really didn't like it, feels like an RPG (because it is lmao).
It's only carried by the mods. Even simple ones like voice lines. There's surprisingly a lot of entertainment value in giving your soldiers the voices of random fictional characters and celebrities until an average mission is just a series of incoherent babble and unintentionally funny dialogue.
Which xcom exactly?
If it's UFO Defense then it's a simple case of zoomerbrain
If it's nuCOM then it's because the game does look boring when you're just looking at screenshots and watching someone else play.
If it's nuCOM 2 then you need to find friends without brain damage. XCOM 2, as shit as it is, isn't boring.
>What would I be missing if I don't play WotC?
The one thing that actually makes the campaign somewhat interesting and breaks the monotony (except the Lost mission, fuck those). I played it for the first time with WotC and when I tried to play it vanilla I gave up almost immediately because it was incredibly tedious with very little variety.
Also the best mods are dependent on it, as the other Anon said.
>Lots of aesthetical downgrades in 2 from EW, good thing you have mods to come up with aesthetics of your own.
I think the one I dislike the most is going from the heavy's machine gun to the grenadier's cannon
does the tactical nuke work on the chosen sarcophagus?
The what?
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Anyone tried this? Looks like simplified og Xcom with no strategic layer
I enjoyed 1 more than 2. I think the overwatch and strategy of 1 was better than run and gun time limit stuff of 2. Im probably a shitter but just my preference
No. Xenonauts is the better game.
Yeah, it's pretty much kiddie-fied X-COM. But it does feature a top tier waifu.
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This is master-level psychological warfare.
never played xcom 2 eh?
I have. The what?
perhaps marvel midnight suns is more his style
show them jagged alliance 2
Try their other game, Sigma Star Saga. Fun as Fuck. It also has a good Waifu.
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I liked this game more.
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He's a monster, isn't he?
Fitgirl with Alternative launcher
>>doesn't add new content
it literally uses the content to make an actual game
even the Devs admit THEIR game is just the tutorial for Long

so your opinion is invalid
What is the best way to play Xcom Apocalypse? I dont know how playable OpenApoc is since it isn't finished
is this mod legit?([WOTC] Tactical HUD Lag Fixes)
it shouldnt be possible but it dropped GPU load on my PC by half and i have 10degree lower temps. Im kinda scared it breaks some stuff in the game.
DOSBox is still the way to go, but I think you still need a real CD for the dynamic AI to work properly. I really hope OpenApoc gets done this decade because it's my favorite classic xcom game.
>it literally uses the content to make an actual game
>implying xcom EW isn't a game
most retarded argument I've heard.
but its 40%
My autism is aggressively opposed to the premise of XCOM 2 and it makes it hard to play.
Played the first nuCOM but not the second because I thought it was weird that they added a narrative component. It worth playing?
Not really. It's not terrible, but nuCOM 1 is the better game.
xcom 2 has
>bigger and semi-randomized maps with actual height levels
>a lot more mission types
>better and more varied combat
>more enemy types
>more content
>much better graphics
>a lot more mods

Its literally a better version of xcom1
Enemy Unknown/Within are bad tactical games. Even Chimera Squad has better gameplay.
>better and more varied combat
The balance is shot to hell. Every enemy type has some dumb OP power, and to compensate for the power creep your guys also get dumb OP powers. Instead of tactics it almost feels like a puzzle game. You just learn how to counter enemies, and then repeat those counters for every battle for the rest of the game.
everything you said is wrong except shitty random maps and more shitty mods
>dumb OP powers
in both games your soldiers are superheroes late game, in XCOM1 when fully decked out with gene mods are ridiculous, you can also solo the game with 6 guys cause they never get tired and armor absorbs all damage before registering as wounds. MECs can beat everyone with punch ability.
its not up to discussion but straight up facts
>except shitty random maps
Literal retard, go play fighting games if you like repeating the same actions over and over.
Though WOTC tilesets are not great in terms of randomization and layout, it is true.
>more shitty mods
Mods cannot be shitty by definiton, because you can make shit yourself. Unless you consider yourself a retard that can only make shit.
>you can also solo the game with 6 guys
What did he mean by this?
Play Long War Rebalanced. It takes the best parts of NuCOM1 and makes it more unique. NuCOM2 is NOT a substitute for that experience.
theres Long War 2 and Long war of the Chosen which is still being developed in xcom2
I've played them. XCOM1 has an aesthetic and an atmosphere that cannot be replicated on XCOM2. The strategic layer is quite different, as are the mission types. Again, XCOM2 is a sequel that does not substitute its predecessor at all. They're quite different games.
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any newer games copying the xcom gameplay worth trying?
Six guys OR GIRLS, sorry. You only need an A Team and you don't need a B Team. One sole team solo.
And you can't do that in XCOM2 for some reason?
From what I remember, you can do half the missions with a single Reaper. It's not particularly fun, but it's sometimes the easiest option.
>From what I remember
you havent played the game
I actually never finished it. Started several runs, ran out of interest halfway through.
But please, you are clearly more knowledgeable on the mechanics. Explain what the difference is.
Theres fatigue mechanic which makes you rotate soldiers, armor hp doesn't mitigate damage like in previous game, also wound mechanic is semi random you can be hit for few hp and still recover for a month.
I thought the fatigue was a Long War thing. It was vanilla? I doubt it would make much of a difference, though. You could have a reaper do half the missions and five normal guys do the other half. Or a rotation of two reapers. And wounds only matter if you actually take damage, which reapers usually don't.
why you keep writing about game you havent even played. Reapers are from WoTC dlc which also added fatigue mechanic, you cant have more than 1 for majority of the game they are scouts and horrible damage dealers, you are just regurgitating some bullshit reddit post you poorly read long ago.
>they are scouts and horrible damage dealers
Did YOU play the game? If the mission objective doesn't specifically include killing, which it often doesn't, then dealing damage is optional. A reaper can easily sneak, for example, to the heart of a Avatar facility, trigger the objective, use an ability to recloak, and retreat without firing a shot.
Seriously why do you keep writing about game you havent played, you didnt even know about fatigue or that you cant have more than 1 reaper, stop wasting my time retard
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>you cant have more than 1 reaper
Yeah, that's actually another reason XCOM2 sucks. In case you actually haven't played it, let me explain.
WotC added three new soldier types. The Reaper, the Templar and the Skirmisher. Reapers are functionally invisible scouts, Templars are melee psykers, and the Skirmisher gets a hookshot and can, with the right abilities, make three basic attacks per turn. By default you get one to start with, and then get each of the other two as you progress. They're not unique units, but for most of the game, they might as well be. You can only get more by completing a special project that only available randomly. For about the first half of the game, you can't really expect to get more than one of each.
Now, if you lose a high-level soldier in nucom, that's always a huge setback. They have abilities that lower level grunts just don't have, you probably don't have a lot of spares, and training a new one is going to take a long time.
But if you lose one of the special units in XCOM2, you can just go fuck yourself. Most of the time you flat out CAN'T replace them. You've lost your only unit of that type, and you're just going to have to make do without, until the RNG smiles and you get a chance to recruit a new one.
Why the devs chose to do it like this is a mystery to me. It's not like people didn't complain about the way this encourages savescumming all the way back in XCOM1.
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anyone else not seeing any images on the site?
i can see old thread image thumbnails but the rest don't load
they are fun but i wouldnt say they are vital part of the team you must have for every encounter, meanwhile i could not imagine going on mission without Specialist or Grenadier.
Is xcom 2 easier than xcom 1? I’ve beat xcom 2 a few times on legend, but I haven’t beaten xcom 1 on impossible. Might be because I only played the iOS version of xcom 1 in highschool.
It's the good kind of ass.
Honestly, I think the enemies on XCOM2 are hit or miss. Too many wacky and weird enemies, it's a little bloated. The angel with a staff is the greatest offender. I like the consistency of enemies in the first game.
When I saw the video of 1 soldier soloing an entire mission. I knew I wasn't playing X-COM. I was playing superheroes
Just beat it, was decently fun and its a shame the sequels got canceled
It needs Bronzeman.
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Why are aliens retarded in that game?
Started playing Phoenix Point after remembering that I've had that game for years.
It's giving me a different but no less oppressive feeling of the original, despite the lack of TU's.
Seeing havens getting leveled outside my airspace and knowing that there are Scylla out there, ready to wreck my shit has me dreading every minute.
What’re the chances we get a remake/remaster of EW before 2030
I didnt like the tech progression in PP desu, after a while youre kinda at the mercy of what the AI factions decide to research. Also jericho has the only viable late weapons.
NJ really? I'd thought that they had the worst stuff.
>Syn has the accurate stuff
>Anu has viral weapons and zerks
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so it's still shit? damn, I liked the entire premise of the game starting where any other game would get a "bad ending"
xcom 2 is too different from xcom 1 to be called a better version of it, even if you like it more.
Certain things are objective improvements though.
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>the most popular and unfair franchise about defending Earth from Aliens.
Correct, not XCOM.
Later all the ayys get massive armor, even weakpoints have like 40.
2nd tier jericho guns got tons of penetration, the ones they start with are pretty meh tho ye
By the way, do you ever use heavy machineguns? Besides grenade launcher, heavy weapons feel like novelties, but HMG's seem particularly useless.
If I want to get close enough to use them, I need a turn to jump jet first and set up the attack, either hoping I don't get melted or adopting an ambush style (assuming the terrain is accommodating). Unless you multiclass with berserker, there's no getting around that.
But even if I start a turn close enough to move into position or I already start in position, then why waste three AP when I could have two shotgun attacks, shotgun + war cry, shotgun + run back to cover, shotgun + medkit, close in and bash at least twice, etc. It's the most inefficient system in the game.
That's not accounting for wearing heavy armor and trashing speed & accuracy. In the early game, I have to more or less spoonfeed kills to my heavies for them to get any exp or leave them to slow cook at base.
>encouraging savescumming
>dumbing down the mechanics (geoscape, TU's, base management)
>limiting the player's power presumably for balance
>punishing the player with the same mechanic AKA artificial difficulty (looping back to point 1)
Your post sums up everything I hate about nucom.
pretty sure my heavies were all using nade launcher for most things and cannon for single big targets or anything that dared to rush them
machinegun i think I only had on one guy and it was specifically for mag dumping into fully armorshredded scylla abdomen
Newer, as in anything made after the 1994 original? Not really, no. TFTD was a sloppy cashgrab rehash of the formula, apoc was meh and everything after that does not deserve to exist.
Xenonauts is okay, but still a downgrade from the original xcom gameplay. And despite having beautiful isometric graphics with good visual direction, it's 2D art is otherwise quite ugly.
Good, Xcom is a franchise that should be rebooted every 10 years or so.
TFTD just needs basic balancing/logic tweaks. I love TFTD. The depth mechanic combined with day/night cycle is genius and organically increases difficulty. Two-stage maps for colonies/artifact sites are make sense. Only thing I'd cut is the two-stage ship missions as those are way too tedious. Otherwise it just needs better logic for its research tree.
This is probably the funniest XCOM2 webm that I've seen in a veeery long time.
The sectopod was hacked by a non-XCOM operative. Finally showing that humanity can actually do things without Bradford and the Commander holding their hands like children.
>SPARK with extended-mag and auto-loader in concealment with height advantage spots two pods
>overdrive and fire rocket
>enemies scatter and hunter-protocol triggers SPARK to overwatch four of them
>still have a free reload and two actions left after the fireworks
Respect the robot.
HMGs are for brapping the lair structures in one turn
Really have the itch for XCOM, but I can't run XCOM again... just played it soooo much. This isn't a good alternative?

Also, what was that new XCOM game where you control mercenaries on mars or whatever? With XCOM fighting mechanics but destructable terrain? It was revealed during one of the game award shows or something. It looked REALLY good.
Got it, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk1p-9aozqs for anyone curious
Mars Tactics? Seems like it’s coming out next year
guess i'll suppress the itch for now but I'm gonna play the everloving shit out of that
The game is decent and certainly has a different feel than the nuXCOMs. Just pirate it if you dont want to give the maker money. Personally really liked the free aiming. Allows for shit like spraying invisible ayys with bullets or shooting out of los enemies through like 3 layers of walls with the heavy cannon.

I unironically put my heavies in sniper gear for +accuracy. Give them back the jetpack if you want it after they get their own accuracy up
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I'm just gonna buy it. Fuck, I can't wait until Mars Tactics releases. I *need* my XCOM fix.
>humanity can actually do things without Bradford and the Commander holding their hands like children
Ha, funny joke.
Enjoy crabayys
I'd love to see a mod that adds a "soiled" status effect. For example when a soldier panics, not only do you lose control of them like usual but they also soil themselves for the rest of the mission. This could limit their movement or attract enemies from the smell. You could even add custom dialogue, like they'd be self conscious about it and say "Aw man, I'll need a shower after this!" Or if they're bleeding out and you send another soldier to use a medpack on them, that soldier could say something like "Oof! Someone had beans last night!" You could even use the bonding mechanic to pair up soldiers who have soiled themselves before
back to /gif/ with you
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goofy ass game.
>people are mutating into crabs and killing humanity
>we have the solution: let's mutate into crabs and kill other humans
Sometimes you just gotta crab walk with them.

I'm serious. Think of it. You could even add a cafeteria to the Avenger and plan out meals for your squad that would give them different perks, but also increase their chances of soiling. And it's not like it wouldn't be realistic, it's pretty well known that inexperienced soldiers soil themselves in combat. And now that I think of it, you could even have IBS as a negative trait.
Wash your hands and wipe your keyboard down before you post again.
Trust the plan
t. Totally not ayys
Grow up. Believe it or not it's very common for adults to soil themselves, especially in cases of extreme stress. Heck, I've soiled myself at work a few times. Is it embarrassing? Sure. But it's a fact of life. And anyone worth being friends with won't judge you for it.
Those guys gave me this cool gun and some weird serum they seem pretty trustworthy tee bee haitch.
Here's another idea for the mod: a luxury bathroom for the Avenger! If your soldiers have a high chance of soiling themselves or have the IBS straight, you can have them "train" in the bathroom. Or on the other hand, you could have a new class that uses it offensively. Maybe they could soil themselves on command to give status effects to enemies?
I really really really hate the fucking capeshit aesthetic of the xcom 2 expansion and as such I never played it, it's so frustrating how every mod got discontinued to be ported to wotc and it's treated as the default because these retarded fucking devs made the expansion be a new game that's not even compatible with the base game breaking all mod compatibility.
I'm sure the gameplay is awesome but I can't get over the capeshit. I always liked playing xcom inmersive, honestly nucom has one hell of an aesthetic crisis, it practically has no identity. (rather it's so bland everyone mods it away)
The absolute fuck are you talking about?
Longform schizorant takes for granted that the reader is at least somewhat familiarized with the subject and terms.
WOTC is capeshit.
always wondered how the anu fucks look like under their ceremonial masks
Why don't you play Phoenix Point instead!?
I find WOTC somewhat tolerable capeshit. I'm playing for the first time, have many campaigns on both NuCOMs, especially Long War 1 and 2.
I installed Shen's Last Gift, and like it so far, but I nope'd the fuck out of Alien Rulers after seeing the gear you get from that abomination.
There was some indie game with marines or mars or something like that, I don't remember the name.
Mars Tactics, I just looked it up. On the second glance, it looks more like the new Xcom game rather than the Oldcom. I got confused because of the boxy terrain design.
You could play World of Terrifying Silence, it's a mod for OpenXcom than rebalances, improves and extends TFTD.
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>Haven't played since I finished the vanilla WotC campaign back when it released
>want to play it again
>ten trillion different mods
>check collections
>you MUST have every DLC!
>don't have the gayass alien hunters one

Is there an artisinally curated anonny pack somewhere that isn't DLC dependent
nuxcom going to the extreme side of hero tactics, losing what few mook tactics they still had.
There isn't a single cape in the fucking game.
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N-NANI?? He's fast ..!
kek this webm makes me angry
I had another idea for the mod. Diapers as a research project. They could negate the effects of soldiers soiling themselves, or even turn it into a positive status effect!
Can I post Phoenix here? I was mostly keeping it to myself since it's not technically XCOM
I played like 2 missions and wanted to play more xcom 2
You can post whatever you want, sweetie.
I lost too many soldiers in long war. Too many aliens shooting through full cover.
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>decide to start my own modlist
>okay let's get the base essentials with the community fixes
>and get some cosmetics
>hey this conflicts with that
>okay now let's get some spark mods to turn them back into mechs
>but that requires alien hunters, fuck that
>and now this conflicts with those
>what was that setting I saw I had to enable in-game to make this work properly?
>now none of my cosmetics are showing up and my guys are ghosts
>let's look for a smaller mod collection
>these are all in chinese
>uninstall xcom 2

A modding scene is great and keeps games alive way past their prime, but there is clearly a logical conclusion to mods and I feel like xcom 2 has went past that line and took a shit on it every step of the way
it's boring shit honestly, some nice ideas but they didn't coalesce into a fun game
Yeah chinkmods are personally where I draw the line.
Rimworld suffers from the exact same problem, the base game is also a kitchen sink with really weak base aesthetic and vibe so the modding is insanely overboard to overcompensate.
I always prefer well made and limited scope than wide as an ocean shallow as a kiddie pool, xcom has an aesthetics crisis considering 90% of mods are shit, voices and models from other IPs.
It just has no character.
I watched beaglerush (I know) a few years back when he was developing his 2010's aesthetic tactical game to the game. Lots of enemy spawns, modern military gear with a distinct red line from current-day technologies to the 20-minutes-into-the-future with the introduction of alien materials.

I just want a difficult experience grounded in today's age, empowered with unobatnium. And for my grenadier to have an AT4, and he discards the tube once he shoots.
Back when I played Xcom all I had was LW2, more maps variety, modular armors where you can switch each part, some hats, berets, the realistic camo pack that looks cool, some quality of life mods like Stop Wasting My Time, that's basically it. Nothing outrageous. The majority of aesthetic mods are immersion breaking. And the game itself barely takes itself seriously to begin with. Back to playing OpenXcom with mods.
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You forgot the corgi gun
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Is there any hope for Xcom 3 to not be retarded? Or is firaxis going to reboot it because the setting entered into a state of kumbaya snake fucking and it can't go back anymore?
Too politically charged by now. Aliens are our new countrymen :)
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So that means that most human supremacists are aliens?

This is the most important mod because by default the game forces 50:50 gender ratio on everything which is giga immersion breaking.
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Is this game good to dive in for 4 years of depression?
No you need something more your speed like fortnite.
Any good mods for it? I didn't get far in Vanilla.
I don't think anyone stuck around long enough to finish that shitpile let alone mod it.
I know of a big overhaul mod but last I looked that up(I think it was in 2022) it was still a WIP. I don't even remember the name, something Void?
Anon that was the devs trying to patch it and even they gave up.
Terror from the void? 1.0 came out half a year ago https://youtu.be/C4zXqvap21U
Yeah that's the one.
Any good?
I feel like the answer to that would be installing it for myself but I'm too lazy.
Nigger, play it on the highest difficulty level and Ironman and it's absolutely no joke.

Also, just play on beta strike mode.
Agreed. The cape shit chosen are terrible aesthetically, even if fun from a gameplay perspective. EW was the superior game aesthetics wise.

Just compare the sectopods from each game.
XCOM1 had white fog and desaturated colors ruining the aesthetic
>people still just using "capeshit" over and over even though it doesn't fit
kek if you don't like war of the chosen thats fine but this crying about its pathetic, go play something more your speed like minesweeper.
minesweeper is the original capeshit
based and true
Yeah I finished it. It's amazing what dedicated level and mission design can do for the original Xcom formula. The story and characters are also enjoyable if a bit shonen-y.
Due to the action point system you have much more freedom in your turns, its also not as much of a hardass game as the new ones are.
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Been a while
woman moment
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>playing xenonauts again
>pick up x-division, it's at 1.+ so should be done, right
>a million unnecessary alien weapons
>fucking xenomorphs??
>research to the most basic shit locked behind multiple captures
>aliens have tons of new abilities, most of which you'll have no idea does what because none of their thousand new autopsy reports are fucking done
>what do you need to unlock new armour? why a ceasan AND a sybillian engineer + alloy hardening research, of course
>plane/base defenses don't automatically upgrade, you have to build each weapon individually, and with a massively expanded air campaign you're playing inventory tychoon management simulator
>aliens aren't dropping stun grenades? well you're not able to build more stun gas weapons
>which you have to spam because it barely doesn't work
>flashbangs are entirely obsolete by phase two with resists out the cloaca

And still I'm playing it because the war isn't over in a year
X-Division has no identity. It's a mishmash of bloat.
>horrible damage dealers
what did he mean by this
claymores hard carry early and you can kill any unit in the game in a single turn with banish
I'd be happy with an alternative for the long war umami.
cool thanks for the alternative recommendation
>advent troop shoots at my soldier from below the floor
>floor is set on fire and disappears
>two of my soldiers collapse to the ground floor and die from fall damage
Very cool.
the all DLC pack is 90% off on steam for some reason right now. just picked it up because this thread is making me want to give 2 another shot
Do people here run the Alien hunters DLC? I've usually played with it activated, but the archon king is such bullshit. The viper and the berseker are piss easy and more of an annoyance than anything else.
>not running all female squads
Guess he did not miss
I'm curious if anyone's played it, is Void marauders any good and is it supposed to leave EA at some definitive date or is it just vaguely set to 2024?
Great work Comman-I'm sorry-President. Commander!
Xenonauts is so easy to mod numbers-wise that I'd recommend just tuning the game to your own taste manually.
>get the itch to play xcom 2
>install a handful of cosmetic mods
>have fun
>try to load the save the next day
>all saves are corrupted

I forgot how shit this game was.
Isn't it a single variable in a config file you can edit with the notepad? Don't need a mod for that.
For me it's even more about the "capeshit" design than the aesthetics. In OldCom it's normal to lose soldiers regularly, it's rough and it's immersive. In NewCom your leveled up soldiers have so many skills and abilities, so valuable you can't afford to lose them. And it's an ass to level a B-team.
It's still bizarre to me that they didn't put in a single mechanic to encourage or even reward having more than just one team of soldiers.
Like it is actively discouraged because it slows down the leveling of your main team.
did you even play the game? They added fatigue system in War of the choosen, also unlike xcom1 where armor completely negates wounds in xcom2 you always have to spend time in infirmary after getting hit, on highest difficulty this can take 45 days
>xcom2 you always have to spend time in infirmary after getting hit
That's from long war.
>fatigue system in War of the choosen
I never played WotC, once I learned LW2 wasn't going to support it I lost interest.
>That's from long war
no thats in base game(atleast with dlc i only played complete version)
>I learned LW2 wasn't going to support it I lost interest.
theres Long war of the chosen which includes DLC being worked on and its been updated for few years now, you can disable assassins in settings if you dont like them
If youre even remotely competent its easy as fuck. The game is very cringe and infantile and the aesthetics are power rangers esque.

Thankfully this can all be fixed with mods which is the only real reason to get it. Otherwise i would just play xcom ew
Maps being gen'd is kinda lame because you get no interior big buildings with room breaching or skylights etc. Its all just settlement crap
>not a single white male on the cover art
this faggot never played xcom2 on legend difficulty
I'm playing for the first time on commander's difficulty
just killed a viper and defeated a chosen in the steal supply mission
and I'm like in the first days with no upgrades
pretty gud
What the fuck is a "facility" plot type in this game?
I thought it's a "advent facility in a wilderness" type of map, but apparently it doesn't count these?
Is it only Chosen strongholds and the final mission?
inb4: just test yourself
I've been doing that for different missions, but since you CAN'T JUST SPAWN the mission, and even with sim combat everything takes so fucking long
>XCom_Maps: , Plot_CSH_Stronghold_Short_01
It's also not a facility.
What the fuck is a "facility" then???
The mod has xenomorphs and dinosaurs.
Its like a trick. The skirmishes should be fun and peppy, but aren't, they're sloggy and obnoxious. The strategy parts is almost on automatic based on where you are in the game. I couldn't get into it. Looks great, tastes bland. A bit too much "grr! you IDIOT!"
Thats the only difficulty i played on scruberino. I only bought the game for lwotc
The AI in your webm spilled juice on its keyboard when it tried to cheat
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It’ll be funny if we start seeing gfl 2 mods for X2
its fun but only on higher difficulty settings, i made mistake doing my first playthrough on default setting after watching tutorial and game was too easy, i dropped it half way through, restarted few months later on high difficulty and had a blast.
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>Try Phoenix Point
>has some neat things that solve issues I had with XCom
>squad gets ambushed immediately at start of game
>enemy is not alerted and does not even suspect me but beelines into line of sight instantly
>entire enemy team alerts because one enemy casts a sideways glance in my direction
>mind-control bug closes to my spawn point and takes over my strongest soldier with 100% success rate
>this was turn 1 of the first fight on easiest difficulty
>wonder how games have ended up this dogshit and figure the whole old guard of the genre is gone
>look into it
>it's the original XCom guy

Why is the tactical game playerbase and even devs some of the most insufferable retards in all of gaming? Have they just been chasing a difficulty dragon for 30 years and now can't get a shred of dopamine if their board game isn't as intolerable and masochistic as is theoretically possible?
Yeah, probably. Entire genres (RTS, shmup, fightan games) have been lost forever due to these guys.
seems like you should go back to your visual novels and leave the tactical games alone, or drop difficulty setting.
It's fine as long as you have a good supply of dudes, classic XCOM experience and all that. Can you at least admit maybe not on the first turn of the first mission, though?
The junkies always reveal themselves with the "YOU just can't HANDLE how HARDCORE I think things should be" retorts. They're like fighting game or Counterstrike sweatlords but also absolutely craven as they're being that way about a PvE game.
I'm shooting blind here, but is there any chance that it's part of some sort of tutorial "scripted loss" sequence?
Nope. Once you're done with the tutorial, you're sent to the Geoscape, or world map. Then you investigate a lot of random points to find towns, scavenging sites, etc. The game will sometimes randomly decide you're Ambushed, and then you spawn into a map pre-surrounded by enemies and have to survive 3 turns to even be told which direction you need to flee. The arrangement of enemies and everything is randomly generated.

This is a big enough problem that there are several mods that outright remove ambushes, or at least reveal the evac zone after one turn instead of 3.
Going into open xcom, is there anything I should know? A basic strategy? Noob traps? Things of that nature? The game seems interesting to me and I've played a decent amount of xenonoughts (never progressed very far in it) so I'm not totally new but some advice would still be appreciated
Dont search in the mist if you dont want to get ambushed
Ambushes happen everywhere. There are mods that restrict them to mist area, but by default you aren't safe anywhere. Not even within Mist Repeller Zones.
Just knock the bug off your guys face
Focus fire, if playing playing original X-com likes, always be hiding out of line of sight if possible. Stick Ur squad together
Just bought the first game with EW. Any tips for new players or recommended just starting guides?
The MECs are great, go for them first.
I hate andromedon+codex pods. Feels like I'm completely fucked if I don't kill the andromedon before it gets a turn.
prioritize building satellites (in foundry) and uplinks (base rooms) as this gives you more money and other bonuses

once you have a soldier at sergeant level, go to the training room whatever it's called and buy squad size 1 upgrade. also the upgrade that makes rookies start out with one promotion.

skip the first council mission, thin men enemies are bullshit early on.

stick to high cover and use explosives to kill enemies reliably.

be careful not to get within sight of new enemies when many of your soldiers are out of actions.
and remember to launch the satellites before the month is over in order to get the extra money at the end of month
Any weapon reskin mods that aren't fucking resistance firearm pack or whatever its name?
I'm kinda tired of the same 4 MGs
RPK, PKM, M249 and M60.
Preferably with really loud gunshots, so I can get earraped with idle supression.
what are those blue c-shaped lines moving in a straight line towards a unit at the start of some turns
noise indicator that tells you the direction of the closest group of enemies. your soldiers comment on this, do you play with the game muted since you didn't know?
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resistance also has an mg36 and m27ar or something like that I think? theres an mg3 and some stuff in my list here
disabling shot works on andro. can hack it after 1st death. suppress reduces movement range
Install Long War
Yea usually got a podcast or some chill music on, more out of habit than anything. Thanks.
Xenonauts 2 is cool. Milestone 5 with endgame is outz
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I forgot RPD, so 5 MGs, but I have no IAR or mg36
>theres an mg3 and some stuff in my list here
I've installed the "Weapons Bundle", gave a dude PP90 and instantly removed it after hearing the sounds, lol.
>insurgency sandstorm/black ops 3
thanks I'll check it out, I've seen some call of duty weapons mod but it was incompatible with reskin weapons mod, hope this one isn't
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this is what I got, i have a lot of mods though.
mg36 is from here I think
let me know if you want others and i can give you modlist or figure it out. as for sound effect I think you can use reskin to change it
>as for sound effect I think you can use reskin to change it
what? how? I want to
it's been ages since I read it so I could be wrong but I thought I saw in the comments/discussion on the xskin steam page that you could modify the weapon configs to change sound effects
>redownload xcom on a whim
>apparently 2k fucked it and now it doesn't launch on steam
Can't remember the last time I've used the default launcher.
anyone playing lwotc 1.2? smoked the warlock losing 1 resboy (could've easily not though) on first encounter with no other wounds on legend. I feel like its a bug or something and he had an easy mode hp bar
okay but for xcom 1?

https://driv e.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1Y72xYZX vDf9VUGw9J1KQ9hQwzPhDSbFd&export=download&aut huser=0

download, copy and paste into main folder.
>First time playing ever. New booty ass.
>Think about turning my second sniper, Nyx, into a mec with high aim stat
>Too broke, so decide to do I next month, hit scan
>XCom under attack??? WTF????
>Actually tense mission, watching Zhang get MC'd made my stomach drop.
>Nyx spawns up top in offices overlooking Mec Bay
>Completely holds it down as Beserkers, Chyssalids and Mutons charge up stairs.
>Fucker bags like 10 kills.
>A ethereal spawns in last wave, my first time ever seeing one.
>Dude dies in 1 turn in a hail of gun fire, literally 6 people overwatch his ass into psychic ground beef
>We win.
>Actually felt a little bad for thinking about chopping off Nyx's talented fucking hands
>Get Psy labs running, Nyx is the first person with powers.

It's amazing how attached you can become to these little randomized units.
Damn Vanilla WOTC is such a dogshit experience if you've played it enough to know how the game works, but made a long enough pause that you can't remember exact details.
Is LWOTC as "abusable" as Vanilla WOTC? Is there a list of all the changes from vanilla to long war?
lwotc is almost a different game
new classes, new resources and mechanics.
1.2 was just released so the wiki might not be fully up to date
Not sure exactly what you mean by abuseable but the only cheese tactic in lwotc I know of is using stealth + sniper on missions with no timer but if you have to do that you're just bad at the game anyway (plus you're gonna waste a ton of time doing it).

The devs put anti cheese mechanics in, to counter overwatch camping for example they made it so aliens under yellow alert (heard you or saw a corpse) can fire or use abilities on reveal.
>Most of the time you flat out CAN'T replace them
If you have no special unit of a faction, next month you're guaranteed to get a covert op to recruit another one. It's only rng when you're getting your second one
Also you can get 3 of each if you get one of them captured
I:I is pushing my shit in
wut do?
lower the difficulty
but I already did runs in all the previous difficulties
At this point, we just need XCOM 3.

What the fuck have been doing for all this time holy shit
i got recommended random xcom YT vid recently and i 100% agree with the guy, xcom 3 wont happen and even if it did it would be inferior
It's time to accept that XCOM 3 will never happen, and instead they're going to announce a reboot within the next 2 years.
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Any and all hope for XCOM 3 existing, let alone being good, evaporated the instant Jake fled the company and publicly admitted that XCOM 3 wasn't even in pre-production by the time he stepped out.

There is no XCOM 3 design document, there is no pre-alpha build with of T-posing snek waifus, there is no whiteboard covered in new ideas covered in a sheet just waiting to come to light, there is literally nothing. An "XCOM 3" made now (they won't) would be Highlander 2 levels of nonsense and fanfiction without even an ounce of blood or soul shared with XCOM 2.
It look like garbage, literal step back from the DOS games.
I wonder if Solomon's going to actually get his dumb Sims game to market or if it's going to get cancelled like Life By You. I guess it's better that he didn't stick around to make 3 if he really is more interested in those Midnight Suns "BFF" moments than the strategy aspect.
take truth with grace friend
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Just played WOTC for the first time
The chosen were by far and away the worst part of the game. My fucking god, I thought Chimera Squad had bad writing. And who's brilliant fucking idea was it to pause the fucking game while these 10 year old's edgy OC's drone on about how they're surprised I made it this far and I must be better than they thought but it doesn't matter because they're going to kill me and I should just give up now and jesus fucking christ shut the fuck up.
I think warlock and hunter are funny :)
though I would kill the person who thought that taking control from player to show something is good idea
The writing in Chimera Squad felt strange because it made me realize the older games didn't really have writing. All the characters in XCOM were one-note archetypes with zero depth or nuance. The autopsy reports have always been interesting, but that's not what game writing is usually about.
The Chosen is what happens when the Nemesis system from the Shadow of Mordor games is implemented by other games, turns out there's a reason noone else implemented it.
No one has implemented the Nemesis system in any other game because WB patented it, and no one wants to get into a legal battle with a giant corporation just to put something like that in their game.
They are fun in the gameplay sense, but holy fuck I would pay for a dlc to shut them up
Use mods. With these you can shut up damn Bradfrod, that bloody nigger egghead doc blabbing about power relays (or whatever these shits were) and Edgelords as well
There needs to be a mod called "War of the Avatars" where the Chosen are replaced by three Avatars (one with the Hunter's abilities, one with the Warlock's abilities, one with the Assassin's abilities), and all their dialogue is replaced by hissing static.
It’s shit. Sure it’s more polished than the first, but the story and feel is awful. The aliens no longer look like aliens. The only ones that look somewhat look alien are sectoids and mutons. The rest just look stupid. Archons look like they belong in a fantasy game. Vipers are literally just anthro snakes.

They replaced the ethereals with troll dolls.
So why didn't WB implement it in any other of their games? They patented it right?
Are laboratories any good in WotC?

They seem to cost a lot for just an extra scientist, but maybe it's actually a huge benefit I'm not seeing?
Even if you get the meme bonus and ignore the fact that the game is already over after you research mag guns, you'll still need resources to buy all the shit you research instantly imo.

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