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BW is better than ever, flash is back
starcraft ghost soon
I am so tired bros
it's over
>Unannounced Open World Shooter
Isn't this literally what Titan was? The project that was cancelled?
World of Owerwatchcraft 3
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So its going to be World of Owerwatchcraft 3 but with checkbox that turns off the blood
are the guys in NA general chat gonna be ok? they must be flipping out since drumpf won
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we are in the warcraft 3 general chat
what are we watching tonight?
where are we shitting tonight? We had tacos
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ourguy is playing
>SC2 is LITERALLY dead
Is it more dead than it was 4 years ago? I haven't followed anything about the game since then other than when artosis occasionally mentions it. Did something big happen that nailed the coffin?
zero tournaments
zero founding
zero devs
almost zero players/progamers
Enter the ZeroSpace
blizz stopped handed out free money
they made a "community balance council" that attempts to shift the meta a bit, except the game is fundamentally worse than BW. Fartosis and the fat molester had a decent analysis recently where they pointed out how static 1v1 map design by itself makes the game boring and extremely restricted.
Also feels good to have my opinion of "12 worker start killed the game" vindicated. Early game is an incredibly important and exciting part of starcraft because you're minmaxing resources for crippling damage. Something SC2 devs apparently did not know or realize. "Early game is boring" is a mouthbreather take, sadly mouthbreathers were in charge of the game at the time
balance council has in general been a positive though seeing as blizz decided to dump the speedray gigabattery meta on us before abandoning the game
that was abysmal
nothing wrong with the battery void ray opener
it was fun
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can literally mean figuratively?

One of the definitions of literally that we provide is "in effect; virtually—used in an exaggerated way to emphasize a statement or description that is not literally true or possible." Some find this objectionable on the grounds that it is not the primary meaning of the word, which we define as "in a way that uses the ordinary or primary meaning of a term or expression." However, this extended definition of literally is commonly used, and its meaning is not quite identical to that of figuratively ("with a meaning that is metaphorical rather than literal").

Is the extended use of literally new?

The "in effect; virtually" meaning of literally is not new. It has been in regular use since the 18th century and may be found in the writings of some of the most highly regarded writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries, including Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Charlotte Brontë, and James Joyce.

Is the extended use of literally slang?

The disfavored use of literally to mean "in effect; virtually" does not qualify as slang, which is markedly informal and used especially by a particular group of people and often not well understood by those outside that group.
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While the use of the word 'literally' as a rhetorical device to emphasize a point is hardly new, it is worth noting that, by coincidence or perhaps some metaphysical reason, it is most often employed by individuals who are giant faggots and should consider suicide.
redeye is literally shaking right now
we have hemorrhoids
toot please let me back in what did i do wrong
you are too faggy
i need a place to talk about wow and starcraft
we just shat ourselves
toot's doing her best
anyway i saw they pushed the patch out. whats even the point anymore
they have to make zerg stronger
Fuck it, just relax man, God is in complete control
how to get out of e rank?
just cheese all in every game until B rank, do the scummiest shit possible and rotate strategies when playing the same people
there is no good terran cheese
you're playing terran? Then all you have to do is successfully defend cheeses and all-ins until B rank
what are we eating tonight?
not much whatsoop with you
we are watching snibs
we are watching women poop now
just email toot man
why should i
we are going to get groceries. What do we want?
>starcraft ghost soon
They're gonna make Nova lame and gay (and black).
idra and wings of liberty
we are watching katric
we are here >>>/v/695727986
i tried many times he didnt replay
we got bored, we are here now >>>/gif/28176430
it's over
we are grilling sausage
we love cyclones now
nova gonna be a thicc black woman
we have consumed the sausage and it is in our tummy, sorry
arty is traveling to korea next week
hope the plane crashes
tot please reply to my emails
tell me what is happening give me some hint something
tasteless streaming fightan games with 2 chinamen
just email him your ip address dumbass
the only thing that sounded even remotely interesting to me from blizzard in the past 10 years was Project Odyssey but they cancelled it because they couldn't find a way to GAAScuck it into a ((((((((((revenue stream))))))))))
titan was supposed to be an MMO and most of its assets and lore etc were repurposed into overwatch.
i have been watching artosis vod casts for a couple of weeks and i am not big into brood war in general but theyve been entertaining to me
what are you guys favorite series of BW matches? english casting preferred but i can handle listening to koreans if its all thats available
watch ASL
watch soop
we are going to get our meds
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we are travelling to krefeld because the GOAT is playing
we pooped our pants and need to go back home to change, hopefully we can make it in time for GOAT
we ran out of clean undies. We are going commando
we need snacks for the trip
why do all fighting games guys speak so similarly?
low iq groid game, everyone else just copies their ebonics
we are travelling
happy thanksgiving bwos
fuck you yuropoors
judging by the NA scene there is a 40% chance this poster is trans... that's crazy
having a trans gf is great though
we are trans
home tonight
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why is this vile brown gremlin allowed in the presence of those aryan gods?
What do you mean? He's 100% British and they are the real Aryans
we are british, aryan and trans
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humiliation ritual
we are going to stay in our XX chromosomes gf's home for a few days and miss the games because she told us that the starcrafts are not allowed there. maybe if she was XY she would understand what videogames mean for us
is XY the gay one
Gonna be honest, if Blizz makes anything new that is starcraft related, I won't touch it (unless it's an SC2 update)
Just popping into the general for this shit game to say that zerg is now officially for faggots. Always have been if you ask me.
tranny, fag race
classic jerg behavior
we meant our XY girlfriend, sorry we got confused with the letters. We are both trans and proud of it but i wish they played starcraft with us
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Nothing wrong with sucking a juicy terran cock
162 down?
You got banned lil bro
we like cock, that's why we're trans
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Terran isn't OP btw
we are dilating
wow cool, zerg decided to throw in a tournament with $20. i hope they get buffed so they can win all the multimillion dollar tournaments again.
imagine if there was some technology that let you play tournaments actually offline...
>all the multimillion dollar tournaments again.
>he doesn't know
It's fucking over, there's no more sc2 foundings
the air force will bail us out or something... or google deepmind or DARPA
we will pay for the tournaments as long as our XY gf can play
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>best micro potential
>best macro capabilities
>best offense
>best defense
nice game scvtards
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me on the left
nice mic, did you buy it at the fish market?
why is there a man wearing a dress
it's all an elaborate joke. haha.
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>Clem says Ghost is a bit strong
>it gets a token "nerf", balance council is extremely passive aggressive about being forced to do it by the community
>Clem convinces Gumiho to throw the tournament while he plays Protoss
>the Ghost nerf is reverted
>token nerf
lmao. a true token nerf is the queen getting 'nerfed' by 25mins and having the hatch buffed by 25mins along with other zerg buffs. what a fuckin joke.
that was a significant nerf, shitter
it is a nerf because you're expected to make multiple queens per hatch
Unironically Zerg should be limited to one queen per hatch, but that'll never happen.
The best case scenario would be if the queens only existed for creep and injects, but none of the zerg units shoot up so they'd have to make hydralisks available on hatchery tech or something lol
just remove oracles, that unit is the gimmickiest piece of shit. Remove disruptors while we're at it. Give them the corsair and reaver instead
we are watching pewdiepie
how do we fell about clem losing?
toss deserves to lose
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we are going to watch arty do his conference about whites vs gooks this friday
we just need to tell our XY trans gf we need to dilate before the show
will he ever update his picture from 20y ago?
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to a sad bloated wrinkly fat faggot he is now? Why would he do that?
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is reynor still trying to switch to league of legends I remember like 6 months ago he was in korea and lastshadow the rent boy was mentoring him
he never got past diamond
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we are drinking to drown our depression
we don't have depression though
we do
ironic depression only
is this real
nice tits gay 9
it was just a joke, why would a man suck another man's cock?
he has a gf thoughever
why does a man dye his hair
because he's a faggot
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This balding guy with manboobs is a sex-haver
he's still a talentless faggot
the only way he succeeded is by being early to the YT grift
if he started today he'd be a nobody with no gf
guarantee he isn't
post wife or this post of yours is just jealous seethe
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>t. wifeless
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why are you moving the goalpost?
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hello saar
day9 is extremely narcissitic. I don't think anyone understands that he has a niche following and doesn't really appeal to the mainstream. He basically just fits this role of super pumped nerd that loves to hear his own voice and ideas.

As long as day9 is a main caster only nerds will watch. Tastosis has a lot more mainstream appeal than day9 / anyone. I can't stand day 9 at all, when he first started doing shows (sc:bw) and had maybe 100 viewers it was okay but the ego is really affecting him and he honestly thinks he is better than the pros in these tournaments. He's like secretly super insecure too and at every point must mention how much better he is than X.
why are you moving the goalpost? So what if my wife is a russian internet whore?
wow that guy's wife has nudes! (gyuri)
post her penis
she (female) does not have a penis
i can post my own if you want
this is a starcraft thread btw
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My wife Gyuri is pregnant again
wtf why did sharp impregnate her again?
we nate higgers
What did tasteless do?
partook of the forbidden fruit
i need to stop rewatching this junk and move on with my life
we need to take a shower
later mom
>Open world
When will this cancerous shit finally die?
we need archon toilets back
what are we cooking today
we like chicken
we made chicken with veggies, rice and chow mein sauce
our XY gf loved it
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BIG stormgate update hype!!
kek how are they gonna avoid all the inconvenient questions
wonder if they'll pay off the janny to delete them
stop with the antisemitism
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they already caught at least one of the stormgate paid shills
the others are fairly obvious as well
its hilarious to watch these grifters crash and burn
that's it, I'm reporting you to the ADL
I know that guy, hes from my school
>windows 95 keyboard
I had to watch hologirls because arty didn't stream...
is this worth looking up
spoonfeed me O:
we are watching artosis tonight
So I finally installed sc2 after all those years and I now I understand all the hate. How do you fuck up a main menu so much?
Literally no offline skirmish against a.i
just ladder retard
why the fuck would you play skirmish vs ai?
start a custom game and play skirmish with AI on any map
SC2 is a shit game so I dont know why you'd even bother instead of playing the superior BW
You can’t save game like in warcraft
you can save in BW, the better game
toot can you unban the east coast what the hell man
he blocked me because I can't say to the faggot that spams he wants a bf to kill himself
toot this guy is deranged help me
we are deranged and trans
lol this will just be more shit that will most likely get cancelled
arty streamed with tasteless at his apartment but paypigs ruined it
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/vst/bros we are losing the culture war...
>streaming with artosis
>8 hour stream
>artosis is in for an hour
The only RTS videos are from a failed kraut letsplayer about OC donutsteal mod and a the basedest man alive playing SC2, hah wow
why can't i choose faction color in skirmish? shitty game
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china is saving sc2
you can sadly only choose the color in multiplayer games. Start a LAN game with AI, choose your color, and use the pause function if you need a break
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>BW is better than ever, flash is back

NaDa is back too
bwchads we are eating good
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zerg tears soon
can only hope. zerg is OP.
we love george droyd
new zg talk with the foreigner goat
what are we watching tonight?
designated survivor: 60 days
is there an english speaking protoss who makes guides or should i just deepl snow's membership vids?
watch jaeyun guides or gosudark
what are the nigger monkeys supposed to convey?
dont be racist
the american perspective
everyone is racist in starcraft except random players and those don't exist
Jaeyun's a cool guy I liked his sc2 streams but I wish he had chosen to get grandmaster with something other than toss, all the complaints he had about the lack of exciting micro he had about sc2 compared to bw would've been solved
It was funny one night he asked for examples of cool sc2 micro and got linked terran clips for like 2 hours
I feel bad for Avilo the guy is actually mentally ill and has psychotic trolls fucking with him to this day
His parents need to cut off his internet access
name one thing he actually did wrong
He's like a low iq terry a davis
The way he flips out every time he touches the game
I don't give a shit about the way he stalked that e-whore I think that was red and based pilled personally
>I think that was red and based pilled personally
you are retarded and a faggot if you don't rape the girl that you have been wasting so much money and stalking for months
Yes he's literally retarded/mentally ill and I don't know the situation because I don't care but I think most of his trolls are pathetic twitch simps from the e-whores channel
Its one of those kiwifarm situations where the trolls are just as pathetic as the "lolcow" and most likely trannys
just hire a whore
why is he so autistic?
Speak for yourself, I'm stealing unguarded breastmilk to make sum cottage cheese out of it.
we are titfucking the breastmilk bottles
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No more starcraft in the saudi world cup now they have chess
>>1906276 Hydras being replaced by roaches as the 2nd zerg combat unit was always the 2nd gayest thing starcraft 2 did aside from all 3 races getting mandatory busy work to maintain production like mules, chrono boost and larva injects/creep tumors.
dead game played by retards on ritalin vs 2000 year old evergreen played by cheaters
we are here
I can't find anything with gosudark and guides but I like jaeyun's vids.
Everything I learned about this man was against my own will. And now this.
Might have been good 15 years ago. Now its going to be an over the shoulder, roller, no inventory, infinite ammo, two weapon (weapon wheel at best), regenerating health, ability spammer. If we get Nova she will be wearing a burka.
we wuz kangs n shiet
those weirdos wear buttplugs I thought they hated homos over there wtf
We are watching the soO movie
we are trans
we hate transformers
we hate transformers because they got us blacklisted from events
youtube is already alg'ing me those long broodwar holiday bash streams from like 10 years ago
new artosis analisis
he's explaining builds and giving tips
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remember how Giant Faggot Grant sucked off Frost Giant? He literally splurted cum all over his keyboard while talking about their incredibly rich Blizzard RTS experience and their huge budget that will SURELY enable them to make the true RTS successor of all time.
He's a fucking mouthbreathing retard not to be taken seriously in any way, shape or form. I don't know who even watches this slop
Wtf when did twitch get this bad with the ads? 2 ads when I start the video and I can't even watch 5 minutes of the vod before I'm hit with another 4(four) ads.
its been unusable for ages
our girl is on
I never saw a single ad in 10 years
we are watching trans porn
that shit dont work
works on my machine
Ublock used to work perfectly fine but I don't watch twitch enough to care, I just download vods if I must see something.
we use ublock and it blocks everything including twitch ads
we hate sandniggers now
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all this dicksucking for nothing
give artosis a tan and a beard and he'd look like a local with that nose
oy vey
wtf is this real??
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yes, they bent the knee to their arab overlords
I don't care.
i want to be young and enjoy MLG starcrafts again
what are we watching tonight?
the inside of my eyelids since im a fuckin loser.
I watched all 3 hours of it =)
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it's so over
the balance council will be blamed
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why is it only retards that don't believe zerg is OP?
i dont understand this picture in the slightest. Looks like schizophrenia
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GGG is a rather good youtuber and he has done much to spur on the SC2 modding scene, why yes I do think I will watch him trying to do missions with retarded self handicaps for 2 hours!

It is no coincidence that your mind immediately wandered to "splurting cum" as soon as you thought of the man, I think it's because you are a colossal faggot

Frost Giant can burn though, that much we agree on
yeah i googled shaman kings and its some gaynime
you guys just don't get it
what is there to get?
what are we doing for christmas?
wishing i wasnt here right now
r/a/dio as usual
dinner with the xx chromosomes gf's family as usual
xy* chromosomes our gf is male and has a small feminine penis
she isn't THOUGH
he's cute and we love him but he will never be a woman. (s)he gets intense farts after christmas sauerkraut, that's why we love him (her)
we have schizophrenia
merry christmas star bwos
Fuck you niggers
our xy gf (male) is trans and black, watch your tongue
she's farting
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/our gal/ percival quit her illustrious progamer career to star in the new squid game season 2
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>this isn't real
>remember the feet stream
at this point, I'll believe him having an OF.
bw > sc2
nobody cares about sc2 any more
it's fucking over
fuck sc2 and fuck niggers

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