It baffles me so much that both Slipgate Ironworks and Frostgiant chose to steal the worst aspect of Petroglyph's Universe at War and then managed to make it hundred times worse, because despite the looks and their place in the game, Masari were at least interesting to play
>>1968578>faction balance is non existent>amazing considering there are only two factionsthat's the worst part>units are really fluid and weightless including vehicles>which is not necessarily a problem (starcraft) but vehicles crush infantry and you can't effectively block to prevent this>which makes light infantry largely useless>unless you are the good faction and have the aoe stun hero>stun grenades should work for the bad faction but they don't>unit comp is mostly spamming one unit>particularly for the bad faction since you have a secondary resource (the good faction doesn't) and most units cost it>the good faction can build harvesters anywhere>the bad faction cannot although they can build harvesters slightly faster at the very beginning>many units are useless>there is nearly zero reason to move out on the map because while there are buildings you can capture they are mostly only defensiveComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1971624People so full on despair of playing anything 1% looking like Command & Conquer (but not really), probably to hide their poor life decisions.
>>1971679if it isn't on 4chan then it's npcs/shills/ai/fake news
>>1971642>particularly for the bad faction since you have a secondary resource (the good faction doesn't)WATdid they really make vespene gas but for 1 faction only?????
>>1971870yes except it's nothing like vespene gasit's called intel and there aren't many ways to get it>tech buildings provide some including the mcv>certain units provide some by marking targets>with tech recon buggies can mark targets and when the mark expires you get some intel (idk if killing it counts) although recon buggies die to a strong breeze and don't outrange anythingintel is required for both active abilities, teching up, and training specialist units which means anything which isn't tier 1 or the tank you spamthe other faction has no such limitation and, provided they have money, they can freely spam whatever they wanta good example of why this is ridiculous is the demolisher (iirc) compared to the nato heavy drone guythey both perform the same function of killing heavy armor and being sort of tanky and they both cost the same $ but the nato guy also costs intel which means you cannot spam himthe stats are largely similar although the nato guy does less damage individually but comes with two drones and combined he does do 20% more dpshe can also cloak if he stands stilli forget a lot of the specific detail and never learned the game in great depth but intel was a huge issue when i played natoyou're essentially given the choice to either tech up, use abilities, or train one type of specialist unit (there are also heroes which you can instantly train 4 of as the good faction but as nato this costs a massive amount of intel)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Who let those damn Scandis cook?
>>1968968how does that even happen? mods?
>>1971695Iirc there was some global mod, but it can happen naturally if you focus on immigration and do some other stuff, It's somewhat old screenshot so i don't remember full story, beside that it take 50+ years to reach that result.
>>1968961>15000 prestige scoreHow?Also what the hell is that Iberia flag?
>>1971834probably a bugged decision or event firing multiple times
>>1971839they have the 2nd largest dreadnought fleet in the world too
Today is Kaiser Willhelm II's 166th birthday.Happy birthday Willy!
>>1944991you shouldn't celebrate dead people on their birthday. it's more appropriate to celebrate them on the day they died
>>1965004let's keep this thread up until then!
>>1944991fuck you, boche
>>1945526aww look at him on his tippy-toes!
>>1944991Not an accurate image of him. His left arm was shorter due to a childhood illness that caused it to atrophy (if I recall correctly). Get it right OP.
*is good now in your path*
>>1958274It's a bit hollow. The main problem with the campaign are the limited number of maps and despite the AI doing sometimes cheeky flanking it's very easy to beat.
>>1958278The promise of maybe mods in future.Otherwise no, it's worthless, it's just a DLC copy paste scam.
>>1966890I only do 10 v 10 desu
>>1959991I run 8th like this which feels much more balanced and a better use of points
>>1958256In like 60 DLC's time it might actually be worth playing since we will achieve unit diversity that makes it fun with National Deck mods.
Is Pandora First Contact better spiritual successor to SMAC than Beyond Earth?
>>1971131Kinda but yeah, pandora is really neat.
>>1971126Shadow Empire is probably closer, but I wouldn't call any game a true successor to SMAC. None of them capture the same energy
In terms of writing and themes, no.In terms of customization of units, yes.In terms of terraforming, no.In terms of gameplay, no.
>>1971126awful, the first beta i was invited to play decades ago was better than the final game. AI is retard and overly aggressive and cheats. Dev knew it and tried to nerf it only to make it even worse. This game community is the equivalent of dark souls 2 fags.
>>1971126Nothing measures up to SMAC
How the HELL do I rebind keys in this game?All I want is to rebind pause to the space bar.I've followed all the instructions, there isn't a fucking .lua file called "KEYDEFAULTS" so I created one and pasted in the hotkeys and still doesn't work.
not your tech support cocksucker
>>1971275Thanks, nigger
>>1971265In the grim darkness of the 40th millenium, their is no key rebinding.Claiming otherwise will get you branded an Heretek.
I got you.Go to the main game directory and make a text file. Inside that file paste bind("Space","setsimpause()")Save the file as autoexec.lua & be sure to save as 'all files'. Copy the game .exe and save it as a shortcut on your desktop. Open the shortcut properties and at the end of the executable line, add -dev. This will look like "C:\Games\Dawn of War\Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War - Master Collection\W40k.exe" -dev Be sure to run the game from this shortcut. Let me know if that works braComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>1971484That worked! Thank you so much
Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
Finally started my first UWNH campaign recently, made it to Tunis where I'm told you can buy iron ore but it doesn't show up when I go to the market, what do?
Finally I can marry empress He Shi! It was time for that faggot of Ling to die
Which one of these games is like ck
>>1963004Are you reading this to freshen up your Jap or you're looking to read Hussite Wars material?
>>1968017Every other game after 7
Whats the best map painter right now? Real earth, fantasy, sci-fi - doesn't matter to me, anything goes.
>>1971702define map painter, do you consider civ games or aow4 map painters?
Diplomacy and Quality of Life Updates when?
>>1975067Is it because they can now boost away with shields down?
>>1975067>I'm calling it! Abort! Get back to your podsDid they really abort? For me it's always been a signal that I lost a bunch of marines in one of the 'combat rounds' and the boarding action continues regardless. Also the captain of a ship is considered to be a 5 star marine so they're always the last and toughest to eliminate.
>>1975520>For me it's always been a signal that I lost a bunch of marines in one of the 'combat rounds' and the boarding action continues regardless.Yes, that's what I was trying to say. If the ship has an active engine it seems to give the defenders a MASSIVE bonus, such that you lose your rolls no matter what the relative combat strengths are. I guess it's probably to stop people from dropping off marines and letting the ship fly off and be capped without the intended boarding minigame of disabling the ship, damaging the hull, etc, but it still feels like some grade A bullshit.
>>1975545>If the ship has an active engine it seems to give the defenders a MASSIVE bonus, such that you lose your rolls no matter what the relative combat strengths are.Ok, that's a huge change in how boarding worked before. Would take half an hour for a 'flyby' boarding to work on an undamaged ship, but it resulted in no reputation loss. Now this means boarding will result in a moderate to severe reputation loss from destroying the engines.A bit more logical, but I'm going to miss it.
NEW THREAD>>1975818>>1975818>>1975818
>this style of RTS never took off despite being pure soulIt's not fair, bros
>>1967359>>1969487Thanks for alerting me to this. I hadn't even noticed the original version had been delisted. At least they're pretty quick in responding, I got the replacement keys less than half an hour after sending them a screenshot of the game in my library.
>>1963731Coming back into a Majesty thread to once again declare that a game mixing the Hero mechanics of Majesty, the castle-building of Stronghold, and the Logistics of ANNO would make the greatest Strategy game ever.
>>1968903The funny part is that the quests unlocked by Legendary Heroes are actually pretty easy
>>1969004Majesty 2 plays itself. It doesn't give you freedom. They've removed the fun out of the game.
>>1971353I remember that last time that we had this discussion, there was also some talk about splitting the map in 9 quadrants or something like that
Is it good yet?Is it fun?Are all the factions even in yet?
The worst part of this game is the AI, at hard it only puts up a fight at the beginning, once you've defeated that intial rush they're done and never recoverHigher difficulties just gives it more bullshit bonusses to rush you down with.It also has a fetish for spamming missile ships even when I've got like 80 Gardas in my fleet
>>1970721To be fair, the AI does later build a mixed fleet with heavy cruisers, carrier cruisers, missile ships, support cruisers and capital ships. Perhaps too many carrier cruisers, honestly.
>>1971232TEC AIs do build more balanced fleet, I've even caught one running mass gauss frigates beforeBut the Vasari AI is obsessed with Kanraks, they happily baloon to 100+ every single time, but they also love spamming the light carriersI guess the CPU just goes off raw DPS for the most part and ignores that both of these lose most if not all of that to a fleet running a decent amount o PD
>>1971420That's the price for the entire content pass, so all the DLC the game will getYeah, steam shows that instead of the price for the DLC by itself for some reason
Is long war mod really the best way to experience xcom or its just another fan made bloated mod filled with tedium?
>>1963112lw doesn't bloat the game. elongate it, sure. too much? perhaps. but never did i feel that any lw addition was redundant or uncalled for.
>>1963812Only mods I know of all bloat Long War into more needless complexity or simply change the reward values without changing anything else. For Long War 2, the only actually popular alternative is copying some of the mod's game mechanics called Covert Infiltration.
>>1958073it does what it says on the box. if you want more xcom if you want to play it for a LONG time I think its fucking of the best things about it is that it makes the game less brittle. you can actually afford to take losses, soliders or missions and the whole campaign isn't fucked.
>>1958073>Is long war mod really the best way to experience xcomyes
>>1958785> Is Cyberpunk 2077 a porn game?>Yes.That is moronic. You are a moron. I don’t know why that guy bothered humoring you
Who's the GOAT of strategy game developers?
>>1969273The combat system in MOO1 is very similar to that of HOMM3, which I believe would be the ideal combat system for a 4X game. Anything more complex, like in Age of Wonders: Planetfall, tends to become too tedious to play and often sacrifices the focus on empire building. Additionally, it's challenging to program an AI that can efficiently handle such complexity. Homm3 is so simple and elegant i have no idea why more 4X games doesnt copy it.
Gary Grisby
>>1969449Gary is your favorite strategy game designer's favorite strategy game designer.
>>19692834X is 99% about a fantasy of command and 1% about gameplay
>>1963774>How tf isn't Chris Taylor on here? Worked on Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.This. TA had features that were very nice and ahead of all the competition.
What makes strategy such a stagnate category of games? Most subgenres haven't been meaningfully innovated in a decade at least, and are often dominated by a single company.>4X: everything has been superficially modifying the Civ 5 formula since Civ 5 came out>Grand Strategy: Paradox reselling the EU4 formula in different packages again and again since 2013>RTS: dead genre since the 00s, except Eugen releases some reskin of Wargame every couple of years>RTS/TBS hybrids: Rome Total War is the first and last meaningful development here... 20 years ago>City Builders: somehow Cities:Skylines was the only real advancement since Sim City 4 for modern ones, and historical city builders are in an even worse stateThis isn't for a lack of necessary improvements. Most strategy games are plagued by horrid AI and buggy or non-existent multiplayer options. An inability to simulate much of anything is often held together by narrative elements. Entire time periods and forms of strategy are left out of most every game released, to the point even halfassed implementations are seen as unique. Economic simulation is almost always primitive, despite being the basis of all strategy. How did it get this way?
>>1960146Actually people complain about it all the time. It's just that strategy games can do multiple interesting things with their campaigns but skirmishes against AI are usually just a slog, but so is playing against real people, too, in RTS games.
>>1957810That is true, even for total war games I used to play, but at least they had replays for that.Another nice thing older total war games had was hotseat mode. I didn't use it to play vs other players, but actually to play all factions myself. It's underrated way of playing games. Dominions also has this option.
>>1960636I think the average person's feelings on AI would make people never give it a chance. I feel like it should be easy to make an AI EUIV clone and see how it does, though.
>>1951223People don't actually want good AI, because if they start losing to a bunch of preset instructions they start bitching.Same reason these games aren't popular in multiplayer with new players, because they are massive time investments.
>>1957810That too, which is why most RTS games have an isometric view close to the action and by default have a popcap or whatever, because the more micro you do, the more meaningless the game becomes because you don't have the time to stop and smell the roses.But everyone wants massive armies and max camera zoom, to the point where it looks like two ant armies duking it out.
>All the Civ VII hate got me want to play Civ V again>Last played 2017>Start game at 9:00 last night>Look at clock thirty minutes later>1:00 amWhat witchcraft is this?
should've used vox populi
>>1963264happiness is a good mechanic thoughbeit. makes empire building actually challenging
>>1970680civ4 has happiness too its pretty limiting if you grow your city too fast but its local. There are no retarded situations like in civ5 where city on other side of planet grows by 1 pop and suddenly your entire empire becomes angry and stops having sex and gets -75% pop grow penalty.
>>1969360top nep!