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206 replies and 53 images omitted. Click here to view.
Tried that. Didn't work. I was preoccupied tard wrangling Galia and Septimania and Celts trying D-day several centuries earlier while Huns effectively chipped down my eastern allies one by one.
need to make babies with her
Gods of the afterlife, spare /vst/'s arse
Is there a mod to turn the obnoxious "alert noise" off? That stupid sting really pisses me off.

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how do I fix the economy?
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Just take a FULL SCREEN cap of the battle with the battle screen up.
I'll do it when i get to a battle.
It makes everyone into immortal supersoldiers except players who forget to state all of China.
Is that why I can easily beat any other army from any other country but get erased from existence the moment I even look in the direction of a korean?
The mod buffs some more than others.
I would uninstall the mod personally.

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Is it any good?
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This seems to be along the same vein, but more Rimworld-y and (you) are some AI trying to corral a bunch of human colonists like they were children
>more Rimworld-y
In what sense? Space Haven already more or less is a standalone version of the Save Our Ships 2 Rimworld mod, except the space mechanics are tailor-made rather than adapted from RW mechanics.
Oh shit, I can be Shodan?
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I just got my refund of Civ VII because it's obviously souless and unfinished.

I want to wash the taste of shit game out of my mouth, so suggest me a soulful and complete game (even if it has a bunch of DLCs).

I never player Grand Strategy but I'm willing to try. The only 4X game I played is Civ 6 (complete edition) and I like it a lot. Please compare the game you're suggesting with Civ 6.
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AoW4 is in a realy good place right now , if you care for fantasy 4x
>He bought?
>Activate ze DEI protocols

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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Reason why Dante wasn't allowed to kill her despite him being more than capable of it is that if Dante killed her himself he wont be able to revive her because that effectively terminates the contract
I do like LoB, but its a completely different game compared to LoR it does give me Speed Rupture Sweepers and thats cool
Where was this stated?
LoB is the anti limbus
>Where was this stated?
Simple facts
My Manager level is over 120
by offence level difference alone all my clashes against her would always be dominating
I like burn

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which is better, and more importantly, which has more SOVL?
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Careful, don't hurt yourselves.
Nah I‘m fine mate
Men of War is better strategy, CoH is just click fest shit for retards
>Do you like apples or oranges more?
Those games are completely different things, why the fuck would you put them side by side?
>Do you like apples or oranges more

>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
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You can get another one during a destroy barbarian settlement contract. I don't think they're repeatable.
In my experience, settlements close to sea, settlements with "raided" situation and southern arena city have higher chance of generating them. They're still quite rare. Check the wiki for more info.
Lol. Do you happen to play the Sellsword updated submod for legends?
Never tried it, looks like a lot of shit to add to mod that already has a ton of shit desu
I gut that lindwurm like a fish and then dance around in its skin. 1 or 2 lindwurms are easy pickings. The only time that I think twice about taking down a lindwurm pack is when there are more than 4 of them.

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What should I do with this boyo?
I casted Divine Name on him because it sounded stupid and fun.
Thug poorly-defended provinces with your high-mobility chaff-squisher.
collect afflictions
empower it in blood
That's what I used to do with juggernauts.

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dang, I somehow never reached the town limit in my games before.
Didn't know 99 was the max.

How's Master of Magic (2022)?
How's Caster of Magic for Windows?

Had very little interest in the CoM mod, but the standalone has more wizards available and presumably less issues like town limits.
Shame the developer misunderstands the magic realms and makes the spell distribution less interesting.

Last I checked MoM 2022 couldn't replicate the MoM from the 90s and it was a buggy mess, but never tried it.
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I'm not surprised considering they weren't qualified to make the game to begin with.
Because that's what dead means.
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here's a picture of how it happens

he examines the game exe in a disassembler

how is it even possible to create something like disassembler you ask?
because when an .exe is run, another program can try to capture its code while it runs and write it down

only parts of the game logic will be revealed this way but often at least something which will then help in further discoveries
death certificate or you are just echoing online rumour
>t. zoomer

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What's the consensus on the game? It's been out a bit now and is only $10 on Steam at the moment. I loved Civ IV. Never got into Crusader Kings though and I hear the game is partly Civ + Crusader Kings
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>Civ VII is a shit show
Aye, I wish Soren Johnson's vision of Civ still had sway of what the series looked like
I think this game occupies a terrible spot between classical 4X games like Civ and more character focused games such as crusader kings or total war. Every turn you got to interact with your characters who do not exist on the map and who don't do a lot of the game. It's like Civ IV but slower and much more tedious
Yeah I'm learning and getting a bit better at generating more mana, but I still think that goods and money become inconsequential too fast.
This game reminds me a bit of Seven Kingdoms, I like that you can succeed both as a murder hobo and as an insidious "pacifist" spying on everyone.
The character stuff is pretty set and forget mostly, I find myself spending way more time laying out my city improvements than I do on character interactions and events. Also no way it's slower than any civ game if you're talking about playing a game to completion

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EU4 Multiplayer game tomorrow 17:00 (GMT+1) play together ok?
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Joined this game, would not recommend to anyone interested. I did not appreciate the expectation that we would be masturbating at all times, and OP flashed his moobs at me. I think you should get that mole checked out. Overall, not a very fun experience, but then what could be if you decide to play the Ottomans?
mummy mummy мυммy mummy MUMMY mummy mummy mummy mummy MUMMY mummy MUMMY ⲘⲨⲘⲘⲨ 𐌌𐌖𐌌𐌌𐌘 Mummy m̤̈ummy м̸υ̸м̸м̸ч̸ м̶y̶м̶м̶ч̶ m̷u̷m̷m̷y̷ m̾u̾m̾m̾y̾ мummy mummy mummy mummy ʍʊʍʍʏ ɱųɱɱɏ mummy m͜͡ummy͜͡ ʍ̴ummy̴ MUMMY м̶y̶м̶м̶ч̶ m̑̈ȗ̈m̑̈m̑̈y̑̈

mummʏ MUMMY mummy mummy mummy ⲘⲨⲘⲘⲨ MUMMY mummy mummy mummy mummy MUMMY mummy MUMMY MUMMY мυммy mummy MUMMY mummy
Do you all not have jobs?
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Standard frequency of gooning seshes in a dedicated channel in a server, I gather?

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the thread
in the latest news

> PA
is adding a new industry focus system to accommodate localized economy alongside updating macro builder

> KE
is getting closer to the original game, stable mp and various modding extensions

> OV
is still implementing mechanics the og Victoria 2 way
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Does anyone know what happened, though?
That new guy Valerus9 had taken over KE, changed the name, and said he was taking steps to make the codebase more maintainable so that other people could contribute and the project could thrive for a long time. It just makes no sense to delete an open source project from github, even if you are going to abandon it. Someone else could take over at any time.
The only rational explanations I can think of would be responding to something like a legal threat. If Paradox (or even that PA guy schombert, he seems shady) are sending C&Ds to people that is a very bad sign.
Valerus9 doesn't know how to code and has no idea how to maintain the codebase. When he realized that no one gives a shit, he capitulated and nuked everything.
Well this sucks. Project Alice is worthless because it's just schombert's personal fantasy game. OpenVic looks like vaporware right now. KE was the only playable clone of V2.
playable is a strong word, the ai is braindead even for vicky 2 standards
just fork PA

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anyone still remembers this game? what are some other obscure strategy games that you were grinding back in the days?
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>I ethnically am Polish
What the fuck that's even supposed to mean? You're American, plain and simple. You speak Polish? Went through Polish education system, so it gets drilled into your head to masturbate to misery? No? Then you have jack shit to do with Poland, period
Be glad
To spite you
You would know, if you were a real, red-blooded Pole. Everything is a result of spite, personally aimed at (You)
As in that's where most of my family is from. The rest are Ukrainian.
You exaggerate. Sometimes you feel nothing but the sweet period of peace and quiet.
>t. not a Pole

Lelic /v/ros...

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This game will not shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds
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heavy is replaced by grenadier who is a superior version
wrong link?
Fuck, I agree. Same issue with the first one. I have a burning hatred for that officer guy in the sweater. He will not shut the fuck up. The rest of the characters aren't much better either.
He doesn't. The wrist rockets are on the armor suits, and anyone can equip those. The hell are you talking about?
Game is only playable with mods that make projectile weapons scale with research so you can gun down chosen in the streets like dogs with M16s

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