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>all points into Handicrafts
>change game language to German
Yup. It's Die Gilde 2 time.
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>65 and unmarried
Those 4-year time skips can really get away from you sometimes.
>telling a prot to suck off the pope
at least get your insults right, fedora-anon
I know 2 is superior but damn do I miss doing the zombie graveyard shit in 1.
>zombie graveyard shit in 1.
never played 1. Whats this?
While I'm at it, Never played 3 either but reviews say it's dog shit and watered right down. Which is really too bad as 2 is one of my favorite business sims
In The Guild Gold the graveyard was manned by Zombies instead of workers, and you had to balance out basically forcing people to pay you for plots of land or else they'd be tossed into a ditch and weird necromantic shit for cursing others.

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>No unit variety.
>Everyone is virtually the same
>ROTS sucks
>Too easy to cheese
>Same fucking shit sieges
>1545 start date
>teppo ashigaru suck ass
>no good mods
all in all it was a step down from shogun 1 which had far more engaging content and a functioning AI
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>No unit variety.
>Everyone is virtually the same
>ROTS sucks
Agree but I think FOTS also sucks.
>Too easy to cheese
That's all of them.
>Same fucking shit sieges
Agree but again that's all of them except maybe R1/M2 at a stretch.
>1545 start date
>teppo ashigaru suck ass
I don't even know what the fuck that is.

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Realm divide is a shitty mechanic and kills both diplomacy and any replayability.
>No unit variety
>Everyone is virtually the same
>ROTS sucks
I like the way it sucks
>Too easy to cheese
>1545 start date
And it's great.
should just write you dont care about jap shit, i also dont give a fuck about nips and their history

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EU5 american states in the 14th century
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Anon power projection means you can influence the nation's and governments in an area to your liking. The fact that US just fucked off means they didn't do any form of power projection, just hunted the pirates and left. Now if the US decided to take a trade city and coerce Algeria into US demands to expand US influence and interests in that region then that's the example of power projection. You have to exert power constantly be it soft or hard so that you have a projection of it over the region, that's literally what the term means!
What Teddy did wasn't power projection, just an impressive flex and a show of force. If he concentrated that show of force to a specific region within a timeframe then that's power projection.
They're changing regions based on feedback in every map shit they post
Plus the fact parajew change the map multiple times through a game's life
So yes, it will change at some point
>Now if the US decided to take a trade city and coerce Algeria into US demands to expand US influence and interests in that region then that's the example of power projection
Oh boy wait until you hear what the US did with marines and Tunisia in the 2nd Barbary war. Sweden was also involved so that means Sweden was also able to project power greatly.
Sounds like a massive dose of "git gud" was needed
Weak Qinks
I mean we had anon insisting that Russia strong, because it participated in the same diplomatic play as Brits, so this is going full circle now

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Hooded Horse's Rimworld+Crusader Kings game is out on early access, any guinea piggies try it out?
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>save got corrupted
>its the only save
This game was made by a russian studio which registered in UK.
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misleadingest splash art ever
his head should be half the size of his body
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like this

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Just came out today. Designated shill thread.
Suck my dick, bitchtits.
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The lore is nice but so far it plays like an inferior version of Master of Magic.
At least it got me playing Master of Magic.
Aaaand picked up
50 turns left, in the middle of a war with 3 large kingdoms. I think I will start one with Warrick as well because I dont like my borders and I want some of their land
>CHANGE enchantment only affects melee and range not siege
FUCK I used my spearmen in sieges thanks to enchantments, now I will actually need swordsmen in my armies
Looks interesting. I HOPE it's good.

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How fares your tula?
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You are better off with then pulling ploughs. Worth more than the sacrifice, both short and long-term
>t. plays on easy
>t. doesn't play at all
There is a solid chance that both the game and the solution to the problem are older than you.
Just roleplay, if you are peaceful clan then make them pull ploughs, if you are war clan or balanced then make them beasts of war
You need every combat related buff you can get on Hard. You can manage with a little less food.

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Which city builders are the hardest and most challenging? The genre on the whole seems pretty easy.
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It is and it isn't. You are running on pretty tight margins but the solutions are very obvious. It feels like you are railroaded into certain way of playing with everything else being excessively punishing but figuring it out is too easy to actually feel smart about and be satisfying which is why people like >>1800298 call it a bad puzzle game.
A more recent game is a very similar vein ixion had the same issues.
They Are Billions is sort of a hybrid RTS/city builder/base defense that's qutie challenging.
setting up MP in the anno series is a chore I'll give you that. But there are usually more ways to compete other than military, like economy, quests, expansion, trade and saboteurs.
Lol. It is far harder to fail in CS than to succeed. The game is a city painter, where nothing you do matters.
Workers and resources is like an old testament god in comparison.
Ok, what's the best build order for Zerg?

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If I could will one game into existence it would be an 18th century city builder/RTS with real time tactical battles integrated into the same map, like 18th century Manor Lords but with more effort put into the battles. What would your perfect strategy game be?
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You might check Ultimate General: American Revolution that comes close without the city building aspect, but be aware Game-Labs is famous for great ideas and undercoocked launches.
This but 17th century, so the battles can be more like skirmishes and more localized. Fits the scale better.
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>What would your perfect strategy game be?
I described it some time ago: https://arch.b4k.co/vst/thread/1773963/#1783815

The other major feature would be that information would travel no faster than your tech level permitted it. At the start of the game, this would be at light speed. As you teched up, the speed of information would be several times faster than your ships could move. Ships that were outside of your instant communication zone would have pre-set orders.
Such a feature would naturally make it more difficult for one to blob.
>they didn't have massive battles before napoleon
nice but future tech is soulles

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Ello map staring enjoyers. I've got this vic 3 game as the CSA and it's 1873 and I dunno what to do now. I've taken Cuba and the Dominican as well as part of Mexico for the Golden Circle meme but am at a loss. The economy is semi-industrialized with a fabric/ cotton based economy with the slave trade and universal voting.

What do the fine advisors of the Confederate government recommend I do next?
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Yeah you are right, I meant to say that there are no scripts for Austria to become weaker. Now Austria is just a smaller Russia.
Maybe we should dedicate one war per game just to liberate a bunch of countries in Austria around 1880. But the AI won't allow it, France and Great Britain will propably step in to save her.
Why is the CSA there? Kill them. Kill all of them. Kill them. Kill the traitors.
Hitler lost Chud.
Alliance with the brits to put down the northern threat seems logical, give uk some of the northern states
>There is no mechanic to cause the break up of Austria as it happened in 1918.
Austria was dismantled, it didn't break up on its own. And while it was weak historically, it was improving over time as they began integrating their various minorities better. Had WW1 not happened, the USGA would probably exist to this day.

Victoria 2 actually models Austria-Hungary rather well, as it starts off pretty slow and the AI usually doesn't do a great job, but it does gradually get better over time unless it gets dunked on hard by a neighbour - but if it DOES get dunked on hard by an external power, it tends to never recover. Just like IRL. And the player can go harder on implementing FF's plans for the Empire, which turns it into an actual powerhouse.

Of course, as you say, Victoria 3 doesn't model its internal conflicts. V2 doesn't do a great job of it either, but it at least reflects some of the administrative difficulties.

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>unlock Superleggera chassis and make racing monsters with it for 50 years
>it gets banned in 1980
>try not to cry
>cry a lot
>at least you still have your money
GearCity thread
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You really want this guy to start at the height of the Great Depression?
Love this game, bless the oen autist that made this
What are some good tutorials (text or vids) to get started?

Also, is playing on modern day good or is it made to be played on older time periods?
Give me some autistic goals to do ig
The dev has video tutorials on his channel. The supply & demand one is pretty good, but just pick the ones you feel you need to brush up on.

Playing in the modern day is much easier, good for beginners. Starting in 1950 should be good.

Hyper-Luxurious is a fun one. Never design a car with less than 50 Luxury rating.

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Is it worth it? Tell me your stories with it!
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Civ-likes, moo-likes, and mom-likes are all different genres.

It's mostly 1 for 1 but that means there's also a capital if there's one in Elysium, also Orcus is somewhere in a structure. The recruitable locations let you recruit special ghost units though, if that's all you wanted.
What do you mean, did I get one of the Xs wrong?
>they don't have any infantry capable of holding their own against decent armies without either literally hundreds of casualties and/or abusing poison arrows.
Aren't you supposed to employ single-colour armies with the corresponding casters so you can abuse their immunity to their elemental spell damage?
Besides poison arrows, wyvern knights are also okay if you can get a lot of them. White kobold winged archers are also pretty good. Besides being able to dodge with their flying abilities, it's fairly easy to get an army of kobolds into the sky and supplement them with cloud people or just be harder to take out with hard to access citadels. Yes, you lose a lot of them but that's life for kobolds.
Yes its worth it. Necromancers are literal gods of death. Warlocks are gods of the elements, witches are a legitimate bane to all things human, and high cultist are eldritch horror made manifest. There is no other game comparable to it. Just to emphasize warlocks, they don't need to fear wildlife as one of their upgrade paths effectively renders ancient forests void, and another lets you perpetually own any portion of the map permanently.

>ctrl F
>no steel division thread
Steel division thread. It's cheap
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Soviet rifle squads are complete shit unless triple vetted and have arty support. Or Strafniki, they're good. Unless you have shturmowhateverthefucki, any German div with SS ubermen will roll you. I've rolled entire forests with just StG sturm troops and a little microing. Is2 is good because it'll stop German tank spam and actually make them think instead of parking their asses at 2km. That or they'll spam planes which will temporarily waste their points.
First of all it was a preset deck because I was learning the ropes and foolishly thought the deck would be decently well rounded. Second of all gee I wonder why I'm bitching about the most heavily armored allied heavy tank taking a round to its frontal armor from 2km away being killed in 1 shot, little rediculous especially knowing that it only died thanks to a fucking coin-flip and tons of tanks in game can tank pak40 shells thanks to the retarded AP system.

Also this >>1805784
SS spam is genuinely fucking OP and will roll any infantry, I have also seen SS squads wipe out flamers+assault squads in forests.
Great Patriotic War.
This game probably creates hundreds of brand new wehraboos each month. Sad, since they were finally being put in their place after two decades of the history channel indoctrination.
So then why does the Soviet Union have zero diversity and hardly any divisions? Damn like they didnt even TRY to make it interesting, they did very little research at all. It doesnt feel like an eastern fromt game. It feels like a cobbled together wheraboo moneygrab.

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Great game which is still fun but I feel like I suck at it. I'm constantly struggling to keep up with the AI in tech and resources. Only better battle tactics even let me compete and keep above water. I've only ever completely won as Hiver and as Human I always do terribly.
Should I be overharvesting? I know it helps establish colonies way faster but I hate how it makes my worlds look ruined. I don't think the AI does though.
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>Also the unique FTL per faction
it didn't make much sense in case of piracy tho
how did piracy even work?
It helps the AI a lot too because they tend to start streaming ships piecemeal after their first wave is lost and you can kill an obscene number of enemy ships that way. Shortening the timer so combat is roughly concluded by the end of the first 'wave' both helps the AI preserve its ships and helps avoiding colonies incidentally gaining +700 climate hazard from collateral damage in a fight.
i find it helps me and favours small fleets a lot more because you have much more opportunity to repair whereas in protracted engagements many weaker ships can much more easily wear you down
Take ships and put them in the enemy trade sector and sometimes they will attack enemy freighters even if they can only travel sub-light speeds while the freighters use phase lanes

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What made Civ 4 so special that people designate it as the cut-off point from when the series started declining?
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This hurts.
4chan’s colorful culture didn’t die with chanology faggotry and le epic raids but this nigger wouldn’t know that because he never stepped outside of /b/ once in his life
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>Music so good that it ended a real life war
>reading comprehension

Whats your favorite SRPG? shit like fire emblem or even HOMM since the definition is somewhat loose

recenly I became addicted to Unicorn Overlord, I wan to paizuri scarlett btw
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>you can actually marry the owl

not my choice for this run but I can respect they actually went there
I used to love Clash of Clan so much that it almost got me fired while playing at work ah ah, For now I think I might go for immortal Gates of pyre, I haven't played it yet but I watched the game play, its one of those games I cant wait for it to launch.
I will add this to the list of games I'm playing this weekend
I just added it to the wishlist

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