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Why don't we have SC2 generals? People still play this game. We're not dead, right?
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Too competitive for your average sp-cel, they'll just cry about muh gookclick or the story not being good enough.
Probably because this is not /vg/.
i play with my wife coop missions and arcade custom games. we like tower defense shit and survivals i guess this game is good for that
normies/normalfag only play competetive.
e-sport, do not see it as a "game", they see it as sports. They play it like a sport, they do not play it for fun.

community = custome games
sc2 custome game community died, thats why

they play there sport on the weekend and then go back to work.

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How autistic do you have to be to enjoy this? I never see it mentioned here, worth buying?
Main gameplay itself feels similar to Starsector's combat (fleet not piloting) and customization. You tell your mech to go to a waypoint, fuck shit up, and see if the reactor's overheating or not. The logistic is more dungeon crawler-ish. I've seen it described as classic X-COM, but not really even for the aesthetics.

Honestly if you're frequent /vst/ player, it's hardly autistic.

>lose one single fight
>the game is now unwinnable because of how hard it snowballs
>the only way to avoid this is to have a tp in your inventory at all times so you can teleport out the second you suspect that a fight might not be in your favor
Heroes are such a shitty mechanic.
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Where can I download WC3? Not the Blizzard AIDS version, but the pre-reforged version?
I love WC3 but it's true that snowballing is a huge issue, especially at lower MMR.
You can play old school WC3 graphics with that version you noob
I don’t have the link but there is a WC3 Forum that distributes keys along with a download link for the latest patch of the original WC3
>not having one saved in a thumb drive from his highschool days
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do you watch grubby? that is how wc3 is played.

when i was 12 and played this game back in the day. i did not play it at all, just did custome games. i thought the game was cool with heros. when looking bad, hero suck in rts as they are over powered(the only thing that matter) and normal units become support.

creeping is just a race to get max level of hero units

the biggest pro move in wc3 is to suronde your opponent with 4 units. did not know this until i saw grubbys video. like 25% of all tactic is to suronde unite with 4 other units.

wc3 is meant to be "squad game" rts
and sc2 is meant to big ball of unit rts
kind of.

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I enjoy the remaster
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EB port is mediocre. Last I checked the uploader cared way more about making a new campaign on top of EB, and both suffered as a result. It doesn't even incorporate the new stuff made by that one eb submod
Nobody talks like this, though
check out these two submods for eb port


and then check out this mod for alexander

Disregard my post. >>1748487 looks much better than what rt2021 was doing with his. God I really am behind on RTR news.
>2 minutes
brah i think its a little much bloat. i personally prefer mods enhancind gameplay mechanics. whats the point of a map that big when you gonna auto resolve 95% of sieges anyway?

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What am I in for?
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>What's the point of the most efficient way to kill motherfuckers dead
You won't even get half-decent vehicles when motherfucker with swarm of soldiers is going to rape your ass
>The cope of EOL
You realise you can turn on English subs and have better voices... right?
The established lore is three different stories. Meaning: there is none. On one had, there is the original (ha ha) plotline that's just adaptation of Jeschke's "Last Day Of Creation". Then there is the plotline of the early development game, distancing itself from the source material. THEN there is late dev plotline, when they've realised they are 3 months behind the schedule and shit has to get cut and condensed. Those are effectively three different plotlines for the game.
the worst parts of any RTS game
>I know because I had pennies left on my account and I was looking for games I could buy for that amount.
Literally the only reason I bought this game too and I still regretted it.

Fabledom - Official 1.0 Release Date Teaser Trailer!
Finally out of early access!
Hopes? Fears?
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>esg nigger shit
nah, just going to wait out all this shit bombing
>A-actually this anti white thing is bad because it hurts BROWN PEOPLE
Every time
Those are pajeets
It looks like a mobile game.

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Hopes? Fears?
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I hoped it would look somewhat like this https://youtu.be/TZt2YBv0U3Y
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not a furfag what is wrong with this
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>damn i wish aom got a remake
>it's ai slop
not like this
I keep seeing AoM Zeus literally everywhere, even IRL.

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>be Zerg player hardstuck in diamond for over a decade
>other races mock you for playing a "cheesy" and/or "easy" race
>kinda tired of playing Zerg, decide to try Terran for the first time ever
>have literally no idea about build orders, timings or whatever
>I just play marine-marauder-medivac with some tanks and mines every single game
>hit masters in less than 35 games

This shit is hilarious because I just realized I've been playing against turboshitters abusing an OP race all this time. Not only that but Terranfags are easily the biggest bitching crybabbies in the history of gaming.

PD: Marine micro is piss easy compared to ZvZ ling micro, marine spread is also piss easy compared to muta spread
>wiring all that to complain about being successful
You should be a P player
You'll have fun winning whilst having 60 APM at Masters 3, you'll get into semis in tournaments by knowing just one build order, you'll get to experience the ultimate army comp - the deathball.
You''ll still get to whine about not winning IEM or GSL or whatever.
Play P it was made for you, whiny boi

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Anno series is dog shit

>play 1503
>tutorial sucks doesn’t explain anything well enough
>play 2070
>half the features are locked to online mode not even worth playing
>look at 1800
>comes with Ubisoft launcher and uplay

All I could tell in my time was the controls are shit, mechanics are shit, and the overall game is shit.

In short fuck Ubisoft. Shit game. 0/10.
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1404 drm free from GOG with the unofficial patch is the golden standard
Anno 2070 was okay. Anno 1800 is one of the best games ever made.
>muh launcher
lol okay kid
I always get frustrated from having to rush so fast to claim islands everywhere and the struggle to set up my supply chains etc.
it's logistics autism more than anything else

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Would this annoy the shit out of you or would you not care? I know that there are some games where they make it a pain in the ass to delete buildings, so maybe that would also be an option. But throughout history, they were more likely to let old buildings rot than to tear them down.
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Why would you need any other historical city builder when you have MANOR LORDS??
>What if generic game, but bad for the sake of ill-conceived autism?
Sounds stupid and unrealistic. People destroyed unused buildings all the time, usually because they were a good and cheap source of building materials.
What movie?
A TV series. One that should have ended 5 seasons ago

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Would you play a HoMM3 mod where all the sprites of the monsters are in the style of medieval bestiaries?
HoMM3 is already looking a little like a medieval tapestry imo.
What could I use to do something like this?
HoMM 1/2 sprite artstyle was very much like that
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>HoMM3 with the art style of HoMM
Sure, why not.

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Has anyone played this before?
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are you talking about No Haven? this game has a tactical layer though
Loaded it up, looked like shit, uninstalled.
art style is unacceptable garbage
Are we sure this isn't one? It's got the artstyle
Every slave manager porn game I've played has had graphics way better than this abomination

>What is your will?
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When I get to them (the people I play don't let matches get that far, they are sweaty SC2 players) I usually have two, on hold position at my base. They shell anything that gets too close for comfort and in some maps that can mean my half of the map. I like running around with Chimeras a lot, they really are the workhorse of the army, supported by a lascannon HWT or two.
It works more times than I care to admit, only Necrons give me trouble, everything with morale breaks before it becomes an issue.
The command squad is also important and I've seen players do incredible things with them, especially with psykers, but personally all I can muster is 4 priests and spam their ability that makes the command squad not take losses for a few seconds. My use of psykers is their passive detection and stunning vehicles with Curse, very reduced.
>nobody mentioned hellhounds
literally your best vehicle that melts every single armor type, when in doubt rush vehicles and spam hellhounds
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>commanders without servo-arms
hard pass
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Commissar, remove the waifus from Unification 7.0.

By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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Did they overhaul the visual aspect of combat in Awakening? I miss when there were cannons, cavalry, muskets and infantry working in tandem on the battlefield.
Aside from The Last Warlord, any mobile Koei-likes out there?
Holy based
Op's bussy must be quivering in anticipation.
is the AI still totally broken and unable to improve their lands/castles in Ascension?
The game stopped receiving updates ages ago. Of course it hasn't been fixed.

Who is 'ThatAnxiousGamer' and why has he made the worst review video on SG Beta so far?
Just watched the absolute worst review of SG Beta, and am totally shocked that it hasn't been taken down by YT yet...

Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen.


Clealr has literally no understanding RTS genre, or game development. This guys is the biggest joke on the internet right now
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>Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen
how is he lying though when the Stormgate devs pulled a Peter Molyneux
in 3-6 years it will be gone forever because service game
Immortal Gates of Pyre looks like a proper f2p model game
>WOW GUISE THIS IS SO BAD IT'S SHOCKING SOO BAD WOWEEE [links the video and mentions the name of his channel]
buy an ad
I hope immortal makes it to launch
his accent is awesome
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buy an ad nigger

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