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>use Superior Firepower for years
>hear that Grand Battle Plan is now the best
>think it's a meme
>try it
>it actually is good

My spearheads just can't stop, wtf?
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get as much land as i could, germany seized some bank so i couldn't join the axis and try asking for it
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Do all majors get their own meme tank
does the ai cheat fuel? because holy shit
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Oh boy, maybe I really should have stayed a slave , at least until 38
The Belgians speaking French is hilarious, I bet it made all the Flemish mad, ideally they'd speak both. I wish Canada and Austria-Hungary also did.

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In most games when India is represented it is used for Mughals but Mughals are not Indian.

In Civilization the Indian Civilization builds Mughal fort but Mughals are not Indian.

While Age Of Empires 2 corrected their Indian to represent true India in Age Of Empires 4 India is the Delhi Sultanate which is not Indian is Iranian.

Why is Indian history erased when there are many much more powerful and impressive Indian empire?
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Funny, modern Indians kinda hate it since it represent outsider colonialism, like the British.

The Mughals were descendant from the Timurid Empire who terrorised the Middle East under the last nomadic conqueror before the age of gunpowder.
No one cares about any other time period, it's just the one the education system focuses on
We get it, you like step pyramids and step pyramid-adjacent architecture
That is a circular argument. The only reason that people do not care about the other time periods of India is because they do not even know about their existence. If the people were educated about the impressive history of India then they would be interested and respecting of it.

Just got this baby running. Are there any good mods for it? I already got the 4.11 patch and TAK Plus installed. Azurian race mod seems to give me errors, so I uninstalled it.
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>Thread on an obscure videogame
>Immediately made into a thread about identity politics
This and the 15 minute timer is why nobody takes 4chan seriously anymore
I remember this game didn't allow you to speed up production with your builder units, and the barracks would conjure units rather rapidly in the first place. I liked that, and I dislike how in every other such game, be it TA or SupCom or BAR, you absolutely have to have dozens and dozens of engineers to speed up every factory.
It's been a while but I'm pretty sure you can actually speed up production with builders, it costs a lot more mana though.
Yes, but the cutscenes between missions, as well as the entire campaign, are very engaging. I like this style with maps and portraits, it resembles some historical documentary on the discovery channel

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Gigachad Łukasz Jakowski finally fucking released it!!
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>not even a date for the mobile version
>mobile version
kys kankerzoomer.
Those graphics really look beautiful. Much better than what nuparadox could ever deliver.
woah new 'Jak just dropped???
Its literally AI generated
Pretty embarrassing for Paradox.

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Are they gonna kill him off?
I’m hoping they don’t since they could do a lot with the character
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first thing you need to do is set up a new restaurant/bar
You play a good system like mutants and masterminds or gurps instead
why do people keep making custom classes in dnd5e
it barely works with the classes it already has
Correct, I made this class out of sheer spite for 5e design. It is made with the knowledge that Crawford would hate it
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Lovecraftian city builder launching into early access in a few days. Just played through the demo and I thought it was very well done, fairly standard gameplay but with some thematically appropriate wrinkles and no annoying quirks that often plague this genre.
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>Being advised by black people

Sounds like a game exploring eldritch psychological horror
The Lovecraft flavor is kinda fun but doesn't add anything meaningful on a mechanical level, except maybe the ability to sacrifice pops. Outside of that, it's basically just a dumbed-down Anno game with nothing going for it.

It's not necessarily bad, but it's not good either.
Because the game itself is shit and there's nothing worth talking about.
I liked it and plan it make it my main
How’s Kursk?

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Is pic related not shit yet or have they not patched it since release?
any recommendation for good melee focused TBTs? I have played Knight Arthur Knight's Tale but burned out by chapter 4, and Legion IX, finished that but I fucking hated it and myself for ever being excited for it.
I've never heard of it but it must be shit since old good new bad
My biggest problem with the game on release is how slow everything was. Mainly the need to watch every individual enemy unit sloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwlllllllllyyyyyyyyy walk on patrol with no way to speed it up or group up enemy move animations.
I don't know what they've done since release but considering it's still on Mixed reviews I doubt it was much.
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Played another melee focused TBT, this one was pirate themed and called Rogue Waters. The big gimmick is that almost every attack is themed like it's a fencing match, so being in range of enemies you become "engaged(reduced movement range) and when you attack someone, they are pushed back and your character moves forward. Attacks are normally really low damage but if you push someone at an obstacle they take an extra point of damage, and if they're pushed to an area where they don't have any further spaces to move to they take another pip of damage on top of that. Plus you have your normal buffs/debuffs, poison, armor/negative, damage increase/decrease or stuns, and a few(I counted three in what little I played) classes that play with the idea.
You have the spearmaiden who can attack with a range of two and the attack pierces, the backstabbers who when positioned to be collided with by an enemy, deal an extra point of damage, and the cook who doesn't push enemies but deals extra damage.
There's also turn based ship combat at the start which is basically you figuring out what parts of your ship are expendable and what parts of the enemy ship(their cannons which can damage yours, their modules which are buffs/debuffs and their crew if you just want to delete or weaken someone in the upcoming fight) are too annoying to deal with.

I like the ideas but the actual game didn't appeal to me. The maps are too small, the ship combat feels like a waste of time to determine how much fun, frustration(if you didn't take out much of the enemy crew/modules) or boredom(if you took out too much) you'll be having in the upcoming boarding fight. Plus it's one of those TBTs where the UI is so shit to deal with that planning out strategies requires loads of hovering and re-hovering on enemies, and cell/range counting on your part.
Also with how small the maps are and the limited move range I felt like actually setting up big plays was near impossible.
I refunded it.

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sc2 is dead
we only have brood war
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battlebros assemble
It's wild how Battle Aces ended up being 1000x better than Shillgate
not that surprising desu, FG are massive grifters
all the signs were there from the start people just didnt want to see them
which one did tasteless' mom work at
Shillgate is the Tasteless family nepotism project
Battle Aces is BASED David Kim doing it again

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Big update is out.


Now with more battalions and an offline mode for mudhut dwellers.
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The biggest problem of MoW2 it has nor soul neither war atmosphere, it feel like MoW Arena multiplayer asset flip. Just some fun matches.
>it feel like MoW Arena multiplayer asset flip
Buddy, that's what it literally is. Just watch this video. Why do you think it launched as always online game?
Do you think devs will drop this game after they received no new blood after the patch?
I just don't see them adding content to MoW2 considering low interest to the game.
Prior to this update the game was consistently sub-200 on steam and afterwards it's above 300 at most times of the day and peaks above 600. Grim numbers but the patch clearly did something.

I think sooner or later there will need to be a free weekend to try and boost playercount.
This feels a lot more fun than GoH. I don't get the reviews.

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Thoughts on Starship Troopers Terran Command?
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It's OK I guess
A little easy
Is it pozzed?
it's REALLY fun for a while. as for how long that is, your mileage may vary. i beat the main campaign and one of the dlcs, before it got boring for me.
the devs did very well to make a gameplay framework that feels satisfying for a starship troopers game, but seem to have a hard time making varied and interesting scenarios, but like i said, that only becomes apparent after playing for a while.

at one point it just feels like a puzzle game where every map boils down to "you have to find just the right way to position your dudes between the hive nodes so you get a short window where you can destroy the hive"
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one of my favorite rts games. i agree with a lot of what >>1893244 said. it's much different from a regular rts and is a lot about slowly advancing your line in the correct way to make sure you dont collapse and lose especially in the second dlc.
i found the basegame campaign to be the best story-wise and well-rounded gameplay-wise. first dlc was meh, and the second is nice and tough.

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The Pope... ruler of the world....
>game is still using the old Victoria 2 regions with barely any fixes to them
I do NOT trust Wiz's master plan
VGH so zased

new, medieval radio commanderesque kino just dropped. and I daresay it's alright??

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I feel like the yellow map is going to give me eye-cancer
are armies standing like like in EU4 or get dispanded when not used?
They're either standing in the field or in-garrison, gaining huge defender bonuses if fighting a storm
>no responses or posts in a week
So just another flash in the pan, then?

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>Follow the same build order every game
>Adjust it with another build order after you scout
>The only ""skill"" barrier is APM, so if you can't mash as hard as the other player you lose
Wow what a great genre
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stop being a disingenuous faggot, you know exactly what he's talking about. Try A-moving your marines across the map retard and enjoy watching them die one by one
Maybe play games with more macro like BAR if you don't like le gookclicking
I don't think there's any single game of any genre where a AI combatants (individual or unit) can determine the risk of their action or inaction. Even on the grand strategy scale, small forces might route from larger ones based on win chance calculation, not assessment of risk. There's no game where the AI thinks beyond what's happening at the moment, no game where the AI can foresee events and try to mitigate against them.
>build a settlement, optimize the economy, fight the enemy player doing the same
this is cool
>follow a pro build order and attack move into your opponent, micro>macro
this is normalnigger cancer
Assorted older RTSes had some cool autonomy features, but obviously none of those would flawlessly autoplay the whole game for you.
Funny how in newer games you get virtually none of those, and units are almost entirely passive without your say-so. I guess players prefer the units to only do as they're told.

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So glad I bought into the hype. I uninstalled after 10 mins. I will not reinstall until it's finished (20 years time) I will not relearn changed mechanics with every patch.
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No. Banished has more features
Stronghold with no castles and no replayability. At least in Stronghold there's lots of missions, challenges and in Crusader, an AI to fight. Here it's just the same map or something with no challenge. I feel scammed playing this game.
When I imagine a game called Manor Lord, I'd imagine it would be about acquiring hundreds of manor though diplomacy and conquest.
Like England had 60,000 manors, and lords owned scattered settlements.
In many ways manors were similar to stocks.
Robbie still mad?
Wait, manor houses in this game are called manors?
Wow, that's kinda insulting, considering manor during feudal period were estates, only later became synonymous with manor houses, because the lords leased out rest the manor with collapse of serfdom.

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Are trade cities worth using? Like, if I conquer Constantinople and Atene as Venice, I have to pay a lot of admin points to core them. Is it worthwhile to just give them to trade cities? I google searched it and people had conflicting views.
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Here's math:

If you have manpower income of 300-500 you're already a fucking blob.

But 5 OPMs with 3 development field the same manpower income! 100 manpower monthly each!

Isn't it just splendid
>create a trade city in Malaca after conquering it because I was powerful and rich enough anyways
>immediately breaks from the trade league and accepts vassal offer from Malaca
>have a truce
Probably a bug but it was infuriating
its for this reason that revoke HRE is turbo busted, in the early to mid game a spam of small countries will be able to field a much larger army than a single blob with all their provinces, plus revoke HRE allows for instantaneous integration whenever you want. The issue with trade cities is the hassle to integrate them once it becomes more profitable to own directly
Yes. A trade city joins your trade league and can't leave. Every member of your trade league increases trade steering. Even if you have too many ducats denying the enemy trade because you are taking everything is OP as fuck. Turning Novgorod or Lubeck into a global hanseatic Empire are some of the most fun runs I've done in 4.
hre has always been the best way to wc for this reason

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