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Britain going communist just feels so fucking stupid
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Syndicalism is not communism.
People argue about KR lore as if it isn't mostly for game balance reasons
What is this shitty map?
SocDems are communists with self-awareness.
The other way around, they're liberals in self-denial.

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In most games when India is represented it is used for Mughals but Mughals are not Indian.

In Civilization the Indian Civilization builds Mughal fort but Mughals are not Indian.

While Age Of Empires 2 corrected their Indian to represent true India in Age Of Empires 4 India is the Delhi Sultanate which is not Indian is Iranian.

Why is Indian history erased when there are many much more powerful and impressive Indian empire?
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It’s those pretty eyes and lips they always draw them with
Thats the region that the aryans spent the least amount of time in so you have the most dravidians there.
HOI4 is also very active in China. More than a few I'm sure played the Manchuko -> neo Qing Dynasty path. The asspain is all projection from this side of the Internet onto a nonexistent strawman.
that is basic bitch architecture
the only novelty is the assortment of lawn ornaments that adorns the facade

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Can someone explain why I'm not getting any supply here? My railroads don't have any interruptions between my capitol and the front, but they're not connecting to the ones in Romania for some reason. I suspect it maybe because they pass through my puppet, but idk why my puppet would block them. That's never happened before.

Is this a bug?
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Can anyone explain this shit? I haven't had supply problems the entire game then suddenly units standing on supply hubs are whining for them.
Have you tried praying to the machine spirit?

Yeah idk it's weird. I had control of the Romanian supply hubs in my own territory, the trains leading to them had a connection from my capital through my Yugoslavian puppet, my puppet was a part of the war, to my memory, but for some reason the game wasn't giving me connection to the supply hubs.

Also, unrelated, for some reason the German Reich gets a casus belli on Yugoslavia a bit after I forcibly puppet them. Does anyone know why this is? They end up declaring war on Yugoslavia half the time, even before they anschluss, which totally messes up the game.
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Suddenly fixed? I hate this fuckin game sometimes.
yeah, if you look at the lines on the left it looks like the convois couldnt find a way (or were sunk)

build a railway between copenhagen and sweden to make the supply go over land
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You're the best.

>Loaded up a game I haven't played in forever.
>Noticed that I couldn't play as the color red
>Checked to see if I downloaded the color red mod in the designated mod loader
>see that I already downloaded the color red mod a long ass time ago and it wasn't working
>Now have to figure out why it's not working
>Game crashes


Shoot me now.
who are you arguing with?
Society. Now the mod loader isn't even loading.
Okay I figured it out. Sometimes you have to keep restarting in order to get your mods to load.
you need a mod for the color red?
Has anti-communism gone too far?
Now the "Old Town" mod won't work for me. Have no idea why. Feel like blowing my brains out.

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Last thread hit bump limit a while ago. Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.

CTS: campaigntrailshowcase.com/campaign-trail/index.html

NCT: newcampaigntrail.com/campaign-trail/index.html
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This is the one, it got banned in 2018 or 2019 I think, which was actually a couple years before incel lingo started blowing up.
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If you made this post without the
>I’d appreciate if the codes were taken down
bullshit then no one would think you're annoying
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Had to play it on Easy difficulty but I finally got the "Horseshoe Theory" achievement on 2002 Netherlands and a blessed socialist/anti-immigrationist unity ending. Best timeline.

Anyone else playing this? It just dropped

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I think having multiple open betas was an unintentional marketing boon.
I see comments like this on most BA videos I watched.
Also, I've heard February 29th as a tentative release date.
Similar thing happened with Battlebit Remastered playtests
>low iq
>cant play strategy games at all
>its ze ruzzia fault
kek back to cawadoody with you
i miss world in conflict bros..
Seeing the DE-MSHORAD in game would be cool as a sort of super-AA unit. Maybe limit it to engaging drones/helis and intercepting ATGMs or mortar rounds. Good range and perfect accuracy but needs LoS and deals DoT that degrades with range.

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>released last year
>already forgotten
In this thread we remember the disaster that is relic entertainment
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>forgot to write this last bit before my post got uploaded due to pressing Return on the captcha windows
I mean not even the CoH1 stand-alone addon that lets you play as the "totally NOT Waffen-SS" didn't trigger people tHis much by compariason. Also there's not a lot RTS games about the Pacific Front due to needing to include naval units into most combat scenarios somehow.
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Korean War is the last setting in which Company of Heroes as its core system can work.
Unless you're gonna try lesser known settings like the Russian Civil War or early Middle East conflicts like the Suez Crisis.
And given how they've managed to fuck up with the lack of an italian faction in the italian theater, I'd rather see the franchise die at this point.
Never trust Relic again.
>So then what should the franchise do besides just die?
the thing everyone wanted them to do from the very beginning: make a WORLD war 2 game. Not one front, then another front, then another front. ALL THE FUCKING FRONTS. ALL THE FUCKING FACTIONS. ALL THE FUCKING POSSIBILITIES.
And don't put women or niggers on the forefront of narrative and marketing. That's all they have to do.
>But anon, that's so many factions!
it wasn't a problem with dawn of war and it shouldn't be a problem now with better tech and vastly higher budgets

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I just played a match alongside an utterly based semovente spammer who won the game by spamming semoventes
The wespe's second barrage might make it the best SPG now

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What's the best way to play these in 2024? Is piracy the only way? Looks like Blizzard doesn't sell it anymore... only Reforged. I only care about playing through the campaigns really, not local or online multiplayer.
I know everyone hated Reforged a lot, but:
>Why SPECIFICALLY did people hate it so much?
>Was it never fixed, either by Blizzard or modders?
I don't mind buying it on sale for $15 if it can be made into a good experience, but if it's still completely irredeemable then I guess I'll just have to resort to piracy.
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Objectively speaking, someone liking A over B is a subjective thing by definition. To be able to say that people objectively liked reforged gfx would require something solid to point to, say, for example a well-recieved reception and solid sales and a thriving scene. As none of that ended up happening on the previous level of wc3 it's aafe to say you are just making up copes.
>. To be able to say that people objectively liked reforged gfx would require something solid to point to,
Well, no, I said gamers objectively like games with better graphics. If this weren't the case AAA studios would happily just release ps1 quality stuff still.
People like nintendo games as well as tlou and gow sloppa. Minecraft looks literally like it would be right at home in one of the older console generations. Factorios and Rimworlds are popular despite not having AAA gfx.
>>30 year anniversary
>>no wc4
It is for the best

Cataclysm was the last good homeworld game.
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>inb4 muh 5000 year old trailer
their heckin original vision wasnt about cramped small maps, pointless megastructures and pressing X for a 5% speed boost every 20 seconds
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>I refuse to believe this was made by anyone who worked on the original games
I hate it when you're right.
story concept that got thrown in the trash and replaced with SBI nonsense supervised by >>1900605
>story concept
>in any way responsible for game design, map design, game mechanics

Picrel is one of my favorite games ever and sparked my interest in history when I was a kid. Has anyone played it lately? How hard is it to get running on Windows 11? Is there anything even close to as good these days? The civil war games on Steam look kind of mid.
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he transitioned into a woman
Officer mode is alright, the game itself is pretty crap and the AI is garbage.
Sidwina Meier's Pronouns!
best civil war games?
tell me if i have to do magic to get it running, i don't mind how old the game is however.


Here you go

Easy to get running

Only hard thing is the map scroll is super fast, but you get used to it. or you can use a CPU slower.

Amazing games. I play them all the time. I like SMG2 mod for SMA.

Waterloo and Austerlitz good too

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>want to play a total war game
>start game
>have to pick between short (unfinished) and long (too long) campaigns
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I love total war video game
The house cat is the most successful out of all the cats
Why isn't the late game automated? I was having fun with Bretonnia in WH2 but I have so much territory and so many lords and heroes its unbearable to get through each turn, I have to select talents for 50 different characters, shouldn't there be a way to automate this? It's too much about rote, tedious empire management and not enough about the battles
The TW games were never about grand strategy. The overworld map was purely to spawn tactical battles. The strategic layer was an afterthought.

Anyone tried the demo? Full game comes out Nov 5th.

Heard some people either really liking or disliking it. Seems the latter doesn't realize you have to be more active than turtle in this game to be at an advantage.
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I've played the game for an unknown # of hours, at least 50. Have done runs on Lieutenant, Captain, and General. Posting my review.

I instantly clicked with MST coming from a Fire Emblem/Into the Breach background, where the focus is positioning on a grid; but of course, didn't fully grasp its incentives until later. There's some real complexity here that surprised me.

The big thing that isn't obvious is that the game has "infinites." It's highly unusual in a tactics game, but MST is designed around this mechanic of "bonus actions" and "bonus movements," with no theoretical limit per turn. The unstated goal - the obvious winning strategy in any run - is to engineer one of these infinite scaling strategies around the end of the 3rd zone (in a full-region clear run).

This totally breaks the game even at the top difficulty, but you aren't guaranteed an infinite and have to make good choices to bring one about. It feels somewhat necessary on General difficulty due to the sheer volume of enemies and the bloated HP stats, boss and non-boss alike. It's a game begging to be broken, but there's a certain strategy in that too.

An example of an infinite scaling strategy in my current run:
>team: Nadia, Clark, Ralf
>skills: Hypertension, Tesla Ammo, Magnetic Rift, Team Player, Team Leader (Clark), Killing Spree (Clark, Ralf)
>weapon: Pulsar shotgun that hits 2x6 (12) damage after mods, IF Nadia shoots from one of her electric mines

It's hard to explain if you haven't played the game, but the gist is that with correct positioning and sequencing, Nadia and her boy toys can infinitely pull enemies to her mine and then refund the adrenaline (energy) cost of this action, while also scaling damage (Killing Spree) for a boss kill. Tesla Ammo grants infinite ammo if fired near a mine.

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The game's fun and I managed to play 20 hours without encountering a game ruining bug but I'm hesitant to play more knowing how bad they could get. The worst I got was the weakened status effect carrying over between boss phases, permanently.
actual retard
nta btw
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I believe they'll fix the bugs next patch!
But when's the next patch?

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It's finally out.

>Where is Industry Giant 3?
Doesn't exist, they skipped that number.
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>There was a successor to Industry Giant 2, which wasn't named IG3 but still.
>It was a complete flop, so I am thinking they wanted to remove any connection they've had to that game.
But you would remove all connection much better by calling the current game IG3. By calling the game IG4.0 you actually acknowledge the previous successor as the third title of the series. It's dumb.
our government knows that literally nothing is ever created unless you force people
> Processor: Intel Core i7-8700k or AMD Ryzen 5 3600
> Memory: 16 GB RAM
> Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060

those (minimum) CPU specs are insane for such a simple game
i downloaded the demo and it almost made my computer blow up

>modded TF2
Any chance that the devs fix their shit?
This looks inferior to Captain of Industry.

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I was told that this is like XCOM but with big mechs so naturally after a 2 week long xcom2 binge i decided to try it. It took me some time to get adjusted cause oh boy is that game in another universe in production value, animations are janky, music is forgettable, almost non existent voice overs and when there's one it often sounds like it got recorded with a $5 mic in a garage. Abysmal performance is also a paradox for me (get it, cause it was published by pdx), game looks like something from 2008 yet constantly uses 70++% of CPU/GPU even when theres nothing on screen, every menu lags, its fucking 2d text window but opening it has noticeable delay, i just started the game theres nothing in the hangar, wtf. The only good thing about that game was 2min intro with lore, seriously can someone explain to me why this pathethic excuse of a game has such a devoted following?
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Rotary AC in based as fuck. You can get some serious firepower with those.
You could always replace the kikesharter portraits with your own, it was drag and drop. I swear they just ran the pictures the trannies sent in through a few filters, they all look like dogshit.
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Full alpha from this thing and there's nothing much left.
lucky the AI doesn't focus fire LRMs or your fat ass would be slag long before you trundled into weapon range.

>imfuckingplying I will let it die
Battle bros thread, menace talk also cause why the fuck not. Found any sexy famed items lately?
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RIP Anton & Gismund
>1 dead every 2 day
no it's not, even if you're using bait bros every single battles that's a lot of casualties
No it's not. You shouldn't be losing a bro on every battle.
Even if they are newbies, that's too much.
Are they wearing their helmets backwards?
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Menace releasing Q3 2025 on early access.

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