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Post games set during the 18th-19th century, preferably featuring goyim in cool European uniforms in formations.
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No idea, frankly, probably dogshit optimization.
The entire world always declares war on me when I'm doing remotely good
18 year olds still aren't being drafted
if you call that winning, i wonder how bad losing would look
That's why you accept all the alliance offers. When the big war breaks out you can choose the dogpiling side.

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Greetings, /vst/
I have just won what might be one of, if not the most autistic battle I have had in any video game, strategy or otherwise. Let me share with you my wartale:

Enter Mission 24 of Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. You're tasked with eliminating the enemy to the last unit as part of the Zhon tribe, rather simple and by the numbers. The gimmick here, if you want to call it that, is that the enemy has a lot more units than you do, your faction doesn't have buildings and has to make every single new unit via beast lords on the move, and if you alert the enemy, they will rape your asshole until you die.

How do you deal with such a disadvantage? Well, once I capture the the lodestones to get a good amount of mana(the only resource in this game), the enemy is already on my ass. I have been spotted and we're not halfway thru to their base. My area of the map, at the bottom, is the forest. There is the sea, which the enemy rules with an iron fist, a long beach and a cliff where the enemy's bases are. Behind the cliff is where their sea bases are, where they can make more units even in the water. To say I would be screwed in a straight up battle is an understatement, while Zhon forces can make units quickly, their basic melee ground units suck compared to every other faction, and my sea units aren't doing much better. I would have to get creative in order to accomplish much of anything here.

Well, not all hope is lost: A few missions ago, Zhon was introduced to one of the few buildings the faction has: Death Totem, a powerful tower that shoots lightning bolts at the enemy. Quickly thinking on how I can counter the invading and soon to be invading Verunian forces, I set up a whole bunch of totems near my lodestones, while I wait for reinforcements from my main camp. Once the invaders are repelled, I make a whole bunch of totems in the area that separates the forest and the beach, a border gate of sorts. You can see where I am going with this, don't you?
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stopped reading right there
Based effortposting OP
This shit gotta get saves in a library or something
Toasting in epic bread
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Based and Screencapped

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How close do you think we are to seeing "real" AI used in vidya?
Pretty much everything has had an AI component tacked on to it recently, except for the one thing that could actually use it.
It's been done for Starcraft and some other RTSs already, so it's certainly not a matter of feasibility.

So where's the holdup?

Imagine playing your favorite map painter, but against opponents who are actually capable of pursueing a GRAND STRATEGY and responding somewhat logically to new developments instead of just going down a giant else/if list.
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>Imagine playing your favorite map painter, but against opponents who are actually capable of pursueing a GRAND STRATEGY and responding somewhat logically to new developments instead of just going down a giant else/if list.
Performance is already bad enough in the lategame.
You're correct but having a perfect AI facilitates the development of gradual levels of purposefully bad AIs that are actually fun to play against for all skill levels. People do still play against the computer in chess, just not against the top models.
I read about something related to this some time ago but I can't remember where, it was an AI playing against online randoms and it did a decent job both at winning the game and fooling the players into thinking it was a person.
That's exactly the problem. And they always dodge the question: people ask "why can't you make the AI a bit better?" and they respond with "we taught an AI how to play and it dominates players so hard it takes out the fun." But that wasn't the question. There's a difference between letting an "AI black box" learn how to win the game and programming the AI player; there's no carry-over at all between the two. That's why they always present it as an all-or-nothing: either they can turn the AI blackbox loose, or they can program a shitty if-then loop for all difficulties and provide extra resources on the harder ones.
>How close do you think we are to seeing "real" AI used in vidya?
if you mean neural networks, i'd say 25 years ago
if you mean AGI, nobody knows, multidomain agi might be around the corner, or it might be sitting next to fusion reactors
Because 90% of players will get folded and go "mad cuz bad"

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Or can normies try it too?
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Games need to teach people how to socialize, these type of games only double down on what nerds are already good at and don't really make you any smarter where it counts.
You're basically reinforcing a life strategy that isn't working when you make these games. Big Brains need social rehabilitation and coping strategies, emotional and social intelligence, you're just training them for failure.
The later stages of spacechem you're not supposed to tinker. You're supposed to model the the stage with math, and then work back words from your solved model to the in-game implementation of the solution.
Sorry girl I have no interest in The Sims
are there any zach-adjacent games that focus on math instead of prog ? I'm a simpleton but I've been having fun reading about Math
see >>1952423

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I'm okay with something like Total War, or like the Kessen PS2 games or Kingdom Under Fire type stuff. I haven't been able to find anything with either anime art styles or just general fantasy along the lines of what the Elder Scrolls would include (So DnD I guess), everything is just city sims or ROTK style where you really have no part to play in the combat at all. I like to build and manage, but I also enjoy having actual control in the combat too.
They don't call it a dead genre for nothing, huh. You'd have more luck finding what you want in just about any other genre of strategy games.
Start making a total war mod, dork.

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20 pop archers for me.
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>counters you're entire civ
It's not pro, just follow a simple 20pop click-up build order without idling your TC and you'll be up at 9:15.
the sweatiest of try hards itt
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Spam villagers until I'm at 50% pop cap, buy all of the upgrades at once and then buy a big ass army just to advance a little bit while popping castles left and right

Yes I play campaign on moderate
Build-order? I just roleplay as the collective subconscious that lead the actions of my units, doing what I feel at the moment. If I feel like a benevolent god I make my villagers gather a lot of food and build houses for their children and grandchildren

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>be Command&Conquer: Red Alert 2
>be about alternate history
>scenario is no Adolf Hitler so no War World II
>game refrences events from... War World II
Why is Red Alert so bad at alternative history? From technology, to maps to picrel, devs could just simply make scenario "Cold War gone hot" without changing anything and would fit better
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Though Japan was also invading China, which this aggressive version of the USSR wouldn’t let slide and probably send support to communist Chinese army there.
Hell the Soviets being the ones with nukes here probably turned Japan into a nuclear wasteland.
thanks for proving you're a shill.
>proving you're a shill
>by NOT spamming
You're fucking retarded.
>Why am I KEKing from this?
Because you're a redditfaggot that loves references.
You gotta grow up.

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It's baffling because they certanly aren't getting new players.
I guesss it's the old fanbase buying remaster after remaster.
One day they will make a new good stronghold game. Just you wait!
2 was good albeit
>Is it too hard for them to try something different?
They tried with Warlords and it was shit. Honestly that game wasn't even worth a pirate.
>I guesss it's the old fanbase buying remaster after remaster.
I remember a surprising amount of people coping and saying Crusader 2 is the best game they ever made. Firefly is like an immortal roach.
Stronghold 2, yes. Stronghold Crusader 2, no.

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You killed Stormgate.
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Relevant to the thread
great job anon you understood what he was getting at
thread about as dead as stormgate
it is fortunate that you decided to bump it so that it may continue to not receive any attention for another 2 months
This thread is more active than Stormgate.

0 A.D. Alpha 27: Agni - is out NOW

>Top new features of Alpha 27:
>Vulkan Renderer
>Multiplayer Savegames
>Tips & Tricks Page
>Naval Overhaul
>Observer Flares
>New random maps: Foothills, Migration, Coast Range; New skirmish map: Isthmus of Corinth; and updated skirmish maps: Watering Holes, Sporades Islands
>New and updated art


>Read more and download on the 0 A.D. web site:

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i don't believe that, where did you get that number from?
It started as a mod for AoE2.
ah that would be like saying that Dota 2 existed since it was first developed as a version in Warcraft 3, which isn't fair to say. i was only talking about the existence of the open-source project.
still, the idea of it has been around much longer than i thought.
Have they added level of detail (LODs) yet?

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When does the Modern era even start in this game? Did anyone at Firaxis explain how does the three era categorization works?
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it starts when you research mud huts
>they did nothing at all
In Civ IV, they changed aesthetics and music. In Civ V, city-state bonuses got larger as the ages progressed and cultural policies were locked by era. BNW introduced the World Congress which gained new agendas and more votes as time went on. Civ VI took it a step further with the Dark/Normal/Golden age systems. I think the era also changes costs for some buildings and districts, but I can't remember.
Most of these already roughly followed the 3 era system. Other than the lack of any atomic/information era stuff the new system does not meaningfully remove any content, it just consolidates ancient/classical, medieval/renaissance, and industrial/modern into specific blocks.
They already confirmed you'll be paying extra for that.
none of the things you mentioned requires eras to work, except the rise and fall ages which I already mentioned as an exception

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How are we feeling about this one after the dynasties update?

Personally while factions all still are more or less the exact same damn thing that's a consequence of the bronze age and I like the period still. I love the resource system and hope every TW game going forward has it (don't know if warhammer has it or not). Lots of mechanics that balance having unique characters without them feeling like superheroes. I hope they have some similar things going forward for M3 like having an HRE that isn't a giant yellow blob but an emperor who has to precariously balance his position against usurpers
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Even in the parts of the map that are ostensibly food abundant, food is essentially the only bottleneck in your campaign. It's basically the only factor limiting the size and number of armies you can field. Part of this is just the relative balance of income and upkeep but the other issue is that fielding two full armies with a pair of provinces thrusts you into like the 6th tier of anti-snowball and increases your upkeep by more than double.
As ramses I was sending away every single spare resource for food every turn, as Seti I had a positive income for every resource with 3 full stacks. Really depends on the location. Also general traits matter more, a general with full points in reduced upkeep is more or less necessary to carry a stack. I agree the food malus isn't good but it's manageable (depending on your location)
still shitty nu total war and all the bad game design that comes with it. doesnt inspire hope for any new titles especially since this was their best effort since a long time.
archers are so fucking buggy and out of sync
it is pretty clear that nu total war is focusing on the grand strategy campaign more than battles, being influenced by Paradox success

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Here's your new strategy game, bro

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easy with the antisemitism
mejichango asqueroso, so "proud" of your mesoamerican history that you all became bloodthirsty cartel members and run to the USA, turns out mesoamerican history means nothng huh
Harriet tubman is a literal who outside a very specific segment of progressive America. It would be a stretch to represent her as a Great Person, but as a Civ leader is just nonsensical because she never had any significant leadership position in the history of the United States.
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according to
the scores aren't even that bad with a lot of 4/5 (8/10).
Take your weirdo latam rivalries elsewhere, nothing about that anon's post is even political
>literal who outside a very specific segment of progressive America
Well, she should be anyway. At least when I was in school, learning about her was mandatory. I would say most Americans know who she was and associate her with the undergound railroad (which many people think was a literal underground railroad that she built). Basically any school history that touches blacks in general is the most outlandish propagandized shit. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they added MLK or even Malcolm X as a leader at some point

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Recently I replayed Rise of Legends. One day I was sitting in my chair and I was struck by an ancient memory of my child-self a demo of this game and filled with a beautiful golden glow. So I downloaded it. Usually, as we all know, when one hunts down nostalgia one's memory turns to ashes in their mouth, but in this case the feeling came to full fruition and I had a wonderful time, the game is bursting with soul in every gear and valve.

It's ridiculous in every way and so much fun. The steampunk Venetians, the quasi-Persians, the xeno-Mayans, the shitty animations and camera that only add to the charm. Most RTS games exist in such a state of perpetual frenzy and drama and stress, never letting you breathe for a moment. Not this one. Most RTS' would have there art department work on concept art and modeling and texture only for most players to not look at them for a single instant because the player is kept in a constant state of near turmoil by the never-ending fires and enemies and impending dooms, in every single scenario. Good to play a game that is cozy and that also asks for a (small amount) of thought.

Does anyone have any other recommendations for cozy RTS games ?
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Whcih way, Vinci man?
I forgot which videos, but the composer did a QnA on a few of them.
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Kohan has the most absurd unit/building scaling I've seen in an RTS
How so? I've never played it.
He most likely meant the visual scale - look how tall these engineers look compared to the buildings, trees and mountains. They're like a bunch of figurines on a wargame board.

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any RTS games with a higher degree of customization? I want something badass where you can select the unit roster for your faction. or something where you can mix & match the properties of different units creating something new. I know the game amazing creatures or whats it called, but i dont like it
warzone 2100
Impossible Creatures
>I know the game amazing creatures or whats it called, but i dont like it
It's Impossible Creatures. But yeah for how much everyone loves to jerk off over its creature combining gimmick, you'd think more people would remember that the actual game is complete ass.
>select the unit roster
This is more of a thing in tactics games. What you usually get in RTS is branching tech paths, like the different minor gods in Age of Mythology that give you different myth units.
However, CoH had some units you could swap, like the Cromwell for the Kangaroo. Magic & Mayhem had you swap out alchemical ingredients to get different units. I think Tooth and Tail had you pick units for each tier in multiplayer.
>mix & match the properties of different units creating something new
Hybridization is a really rare mechanic reserved for occasional gimmick units like the IFV in Red Alert 2 or the ghetto gunships in SupCom.
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. No basebuilding but you get to pick the units in your army and there's an army painter mode where you can fully customize every unit

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