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>maam listen to me!
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You'd rather go through all this trouble rather than set the difficulty level to easy?
>experiment and discover
Doesn't work with live-service nu-games.
>Outright removed
I'm not even talking multiplayer here.
It's really fucking disheartening when it happens.
Bonus points:
>The dev posts in his blog telling how the change was necessary in order to align with his vision
>It's a 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' early access
Old games and non-pozzline games still exist. The rest doesn't make any sense in the context.

>touching early access
>non-pozzline games
such as?

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Map games are shit
>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
>win condition is just "maximize your material advantage"
>overly agressive neighbors just make you both lose
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>It was an absolute slog getting across the continental divide
And getting through Syberia isn't?
>Map games are shit
>>corner powers have an inbuilt advantage
this nigga has never played Dominions and forgotten to turn wrapping maps on
this game has the worst combat i have ever experienced, such a disappointment
>Austria somehow in a massive alliance from turn 1
Sorry bro, you just got Habsburged
>Splitting America like that is actually based and fact pilled.
Yeah the north/south is-
>the Transcontinental

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ITT: your dream setting for a /vst/ game
>Russian Civil War
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>We built multiple continent spanning railroads
>he fell for the union pacific psyop
Anon said "game". Cinetik fucked up in early dev, and it will never be fixed to be functional.
Mercenary medieval isometric turn based reverse-stealth game where you're hired by niggas to protect the goods with multiple points of entry for enemy but very limited amount of guards to cover them.
Very little actual killing involved in game.
Guess the closest I got was Invisible Inc.
An English Civil War game would be dope.

How does it hold up compared to Heroes of Might and Magic games (post IV)?

I've had it on my GOG backlog for a long time, and I've known about the game series for at least a decade prior to that. I always thought it was just Heroes with waifu simulator or something.
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not an option in armored princess, but I also believe those troops count as dead for your score at the end of the game as well, like the paladin resurrection skill technically just giving you more troops after your dudes have died.
Doing a Crossworlds mage playthrough right now. My lineup is inquisitors, archmagi, paladins, engineers, red dragons + emerald dragons in reserve for when I need more high tier units for bosses and such.
What to put in the other reserve slot? I thought black dragons to make full use of the perk that gives +2 morale to dragons, but they feel rather shit since magic immunity hinders them more than it helps.
Yes, because no-one does "generic fantasy" anymore.
Plenty of mobile games do generic fantasy
Your take is garbage - it was a different team. Firs two were made by the original team, Warriors of the North and Darkside were made by ragtag teams of modders hired by the publisher who had the rights. Same happened with Space Rangers - those later editions (Revolution or something?) with OP pirates, the only ones which you can get on Steam now, were made by some modders.

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Is Workers & Resources a city builder or an autismo logistics simulator?
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I always use water towers for storage because I chronically forget to build pumps. I wish there was a difficulty setting that made you build a water utility but didn't simulate pressure
nice digits
> wish there was a difficulty setting that made you build a water utility but didn't simulate pressure
does disabling completely remove them from the game?
I find that the realism on the game really supplies a long term autism that I had for a reason to build things that make sense
>does disabling completely remove them from the game?
Any water/sewage buildings remain, but the simulation for it is just disabled.
Are snow plows a meme? I'm playing on the Siberia map and the plows are just too slow to be to be effective or maybe I'm just using them wrong
Snowplows are okay, but they can take a while to clear a bunch of roads. The average snowplow takes a couple days to clear a km, so you really only want them working on important roads.

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New video dropped. Actual “gameplay” is shown.


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its not that he knows its that he wants it to be another tortanic epic bomberinoooo. its a way of coping with life
In that case, you fall into the latter group I described of autists caring more about borders looking neat than the actual gameplay (nothing wrong with that, it's a matter or preference). In one of the HOI4 threads a while ago, someone mentioned another weakness of the small blobs approach being that certain provinces will have more connecting tiles than others, which causes them to have disproportionately more decisive battles regardless of the province's actual importance historically or within the campaign. You can still make blobs work, but it's not easy if you care about how the game will interpret them.

It's probably a temporary thing while the game is still in alpha, or at least I hope so.

I personally have high hopes for it, but paradrones will likely hate it since it's hexes.
Yeah, they're still reworking the map
>paradrones will likely hate it since it's hexes
Nigga, don't hate me cause I'm beautiful, nigga.

What's up with that slanderous shit? A true paradrone is an addict, and Paradox is the only serious supplier in town. There's nothing wrong with expanding supply. It won't get me to switch, or anything, just another pile of booger sugar to stick my nose in. Hexes are A method, and I'll see if it works out for them.
>In that case, you fall into the latter group I described of autists caring more about borders looking neat than the actual gameplay (nothing wrong with that, it's a matter or preference). In one of the HOI4 threads a while ago, someone mentioned another weakness of the small blobs approach being that certain provinces will have more connecting tiles than others, which causes them to have disproportionately more decisive battles regardless of the province's actual importance historically or within the campaign. You can still make blobs work, but it's not easy if you care about how the game will interpret them.
This is more a function of Paradox's decisions with regards to RGOs and combat, for example tiles only having one resource, and combat being "toy soldiers" based rather than something more abstract like HoI4's air war. So it's not about caring more about borders than actual gameplay unless you insist that Paradox's gameplay is the only allowed gameplay.

What are some good strategy games where you get to control street criminals?
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Mob Rule/Streetwars
>nigger can't even follow a simple instruction
no wonder u can't into rts
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>no results
shit thread
granddad said syndicate was neat

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>2024... I am forgotten
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Yeah but in space 4X you don't have that many choices for where exactly you settle. With non-space 4X you have like 20-30 different tiles that are reachable within a single turn. In Millennia it really matters on which exact tile you put the city because there's super strong adjacency bonuses for a district thing which you can only place within your (1 radius) city borders or adjacent to it.
The game extensively uses this system where you have global resource pools of different categories and then you can click a button to spend these resources to instantly gain something.
Some examples:
>there are no workers, instead there is a global "improvement points" pool which you can spend to instantly put an improvement anywhere
>you don't build settlers, instead you can use a "government XP" ability to spawn one
>"warfare XP" which you can spend to instantly heal an army or spawn a new unit in any city of your choice
You get the idea. Obviously Civ and similar games are not realistic simulations either, but their systems are a lot less abstract.

Anyway, I don't have anything against these systems, although they seem quite unbalanced numerically. They definitely set the game apart from other entries in the genre.
I dunno if it's Civ-likes or just this game, but it's not interesting on a turn to turn basis. It doesn't feel like I can mash 10 turns without paying attention but it also doesn't feel like I'm doing anything significant each turn. I don't typically get this feeling in space or fantasy 4x.
The devs really think not being able to get key techs like steel smelting because you entered an alternative age is a good mechanic.
The only one I can think of that misses steel is Age of the old ones.

How do I git gud? How do I make money and what techs to research first? Any mods that fix bugs or AI problems I need?
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Depends on your start and how you want to win, but you typically want to snap up all the worker techs. Then after that you can do something like beeline aesthetics in order to build the great library.

>buildings bad
Lol, no. You have to be more selective about what buildings you place in your cities because IV is not V where you turtle on 4 cities and build every building in each one. You just don't build certain buildings in certain cities because its an opportunity cost otherwise.
>cuirassiers are the sex
If you're going for a Domination/Conquest victory and you rush the enemy you can can start long before this
>Lol, no.
Hyperbolic, I know, but it's essentially yes. Less buildings is more efficient on higher difficulty.

>you can can start long before this
Never said you couldn't.
Cottagecore fags need to get the rope.
get the incas, recruit many quechuas, skip the settlers, skip the buildings, you wont need them. You can recruit more quechuas later,
so how does Civ 4 hold up these days

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The 2K website put it up early for a second. Will this be the return to form?
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>Stalin and Mao didn't instantly start doing random civie death events first week after walking in to a new area.
Indeed, people don't need grain, comrade, the dream of Communism is enough to sustain the human body )))))
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Yeah, and 10 years ago people also believed smartphones would reach tge power of PC. But just one more decade, right?
*would reach the power of PC by now
I was tired.

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Post about your experiences in MP, your best moments, your strats, rulesets, etc.
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Recently I've been giving people loans and slowly turning them into debt slaves. Normally with loan offers players can choose to just let the loan default and their only consequence is a cb to take lots of money. But if you make the loan payment terms hundreds of years, they don't get the option to let the loan default until they expire 200 years into the future. More often than not, they will pay back early instead of paying interest for 200 years kek. And because buildings and other investments have such shitty roi in eu4, I can make the interest rate 1.5% and still be making more ducats than if I splurged on manufactories
honorary jew
>Venice's infinite money loan mechanics
wtf is this?
>"AI" thrashes a major tag player in a defensive war
is my favorite, especially when it's not a rando group (Playing rando groups is an experience in itself).
The amount of cheering, and people putting down their rivalries just to enjoy the moment feels like England getting its arse kicked in the finals.
Losing "a" major doesn't ruin the game.
I play as a shitter when I'm major, but I play all the way until I'm annexed, and alsop bant all the way in (Poland WILL be great again, mark my words! we wil beat the Swedish scum, retake our rightful land and join our allies in the HRE with the respect we deserve!), Overall, mp is more fun if you act out a retard,.

Is there any other trading games liek Patrician 3 or Port Royale 2, where you lead a trading company? Doesn't have to be ships only. Or this it?
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hows port royale 3?
Not bad per se, but it feels easier than Port Royale 2 and kinda soulles. You can be your own pirate faction though, and that's kino. In any case, way better than the horrible port royale 4.
It's more of an event based rpg. Map with a bunch of towns and villages, supply and demand, work your way up in the merchant world buying more carts and moving up in ranks. Slow and laid back (if you manage your Blind God luck).
check out Sailing Era if you want something new to scratch that itch, way better than i expected from a chinese spiritual successor.
Yo anon can you post the working version?

Every other mod is full of libs and bloat, meanwhile here you can get an actual realistic alternate history experience rather than commie fan fiction.
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It really is the greatest Hoi4 mod ever, it's kind of bland because it doesn't have a ton of althist like content but it just does its job great.
It does little but it does it well.
turning off historical makes the game become too nonsensical
While I agree with the tech tree being bloated, rt56's czech focus tree is my favorite in the game and is leagues ahead of vanilla.
iirc this too is bloat

>game calls itself citybuilder
>pick the hardest difficulty
>instead of building a city mostly in peace or having some random bandits attack you every now and then, you will now get attacked by a huge army, consisting of waves of enemies
>they have substantially more units than you, which means you have to rely on your static defences
>not just your layout is restricted by strategic necessities, but also what you build and when you build it
>the citybuilding aspect now just exists just to reinforce the tower defense part of the game, not the other way around
>the genre of the game changes to tower defence
Is this game like Anno + TD?
We already have a thread for your shitty game, no point making another. All the hype died 2 years ago, fuck off and buy an ad

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