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By the will of Kou Shibusawa, the latest Koei thread begins anew!
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Did they overhaul the visual aspect of combat in Awakening? I miss when there were cannons, cavalry, muskets and infantry working in tandem on the battlefield.
Aside from The Last Warlord, any mobile Koei-likes out there?
Holy based
Op's bussy must be quivering in anticipation.
is the AI still totally broken and unable to improve their lands/castles in Ascension?
The game stopped receiving updates ages ago. Of course it hasn't been fixed.

Who is 'ThatAnxiousGamer' and why has he made the worst review video on SG Beta so far?
Just watched the absolute worst review of SG Beta, and am totally shocked that it hasn't been taken down by YT yet...

Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen.


Clealr has literally no understanding RTS genre, or game development. This guys is the biggest joke on the internet right now
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>Don't be suprised when he gets sued for libel...Biggest pack of lies I've ever heard/seen
how is he lying though when the Stormgate devs pulled a Peter Molyneux
in 3-6 years it will be gone forever because service game
Immortal Gates of Pyre looks like a proper f2p model game
>WOW GUISE THIS IS SO BAD IT'S SHOCKING SOO BAD WOWEEE [links the video and mentions the name of his channel]
buy an ad
I hope immortal makes it to launch
his accent is awesome
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buy an ad nigger

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What do you use to play old games without issues? GoG sometimes bundles a dx wrapper with their releases, but it doesn't always work. I prefer to use dgvoodoo or dxwnd to play shit in windowed mode.
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This works surprisingly well.
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I had Firestorm installed so it might have been the cause. Otherwise it is exactly that, a primitive condition enabling it.
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How do I make the midgame less tedious? I keep losing interest and starting a new game.
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>gameplay impact
There's a type of shambler raid where they attack whatever is ahead of them, so it shits on wall/killbox setups.

Not to spoil too much, I'm currently doing the final anomaly "step" and wish there was more of it.

Biotech > Anomaly > Royalty > Ideology
I wish it was more spooky though.
>Ideology being lowest tier and shit.
Yeah I get you, too clunky to manage without that much of a payoff crunch or fluff-wise
Sex mods haven't been updated sadly.
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Make a concrete goal/civilization.

If you have the dlc this is way easier.

Basically come up with a backstory for your colony as well as a LARP for them.

You could do an expansionist neo-roman civ, Slave trading Sultanate, Trans-humanist technocracy, drug cartel, communist revolutionaries)

There is endless LARP when you have dlc and/or mods enabled.

If you get a napoleonic mod and get rid of advanced factions suddenly its a colonialist war simulator as you clear out tribal villages, and engage in napoleonic line battles.

Every colony is different, if you make them to similar the normally fun midgame is tedious.

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I found Ideology to be the most important DLC because it lets you shape your colony into something truly different than the surrounding cultures, but to each their own.

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What's the most realistic WW2 rts available?

I am looking for something so autistically detailed you could play it with a military handbook on the side.
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moves in china was just part of old empires great game
soviet moving to sinkang was just russians returning to their old influence zone and not like nippon, usa or other nation also didn't move there
>The west stands up to the Soviet Union because it invaded Finland
KEK! They wouldn't even do this when the SU was ostensibly a collaborating axis power. Best case scenario you have for a 'world without Hitler' is a state where countries like Germany, France and Spain turn to communism and the anglosphere has to stop them.
>Germany split between communism and DNVP, could go either way in this scenario but not before say 1938
>French communists win 1936 election, possible François de la Rocque counter-coup as nearly happened irl
>Spanish civil war kicks off in 1935, Soviets and France help Republicans win fairly easily. Player has to deal with insurgency funded clandestinely by Britain
>Italy, Portugal and the Balkans are a kind of non-aligned (though Fascist) bloc. Concerned about communism but also ambivalent toward the capitalist west, they will either be pulled toward helping the Anglos or convinced by the communists to just stay out of it and worry about the longevity of Fascism as an ideology.
>USA even more isolationist than irl as the red scare hasn't had time to take hold. Maybe this can be used for communism to sneak in domestically, or some kind of schizo civil war 2 to break out by a fascist minority who think communism is the threat nobody is talking about. USA democracy can survive by electing Wilkie
>Japan can freely redraw the borders of Asia as another counterweight to communism

What do we think?
You will regret your words.
Hearts of iron 4 black ice mod.
>Without German help the KMT is paralyzed in China. Consider commie china owning more states
>After the de la Rocque counter-coup it can be possible to do 'Socialist Nationalist' France which is led by Doriot. Basically this worlds version of Hitler. Hard to do, possibly assasinating de la Rocque with La Cagoule will allow it
>Left soviets far more emboldened. Soviet civil war will be the Spanish civil war of this scenario between Stalinist (anti-west , pro Fascist) and Trotskyists (anti-west, anti fascist nobody is safe until world revolution type). Might be a mechanic of communist countries being split over which side to support (Spanish communists would be pro Trotsky, Germans would be pro Stalin). Fascists sieze Siberia like Kaiserreich backed by Japan.
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Yes, and I wasn't impressed. Refunded. It's basically like a CK2 lite, but smaller map, weird battle system and minigames. Star Dynasties better, if you looking for dynastic games.
characters cannot die from unnatural causes.
absolute babby game
>Star Dynasties better
Well, I didn't listen to you and bought, but it seems you are right. Nothing seems deep at all. Will refund.
so CK3?

Best HoI4 mod there is, can't wait until the Russia update comes out.
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>they ruined it by making it kino and having it be like any other HoI4 mod
Kill yourself.
These mods are always fun until you have to use HOI4’s combat system.

Vic2 would be a better base if only the AI didn't collapse under the pressure of any changes made to the economy. HOI4 manages to get by by abstracting the economy and politics to a degree where it’s only communicated through flavour text (which is strange, considering HOI4 fans are the most rabidly political of the entire PDX community - see modern Kaiserreich.)
do bioweapons even work? I've never seen them spread
Based Vic2 filter these tranny freaks.
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shogun 2
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Incredibly late reply but light cavalry are your friend. Also Uesugi AI is coded to be more aggressive towards you so prepare for a northern invasion. Take gold mine like the other anon said but also take Imagawa's school.
Been playing this a lot lately. Love the setting, art design, map, music. Really like that I can play a short campaign in 2 days so o get to try a lot of factions.

But damn is it slow for action. Seems like a battle or 2 completely breaks a faction.
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Holy shit I've been playing fots legendary choshu for 10 hours straight and keep getting fucked by ai navies
It takes just one or two naval battles and it's fucking over
next theres your billion koku foreing trade port being destroyed alongside your buildings and a naval invasion you can't combat because all your rice went to repairs
Playing for the first time, shimazu, damn those christian niggers are annoying
This is why trade is a trap. The AI sucks at navy in general and will just endlessly stream single gunboat "fleets" at you, bypass your navy's vision through the fow because they cheat and B-line directly for your ports, which they either disable instantly via bombardment or just blockade. Buildings (especially ports) in fots are so expensive and you have so little income at the start that you can easily be go bankrupt or get bled dry trying to keep a port active through the endless gunboat spam.

And because naval autoresolve is fucked, you'll frequently lose ironclad battleships to single gunboats and generally suffer so much attrition autoresolving the endless deluge of meaningless naval battles against inconsequential fleets that nonetheless pose a threat to your port that it literally isn't cost-effective to take those fights, even if you're sinking the enemy ship every time, because repairs and upkeep make your navy so expensive. You either have to suffer the tedium of manually resolving multiple single-gunboat fleet battles every turn and constantly patrolling the coast to catch little fuckers cheating past you, or just ignore ports entirely and focus on building up your domestic income

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>greatest total war game
>is not even a full total war
>is a dollar store dlc…
>with half the factions
>and a quarter of the units
>and no rome
>and a fraction of the map
I don’t get it, why do people love age of Charlemagne so much?
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Well we know that, the education isn't anything spectacular in America.
>>greatest total war game
You are making up something nobody says to seethe about.
Age of Charlemagne is a good dlc campaign for Attila, which was the last good TW game.
I'd take Age of Charlemagne over Rise of the Samurai any day. That's not the same thing as claiming that it is "the best TW".
>which was the last good TW game.
Attila was complete shit
Worst campaign map mechanics of any TW, battles over too quickly, units having completely arbitrary stats
The only TW I haven't played is Three Kingdoms and the ones before Rome, Attila is easily the worst of them all.
Attila and Rome 2 were both terrible.
retarded faggots, every single one of you

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The worst game ever made.
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lmfao i still miss SP2
Supreme Ruler 2030 or Power & Revolution.

These are only ones left. World Economy and Warfare is becoming an indie slop/scam
I would legit rather play this then Scamorlords
>not slop
The Fr*nch devs just fix like one or two bugs, add some current thing slop mechanics, package all of that as a "new edition" at full price and go back on Le Strike for the rest of the year.
We're never getting a good geopolitics sim

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So... how is your Factory campaign going?
Also, just for fun, come up with (your) theme for a town.

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these are all me btw
How tf did you get Chronicles to work with HD. Last time I tried, it was an unofficial mod(not from the HD mod team) that also bundled SoD and a bunch of other shit for which there was a menu to turn them off individually, but it didn't do anything as they we're on no matter what I set. For example, I remember that the combat speed was insanely fast and when I tried to turn off the part that made it faster, every 2 frames one was normal speed and the other one was that insane speed
>More importantly, this means that OP has spells and the opponent doesn't. They could have abused OP spells such as expert berserk as they mentioned, but there are a few other strats too that can trivialise the fight.
>The fight is vs an army in a town, so you can block the entrance with a unit/corpse and trap non-flyers inside the walls.
These don't work against dragons, which the dude was fighting against
I've used this: https://www.moddb.com/mods/heroes-chronicles-fully-compability-hdmod/downloads

I was installing in Linux (using Wine), but basically:

Install HoMM3
Install all Chronicles (from GOG preferably) individually into their own folders
Install the HoMM3 HD
Install the Launcher
I interpreted
>things like this
as 'a lategame fight against seemingly insurmountable odds' not literally a fight vs that specific army. Therefore I gave more generic advice on how to 'humiliate' the AI.
>These don't work against dragons
Not all dragons fly.
Berserk works against most dragons, all of them if you have orb of vulnerability (not rare on challenge maps). What are you on about?

The main point was that that fight isn't even that scary in terms of challenge maps. Veterans would be more scared of stuff like cursed grounds or the same fight but vs archdevils instead.

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Let's talk about a series that is slowly dying off.
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I want a game like this but with companies instead of just individual fighters.
Is that Advance wars is?
Hyperdevotion Noire sort of is like that in a sense that you're repping Playstation against Xbox or Nintendo
Fe1 or 7
I like Fire Emblem

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What makes them good or bad?

Every mechanic (any game) essentially falls under the category of external or internal.
External anti-blobbing mechanics allow foreign powers unity against a threat.
Internal anti-blobbing aims to cause internal issues like revolts or reducing the goods gained from conquered lands.

EU4 completely fails at these things. Coalitions fail because AE is fixed on local development instead of the relative value of its conqueror, and ultimately it just slows expansion. And its revolt system is a wacky-mole.
Imperator does better at these things, but the lack of coalitions makes expansion too easy.
CK3 fails miserably because factions are beyond idiotic.
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Nothing stops you from expanding, you have to deal with the consequences of rushed expansion - risk of revolt, low loyalty in recently conquered regions, slave unrest, insecure borders, etc. These can be mitigated with buildings or with time.
If you just want a map painter look elsewhere
That sounds kinda like what sship does.
On top of the general unrest that comes with being conquered that usually requires a decent general or a big army stationed there for 10+ turns to offset, the further away from your capital the more unrest that settlement will have and generals will have lower loyalty too. Every settlement also angers other factions and lowers your reputation which makes it easier to end up at war if you don't let things cool down, and on top of that if you are particularly aggressive and take over a lot fast then you will get a faction wide scaling unhappiness.
Then there's a whole 'nother factor in your King. A sprawling empire may be thriving under a good king but one bad succession can send you scrambling to prevent mass revolts if you haven't taken the time to build up and stabilize them and if the king is particularly bad you may even shatter into a civil war.
The number one most realistic and most effective anti-blobbing mechanic will always be good AI. Too bad devs are too incompetent to actually implement it, or perhaps they are just too afraid of normalfags to do it.
They typically are bad because they don't apply to the ai
The best anti-blob mechanic would just be some balance of power ai shenanigans like the victorian era irl
If the player and their alliance get to big the rest of the continent starts allying together for protection with this mechanic also being applicable to AI countrys that also get too big so it feels fair. Would also naturally lead to big world wars (by design)

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Dead since 2015. It's joever.
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Because they weren't. Least frustrating sieges in the entire TW series either attacking or defending. If you put guns/bows up on the wall they actually worked great unlike the shit we have now in warhammer.
>put thunderers up on wall
>only ten decide to shoot at all
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Just bought three kingdoms. What am i in for? I've been playing total war games since rome and just completed ogre kingdom campaign which i enjoyed very much.
shut the fuck up you retarded nostalgia faggot
sieges always sucked in total war
Skill issue you dumbfuck zoomer
Instead of magic ladders your guys can just climb straight up a sheer cliff kek

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Why have there been no good city builders in years?
You'd think it would be easier than ever with how fast CPUs are today.
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Sim city 3000 is still the best. You don't need a new one every year.
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Any city builders where you can see inside buildings?
This was my favourite city builder when I was younger. Theres a swiss guy doing something that is probably rhe closest to a spiritual successor, Pax Augusta iirc is the name
Damn, I loved CivCity back in the day. I found the disk in a box full of junk in a back room some months back and tried installing it to no avail. I want to play it again...
Just started playing Anno 1800, about 10 hours in and enjoying it.
Going through the campaign right now and the only issues i have are the ability to pan around the map easily and constantly moving houses around to fit in new public service buildings like schools and theatres. Don't know how much range the Marketplace has but I guess I can just build more if needed.
Are there easier ways to switch views between different colonies?

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