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I started playing this yesterday and it fucking SLAPS
There’s one thing I disliked however, the amount of scripted bullshit the game can throw at you. I played as France, France starts at war with the duchy of Toulouse or whatever in the albigensian crusade, easy enough right? Well literally one turn later I’ve got England declaring war on me because of an event, Flanders declaring war on me, Aragon declaring war on me because of an event, and the HRE declaring on me as well. And when I did take Toulouse, an event gave the AI two 15 stacks for free right outside Toulouse, with heavy infantry and knights. Bit much imo!
The scripts can also go in your favor, for example I got a free ceasefire with England and they got pretender rebels because I managed to hold on to Normandy (not before I snatched Aquitaine from them hehe)

Overall things are looking good, the albigeois are crushed, England is busy with its rebels and I can turn all my armies to the treacherous flemoids.

And the battles are absolutely amazing, heavy cavalry is OP, as it should be, and the medieval 2 soundtrack coupled to Attila’s gameplay is pure total war cinema.

What are you guys thoughts on this mod?
Post screenshots fagget
The mod's great but I really want they manage to mod the campaign map with the new tools
Played it a year or so back. It is pretty good, my only real complaint has more to do with warscape combat than the mod itself. It lacks that heavy crunch of cav impacts that med 2 had.
>What are you guys thoughts on this mod?
Unbalanced, bad perfomance, poor ai scripts, unfinished.
Some toys for cheese with if you enjoy it. Not worth your time otherwise.
Ah, forgot main flaw.
90% of battles is sieges.
Just like the Middle Ages. But yes, it is pretty unfinished. It's in alpha since, I dunno, 2018 lol
>1 settlement per province
>cav impacts that med 2 had
This, also I miss having the option to play the original starting date for M2 (1080)
Sieges in MA:
>gather army, come to castle, offer honorable surrender, profit
Sieges in 1212:
>micro every single siege or w8 20 turns
>enjoying blob combat
Some of you are hopeless
Tbf that's literally what happened in real life. But yeah.
Hmm i think i want to try this game, what seperates it from normal attilla? Does it do that Medieval 2 MUH REALISM MOD thing where armies are actually quite expensive to make or maintain something? Well i guess that's how it's like in normal Atilla a lot of the time but still.
The gameplay isn't too different from vanilla M2 except the unit stats are roughly uniform across all factions and depend mostly on the role and tier.
The province system was partially removed.
The map and settlement placements are still from vanilla meaning that you get completely nonsensical borders and cities that are hundreds of kilometers away from when they should be IRL
The AI is also basically disabled, you're free to conquer huge swathes of land while the enemy armies do nothing.
Overall it's an extremely unfinished mod held back by Attila's anti-modder hardcoded design.
it's shit. The engine isn't designed for medieval combat. Heavy cav can't eviscerate an entire line like it could in medieval 2.
I personally experienced mostly open battles which is a good thing because the mod’s strongest point is how fun heavy cavalry is.

Campaign wise it’s somewhat close to Age of Charlemagne except that every province is one city like in older titltes.
Some factions also get some scripted events.
Battle wise it’s the same as Attila except the units feel heavier, and heavy cavalry is much stronger. Also it felt to me as if troops had higher morale and were harder to rout but I haven’t played vanilla in a while so it might just be me.
for me it's the models blatantly ripped out from warband

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