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any games where you make money to invest so you can make money better?
Yeah, there's this funny genre known as incremental/idle games, some of which aren't even idle at all
fm24 with the khazar avatar
That and war profiteering are the backbone of the X games
Capitalism Lab and Wall Street Raider
Ck3 lol
Invest in some Atlas freighters.
Sell weapons to the Space pubebeards.
Use that money to make your own slave colony.
SatBomb the Hegemony and steal their steam engines.
trading 212
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all paradox games teach great real life applicable ways to make money!
>find the best wife so that in a few generations my descendants will be supermen and I'll be rich!
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>Cap Lab & Wall Street Raider
these are the big 2 i came to recommend. Couple other options for smaller ones
>Big Ambitions
i didnt find it particularly deep but still fun. Haven't played it in quite a few updates (it's early access) so not sure how much it has grown and improved. Might try it again today.
>Stardew Valley
Playing this right now. Instead of going crops I've been focusing on raising cattle and chickens for my money.
>Port Royale
Trading game
>Software Inc
Build a software company. Make games, antivirus, OS's, whatever. Continue to expand
>Travellers Rest
Fun little tavern management game
>Railroad Tycoon 3
Older game but I really like it.
I'll ask here in the business game thread. Anyone try SAELIG? Seems like it's kind of like the Guild 2 which I love
they really need to make a eugenics expansion for EU4. its their only game where that isnt significant. that and HOI but that might draw unwelcome attention
It's sorta significant since ruler stats or so important, but not influencable yeah.
unironically EU4. Once you conquer/dev up enough you'll reach a point where building manufactories (and other buildings) will increase your income quicker than the interest you have to pay on your loans will rise, so you can take a bunch of loans, build manufactories in all your provinces, then pay off your loans with the additional income you get
Why don't people do this in real life?
why aren't you?
I'm not a government. Do you have any idea how many permits I'd need and taxes I'd pay?
plenty of people/corporations do, they're called "business loans", it's a major part of the economy actually
It’s called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, it can be done imperceptibly, over time.
That's terror
Most people aren't immortal absolute rulers with unlimited access to 4% loans and perfect ability to extract that value uniformly from every piece of land they chased another sovereign out of.
So EUIV is unrealistic? I thought it was a historical geopolitical sim!
It's very realistic, governments actually run on admin/diplo/military mana in real life and world leaders like to compare their stats, the only reason you don't get to see the mana and ruler's stats is because you're just a hunk of development/manpower unless the leader of your country gets an event to make you into an advisor or new ruler.
I thought I was on /tg/ I was going to say Monopoly. Instead we're on /vst/ so I'll say Monopoly the video game.
don't make me hurt you
Supermarket Simulator is literally, unironically, transmetaphorically is best finance game to be released since Capitalism Lab. It’s addicting as all heck. I don’t even game much anymore, but on a new system I’ll still install HOI3, Shadow Empire, Capitalism Lab, and Supermarket Simulator. That’s it.
>Supermarket Simulator
People are unironically paying for a game where they stock shelves and sweep floors. Grim.
I feel a sense of dread in my body whenever I remember my time working in retail. I had a really hot manager though, the fact that she was hot was the only thing that made me tolerate how bitchy she was.
Offworld Trading Company
The game makes you realize what a shame it is the retail jobs turn so many young wagies away from what retail actually is: buying low and selling high. The game is somehow thrilling moving all those goods through your store. Cashiering, stocking and sweeping floors are just mini games to keep the day to day aspects of the game exciting. Worth a pirate at the very least. And there are tons of smoking customers to keep you excited too.
the appeal is that you'll actually feel the fruits of your labor in the success of your store, instead of simply receiving the same old paycheck no matter how hard you work

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