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I was interested in a submarine sim and came across Silent Hunter 3 but was unable to run it. Then I found this, and I'm not sure what to think of it. Some of the models, especially the characters look odd, the ui looks a little cartoonish, which seem like red flags. But it has good reviews, so I'm really not sure. Can you help me out fellas?
I played it a lot when it was being developed so it’s probably a lot better now, I remember one of my best gaming moments was when I finally figured out how to fire torpedos accurately and took down a British cruiser in the Atlantic Ocean fun times
I feel dumb when I try to calculate my torpedos manually via the computer thingie
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Fun, runs like shit, interesting concepts and has good mods as well
>Type II bathtub and the Type VII are modeled with insides
>but the Type IX is DLC and no type XXI
There's more content for SH3 and 20 years of mods. I think there even was an obscure german Jet designed OTL as an improvement to the Me 262
>In a sub sim
Alongside more campaigns like;
>krauts shipping preffabbed subs on rails to the danube, then on rafts to romania where they assembled and made a wolfpack
SH3 with mods is the greatest u boat sub sim I've seen. I recommend the Sh2022 edition for modernized experience desu
Otherwise U-boat with the expanded mod is the best
Cold waters with the dot mod is also a great sub sim if you're looking for a more action oriented game as you have better torpedoes and missiles to play with.
It's pretty good. The visuals were a bit offputting to me as well until I realised it's down to the devs having mostly made those german job simulator games in the past and carrying the artstyle over.
As far as the gameplay itself is concerned it's pretty addictive, I'd found myself staying up late a few irl days in a row running patrols in the North Sea in my type II. It's pretty fun with the resource and crew management to keep you occupied between the sonar scans, and when you do get into an engagement the game does take itself seriously with the simulation aspects of it. Can be a bit janky at times if you're fighting enemy vessels up close or need to identify specific ships by name as a priority target, but that's where you can fall back on ordering your officers (managing those and their skills is a good chunk of the progression system) to take care of the aiming instead of you doing the whole simulated process, as fun as it is to do when everything's working as intended.
One big annoyance I had is that most difficulty settings can't be adjusted after you start a campaign and then you realise that sure, you think you were doing pretty well lining up your shots, but actually due to the fuse sensitivity setting you chose they actually didn't really care about the impact angle and were more-or-less guaranteed to explode as long as they hit at all. Also don't choose the baltic sub base, you can't timewarp at max speed while in the Kiel canal and it does get pretty annoying wasting a couple of min just waiting while cruising on a preset path at the start and end of every mission.
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Nein, you don't have collequal sonar as far as im aware
What you use are hydrophones, primitive passive sonar which have manual and auto mode respectively;
Gives you approximate location, heading and speed of enemy, not nearly exactly where the enemy is which an active sonar would.
Also beware harbours are absolute jank in every game. I literally surfaced directly on a Norwegian harbor at the start for a spy mission.
As long as you don't fire straight at neutrals, nothing happens, not even horribly inaccurate full auto fire with the flak gun means anything
>Sunk 3 ships and spent literally all my ammo, even torpedoed the harbor itself by mistake while manually setting target
>The bongs did not move, the norwegians did not fire, no destroyers were sent
Why manually target you ask because you can spot and calculate enemy ships with a far longer range than the AI
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This thread is making me want a submarine or naval warfare simulator but with anime girls and yuri.
My one critique of uboat is that they tried to make a submarine manager but failed at that part of the game. Crew management outright doesn't matter and you can set officers up on 6 hour shifts at no downside to have their energy never be an issue. They could cut scheduling and crew duties out entirely and nothing would change. And indeed there us a game mode for that but my tism won't let me play on anything but maximum settings.
Fun game with missions based on real life. Pretty satisfying to learn torpedo calculations and get hits. Lots of ability to tweak difficulty.

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