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Have you challenged yourself to play as one are state for the whole game
I just finished my favourite run of a long time, using Muisca and playing tall + defensive.
The reason I continued a bit after 1821 was to see how France would end up because something weird happened. After a civil war, Revolutionary France kept its name with Revolutioary in it and flag but changed into an empire moarchy
How many wars dld you fight? What are your international relations? I assume that other tribe is your vassal and French are your allies.
At first the only thing I did was annex Tairona and let animist revolts convert me, because as Inti you need 10 provonces to reform religion and it didn't suit the campaign I was going for. Then after that I basically did nothing, not even teching up, just using the monarch points to develop my provinces. Then after colonizers came, I clicked the missions for dip reputation and made them share knowledge. Thus I teched up with much less monarch points that I would have. Anyway the colonizers were okay at first until the colonies establish Then they get hostile, but for me, since I was inland, it took longer to connect with me for claim. Until then I made defensive and architecture ideas for forts and the first war was from Portugal. Thankfully in this play Portugal had only 30k army and it wasn't enough to siege, so after a while along with attrition I was able to peace out for a lot of money. I used money for more fortification and since about 1550s I had a war waged against me every 15-20 years. At one in 1660 I was about to lose since Spain (which annexed Portugal and all its colonies lmfao) just had too big of an army and I thought of just giving up. However miraculously France joined out of nowhere (without me calling it) because it had Spain as rival. I was catholic at the time btw, I made sure to convert to catholic because otherwise Spain would call a crusade against me (happened in another pagan run). I am a theocracy which has a government reform for more fort defense. Anyway after about 1700 I developed and fortified my four provinces so much I wouldn't have to be scared of being invaded. But again, it was hell. My goal was to survive to 1821 but every truce end, if Spain wasn't fighting another war, it would wage war against me and I had to wait until the war score ticked until I could peace out. After 1750 Brazil became independent and I had it easier.
Switzerland is fun. You are only allowed to retake your cores. Try to survive being surrounded by GPs. Create a Mountain fort nightmare and drain any invader’s manpower before they take a single fort
>i sat afk for hours
sounds amazing
It's fun in it own way. The game just become a lot more comfy cookie clicker like game than the usual sweaty map painting.
>i sat afk for hours
I actually did a lot, especially doing estate quests, waging war against carib and arawak over insults and getting money or prestige, helping Andean allies, developing area etc. But anyway it was a lot of fun preparing for the coming colonizers
What are some fun relatively small size countries for playing tall?
Korea and Italian minors come to mind, I guess Netherlands too but that's only if you don't consider colonization to be wide.
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I'm gonna play Ming tall and try not to explode.
Could be fun.
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1 Florence
2 Gotland (Pirate)
3 Hamburg
4 Korea
5 Lubek
6 Netherlands
7 Portugal
8 Riga
9 Switzerland
0 Venice
Genoa or Venice?

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