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i never badmouthed civ 6 other than the ridiculous propaganda bullshit like the scale of the climate change and noble savages leaders
other than that best game in the series and the last good one one apparently, like homm 5 was.
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talk me out of civ7, im trying not to get it but its calling my name..
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>like homm 5 was
atleast make your baits somewhat believable anon
im not baiting anyone
im not a desperately lonely social reject who craves any form of attention even the negative one
civ 6 is a great game
Both Video and Game part are equally important. I won't bother with game that has fucked up visual part, when I can play games that have it and gameplay good instead.

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Fuck that specific spot edition

Thread to discuss Graviteam tactics and Combat mission games and others like them.
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I didn't realize bodies from previous battles showed in in deployment. I've seen destroyed vehicles, terrain damage, and trenches before. Never bodies though. They should have worn their helmets
Sound like a seething grav tranny to me
yeah its a neat feature for sure
Ok next time they CM games go on sale I got two left before I own all the ones I want to, and it's between Fortress Italy and Final Blitzkrieg... which do you recommend? I'm leaning towards Italy due to the crazy terrain, but FB probably has some nutty late war stuff
I would say Italy just because it's an underappreciated stage of the war. You can play as Italy and utterly fail to defend your home.

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My Rec is Worldwide, Anno Domini, Expansion Mod, MEM, Rise and Rule, MansWork, The Ancient Mediterranean, and Maybe Civ III Conquests Plus. You should know that many of them will need to have a label .txt fix.
Only thing that I really liked about 5 was hexagons. Those were nice. Great game in general, probably the last good one. Don't know if I'd put it on the top spot though.

1 has a special spot in my heart because my dad played it a lot and I liked watching it. Made me the nerd I am today.
That actually sounds like a cool mechanic.
I could see that being a neat side feature. You could maybe contextualize it like how archeology was handled in past games with the feature to do that being unlocked by workers later in the game when there's more "physical" research that they could invest themselves towards like excavating battlefields.
>Tell me if there are any essential community patches or mods, that let it run smoothly on modern systems

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this thread is dead on arrival
I just wanted to make a collection of anime themed RTS games because many anons claim that there is no such thing

>Star Maidens Chronicle
>Lost Technology
>LotusCraft - SecondSeason
>Touhou Boushuen ~ Age of Ethanols
>Terra Centauri
>(upcoming) The Touhou Empires
>(upcoming) Some anon making an RTS with schoolgirls

There are of course also mods like
>cymod (Red Alert 3)
>Anime DefenseX (WC3)
>Gundam OneYearWarA11 (Rusted Warfare)

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Yeah, someone had posted a screenshot of it previously and that's roughly what I intend to copy.
It's that or Total War's long-ass list at the bottom of the screen, which I'm not a big fan of despite how convenient it is.
not realtime but based
>try Paraworld
>physics and animation are capped at 30fps: not great but okay
>camera movement is capped at fucking 10fps
Oh god this feel fucking awful.

Anyway, finished the tutorial and the game seems nice outside of that terrible camera update rate.
I wasn't sure how I was going to handle Officer level-up (WCIII-style wouldn't work well with support/small squad) and what they use is pretty much what I had in mind so I will take that as validation. Funny you can level up your worker units - not sure if it can turn them into combat Chads, if it just boost their construction/collect rate, or if it does nothing useful.
I didn't meant you have to play it just take notes from the army commander.

The upgrade system is pretty cool, they also had some other neat ideas and the theme and unit designs are neat.
The bloom is almost blinding and something about combat feels off though.
Your max rank t-rex should be able to oneshot most units, instead it feels more like a rpg hit rotation and some attack animations don't quite hit enemies. RTS that do this may be more noob friendly but it never feels good
Why on earth would you ever want these to be capped at greatly different rates? That sounds really miserable. Capping it outside of the user's control alone is bad but combining the two feels like a headache to deal with since now I'm going to have to adjust my eyes and hands to two different paces for no good reason.

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play it and post screenshots
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Can’t wait till someone either makes a SWTOR submod or RevRev gets around to the SWTOR time period, I want to drown the Republic in a sea of Harrowers.
Unless Corey has a free time generator I think Imperial Reign, the later part of Thrawn's Revenge, and SWTOR era will probably be the last of Corey's EAWX mods. He's become overextended and has too many projects on his plate. Even Imperial Reign seems unlikely since the only thing that's come out of that in the past year or two is a few models and Corey talking about a couple of ideas.
>past year or two
Correction, Imperial Reign has been in development since at least early 2021, so nearly five years with almost nothing from that.
I fucking hate how many of the designs are just your average space doritos and walkers. SWTOR has some cool designs, but they feel weird at that point in time

>Imperial Reign
hasn't Corey said that it's more like a side project to test mechanics and other stuff?

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what's the best RTS campaign ever made?
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What's your criteria for a good RTS campaign? What aspects do you like or prefer? For example, I've always liked when campaign allows you to do things outside the box (even if it's in the most obvious, simplistic, sometimes outright exploitative way) or use some primitive military tactics. Like, as a kid I loved the final protoss mission in Brood War, because you can essentially do a Dark Archon rush, capture a drone, build a Zerg base and wipe the map with two 200/200 Protoss/Zerg forces; or like Firestorm GDI finale, when instead of starting building a base straight away you can scout further, find a poorly defended CABAL base with three refineries in the middle of the map, so you move your MCV there, build barracks, capture those refineries (and harvesters) and have a decent enough base in relatively easily defensible place and with ample amount of resources; or RA2, when sometimes you can destroy Soviet MCVs before they arrive and then mop up the remaining forces later; or C&C3, when a lot of the time there are partially revealed maps with script triggers that you can avoid, prepare and overwhelm your opponent. Or I remember trying to play WC3 campaign on Hard difficulty and sucking so bad that the only way I could defeat the AI is to have multiple resource bases and a relatively small defending force (as lowest upkeep as possible), then wait for the attack wave, ramp up unit production right when it's started, defeat the attackers and then immediately counter-attack with reinforced stack, either crushing the opponent or destroying as many production buildings as possible; now, that was a lot of fun.
Age of Empires came out in 1997, the latest Civilization out at the time was Civilization 2 when civs still had no unique features.
This would rather suggest the reverse. Like saying Civilization 3 and later games are a mix of 4x and rts games, because they share a feature with an rts game, which is also retarded.
Aging up doesn't put it apart from other RTS games, upgrading up in tiers is very common in rts games.

As for replacing vs upgrading, in preceding civ games, you do replace old units and train new ones instead, since there's no promotion mechanic other than through Leonardo's workshop wonder, without it you need to train musketeers from scratch because your phalanxes are trash. Even with it, there are dead ends before modern era, there's no cavalry upgrading to tanks in Civ2.
Also, Warcraft 2 has you upgrade Archers to Rangers, Knights to Paladins so you'd have to call wc2 a hybrid also.

More techs is rather a matter of degrees, than difference of genre.
Worker count is big in wc2, broodwar, and honestly not even that big in civ games, so not sure where that comes from.

None of these are defining features of a 4x game as opposed to an rts game.
An alternative victory condition is hardly enough to say a game is a mix of rts and 4x instead of just an rts, especially since it's not even a genre defining feature within 4x.

You recognize a setting theme, like History.

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Its fun and iconic. Theres Teslacoils are cool and the atmosphere and soundtrack for the game is great. Its a fun game to play then and its still fun to play now. The CNC Retaliation Soundtrack is one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard.

You cannot tell me this song is not atmospheric as fuck.
>time travel in a strategy game that covers all historical eras
>instead of doing anything crazy with it you just go back to modern times
Waste of an opportunity if you ask me. Like imagine if you'd have to go back to ancient or middle times to stop time traveling terrorists from changing historical event.
>You cannot tell me this song is not atmospheric as fuck.
That can be said about all of Frank Klepacki's soundtracks. You cannot tell that this song is not atmospheric as fuck either:

A new game from the AI War dev where you play as a self-aware runaway AI that tries to take over a dystopian city. It is on early access but can be played from start to finish in it's current state.
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Yeah that got me the first time too. Luckily the minerals I was skimming from were only a block or two away from my tower so it wasn’t too much of an issue to pivot all the androids I had set up around the mining site.
Got the gorilla species, VR stuff, uplifted raccoons and divorced liquid metal. Didn't know how to increase cognition to do the donuts and didn't wanna skip like 600 turns to the end so started some new playthroughs. (Tip: hack mechs manually for upgrades). Later went back and made a bunch of bio computers to reach lvl 5 cognition.
is it as superficial and disappointing as ai war?
I accepted a ball from a child and after everything stopped exploding I made friends with Lake.
>read everyone else’s first endings where they did multiple things
I feel stupid.
Parkour bears are fucking insane, I wonder if there's a way to breed more

>what if we took everything good about our first game and turned it into some mediocre city management game haha

What were they actually thinking when they made this?
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> t. Communist
Helicopter political sim when indiefags?
>Who are you quoting?
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>He doesn't know
Communist public education is to blame, we need a game that accurately models privatizing education beyond simple modifiers
My public education is to blame for you misusing meme arrows?
Yes bur*aucRAT, you can bend the rules a little and use it to highlight a portion you want to like;
>You are a nigger who picks sawdust on day 1 and then wonders why his people are starving
>as marx intended
Similar to greentexts.
Devs should be forced to read Thomas Sowell and Hoppe's books and implement a full austrian economic system based on medieval monarchy with victorian aesthetics in the next game

How to marry doll waifu
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It's simple; I love gynoids
I prefer hard ryona over guro but that's besides the point.
without sorrow there can be no joy. They are robots, they can be rebuilt, better, stronger, faster, curvier.
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>nobody mentioned the king
That game's such a banger. I remember playing it as a kid getting reeled in by the promise of porn only to find out that it was actually a fun and challenging strategy game and more on top of that. Music slaps so fucking hard too. What are the odds of that happening?

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Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
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they have their paypigs and its harder to pallette swap a game now
Probably because of the lack of know how or knowledge. They've been doing ROTK and Sengoku since forever so they know what to put in those games with their eyes close. If they make a new L'Empereur, they need to conduct mass research again because again because the last game was like, what, 25 years ago. As for Genghis Khan, the scale of the game would become so big that they'd be creep out a Civ game, GK4 was basically a Koei's take on a Civ game anyway.
They've already said the same as CapCom and the like. With increased budgets and the need to make a return on them, focusing on strong brands rather than small and mildly profitable titles is the way to go.
They don't stick to Sengoku/Sangokushi because it's easy or cheap. They do so because those two were the best sellers back when they had to jump past simple 2D DOS games.
Regarding PTO, it's mostly likely shelved due to the fact that portraying Imperial Japan at all would have brought unneeded controversy.

Heck, PTO3 got flamed by the Chinese and the government fined them for making a game that "glorifies" Imperial Japan.

Funnily, the Koreans are okay with PTO because it properly depicts controversal history like how the IJ Navy and the IJ Army frequently quarreled with each other to the point of making things harder for themselves and how Japanese-occupied territories issued forced labor and comfort women.
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What researched and accomplished with GKIV is still impressive given how the only way to access history is through textbooks unlike today.

It's a neat game on the operational level without hexes, has detailed OOBs and equipment/crew autism aswell
>Its core game(3 missions on the battle of bulge timeframe 1 tutorial)is free on steam with workshop support
I just got into a couple weeks ago and it's great. The free BIE scenarios on the workshop are awesome.
I bought both the Greece campaign and the Market garden campaign and even though they're pricey the DLCs are high quality
This game is really fun would recommend. I like how your orders are delayed and wish more games would do that.
You should check out Flashpoint campaigns: Southern storm... similar concept but cold war gone hot... and a lot less autism than Command ops 2... that may be a positive or negative to you
This looks right up my alley, thanks. WEGO is my favorite type of turn based.
Yeah its great, also top tier menu music

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Stand up against the nu-dev that forbids all fun, anon!

https://gofile.io/d/Z2NBUb - Zip of charts for Bormann, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Egypt, France, Japan, Kaukasien, Mexico, Norway, Palestine, Turkey and many more reworks that'll never release!
https://files.catbox.moe/j8tp21.pdf - December roundtable notes. Germany and Brazil never.
https://files.catbox.moe/c5pdqt.png - Japan rework. OTL PMs only, please.
https://files.catbox.moe/xlhrjj.pdf - Sweden proposal. Dev STILL lurking in the thread, will respond to every comment about it.
https://files.catbox.moe/ycctp0.png - Sweden flowchart. We lost Pakt Sweden for this OTL-fest.
https://files.catbox.moe/uq883w.pdf - Brazil-Argentina war design doc.
https://files.catbox.moe/l70qhw.pdf - Burgundian Eulogy: Burgundy 2 was real but got scrapped like everything else.
https://files.catbox.moe/zff5y4.pdf - Serov "facelift" document. The first leg in the now confirmed Komi rework.
https://files.catbox.moe/ymgaur.pdf - Amur rework doc. Over two years in dev hell, still no release date.
https://files.catbox.moe/48jovf.png - Kingdom of Montenegro flowchart.
https://files.catbox.moe/xfzdpv.png - Croatia flowchart #1.
https://files.catbox.moe/n2227q.png - Croatia flowchart #2.
https://files.catbox.moe/8oi80v.png - Old Bulgaria. You were robbed of Bulgaroslavia, anon.

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Do ypu know what puppets Wagner gets from German lands?
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Blessed yugo, as long as Manchuria comes out I’ll be happy, it seems to be the only good thing in the links.
I guess Ukraine war buckbroke them into thinking denazification is bad or something
Something that bothers me about 2WRW splitting off from the main mod is whether or not the good content from the original mod would be integrated. I want Manchukuo content because I like Manchukuo, and I personally really like the map rework (inb4 muh bloat, muh too many VPs, etc.) Couldn't care less for Oinkraine or Mexico which are just sad excuses for Mango to shit out nothing ever happens slop. I just want the fun stuff in base TNO added to 2WRW
The original plan in the old Panzer era was Wagner giving west Russia to Moskowien but they then decided to just rework the tag... In 2021.

Yugo is on their team, isn't he? We already know that they plan on porting content that doesn't break their mod so Manchuria isn't an issue.

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Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.

CTS: campaigntrailshowcase.com/campaign-trail/index.html

NCT: newcampaigntrail.com/campaign-trail/index.html
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For Want of a Nail shit is always cool to see.
Why are people fixated on George Wallace, Nelson Rockefeller, Jerry Brown, and George Romney?
Where the FUCK is 2024?
It's almost march.
2024 never ever

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>Total War: Star Wars refers to a rumored upcoming video game, reportedly being developed by Creative Assembly, which would combine the "Total War" strategy gameplay with the Star Wars universe, potentially allowing players to command large-scale battles across different factions within the Star Wars galaxy.
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How did they get the licence?
They can't do world war 2 but they can do fucking star wars, this is going to be complete shit
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CA openly said that setting of their future Total War is inherently so dark and brutal, they can't justify making blood and gore separate dlc for it in particular. Star Wars Total War was never real. Assuming that literally who consolefag journo wasn't simply outright lying, his source who "reportedly" leaked TW:SW in best case scenario mistook Cadians for Endor Rebels, Sentinels for AT-ST and Power Swords for Lightsabers.
ah yes, the setting which has ground battles well suited to the TW formula. I can't wait for the x-wings to be totally ineffectual flying units and darth vader soloing armies.

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last thread died
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So Mono-Tilapi Ethnostate makes me happy.
So if I set the radius to 1%, they will go no further than 1% of the map away...right?
Can a mono-race town do good or is multi-culturalism the fate of every good town?
I love Songs of Syx as a concept. I'm not sure I love it as an execution.
OKAY, can soemone tell me if serial killers can be detected practically or of it's just a guess?

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