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>"Oh, aye, it were me cousin—aye, me cousin, not me, I swear it! He seen a feller, bold as a badger in a henhouse, swipin’ up a piece o’ armor so grand it gleamed brighter than moonlight on a frost-kissed night! And wouldn’t ya know it, off he scarpered leggin’ it straight for the mountains yonder, to the northeast, sure as me ale is warm!"
>go there and fight camp
>legendary equipment is a light 130 defense "famed" armor
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Go fark a goat
Perfect focus is such a busted fucking ability. No late game brother is complete without it. Combine it with the Vala rune that converts damage into fatigue with a cleaver bro and you have a brother that can delete a lindwurm in a single turn.
More like wartales is battle brothers in 3d but worse. The combat/strategy/character build elements are all inferior and that's what you're going to be spending 90% of your time doing. Not to mention BB has mods to improve the lifespan.
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It was more about old build perfect focus
I like that there isn't RNG to screw you over in Wartales but it still gets boring before Battle Brothers for me. I think progression felt too slow to me in Wartales.

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>be me
>choose X faction
>open diplomacy panel
>leaders make references to Classical Gods
>'Willingly accept your offer Jupiter be praised let him bless your wise words and our agreement today' - Catholic king of England
>armies are named in honor to the Gods
>Pope's personal army: Sons of Jupiter
I feel like Kenneth Branagh's Henry V, Graeco-Roman-Christianity is an underrated niche.
If the dev of the mod is reading this, DON'T "FIX" IT.
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Thanks, I will check picrel, also what means
>Imperio loro
But I'm skeptic about Mavro Orbini, he said that Alexander the Great was unironically a slav, which makes no sense because:
>slavs weren't a thing back then
>and even if Alexander had "illyrian ancestry", by his times Macedonia was a greek people

Also, why do you think Gunnar's theory is not take it serious by prestigious historians, even if they don't believe in it, why they don't try, at least, to check it?
its worth checking for sole reason that its completely ignored by western academia and he cite his sources, plausible or not(it get more possible if you consider phantom time) and skepticism is always welcome
Macedonia elites were Hellenized but they were not Greek and barely seen as Hellen by Greeks proper
>why do you think Gunnar's theory is not take it serious by prestigious historians
>why they don't try, at least, to check it
Too much at stake? What they can gain from trying to disprove it? What they can lose if they fail?
Essentially for them its not worth the bother, so its better to ignore and/or ridicule
>everyone talks about christian persecution by pagans (which was mostly political)
>no one talks about pagan persecution by christians
>Macedonia elites were Hellenized but they were not Greek and barely seen as Hellen by Greeks proper
To be fair, being called 'barbaroi' (non-greek) was an insult that greeks throw to each other, so macedonians being called "barbarians" make sense.
Also, by the time of Alexander even the common folk of Macedonia was hellenized, the common language was Greek and the religion was Olympian, therefore they were greeks by assimilation.

And, again if the common folk still preserved their illyrian heritage, that didn't make them slavs, but proto-albanians. Since even the south-slavs (the honest ones) admit their ancestors came to the Balkans in the early Middle Ages, not in Antiquity.

And, if we accept Gunnar's theory, the slavic peoples still not being natives of the Balkans by Alexander's reign.
>>no one talks about pagan persecution by christians
I know about it, the thing is was mostly intellectual, and the real fight was:
>aristotelians (pagans and christians) vs neo-platonists (pagans and christians)

Also, remember that the pagans that suffered violent persecution were the same that were persecuted in times of greco-roman emperors, the christian emperors still being Pontifex Maximus of the Greco-Roman Religion.

For them, Christ was following the tradition of overthrowing the previous King of Gods, like his father Zeus Hypsistos did with Cronus before.

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So is this actually worth picking up? Looks very asset slop-y but at the same time the premise and concept is intriguing to me.

>Captcha: H8R48T

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Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts's final update releases soon
>Cold waters 2 floating cold in the water
>3D naval sims have cowtowed to their 2D superiors
RtW chads won, excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplay
On the other hand, will he dev a new darthmod and save CA?
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anime website, tourist.
personally i'm still waiting on a RtW-like game but for tanks
>arms trade tycoon
In 30 years Hamish will add it to Sprocket.
>excel spreadsheets are the superior means of naval sim gameplay
There's less reppetitiveness and/or room for a feeling of emptiness and just an overall boring game in a spreadsheet game. All the stats and all the features you need could be a few clicks away. Devs need to understand quality over beauty sometimes.

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shooting your paragon before it even enters the battlefield.
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>ion pulser: not as bad as the irpulse, the worst thing you can put in an energy slot
truly the weapon of tomorrow
that new armaa script which detaches modules so that they fight independently from the main ship is pretty cool. pic semi related
Hasn't that always been a thing? I know that if the Altagrave backpack gets separated from the main ship, it keeps fighting.

Still, I want to play the new update, it looks really good. But I've still got a Terraria playthrough to finish.
The script I'm talking about immediately detaches the module when the ship is close to an enemy, instead of waiting until your ship is at half hull or something. You could've probably edited the Altagrave script to achieve the same effect but that requires Java autism.
Best thing is that the script is already slapped onto an invisible "weapon", so it's really easy to add it onto other ships and do your own stuff with it (like what I did in that screenshot for example).

The update is pretty great. There's not *that* much new stuff to be honest, but the MRC Reprisals and the Guardual are pretty neat. The atmospheric battles are cool too, but they're relegated to just two missions for now. My biggest complaint with the update so far is that the dev put New Meshan inside an asteroid belt.
FYI unless the vs armor modifier is 200% then damage listed is always wrong and will never be the stated value because damage reduction is multicative and the bare hull itself has an armor value. EMP weapons are valued because EMP ignores armor for purposes of shutting the ship's stuff down.
It is annoying that it doesn't just say outright what the true damage values are but there you go.

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Because the Remake sucks, I implore anyone curious to check out the original ROTK8 for the PS2 instead.
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Objectively X. 8 Remake is enjoyable too and is more recent, but that game is a lot more of a friend making and OP main char making simulator than a strategy game.
Does anyone know how to launch RotTK 9 on Windows 10? After I installed it, it just doesn't launch without any error message.
Have you installed Japanese to your computer yet?
does the pc version have a decent translation patch or am I gonna have to play the ps2 version?

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What's the consensus on the game? It's been out a bit now and is only $10 on Steam at the moment. I loved Civ IV. Never got into Crusader Kings though and I hear the game is partly Civ + Crusader Kings
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>browns calling each other brown
"Works on my machine" kind of solution, but it got more stable for me when I updated my BIOS for whatever reason.
I picked the game up cause it was on sale and ive been looking at it for a while. Between the government stuff or science, faith etc. which is the best to focus early buildings and stuff into?
Science is always good, and you will need lots of civics. You don't get courts/libraries until midgame, so early you usually just want to get a stable stone income because all wonders and tons of other things need stone. You only need enough food to not be negative really and then either wood or metal depending if you want to mass archers or melee.
yeah this game performance is all over the place devs had no idea what they are doing. Before the game was running flawless for me while everyone complained about perfomance. They updated and now the game runs like shit. There's 0 reason for this game to have such a shitty performance other than devs have no idea what they are doing.

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very but not for the reasons you think
>What's really damning is Hungary is huge because I'm been using them as a comically oversized guarddog in the Balkans the greater eastern European world. I feel like I was quite literally bankrolling them because I lovebomb them with gifts and tributes that last years.
that was often done in real life too so don't feel bad
feral suck dick anyway
most of what are you saying is BS tho
do you siege their last city?>

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I had a weird dream about Kalterkrieg Redux where the entire world was split between Canada and Germany like in the Man In The High Castle
>All of Europe including UK is conquered by Germany and every nation has a Wilhelm 3 as a king. He also had a different name for each country like Viljami, Vilhelm, William, Vildaugas, Vilhelmos, etc
>All of New World is directly annexed by Canada. There is virtually no unrest and everyone is working tirelessly towards the homecoming. Entente never declared war on syndicalists and just spent their time preparing by conquering weaker nations. Edward constantly says that he will liberate UK in two weeks
>Russia is ruled by Savinkov who is living in a Truman Show where everyone he knows is replaced by a british agent. He thinks that he conquered Germany while in fact there was never any war and his country is being plundered by canadian corporations
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>>Russia is ruled by Savinkov who is living in a Truman Show where everyone he knows is replaced by a british agent. He thinks that he conquered Germany while in fact there was never any war and his country is being plundered by canadian corporations
Could be great as a joke mod but I don't think people would bother developing much content for it
can't wait for another version 0.0001 release and subsequent abandonment
do it
Is it really that hard to make a compelling story for a kaiserreich cold war mod?

The trailer was very short and barely featured any gameplay. It was apparently this PS4 exclusive indie turn-based strategy game, with possible roguelike elements according to the description but that wasn't very well defined. Instead of a top-down perspective, the camera was positioned on-level with the characters, more akin to a cover-based shooter, and the gameplay showed seemed to take place in a dance club.
What I remember most was the aesthetic, which had very strong neon colors, kinda like the Just Dance games, but looking more amateurish, if that makes sense. It was hard to tell if it was actually 2D or 3D, but I loosely recall the backgrounds looking hand-drawn, while the characters were very obviously rotoscoped. The guns also sounded very bubbly, kinda like they were firing lasers, but the game had a modern day setting. The music was also this very incomprehensive mess of synth noises and beeps.
All the trailer showed was a woman with a pistol popping out of cover to shoot another guy, which was the brief gameplay part, while the rest was a still image of two characters screaming while shifting back and forth between different color palletes, before the head of one of them exploded, but I could be remembering that part wrong.
I can remember pretty well two other things. The first was the premise. So, it was about this virus or drug that can kill anyone in either 7 hours or 24 hours (can't remember which), while slowly driving them insane (although that part could just be my brain explaining the visuals and was not actually mentioned), and that managed to infect the whole world, which led to everyone going on a rampage. There was no mention of any characters or setting.
The other thing was the reaction. There were quite a few comments both on the Youtube video and the forum post, and almost all of them were negative, being annoyed at how little the trailer showed, how it seemed very obnoxious, or how it failed to show off the capabilities of the PS4
I may remember seeing a YouTube ad for this. Unless it was something else, the virus/drug thing is a backstory for a zombie apocalypse:

>some kind of super-advanced biological immortality breakthrough is made (" nanomachines, son!" I guess)
>somehow it needs a satellite connection to function properly
>something obviously goes wrong and most people die
>the nanobots go into emergency mode or something and tries to resurrect them
>obviously, they become zombies

I'm fairly certain your description of visuals matches. I don't remember about the comments but I can imagine people not warming up to a trailer that's all lore dump with bombastic voice over.

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Loading screen simulator is finally out. Age of darkness thread, are you having fun with the campaigns?
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>multiple people complain about performance and load times, including steam user reviews
Quoting wrong post?
I just timed my loading to 13.10 seconds. This is the end of the world?
Aside from the performance things (dunno, it works on my machine), this game feels like the weakest of all these "defend against hordes of enemies" games.
First the map design: at least from what I've played, you always start in a position where the only access to your keep is through 2 chokepoints, so it is extremely easy to just wall those up and turtle, whereas in other games your "exposed surface" is much bigger.

Second, the hordes always come in a stream of units, so even if it is like 10k you've got to kill, it is not that much different than a 5k horde as long as you have the dps to not let them pile up

Finally the map clearing is painfully slow and feels like a chore
Worse TAB in every way.
honorary mentions:
>shit performance
>shit control
>shit pathing
>units can randomly stop accepting orders
>powered with onions

Cherry on top - It was more fun when it just went into early-access than it is now for reason, which is impressive in a way.
Choke on my money.

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Currently trying to wrap my head around Fall of the Republic. I remember playing Corey's mods almost a decade ago and they were nowhere near as robust as this. There's a fuckton of new mechanics to the point I feel like I'm relearning the game entirely. Trying to play as CIS but I'm getting my ass kicked.
I'm kinda thinking about going back to the original Republic at War just for the classic gameplay of steamrolling everything with a deathstack until you encounter the enemy deathstack.

What are some underrated mods for this game? Also, EaW thread I guess.
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But will you be ready for the vong
Gas Mandos, Colony Drop Mandos, glass Mandos, poison Mando water supply, behead Mandos, curbstomp Mandos, hire Alion Nova Guard to attack Mandos, sieze Mando assets with the IGBC, Send Revan and Saul Karath against Mandos.
>Colony Drop Mandos
Has a colony drop ever happened in SW?
The Yuuzhan Vong War for sure when Sprindal had its moon crash down on it and maybe when the Luysanka crashed into that Vong Worldship.

Slice Mandos with a lightsaber, turn Mandos into Rakhgouls, Land Star Destroyers on Mandos, Throw Mandos into Exogols, Spike Mando water with deathsticks, report Mandos to the SIS.

If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5.

How fares your empire /gsg/?

This week in history:
1010 – The Jews of Limoges, France are given the choice of baptism or exile.[48]
1012 – One of the first known persecutions of Jews in Germany: Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor expels Jews from Mainz.
1021 – A violent earthquake occurs, which some Greeks maintain is caused by a desecration of Jesus by the Jews. For this reason, a number of Roman Jews are burnt at the stake.
1078 – Council of Girona decrees Jews to pay taxes for support of the Catholic Church to the same extent as Christians.
1092 – The Synod of Szabolcs, Hungary prohibits Jews from working on Sunday or marrying Christians.
1096 – The People Crusaders led by Count Emicho, decides to attack the Jewish communities, most notably in the Rhineland, under the slogan: "Why fight Christ's enemies abroad when they are living among us?" 800 are killed in Worms. Another 1,200 Jews commit suicide in Mainz to escape his attempt to forcibly convert them and 600 are massacred in Mainz on 27 May. All in all, 5.000 Jews were murdered.
1099 – Jews fight side by side with Muslim soldiers to defend Jerusalem against the Crusaders and face massacres when it falls. The Crusaders set the synagogue on fire while the Jews were trapped inside. It is generally believed that hundreds of Jews died in the synagogue fire, and many more were killed throughout the city. Raymond of Aguilers, boasted of rivers of blood flowing through the streets of Jerusalem.

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ive never seen myself as being with any non-white non-eastasian
theyre just too ummm spicy you know
the furthest i'll go is a spaniard with pointy brown nipples and roast beef
theres seriously no point to dating a non-virgin
aktually you can have sex with them (female)
why would i want to have sex with females

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What are some strategy games focused on singleplayer or at least ones with good campaign modes?
Both real-time and turn-based are fine.
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Starcraft 2

Got some nice meta progression and customisation between missions.

Also they do the thing where you basically have to build from nothing/almost nothing at the start of every mission, which I prefer. Never liked AoE2 scenarios where they keep starting you off with a large walled base.
mental omega
not one single mention of Homeworld...
AoE 2

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When's Six Ages 3?
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>Previous thread
uh oh melty
Ride Like the Wind was just alright. It was pretty disappointing in its linearity and rigidity. But Lights Out... man. I need to think about it more, but I might have enjoyed it from a gameplay perspective more than King of Dragon Pass. It was also structured fairly linearly, but it had a completely different set of goals, required an entirely different mindset, and that made it incredibly fun. I truly hope we get a third Six Ages, because A Sharp is a wonderful developer and I'd love to support them more.
The vast majority of vns doesn't have anywhere near this kind of complexity. They are also mostly focused on one character which is fine but it's a different type of game.
>Always surprised me it doesn't have a million copycats because it looks like the easiest shit to make.
There would be a million copycats if it looked like there was decent money to be made. These don't sell well so those people opt to copy streamerbait co-op games which do sell well instead.

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