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modern xcom games thread
Enemy Within and War of the Chosen
exercise restrain when using explosives
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resistance friend activated the codex again
Are the sexy mods any good?
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so i met the Archon king today, so much for a deathless run
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archon king softened them up but it was a codex that killed them
>scan for a guerilla op
>low profile

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>Get the urge to play SimCity 4 again
>Think of all the mods and dependencies you need to keep track of
>Don't bother
Anyone else like this?
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Why play SimCity 4 when Cities Skylines is better in every way sheesh
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horrible bait anon. skylines isnt nearly as good as sc4 and has alot of casual babby features for casual players who dont wanna struggle and only want to build and win.
Do cities scale correctly?
This. Also you shouldn't be bankrupted because you built one too many road tiles.

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Can I have some shoes?
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yes if you play generals you're a cool dude.
AK-47s for everyone!
>The only thing stopping combat chinooks from being pure rape is their inability to gain veterancy and thus self-heal

I just bought it. What can I expect?
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>devs caved in to demands to shut a woman up
Holy based
It's ok. I'm French, it won't be an issue for me. And I already know the show.
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There's also an option to mute the foul-mouthed dwarf. I wouldn't recommend it because you'll miss out on some great interactions:
Elf: Yay! I gained a level.
Dwarf: Shut the fuck up, you're still useless!
>Americans struggle with it because they can't understand the concept of having a failure as the hero. For them the hero always has to be faster, smarter, stronger
This has absolutely nothing to do with why the writing is shit, you pretentious windbag. It's because every character is defined by exactly one personality trait and they never ever shut up about it.
I keep forgetting that I own this.

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Whats the peak of Total War genre?
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>1 province France
what the fuck were they thinking seriously ?
I think it's the musket/arbquesus particle effects for sure.
The interface is the real FPS killer, somehow. Switching to the reinforcements menu makes the framerate shoot up immediately.
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I am fond of Empire because there's so few games set in that time period but fuck me the AI is probably the most broken still of any game
>anons unironically naming shogun 1 and medieval 1
Holy shit, take your arthritis meds with your apple sauce and go to bed you out of touch, contrarian geriatrics.
Hating modern shit doesn't make you cool.

Are there any good mods in the works?
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want more flavour? use it with hfm more flavour mod
you all keep crying about Victoria 2 AI, well i did the research and that´s all you can do due to the shit is hardcoded want a better AI? play PA (KatEngine fork) want a more crimeamod approach with a better AI? play Victoria III mod
>play PA
doesn't work on linux
>play Victoria III
>doesn't work on linux
wtf are you talking about? ill admit that it takes fucking forever to compile because their headers are poorly optimized, but last i tried it worked just fine with a couple static_cast's added.
idk people on their discord keep saying they cant compile it and the windows binaries with wine never worked for me

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Hola, El Presidente! How's your island going?
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>Uneven terrain.
Sorry, El Presidente, retaining walls are beyond the ability of even the greatest Tropican architects.
Me. I prefer 3 over 4.
Sadly the Tropico games are too easy for me and it got kind of old. They should change something. Raiding was not fun. Everything is too goofy. And not in a good, old-fashioned way they did before.
>buy 6 for a couple of euros
>play through the "story" missions
>early islands are easy but atleast different from eachother
>keep getting more and more advanced built up islands starting in modern times
>drop the game
the eras are a mistake

I'm doing a meandering playthrough of the Dawn of War campaigns. Just finished the Order route with both imperial and eldar endings for Winter Assault and I think this is the best DOW campaign I've played so far. What's your favorite DoW franchise SP campaign?
>DoW 2
The upgrade and equipment mechanics are more interesting than the campaign tends to be. You kinda just do the same mission structure over and over and maybe like 3 defense missions. Only enjoyable if you really want some Space Marine squad fluff.
>DoW 2 Chaos Rising
I played a squeaky clean zero corruption campaign so it was interesting enough to have to do secondary objectives to keep from raising corruption.
>DoW 2 Retribution (space marines campaign)
finally some mission variety!
The missions on the space hulk were the absolute highlight for me, they were awesome. Escorting the loader robot and fighting off a billion tyranids with my upgraded squads was sick. Will revisit and play through the other factions in time.
>DoW 1
serviceable but basic, just blob up and steamroll the world
>DoW 1 winter assault (order)
my favorite mission was the third one were you had to build up and relocate your eldar and then hard pivot to a desperate imperial guard defense against infinite fucking orcs. Took me a couple retries before I landed on a winning strategy and got a better working knowledge of both factions mechanics. The Final mission is also really dope getting to use the titan weapons, I think I found it more enjoyable with IG but it plays compellingly different with Eldar as well.
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DoW 2 level scaling sucked ass
What was the point of the loot and leveling system if every single grunt you have to fight always has 10x HP than captain sideshave?
Dreadnaught guy with his cone attack literally carried me through the last 1/3 of the campaign
They didn't and Soulstorm sucks. Flying units make the game worse. Sisters of Battle are half baked.
soulstorm was newer and everyone preferred to play the most recent thing. Engine-wise it introduced fliers which everyone hated in vanilla but liked as a concept to expand upon in mods
and it doesn’t matter because the engine is improved and stable which actually affects modders
I agree one hundred percent.
It's a shame that this is only one instance, that's how a campaign can be. And I don't care that the lore has sunk into a puddle.

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epic poggers for losers who will never get a work at EA to work for a new C&C
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I just tried the demo and the game is fun. The dynasty's mission on insane is really hard though.
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is that the voice actor for the spokesman? the setting/storytelling had a slightly nu-xcom pre chimera squad vibe
I doubt it'll run on my shittop.
More interesting for me is how anons have zero interest in this tacticon event either.
Dude, have mercy on the nerves of local anons.
Or should I start listing unsuccessful RTS releases?
This simple disappointment killed all the hype.
I wouldn't be surprised if the game fails, not because of the quality of the game itself, but because of the general negative opinion towards new releases.

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This game look cool, never played it before. I know the newer ones have bad reception, but is Disciples 1 still worth playing with it's own merits or is 2 just an overall improvement?
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Well that's a neat trick. I finally beat the stage by going double aoe healer and three knights with my starting Archmage, rushing over to the elves and escorting them back to my capital. That let me take my time with the rest.
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A slightly worse advice than what >>1808660 said, but you can also neutralize the Undead AI completely by just conquering their Capitol, which is quite doable as long as you got the Soul Crystal artifact from Mission 3 and a sufficient amount of Treebark/Protection Potions.
I sadly missed the Soul Crystal. The time limit warning popped up and I saw the big bad walk right by me so I killed him and had to catch up 4 levels on the next mission.
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I'd warmly recommend you replay M3 just to get the artifact - it is one of the strongest artifacts in the game due to its ability to paralyze any unit (including the Capitol Guardians) for 1 turn. That will allow you to reliably conquer any Capitol from M4 onwards (picrel is Capitol combat that you can do in M4). Sure, this isn't really necessary as you can complete all missions regularly, but why not be OP if the game lets you be?
Had to apparently not so quickly reach the quest from the beginning of the saga because I didn't even remember what's the big deal. I used to re-play Legions and Hordes much more.
This is the second mission in Empire's saga where you learn in no uncertain terms that Empire's hirelings are trash for garrisoning. Titans are okay but merely just, they do not compare whatsoever to Gargoyles in an L5 town or even to Yetis. Even 2 Wyverns are preferable, and naturally Hordes have much better options anyway.
From what I remember, I used to have a secondary hero stationed there after rushing the town to L5. Don't forget that attacking takes half a turn's worth of movement points from a leader so abuse summons and theives. Even freshly hired leaders if gold is abundant.

And yes, Elves help a great deal.

Is technology too advanced in the game?

Image related is the UK in WWI.
The game considers steam traction engines, steam threshers, are something you get at around 1850.
Now I can find a lot of knob jockeying from internet articles saying that everyone and their pet dog owned a steam thresher by 1860, and then all had diesel tractors as soon as 1900 cropped up. But every documentary I've seen says farming was shit in the world wars and that's why mechanisation, and more importantly, women, were forced into work, though where all the farmhands went, probably on a holiday in France that would be over by Christmas, is oft unmentioned.

It feels really weird. You can not only industrialise with a few decades of infinite growth, you need to because later on keeping up with IRL tech is a ballache that requires a fully automated ga- feminist space comm- consumerist country to fund, and you can neither afford nor can you physically build an equivalently sized army without that massive GDP.
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>Waiting until 19-fucking-20
What are you DOING?
Getting that dumb Amish Paradise achievement as British Columbia. Point is Independence wars are usually pretty easy because stats for 90% of the games are skewed towards defense but this doesn't apply to the brits at all currently.
I think it even took 15 years to get enough liberty desire to declare a war. They were owning 50% of my GDP at some point and I had 0 anti-overlord lobbies to help with it.
I'll try again tomorrow to speedrun Canada and see how easier it is to get independence early on. I'm still worried about Newfoundland being a open front though.
Also did you guys notice how Convoy Raiding doesn't kill army supply lines anymore? In 1.0 up to 1.2 I vividly remember being able to starve armies with good navy play but the lowest I got one of theirs was 95% morale. It used to crumbles to 0% if you could keep their army isolated from supply routes for a few months.
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Its time
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This stuff is brand new
I managed to rush Political Agitation in 1887 as Japan. Got ONE character that spawned Fascist (fucking Shinto Monks) and died right after. I give up trying to get the cool flag.

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===post your build orders===

I'll start:

2Land1Air no hydro:

>2 PG
>2 Mex
>2 PG
>2 Mex
>3 PG

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>new DLC just came out
>no thread
is this game really that dead?
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Do the controls differ, going from one game to the other? Or is there some way to easily control units a la aoe2?
What the fuck?
What is this clown shit?
What's next, announcing new Wargame sequel?
Controls-wise both games are really similar at basic level. Warno has some more "advanced AI" and complex orders but your mileage may vary - stuff like automatic counter-battery and automatic artillery in general works decently but trivializes a previously important layer of the game, while stuff like "Seize" or "Defend" orders rarely work because the AI is too dumb to mount attacks and set up good defensive positions without having the typical singleplayer advantages of superior numbers and knowledge of player's every move.
Warno has some minor quality of life stuff like the often requested line of sight tool - sometimes it might not be obvious what an unit can see and what it cannot especially when height differences and urban enviroments are involved, so Warno has a tool that lets you preview all lines of sight from a specific location. Otherwise I'd say the UI is worse because it's much less readable, which is weird because they pretty much got it right with Wargame.
For the most part someone familiar with Wargame can very easily find their way around in Warno. It's pretty much a sequel, although who the fuck knows anymore since Eugen is releasing a DLC to a game that's over ten years old at the time when they were complaining they don't have enough developers to put out content for their newly released game with extremely similar gameplay and setting in timely manner.
I'm torn because on one hand Wargame is a better game with a better UI, better deck system and generally is superior in ways that matter to Warno, Warno is much newer, has better graphics, has made some minor long-requested changes (smoke screens, 4+ weapon slots, EWAR, etc.) and has a much higher chance that the Holy Grail in the form of mod tools and (ESPECIALLY) map editor will be finally released, etc.
But instead of them fixing Warno or releasing Wargame 3 in first place, we get Warno and Wargame DLCs. French people are schizophrenic.

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Do you really think you need high APM to win? Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
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you need both micro AND macro. you can't just be good at one
>Isn't high APM just a justification for shitty foresight and planning?
"No Plan Survives First Contact With the Enemy."
Humans are dynamic and flexible, you never have 100% perfect information on everything and real life has randomness. Plans, no matter how genius, can always be predicted, circumvented or preemptively thwarted.

>Do you really think you need high APM to win?
If you are in the top 5% of the best of the best then yes at that point the game has been pushed to the limit and the most effective strategies and their relations between each other are known by everyone, so you cannot outplan your opponent within the framework of the game. if you are in the 95% of below the top best then high APM can get you a slight advantage but it is a high cost and minimal gain compared to overall experience in the game flow, game state awareness and flexibility that can change from moment to moment.
good news:
there are genres catered specifically for people like you. why are you trying to turn every RTS into a turn-based strategy game?
>multiplayer dies because people who treat RTS as a single player tower defense mode vs easy AI are too scared to actually play online against others for fear that it will ruin their "I'm such an amazing tactician" fantasy
good riddance
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Situation changes and overall lacking in programmable ai for the detail simulated.

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Anons can add like 3 hexes to the map or anything else really
As a quick rundown, the setting is inspired by old pulp science fantasy

Previous thread:
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I remember from the first thread there was the idea that the equator went diagonally across the map through the jungle and desert area. So the top right is near one pole and the second pole would be some ways down in the bottom left.
might be a good idea to put that on the map somewhere (like a compass so people see north, south etc)
otherwise the climate is going to be random and nonsensical
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I'd rather there be playable land than no land at all.
Isn't Mediterranean weather limited to the western side of a coast?

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