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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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What is dystopian about Magnasanti?
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But enginecucks told me Unity is fine for strategy games.
It's a dystopia in the sense that when a competent government exerts control and the citizens obey without contest it creates a utopia.
This is a liberal nightmare, hence dystopia.
>75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever
I thought the limit for vehicles and pedestrians was 15,000.

You all made him rich and now he has absolutely no incentive to finish the game. (Implying he was going to in the first place)

Now that you all got scammed, You can post your Kneel.jpg's below.

Schizo bros, Come harvest the salt mines with me, and watch Copium prices skyrocket in real time.


Also reminder its your fault the game is crashing: https://www.gamesradar.com/games/city-builder/manor-lords-dev-hits-back-at-players-complaining-over-crash-reports-99-so-far-are-old-drivers/

(if only he knew that everyone has automatic driver updates now and not everyone whos game crashed submitted a log)

Manuretrannies BTFO

>Inb4 Muh sales

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Because dumb faggots shilled their IDEA of the game based on bogus images
If it's any help, it's not as bad as Farthest Frontier, which got hyped to hell and back and then died within a week.
>ratings slipped again
Manuresisters....i dont feel so good...
>simply a perfect balance and polish with no bugs
retard all those things were promised.
kek I can imagine Robbie was doing contract work for this Slavic magic dude and he refused to pay for his shitty assets or something

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Is Caesar 3 still worth playing when it's the earliest game of the Impressions formula? Should I instead go straight to Emperor or one of the modern games like Nebuchad?
There's a mod that brings Caesar up to Pharaoh's level at least, although I haven't tried it out for myself.
It was great, for it's time.
>But it's time was 1998
Short answer, no. Play something newer.

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What's the verdict
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Gonna buy it as soon as these tard let me to.
It's funny how after Relic and Eugen shat the bed so hard the last man standing is Men of War.
It wasn't a deck. Part of the units you could get were British.
Why are you describing Gates of Hell in a thread talking about MoW2?
It's 64 bit now so it runs smooth as bubber.
bubber kurwa

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>Choose to have a longer pace cause I don't know how the fuck one single war can last from the ancient to renaissance era
>Think that this will only affects things like Science and maybe culture
>Turns out production also gets slowed down so eras still take the same amount of time proportional to everything else
>Instead of feeling longer you just press next turn a bunch more times
Why are the developpers so fucking stupid?
massive skill issue
military promotions don't slow down
You still get more out of resources on longer settings.
You can install a mod to get what you want.
"Pace" just means "Length of game"
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could have been better, Askia got first pantheon god of the open sky
>>Turns out production also gets slowed down so eras still take the same amount of time proportional to everything else
Yeah but walking and XP gain don't scale. So you do still get a longer pace.

Realistically this ends up being a huge buff to military-focused civs; their unique units are relevant longer, they have more time to gain xp, and wars are proportionally-quicker.

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hopes? dream? if they pull it off it could be one of the defining features of 3
they're gonna mess it up aren't they?
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Initial CK3 was quite good for a chill Duke/Count game due to the bonuses you'd get from your liege's council. Now being a Duke/Count stops you from throwing court, and I know it shouldn't bother me because RC is lame but it really grinds my autism gears so I cant chill no more. Not to mention the bazillion hunt invitations and plaques.
just get the Ducal royal court mod
1.12.5 Patch Today before free-to-play weekend starting tomorrow
The Plague and Legends section of >>1744241 was implemented
The only Balancing changes were the
>Historical events for Rags to Riches bookmark characters
>About 66% less hunting activities, and the AI will consider the plague when attending activities
>Pastures income boosted
>400 gold
why the fuck does it cost the same to create a castle and make a single granary larger?
So it seems all the mods that add pops are dead. Sinews of War, Dynamic Trade Routes and Weight of Crown. So I guess ck3 modding is dead.

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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Because we can't have nice things, at least the music is good.
Why did they omit much of the CO Super Power animations and music in the remake? Just felt like I was playing 1 with the maps and characters from 2.
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>sami with flaks' face
oh the horror
all this pic needs is a "featuring flak from the advance wars series"

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>alt history bullshit
What do you mean specifically? I'm looking at their stuff and it seems like they have a few big mission trees.
Since you're always the defender if the enemy is sieging a province you can also make a fort and wait until the enemy is marching into it, then move your troops in.
*Sieging a fort
Forts are great in general in Imperator with the infrastructure system and all the impassable terrain. No reason not to have mountain forts

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Which colony would you want to live in, /vst/?
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The thing about Miriam is that she's wise and thoughtful in her quotes, but the actual Miriam you interact with is a warmongering bitch. All the other leaders, even Yang, are peaceful and try to make trades and agreements when you meet them. Miriam from the start is rude, demands teach with no compensation and declares war if you turn her down a couple times
As I said, Miriam is based but the average Believer is just your standard evangelicalist, whose understanding of theology is so shallow they may as well not believe in anything at all.
Yang and Miriam share the same aggression.
Miriam's problem is nobody follows her ideology, while Yang's ideology is police state that has plenty of sympathizers (in-game).

What strategy games encourage the extensive use of unconventional/irregular warfare?
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CA gave up improving Total War after 2009, just as Empire broke the series sales record but also the fanbase by being an unplayable bug-fest.
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>gorrilla warfare is useless, irrelevant and the only reason anyone ever is said to lose to it is because of foreign interference or outright boredom
I was going to make a joke about how the British gave up 'merica because they lost interest. Then I realized you were right and remembered how it was the Kingdom of France who bailed out the Americans and saved their asses. So you're right, the American Revolution only succeed because of foreign interference.

Remember to give praise to France every 4th of July. Oo-Fran-Cais, Oo-Fran-Cais, Oo-Fran-Cais!
RUSE, surprise attacks are a big part of that game
I would imagine it's hard to code an AI that would be good at surprising you or alternatively capable of being surprised. The only game I've ever played that gave me the feeling of unconventional warfare on the attacking and defending side is Squad's invasion gamemode. It's an FPS but it captures the feeling of being an inferior force but having superior positioning and vice versa quite well.
You can't lose any of the pitched battles you never fight. - Me - George Washington

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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should be your first/second war as soon as they go independent first being greek minors than ally up with austria/hungrary or poland more allies better even going over dip slot so when the ottomans declare on your vassal you have a easy defensive war taking most of the balkans should be alot easier than it's simple game of blobbing out
will the ottomans really start a war if you got so many powerful allies
yes because they don't see your vassal as having allies it's a bug paradox has never fixed and can be used to curbstomp almost any nation, unless i'm wrong an they finally patched it
austria is even more overpowered now thanks to latest dlc
dude the pronoiar shit is still so bad, you cant even guarantee byz anymore because they pronoioi athens , then turks dec athens and it doesnt call you in

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Now that manor lords has flopped, we are ready to discuss the best strategy larp game ever
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Eastern Roman Empire.
I like your borders
They’ve expanded a little since then, I’ll post a new screencap after work
a true roman would die before giving up an inch of soil
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Currently working on taking Mauretania for my bonus objectives for chapter 4. I apparently also have to bully the Suebi, so that'll be a fun diversion once the Huns are off my ass.

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been awhile
is the game any different than it was at launch?
I remember the early game being massive slogs with its fake ass turn base shits
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10% isn't too bad. Put all your councillors on it, one of them will get a good roll eventually.
Depending on your definition of rush, rushing ships isn't honestly that big of a trap as long as you actually use them.

Example. Once you have a couple Mars mines, use those resources to get a couple railgun ships and clear the Servants out of LEO and build your own satellites to improve nation development. Even better if you can also steal their mines. Then whenever the alien surveillance mission is about to finish (takes 6 months each time), chase them out of LEO as well if you can.

Each completed surveillance mission is the equivalent of something like 200 abductions, so disrupting that process as often as possible early is huge for preventing them from mass enthralling the other factions control points in mid game and beyond as well as reducing their army strength.
>it's shallow on purpose
>Why this game catering to X isn't providing k?!
You're always this stupid or only when trying real hard?

Typical newfag rushes an entire fleet of Earth orbiters and the can't use them, while also not sniping alians. They also tend to build ships before they can reliably reach Neptune or have surplus to recover from retaliations. Mistakes common enough to be treated as omnipresent
The point is that you shouldn't be rushing EU unification. It is MUCH better if each country building first at the very least 2 MC, and preferably all 3-4 the smaller one can fit. But that means stalling and investing all your CP cap to keep these countries first, which can set you back if you aren't careful.
Also, third of union projects, like the Turkish one, are traps. Said that, 30 isn't rally that much

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
I hate those models.
Otherwise I have no opinions.
I feel the passion in it (i.e. remodeling the buildings and unit to look like WC2, using WC2 music, etc), but everything also feels very cheap (i.e. Stiff animations, reuse of models, etc). Also I felt some parts of it could of been left out or expanded beyond the humble homage of the original, as naval combat sucked in general for both WC2 and WC3:FT.
To be fair naval combat was such a defining part of WC2 that they couldn't just outright delete it.
But it's true that it's janky, like for example loading all your troops in transport ships often requires several clicks. Also it does feel like the AI doesn't know what to do with the naval mechanic at times.
How would you expand upon it though?
Something like a naval hero would of been nice, as lost isles is just you transporting units from island to island and sea battle is bit tacked on. Although I do credit them for giving ships abilities at least.
I can see Daelin Proudmoore and his ship becoming a hero

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>title name and colour customisation
>CoA customisation
>custom faiths
>hybrid/divergent cultures
>architecture/fashion mix&match options
>achievements allowed with mods
Why did they never add these things back in CK2? Was player choice not respected back then?
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>me when i sell a plot of flat land for the full price of a house
>2/6 points are gameplay related
Why is there no HIP equivalent for this game ?
>It's only good for breeding and cultures
That's more than enough
The code was mostly alright, though I've done a bunch of refactoring and clean-up over the last year.
Plus adding a bunch of new stuff like the Orgy activity (after tours and tournaments) and new MAA with AI art was really fun.

The hackiest bit of code I remember was due to secrets.
Basically, the original author wanted there to be a secret phase, where you needed to secretly convert people before going full blown master, but what happened if you died before you were ready?
Well, your heir needed to know all the old secrets, so the original author made an entire character just to store secrets onto so that the secrets would carry over to heirs.

Pretty sure it stopped working (if it ever did) and so I refactored it, turns out its much cleaner and simpler to just check every living character for the secret (you only run this check once) if you really had to.

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