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this game released in 2017, why does it feel like it released in 2001?
These games have not changed one bit since the late 90s, huh

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Victoria II player trying to maybe learn Vicky 3, after playing it at launch and hating it for the economy micro. Does anyone have any guidance as to how many "infrastructure" buildings I should build, by which I mean things like barracks, conscription centres, universities, and government administrations? In Vicky 2 you just promoted the relevant POP types to the ideal numbers (1% bureaucrats, 2–4% clergy, 5 soldiers), but here I don't know what I should be aiming for.
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There's no forgiveness for making warfare simple in an era of extreme military innovation.
the most unforgivable part is weapon production
unlocking bolt-actions is literally just +10 tools +10 oil input and +30 small arms, like that is so disgusting
unlocking army techs in vicky 2 felt really fucking good, in 3 only 2 techs feel important each tier and the rest is just fodder
I'm still hopeful the military update will make that better, there's potential for interesting choices if they pull a page out of hoi and make weapons actual equipment, make tech matter and make companies give different bonuses for equipment
Hopefully that doesn't happen, the military system is fine as it is, anything more will mean shit AI and its already bad, just not as bad as in HOI4 or EU4/Vic2. Also Morgenrote already added weapon tiers and stuff like that but the AI can at least handle those.
>playing Sweden
>get Scandinavia between 1870-1880
>denmark and norway had been buck broken for a while now
> both have multiple civil wars before I form
>every single province controlled by the AI is below expected SOL
>immediately the provinces depopulate for the Swedish provinces with working industries
>all the previously AI controlled ones are at about 100k
>basically nothing is staffed in the provinces, even profitable businesses
>90% of my European population is in Sweden now
Is there a minimum pop for provinces? It's been like 5 years of continued pop decline but they haven't gone down below 100k. Is there anyway to salvage these? I'm thinking of nationalizing and scrapping most of the factories there to try and consolidate the remaining workers into the most profitable business there. Probably doesn't matter, but it seems stupid having so much land that's barely being used.
Open jobs increases attraction.
I'd look at the migration maps to figure out why people abandoned those places for your core regions.
If you fix it, using the greener grass decree helps, but don't use it before you fix the attraction.
Demolishing unprofitable industries is probably good but remember to have competing profitable ones for the sake of wage increases and therefore SoL increases (unless you have the minimum wage law, then you don't need competition).

Paradox doesn't really give you any tools to "fix" depopulation, especially in useless states like Denmark.

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SHOCKER: the game that killed Team XCOM is actually pretty good. Too much "erm so that happened" in this script and I don't love the create-a-character but so far this is fun! Kinda makes me hate it more! Why did 2K send this out to die with no marketing? Why didn't they make this an Avengers or X-Men game instead of frontloading literally who's like Latinx Zoomer Ghost Rider and that one girl from Runaways? Why couldn't they use the Ultimate Alliance name for this? Did 2K/Firaxis just wanna kill team XCOM for corpo political reasons?
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It's way better than Enemy Within. You don't get enemies falling from the sky then immediately going overwatch, the game doesn't push you to overwatch creep, and the combat is far less random and out of your hands than EW.
A big improvement on and fitting sequel for the first Firaxis-com but still not as good as the classics. My only real gripe is that they doubled down on making pods work instead of just getting rid of them. The whole 'stealth' part before sparking a pod does work well however, and like >>1867101 said there's a lot less bullshit around pods in general.

Oh, and the way they did random map generation actually worked incredibly well, surprised that style of nested generation hasn't shown up elsewhere yet.
It's the kind of game where you can see some real good in it, but every aspect is just too half-assed to bring out that good.

Like they've got an okay combat system but it's too shallow to stay fun in the long run and the levels you fight in are some of the most boring places ever invented. Almost every level is basically just a small empty parking lot with some barrels and shit to throw people into. They rarely ever get clever with the level design or the encounter design, and the few times they do it's just for a one-off puzzle challenge.
They've got some okay character writing (for most characters, some are just annoying) but it's tied to this incredibly bland dating minigame, and they pussied out on actual dating so you're just awkwardly hanging out for 30 seconds per "date". Not to mention the retarded highschool bullshit where you have to go to book club with Captain America because of reasons I guess?
They've got this whole area modeled out which is bigger and better designed than any of the areas with actual gameplay, but it's only really used to hunt for shitty unlockables and lootcrates. Speaking of which, yeah the game has gacha mechanics for unlockable skins and costumes, it's obvious the game was designed as a live service game but they changed their mind at the last moment, so now there are still gacha mechanics everywhere except you don't have to pay for them.
I don't like card games in general, but as far as it goes the card mechanics here aren't terrible. They're just too shallow and there aren't enough cards to really let you go all-in on the deckbuilding aspect. It's obvious they just wanted to cram in as many characters as they could (and I can't even really blame them for that), but it comes at the cost of lacking deeper movesets for each character.
>the levels you fight in are some of the most boring places ever invented.
This is an absolute crime considering the setting. There's so many cool locales to visit in the Marvel universe, just look at the Ultimate Alliance or X-Men Legends games, they could've included Asgard, or the Savage Land, or space, and yet the only interesting locale you visit is Magki's hell dimension or whatever it was.
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it is okay, needs more combat less running around

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>use Superior Firepower for years
>hear that Grand Battle Plan is now the best
>think it's a meme
>try it
>it actually is good

My spearheads just can't stop, wtf?
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Also, you can switch to Air Crew Surveys later on.
I pirate this game and DLCs and always disable the South America dlc

The biggest mistake is paying 200 PP for Novikov since you can get him practically at the start for just 50 if you get some xp from spain and pick the Independent Air Force spirit for -75% air advisor cost. This also applies for a doctrine advisor which lets you get the most important air doctrines before germany invades.
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Why the hell is Brazil guaranteeing all the nations I'm planning to attack? I don't even have the south american dlc.
Is the Iowa a battleship or a super-battleship ingame?

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>10 months since the release date change
>3rd faction delayed to post-release
>barely any news this year
>still no new release date

Is the Tempest still Rising?
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What the fuck are you talking about? RA2 was serious within universe while RA3 were just Hollywood celebrities mocking each other, go watch the cutscenes again, also, RA3 failed because the cultural context had already started to erode due the GWoT and the 2007 financial crisis, what is worst, EA's entire take on japanese culture came from 80s cartoons instead of 2010s already well established anime tropes which resulted in EotRS looking uncanny, but that's what you get when you outsource your concept art to chink art college students who couldn't grasp RA2 wackiness.
What are they even working on now? Why do they need more time for less content?
Played the 2nd demo release, it's just painfully mediocre all around.
Have to sit through a dozen load screens to even play the mission itself.
Cinematics were all desynced and full of texture loading/pop-in. The not-GDI commander's face was slowly rendering as the fucker was issuing the mission brief lmao.
Gameplay is boilerplate nu-C&C there's really nothing exciting. Unit abilities are a in, and as always detract from the game as you babysit them.
Unit voice lines are completely fucked. They're too low/muffled and get easily drowned out by other game noise. Some of the accented-voice acting is super garbled.
No apparent naval aspect to the game.
>Fuck off retard, that killed the franchise
no, complacency and goyslop producing kikes like the ones behind C&C4 killed the genre and franchise
>all the successful mods didn't tried to innovate shit, just update the engine and add more units/factions
all the successful mods made $0 and nobody cares about them but a handful of autistic slavic neet retards
>RA2 was serious within universe
>soviets vs dinosaurs
>flying saucers
>crazy ivan
>RA3 were just Hollywood celebrities mocking each other
>as if Flint Westwood, Arnie Frankenfurter and Sammy Stallion never existed
can I live in your reality where you get to pick and choose facts however you like and people just accept it and eat your retarded shit?

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Stormgaters I'm going to lose my mind...
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It even gives a free live service model in selling new co-op factions. Skins, or whatever you want. The fact nobody seems to want to do it is fucking baffling.
Godsworn is being built on the basis of co-op being important, it even has a co-op campaign (you can still play through it solo, which is what I did because lolnofriends). But it's still in early access and there aren't that many options to choose from, but the basis is there - it's kinda like age of mythology where choosing a different god makes playing the same faction a bit different
Feels like an attempt to force C&C style macro onto a starcraft clone.
I don't want to celebrate an RTS failing, but I feel stabbed in the back by them not going the promised co-op focus route and instead making yet another lame SC2 1v1 e-sports clone.
integrated grana padano, new RTS from a milanese cheese manufacturer

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It's been sitting in my steam library for a while now, finally decided to give it a go
>dead game?
Also, the AI sniped every single settlement spot on Mars because I sent the probe too late, and now I don't have any resources for ships.
Am I fucked, or is this salvageable?
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If you really want to do Mercury research campus rush, you can probably do the edits yourself. Just change the one variable.
Mods gave up for most of modern games
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>Alien Administration has China AND the US
>I have a fully unified Europe (Russia included)
>Alien anger meter on DEFCON 1
>just now getting to fusion drives
Am I fuck?
reading about this game was bad enough but how do you stomach these retarded esls who can barely string two coherent sentences together talking about this piece of shit game

post dem cities
sittin at just over 12k bugmen
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>just use merc
With what funds?
What percentage of population should be oddjobbers left sitting around in case of casualties during war, incarceration during regular life, and surges in need in certain industry?
The rebels/bandits usually start to fuck with you around 100-150 pop, You probably have something to sell from surplus and a stabilized internal economy by now. But yeah, I remembered the carpenter can now make basic armor and weapon from wood,stone and leather. Use them and train 1/2 of your pop at % that wont shit up production so much.
>You probably have something to sell from surplus and a stabilized internal economy by now.
you're supposed to stabilize your economy with just 99 pops? Huh. That explains why I always get shafted by the bandits within the first four years
NTA. I think what you're supposed to do(???) is to find something you can make a surplus of OR something you don't need and sell it.
Even though it's low gain I like to sell herbs or grain if I'm not making rations/bread.

who are these "people" who had given this pile of feces its raving reviews?
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>and i didn't see any differences
Administrative government for anyone with kingdom title? Dropping your empire when you get bored with it and continuing with landless dynasty member in any other part of the map? Landless is okayish too
Conquerors are lame but thats at the very least something too
>and the bookmark is clearly unfinished
Didn't notice anything wrong with it except for the fourth crusade which clearly doesn't work without your intervention
Seeing how shitty crusade is i would rather get 1204 date doe
yeah, real ones, they love all the relationship manipulation, basically playing the sims.
i've been playing since victoria fucking 1
fuck off you jaded niggers hating everything new
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Praise Kek Mein Bruder! Remember to dunk on those normies with some dank 4chins memes! :-DD

Time to talk about a game that's still somehow alive.
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I'm drunk rn but we should just make an open source map game
The probmel with that is it turns intto like minetest where you just write an open source game engine and then the community fractions into a million pieces and redditor newd retards who don't understand computers at all end up thinking some shitty half ass mod is 'minetest' and 'its like a shitty free minecraft why would i play that when i can jus pirate the REEL thing'
IDK I desperately want this to exist but I'm in all reality a useless programmer and shitty graphic designer who will never finish his game and never have the team buyilding and leadershp skills to put togetyher the team to builkd this type of game ither
I'm down yknow but it's a hail marry pass I think
Not fixin my typos either Fuck it
>now my vassals wont join me
you have to wait for the 1st of a month for it calculate subject loyalty when you load a save
it's annoying but generally means nothing for a playthrough
i feel like the core of the game is good, it just needs a couple of balance changes and expansions, there's only a couple of countries worth playing
>since they don't make money on it.
But they do. Absolute pocket change, but they are still making some. On top of that, that would show how bad their coding is and also expose how half of CK3 is coded

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What happened with the latest Protectors update? Is it so bad that the thread had to die here as well?
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Surprised the protectors mod isn't more popular since it's free and a better version of the vanilla game.
>Warlord Battlecry IV when
Ubisoft is borderline fucking dead and probably going to be forced by shareholders to sell itself (most likely to tencent).
So safe to bet on never seeing anything Warlords related ever again.
To the Chinese. Bleh.
It would be more popular if they didn't insist on fucking with major systems/mechanics that really didn't need to be fucked with

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If they are going to turn all games into mobile games, i figured I would just play those. Any good mobile vst games?
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I really enjoyed the following while being on vacation

>XCOM Enemy Within
Sure you're missing some DLC and native VO but its a good experience
>Rebel Inc.
Very fun "getting army out of Iraq" simulator, average game lasts 15-30 minutes and you can pause and save whenever.
>DS Emulator: Advance Wars
You probably know Advance wars
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Age Of Strategy
Aussie Drug Wars
I'll just say, if you end up playing a gacha it should be Arknights.

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>literally nothing to do other than spam buildings to watch numbers get higher so you can spam more buildings >only input from the player regarding war is to build more soldier buildings >war is determined by who has the most soldier buildings >every single tech group has one law that massively shits on the rest like one of the tax techs gives you the most money and makes your provinces richer with no downsides >every single country basically plays the same What were they thinking with this pile of crap I really like this time period but I cant bring myself to play this piece of shit.
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You can't even fucking greentext properly, Jesus Christ. I'm not reading this absolute retarded mess of a post
Actually, income buildings in Shogun 2 are sub-optimal and it's generally not even worth teching into military. Ashigaru rule everything
Ikko Ikki for sure
Takeda is the most fun in battle. Shimazu has my favorite campaign.
I still like it.

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>new DLC just came out
>no thread
is this game really that dead?
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>dude leaves when I'm about to lose two points
I was trading very favorably, but I don't think I'd b e able to retake these points, unless he was really low on materiel.
What's the average amount of losses in points I can expect an average deck to be able to handle?
I'd check myself but it seems like replays doesn't allow you to see how much shit a person has left.
Guy probably got disconnected by Eugen's shitty servers. You can also easily approximate how much stuff he has left based on what he has lost. Get to know various decks to know what units are most important to your enemy and target them.
>What's the average amount of losses in points I can expect an average deck to be able to handle?
No such thing, but if I had to give a number, probably at least ~10k. It depends entirely on what units you lost and what your deck composition is. Generally though, you want to be able to keep up the fight until you exhaust your entire deck. If you end up with a lot of shit left over, you need to get better at the game or make a better deck.
>No such thing, but if I had to give a number, probably at least ~10k.
Well the guy lost only 5k, so I suppose it was the servers. That, or maybe he got mad at the bullshit RNG that helped me a lot. I really fucking hate how anaemic AA in this game is, even when it benefits me.
>history autism
That's the thing, it's not actual history autism. It's performative filler to make up for how little they actually add to the game; it's like AI slop after they were trained to shit out lengthy articles instead of good answers to questions. The original group of legit autists and software engineers that made up Eugen are almost entirely gone.
Maybe you LGB'd his only CV lol

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how would /vst/ save it?
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The game is pretty popular, I don't think it needs to be saved.
I personally prefer 2. Visually I think 2 is better, and I prefer a few of the mechanics.

The UI should be a bit more dressed up though, I think the theming is a bit weak there.
The map is a bit washed out, I think that could be made to look better with some farmland being visible and darker forests and mountains.

Naval combat needs to be added
Take it easy. We're not making a western here.
/vst/ Would ruin it by turning it into Medieval HOI4 because they missed the point of the game.
Remove the autism of having a billion different irrelevant and overly similar stats.
Stop spamming events and travelling or whatever all the fucking time
No more retarded and ugly 3D models in events, add cool event drawings and art
Make paradox implement an american style of work where the devs are severely underpayed, expected to do 10's of hours of unpayed overtime a week, get no social benefits, and if they quit or are fired they'll likely to end up on the street. This will give the devs the drive to improve the game endlessly and the depression and resentment to fix the cuddly aesthetic and game design it has.

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