When's Six Ages 3?
>>1937950Never, I'm afraid. Light's Out had 1/3 the player numbers of Ride Like the Wind (according to steamcharts) and the developer has been completely silent since that game dropped. It would be nice to be pleasantly surprised, but I don't have much hope for another sequel
>>1938090David is actually learning Godot right now for a (probably) unrelated project.That said, given the way the pipelines for these games work, the art and writing could be well underway.Also, just look at the previous releases. It's a 5-6 year cycle, and Six Ages 2 launched in August of '23. I hate to say it, but, unless that changes radically and they find a way to do 2-year or less cycles, age is absolutely going to be a factor here if we're going to see all 6 games.>>1938090Apparently iOS has been the most lucrative platform for KoDP and both Six Ages games.
>>1938101I hope you're right. From what I've heard covid significantly slowed down LGO development. 2-year dev cycle sounds too optimistic, but maybe a game release every three years is plausible. I couldn't find much info from devs past the LGO premiere. They haven't updated their blog or any store community pages for a while, but there's something on twitter and mastodon.>Apparently iOS has been the most lucrative platform for KoDP and both Six Ages gamesThis might be true, but even on the Apple Store RLtW has seven hundred reviews, KoDP has two hundred and and LGO is barely over a hundred. I think it's fair to say it wasn't huge commercial success and again, I hope we will see future games despite that.
>>1938178I don't think the franchise has ever been gangbusters commercially at any point of its history, but I can't imagine these games are that expensive to make in the first place.
>>1938090That's depressing, I was really looking forward to it. There isn't anything else quite like these.
>>1938189>There isn't anything else quite like these.Always surprised me it doesn't have a million copycats because it looks like the easiest shit to make.
>>1939992It's not.Well, ok, from an *engineering perspective*, yes it is easy as shit. A month, worst case two, and you've got the basic engine.It's the content that's the problem. It's weird and difficult in ways you really wouldn't expect, especially if you care about the simulation.If you don't care about the simulation you just end up with a VN by the way. A lot of people do those, and some even claim KoDP as an inspiration, all the while missing the point. Also these games are art-hungry, but if that should not come as a surprise to devs.I also assumed I could make one of these in like 12 months and actually committed to it.I was wrong. Very wrong.
>Previous thread (finally) died>Instantly runs to make another
>>1939992>Always surprised me it doesn't have a million copycatsYou mean the entire fucking genre of visual novels?
>>1940029>Previous threadLink?
>>1940029>>1940030uh oh melty
>>1937950Ride Like the Wind was just alright. It was pretty disappointing in its linearity and rigidity. But Lights Out... man. I need to think about it more, but I might have enjoyed it from a gameplay perspective more than King of Dragon Pass. It was also structured fairly linearly, but it had a completely different set of goals, required an entirely different mindset, and that made it incredibly fun. I truly hope we get a third Six Ages, because A Sharp is a wonderful developer and I'd love to support them more.
>>1940030The vast majority of vns doesn't have anywhere near this kind of complexity. They are also mostly focused on one character which is fine but it's a different type of game.
>>1939992>Always surprised me it doesn't have a million copycats because it looks like the easiest shit to make.There would be a million copycats if it looked like there was decent money to be made. These don't sell well so those people opt to copy streamerbait co-op games which do sell well instead.
>>1938090Lights Going Out has a fantastic ending at least so if it is the last one it went out strong
>>1940933Ride Like the Wind made some improvements over KoDP, especially from a balance perspective, but I agree that it was far too linear and would’ve been improved by letting anyone become your Beren like how KoDP lets whoever you pick become Sartar. KoDP would’ve been so much worse of it forced you to wait until the actual time Sartar showed up and then railroaded you into making him the King.Lights going out still does that a little by making you need to look after your Kings and having the ending incorporate them no matter what but the way you get there feels far more free in a good way.
>>1941064He's a perennial shitposter.
Has anyone ever won with a trickster king?
>>1940933I wish it had any kind of variation from the Beren Redalda thing, even as just an alternate ending that you couldn't take to LGO. It was pretty silly that you could have a complete Ram-hater clan that was doing great but you still got railroaded into giving them horse secrets and becoming rams yourselves.
Are leader stats worth fussing over or is it all about magic and blessings?
>>1943376In king of dragon pass? Trickster chief is easy (for a while) since you can make one at will but king would be trickier. I guess on easier difficulties you could abuse hero quests and reloading to boost his stats into the stratosphere to win the election. Your king doesn’t need to be your chief so you can avoid the bad effects of having a trickster chief that way although you might get some events of people complaining that the king isn’t chief especially if his stats are better. My first time beating the game as like that, I has an orlanth focused clan but the strongest Noble ended up being an Ernaldan lady so I elected her queen while still having an Orlanth noble as chief.
>>1943534Leader stats are very important because they are what the game checks in everything you do to determine your success chances. Blessings and magic and treasures act as modifiers to that but every event choice is checking a combination of certain stats on your ring most suitable for it. Same for war, trade, emissary sending, food, etc.
>>1944799Don't think a trickster can even be nominated for king.
>>1944831I never considered it or tried so that might be true too.
>>1937950There was a Six Ages 2? Anyway these games suck ass. Playing without a guide is a guaranteed loss, don't know who this kind of game appeals to. There is no gameplay or thought required, just following some esoteric steps that the devs arbitrarily programmed to make you win.
>>1944847>Playing without a guide is a guaranteed loss, don't know who this kind of game appeals to.unironically git gud
>>1944879There's nothing to git gud at, just do the steps required in the order the guide says and that's it. There's no strategy that needs to be understood. These games are basically a VN with UI bloat.
>>1944926You gotta think like a bronze age chieftain, learn the stories of your people etc
>>1944926that's completely wrongalso I've never read a guide and can win games consistently, the only external help I ever got was happening to read a tip here and there about which stats are relevant where but most of that is already in the manual or something you can guess atalso I won Six Ages 2 on my first playthrough so it can absolutely be done
>>1944935>>1944931Wrong. You can't beat it unless you follow the guides for the magic rituals. It's just trial and error otherwise (not gameplay).
>>1944938the "guides" for the magic rituals are shown to you in game, they're not an external guide anymore than reading character stats isespecially in Six Ages it's possible to finish a lot of them without following the path
>>1944944Yes six ages is weird about the paths compared to KoDP perhaps due to happening before time so what happened and is known is less tested and in place
>>1943534>>1944805Blessings are way more important. Even Excellent+ skill doesn't cut it on Hard. A shrine blessing is the difference between failing to establish a trade route 9/10 times and succeeding almost every time. And this is not even an exaggeration.
>>1944945It's mostly that almost all choices are skill checks in SA, while KoDP has far more bad/trap choices during heroquests. I would say it's change for the better, heroquesting is supposed to allow some freedom.
>>1944947Excellent isn’t that great as far as skills go. Certainly not for hard. Shrine blessings are great because they have safety and consistency. You pay an upfront cost and yearly upkeep for the guaranteed boon and can potentially switch it up if needed for different situations too with the gods that have more available blessings. They are easier to get and harder to lose too. A heroic leader will add more to tests relating to his purview than a shrine blessing but if you are on hard training him to reach that is unlikely.You still want to avoid crappy leaders.
>>1944992Excellent is the best you can realistically get at the start of the game without a ton of savescumming. My point is that blessings seem to hold a much bigger influence on your success than leader skills.
>get dinosaur>named my tribe after it>faggots died after 2 yearswell fuck you
>>1945040mine lasted like 10 years, what did you do to them?
>>1945040>>1945150Plow team or the battle trained ones?
Neither are very good. I prefer the battle trained ones and then end up not using them because I don't want them to die, the plow teams seem to die to quickly but that is likely because I always grab too much land.
>>1947713>I always grab too much land.No such thing
>>1947930That tula is insane, does the game even handle it getting that big?
>>1949805>>1947930You can expand well to the snakepipe in the north and prax in the east. The game "handles" that by moving everyone to the swamp lol.
>>1950042You can't go to snakepipe because clans don't have spots that get placed in that direction. Normally you can't get the ones on the right side either because they are separated so as to not neighbor but if you time it right you can raid and invade them before the game realizes they've moved and then start claiming that portion too.
>>1947713What do you get out of sacrificing the eggs?
>>1950146You can if you regularly split off your tula and then bully the new clan