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How fares your empire, /ck3g/?

West Slavic Attire pack is out.

Previous thread >>1888908

Question of the thread: What do you think of CK3's religion system? How do you think it could be improved? I saw this video on the topic and I thought there were some good ideas.
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Farming wars edition
867 feel too bare Bones
1066 is nice but making changes feels slow
1178 is a little advance for my taste
Game start before muhammed (piss be upon him) when?
Unless someone is ready to have their head rolling never
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What the hell is this? Is this a joke?
I was thinking of picking up some DLC if the prices were right, but these deals are just insulting.
Check https://isthereanydeal.com/ or creamapi them.
Did you hybridize with Sardinian? They have stalwart defenders, and it's really nice.
Why do estonians have viking units?
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Because the one cultural tradition or innovation grants both the ability to go a viking and all the men at arms from the Norse.
The Estonians and other Baltic and even Finnic tribes did raid overseas, but like most things in CK3, it was poorly implemented.
You get the ability to go viking from the long ships innovation. I think I did hear about Baltic peoples serving in the Varangain guard, so maybe it's a reference to that. But by that logic Anglo-Saxons should get Vargangian veterans, so who knows.
Mubarizun worth it y/n
Depends on what you're doing but I'd say yes. They're better than regular heavy infantry and the tradition helps you with fighting in the desert. What are you doing?
Are they better than varangians though
They counter other heavy infantry so it really depends
I'd say Varangians are better just because they get terrain bonuses. But it might not matter if you're in the desert. You can look at the stats and decide for yourself here.
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I took Thomas Aquinas out on a journey of self discovery and made him into a pagan cannibal warlord.
There are only 3 game mechanic DLCs and one of them is pure shit and can be skipped (Legends of the Dead).
Rest is cosmetics or flavor packs which you buy only if you want to play in that region.
I wish Camel archer were actually until insteed of just a flavor text in camelry
Serious question, how do you guys find doing this kind of ahistorical shit fun?
bride is 16, groom is 62
haven't played ck3 in years, how does it fare nowadays compared to ck2? Any good total conversion mods? Any big immersion mods like HiP in CK3 yet?
>vaulter infantry
these guys make me think of endless legend
The game is literally made for this. It's for mal-adjusted autists, not history enthusiasts.
Most historical goals you could have in the game are easily accomplished in the lifetimes of 1-2 characters. Unless you're doing something outlandish, or at least expanding way beyond historical limits, you're going to hit your win condition way before your campaign has had much of a chance to breathe.

And to boot, no one's going to post screenshots of their modest historically-plausible accomplishments. "Oh, you kept Scotland independent from an English AI that never attacks? Good for you."
Why is the AI so anal about holding de jure capital? Even if the capital itself is a shithole with no buildings
>try to play tall without raiding
wow this sucks
>West Slavic Attire pack is out.
Oh wow really? I think I'll... I'll...
Yeah, that plus them even assigning duchies capitals is retarded.
I'm 12 years in to a LotR mod campaign and Saruman has already lost a leg and an eye.
is he saruman or vecna
duchy de jure capitals are needed for the duchy buildings
kingdom capitals dont need anything in particular but are USUALLY somewhat better than other counties and are often also duchy capitals, same with empire capitals
duchy buildings are dumb
Is the human sacrifice religious tenant worth it so I can go to war and not get bored playing tall?
>playing tall
Get these mods for that:
>this mod fixes the fart events
b-but my cheevos
>playing tall
CK3 is really bad for that because you can't really develop your province and add more holdings so you're limited to those few provinces that has 7 holdings
You actually can if you play Metropolitan legacy with admin government
>Metropolitan legacy
I'm pretty sure that just adds 1 building slot to a city, not a new holding.
Mods have been achievement compatible since 1.9
I confused holding with building slots sorry
it's dumb that my character doesn't get a kill count in battles. like I'm some sort of nerd that stands on the sidelines watching the real men work.
>Playing landless merc captain (hungarian pagan) with Asian expansion mod just dicking around in HRE
>do a few jobs here and there get a good rabble of soldiers together
>get involved in War with france eyeing maybe a weak province in the end
>wartime leader gets assassinated
>all of france still pretty pissed at me
>disband all armies and run the fuck away
>skipping through the world doing jobs all along the way
>eventually land in china, manage help a warlord do his and get landed somewhere in China
I love this game but what now? Should I change my faith and become Prester John? Invade Japan or Korea?
Is Asia Expansion Project good?
Are there any overhau/vanilla++l mods yet?
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>set plagues to very rare
>3 rank 2 plagues at once in realm

this is silly
no because the kinds of autists that made overhauls like ck2+ and hip aren't interested anymore
it's fun
Just read up on that guy because of your post.

People like that were exactly why monarchies became so loathed. Thankfully his "reign" was so short lived and he was tortured and killed, old bastard.
>game is on sale for 15 bucks atm
After four years is the base game itself good?
Or any of the DLC at 50% off?
Or just cream.api it..
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Establishing imperium sarmaticumus
I got kind of stagnant in my landless run because I wasn't sure at what point I sure I should get land and how exactly I wanted to go about it. If I built up piety on a guy I could buy a claim on a large area but that feels a bit too "cheap" almost? The kind of armies you can build if you really start focusing on that style is insane.
court, roads to power, tours and tournaments are all you need. Wandering nobles and wards and wardens are nice to haves.
I just Merced up and conquered a kingdom with horse archers
Yeah the problem isn't winning, thats easy. Too easy. I just never felt like it was "the time"
Landless is basically god mode if you at all are paying attention. Some of the camp upgrades are absurd.
>become Byzantine Emperor, starting as a Viking
>Marry off all my daughters generation after generation to various kings and emperors Steppes, India, and Africa
>Now the ruling class of all the major nations are half Nordic / Half native race mixes
How israeli of you.
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>chose a new destiny
>become the king of Nikaea, who revolted from latin empire
>has shit for a demense and MAA, just raising them puts him into -45g debt
>but he's sworn onto the crusade for Syria, which is right next door, so why not see what happens
>take Alexandretta, but then lose entire army because the AI is retarded, and end up getting captured
>then Cairo declares an invasion to reclaim Rum with 18k because I've 2k men left
>and then independence rebels with 16k want the rest of my land
>meanwhile, I'm actually the top contributor to the crusade because the AI just overwhelmed the Zingids with bodies and didn't take sieges
>decide to become my landed brother in Syria, and look to use my event troops to help Nikaea with his throne
>brother won't let help him because of the "difference in Military Strength" and because he has too many allies (his landed wife with 2k troops)
I can't wait for a return of the nonaggression/defensive/full alliance system from CK2
he ended up hiring every single holy order that was now free from the crusade and using all of the cash rewards for mercs, but it's kinda lazy
>liege has holy war declared on him for the kingdom
>he loses and everyone loses all their land
>don't get event to become adventurer or even a game over
>instead I'm just a wandering landless courtier and can't do anything or take any decisions
Is there a console command to force my ruler into becoming an adventurer?
You may have to "die" or switch heirs or something to get the option. If I "skipped" an heir as a landless it would make a new group name and camp with new levels and everything (but keep some MAAs etc weirdly)
Damn. You'd think they could put a simple check every month for a does_player_have_land flag or something to cover this kind of thing.
I think its supposed to happen automagically like you expected I don't think its intended behavior just stating a possible solution where you might be able to force it.
Appreciate the advice but it didn't work unfortunately. Despite having children, the game concluded I didn't have any heirs and gave me a game over after I died. Didn't feel like playing another dynasty so abandoned that game. Might look for a mod that allows me to go adventurer anytime in case this kind of thing happens again.
stupid. LIke you said it should just have a flag or give the choice.
Is there any mod that caps domain limit to 1 for everyone?
I'm not having fun.
what should I name this beautiful gift from God?
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forgot pic
Without traits how the fuck should we know?
Plague rarity setting doesn't decrease spawn rate.
It just decreases their duration on the map.
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What should be added next?
Yeah the pdx has spit on their customers at this point. I bought every ck2 dlc including cosmetics and every eu4 dlc up to cradle but I haven’t bought anything since royal courts. The new pricing policy is a fucking joke and it’s pathetic anyone still buys this lackluster product
For the love of God improve the army AI or at least let me somehow control my allies
a dlc focused soley on jewish history and religious trappings
What's the fucking point of complaining about DLC pricing?
They've done this forever, literally nobody except for retarded fucking whales even buys them anymore, everyone knows this, paradox included. Meanwhile we keep pirating the DLC and Paradox keeps pretending not to know, while driving the price even higher so they can continue leeching off the whales while the rest of us get free updates. If it ain't broke.
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Dotarded pedos trying to get in flagrante with the young maidens have been hated since ancient greek times.
You underestimate how many normie whales there are who are still afraid of pirating. Not to mention retarded PC illiterate zoomies for whom even paradox DLC pirating is a tall order
Enjoy burning in hell pedophiles
Fuck off Fredrik Wester.
What? I spelled it right.
Yeah but they get to suckle on teenie pink pussy grool while we jerk off to CBO
>Hmm, I wonder what I should play today
>Lets give forming x empire a go
>Oh, its kinda overall worse than yet another byz run
>Oh well, lets do another Norman adventurer start to become the byz emperor
>Oh wait, I already did that 5 times in a row
Please send ideas for fun runs. The amount of flavour outside of the Byzantines is fucking non-existent.
unite the slavs
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You would never guess what my last run was. And no, there is barely any flavour here either, just a bunch of map painting to get everything for the decision.
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>Susceptible to plague
Holy fucking shit why is it only the player that gets this stupid fucking development killing 10 year debuff that effects every single barony in your realm that more than likely fucking refreshes before the 10 years are up? If their stupid fucking ai can't deal with the shitty mechanics they add in they shouldn't even bother putting them in.
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tell me about it
Oh, I'm retarded.
From the Persian empire and and become the new sunni caliph as One of lesser sunni brunches
>buy ck3 on sale for like 9 quid
>hear about a new DLC coming out where you can play a landless adventurer
>it's fucking 25 quid
>locks a bunch of byzantine stuff behind it to desperately try to justify the pricing
the only reason I even considered buying it is because of how cheap I got the base game for. Who the fuck buys all these things full price?
Just pirate the dlc, it's what everyone does.
kek they're actually charging money for this low effort shit?
Didn't one anon say there was a avatar mod being made for ck3? Any news on that?
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Why do people claim that CK3 tries to be more historically accurate when it has ahistorical shit like witches?
>CK3 tries to be more historically accurate
Literally no one says that
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They have closed github repo that's updated daily. I think they are still looking for Beta Testers. Next year release sounds plausible to me
Is the elder scrolls mod dead?
They had to wait for EPE to update which only happened last week.
>get event
>look at only option
>"time to conquer the world"
>oh cool I got the conqueror tra-
>it's just telling me that my consumption is gone
>start a new adventurer run in 1066
>build a character suited for a mercenary commander, take the swords-for-hire purpose and two scrappers
>do enough contracts to build up enough wealth to get the upgrades for men-at-arms ready, and use hooks to build them
>start focusing on stand with us contracts as my bread-and-butter, with other contracts to pad our income and provisions if needed
>do a manual offer to help a king with his war for a hefty payday
>after he wins because adventurer MAA are disgustingly strong I notice I can't make those manual offers anymore because the game says I'm already assisting in a war
>look around a bit online, it's a known issue
>I check the save file
>delete it
>can magically offer to join a war again
Did paradox just shit-code this from a previous expansion or something?

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