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Lets ignore the civ switching thing they stole from Humankind.

What actually is there in Civ7?
There seemed to be no workers, cities still spread out but for each building?
combat is continuous?

Didn't seem like a lot of inputs.
>tfw no jap gf
I don't think combat is continuous. They talked about that in the animation section, I think it is just if 2 units from civs at war are next to eachother combat animations play.
The gameplay trailer really didn't show anything, we don't know the culture mechanics, or the tech tree, how the various ages end, diplomacy, or how cities function on a more mathematical level.
There seems to be events specific to civilizations, and random events in general, not sure how I feel about that.
The eras end through a point system, when you accomplish certain objectives (e.g. building multiple wonders) the map gets +5 progress towards the next era, with the era changing at 200 points.
You can move your army across the map as one unit. QoL for multiplayer. Trying to move tons of units in civ 5 and 6 under the turn timer is pure pain.
the commander leading your unit as a gang of niggers sounds good desu
The cities being spread out is a cool change, even if it probably means no workers. Being able to actually build a sprawling city that doesn't look like a single packed-up tile surrounded by farms and mines is the one thing from Civ6 I wish Civ5 had.
Going back to Civ5-like artsyle is also a good change.
As for the civ switching, hopefully we'll get settings or at least mods to make it less jarring, so instead of switching to completely unrelated civs you can evolve the same one and go from the HRE to Germany or something for instance.
>less ages
>no workers
>forced to chose your victory path early
>punished for playing well forcing you into crises
>forced to switch civs
>awful graphics
>awful UI
>awful avatars
>ruler rpg stats
>ruler not bound to a civilization
>forced to chose your victory path early
Wasn't that always the case?
this is actually good
>awful graphics
I don't know why some people keep saying that, the maps look fine to me.
The UI on the other hand is complete dogshit, by far the most generic and soulless I've seen on the series.
>they stole from Humankind
yeah I don't care what engine that is, it looks bad. It's the saturation and the colors. Looks the same as all modern graphics and it doesn't look good. Being reminded of humankind also doesn't help and the graphics there I also don't like.
i already can predict my CPU and GPU melting to render than decade old mobile graphic
realistic buildings cartoony terrain.
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The shading and lighting is realistic but I don't think the buildings themselves are, at least not enough to clash with the terrain.
> or the tech tree
We know that there's a "mastery" system where techs can be researched multiple times.
It has a scale model aesthetic like what you'd see in a train set, I think it's great. Not a fan of how the leaders look though.
okay that sounds a bit interesting
The dev is made up of zoomer woke hires that have no idea what they are doing and are just ripping off other ideas
culture yes diplo or science no
now this is PURE contrarianism and poorfagcope possibly
I really liked expansionism and claiming new territories with cities in Civ5, and I really hate Wonder turtling. Is Civ4 any better in this regard or one of the mods? I just like doing a lilttle colonialism on every new island I see.
>science no
Science no? Absolutely yes, you need to plan your science and production infrastructure properly as early as possible. Diplomatic victory comes slightly later, yes, but purely due to the fact that the World Congress first gathers in the Medieval era. But some preparations such as accumulating diplofavors and vassalizing city-states should be made well in advance as well.
Yeah I don't hate how it looks, but I hate that it looks like it's gonna be poorly optimized.
Considering the other concessions they've already made to the game that is already implied.
What does that unlock? Sounds cool
I hope civ 7 let's you be the Israelites and start as King David or something and then you can be the only civ to advance to Israel in the modern age to make everyone seethe.
Ancient Era: Kingdom of Israel
Explo Era: Kingdom of Jerusalem
Modern Era: Mandate of Palestine
>franks were Israelites
this would make everyone seethe as well
>civilization 6
>no good mods
>no single player scenarios
>stupid mechanics like single use workers
>stupid tech tree
>no ww2/middle age/pike and shot scenarios
>no launcher
And this is going to be worst, install civilization 4 and add Realism Invictus
>>stupid tech tree
I hate boost and the religion mechanics in civilization 6
Wake me up when tey addbased leaders like Hitler
>unique improvement concentration camp adds +10% production per population following Judaism
>each population following Judaism adds -10% culture penalty
>can pillage wonders for culture
>meme economy: economic collapse when not at war for more than 10 turns
>awful graphics
>awful avatars

Massive improvement from civ6 .
You know how you're supposed to stop making sequels at like Game 5?
Seven is the consequence.
>less ages
The only thing that's changed is how they're labeled, why does that matter?
>no workers
>forced to switch civs
>ruler rpg stats
>ruler not bound to a civilization
Why is any of this bad?
>punished for playing well forcing you into crises
The crises happen for everyone when the eras switch, it's nothing to do with playing too well.
Call to power did no workers and it was shit. You just got worker mana and used it to plop things. Workers add gameplay and link the cities to the map in a tangible way that just making improvements plop from nowhere doesn’t do, you could easily change the city UI for an excel spreadsheet and not feel the difference.
its not even out you spastic and its only half as bad as you cunts claim it
you didn't know?
franks come from jews resettled after their fallen rebellion
They will very obviously add an age with each DLC.
It's supposed to feel like you're leading a nation not a county
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>cities still spread out but for each building?
You get all of the yields automatically in tiles owned by the city, and you can plop down a hex on a tile to expand the borders and claim all the surrounding hexes like a culture bomb. There's a couple smaller differences, like for instance you won't get a yield from a tile with cotton until you have the plantation tech, but that's basically it. You can if you want make a big line city along a river, or make a more compact dense city.

I don't like the change. Workers and the old tile yield system are kind of core to Civ's identity and this makes it more similar to other games in the genre. They keep talking about how they're trying new things while copying ideas from decade old games. They also talked about cliffs and elevation changes on terrain, they act kind of like the coastal cliffs in VI where you get walled off and have go around them... which is not new to the genre.

And no "copying ideas from decade old games" was not hyperbole, both of these new features I described you can find in Endless Legend, which will literally turn a decade old in roughly 46 hours from the time of this post.
>they stole from Humankind
They didn't.
>meme economy: if you switch to this every other civ on the planet declares war on you
I'm not going to miss workers at all. I hope the next thing they come for is single production queues per city.
Looks like a Settlers game
>the wheel
>mastery level 2
People cried their eyes out about VI graphics despite it being better than V, it's just how they are.
VI's graphics are definitely not better than V's.
Resolution =/= style.
is there a way to make civilization of all games woke
spherical wheels unlocked
I think 7’s map looks great, the little units fighting while next to eachother also look fantastic, but the leaders look like absolute dogshit.
delusional, you can clearly see the hex delineation in 5 because the textures are so rough, VI looks like actual terrain. Not to mention with wonders and districts on the map it looks like an actual civilization instead of a tac map with a city marker.
so basicaly a comeback to civ4 or it just automove all units ?
You can send a general to fight the enemy army musou style
The textures could be 2 times rougher and it wouldn't have mattered, because people were complaining about how the style looked simpler and more cartoonish, while somehow feeling less espressive(the one strength of simplification) and there wasn't enough stylization to even justify it.
so what do we think sisters?
I think it's really cool that they have finally come to the point of introducing non-political leaders. Confucius is a far more influential figure for China than any of its emperors, about whom no one actually cares. But it's quite interesting that they made him an expansionist, lol. Where did this even come from?
I wanna see that emperor (i think it was xuanwu) who found a courtier with a huge dick and forced him to fuck his family members. we have the cuck chair pov diplo view anyway, it would be perfect
Will there be less boring micro?

Civ 4 was the last good one.
Civ 5 cant automate cities.
Civ 6 can't automate cities or workers.

To the autistic fucks who always leap in to explain why. Die in a fire I don't care what you think.

Also Alpha Centauri nailed automation and general game mechanics. Civ pales in comparison.
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>hitler dindu nuffin
>introducing non-political leaders.
unfortunately it will be used as an excuse to include shit like Harriet Tubman lmao
>build something you believe in
This tagline sucks, drop civ switching and let us build a civilization that will stand the test of time
Well, from what we know so far, Benjamin Franklin and Confucius 100% deserve to be in game.
There's a reason Gandhi has been the most iconic character in the series since the very first games. Leaders of social movements like that can be a much better representation of their civ's personality and theme than a random king or emperor who happened to have a good reign.

Harriet Tubman would be an alright choice but MLK or Frederick Douglass would be fantastic as American leaders.
Benjamin Franklin probably would have flown previously as an American leader anyway. In general I see restrictions as good to avoid relying on figures who are just the most known in pop culture, and civ/leader tie ins even better so that, for example, they would have to include somebody like William the Conquerer if they want a Norman civ instead of skipping over him to add another American.
I always thought Alexander was really ill-fitting as a Greek leader, Pericles is fine but feels a little obscure. If the shift to non-political leaders means we could get Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle instead that would be fantastic.
>we could get Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle
They are already presented as Greek specific great people. But interestingly enough there is no Homer.
mlk could work but harriet lardman and fred whoseass are terrible choices
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leaders are healing
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>With the enemy who has slain his father, one should not live under the same heaven.

>Zi-xia asked Confucius, saying, 'How should (a son) conduct himself with reference to the man who has killed his father or mother?' The Master said, 'He should sleep on straw, with his shield for a pillow; he should not take office; he must be determined not to live with the slayer under the same heaven. If he meet with him in the market-place or the court, he should not have to go back for his weapon, but (instantly) fight with him.' 'Allow me to ask,' said (the other), 'how one should do with reference to the man who has slain his brother?' 'He may take office,' was the reply, 'but not in the same state with the slayer; if he be sent on a mission by his ruler's orders, though he may then meet with the man, he should not fight with him.' 'And how should one do,' continued Zi-xia, 'in the case of a man who has slain one of his paternal cousins?' Confucius said, 'He should not take the lead (in the avenging). If he whom it chiefly concerns is able to do that, he should support him from behind, with his weapon in his hand.'
Based Confucius.
surely the reason countries declared war on Germany was fear of their economic reforms. Poland simply couldn't handle the idea German plumbers would out compete them in the free market.

wow the music sucks
Better than in 6. But hardly any soundtrack can ever beat 5.
If modular music isn't added then it's shit.
I prefer chappell roan, shes such a talented queen
Playlists don't seem to work here.
this one sounds alright
Wait, what? Why is the Khmer an Antiquity age civ? I thought they went in chronological order.
Gotta shoehorn them into ancient so it fits with age of exploration aborigines.
>Khmer is antiquity but Buganda is contemporary
What is this shit, I hope its because they are fixing stuff and not because they cant open a goddam wikipedia article and see the dates.
>hope its because they are fixing stuff and not because they cant open a goddam wikipedia article and see the dates.
I think it's more of a gameplay reasons. The Khmer Empire is more thematically suited to Antiquity, being a huge continental agrarian empire of monument builders, whereas Exploration age is reserved for maritime colonial powers vs the aborigines and Modern era is for industrial imperialistic powers vs third world shitholes.
The civ switching has to the part I like the lest. Some of the switches don't even make sense.
I think it's everyone's sticking point. It doesn't belong and it's just made worse by all the african civs they're wedging into the exploration and modern age.
What i see in all generes graphicwise, they all try to up the graphics - if theres no talented director behind it, it revoleves around "art" being more realistic. It ends in hyper realism (which we are far from when it comes to 4x games, but were getting closer and closer) without any style to support and give the game something which make it different from other titles. Games arent art, they are products, but good games does include some form of art sometimes, graphic, design, music. Realism was always a dead end for art, its uninspired, always the same and dont reperesnt any other thought besides "hey look! Its almost like irl, how cool is that!". Basicly the target for hyperrealism are people that dont know shit about art and just want everything to imitate their mundane life, because they dont have any spark of imagination.
I don't know why so many people care about the switches "making sense". It doesn't make sense for Germany to build Ankgor Wat or China to spawn Martin Luther either but shit like that has been in every civ game, it's meant to be a 4x with a history theme not any sort of historical simulation. What I'm concerned with is if it's good gameplay and I'm hopeful they'll be able to avoid the issues that made switching in Humankind feel so bad.
>all the african civs they're wedging into the exploration and modern age
They have shown 1 (one) African civ for exploration and 1 (one) African civ for modern.
Yeah which is 2 more than there should be. And we all know if they've shown 2 already there will be many more.
There is also one confirmed African civ for ancient age (Aksum). Also Egypt technically is an African civ and there will also be Nubia 100%.
Seems like a (you) problem. Take your meds.
Buganda is a weird choice for modern but Ethiopia, Zulu, Sokoto, or Swahili would be good. And Songhai is a fine pick for exploration but Mali, Benin, Kanem-Bornu, Zimbabwe, and Kongo would all be good additions. They could add Ghana or Nubia for antiquity too.
>I'm hopeful they'll be able to avoid the issues that made switching in Humankind feel so bad.
I think they will pull it off. not at the start thats for sure. these motherfuckers gonna sell twice or thrice as much leader packs and cosmetic shits and personas fr fr
Civ is a shitty game and always will be, go fuck yourself with your pyramids in New York, play parashit games or die, Sid Meier is a retard.
fuck off. A nation is a place where most people share a national identity. Going from egyptian to mongols is the opposite of that.
>A nation
Nations appeared in the 19th century.
>he doesn't know about rome!

fuggin redard
Rome wasn't a nation in the modern sense of word either. Every egyptian or britoid, or whatever might have been a Roman citizen despite their historical backgrounds were very different and they eventually ended up taking very different historical routes as well.
Your school failed you. Being a roman citizen was extremely important and specific, only extending to what we consider modern day italy for much of Roman antiquity. To claim Rome was not a nation is pure idiocy.
>for much of Roman antiquity.
Lmao, provincial elites were getting Roman citizenship from the very beginning of the Empire (and even in the late Republic). Not to mention that "Italy" itself has never been a homogeneous space nor it is now.
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>Civ is a shitty game and always will be, go fuck yourself with your pyramids in New York, play parashit games or die, Sid Meier is a retard.
that's a robbie maldie
The pyramids are in las vegas and memphis.
the game's metapolitical message is that nationalism is bad
I think the developers said they're more going off the historiography of particular regions rather than actual dates. So the Khmer is the classical period of southeast Asia despite existing in the exploration age. I don't like it though, history is pretty faithful to climate shifts actually so it works to have the 5th century and 17th century be the era crisis because they were pretty much everywhere due to the earth cooling.
It's grown on me. Especially since they've been adjusting the historical paths as they reveal more civs. India, China, and Japan are in all ages which is good. Egypt to Songhai is a travesty but recently they revealed it's the Abbasids which is a lot better. They also have Rome to Spain now which is a lot better than Rome to the Normans. Eternal states are kind of lame and immersion breaking anyway as long as their is some sort of continuity, I'm happy.
African civs have literally been around since civ 1. Maybe not Buganda but Aksum and Songhai should definitely be in the game. The Ashanti empire would be a good modern age civ and Ghana or Mali could precede Songhai. Maybe zulu and Kanem-Bornu but that's when I start to ask what really is a civilization.
One spot where I am a little chuddy is the Shawnee because they weren't city builders and I think it looks strange. Cahokia would be cool though.
It's not a nation, nations are an early modern concept that we think of today
I still don't have a civ 6 Julius Caesar ruler because I refuse to sign up with a 2k account
I just want full leader screens from Civ V back.
>Augustus standing before the Senate
>Hatshepsut on her throne surrounded by servants, priests and scribes
>Napoleon on the field standing with his marshals behind him on horseback
>Tecumseh and his braves in a wooded clearing
>Franklin in a bathhouse with several prostitutes.
>When you make a deal the background people celebrate and when you make them angry all they start shouting in outrage like with civ V montezuma
This is my dream
Meant for>>1869059
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yooo we eatin good shawnee bros
>organizations that self-identify as Native American tribes
Is this considered trannism?
funny enough not really
Do the animations include historical child rape?
>will civilization 7 be the next civ killer?
Attaching a Vietnamese leader to the Khmer civ is something else, kek.
What is the issue? I understand they are different nationalities but I genuinely don't know a damn thing about SEA culture and I'd like to know why you singled this out. England has a French leader in civ6 for example and it's not only a non issue but actually historic.
Nta but Eleanor was the queen of England as well as queen of France and Duchess of Aquitaine. Even though she attained the title from marriage she still was the queen of England. The Trung sister led a Vietnamese rebellion against China centuries before the Khmer empire formed in Cambodia. Their territories never overlapped and the cultures are unrelated. It's a very bizarre choice kind of like if they made Hannibal the leader of the Byzantine Empire since they were both from the Mediterranean.
Cool, thanks for the explanation.
>I understand they are different nationalities but I genuinely don't know a damn thing about SEA culture and I'd like to know why you singled this out.
Well, long story short, Cambodia and Vietnam haven't gotten along well, historically speaking. And it was not a rivalry of equals, but more reminiscent of the relationship, lets say, between Poland and Russia or something like that.
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damn the game looks good tho
I would add a little tilt shift effect for screenshots
Civ 7 looks awesome. I will preorder it at some point. For the civ switching haters, I just want to say I think you’re gay and retarded. Civ isn’t a history simulator and would make no sense to play like one anyways. Its a game that weaves history and fiction because how else could you build and play out the fucking Germans, USA, etc etc from the beginning of time until modern day all while playing the game how you want? I wish whiny people would just die. Go play civ 5 for the next 20 years no one gives a fuck.
I love it but the excess of sprawl looks weird to me. I liked the way civ VI cities looked because the districts felt like small towns surrounding the capital. Mega cities in the antiquity and exploration age feels weird.
Agree but the civ switching should be culturally or geographically relevant only
>agree but the civ switching should be culturally or geographically relevant only
It should be gameplay relevant only. Most of players will choose a civ which adds to their geographic, resource, military etc bonuses. Civ is a competitive game where your main goal is to achieve victory, not to repeat history in the most authentic way possible.
>agree but the civ switching should be culturally or geographically relevant only
the roman - norman - french is culturally and geographically authentic and immersive
I think after a bunch of dlcs its gonna be fine
It's acceptable for launch. Hopefully they'll add Byzantium and Francia and maybe even Papal States and Venice as successors to Rome eventually.
>I think after a bunch of dlcs its gonna be fine
Yeah dlcs and mods will fix it for sure. I'm pretty excited the potential of that feature.
That's why humankind failed. People like to weave stories and narratives not just play a soulless boardgame. I agree you should have plenty of options to enhance the gameplay opportunities but you can easily make diverse historical options rather than making it random.
>That's why humankind failed.
Nah, it failed because its empire management was shit and it was not fun to play at all. Power scaling was absolutely broken in this game, and as a result it required way too many abysmal micromanagement and dull grinding from the very beginning, and it was even getting worse and worse as the game progressed. It's genuinely pathetic how history larpers try to present civ switching as the main reason for humankind's failure, while in reality everyone would have swallowed it, if the game wasn't an absolutely broken piece of slog with literally unplayable gameplay mechanics.
>picks one of the most nonsensical civ progressions as his defense

damn, it really is shit.
I wanna cum on her hairy bush. I knew shes got a lush bushy bush
>jozef pilsudski the tzar of russia
More like Catherine the Great, empress of Poland, kek.
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well, she was kind of close to a king(very close) and at her time she inherited puppeted PLC that she lost and give parts of it to prussia(feeding Germans will never come back to haunt you)
piss off robbie
Does Civ switching mean Greeks become Turks?
That could be problematic
There will probably be the Ottomans in the modern era so kind of yeah. The Anatolian route.
Greeks literally did become Turks though.
Crazy they are adding Chris Chan
Hilarious that they gave him lady buttons in the early version
That would be hilarious, yet realistic
>melting turk nationalist noises
I cannot wait to play as russia with romans.
>I cannot wait to play as russia
Are you even sure that Russia will be in the game, considering the current environment in the West?
I don't think that's what they were going for, rather that no civilization lasted forever, even China in various parts of its history were unrecognizable to each other. But also, societies don't stop existing just because civilizations do, new ones get built on the ruins by the survivors. People didn't stop living in Rome when Rome fell, they became a new civilization.
Didn't they say there wouldn't be really radical shifts like that and you'd switch from one civ to another that's in some way related to them?
Germany is in every game despite Hitler existing, it'll probably just be Peter the Great or Catherine again.
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Graphics look nice and I don't really mind the civ switching thing but no workers is an absolute dealbreaker for me. Sending little guys around to build farms is like 90% of my enjoyment of a civ game
ivan the terrible would be kino
People still have a relation to their old civilizations. There's a continuity to it. A lineage. A cultural genealogy.
Hitler happened almost 100 years at this point, no one actually cares. The cancelling of Russia (not only its government) is happening right now.
>Hitler happened almost 100 years at this point
When Civ 1 came out WW2 was less than 50 years ago, it was still in a ton of people's living memory and the veterans weren't even THAT old yet. Also to say no one cares is blatantly false, the ending of WW2 is basically the foundation myth of practically every modern nation on earth today because regardless of which side they were on, they can trace the path they want on from now to being participants in that war (except China where it happened like 3-4 years later)
>The cancelling of Russia
You can't be serious with words like that.

And people even back then mocked that connection. There's a reason the rest of Europe kinda snickered whenever the ERE addressed themselves as "The Roman Empire" in documents
>And people even back then mocked that connection. There's a reason the rest of Europe kinda snickered whenever the ERE addressed themselves as "The Roman Empire" in documents
Again, this just proves my point: the game is metapolitical. There are people that value & identify with civilizational continuity, and those that snicker at it ("We wuz kangs"). The game devs here look to be in the later camp; otherwise why change the mechanics?
While I'm not 100% it's tje same for Rome since Roman seems to have quite quickly overtaken Latin or Italian identity, for Greece it's evident that while an ethnic identity did exist - Greek/Hellen - it didn't have primacy as the modern nationality does. Back then citizenship of a city or a community was the main identity. Along side that there were both regional and tribal identities that were relevant in appropriate situations. So while the idea of ethnicity and a nation had been around for a while, it was only relatively recently that it was invisaged as the primary and unifying idea for a state.
That's mainly because it wasn't needed back in the day. When a country simply was all the private property of the king and everyone else was just living on it, you don't really NEED a justification for a country to exist beyond "it just does". When monarchy started going away, sure the idea of the nation was there before, but the idea of the nation-state was a relatively new construct to justify why the borders should or shouldn't change.
>Greek/Hellen - it didn't have primacy as the modern nationality does.
Because the modern Greek identity isn't founded in its ancient past, it's founded in the hardship Greece experienced in its War of Independence. Breaking almost 400 years of Ottoman subjugation is far more important to them than what happened 2000 years ago.
>otherwise why change the mechanics?
In all honestly, it was probably something they thought up mechanically first and then tried to crowbar in a lore justification later. The mechanical reason being trying to fix the fact that people don't pick late-game civs because they're just objectively worse than ones with early-game bonuses because late-game civs can't snowball.
>one civ7 thread, specifically about the other mechanics, not the civ switching
>subhuman retards still talk about the civ switching instead of making new threads
I dont like the civs staring at each other in diplomacy. They should be staring at (you) while you do diplomacy. Just a small thing that makes you like or hate an ai leader more.
For that i really like using perfect world map script and selecting "start in old world" AI is pretty good in claiming new territories once astronomy is resarched So you need to be prepared to claim them yourself fast. Once you do you have a choice, you can make colonial states that become your vassals and if you dont like that you should beeline for communism and get state property otherwise you bankrupt yourself.
AI in not good at that aspect of colonialism, I noticed they typically dont do either and struggle economically.
will civ7 kill the franchise ?
Unlikely. Basic Civ formula proved to be enduring and none of the latest civ-likes was particularly impressive. VII will be major hit, based on the brand alone
lmao, this nibba
Smug Florentine
Civ 7 really feels like they lost faith in the franchise. 5 and 6 both made huge changes, but it still felt like there was some level of continuity, like they were at least responding to issues the previous games. So many of the changes in 7 seem to be coming out of left field.
robot chicken looking ass
and theres no cool explor age firenze faction. they just suggest you should pick the normans or the greeks lmao
So... is there going to be an Italian civ in the final age?
no chud, Italian civs evolve into tunisia, libya or algeria
We shouldn't expect all the "major" European civs to get modern era representation, and that's okay.
the french empire is in the modern era
But the European powers were extremely significant in the Age of Modern. Italy can be omitted, tho.
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who could stop him?
Probably as DLC
but France controlled Algeria.
I'm not against Machiavelli and the civ basically being a Venice on steroids, but I have a feeling his bonuses will fall behind lategame pretty hard.
Machiavelli feels weird, just use Cesare Borgia
Are these just random compositions instead of traditional melodies now?
Yeah the idea that you play youfailed politicians is weird
If they were to critically examine 4, 5, and 6, look at what each did right and design around that they would have made 7 the next great game. Instead it's like a boardroom just looking out at their competitors and saying "let's do that". Firaxis is no longer in the innovation phase and has shifted to the copy phase.
>look closer
>Fear Axis
Borgia is too niche. Machiavelli is way better known and is a meme of a sort
>Borgia is too niche.
Really now?
She's a fucking nobody but is also pushed right front and center by an autocratic communist state which is extremely intent on molding the opinion of all the people at home and abroad.
Basically just as obscure as Lee Sun Shin. A historical nothing that South Korea (and only South) built up into a national icon and symbol that's used everywhere and pushed both on the locals and tourists to the point a Korea where no one knows about the faggot is incomprehensible to them... a random "Who?" to the North Koreans, tho. And not because Norks lack history classes or state propaganda about how the Korean culture and history is the oldest and greatest ever.

So yeah, she's not in the same category as Borgias.
>She's a fucking nobody but is also pushed right front and center
I can already imagine the miles long Wikipedia article referencing books like "National Identity and Gender in Medieval Thailand".
>Basically just as obscure as Lee Sun Shin
Assuming it's the same as Yi Sun-Sin, that's a surprise to me. I'm not a Korean history buff and it's basically the only famous Korean figure I know of, together with muh king Sejong. Is it just fake popularity?
exactly why I hate this "anybody can be a leader" thing, you inevitably get way more pop culture figures + some DEI choices while restricted it to civilizations and their leaders can net you figures off the beaten path
now everybody is the Gandhi meme (who himself is conspicuously absent and inevitable dlc)
>innovation is when you just take shit from your old games and haphazardly slap them together
>copying is when you make entirely brand-new systems
The thing is: SEA history as a whole is quite niche. Can you name any SEA leader not from the modern era without google if you are not from the region? Exactly.
Yes "borrowing" from humankind is a brand new system lmao
The switching mechanic in civ 7 has literally nothing to do with humankind's beyond the basic concept. They are nothing alike mechanically.
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>switch civs at the end of an era
>switch "cultures" at the end of an era
they are the same
civ 7 has token prerequisites to try and tone down the schizophrenic switching of humankind but considering the canon path for pharoahic egypt is egypt-songhai-buganda it's arguably more schizophrenic
mongol rape train
The trailer looked neat, might be a return to form.
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>Endless Legend
Is it good?
did they base his model off big bang sheldor or something
the greece one is based on the delphic hymn to apollo, the roman one is not based on a specific piece, don't know about the irrelevant civs
Endless legend is a good game with a polarizing combat system. Generally anyone who bounces off of the game does so because of the combat.
okay now compare civ 6 city lights to the "brand new" rural and urban city design mechanics
Isabella's back with her civ 5 ability (without having to discover stuff first)
Looks neat so far? I like the commanders.
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We can't keep playing as Spain?
only Social Credit gods get to play their nation
Yeah, good ol' Buganda being one of them. Weird of them to put Normans in Exploration age rather than just England. If it were "Medieval" era, it would make much more sense btw one more era would be nice to have.
>btw one more era would be nice to have.
But can you justify having one more era from a gameplay perspective? Now the eras look quite distinct at least.
No, you'll become Mexico and you'll like this.
and poos
Maybe it's irrelevant gameplay wise, I was just thinking from a historical perspective, it feels off with just three eras. Seems to me like like Antiquity is 4000BC to 476AD, then Exploration until 1760 or so, and after that Modern Era's the rest of the game, imo it's too much time between them.
>inb4 Civ isn't a historical simulation
Yeah yeah I know
She's such an awful leader choice. She didn't even succeed. She got captured and executed by the Chinese, and the Vietnamese went right back to being colonized and enslaved for the next 1000 years.
Apparently there's a Hawaiian wonder you can build, maybe it means Kamehameha or the last queen?
It's simply stupid limiting the game this way. I'm sure it's backend engineered because some dipshit wanted the civ switching and this was how it 'had' to be.

Civ switchign should have just been a modification like secret societies etc.
I still dont like the UI in 7. It looks so bland and lifeless.

Im happy shes back. One of my favorite runs in Civ 5 was picking her and the goal was to have every natural wonder in my borders.
Not all wonders correspond to civs or leaders (at least for now). There will be Hanging Gardens in the Antiquity Age, but there will be no Mesopotamian civ, at least at release.
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they reuploaded the Abbasid theme cause they mixed their symbol with this lmao
>civ switching
Welp maybe Civ 8 will be good..
hell yeah finally a genocider european colonizer for me!
the game looks so good fr fr, wonder what are gonna be the other possible paths for spain besides cuckxico
>no race for religion
inshallah that was the stupidest shit in 5 and 6
I still play 4 and 5. Maybe I'll finally give 6 a try. Won't play 7 for at least 5 years.
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Hawaii, indeed.
If only at least you could stay playing as your original civ, maybe it would be better.
the more they talk about switching civs the lamer it seems really
>no, spain cannot last to the modern age in your history you must be mexico now
Honestly? They have a point.
Modern Mexico has far more cultural influence and potential for growth than modern Spain, which might not even exist as a sovereign state anymore.
Ah yes, lets make the already strongest violence based wincon even stronger in our game series where we try to portray humanity as diplomacy loving cultural enlightened beings destined to globohomo and spread across the stars.

The fucking tones of civ games are ridiculous.
bluff city non stop party at the pro shop
Jap women are amazing. Why is immigration so hard.
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My current Civ 5 game.
Liberty rush?
I was so hemmed in I was forced into Tradition. But I was still able to get the official American religion: Judaism.
Judaism is the secret society controlling America but the religion is Blackism.
never have I ever had a diplo victory in civ games before
civ5 was such a trash game but if it did one thing right it was the fact that it was so much fun to just GROW cities and watch them visually get larger. Never got the same satisfaction from watching the numbers go up in 4 or 6.
>civ5 was such a trash game
>it was so much fun
you are the blackest bone in nose nigger baboon that ever walked the earth
With leaders not linked to civs it should be retardedly easy just to mod 100 civs into the game at launch and make historical progressions for every option.
Someone who's good at modding should start planning it.
Maybe wonders and unique buildings would be a challenge but probably not every civ needs one.
I don't think we should switch civs more than three times but you're definitely right in that the last era is way too short and I think that will be a big issue gameplay-wise because it greatly limits the civs available. Spain having to become Mexico comes to mind. They probably should've divided it by crises. In the third to fifth century the globe cooled and the Roman, Persian, Kushan and Chinese empires collapsed due to migrations so that's perfect. The next age should either end with the end of the medieval warm period (Mongol invasions, crisis of the late middle ages, black plague, drought in North America, end of the Cahokian, Mesa Verde, and Mayan cultures) around 1300 or the little ice age which coincided with the "general crisis" of the the 1600s (thirty years war, second plague pandemic, fall of the Ming and Mali empires, civil wars in England, Poland, and Russia) and then have exploration and colonization be a big thing in the 3rd age which ends with ideology wars. A bronze age or future age would be cool as dlc but could be hard to make work with their mechanics.
>Spain having to become Mexico comes to mind
According to whom?
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hi new civ 6 player here, is there a workshop mod that shows you exactly where amenities are given from?
Like, which luxury resource is provided to which cities (1 lux resource is capped to 4 cities) and what the “amenities from entertainment/civics” is from (no i do not have an entertainment complex)
that doesn't matter, the game keeps the amenities on the same level. i.e if you build an Arena in one city instead of it going ecstatic it will stop using two luxuries in favor of other cities.
but that's actual history which makes it aside the point for the meme 4x game
It wouldn't surprise me at all if they heavily neuter mods this entry, this is probably the hardest push they've made for microtransactions
i just want a mod that shows me what im getting amenities from because i struggle with them, i almost always have negative amenities and when i dont i have no idea where its coming from
negative amenities come from population and war weariness. avoid going to long wars especially against Gandhi, also you don't need more than 7 population on most cities.

the biggest source of amenities comes from the culture tree: Republican Legacy, Retainers, Liberalism and New Deal.
>just keep track of every policy and every civics upgrades and all that minmax shit bro
Come on man I told you I’m a newbie, there’s no way a mod that tells you about amenities doesn’t exist, i refuse to believe nobody thought about it after 10 years
at most this one shows you in which level the cities are

amenities are a softcap on growth, but as it is mostly an automatic feature most people don't need the information
According to the latest exploration era stream when Mexico was first revealed.
Right now the only official historical successor to exploration age Spain is Mexico. There is no plan to have Spain in the modern era so players will have to choose to switch to either Mexico or probably France.
Yeah. For me that's going to make or break the game.
I don't mind civ switching as long as it's culturally or geographically accurate and those boomer "historians" at firaxis sure as hell aren't going to do that right.
Good points. Speaking of, is there no more Future Era in 7?
just use google you retarded cunt. you fucking spent 20 minutes here yappin and whining
and yeah there is a mod but im not gonna tell you which one
As time goes on I am becoming more and more tempted by it.
This is literally how every civ game works though. You can load up 4, 5, or 6 right now and see that the Ancient Age lasts roughly the same number of turns as the Modern Age but in the former each turn represents 100+ years of history and in the latter each turn is only 4 or 5.
but you do know you will be able to upgrade your units several times within each era. you still gonna have your Warrior Swordsman Musketman Line Infantry Infantry Mechanized Infantry Mobile Infantry chain
Can you still retain your old civ, by the way?
No, the mechanic of the game is that each civ has unique units, buildings, wonders, etc specifically tailored to their era. Playing Egypt in the Exploration era or Normandy in the Modern era makes no sense, the civs are balanced for the eras they're played in.
man pachacuti was so OP in 6
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This is depressing to look at man. I hope Sid Meier gets assraped for this.
i like this roaster. im not gonna buy this shit of course but give it a year or two
>Qing China

Kek the Indians and Chinese aren't gonna like that.
So either Germany or Russia are missing from the Modern Age, at the release lol, lmao even. Can you imagine modern without these two?
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>Europe without the hellspawn, the barbarian hordes, the chimpout bastards,...
It would be too beautiful not to have Germans and Russians alternate in fucking up Europe time and time again.

Also, IIRC Britain is not actually confirmed so it could still technically go Germany and Russia but with no Britain.
Normans unlock France, we've seen T-34s, Panzer 4s, Shermans, Napoleonic infantry, Japanese battleships and Zeros, Buganda's huts, Spain goes into Mexico,... nothing British yet.
>so it could still technically go Germany and Russia but with no Britain.
It's even more stupid considering that Britain was even more influential back then. But I do think Britain is in the game from the start, because Normans were added specifically to represent "the English way", at least that's what the devs have hinted at in their interviews and streams.
Well Normans unlock modern French. We currently have:
Rome -> Normans -> French
Rome -> Spanish -> Mexico
Greece has the same unlock paths as Rome.

With America, France and Mexico being in the game, you do really start to see the constriction for European powers who get 2 civs/age.
Having only three ages was a really stupid idea. Now gunpowder era civs are occupying the same space as atomic era civs.
>Now gunpowder era
It begins in the exploration age. The last quarter of its tech tree is early gunpowder with bombards and arquebuses.
That's what I thought but the Mughals are listed as a modern age civ when they were relevant during the 16th to 18th centuries and only existed as a rump state within British India by the 19th, so if Exploration age is meant to cover the gunpowder/Early Modern period with Modern being industrialization onwards then they're misplaced.
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>That's what I thought but the Mughals are listed as a modern age civ
So what? Civs in this game are selected based on them being "thematically fitting" whatever this means. Devs showed the exploration era's tech tree, the last half of it has gunpowder.
So mughals should be an exploration age civ.
Leader idea:
>Malcom X Ability: Nation of Islam
Whenever a foreign city adopts your religion, they enter in a period of anarchy, the amount of turns increases as more cities are converted.
> Malcom X agenda: One Struggle
Enjoys Civilizations with the Order and Autocracy ideology, loathes the Freedom ideology.
no, what you dont understand is that the exploration age begins around the fall of rome
So firaxis is just making up a new definition for an era that's already established.
No, I understand that Exploration is the equivalent of Medieval + Renaissance from the older games. The problem is that that's where the Mughals should be, in the Renaissance era.
Also if they want to say America is a modern civ the mughals were in decline at the point that America was on the rise.
Chola india also died off in the mid 13th century, well before the age of exploration.
If anything they should cut chola india and push the mughals back to the age of exploration. Why can't they just have India as the modern civ like in every other game?
imba for
>Why can't they just have India as the modern civ like in every other game?
india is not a modern civ tho
Gandhi was for a long time the most modern leader in civ only surpassed by Haile Selasse in 5. Of course their UUs/UBs were usually ancient/medieval stuff but there's no reason they couldn't pull something out for modern. If Brazil's singular battleship was enough for a UU I'm sure there must be an Indian plane or something they can use, and Bollywood is an obvious direction to go with for another bonus.
Ottomans will be in the modern age.
It is. "India" was created by brits in 19th century. There was no such thing before them.
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Do you like Charlemagne's beer belly?
humiliation ritual
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>they give india the call center UB

>Charles was large and strong, and of lofty stature, though not disproportionately tall (his height is well known to have been seven times the length of his foot); the upper part of his head was round, his eyes very large and animated, nose a little long, hair fair, and face laughing and merry. Thus his appearance was always stately and dignified, whether he was standing or sitting; although his neck was thick and somewhat short, and his belly rather prominent; but the symmetry of the rest of his body concealed these defects. His gait was firm, his whole carriage manly, and his voice clear, but not so strong as his size led one to expect. Einhard, The Life of Charlemagne, translated by Samuel Epes Turner (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1880)
Foot means penis right?
12 inches is 12 inches
I dunno, I'm not unitedstatesian
Charlamagne was black confirmed.
This is like saying there's no such thing as Europe or Arabia or Latin America just because these places aren't politically unified.
A region and a country are two different entities.
well said
the inventors of fascism can be skipped in the modern era you say? absolutely ridiculous
The nature of the switching mechanic requires there to be roughly the same number of civs per continent/region in each era. Currently every age already has 2 euro civs, Greece/Rome for antiqutity, Norman/Spain for Exploration, and Britain/France for modern. The final civ will probably be Ottomans to complete the Middle Eastern Persia>Abbasids line.
Still better than 6s woke ugly on purpose pixar crap.
kys mutt
>can't take a joke
Asspained eurokek spotted
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I hope we get more factions than this soon, because the roster is currently looking kinda lackluster
I mean it's historically accurate (supposedly)
That's not fair hair though.
>they didn't even use mocap now all the animations look like robots controlled by aliens
I meant the beergut part.
One of my favorite things to do in Civ 6 is plan out and build industrial district adjacency bonusses. Are there going to be any such planning for districts in Civ 7 or is "city planning" just mindless blobbing?
adjacencies still in, but districts can only be built next to existing districts so that cities look like actual cities
I assumed the intent of districts in Civ 6 were supposed to be cities unto themselves, with many districts next to one another being mega-cities.
they were called districts, not cities
God I hope dam and aqueduct placement isn't as stringent on tile sides. Have to use the map tacks mod to figure out what are viable placements
He did but I imagine they would have had somewhat flattering clothes for literal kings. This Charlemagne design looks like fetish material to me personally. I don't know if anyone agrees.
That's how I always thought of it and much prefer it that way. Mega cities don't really make sense until after the industrial revolution. Districts were really cool as smaller towns surrounding a regional capital that correspond to university towns, bishoprics, free trade cities etc.
People are really liking the way civ vii looks but the massive sprawl is freakish and unrealistic to me
>play vs cheaty AI
>play vs sweaty dudes that are too bad for online RTS
it's gonna get boring past ~50hours, once the novelty runs off
Anons, I have only played HoI4 but I have a question about trying out Civ, please don't mind my question if it is stupid, it is quick and I am sincerely curious, but what is the gameplay of Civ? Is it similar to the kind of fantasy I am going to describe?

I am looking for a game where you can ally nations and leave alliances depending on convenience, the narrative is not always the same sometimes you have the usual world war and other times you have idk USA plus Austria vs France plus Germany vs Britain plus Ottomans and all courting Russia, or even entirely new countries and reasons for a world war!. Is Civ like that? alliances of convenience and backstabbing and YOUR OWN LORE, Idk, I have only played hoi4 and I hoped paradox had a hoi4 like game where wars are a thing but it is not the same railroaded experience every single time, seems like they don't, I do not care about the army micro and stuff, I love the idea of Civ of dropping in any sort of world and continent shape and stuff and going from caveman age to space age and building your culture and shit, but Civ too for some reason feels... weird, too cartoony maybe? Idk, I just hope you can tell me if Civ is like what I describe, a world where you build your own lore and create alliances and backstabbing and cultures in your nation and not blobmaxx, there can be a nation whose goal is total map paint that is cool, but not every nation, I want most nations with realistic expansion and some diplomacy, not an eternal NATO alliance either but rather for example a nation called chickenland allying wolfland to attack catland for resources and their claims and then the catlands even after the war is over can still ally wolfland conveniently and attack the chickenlands because they want their core territory back and shit and look, now you have interesting lore!. Anyway, is Civ like I am describing or not? From gameplay on youtube it seems like simple blobmax and not even too into culture building... PIC VERY RELATED
Yes you make your own lore in civ more or less
I don't think you'd like it, I sure didn't. There's "freedom" but it's just randomness, no flavor or immersion.
>New Yin
The world is what you make of it. I can typically immerse myself in it but you have to put in a little effort. If the ai was more reasonable it was be great
Try Civ4 with Realism Invictus
>not a single white person in the intro cinematic
holy shit lmao
>Entire intro filled with brown people killing each other
>Last hope for humanity is the white man sending a rocket to the moon
>guy who sold rusniggers into mongol slavery
Their entire history is irrelevant except Stalin or Peter.
Stalin killed more russians than most wars, its funny to see them worship him so much
cmon now we both know that rocket was from Wakanda
uh you mean Buganda?!
Haven't they talked about how the map literally expands when you reach a new era? I interpreted this as meaning the ancient era "mega-cities" are just being shown on a different scale than in later eras. e.g. one tile in the ancient era may only represent a few kilometres but then a dozen each in the modern age.
Kino music is back on the menu, as usual.
alright but a bit boring, honestly
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They added Harriet Tubman
Literally who lol
I had to look up who she was
Burgers are fucked
Millenia won (?)
Nobody wins.
Humankind is a bad idea turned into a game.
Millenia is a 4x game selling you nukes as dlc.
Ara is economic spreadsheet simulator masquerading as a 4x game.
Helped run a famous slave smuggling circle, to move them away from the Southern US
Had a reputation for being tough, if people got scared and wanted to go back to their masters she'd point a gun at em and tell em either she kills them or they will when they return and get lynched
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I have nigger fatigue broes.
Imagine the war with one of the roosevelts
Brazil-mexico tier.
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yeah dont care if its just 4.5, im here for the ost
Good to see the entire concept of liberty is reduced to the heckin modern democratic party
Who wants to bet fascism has an unsubtle reference to Trump painfully wedged in there?
mechanically you probably want more EU or CK for the feeling your describing at the cost of not having it span from the ice age to space age
Jannies, do your job on this one for hsi weak pol bait.
Damn what a perfect candidate to lead an entire nation! Al Capone leader when?
>third worldism
Dropped. Smell ya later boys
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>unfortunately it will be used as an excuse to include shit like Harriet Tubman lmao
you were right

>militaristic (???)
>irl some random nigger abolitionist
It looks like a settler game from 2010
>sequel shouldnt refine previous games features, analyze what worked and what didnt and why and then consolidate everything into a fresh synthesis of gameplay
>it should just be completely different game everytime
Then why make it a series, retard
Have any more leaks you'd care to share?
>black people exist in a game that already has white leaders
>omg I am so fatigued
and the rest of the globe is fatigued of white losers, cry and seethe but Civ will still be the most successful franchise in turn based strategy games
why is DEI so fucking predictable, they went all in when MLK would obviously have been more agreeable
Crossing my fingers for Yakub next
It's so tiresome.
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>illiterate slave
>culturally irrelevant in the time she lived in
>never had any power, no influence on the abolition movement or the outcome of history
The obvious pick was always Abraham Lincoln, he's the most logical and solid choice, but if you really wanted to wave the bloody shirt they should have gone with John Brown. He literally fought and died for the cause of abolition and his rebellion at Harper's Ferry was a MAJOR catalyst for the Civil War. If the character needed to be black, go with Frederick Douglass for the sake of the Christchild.
all modern civs get atomic age variants, Gandhi will be revealed with Atomic India
I love how the trailer says that she saved countless lives when she did like a dozen trips and helped about 70 people.
typo, it was supposed to be count less
Think on how in previous games, how improvements gets better with certain technologies
Instead of pursuing them, you can research the same tech for those benefits
No more wasted science point for a tech of which you will only one or 2 unlocks
You forgot stupid adjacency requirements for wonders
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Honestly I wouldn't have nearly as large of an issue with MLK. Tubman is like if you picked Paul Revere or some shit.
The graphics seem bearable this time around so maybe I will not hard skip this one.
Compared to pdx games civ is more boardgame-like and absurd, so it's not that great for the kind of rp and "lore" you're thinking about.
Alliances and breaking them is possible though traditionally the AI's have been kinda useless so making peace with a nation mostly just means they won't bother you so you can focus on one enemy at a time.
you blind or a hypocrite? The leaders are 6 but even worse.
Fuck, now I'm gonna think of Tubgirl whenever I see her.
>all this historical contrarism
>Irish still under English yoke
Did the jannies nuke the Harriet Tubman thread? Lol.
NOW: Ara's Tubman or Civ's Tubman?
They did, some hohol sperged out and started screaming about /pol/ and posting unrelated Russia bad images. Guess they got tired of responding to reports.
you just gotta play with actual humans. AI can't into strategy games
They can't make the same game over and over, especially when there were very real problems with each title before it.
>another French leader
kinda getting old desu
they completely abandoned the roots with this culture flip bullshit nobody asked for
Genuine question, what are the problems with Civ 6 that Civ 7 is trying to fix? I don't follow the news.
The Civ themes are a little too cheery for me. Maybe I'm just jaded.
snowballing and excessive micromanagement seems to be what they focus on countering
the issues they themselves created by doing retarded 1UPT
This board being slow has it perks lmao.
Yes, civ has been shit since 3. Doomstacks and 1 UPT were poor choices.
Russia's not getting canceled
so, the same shit they've been trying to fix since civ 4?
Civ 6 there is no reason to build tall, just wide.
Civ 6 also there is never a punish for any decision, you just get a bonus in other area.
Based Cathy. I missed her
>The only civ to date without the unique civil unit
Lol, lmao even.
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>+4 DEI score
They always make her hot instead of old and fat like she actually was so a win is a win.
This means we're either not getting the British Empire or Germany
they have never tried to fix those two things
now with the "cluster civ" mechanic you are pretty likely to see all of the "civs" in just 2 regular games (6 civs). if you start with max players (10) you will literally be playing against the entire available roster.
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Yep, that wouldn't be a problem if you could keep playing as the older civs
Also, does the game ends before World War I? All the late civs feel like 19th century at most
it ends in the 60s, which im personally fine with. dont care about the gdr nonsense and i dont think ive ever built an atomic era wonder because all my games are basically just wrapping things up by then.
I see. Well, I liked Modern Era units like fighter jets and apcs, but it is what it is
This game will be abysmal dogshit but normies and redditors will lap it up. I expect it to be the highest selling in the franchise
they're holding off modern and space age techs for the 4th DLC era.
>Civ 6 there is no reason to build tall, just wide.

Her return is causing a lot of Ukrainian asshurt
I'm okay with doomstacks, but if they are a problem the best solution is to have some sort of stacking cap/penalty such that you can only have so many units on a given tile or that if you exceed the limit you get hit with a combat penalty a la HoI3
>Ukrainian asshurt
That's their permanent state. Whatever.
2 was best. If the defending unit dies, the entire stack dies. Proper risk vs reward.
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Journo shills got a key already, cant wait for non biased and paid off opinions weeks before release
There are gameplay videos from youtubers already.
yep i watched one, UI and game feels very consolized, it might just be my bias against it, did not like the direction game was taking from the start. Also wonder how good is the AI, so far seen no comments about it.
>so far seen no comments about it.
Ursa said AI is tough.
Yeah I watched marb's vid, it looks fucking shit. Luckily a lot of the comments agree and are calling it out. Hopefully it bombs.
>british MIA
get ready for information age expansion pack with Thatcher at the helm
They are still keeping the ugly green civ 6 tile shit?
every UI is like this nowdays. rectangular and sleek and muted colors. it makes it look cheap cause random indie games have it
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what the fuck is this lol
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this just feels wrong
That would be based though.
This gets thrown out a lot but the UI looks like an iPad game UI and the map feels cramped in a way, doesnt feel like it has the visual scale of a PC game
>another civ entry, yet still civ 3 and 4 remain the GOATs
>another civ entry, yet still civ 2 remains the GOAT
Haven't been following this too much since they announced civ switching but is china and India the only two civs you can play as the whole game? Also it looks like there is a soft reset at the start of each age. Is it possible to win in the first two ages or is the game going to force you to head to the modern age?
Yes, only china and india have civs in all 3 ages(hilarious). The map expands between ages, you can't win the game until the last age.
>Is it possible to win in the first two ages or is the game going to force you to head to the modern age?
You can play one age campaign manually, if you want.
are any of the youtuber early access coverages worth watching or are they all paid ads
they handed out review copies to the insider clique who also got a paid trip to their offices, there is no way anyone within that group would call out negatives about the game.
I'm quoting a dude on cuckfanatics:

>Okay, so Polish tvgry/gry-online.pl outlet published a "preview" (it really feels like a review honestly, even though they have a disclaimer that "it isn't", and to their credit they avoided talking about modern age). It is a very big Polish outlet, but with the best journalists leaving a couple of years ago they aren't associated with that much of journalistic quality and maybe integrity nowadays - I honestly would much rather prefer if guys from arhn.eu got a preview copy. Either way, the things that they noted in the YT video and web article are:
- according to them, the age changes are demotivating ingame progress
- there's more linearity, instead of "sandboxiveness", and they think that the quests are too specific and one can't play their own way, which limits replayability
- the legacy paths, units and quests are reportedly very buggy
- they say the game crashes quite a bit
- once again they are really insistent that the game is very buggy and "unreadable" at that
- their b-roll shows city banners to bug out even more than we've seen (curse you city banners!)
- you can't decide how to unpack a commander's unit, or something doesn't work with it?
- they say the AI is very bad, and think that there are remnants from Civ VI code
- they were confused by how relationships with city states work - suzerains can't change
- they think the game is not finished
- they didn't like how the diplomacy options related to war work
- they claim that "the game doesn't want to share information with the player, it doesn't want them to know anything"
- the borders aren't easy to understand, they still don't show on the minimap
- the game doesn't show when your units are attacked by the AI
- at last, 20 minutes into the video, they complimented how cities look on the map and how the music sounds; these are the only things they liked about the game
- they had a problem with the "identity" of the leaders (?); your leader appears on the screen too rarely, if you ask them
- the leaders make the "hmmmm" sound very often
- they suspect that "the devs seem to have lost faith in their ideas at some point" and they abandoned too many core concepts of the series
- they think that the one more turn syndrome won't occur
- they likened the state of the series with VII to the Fall of Rome, their conclusion was that it's a dark age for Civ.
The youtuber coverage seems abnormally sparse, and that alone speaks more than any video or review.
My prediction is 10 million copies sold in the first week with 20+ million by the end of the year.
Chinks and the switch audience will eat this up.
I hope they copy paradox and never release a ultimate edition to milk the morons as much as possible.
*pushes up glasses*
Acktually the Mughals are an afghani civ that just happened to conquer India.
Can't wait for them to add 'complete' civs like (Jomon and Sengoku Japan) via DLC. It's going to be paradox tier
So they only get high quality males.
All they needed was a supply cap like paradox games but they went full retard and did 1UPT ruining any sense of scale.
Good. Fuck Britain and fuck the poor. But most importantly fuck Argentina
Thinking I'll just mod civ6 to be a better game since 4 has become stale, 5 is trash outside art and 7 is looking to be stillborn
So we basically went all the way back to the Civ 4 style of leaders where they just have generic traits from a list?
watched the review, if all things they say are true that game will be a massive disaster, especially that the usual shills dont even mention any of those issues.
I'm 100% certain that this will be the case. Civ packs
>the usual shills dont even mention any of those issues.
Journalists or Youtubers? The one video I watched, the guy basically explained that he wasn't allowed to actually review it, just give an "impression" of the game, even though it felt like he wanted to say more. It's a really weird kind of embargo. Once it's over, I expect more people to be more outright about all the issues the game has.
2K is gonna milk this thing for all its worth. Even if the initial sales are disappointing for them, I expect them to push even harder on DLC than they did with 6. I guess the only saving grace is that it won't be as bad as in their sports titles.
Only one South America people.
No leaders
No? They have their unique traits AND also unlockable generic.
This is going to be worse than Civ V vanilla
>- the borders aren't easy to understand, they still don't show on the minimap
this is so fucking weird
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why cant new games just come out good

i was so excited for cities2 based on the previews they put out only to be shat in the face.

i'm tired, boss....
Honestly I'm glad they revealed civ switching so early so I could just ignore it and not get let down
Would people complain if they had MLK instead?
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this isn't an UI, it's an excel sheet
That's kinda based.
What confuses me is how much wasted space there is. Stuff like the end turn button are massive, but then the info boxes have tiny text. It's not even a full-fledged mobile UI with giant icons, since those are small, too. It's like a first draft someone made as a mockup that got accepted as the final design, because nobody could agree on any iterations.
everything is big and blocky and takes so much space because if you ever showed a civ normie a paradox game UI they would vomit. even civ 6 UI probably looks like information overload, so late game you will be scrolling a 20 pixel tall scroll bar up and down to find the shit you want to build
Okay, so basically Civ 7 will be just like any other civ game. Trash on arrival, and turned to diamond a few DLCs later. Got it.
>Okay, so basically Civ 7 will be just like any other civ game. Trash on arrival, and turned to diamond a few DLCs later. Got it.
Most of the stuff people hate are too baked into the gameplay. Civ Vs biggest issue was how barebones it was at launch so the expansions fixed it by adding all the features it should of had at launch. Kind of hard to do that with this game
So do the Qing then despite being Chinesed
>there's more linearity, instead of "sandboxiveness", and they think that the quests are too specific and one can't play their own way, which limits replayability
Into the fire it goes.

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