With Götterdämmerung out of the way and Graveyard of Empires being around the corner, what are your thoughts? And what do you think will be the next area of focus after Graveyard of Empires?
>>1927763Gottdangitbobby ruined historical games by giving AI Germany crippling autism so now it just folds to the Soviets in every game and collapses without player intervention.
>>1927787Id played base vanilla hoi4 on and off for years until a couple of years ago when I bought all the DLC on sale (this was when the tank and air designers were new). I found that the hoi4 DLC actually made the game worse and it was more fun without any DLC at all. I can only imagine what several more years have done
>>1927787Really? My runs always end in Germany bashing the Soviets in
>>1927763Time for the proper cold war DLC.
>>1927872The way some things are named in the game files (and how some devs have talked about them at various points) it seems like they actually already developed a lot of cold war tech for Gotterdamerung and then cut it last minute, which can only point to plans for a more substantial cold war DLC down the line.For example, there's only 1 model of helicopter available right now and it's just called "Helicopter" but in the game files it's actually called "Early Helicopter" with blank entries left reserved for later helicopter models.In the game itself it's a little weird that we can design and build ICBMs and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and ballistic missile submarines (1958 tech) yet helicopter-borne infantry air assault (1956) is a bridge too far. But it makes more sense if they're withholding it to bundle with later cold war tech like Helicopter Gunships (1965) and ship-borne ASW helicoptersOf course if they actually wanted to extend the timeline further they'd have to extend focus trees further, and at the pace they release them (and the amount of bugs they introduce with every focus change) I don't think a cold war start date or a serious timeline extension is in the cards.
ey ey ey nigga you gotta nice lil ass nigga gimme yo ass nigga
>>1927763After GE, I think a Japan + China DLC will come out, then a US DLC. Commonwealth countries will be HOI4’s last big update.
>>1927763Assuming Iran is included, I think it'll be the most interesting country. There are plenty avenues for conquest and territorial expansion. I just hope it'll be a content pack like Battle for the Bosporus. The last thing this game needs is another gimmicky mechanic. No more fucking designers.
>>1927763Daily reminder the only DLC you need is WtT and MAYBE TfV. Everything else makes the game worse>inb4 muh logisticsThe pseudo-supply system from NSB doesn't solve the fundamental problems of the game, makes AI even worse and doesn't provide meaningful mechanics. I can rolf-stomp as China human-controlled Japan thanks to that system, so what the fuck we are even talking about?
>>1928026>I can rolf-stomp as China human-controlled Japan thanks to that systemThat was the point. Before the supply rework, it was easy to overwhelm China as Japan. The supply and guerrillas were the biggest issue Japan faced during the war.
Graveyard is right, who the fuck still wants to play this shit? It gets worse with every update
The game was more fun before the design company bs, it's way more bloated now. I forget to assign a company to my equipment outside of tanks in lots of my game and the fact that you need to upgrade the equipment every time you level your company up is fucking cancer. It starts out fine but once the game gets going and you get more tired and less focused you need to keep managing those equipment-upgrades giving you little bonuses. Every time you want to play a different country you need to check what companies you got. Sure you could just not bother with those but that's suboptimal and I can't ignore this due to my crippling autism
>>1928049It's an unironically baffling decision. Afghanistan was genuinely irrelevant to the war, did not participate in any capacity and was of no strategic interest to any side. Why would anyone want to play Afghanistan in a WW2 sim? They wouldn't.If there's a cold war DLC brewing down the line then giving Iran and Afghanistan updates would make some sense but otherwise it's genuinely a "we're out of ideas, out of worthwhile things to add but being given a budget that we need to spend somehow." I think literally everyone would sooner take a rework of a focus tree that matters than more fanfic trees for irrelevant unaligned minors
>>1927763please just update Japan and China nobody wants an Iran focus tree.
>>1927787So just like IRL? :^)
>>1927763>country packOh, that's fine. The last content area that might need rework/new mechanics is SEA - Siam, Dutch East Indies, Phillipines and British Malaya. If they can shove in Mongolia in there, somehow, that's it for countries with actual participation in WW2, populations and resources.
It feels like 90% of research projects are trash that only exist for the memes. Perhaps they should have reworked the research mechanics completely and integrating experimental facilities to it.
>>1928084I believe that their policy regarding countries getting focuses now includes "countries who were a battleground for influence between the Axis/Allies" with Afghanistan being one of them. Considering that they also courted German influence to counter the British and at one point, requested the Axis that they be given Pashtunistan if they won.>>1928306Literally this. A rework of China too which includes an actual fascist branch revolving around Chiangism/Fascist Warlord Shenanigans would be nice along with Manchukuo/British Malaya/French Indochina/DEI being given the Belgian Congo treatment.
>>1928324The issue is that they take so long. Many if them are technically good, but just don't come online in time to matter unless you center your build around rushing one specific one, and for many that basically requires having focuses that boost it or some kind of head start
>>1927763the game is now run by unironic commies
>>1928324Air and Sea have a ton of great projects though, it's only land that is mostly useless.
>>1927983Since they were invaded and folded in like 4 days, I think the Iranian tree is going to be pretty shit. Though I'm sure they will have a bunch of super memey focuses for returning to Zoroastrianism and reforming Persia.I'm more interested in Afghanistan.
>>1928425>Literally this. A rework of China too which includes an actual fascist branch revolving around Chiangism/Fascist Warlord ShenanigansI'm not sure when it happened, but the Ma Clique no longer has Ma as the head of every political party.Really disappointing, that was the best part about the country. No matter your path you were stuck with Ma.
>>1928809It was dumb that it was Bufang, in every ideology. The entire Ma deal irl was that there were different cliques within the family. Bufang was specifically a radical green agriculturalist.
>>1928813In any case, Asia needs a serious overhaul. Japan not having an event-driven victory condition in China like HoI3 is ridiculous. They have Manchukuo and Mengkukuo but nothing for the rest of China, or anything for Siberia, India, Tibet, or Australia.
>muh japannoone cares low T tranime s0icuck
>>1928822>where do you think we are.jpg
I don't even like anime, I just think Japan is one of the most fun nations in goy4. You've got a big early war that can go different ways. You can prepare for naval dominance because you're going to be facing the two largest navies in the game. You've got a ton of different theaters and island hopping you can get involved in. And all with a country that doesn't start with amazing industrial capability.
Where should I go from here? I wasn't really expecting to get this far so quickly. I'm pumping out divisions like crazy to man so many potential frontlines. I'm stuck at war with the Axis because of the defensive alliance with Japan. I would have preferred being a third pillar against the Allies since Germany was already failing against the Soviets.I could just accelerate their collapse, and then hope the Soviets and Allies start fighting in Germania. Though I can hold in the Pyrenees indefinitely so I could keep the border static there while I take the fight to the British. Or I could set up garrisons all over the West while I dismantle the Allies in Asia and the Pacific.
>>1927983Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and India rework.
>>1928765>flamethrower tankGreat>Engineering tankGreat>SP/ super-heavy artillery Pretty good for buffing divisions with stats.>Land CruiserActually fucking obscene, but... it takes 4 years to research. I'm not kidding. I cheated myself the tech and breakthrough points to have it running from the start, and the amount of prototype events that set back your progress beats the rest of the special projects combined. Not really, of course, but you get 1 or 2 of those events in other projects, some even beneficial. Land Cruiser has 24, and they all set you back. But your reward is the most obscenely powerful support company in the game, that has its own tank designer and modules.
>>1928765Air really only has radar and helicopters. Base jets are bad because of the range penalty, the better jets take too long to research and are basically just a super late game gimmick. All the large airframe shit is worthless.Naval only really has fleet subs and proxy fuzes. Everything else is either too niche because it's navy, takes too much time to come out because even after researching it you need to build a 10k IC ship, or just isn't good (midget subs, torp cruisers). Even underway replenishment costs too many convoys to be practical.But navy is extra bad because you only get breakthrough points by researching naval tech, and there's really no point in doing that since navy is pointless, so you're either wasting research to get proxy fuzes early or you're getting them too late to matter.>>1928909Super heavy arty is worthless and overpriced and it's only niche is causing collateral damage to forts, which only matters if you don't have access to air to bomb them out.Land cruisers can be really broken but as you pointed out they take as much time to research as nukes and their prereq is a 1942 branch off of heavy tanks, so they're usually just not going to arrive in a timely manner. Ironically the US can rush nukes out sooner than anybody can have a land cruiser online.
>>1928996It's possible to rush the 1st jet tier which is equivalent to engine IVs well before you get engine IVs. It's very niche and pointless though. The large airframe stuff basically just enables you to get fighter escort for your own meme late game strat bomber rush.
>>1928996Motherships are actually amazing and have 60 Air Defense, 190 Air Attack, 650 km/h speed, and 44 Agility. With base 3600 km range, they are insane. Like, holy shit. You get a choice of >Agility +10%, Max Speed +10%, Fuel Usage +15%>Reliability +10%>Air Defense +10%, Air Attack +10%, Production Cost +10%and that's BEFORE the fact it's upgradable through the old XP system.They could always hide rockets behind Land Research, too. Since... they were a special project IRL.
Flame support companies should be nerfed hard, they are absurdly OP. They need to be more reliant on the actual vehicle stats than the company terrain modifiers, because the modifiers are so good people make super cheap shitty flame medium tanks just for the terrain modifiers.
>>1928998The first jet is equal to t3 engines with marginally more SPD/agi but much less range. It requires t3 engines and frames as a prereq.The second jet engine is the good one, equal to engine 4 but with a bigger SPD/agi advantage and less of a range penalty. You can technically get this before engine 4s but still need 1944 frames as a prereq so it's kind of moot and comes out too late to really matter.Jet engines only give stats that matter in air to air combat so they're useless for bombers and only good for fighters, but by the time you're researching 1944 frames you'd have air superiority anyways so continuing to invest in better and better fighters is pointless.
>>1929049Supersonics are relevant for meme minor countries that need to deal with 5 years of enemy airpower buildup by the time they get their own air up
>>1928809>but the Ma Clique no longer has Ma as the head of every political partyDo they? The starting focus for all yhe warlords basically forces all ideology to gave the same leader.>>1928813Methinks its because Ma was THE warlord who's aligned with the Kuomintang. If anything, I hope they fix the Warlord by fixing their neutral party name to "Kuomintang - X Clique" to reflect their alignment to the KMT ( with the fascist branch being whatever clique they come from )
>>1929053mamma mia
>>1929053>1955Kind of proving the point here.
>>1929195I could have gotten them earlier of course, I wasn't really planning to play that campaign for as long as I did.
>>1929022Medium flame tanks fit onto literally every single division unless you have absolutely 0 fuel. They are beyond absurd.
>>1929642Except paratroopers, they need to use light flame tanks.
>>1929645Wait wait, light flamers are airdroppable?
I thought Gotterdamerung was gonna be the Cold War update that finally revamped politics and extended the timeline to the 60s kinda like HOI2’s Arsenal of Democracy but it was just some Wehraboo shit.
>>1929738What a stupid post.
>>1928037>Point>(You)Let me re-itterate, so it gets under your thick skull:I can play online against human opponent and utterly trash Japanese attempt to invading me, despite having worse, less numerical army with horrendous debuffs, while also facing human enemy, so I can't just milk AI's stupidity to get them into Outer Mongolia to starve to death.In other words: I'm doing something that shouldn't be possible. And it's not even about the skill issue of players playing Japan, they are unironically better than me/ It's how incredibly shite the railroad system is when it comes to handling pseudo-supply. When I have -30% debuff and armies of almost entirely raw infantry and I beat the crap of tailor-made enemy using airforce, fire tanks and carefully managed width, with far superior... pretty much everything, it just means the game has issues. I shouldn't be able to reach fucking Pyongyang by November - I should be barely scrapping defense around Beijing, while also having multiple landing parties all across my shore, taking out my garrison troops.Meanwhile, remove the NBS shit-tier "logistics" and it's actually fair game where it's my skill vs the other guy skill and superior gear and airforce, and I actually have to improvise and fight for every scrap I get, while he on his end isn't stone-walled entirely, but also has to think it through to overwhelm me.tl;dr WtT for minor reworks on how army and commanders work, plus better expeditionary forces, while TfV if you play online for better alliance options
The supply system current biggest problem is how the bases just give up if your armies are one province too far.Armies could at least receive less efficient supply if they're too far at least in a way that combat would drain it but as long as they aren't consuming it in constant combat they'd be able to stay still and replenish.
>>1930405It's also just absolutely absurd. The allies were on the Rhine undertaking market garden while their supply point was still a beach in Normandy. Longer supply lines ass logistical pressure that can delay or disrupt shipments and increase the cost of sustainment but you don't just stop getting supplies because you marched out of truck range.The current system literally only exists to artificially create supply shortages on the way to Moscow
>>1930405Doesn't supply range increase if you develop roads?
I have 1,7k hours in hoi4 and 1,5k in eu4. I'd say that around 70 to 80% of that is playing as Muscovy/Russia/USSR etc. I just don't feel attached to my campaigns as other nations. Do you guys actually play as different nations every run?
>>1930814I often play as Germany, but I am still trying to master the game and germany is beginner friendly.
>>1930814Same. I also love Persia/uniting Arabia in addition to Russia. Rest are just don't feel right to conquer because they were in good position to do so anyway and did so historically aka britain/frenchies/spanish colonizing.
>>1930814For the most part I've played every major and tried out most of the minors that matter. They largely offer different experiences, like Britain's limited manpower being spread thin across its empire beset on all sides or the US just chilling and steamrolling whichever continent you like with overwhelming material superiority.I don't like playing the USSR because I feel like the essence of good strategy is completing your objectives while suffering the fewest casualties possible but Russian lives are worthless there's no incentive to play well as them.France is the country I keep coming back to, not because of any historical connection but because their extremely limited manpower imposes an interesting challenge and they're a good compromise between having enough industry to do things without just being so wealthy that you can trivially crush other majors without trying.
>>1930814>Do you guys actually play as different nations every run?The only run I genuinely enjoyed was playing as was Democratic Japan because of the South Pacific Alliance + Pacific Mandates.I love the Ottomans too but their entire path feels extremely "forced" in a way that they try to push Ottoman revanchism.a)Get to reclaim their fallen Empire and become what they were againb)Be the face of Pan-Islamism after signing the Saadabad Concordat ( which for some bizzare reason allows them to puppet Iran/Afghanistan and Iraq for free )If you ask me, one way they could fix that branch would be to make reclaiming their Empire and becoming a "Islamic liberation force" mutually exclusive to each other with one allowing you to core states former territories while the other allows you to create Ottoman Reichskomissariats ( which was one of the options you get when you reclaim Syria after the Damascus Diktat ). In addition, if you do go down the path of Imperial Reclamation, you should have a branch that would turn the Saadabad Concordat into an "Revanchist Faction" and give countries like Iran and Afghanistan claims over their lost territories in the Caucasus/Central Asia/Northern India as a form of "reward" for joining the Turks.
I'm playing vanilla with all DLCs and I'm trying to form the HRE. I did all the wilhelm, hindenberg, succession laws bullshit. The next step is apparently to do "alliance with the shade" national focus, but I cannot fucking find it. The wiki says it should be below Accept British Naval Dominance, but the closest equivalent I see is Anglo German Defense Pact, which needs Carve Up The Congo first. Help? And yes, I've googled the shit out of this and come up empty.
>>1932414Update: more googling has finally given me what I'm looking for. Secret focus after the conquer italy focus that restores it. The focus I found, the anglo german alliance, acts the same as the alliance in the shade focus from before.