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Age of Empires 2!
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i sure hope they buff handcannoneers
Age of Assmpire.
How do people afford the siege onager upgrade in 1v1?
They are fine
Buff samurai, it sucks against 85% of the units its supposed to be good against.
just make them cheaper, remove food cost completely to make it more history accurate
ok spirit of the law
Someone just watched SotL
Give every unit food and gold upkeep cost, your 40 elephants need to eat
It's kinda funny how SotL dictates the topic of the threads when he releases a video
And that's a good thing
I wholeheartly agree.
give archers quivers with finite arrows that need replenishing
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I like it a lot, 8/10, among the best AoE2 campaigns, and what AoE1 should have been
I did notice the same voice actors being repeated, didnt mind since they are good but I did notice nonetheless.
Having only 3 civs feels very restrictive, water is now fun to play, I like the customization on each match, hope there's more in the future.
The campaign wasnt THAT bad to be honest, the biggest difficulty spikes were the last athenian missions, the 4th spartan mission and the second persian mission, which I savescummed a lot because fuck RNG.
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>queue for ranked
>get gimmicky / flavour of the week map
>minimize and close the game from the steam library
Fuck you. You will not get free elo from someone like me who only plays normal maps. I know you grind and specialize on meme maps to rekt unsuspected players. Not from me, faggot.
>Arabialet with a skill issue
Surprises nobody
>no surprised for 99% of the playerbase
ban the maps you dislike, retard
Elite Samurai should just attack insanely fast.
Give them 20% bonus speed from castle age samurai.
I swear to god it won't break them.
>age of knights and crossbows
its always the faggot favouriting water maps and picking vikings/italians every game
fuck off, this is sadder than people who speedrun obscure games
also ik favouriting is prob not a real world, call the janny if you want the mean ESLs out kek
Water maps are cringe so in that one I agree.
I like memeing on shit maps but these current maps you can't even meme on, valley has to be one of the worst maps in the game because its just arabia but goths/mongols have get fucktons of free food. My opponent has just gone mongols every game so super lame. Black forest is black forrest, just boring boom and wall games, had some success vill rushing on it though. Isthumus had some late game meme potential but people just go scouts and archers with extra res from fishing.
>queue ranked, it's fucking islands
>go for aztecs, never won with them, felt like playing mezo and not giving af
>opponent is goths
>spent first few minutes 11ing, he hates water too, banter on and off with him
>we both land invade and have a blast defending and harrassing
>i get fucked on water and ff 30 minutes in
>laugh our asses off in post-chat
it's a night and day diff between AoE and other online games, people still can have fun here it feels like
On valley I haven't really gotten somebody going goths/mongols yet like the 2 or 3 times I got the map. Black forest isn't meant for 1v1s and isthmus is shit
Enough of that clown shit
people rarely chat with me even though I try to be talkative but the few times I do talk with people has been pretty entertaining. One night I was persian tc dropping and my opponent was doing the exact same thing, we both joked that we couldn't douche each other because we are both persians. I went ahead to tc drop him and saw his villagers on the way, we vill fought for a bit until he retreated, lots of 11's in the chat. I tc dropped in and he started going for mass militia when his tc went down and went for another tc. Dropped him again, fought his militia with vills into gg. Ran into the same guy the next day, tc dropped him again but misplaced my tc, we both laughed about it. Deleted my tc and replaced it after mining wood, lost my vill fights and fell far behind, was going to resign but decided to tc drop him 1 last time, i lost the tc war because he repaired into gg. Talked for about 10 mins afterwards. Wish more players would chat but most don't even speak english or just ignore chat.
>queue into 4v4
>ask pocket what he's planning a few times
>no response
>ping to at least send his scout to help my archers a bit
>no response
>have to ask him twice to just grab his knights and come with me since we can easily defeat the army the enemy has right now
>fights for a bit but runs away at the sight of a handful of pikes I could have just shot down no problem
>meanwhile he's been in my base mining my resources
>enemy pushing in imp, he loses his paladins but never made any trade or set up eco to replenish army
>I'm low on gold because he mined all of mine and my trade hasn't fully kicked in yet
>I begin moving my eco away only to find he's walled behind me and locked the gates so I'm trapped with nowhere to run
>ping and tell him to let me through several times
>no response
I am so fucking done playing with randoms, this shit just isn't worth it
the 4v4 meta isn't obvious to a lot of newcomers, at least he went knights
I've had randoms wall in my tc because I didn't play the way they wanted me to or tell everyone to report me because I died fighting their whole team while they boomed and made no army. I'm on discords for aoe2 but they usually take forever to get a game going and I've had people yell at me and talk down to me and call me shit even though I'm much higher elo than they are. I've given up on team games and went for 1v1's.
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Celts should have bombards.
>Mons Meg was built in 1449 on the orders of Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy
>>meanwhile he's been in my base mining my resources
made me lol
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>decide to try tower rush for the first time
>lose first match
>its ok try again
>repeat this process for a bunch of matches
>mfw I'm down 200 elo
>mfw it took me 1 month to get those 200 elo
>mfw I'm so frustrated and petty that I want to win at least once using a tower rush so I haven't thrown the towel
>mfw I will probably have to go all the way down to 400 elo to achieve that
>mfw this is how the year ends
>mfw I want to break my keyboard
>mfw I want to kill myself
>my smeg

I can't imagine more than a few people having zero interest in build orders, which is the minimum requirement to consistently win in ranked, which they mange because they do their homework and the work pays off, so is not them that are "sweaty try hards" is the dude you are talking about that is lazy. You can know build orders and still be a casual in this game, if you manage to not get frustrated over losing (easier to say, sadly) the you are guaranteed a good time regardless of Elo. Even better if you get a friend to play TGs, campaigns or whatever
You have to be a special kind of bad to hit 200 elo.
I have seen him throw unloseable positions, scream like a bitch when his opponent is 2000 score behind and playing more retarded than him, he has a tendency to buy 500 stone because he wants a castle only to get trebbed down because the opponent went for imp, get forging before armor. He is around beginner skill level and also plays people with beginner skill level, if he learnt build orders and actually analysed his losses he could improve
wdym hit 200 elo?
I went from 900 to 700
and it just keeps tumbling down!
learning build orders makes the game feel like a job
also does anyone know if aoe2 insights ignores your first ranked matches? my profile says I started at 650 which is obviously not true, it took me like 10 games to get down there back then
Top 5 civs for faggots:

5- Poles
4- Huns
3- Mongols
2- Georgians
1- Franks
im.... im not gay?
You're gay, but you aren't a faggot.
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You take my fishing vills, I take your fucking life
So...cavalry civs are for faggots?
Spanish is number 1
you got scout rushed into knight spam again didnt you
what are the top 5 civs for straights?
5- Goths
4- Slavs
3- Teutons
2- Aztecs
1- Incas
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nerf when?
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Thoughts, /vst/?
>Arabia, Megarandom, Nomad, African Clearing
>Arena, Enclose, Black Forest
>hyperrandom still not added to the map pool
Persian douche is now my most played strategy
I misread it as dropping down to 200 elo, also maybe try this method of tower rushing? Was able to beat some 1100's on unranked and I've only tried tower rushing like two or three times.
>literally anything else
Arena and black forest are basically forced on you because everyone seems to favorite those on TGs and you need that one (1) ban for worse maps
had an idea for the Dutch

team bonus:

Trade Cogs, Fishing Ships, Transport ships move 15% faster

-every time a fishing ship drops off a full load, you gain +3 gold as well
-All Market Techs are 50% discounted, trade cogs and trade carts are 15% cheaper
-Pikemen and Hand Cannoneers have +10 hp and move 10% faster (bonus kicks in in Castle)
-Cannon Galleons, Bombard Cannons, and Bombard Towers fire 10% faster

Unique Tech Castle: Dutch Engineering, castles, town centres, walls and towers gain +15% health
Unique Tech Imperial: Bestevaer: Ships gain an attack buff against buildings, +15 HP for every single ship type
Unique Unit: Ruyter, conquistador has slightly less attack damage but fires a second shot that deals 1dmg and has an anti-cavalry bonus damage

Thoughts? Does this sound broken?
idk about balance but it's a bit boring since every bonus is basically something that already exists either as a tech or on another civ
fair enough, I'm not a game designer but I'm not sure what unique aspects I could be adding.
>boring and outright bad nonsense
Damn civspleeters are still dumb in 2024. That being said, it would be cooler to have Dutch civ instead of burgundy, makes more sense imo
Give Japanese Ninjas
Dumb idea.
You know what I want? A civ with Ram bonuses
-Ram has +50% carry capacity, double bonus for each infantry unit garrisoned inside, Rams have +5 melee armor (for a total of +2 melee armor), Rams move 40% faster

Now THAT would be cool as shit
give them bombards
But all civs get spies
>New Jap civ bonus
>Spies 50% cheaper
>10k gold instead of 20k
So is ghulam just an eagle warrior?
no, it's better
Yes and No.
It's more anti archer than eagle warrior but worse against everything else
>Argentina has second highest playerbase
Vamos Argentina carajo
It doesn't die to militia line so no
It's the national videogame
Is Burgundians good civ to learn?
It's a weaker Huskarl
It moves twice as fast though.
>It's the national videogame
Not really, sport slop like PES and FIFA is
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This match was so good and got me so hyped I'm going to nerd about it:
>Turks and Celts vs Armenians and Lithuanians on this side
>Proper infantry civ vs infantry civ, get excited
>Get even more excited when I see it's MAA rush vs MAA rush
>Of course my MAA rush is stronger and faster, get MAA upgrade right when he overextends and I force the fight due my faster Militia
>Clean up, get supplies and pump MAAs non-stop, even had to idle TC to keep up MAA production
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>Scouts of both pockets arrive, it's a back and forth, fight conservatively, minimize loses while microing our hearts out
>Force another fight right when my +1 infantry armor kicks in and when I can sustain 2 Barracks supplies MAA production non-stop
>Wipe grey's MAAs army, teal disengages
>Because I know better, I jump grey's barrack with more than 12 MAAs, his desperate mass repair tells me he was upgrading to LS, goes down before tech completes
>Grey immediately puts down another 2 barracks, I try to raze his barracks but there's a tower protecting them and it's under TC range
>Realizing I cannot stop LS upgrade and that I'm on a timer, decide to jump grey woodline walls, easily bust in and kill a lot of lumerjacks
>Grey comes out to defend with LS, +20 celt MAAs vs 10'ish Armenian LS, know that I can simply overwhelm him due having more units
>Around 8 MAAs survives the engagement
>Realizing I cannot afford another costly engagement and that I can no longer contest Armenian LS with my infantry, I decide to split my MAAs and harass two places at once with my speedy infantry, running away when his LS comes try to defend
>Both our pockets hit castle age, put down 4 barracks of my own and start pumping spearmen non stop
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>Pocket says he cannot win a knight fight against a Lith as Turks, opts to do CAs instead
>They come out with lith Knights and feudal Armenian LS
>Solid 5 minutes of Benny Hill looking chase and back n forth, my speedy spears trying to jump teal knights that are trying to jump the CAs, while my spears are also trying to run away from the armenian LS which are also getting pelted by CA arrow fire
>Eventually all LS die and I stop the knights with spears in a building chokepoint
>I get to castle age and immediately put down a foward siege workshop with no intention from stopping nor backing down, mass produce pikemen, teal got relics and 14 damage knights are scary but pikemen still beats them
>CAs go harass all over grey base, teal repeatly tries to jump the CAs with a lot of knights but I'm literally orbiting the CAs, following them around so teal does not get a chance
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>Deny a second castle drop and pikemen ram push teal's castle at grey base with CA backup
>But before anything satisfying happens, the other side folds and they all resign
Kind of anticlimatic but a kino match nonetheless, I have spend years theorizing in my head infantry civ vs infantry civ in my head and things panned more or less how I expect it to go.
I'm content with this game.
>im content with this game
it's over... the one person who actually posts gameplay is content and quitting....
As soon as they fix pathing we will all flock back to ranked. Trust the plan
They are pretty garbage, easily a bottom 5 civ, they sound really busted on paper but they suck in practice. They can be okay on team games and closed maps since they are a solid booming civ with long term gold access from their unique tech and their unique unit is fairly strong.
Did devs added the option to see if rathas are in melee or range mode?
>he doesn't know
>they are a solid booming civ
I genuinely think Burgundians have one of the most over rated booms in the game, but my analysis is limited to pro 1v1s in arena in this case.
>They can be okay on team games and closed maps since they are a solid booming civ with long term gold access from their unique tech and their unique unit is fairly strong.
This, Burgundians whole schtick boils down if they can boom with their one-age-early eco upgrades unpunished or not
In arena they are top notch because they can get away with it, in open maps they are garbage because they can get rushed down and punished before their eco upgrades pay off.
Forgot to mention this but funnily enough they are actually one of the best villager rush civs behind berbers, having access to wheelbarrow in dark age means you won't get outrun by your opponents vills if they research it in feudal. Plus dark age double bit axe and horse collar can be helpful if you decide to invest in farms or just need more wood.
I love you Age of Empires!!!
there's a mod on the workshop that adds a floating icon above them
>beat the final attila mission by destroying 2 relics with less than 50years to go
phew. making me sweat. franks had an assload of paladins that kept destroying me.
>2 relics
im retarded. i meant two wonders...
>be newfag
>finally done with Jeanne's campaign in medium
That was some massive pain.
Are there any campaign that's more fun and doesn't have 3/4 of the actual combat mission boil down to "use starting army to immediately wipe out one base or you will be overwhelmed later, then hold until you can spam infinite Light Cavalry because all the meager gold you have will be needed on anti-fortification shit"?
The pure micro mission in Paris was honestly the best one, and I usually hate micro.

Or is AoE2 just not the game for me and other campaigns are more of this?
Jeanne is from 1999, it's kinda blandly designed, try some of the newer ones like Tamerlane or Rajendra or Jadwiga
>Having only 3 civs feels very restrictive

CaptureAge is probably making more of these DLCs given the teaser of Alexander the Great, so unless they jump to a new setting like Three Kingdoms or whatever, you'll probably see a bit more diversity crunch-wise. Not sure what else they'd do besides Macedonians though, the Hellenistic kingdoms? A re-run of Pyrrhus but with Romans at the end?
I wouldn't say Burgundians is bottom 5, if you are reacting correctly you can mitigate the damage and by mid feudal age you will be ahead of civs that don't have an inherent economic bonus. If you get to castle age as Burgundians you become a lot more powerful, cavalier have +2 attack that helps a lot in melee fights, you also get food if you capture relics and you should have the resources to boom and make army. Burgundians become even stronger in imp with access to stronger gunpowder, paladin right away, elite coustillier and decent trash options as well as gold generation from unique tech
>age of melee unit and ranged unit
Well, what 3rd way do you propose of attacking?
big old skill issue honestly
The Age of Kings, and to lesser extend The Conquerors are poorly designed, because these are very old original campaigns
Bros...im running out of custom campaigns that are not 'enemies send an endless stream of FU imperial age units vs your puny castle age armies'
I did say I'm a newbie at this.

My main problem is that I'm not sure wtf to do outside of that.
>AI has god-tier micro against projectiles (even with Balistic upgrade), so ranged units vs anything that isn't a building is infuriating
>Melee units don't have any real speed advantage over ranged so AI can kite them back from my base to theirs
That leave only cavalry for the "click on something and it will actually fucking die" category. Knights cost gold which run out hella fast especially since the AI start with near full map control and way more gold deposits. That leave Light Cav as the only option. Tried other trash like halberd and crossbow but they can't intercept ennemy cavalry, can't catch up to ennemy ranged (unless the AI forgot to kite) and don't even do that much better than Light Cav against other melee.
I get you are probably supposed to babysit a handful of non-trash units, but I don't see me winning on the micro aspect against the AI any time soon.

Thanks - will give those a try, then.
Not really, I am a newbie too and I wouldn't be able to finish that last mission without the help online (I replaced the base north with my own and got to the objective by boat).
Gajah Mada is better.
zoom zoom
Bitch I'm older than you
And yes, the original campaigns are very basic, newer campaigns are better designed, it's objetive
they don't until late late game and that's fine
Every arena match plays the exact same. FC and then place a castle on the opponent's outdoors gold. Someone please tell me the appeal?
I may remove the ban from megarandom and just give it to arena. I only banned megarandom because I hate water but I think I hate arena more.
Arena players will tell you they have the most varied strats in the game btw
I just go Khmer and make a defensive castle and 1 ballista elephant to chop their trees and kill everything with scouts whenever I'm forced to play arena. It's a shit map that is basically blind rock paper scissors except when games make it to imp where it's just an endless spam war.
What's the other ban? Maybe you can actually practice that map so you can ban arena
well now it's arena, nomad and black forest
Black forest in 1v1 is such a travesty, pick turks, britons or celts or just lose
I played it once, got rushed with vills in dark age and didn't know what to do. Appearently the BF meta is to be very aggressive and douche and shieet. Idk not for me, I don't like vill fights and douching.
>build a kingdom, grow your economy and army, fight other players doing the same in 20-60 minutes games
this is cool
>micromanage every single villager, spam the button to produce a villager/army unit every few seconds, amass a deathball and attack move the enemy
this is goyslop
>micromanage every single villager
what does that even mean
honestly I don't know what I had in mind with this one, ignore it
some people just want to get up to castle age to make their favorite unit
>attack move the enemy
Nobody uses attack move anymore.
i do when moving across the map
In terms of mission design they're quite bad. In terms of narrative and dialogue there are few post-Forgotten that surpass them.
>micromanage every single villager
False, you just make sure they don't act retarded
This, plus focusing in microing in this pathing makes no sense so patrol/attack all the way
What's the difference between attack move and patrol? When I attack, I just click on an enemy unit and my army goes towards it. From there, they just automatically engage the whole enemy army around it
attack wont do shit until it reaches its destination, even if the units are getting attacked
I use attack move all the time, they stop to attack anything they encounter on the way, exactly like patrol
Attack move didn't exist in the original game, people would just patrol armies into each other for decades.
Then attack move was introduced, no one ever knew what the difference was and they still don't.
Patrol: units walk back and forth between their starting point and the target point, attacking enemies along the way
Attack move: units walk to the target location (and stop there once they arrive), attacking enemies along the way
Which civ gets the strongest power spikes? Romans? Spanish?
Any civ with good archers
Also Mongols
This is the only place I read that still complains about archers.
Maybe you played against me, I vill rushed and douched people on bf because I hate long and grindy games and this map pool is so ass that I don't have enough bans. I got no clue what the meta on closed maps are.
Because some people here still play the game
When I'm raiding with scouts and click a villager to make them attack it, often they pick a different target on their own and attack a random closer villager instead of the spcific one I clicked. How can I make units obey the damn command I gave them? It's really annoying trying to snipe specific villagers when units think they know better.
how am i supposed to choose a civ to main? why cant there just be 1 civ with all the bonuses and none of the downsides....
>maining a civ
most humans have a preferred way to play ayylmao-kun. You just lean into your preferences. If you're a cavalryfag, you won't want to play aztecs
pick a civ which is the closest to your nationality
>inb4 muh amerimutt
sucks to have no history nor culture.
easily best civ is Random
nothing else in the game comes even close to their flexibility
Find out which civ you vibe the most with and stick to it for a while

Kek, this
You're not supposed to main a civ, you have to pick a civ depending on the map and the type of game

play random civ to learn all the mechanics first
>You're not supposed to main a civ
stfu you obnoxious pedantic retards
Arena is painful with random civ, if you get a bad civ matchup on Arabia you can at least win through better micro and timings, on Arena Turks castille you into the corner with boombard cannons and you are trapped like a rat.

Also light cav is the meta on arena, 90% of the time when I am up against a monk/castle drop civ all I see is light cavs hoovering around the center.
Turks isn't that good, you can't cut and you don't have halberdiers. I like to MAA + towers and secure a better wall off, you can add two docks, double bit axe and even if the opponent beats you to castle age you won't be that far behind, just don't overfish because you will need to make fish traps, 3-4 fishing ships per fish. In castle age TC the wood and make more fish if you have a lot of ponds, Poles and Slavs can probably do without heavy fish investment though. I see Mongols more than celts and britons.
Georgians and Mongols, Spanish can be extremely cancer on nomad.
You need to switch them to stand ground stance, or they will auto target another villager and you will get two villagers to low HP instead of killing one of them.
>You're not supposed to main a civ
get a load of this faggot
>You need to switch them to stand ground stance
It's a game issue, it doesn't work anymore, melee units just do whatever they want
This isn't a moba. There is 0 point in one tricking a civ, the differences aren't that huge.
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Celts once again btfo by the BVRGVNDIAN BVLL
>why does my civ have no food at the start
>wtf why am I housed already the game just started
>wdym I can't make crossbows
>where is the stone wall, why can't I stone wall
>why can't I make knights, where are they
>only cammels? why?
>no stable at all? why?
>Wait, how come I can't make houses
>brooo this shit doens't have pike nor elite skirm, what a shitty civ
What a shit game!!1!
>Lucho is 18
>sebastian is 22
>Hera already number one
How are you guys preparing to enjoy the decade of argentinian domination
>pro leagued dominated by spics with no economy and thus no jobs
Terrible out look desu.
Hera is not Argentinian
Cope. Hera orgullo argentino
Quintessential argentinian name bro
>boludos still coping
Cerra el orto boludo, Hera es re careta y falso
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I dont main any civ but I NEVER pick bengalis/dravidians/franks/huns/koreans. Not raciss jusnt dont like em, simple as.
I don't like the UU of bengalis/dravidians plus historically I don't find them interesting. Don't like the braindead "make da knight!11!!1!" gameplay of franks. Huns similar to franks + i don't like not having houses, it feels like it makes me retarded. And koreans idk, they feel kinda boring.

>inb4 akshually chud huns are more of a CA civ than a knight civ.

Also as an extra I do like tarkans but I could never make them all that viable.
Pick a civ that has all the units you like or with bonuses for them. Or just play an options civ that can go for a lot of different things like Portuguese or saracens.
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I love playing with these niggers like you wouldn't believe. Post your favourite unit.
that's the problem. i find gunpowder the coolest, so i want to use them as my gold units. bohemians get hc early, so that's typically what i play but then their hc, while faster, aren't the best compared to a civ like portuguese with cheaper+aquebus in imperial age. they also get houfnice/hussite, but the organ gun/conquistador are cool too. bohemians get trash monks which means all my gold on gunpowder and higher bonus damage halbs. spanish also fire faster but i dont know if that contributes meaningfully. portuguese also get the feitoria, and i always find infinite resources nice.
then in teamgames, spanish have the best team bonus out of those 3 with portuguese being pretty decent. if there's a good chunk of water to be contested on the map, then i'd need to stay away from bohemians and choose between spanish or portuguese.
after all this, i think i'll just stay with bohemians for the most part...
holy fuck retard just pick a civ depending on how you think the map will go
>I have to pick Bohemians because....
Go Bohemians on Arena, Spanish on BF, and Portuguese on water maps. You aren't maining a civ, you're maining a playstyle. You're forcing yourself into HC regardless so it literally doesn't matter.
Bohemians is a ten times better black forest civ than spanish
stick with bohemians, have fun, disregard retards itt
i think the power of castle age HCs isn't the fact that you can attack with them in castle but that you can start massing them in castle, I played against a bohemian faggot once and he rektd me by having 40 of those mfs one minute into imp
my squirms dindu jack
luv me feudal age unique units, these guys get a lot stronger the moment you hit castle and they look so goofy building donjons
What >>1928895 said, you like Gunpodwer not a civ, you have more freedom of choosing
Just go with whatever you feel like going
for me, it's also >>1928928
military units that can build their own production buildings are always kino. Double for Serjeants because Donjons are towers too
AoE2 is not a game where you devote yourself to mastering factions, because "factions" in AoE2 are more similar than they are different. You master the basics of the game and those skills will transfer to any faction you want to play as. You don't have to limit yourself to just one civ in order to be good with them. The hours you spend practicing on Bohemians will give you core skills that will make you good with any other civ.
i think i'll stick to bohemians on all land maps with insignificant amounts of water, and then portuguese on maps with more water.
thanks for helping me decide, anons.
yeah, getting gunpowder units earlier instead of slowly getting some far later in the game is nice.
ngl i hate sicilians because when I play against them they have the frank/briton effect: every game is the same
Knights kill archers. Yes, even longbows, they'll chase them down. If they're not then it's probably poor unit control on your part; split your knights up and send a few after each archer individually. Split formation can help.
In the campaigns, healing is really good. Invest in some monks to heal your units between fights, pull back critically injured units out of fights, it'll add up.
If you're seriously running out of gold, you're probably either losing too many units or buying too many techs. Don't bother getting upgrades or blacksmith techs for units you're not using much of, several monk techs aren't worth it in most cases. Heresy and Faith are REALLY expensive for what they do. And there's almost always more free or lightly defended gold mines around, scout for them.
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Increase the cheaper siege bonus from 15% to 25%
hiding vils all over the map and then doing something else while the opponent has to find and kill them all
Are you heterosexual?
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they're weak in mid and late game, lack techs, etc britons and franks are way more annoying
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20% in imp
You play them as the meme or scouts into knights
>speaks Russian
Rvs won
Maybe they just use the writing system? No, I will not check
You are all rooting for our guy right?
Yeah I love my nigga Yo
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I know a bit of Russian, it's Russian.
chiakaramchatai framaia
Sebastian is argentinian? Thought he was greek.
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Damn it feels good to micro archers:

>all in on mihai's mayans against italians
>fucking lose
>with Mayans
>against Italians
Second rate pros are just fancy low Elo players
>implying italians can't fight mayans
Abusing archers does not make you good at the game
Game went late game, should have just spammed plumes
What a massive faggot, he did good
I wanted to get into either aoe2 or aoe4 but the thought of microing 5+ control groups, 10+ hotkeys and the need to create a villager every few seconds made me never play those games
Those still lose to skirms.
I could probably beat low elo league of legends players with just 1 hand and without using keyboards, doesn't really prove much
actually it's very pleasant to watch, maybe I'll give this game a try
>proves my point
>it actually doesn't prove much
1. Why jump straight to multiplayer? Plenty of campaigns to enjoy
2. Experience and decision making are still more important than smashing your mouse and keyboard
3. It is indeed very fun to watch, I mostly watch pros and zero MP for the last couple of months
how does LOL compare to aoe2 in terms of micro? I have never played LOL and never will btw
I've been hitting Master (0.5% of the playerbase) for 4 seasons or so, the micro is much lower than in RTS games. You have 4 abilities + 2 spells you choose before the game starts + maybe 1 or 2 active items later on. The game is all about coordinating with your teammates and making plays on the map, in higher elo that is.
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Fuck your castle, I have 2handers
Everytime I play against ethiopians I think they are gonna go full archers and before I know it I get swarmed by shotels and mangos. Every. Single. Time.
Realistically, would balancing Chronicles civs for ranked even be difficult without fucking up campaign balance?
I know that player orange, he is Indian btw
Not remotely surprised
He is nice and he coached a friend of mine though
Tarkans are such a shit unit man. Even fucking cavaliers destroy castles at the same rate. Give them a bonus against vills or some shit.
Nah they melt buildings so fast, are you not massing them or something?
This game single-handedly put me ahead of my peers in middle school in regards to history.
I was never any good at the multiplayer beyond a handful of custom maps. But half of those were RPG custom maps like DBZ.
bretty good. i always keep my guys in scatter formation, so that when i fuck up it's not as bad. then they all become clustered together when im not looking then they all die. good times.
>Poles fighting Aztecs
I can't take this game seriously. I think I'll just stick to eu4
Nice blog.
Scattered formation has the psychological effect of making your army seem larger than it actually is.
thanks. check this 4
Your opinion does not matter
>implying this can't happen in EU4
I skipped all the text in the campaigns
Meanwhile I read all history sections while I was eating.
why don't aztecs get halbs again?
Artificial weakness to cavalry, outside monks and highly damaging champs
i love gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolddddddddddd...
they never invented the halberd
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I am THE Celtfag
Hoang is a chump
they never invented anything beyond inhuman cruelty
didnt they invent hot chocolate? i can overlook all the inhuman cruelty for that.
I think they just had the cacao, chocky milk us just a derived product
Chocolatl is more like coffee made of cocoa instead of, you know, coffee. Not exactly hot chocolate.
nevermind then. i fucking hate the aztecs now.
Mayans have the better skirms, skirms and plumes kill everything italians can do
Honestly what's the point of water maps, at least put a timer
No they don't, it's just that everything they're supposed to be good against either has a better counter or is niche as fuck because it's also infantry. Cavalry? Pike/halbs are better. Archers? Counters melee infantry in general so you're better off using other ranged units or cavalry. So you're left with countering unique melee infantry which is a LOT of units, but 90% of them are rarely used for the same reasons that Samurai are rarely used.
Make jaguars an upgrade that replaces THS, legionary style, and think of another castle unit. Maybe then I will be compelled to use another aztec unit not called eagle or monk. Barracks jaguars would be kino.
>Jaguars with supplies + gambesons
Aztecs are fine as they are
Jaguars suck ass
this would probably make jaguars hard counter samurai
ship it
Is not like samurai hard counters them, japanese player still has to rebuild the army
If the devs don't forget to take off the unique unit armor tag while doing it, that is.
They don't, they just counter infantry that suck ass
it wouldn't take bonus damage anymore
bonus damage only applies to castle units and UUs that start as unique
this is why it doesn't apply to stuff like legionary, savar, houfnice, because they are upgraded from generic units
however it does to stuff like condottiero or flemish militia, because they start unique
IIRC thats how it works
There's a few odd regional units in Chronicles that also have unique unit armor for some unclear reason, Hoplites and War Chariots. It isn't an issue unless you get the Japanese involved in a mixed game, but it's a curious detail nonetheless.
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every time I'm about to reach 900 elo I lose a few games in a row and am back at the early 800s
>Hoplites and War Chariots
War Chariots are unique to Achaemenids, so that makes sense, but Hoplites are available to two civs so they probably shouldn't have it.
I get the impression that CaptureAge either might have changed plans mid-developed (Spartans technically have access to the Elite War Chariot upgrade for some reason, but neither unit), or they intend to give these units to future civilizations and/or specifically have a UU bonus for another that's meant to counter these regional units. The civilization summary doesn't make out both of these units to be specifically unique immediately, just the Fortress units and Polemarch.
Spend time improving outside of your matches, practice a build order or learn some new hotkeys and you should be able to get above 900 with ease.
Stupid idea, the only unique thing about Legions is the bonus vs infantry, if the jaguars also get that they're both identical.

He did it again, folks.
do you have someone that speaks english?
>rejecting free Elo
>Put 6 on berries, make 2 farms
>Click up 23 pop + loom
>Collect 50 extra stone
>Place a tower on wood and gold
>Send villager forward to make siege workshop + stable
>making stables
lmao. no thanks.
Guys I'm new to the game. Wtf is wrong with the native american civs? Why cant I make fucking horses? I'm getting rekt by archers everytime I play them. Wtf am I supposed to do?
>Wtf am I supposed to do?
Get good.
you make eagles or skirms or your own archers
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The Eagle line is your surrogate for both Scouts and Knights. They're a bit more complicated under the hood, but generally speaking is your answer to siege and monks, and instead being hard countered by the Militia line.

All Native American civs get better Skirmishers in some manner. Don't neglect them.
Ignore the other retards. You're supposed to convert a stable and then mass Xolotl Warrios
Based and big brained
Nobody loses to units, we all lose to being petarded, polish your build orders and ask for help, maybe provide a replay
>Wtf is wrong with the native american civs? Why cant I make fucking horses?
I wonder.
>While genus Equus, of which the horse is a member, originally evolved in North America, these horse relatives became extinct on the continent approximately 8,000–12,000 years ago. In 1493, on Christopher Columbus' second voyage to the Americas, Spanish horses, representing E. caballus, were brought back to North America, first to the Virgin Islands; they were introduced to the continental mainland by Hernán Cortés in 1519.
>ywn watch the reaction of some dudes watching majestic animal for the first time
reminds me of how ancient Mediterraneans were so mindfucked by seeing people riding horses they assumed they had to be weird human-horse hybrid beasts (Centaurs)
Mayans get cheaper archers so they just need to make more archers. Aztecs and Incas can use Eagalos which are the meso scout replacement which has less HP but more pierce armor when upgraded, Incas can also make a lot of skirms instead using their food discount on units
They aren't for beginners, go play Franks or Teutons or something
looks very tight on resources, I kinda hate build orders where you need to have exact resources to do everything. I'll probably be like 50 food short when I got to click up and then not have enough wood to build the siege workshop. I might be able to make like a 24-25 pop variant work though.
>Camels and horses both evolved in North America but then went extinct there after migrating into Eurasia
imagine the kino if they'd lived
Khmer economy is really nice, I have been doing like 22 pop up on arena
Technically llamas and alpacas are camelids, but any use of them as more than pack animals was hemmed by the jungle providing a barrier they could not cross and the Incas never developing the wheel due to the ruggered terrain. South America and their spin-off cultures did have bronze though.
Gave the build order in the video a shot, was able to get to castle just fine but really struggled with mircoing everything and balancing my eco after hitting castle age. Think I'll keep practicing it but its hard because I have pretty low apm for my elo.
>ywn read about the medieval North American empire whose famed heavy cavalry repelled the European invaders
Is DE and/or it's DLCs worth it just for the campaigns?
Yes, and there's even more of them. You get the first three as part of the base game now.
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Let me rephrase that; is DE and/or it's DLCs worth it just for the campaigns if you've already played the AoK, Conquerors and HD campaigns? Forgotten, Rajas, etc.
The Forgotten ones are massively improved, you get the three from DE's release (Last Khans), and three DLCs that have mostly above-average campaigns that are generally better than what you went through with HD's expansions.

Of recency, there's also Chronicles, which is higher quality too. Return of Rome has some modernized takes on AoE I campaigns but its ports of the originals are ass.
Define 'improved.' The HD campaigns had lot of issues in design and bugs, but my biggest problem is that most of them involved an AI with no economy but infinite resources just endlessly vomiting units at you. Sometimes a constant annoying trickle, sometimes as a non-stop flood. I know the latter's closer to how multiplayer is played, but...fuck that.
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They have for the most part been overhauled. Generally speaking, you can see a boost in overall production values, everything has at least five scenarios, Battles of the Forgotten were also mostly improved, and while Vlad's is essentially more polished than different, El Dorado was completely replaced with a dedicated Incan campaign. Not a particularly fun one, but neither was the one before.

The only genuinely shitty DLC to avoid is Victors & Vanquished.
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in awe at his unparalleled swagger and chad energy
>there is a real possibility of Viper getting relegated to gold league
> wow effect first 30min
> incredible boredom and routine next 30min
> the next day an attempt to understand the game more deeply for several hours
> nothing changed - wow effect first 30min and incredible boredom and routine next 30
> delete this pos
Who else has the same?
>still playing aoe2 after the release of aoe4
Can I have a legit explanation for why on earth does mangudai have 10 more hp than the normal CA?
Because unique units are better than regular units?
What is there to be confused about?
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Yeah, that's why they have that stupid mobility and annoying rate of fire plus the bonus damage they certainly don't need more hp
absolutely checked
so the solution is to make them exactly the same as normal CA? Retard. Stay away from game design
Hear me out: Viking halbs.
Only if you give aztecs halbs
Definitely. The DLC campaigns are head and shoulder above the rest in terms of gameplay and story.
S: Dawn of the Dukes, Chronicles: Battle for Greece
A: Dynasties of India, Return of Rome, Mountain Royals
B: Conquerors, Lords of the West, The Last Khans
C: Originals
D: HD Campaigns
F: Victors and Vanquished
Reading comprehension not found
AoE4 is a shit game
in what way is it worse than aoe2?
>inb4 old good new bad
In every way.
The campaigns are terrible.

Civ openings are even more build-order dependent and clunky. Everyone has different opening units so it's not like you can easily transfer a standard fast castle opening around, which is a pain when there are 12 civs who are broadly similar past Castle Age. Soundtrack was also kind of weak.

Still it has neat touches: Cavalry charges, unit counters are more reasonable, sound design is on point, languages evolving as you age up.
>openings are different
>lategame is samey
seems like the opposite of what you’d want, though ye olde knights & xbows meta isn’t much better
I remember seeing infantry being able to build siege? Is that for all civs or am I just confused? That's a good feature and makes infantry actually useful, in aoe5, infantry should build castle and other military buildings (except barracks) and manage siege.
Also, no monks. Period
Infantry cn bukld rams and siege towers after a feudal age research (unless you're Abbasids)
Monks are there but can only convert if they're carrying a relic and it affects a radius around them (Abbasids can do it with an Imp age tech but it's only singular targets)
My only major complaint is that archers are the ranged trash unit and there's no kind of skirmisher to counter a deathball (since they've 100% accuracy) of them in feudal age besides towers. Horsemen just aren't cost effective enough against them
Alright, I'll get it on the next good sale.
when will they rename Slavs to Rvs
Next friday.
I love how the aztec and mayan wonder is basically just the castle again.
Also the japanese castle is more wonderful than their wonder.
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The cuman wonder should be their castle.

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