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Time flies, say something nice about it.
it's still kino and the music is goated
ca will literally never make a better game because they suck monkey taint now
Based game and History Channel did a tv series with the game
They will never make a game where it's enjoyable watching the soldiers fight again.
Gods, I hate Gauls...
My father hated them too, right before they put out his eyes...
> Last night, the crying of the fanboys kept me awake...and I had a terrible vision. I saw the fall of our franchise: low budget remasters under a harsh sun... Historical Total War, gone! Why would CA send such a vision? They are not cruel; they have watched over us. We have had victories aplenty in game awards. Our community sail to all corners of the forums. Yet even now, I fear. I cannot help it. We are the envy of mobile gamers. They tell terrible lies about us. They do not understand, so they lie. But the Warhammer fanboys, they are the masters of falsehood. New Historical Total War will come, I am sure of it. So. I will have no more false visions...and I think the fanboys will be quiet tonight.
The most fun total war game for me to this day
I agree
Even with all its problems its still fun
Good music. Other than that, it aged poorly.
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gonna fight you scum
>rout on contact
Zoomer version:
4h podcast about Roman empire
Happy birthday, the day is OUUUURS
i played civ6 as trajan on marathon while listening to this. good shit
still playing in 2024
Had some great mods for it. I loved Rome Total Realism, and Europa Barbarorum back in the day
Should i play the remastered? I played the original.
Still the best of the series. with Med 2 a close second.

CA went full warscape-tard after that.
>with Med 2 a close second.
What problems?
TW3/Warscape engine is probably the worst thing they did and due to massive company mismanagement, when they finally started to get around to making it work with Atilla and Shogun it all went back to square 1 because all the old talent left and didn't leave any documentation for the newer hires.
Let's not pretend RTW is a perfect game with nothing improved upon it in successive titles
Shogun 2 is so cool, I though I did not like any of weeb shit then it turned me into one for months
The engine was still bad for Atilla no matter what they tried. It was designed for the messy 1v1 animation-based combat of bayonet charges and units simply can not hold formation as a shield wall or phalanx etc like they should in older time periods. The devs really did their best but they were trying to polish a turd. The only reason it kind of works for Shogun 2 is thanks to the honorabu Samurai duel ideal.
Battles are still unsatisfying in Shogun 2. The 1 on 1 duels don't save it.
When I saw previews for this as a teen, I couldn't believe it. I thought the battle screenshots were just pre-rendered previews and the actual game wouldn't look that great. I staked it out and torrented it on release day and it was even better than advertised. I got hooked and played this game for hours every day, skipped class, wasted weekends on it, etc.
When Medieval II came out, I stuck to it and have only occasionally gone back. But Medieval II was merely a step forward on the back of Rome TW, which was groundbreaking.

The bad part is how big of an expectation this set. This was just another video game in 2004, although an amazing one. I thought that, by 2014 or 2024, we would have games that far surpass its greatness. After all, AoE 2 had only come out a few years earlier and, while amazing itself, seemed primitive in comparison. However, I was unknowingly living in the absolute peak. Everything went to shit soon after. RTS died, nuTW was shit and kept getting shittier. No competitor has made a worthy successor in TWENTY YEARS. Imagine being unable to surpass a 20 year old game, it's laughable.

This is the eternal tragedy of the old TW enjoyer. They'll never be happy because a game as impactful as RTW will never come out again. You will never be captivated by a simple good game as much as the RTW enjoyer.
The industry is too far gone at this point. We need a reset that causes normgroids to lose interest.
Only if the 'works on my machine' or the fixes and work arounds for the OG dont work
You surely mean 2777 years old?
I will never forget the time as a 10 year old when my dad first showed me how to play the game
>massive armies of thousand of soldiers
>everyone just duels each other
What the fuck is this cringeworthy passing grade powerpoint presentation
they changed the Scipii intro too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou9Uzo1Wmus
>our chief exports are grain, olive oil and young adult novels
>The only reason it kind of works for Shogun 2 is thanks to the honorabu Samurai duel ideal.
Also helps that the time to kill is so low in shogun 2 that 1v1 duels doesn't really change anything.
Shogun 2 really was some sort of miracle. Against all the odds CA managed to somehow make a good game out of it
>warscape engine which sucks at melee
>setting with little faction diversity
But they brought Jeff van Dyke back and made pure kino. I still think the game plays worse than Rome 1 or Med 2 but it's gorgeous and the campaign layer works really well imo.
It's amazing how badly the fucked up their subsequent games and I have no idea about sharthammer 7.
Attila is a kino game, though.
Having wrong opinions is ok.
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>Is an improvement over Rome II
>Horses and Flanking is pretty op
>Morale actually matters unlike Rome II
>Apocalyptic atmosphere
I'm calling it kino
>battle maps have really exaggerated relief yet it doesn't end up impacting the battle much since troops can apparently charge and fight on 30% inclines
>Bronze Age Egypt which is invariably ends up the late game East Med power (I understand why they did this, I just don't like it)
>the internal political element the Roman factions have isn't present elsewhere, no missions and such, making them a bit lacking in flavor
>some factions aren't even unlockable at all unless you modify a text file, and have correspondingly minimal flavor
>Persia not on the map
mostly ai and pathfinding, especially in sieges
>Rome II
>Rome II
yeah it's an improvement over trepanning too
>And a thousand warriors... Why they are the start of an empire...
Great mods and the best era for a Total War game
This is truly awful.
diplo sucks hard
squalor being uncapped means the best way to handle it is to not invest in growth (farms&Public health)
The AI being bad enough you can run laps around them
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>start campaign as the B*itons
>conquer Gaul
>get ready to steam roll early Rome before they get to powerful
>G*rms and Iberians stab me in the back and Ally themselves with the Gauls for no reason
have fun getting genocided by Romans you ungrateful pieces of shit
also are there any mods that fix diplomacy?
Attila would've been peak historical TW if CA bothered to actually finish it instead of making Gook Kingdoms
meme misuse
don't think I've ever finished a campaign in it besides the Alexander expansion.
they may have the moon people on their side, but we have lovely hats!
One day I will conquer the whole map by Seleucids on Very Hard.
Shogun 2 is cool. But it's dragged down by its garbage engine.
Rome and shogun 2 are the only total war games I've ever finished a campaign in. Probably because there was a real thematic end goal, in Rome it's to march on Rome and in Shogun 2 it's to march on Kyoto. Other games seriously lack anything like that.
I will never understand Attila especially because its a complete mirror of Empire and Napoleon and to add insult to injury Shogun 2 and Fall of the Samurai was the blueprint on how to make something like Attila successful.
Just imagine the timeline where CA released Attila as a huge standalone expansion to Rome 2 and retroactively implemented many of Attila changes into Rome 2 instead of trying to sell it as a full price standalone game less than a year and half after crapping out Rome 2.
Thank you for being the best game a teenager could get back then. I love you.
Isn't Medieval 2 the same but with Jerusalem? It's been a while since I've played a full campaign in that one.
What other provinces is like Patavium in that it's inexplicably an infinite well of manpower because its base fertility is like 5% higher than every other province
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Here's a map which displays base province fertility. The greener the province, the more fertile it is.
God dang, its the greenest on the board
Nice how the Greeks get not only the richest provinces but also some of the most fertile ones at the same time..
>archers on hill have same range as archers below
>unit upgrades aren’t visible on battle
>european sabres use katana animations, tetsubo use no dachi animations
>units speaking wrong japanese
More important than fertility are the location of grain ressorces which also improve population growth of each region that either has grain or trades with a settlement that has grain.
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There aren't too many provinces that have it, they give a 1.5% growth boost when imported/held
Manpower can be a such a fun feature. Too bad they abandoned it ages ago (in Med 2, iirc)
I've only played 1 vanilla french one and in the process of a stainless steel french one, I say it encourages you to conquer historical foes and gain certain provinces as your specific faction (France's long campaign is to destroy Genoa, England, HRE, get certain European provinces, and get Jerusalem), from the vanilla one it chastises you for not reviving Charlengmenge's empire even if you are short of a province or two. Attila did something similar, As WRE, I essentially unified the dead ERE and expanded all the way to Antioch and shy of Armenia and it was still attributed as a "minor victory" since I didn't bother expanding into the lowlands, Egypt/Libya, or Germany.

Manpower was gone after Rome1 I think; Rome2DEI is the only one that reintroduced it into the series. In M2 in the beginning, most places in the West at least (France in vanilla and SS as an example) you'll maybe get 1-2 recruitment slots and 4ish halfway into a long campaign, with units being unavailable for a certain amount of terms after you recruit them.
Manpower was a background detail in empire. If population in a state grew, it would create a new 'town' which would give you an additional improvement like vineyard/industry/university.
Sorta but not really. Jerusalem is designed to change hands a lot like it did in history, you crusade for Jerusalem basically auto win then get a jihad called on you and basically auto lose. You can take it as early or late as you want and it doesn't really impact anything even if you manage to keep it.
Medieval II's Kingdoms campaigns are like that, there are narrative type goals for each playable faction. But yeah, grand campaign is a full sandbox without a theme.
too bad I cannot stand Lex.
Thought Gaul and Germania would be higher
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The greatest RTW mod.
getting rid of the implied child sacrifice is gay
Hey mods, why are my posts shadowbanned?
They aren't. Take your meds.
why does north africa have a butt
Ugly ass borders. Many such cases in mods.
The only Total War mod I remember that had decent borders was Titanium for Medieval 2
True, that's one of the best maps. The others I think are good are SSHIP's (too bad they hacked many island settlements and kept north Africa ugly, also the mod is slow as balls) and Magyar Mod's.
I'll have to check out Magyar Mod, never heard of that one
I like it, but it's an old mod that hasn't been updated for quite some time. I wish they resurrected it

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