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ITT: strategy games that you and only you have ever played
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ahh der autismus...
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I've got a couple. My dad had a lot of burnt CDs full of games no one cares about so there's a fair bit of these. I'm pretty sure no one's played this for instance. I barely remember anything about it other than that even as a child I knew that something was kinda weird and fucked about it like the recruitment system. They later released a sequel with humans in it but I remember even less about that one.
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Mein Führer...
Another one I remember a bit better was this one. I haven't played it in millions of years but I vaguely recall it as being kinda 90s kino. It's not a good game I think but it had some of that era charm. "Hey let's have rednecks and amazons and robots and cultists fight each other!"
Obviously they're all basically mirror sides with a unique OST track.

Also I remember this one being kinda cool. Had some kino including you being allowed to play as giga Iraq and use weather control devices to pull off a jihad. The war was between giga America-EU, Sino-USSR-Japanese Empire, and Giga Iraq. As a novel idea, Giga Iraq barely had units of their own, but instead purchased unit blueprints from the other factions on the black market. Weird game. Also has every late 90s rts cliche ever including very cringey FMVs. For some reason, I just remember that one of Giga Iraq's purchasing options being like
>OK you have two things to buy here. Here's #1!
>I tell him to fuck off unit #1 is shit
>"Excellent choice commander, you'll not be disappointed in your purchase. Here's unit #2. Buy? Y/N"
I have no idea why I remember so vividly that they only made one video and ignored the eventuality that someone might not purchase something.
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Wir müssen tiefer gehen!
Being able to control several unrelated factions was an interesting mechanic.
Long downtimes in one region could be compensated with hot action in another and play could naturally flow as some of your your nations fell, but you bought control of new ones.
What game? Looks like early paraslop
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Great Invasions the Dark Ages
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No Man's Land? Isn't that some fucked up WW1 RTS?
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Nah, it's about the conquest of the New World
Conquest of the New World, now THAT'S a banger.
That's the one where you could play as Muhammed right?
Cover goes hard
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Game I'm making about managing social aspects of a kingdom rather than focusing on military
It's on GoG so it's not a totally unknown game. It's a bit clunky but alright. You get to shoot injuns with cannons, that's always fun.
I played it as a teenager. Pretty fun rts from what I remember. I wanted to replay it some time ago but the abandonware version I downloaded didn't have voice-overs in cut-scenes and it quite bumped me out.
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No, he ded.
I got the bad end.
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It has sovl, but the clones have better graphics
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You must be atleast this icelandic to post in this thread
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I really want to play it again but I can't even find a place to pirate it
She looks like she has a large himbo harem
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Walls of Rome. Proto Stronghold-type game
Nope I remember playing this game back in the day quite a bit
I played the demo of this, the english version though which is titled Ancient Wars ; Sparta
An attempt at a civ game by Wild Bill Stealey's new game company after he left Microprose
Never seen anyone mention this game but me.
once upon a time this was my most anticipated game. I didn't even know it had come out, maybe it never got a UK release
It did tho. Would've been weird not to what with the developers being british.
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Used to post this back on /v/ many years ago to see if anyone else played it and would only get one reply if lucky. I played the shit out of it. Playing it online late at night in 2004 was risky stuff for me with my parents, but that put me on the forum-strewn path that led me to 4chan by 2008.
As if I didn't complete every campaign
People talk about Humankind as though it introduced nation switching in strategy games upon ageup
There have been entire threads for this game, its just most people prefer Empire Earth over this since they are kinda the same game
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Empire Earth was much more of a janky experience from what I recall
Especially the expansion.
Looks like it's just Ancient Wars: Sparta, it's on archive.org. I thought it was an interesting game even if it was too janky.
Funny enough there is Definitive Edition of this game in early access up on Steam. As well as sequel or spin-off called Ancient Wars: Medieval Crusades from the same devs. I don't know what they're doing.
Have you played the first one?
Definite Edition lmao. Is Medieval Crusades the one set in Eastern Europe? I remember not liking that one as much as the first.
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never could figure how to move the mounted guns with out selling them and then rebuying them.
I still remember it's OST
I don't think so. I think you have in mind The Golden Horde (also released under the name Great War Nations: The Mongols) from the original devs. Medieval Crusades appears to be its own new thing made by the Sparta DE devs. From the look of it World Forge, the original studio that closed down in 2009, after Ancient Wars: Sparta made three other rts games on the same engine: Fate of Hellas/Great War Nations: The Spartans, already mentioned The Golden Horde/Great War Nations: The Mongols and Sparta 2: Alexander the Great /Age of Alexander.
Ops, wrong link.
Gates of Troy was great, never seen it posted here
Yep this game series is great but i prefer the one where you unite Italy as Rome Tribe. Sadly i dont remember it name.
I know that one. It's Legion. I played it, Spartan and Gates of Troy although truth be told GoT is just a stand-alone map pack for Spartan.
War Wind was a fun concept but it was too broken to play. The AI was way too aggressive and could do the equivalent of a zillion clicks per second; there was just no way to keep up with it. The hippie faction in particular was busted because their mages had a healing spell with infinite mana and their endgame super unit significantly outclassed all the other factions' equivalent.

You could cheese the AI while playing as the purple snake guys though. Build a maze of walls and mines around your base and the AI will navigate them in the least efficient way possible, just like in the first Stronghold game. You still have no hope of beating them head on, but with the maze buying you time you can stealth up one of your wizards and send him behind enemy lines to mind control their leader, then just walk their leader out of his bunker and let his own faction kill him for an instant win.
Bought it in a store around 2010, wouldnt even run on windows xp
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Nah, this one is somewhat of a cult classic
I'm surprised, I've literally never seen any of them anywhere after being a kid but they have plenty of steam reviews
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Sometimes I feel like this is the most famous obscure RTS, pretty sure it was the OP in a recent thread.
I never finished the campaign but when I feel like playing a random map I choose this over AoE2 DE.
Spamming crusades against a couple Arabs or winning with bats only never gets old.
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I genuinely hope I'm the only one who played this, because it was really fucking bad.
Pretty sure loads of people played KKND.

Fun games though.
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I will never forget the disappointment of getting my parents to buy me that game as a kid, only to find out at home that it's a turn based boardgame-like.
Can't be more disappointing than getting Spore or Empire Total War after reading about them in magazines for months...
>Empire Total War
This made me stop buying Creative Assembly games forever.
I'll always remember the awesome preview presentations Will Wright would show for the game around the ecology of the creature phase and all sorts of neat things. Only for the game to end up a mess of half-baked mechanics and apparently aimed at the toddler market. What the hell happened? Was there some coup in the dev team?
The promises they made were impossible to fulfill
Story goes that the development team ended up split into two camps, with one camp pushing for more realistic, complex mechanics and presentation, and the other camp pushing for more approachable, kid-friendly mechanics and presentation. The latter group won because it was seen as the more commercially viable approach.
I was very thankful I went into spore without knowing the hype. It made it actually kind of enjoyable, even if it was just feeling kinda average.
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>What no Führer does to a mf
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KKND was a banger. I remember liking 2 a lot too. Great music too.
>€3 on a Steam sale right now

I played the demo when I was literally a child. Also played a pirated version later. It was fucking godawful.
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Update I bought KKND2 on the Steam sale and it's like I'm ten all over again. They don't make them like they used to.
You're Polish, aren't you?
>Look up some of this shit on Steam
>They're for sale
>At steep discounts!
Aaah! My childhood is coming back to me!
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very fond memories of this schizo shit
Looks dope. What is it?
Wait this is Realm of Chaos or something like that
I have absolutely broken the fuck out of this game. I used to get stoned and just try ridiculous strategies. If you do it right, by the time it's summer 1940 and it's time to invade France, you can already control everything from Germany to Iraq. Then you turn around and put all your gains into airforce and knock out Paris in a single turn with a massive bombing campaign and a single rush with a tank unit. By the time the US joins the war you can have North America completely blockaded by the combined German-Italian navy and possibly even have conquered Canada.
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This one's a banger. Played the shit out of it back in the day. Simple and pretty cool. Really like the animations and interface. Sequel kinda sucked though. Didn't let me fuck around on earth so I never cared.
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For me it was DOS 7 years war
Sheeet, I played that too. UFO goes nom-nom
Man this game looks way worse in reality than it does in my memories lol.
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I feel like games on the Battle Academy engine don't get enough love. I wish they would do a better job of letting you know what units are spent though. Also, put check marks near missions I've completed so I don't have to keep track on a separate application.
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This is so 90s it's unreal.

It's actually pretty fun still, don't think it looks bad at all either for its time. Aesthetics and atmosphere carry it pretty far in my opinion.
Rival Realms
That dark period of the 90s where for some reason people thought it was a good idea for each individual unit in an RTS to have its own inventory slots
the fact that Frozen Throne reintroduced this design logic back into the mainstream vindicates the schizo 90s, repent now
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for me it's mutant weredinosaur slaves rebelling against their demon undead masters and raping some phantasmal elves in the process, with the help of their neanderthal man-ape bros
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>I'm probably the only guy who consistently plays Genghis Khan IV, an old Koei Strategy game.
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Heck, any old Koei strategy game is bound to have only a few playerbase.
>that minimap
what the hell is going on here
where can i dl this pc version
What the hell is it?
Why is it written "GAY" in the top right corner?
just reverse image search it numbskull
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Czas na żarcie!
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Obviously not, but considering how much hatred the RTS part (the best part) of Brutal Legend caught, it sure feels like it.
For some strange reason I always thought that this and Mayday: Conflict Earth were somehow related. Also I swear that one of these 2 had an paper ad campaign where the only thing besides the game's title and 3~4 random screencaps on the advert page was a photo of some comatose naked guy (with just a lettuce leaf on his groin) laying on a dining table surrounded by stereotypical grey ayyylmaos.
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pic related
I don't see that but if you do, it only confirms you're a raging homo
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I have distant core memories of playing this game at a time when I was too young to grasp any mechanics that couldn't be divined through trial and error, and before speaking any English. It was sick.

I never beat it.
>how much hatred the RTS part (the best part) of Brutal Legend caught
It's because they never showed any of it in the advertising so most people who initially bought it thought they were buying an action adventure game and were entirely caught off-guard by the RTS elements.
Exiting battle...
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Centurion: Defender of Rome
ultimate kino...
Did you know that Primitive Wars also has an expansion that never left Korea's inner market (no localization)? It's also actually the sequel to Jurassic War, being called that outside the localization.
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The game is average as fuck, but it has some charm.
>Also I swear that one of these 2 had an paper ad campaign where the only thing besides the game's title and 3~4 random screencaps on the advert page was a photo of some comatose naked guy (with just a lettuce leaf on his groin) laying on a dining table surrounded by stereotypical grey ayyylmaos.
I think you might mistake it with yet another alien shooting rts called Dark Colony. Funny enough this picture was actually used for the Italian cover art of this game.
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Forgot the pic
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Are there any more "Hammurabilikes" that I should know of?
Literally indistinguishable from an average Marina Abramovic / Spirit Cooking dinner party in (((Hollywood)))
played this in friend house on his older brother amiga like 30+ years ago
it was fun back then
damn they predicted the future of england...
i liked it but it sure should have 3 sides axis, red allies with option to start allied-red war after hitler kaput
Actually this is probably the ad you're talking about.
Reminded me of that D&D Dragonshard one. They both were pretty cool
I played the movie tie in Alexander rts. I wonder if anyone knows of that one here.
Can't be called obscure desu.
Played that stuff Primitive Wars aka The Ranker. I think it has expansions or sequel or whatever that was not translated from korean, I think.
I never understood what that stuff was or how is it tied to Jurassic Wars 1 and 2 aka the Ranker or whatever, but I guess it doesn't matter if there are no translations.
Dragonshard is like one 2 games that are in Eberron setting.
>I played the movie tie in Alexander rts. I wonder if anyone knows of that one here.
I haven't played it but I know the game. What's interesting to me is that it was made by the studio behind Cossacks and Stalker and it runs of Cossacks 2 engine (or like some version of it). I wanted to say that to my knowledge it doesn't run great on modern systems but from what I now have checked there are some fan patches to it.
I almost beat the campaign as a kid, only two last maps were left. Never found out if those alt history campaigns for different factions the game box mentioned were real or if they lied that you would unlock them after beating Alexander campaign or not or maybe they meant something else.
>Never found out if those alt history campaigns for different factions the game box mentioned were real or if they lied that you would unlock them after beating Alexander campaign or not or maybe they meant something else.
I doubted about this at first but I checked and IGN, Gamespy and Gamespot reviews all mentions how you get access to the other nations campaigns after beating the Alexander's one so it appears it's actually true.
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I played it, it was somehow great and garbage at the same time.
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where you at my clonecraft bros
Dragonshard was the first game I bought with my own money. It kind of sucked. I still played the shit out of it, although I never got very far.
Speaking of abandonware rts games with Alexander the Great. Here's Rise & Fall. Game by the studio behind the first Empire Earth and >>1921109 . Sadly iirc the publisher fuck them over which resulted not only in the game getting rushed out but also in the shut-down of the studio. One gimmick was that you could at any time take direct control over hero unit and play the game as some over the shoulder third person perspective hack'n'slash. It's one of the game that I would actually like to revisit because I had it when I was young but I didn't play it enough to form a lasting impression of it.
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Corporate Machine but bellic.
Historyline: 1914-1918. Used the Battle Isle engine and I remember it had a whole load of historical information thrown in. Some cool little animations too, but was a pain to play on an Amiga without a hard drive; constant floppy changes.
The music in that game goes so freakin' hard.
for a second I thought those cannons pointing south were helicopters and thought "what kind of fucked up WW1 is this"
>"what kind of fucked up WW1 is this
Iron Storm's, probably. Which would make for a pretty interesting strategy game, not gonna lie.
>Sternberg rules all of Eurasia
>WW1 still going into the post-WW2 era
>All nations bankrupted, put their armies on the stock markets
Game's kinda bad but the world's really interesting, wish someone would rip it off and put it into something better.
I thought the exact same thing
Battlefield 1 is probably, without exaggeration, the only good WW1 game ever made
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WW1 Medic by Bay 12 Games is really fun and addictive. You're a medic and you have to heal up your troops for points and reserves in the hopes of capturing the enemy trench. It's a really good one! Bit off-topic though. History Line 1914-1918 is pretty decent still though. Empire Earth had an OK WW1 campaign. The old DOS game Red Baron is a pretty neat flight sim. There's a fair bit of good games actually! But very few of them are strategy titles sadly.
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Bold claim
Oops, wrong screenshot
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This never ran on my pc but I'm still gonna post it here. Got it from a friend who told me I can borrow a bunch of his old games. Looks like a cool realistic rts, sorta like Syrian Warfare.
Now the real problem is that I cannot find any information about it. First of all, the entire box is in Hungarian, so I don't know what the original title was. Supposedly, it was developed by a company called gfi, who were probably russian, judging by the fact that the pictures in the manual are in cyrillic. Tried searching for the title both in English and Hungarian but got nothing. Google pictures won't give me anything either. It was sold in my country by a company called seven m but they aren't around anymore. Title is apperently "Warfare" (Hadviselés).
Are there any screenshots on the back of the cover?
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Empires of Steel
This game is a 4x wego rts with tech tree that takes you from ww1 to atomic age.
That UI looks like Deadlocks (the 4X game not the TPS)
I thought the same thing
While t graphics look like Freeciv over ten years ago and the concept reminds me of picrel
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I vaguely remember playing that one. But the memory is so hazy idek if it's real.

>Deadlock but modern day
Looks great. Shoutout to Deadlock by the way, I really liked that one. Or at least, liked playing around with the editor as a kid and when revisiting it as an adult I had a hard time getting into it because of how much detail management you have to do in every city every turn at least on larger map. I really liked the civilizations and the variety of worlds.

Didn't like that one too much. Always preferred the (objectively superior) prequel: >>1926281
Really weird too because the dev is one of the first that trooned out back in 1992 before it became trendy.
Oh fuck I thought I had imagined this game
There were actually two Iron Storm games. Original Iron Storm and World War Zero, the latter being also known as Iron Storm: World War Zero and even just simply Iron Storm. Most people are familiar with the latter, because both are actually the same game, but World War Zero is a heavily simplified, shortened and made much easier version of Iron Storm, to the point where it was the primary Iron Storm release in some countries and in others it was marketed as sort-of "updated definitive edition".
The issue is while old Iron Storm was at times absurdally hard, it was a vastly superior experience.
This is just Syrian Warfare 2008.
Yeah I remember playing the original version and it was hard to the point where I thought it was glitched because I swear some enemies were literally invincible, at least on some kind of train memory? Memory is really hazy on that one sorry but I sure remember it being a total motherfucker to beat. Didn't know the two games were different though, learn something new every day I guess. I always just assumed WW0 was a different name for the console release of a subtitle I'd somehow forgotten.

Again though: setting was better than the game imo and I really with someone did something with that. Hell, just given how popular Sternberg is in the HOI4 scene thanks to Kaiserreich you'd think someone from that crowd would latch on to the concept.
The backstory of things was quite interesting. It's one of the few ones that while it has humans as the usual diplomats you get humans that are still so damn pissed from being attacked and having the Moon blown up that they're willing to drug themselves up in supreme roid rage that will kill themselves to ensure the enemies die.
Honestly had no idea the lore ran that deep.
There was an document include with the first game that detailed the Skirineen blowing up the moon and getting curbstomped by pissed off humanity. It's also why Humans if they get caught trading with them have huge morale loss.
It also goes into detail the big war between the Humans and their allies the Re'lu against the Cyth and their vassals the, Chch't, the Tarth and the Maug.
It also explains why everyone is trying to conquer the planet in the original game. It was quite detailed.
Should read it then. I own the games on GOG, might as well. When I was a kid I just thought it was a reference to humanity having a more media-driven culture. There actually being some lore to it is really cool.
Only thing I remember from this was that you harvested water and that as a kid I thought that a unit named "martyr" (a suicide bomber) was funny because half his voice lines were him laughing maniacally.
The VA for the Martyr was having the best time recording his lines.
Exactly! Honestly the only thing I properly remember from that game. Besides that it just kinda gets sucked into the grey goo of generic RTS games of my childhood that I don't even remember. Is it actually good? Should I give it a whirl again?
Dark Reign was good enough to keep a cult following and a semi-vibrant modding community that last I checked still releases unofficial patches.
The game itself was kinda wild for a 1997 game. They tried to add so many varied strategies and tactics like being able to completely destroy enemy resources through water contaminators and all that and you even had spies that could outright steal technology from the opposing faction to add to your own.
Is it one of those games I can just get off of GOG and run that way or is it more of a motherfucker to get running and have an OK time with?
I don't actually know. It has been a while since I've personally played.
I guess I'll just have to check around a bit myself then, thanks for answering anyway. If I get it and play it again, I'll post about it here.

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