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Red Alert 2 remaster where?
>>1843504 (OP)
play openRA
who the fuck even remembers ORA in 2024? it's just an engine for DORF at this point
me. I do
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>Project Phantom is actually out
>mentioning the forbidden game
this thread will be deleted just like the 10 others who mentioned it
looks shit
>>1843504 (OP)
Dead and buried, Godspeed to EA for raping its corpse for over 20 years
And Godspeed to retards who keep giving EA money for C&C branded mobile slop
aesthetics kino
>>1843504 (OP)
cnc sux
Unfortunatelly they doesn't implement the Remastered upgraded assets yet. Now, If you have the mega-ultra C&C pack from Steam, at least you can update the music packs, but the implementation of new 4k assets would attire new modders. Some nice mods for the engine are:

- Romanov's Vengeance (RA2/YR units/buildings)
- Shattered Paradise (TS/FS units/buildings)
- Combined Arms (Various RA2/YR/TS/FS etc. mixed units/buildings)

They're good mods, really enjoyable. They're worthy of the try.
At least Michael Biehn is still alive.
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Rest in Power, General
GDI will continue your legacy
fair well commander
>Unfortunatelly they doesn't implement the Remastered upgraded assets yet.
they're not necessary, game looks and plays good in higher res
>both GDI general actors are dead
Tiberium curse?
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This is psychotic. The GDI is the ENEMY of this country. The GDI is our enemy, being funded by the UN. I will stress this
again, one of the greatest enemies of this nation right now is the GDI. They are expanding this war, now don't get me wrong I
know, you've got criminal elements of the UN assembly pushing them and guiding them and telling them what to do. The GDI is
now accused, a German war issued for the slaughter of Bialystok, in- eh i- is TRIGGERING this conflict. The GDI is the greatest
threat to this nation and to the world. We should rescind all funding and financing, pull out all military support and we
should apologize to NOD.
mental omega wannabe
You do know they share devs, right?
there's basically 1 western modding team for the entire tibsun/RA2 engine ecosystem. Members change because they retire from the hobby and new ones arrive.

There's a whole progression even. Twisted Insurrection and MO V2 were like the prototype for SP campaigns, Mental Omega V3 the finished product with some very experimental MP. PP now aims for a fully polished MP experience.

I'm not sure if that's legal, RA iirc is released to public but RAremastered is another product entirely, and I don't think that one's out.

Besides, hasn't openRA "graduated" into being an engine platform for new games like GZDOOM?
Damn that's random, did you get tired of typing pajeet? Will you graduate to Honduras next?
thats not me i dont post on /k/
>>1843504 (OP)
Generals > Red Alert

(except for the cutscenes)
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Are you reaIIy eхpecting average /poI/-ACK! to know anything about his favorite bIoatware outside of it being made by Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz with Xi Pooh and being centered around cunny warfare between yandere and Sonic the Hedgehog hairIine

I bet 10$ that if you show him a mission from originaI RA2 that MO reused, or a unit from another mod that is based on a reaI Iife stuff but MO also did the same or the other mod happened to use the same public asset as MO, he wouId cIaim that its stolen from MO
He's just a reverse troll baiting clout to MO.

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Anyway, while local MOIester is seething trying to change the IP in order to avoid another spermaban for spam, how's your first impressions from PP finally being hard?
The series peaked with Red Alert and should have ended with Generals.
As I said, everything after Red Alert pales in comparison. It was the last true C&C game.

Red Alert 2, like all games between Red Alert and Generals, is okay-ish. Everything after Generals is trash though.
Kane's Wrath is a diet version of Zero Hour
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im molesting your mind rn
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i am glad that you have discovered how VPN works
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Mental Omega has better waifus and 3D women are not important.
Not important but does things to my penis.
weebs get the rope
Command & Conquer thread ruined by MOlest Omega trannies who can't shut the fuck up about their weaponized cunny fetish
Mental Omega is fantastic.
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Is it autism?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_Km7ntt8NM [Embed]
>>1843504 (OP)
>Command & Conquer status??
Commanded & Conquered
They said during release that OpenRA could use their assets the same way they look for them on a cd.
Definitely, but I love these.
C&C fans would do literally anything but play the games
it's abusing the algorithm desperate to wrestle some 10bux from google
Grow up
You're probably about as old as 2.0 version of tranny omega, i'd recommend you to go back to school, i heard you chinks got some of the most gut-wrenching exams out there
MO is peak mod kino
>>1843504 (OP)
Westwood still kill
still playing generals zero hour, my fav rts of all times
I was a gens player around the time of pure pwnage so i still love that game as nostalgia fagging. Anything after that is shit.
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Reminder that DTA got updated last month. Go commit war crimes in Finland.
literally how
I love DTA! I love MO!
Uh Anon, I really wouldn't be screaming that at the top of your lungs.
>tibsun engine
never really understood if there's a real difference between tibsun and RA2 engines outside some lost feature code
RA2 version of the engine is an earlier build that lacks most of the experimental features but not as hardcoded and unstable as TS version of the engine which makes RA2 version easier to modify
isn't the engine stupidly easy to modify. Like stupidly easy to the point westwood basically implemented highly customizable pseudocode/objects without intending the game to be moddable.
>>1843504 (OP)
Playing CNC 3 tiberium wars. The AI is so fucking hard if u put it on brutal for a skirmish. "We got the rockets" is the only flaw in the game. If you know you know.
Can't remember the exact details, but for example, armor types in TS are hardcoded and you can have only 5, none, wood, light, heavy, concrete. RA2 doesn't have this, also terrai deformation in TS works only with default terrain tiles
Status: dead. Nothing is being worked on. Play the mods.
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real vehicle and real turret, idiots
the body is a g6 rhino and the turret is a chinese aa gun system
claims without proofs lack substance
The RotR one literally came first you retard
/pol/-ACK! can't live a day without shitting up a C&C thread
That's not the funny part, the funny part is that yes, both Twin Fag and Snoottinel are based off real life piece of Chinese anti-air hardware, but for some reason Sentinel is almost an exact copy of Twin Fang, where Twin Fang deviates a lot from the real-life counterpart
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The burning you feel, it is shame
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Cool off with your uzbek feet pic collection, i think that belongs on /hm/
ever hear of time travel?
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Spermer said that there's no time travel in Mental Om... Whoops
I don't understand why EA is still pumping money into BioWare but cannot spare a couple of millions to at least remaster TibSun and/or Red Alert 2.
>>1843504 (OP)
>play RA1 as a babby and not know what the fuck is going on
>uncle gives me Tibsun's GDI campaign on a burned CD and struggle with it as a kid
>get RA3, Tib3, KW on 360 as a dumb teen, finally start completing campaigns

Alright, so manchild me has been running through this entire series and kicking every campaign's ass, started with CnC Remastered, played the freeware Tiberium Sun, then got the CnC bundle on steam and did Renegade since I still felt it qualified and was a nice break from the RTSing. Anything I need to know before I try steam's RA2? It's next on my list, I haven't checked how much effort is baked in to make it compatible with a modern rig
I installed RA2 from the 10th Anniversary Collection DVD and it works fine in Windows 10 after setting it to XP compatibility mode. You can install CnCNet for online play and some higher resolution options. Not sure if the Steam version of the game is any different. If anything, I imagine it would be even more compatible than my old version.

Gameplay-wise, it's still a fairly simple game. Mind control is a pain in the ass to deal with, but aside from that it's basically just an evolution of RA1.
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Because the Californian mind cannot think out of the box. And if someone actually manages to do that, they'll turn it into an esport always-online, C&C4 copy anyway.
it's the easiest game by far.

hardest game si tibsun, if only for how grossly unbalanced the main campaigns are.
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>Sigh, somehow Kane has returned (again.)
anyone got that yuri's revenge pic meme yuri (hentai)?
>no War on Oil or other RL cancer
>no le quirky unit speech like muh shoes (which MEC2 even mocks)
>support powers are unlocked by tech level and can be lost instead of gay MMO-like ability purchase menu
>much more interesting powers too
>early base expansion is not only limited through making and delivering an outpost vehicle but also has the alternative of moving an MCV
>no gay "supply depots" for resources
>regrowing Tiberium fields allow for rare but still cool comebacks
>much better air unit handling
>environment playing at least some role as opposed to just desert lol
>less retarded explanation for stealth
>game performs well enough despite the team it was outsourced to failing to make KW run as smooth as the base game
>doesn't look like extremely blocky plastic ass
KW's only fault was LAN crashing randomly because the studio couldn't deliver a game that works as well as base TW. It has also inherited the flaw of squads, which is the only aspect where it loses to GEAnerals in terms of design, but I'll take squads over the huge list of flaws the distinctly non-C&C game has. And TW/KW isn't even a proper C&C3.
If I had the C&C license, I kinda want to make a C&C All-Stars featuring 8 playable factions:
GDI, Nod, Forgotten, Scrin, Allied, Soviet, Yuri, Empire of the Rising Sun.

No Generals faction included because I still want to sell the game in China.
for me,
a squad-based GDI vs NOD with commander trees (like coh1/3),
but with bases & tiberium stacked in base like sc1/2, flying units, etc. would completely revitalize RTS

how EA managed to sit on this license for decades making absolutely no money on anything but remasters and rereleases... its kinda sfunny (sad-funny)
So Renegade and/or Sole Survivor?
Maybe on planet retard
nah, like, sc2 for graphica quality and base-layout, 2 factions and exp-trees/ squad/cover-based combat for infantry

it's a nobrainer, i can picture it and no doubt it would be successful
Did any new big mods appear or is the scene still dominated by Rise of the Reds, Mental Omega and Tiberium Essence? I'd include Twisted Insurrection too, but that project seems to have died a while ago.
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>Cloud status up to date
>No cloud storage on store page
Anyone know if its got it? 3 and Generals also seemed to uninstall themselves?
>3 and Generals also seemed to uninstall themselves?
Extremely based QoL feature
I'd make a point and click adventure game set in the early 1950's where you play as a Soviet agent trying to uncover a conspiracy to in the Soviet government. In the end you uncover the Brotherhood and Kane and get the option to join them or get taken out back of the Kremlin and shot in the head.
if this quest has at least half the charm of The Legend of Kyrandia series games, it would be great. So to speak, a tribute to the memory of Westwood Studios
>early 1950's USSR
Something so bleak, poor and miserable that even the modern state of affairs is better if only marginally.
So a Red Alert version of KGB?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdqKPf1xKWk [Embed]
>I'd make a point and click adventure game
and get fucking annihilated by c&c fans angry at raping its corpse without giving it a proper modern RTS entry
All 2 of them? And the other 2, myself included, wouldn't mind because they liked and still like Renegade.
Real C&C fans liked Renegade.
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please go on arguing in bad faith, reducing shit to absurdity.
renegade didn't come after 20 years of no c&c in any way shape or form.
>arguing in bad faith
I'm not. Everyone is so much past getting angry at EA for desecrating the remains that it's old enough to drink now. Everyone else, it would seem, at any rate.
C&C fans would kill each other for a chance to gurgle on EA's dick, just look at Rivals that is still more accepted than C&C4, or "Remaster" that was made as cheaply as possible
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The perfect level of naval play is, in my opinion, somewhere between RA2 and RA3. 3 took it a bit too far, but 2 was very, very land-based.
Don't samefag this hard. No one except a few wannabe E-celebs and kids who haven't played anything older than GEAnerals play the mobileshit. I haven't tried it once, just looked at a video of whatever was the first one.
>oldest fans like commies
LMAO no. Just because they're generally stronger doesn't mean I should like them.
are you fucking retard?
is twisted insurrection dead?
probably, i heard its finished
finished on a version 0.9? with broken balance, campaigns and missing missions??
crimsonum is finished with it, yeah
GDI is still missing the final mission.
>GDI has no final mission
>therefore GDI cannot achieve the final victory over Nod

Nod confirmed for canon ending
>As we've mentioned before, one of our main goals for the future is to revise the GDI and Nod campaigns, which have fallen behind our quality standards. In order to rebuild the campaign, we have to lay down the groundwork first. That is why in version 0.9, we've largely focused on the balance and multiplayer side of things.
>As with all our plans, achievements and changes are subject to time and ability, however our aim for the near future is to release:
>Two new co-op missions
>Two new GDI Act 1 missions
>Posted in 2021 after version 0.9
Finished my ass. Erastus hasn't posted in almost two years now. It's been abandoned.
pretty much. they moved to mental omega i think
I thought they moved to Tempest Rising
i dunno how the story goes but i feel all mods share map makers sometimes.
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At least post something which is actually good like Mental Omega:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG7FupWCCwY [Embed]
Is C&C and StarCraft remasters worth playing for campaign alone?
SC1 campaign wasn't that great, especially when you know how badly the story ends.
>sc remastered
you shut your whore mouth, sc2 existing doesnt invalidate sc1's campaign. Normal people just understand sc2 was made by different people with different approaches and design goals in mind.
If you don't get the secret mission, the ending is just "kerrigan triumphs over UED and backstabs raynor & co... to be continued"
>Is C&C and StarCraft remasters worth playing for campaign alone?
absolutely. Small advice, tho: C&C1's campaign levels feel more like a puzzle game than an RTS. But I like it regardless.
Is it STILL rising?
That's basically CnC Reloaded. It ports the Tiberian Sun factions into RA2 and allows you to play as all 5 of them.
Holy kino.
NoStringsPrd (lead story writer) stole money from the games budget to sponsor trans surgery of his "wife" Alicia (former pro-player and world champion in C&C Rivals), one of the main reasons why Slipgate Ironworks were hit by layoff initiated by crumbling Embracer Group harder than the others
We'll never have it because muh putin. And the ra1\c&c 1 was so fucking good.
Ngl, this sounds like Embracer/Slipgate should sue the shit out of him. What a fucking shitty thing to do. Especially when you consider that RTS don't get that high of a budget (anymore) in the first place
>here's your Red Alert 2 Remastered bro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnCKaWcuLY4 [Embed]
I think I'll just play MO instead
name about as inspired as the game itself
mental omega wannabe
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What in the living fuck are those units and buildings supposed to be?
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>>1843504 (OP)
Any new info on the dumpster fire that is Legions? I just saw on its website that Tencent pivoted towards using the Red Alert universe
Can't say much besides the fact that C&C Net faggots sold out to EA completely and now shill both Rivals and Legions on their official website
Dunno where else to ask, should I play Dawn of The Tiberium Age or CnC:Reloaded
DTA. Reloaded is a mess.
I want to rip it's 3d models but the apk is encrypted or something.
>Rivals that is still more accepted than C&C4, or "Remaster"
It's not more accepted by the people who rejected 4, it's a completely different market that eats mobileshit gleefully.
The Remaster was successful and mostly praised, certainly moreso than 4.
C&C, absolutely. SC, absolutely not. Just play the SC campaign with the free version, the remaster fucked up most of the portraits. The worst C&C changes are completely optional, and can be toggled off in the menu at any time.
>Reloaded is a mess.
Mod went from a simple "RA2 vs TS" premise to adding crap from RA3 and C&C4. I think they're even trying to make CABAL a faction now
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Pictures that you can hear
Most mods went fucking retard. Even piece of shit that is called Mental Omega, which some of you love to jerk off to.
MO only improved with time and is still the best RA2 mod out there.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4yQqLsWmxw [Embed]
more like
>actually enjoys RTS multiplayer against other people
Sure, if you hate Red Alert 2.
No, but keep thinking that.
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>"almost perfect yuri's revenge"
>yuri dies
>turns out he's the same yuri from original game and soviet ending of yr
>even with time travel he still died
>his replacement/successor is anime girl stolen from some chinks portfolio
>commies are brainraped
>allies are coopted by c&c4 gdi
>new faction is just c&c4 gdi
>its leader is a pink haired sonic the hedgehog and simultaneously a waifu of the former lead level designer

You can tell that mod was made by a man with a degree in plumbing
Yes, and it's still the best one.
Thank you, I will.
The quality bar has surely dropped
It has only increased in recent years. RA2 modders are on a roll.
On a roll to the highway to hell, ARES has been stagnant for years, Chinese HARES is unstable and unobtainable unless you are ready to pay big bucks or contribute substantially for miniscule features in return, KRATOS is chicken shit unstable garbage, and with how PHOBOS development goes, we'll get TS on OpenRA before anything groundbreaking in PHOBOS, and it's been over a decade since they announced it.

Latest RA2 mods either try to copy MO, Generals or mods for Generals, sometimes literally just porting Generals to older engine and pretending that they did something incredible never seen before. Meanwhile MO is just bloatware now, with how some of the new or upcoming units are just like existing ones but better or redundant in MP and support powers taking half of the support structures tab, while SP became fan faction about Speeder's and Lowal's OC's catfighting, "Almost Perfect Yuri's Revenge"?

Tiberium Crisis 1 and 2 is just Chinese malware that ported the worst aspects of C&C 3 and 4 to RA2.

Reloaded >>1876004

Red-Res died for our sins when OmegaBolt decided to larp as a real game dev, should have waited till 2022 and everyone would have sucked him dry for a mediocre C&C clone

Reborn's rotten carcass has completely withered

Thankfully Project Phantom finally came out, although it could have came out 5 or 10 years ago and still would have been good, and certainly gathered more hype. Might as well be The Best RA2 mod right now, lacking only campaign.
What in the everloving fuck is going on at EA? How is it possible that they've not put out a TibSun and/or RA2 remaster? According to Vessella himself, the first remastered collection was successful. And according to Petroglyph themselves, they'd like to work on a C&C project. So what the fuck? Yet, EA has no problems burning money on shit like Anthem or the new Dragon Age game.
They would need to un-destroy and un-garbage Westwood's archives and hard-drives that they threw out when Victory Games were closed, so far only golden and platinum discs were found. And remasters of the first games happened only because someone else on the outside had the source code preserved.
>>1843504 (OP)
i dont like it because infantry isnt very good in it compared to vehicles.
What's the verdict?
the game has such shit visual fidelity you cant even tell whats going on in any of the screenshots
game looks like uninspired trash with its artstyle all over the place, cheap imitation playing on nostalgia
1/10 i won't even get it on a discount
wtf it does
what's up with the shit filter
Genuinely terrible building models.
This is the worst OpenRA mod I have ever seen.
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Pretty sovlful mod campaign on the remaster workshop.
Flame Dancers wannabe from a commie retard who moderates C&C reddit
>c&c4 gdi
some buildings are from the original dune game achtually
>we'll get TS on OpenR
unironic best case scenario tbqh
MO may be good, but PePes is strong.
>commies are brainraped
Are you sure about this?
And I'm not talking about the Soviets on the moon. As soon as the Soviet general says "Hail Yuri." we lose contact with what is happening completely. What happens in Moscow after that is not clear at all. We don't even know WHO told the comrades on the moon not to come to Moscow. Even in the moment for Epsilon, when they show Epsilon's complete victory over the world, we are not shown what is happening in Moscow. It's strange.
Complete uncertainty.

Be glad this story didn't turn into Queen's blade... And the fact that you may be right and we don’t have enough anime girls for each side of the conflict. Eh...
Jim, it's dead...
No, even Reborn, which is already so rotten that it turns everyone who plays it into Nurglings, looks better. At least it seemed to me that Battlefail was extremely unpolished.
Don't forget that C&C is also slowly losing cultural relatability. It was made for teens and young adults in the days when the Cold War was still believed to have just recently ended, when most of the target audience wasn't subverted into hating themselves and their country, when the country wasn't subverted and destabilized by allies of the commies as well. When boys were expected to play with cars, constructors and yes, toy soldiers, instead of makeup, dresses and probably dildos by now.

Of course there is always a small minority among each generation which is comprised of various outlier groups. Many of them will find such games interesting. But they aren't that numerous, they are a small minority for a reason.
And EA can't even rely on them plus on however many still remains of us (count out a subgroup that has stopped playing games because of responsibilities, as well as another that was so alienated by EA as to never ever buy from them again, possibly more) to get back the money they'd spend on the absolute minimum such a project would require. Which is not that much, but still. And worse yet, not doing their best to reach the widest possible audience would make Satan upset with EA.
Skill issue.
I wouldn't call the building models that bad, they could definitely use a lot of improvement but they aren't the main problem. Which is everything looking like it's covered is grease. Especially the explosions but also lights. Some of the lights are clearly misaligned, by the way.
Then there are the gun artillery pieces that look like they are malnutritioned offspring of Schwerer Gustav and a giraffe. They also apparently lob their... things, whatever those are, like trebuchets.
The things that are probably "tesla guns" look like very cheap plastic toys due to the combination of pitch black and red on very low detail models.
The four-barrelled probably AA-gun looks plain retarded. They aren't supposed to be arranged in a line. Guess why.
The walls look like they're containers in some warehouse.
The helicopters don't even look like they're flying, took me a minute to notice the shadows. Before that I thought they're sitting near the factory or whatever it is.
Took me about as much time to notice the harvester because it looks like a terrain feature (boulder, ruins).
Having open pits on the refineries is probably not the best choice. Especially since they even say "caution" there.
The trees look alien, unless that's the intention.
>Be glad this story didn't turn into Queen's blade... And the fact that you may be right and we don’t have enough anime girls for each side of the conflict. Eh...

MO doesn't have Kerrigan, yet. But Yunru is a prime example of a Mary Sue, if not an outright self-insert, probably Speeder's, Mevitar's, or even Lowal's girlfriend at the time, since he drew so much porn with her in the first place. No matter what polish twigs or asian cucks say against it, they can't deny the simple facts. Yunru was written to be a super-smart super-scientist and a great leader of a powerful highly technological super-faction outlined to save the world in the end and yada yada yada, and all at the age of 17, and with that hair a la Sonic but pink, in the 80s communist China. Even now when they made her turn 18 between Act 1 and 2, and 19 by the end of Act 2, I think, while also making her part of a so-called council instead of the sole "Great Leader," she's still the only one giving orders and doing all the talking.

Libra was always meant to be a plot device with no character outside of being a crazy murder machine, until Fastman remembered that he had forgotten about the TI-MO connection after Aro left TI, and decided to kitbash a different time-travel plot unrelated to TI.
omega = kino
Next MO update fucking when?
the moral of the story is, if you're going full retard than don't take the pedal off the gas
Yes, i also like final Zerg mission in StarCraft: Brood War
This is a C&C thread silly
Then why one of the best and hardest levels in SC:BW was mentioned?
Sirs, this is a Mental Omega thread.
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I hated that level, it was just a boring mindless grind. But I dislike playing zerg in general, I prefer to shoot them
Kinda wierd they haven't done it with the first remaster apparently did really well, but then TS and RA2 are much bigger games than C&C1/RA1.
Maybe you should try making your own thread instead of hijacking generalized C&C thread
>or even Lowal's girlfriend at the time, since he drew so much porn with her in the first place.
i did not need this information
>until Fastman remembered that he had forgotten about the TI-MO connection after Aro left TI, and decided to kitbash a different time-travel plot unrelated to TI.
Rumor has it that EA have lost the source code to both RA2 and TibSun.
i guess
they recently had a new mobile game command and conquer legions that couldn't even make it past beta.
Played 3 missions of Dawn of Tiberium Age, kinda miss RMB to move and attack, am I just getting old?
That's the thing it did not do that well. It underperform for EA.
the only thing it had to do with command and conquer was the stolen raped name.
>the first remaster apparently did really well
by RTS genre standards, not by a corporate global moloch standards
Rivals would've been better than 4 if it didnt have mobileshit metaprogression in unit leveling, cards and lootboxes, and "i see you're trying to upgrade units, did you know you can pay $4.99 to upgrade it slightly more!" microtransaction bait. But that doesn't earn papa EA any moolah so we will never see it.
>last real C&C game was 16 years ago
I can't believe this franchise is being carried solely by its mods like ROTR and MO. Thanks for nothing, EA. What a shitshow.
Imagine valuing a mobileslop Clash Royale clone more than actual PC RTS game
But but... But what about glorious remastered collection? Surely it means something, surely EA cares about Basedman & Basedqeer...
Even if remaster came out only because EA literally had no idea how to get brownie points back after Rivals, and one of their managers had to contact former EALA employee who worked only on C&C 3 and ask him if he has any ideas...

But look how beautiful everything looks in the remaster...
Only Construction Yard does because they used it for PR and advertisement literally at every step, everything else looks like a toy made out of cheap plastic, especially TD Power Plants and Medium/Heavy Tanks and Mammoth, and Light Tank literally looks like a piece of shit and not a Bradly its supposed to be or a T-55 as some retards claim it to be in remaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfpN9mJjvMk [Embed]
Why is the RA20XX mod full of Rise of the Reds designs?
rotr wannabe
as you might have guessed its author is not very creative
It does feel a bit uninspired. Perhaps the promised third side will be something more unique.
mental omega is difficult. at least the first allied mission. like holy shit
The main flaw of MO is that it's tuned to the gookclickers that haven't stopped playing RA2 since it got released.
very subtle
H&S shampoo obviously, soviets took over american industries and Yuri wanted to give the psycorps good quality products, H&S being already present since the 60s is the logical option, Libra is helped by her clones to clean herself up.
Yea. It's a great mod but they should gradually introduce shit
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I swear, i'll leak super """secret""" mo porn art server again if you niggers won't stop goonposting, its not like i had only one account there
Why were you looking for MO porn, anon? There are real women out there.
similar to jap games with circle/B as confirm
prolly cast that black bitch from rings of power as oksana
Won't happen because of muh nine eleven.
Eva>Every other RE3 waifu>Blonde Tanya
>>1843504 (OP)
So how you anons feel that you still only get the old dated pathfinding Command & Conquer and Red Alert 1 as the only ones who got remaster?
The only think worth for that game.
>by RTS genre standards
I guess you like outdate shitty pathfinding then...
>copying other mods by adding in epic units
Sis, epics existed since TS
I will never stop laughing at retards who think "remasters" should completely rework the entire game's underlying systems. It's a remaster, not a remake. Bugfixes, higher resolution, improved UI and some QoL features, sure. But rewriting the entire pathfinding system? Maybe rebalance the entire game and add shit that wasn't there in the first place like unit promotions? OpenRA is what you're looking for, not remasters
>I will never stop laughing at retards
This but with retards with high ego like this shithead.
you do realize ad hominems just make you look like a cumguzzling faggot who concedes immediately... right?
i dont have the gook ability to play mental omega. its to much
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will we ever get a mod like MO that isnt super difficult cause gooks cant make something that isnt made for esports scene
Every time I try to do the Rising Sun campaign, Pearl Harbor is such a bitch. I hate that damn level.
>yuri was the yuri all along
MO on casual is piss-easy
For the Tiberium Wars series, should I play them in order, or start with a certain one?
It doesn’t matter
Start with Tiberian Dawn and end with Firestorm
It's a shame the Scrin only have a factional presence (and plot relevance) in C&C 3

It would've been cool to see more of their military
>C&C3 ends with the promise of the Scrin returning with a full invasion force
>they feature a little bit in Kane's Wrath but it's the same group as before because of the chronology
>C&C4 completely forgets they exist because it's literally not a C&C game
I didn't even buy C&C4 and I'm still mad
I think RA20XX sucks now. Bases look too noisy.
>most of the mod is just assets taken from rise of the reds and other c&c mods

Well fuck, no shit Sherlock
I really don't know what makes some modders think they can do better designs than Westwood and replace all original structures.
EA is a dysfunctional mess, always has been, they get by because of FIFA, Madden and The Sims but they've always been trash at managing most of their IPs. It's almost kinda nostalgic to see an EA fuckup like this one, I haven't cared for them in a while but they used be the arch devil like 14 years ago and every one of their fuckups got talked about a lot.
More C&C remasters being seemingly inevitable easy money yet they're not happening because of some internal issues is perfectly normal for them.
They literally destroyed the source codes of every other C&C after first two except for Renegade, and even then they allowed only selected group of people from W3D Hub to use Ren's source code, source code of the first two C&C games was preserved by a third-party
As opposed to figuratively?
Literally as in throwing everything into dumpster after cancelation of Degenrals 2 Free2Play and closure of Victory Games, some guy only managed to recover gold and platinum discs but those aren't the drives
During the days before data wasn't hosted in the cloud, when a studio gets shuttered (as in the physical office is closed) their tools and code simply ended up in the trash.

This practice ends generally somewhere by the late 00s. But many games have lost their source codes due to it.
C&C 3 was actually great though until the patches that fucked up gameplay in the name of esports.
The one Mod that added back in some of the Tiberian Sun units, buildable walls, and added the Mammoth MKII and Kodiak command ship as super units made the game supreme.
>The one Mod that added back in some of the Tiberian Sun units, buildable walls, and added the Mammoth MKII and Kodiak command ship as super units made the game supreme.
Do you happen to know the name of the mod? Sounds kino.
On the other hand they have kinda written themselves into a corner. Even this modest mining operation nearly forced GDI and Nod into a cease-fire, and a proper invasion fleet would've been unstoppable. A united Earth would have had a chance of surviving in some way but no way either side would let that happen.
There's no real difference between mining operation military and full-scale invasion military, see Reaper and Traveler sects
It's about the numbers. Also unless KW rewrote the story, which I don't remember happening, those could have been at most small specialized units as part of the same "miners". So they wouldn't be fielding the full range of tech their subfaction has, only the most mobile and convenient for this specific scale and effectively guard duty types of tasks.
And that's not even getting into the numbers territory.
What in the everloving fuck are they thinking?
wasnt that a browser game along time ago? unless im mixing it up with another cnc game
>>1843504 (OP)
gooning to yunru (i never played MO campaign btw)
>free money baybe
I use angry mobs in GLA as cannon fodder back when I played ffa with my friends
It's pretty annoying and you force your enemy to use anti personel shit which is useless to other things
Am I coping too hard by thinking that next year, we will see some life signs out of this franchise? It will be the 30th anniversary of C&C, after all...
here are your signs of life anon, enjoy! Bone apple teeth >>1903799
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>Am I coping too hard
Yes, don't expect anything from EA
This, but with Foxhole.
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>c&c tfd was 20 years ago
>mfw I am a mechanical man
>When you to retarded and lazy for being a EA CEO, and make C&C great again.
GDI is brute strength, NOD is guerrila hit and run tactics.
Its weird they changed the formula in RA between the good guys and the bad.
Reminds me of that tragedy.
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despite how hilarious the gla were i never liked the war on terror setting
futuristic soviets were a lot cooler to me
Future Soviets girls are also far sexier than some hijabi hags.
https://youtu.be/1DMax7SHD_k [Embed]
>Another only Discord garbage "community" mod.
Tiberium Essence 1.6 ?
mental omega is still fast for me even on casual the only reason to play is cause of libra.
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Took him long enough, the first official teaser of the fifth faction
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What makes you think its that and not a new secret unit for one of the existing sides?
How does Nod deal with keeping Tiberium out of inhabited spaces?
By blaming GDI for hogging all the Blue Zones.
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I think they live underground, but I haven't read up on Tiberian Sun stuff lately; it might make some sense since they'd be closed off from tiberium spores lingering in the air.
thats the best part, they dont.
I always thought that they embraced the spread of Tiberium. So, they don't deal with it.
>>1843504 (OP)
dead since broodwar release
>Russia and America in a proxy war currently.
>Cold war is irrelevant?
it's obviously some mission specific gimmick unit
Looks like a Foehn Future Tank variant to me
mental omega is tough as balls but so good
Preach brother.
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Electrodes ready!
It is day of judgement.
That's neat. When is it coming?
stop using the board to shill your shit tranny chink mod samefag.
They don't, tib sun was a 1 minute till midnight scenario. Tiberium spread from mutanted plant life and was about to end the world infecting everything through tiberium spores.

C&C3 retcons this into tiberium wildlife dying off to leave tiberium crystals then fucks up the lore by saying tiberium crystals are a grey goo scenario with most settlements using sonic technology to keep it inactive.
they're making more MO missions??
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VE_E-Q3sXm4 [Embed]
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Yes, a proper Foehn campaign.
Why is nobody playing Rise of the East?
cause it's garbage
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Taking 2 years just to make a new turret is kinda gay, it's still going to be mogged by their Grizzly in size
No Tanya or GI models came, but the Tesla trooper is a nice surprise
Dead mod
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>>1843504 (OP)
>play allied campaign
>get half a dozen prism tanks
It's that easy, huh?
gay mod

Yes, there are only a few counters against prism tanks deployed in mass. However, in multiplayer, most of time Allies do not survive that long to be able to mass produce prism tanks.

The Allied Prism Tanks outrange every static defense except one and their attacks leap to nearer enemies so the tanks easily and quickly level up when properly micromanaged. The AI doesn't realize the deadly threat and sieges against CPU bases often turn into a massacre while the armored units of the defender sit idly by on the other corner of the base.

On the Soviet side, V3 Rocket Launchers do much the same thing, though they are much more vulnerable against enemy units. On the downside, their slow rockets can be shot down by anti-air defenses.

Ultimately, the Prism Tank is a glass canon. Its is incredibly destructive versus structures, but if infantry and vehicles manage to get a shot in, they can fall very quickly, even to basic tanks. Mirage tanks are deadly against infantry or vehicles, but have rather sad performance against the opposite. It's possible the intention was for players to use them to cover each other's weaknesses, since they're at the same tech tier.
>play soviet campaign
>place down five sentries in the path the AI will insist on rushing
>cannot lose
It's that easy, huh?
too clunky and no promised campaign in three years. mod is full of shitty workarounds and weird tech tree fillers even though all it had to do is lift units from Generals and Zero hour
If I wanted to play Generals again I'd play Generals man
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Happy New Years, faggots. I hope this is the year where we get some good news for once.
>EA app doesn't allow mods anymore
>Steam version does though
>just spent 6 dollars for the whole collection again
EA app is pure garbage and bullshit.
>just spent 6 dollars for the whole collection
goy behavior
That's simply pocket change anon and very very small price to pay for collection of good games again.
the official version has no benefits, the only game that has multiplayer support is c&c4, and on top of that ultimate collection had many issues even before re-re-release on steam, pirated copies of the games literally run better and with less issues because pirates somehow care more about average anon than community talking heads that ea hired to help with the steam release
>the official version has no benefits, the only game that has multiplayer support is c&c4
I don't play multiplayer so not an issue

>on top of that ultimate collection had many issues even before re-re-release on steam
Tested most of them and not encountered issue yet.

>Pirated copies of the games literally run better and with less issues
I remember when I still had CD versions of the games and performance has not really changed by my own standards.
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Well, I don’t know: the chances of a fifth faction of futuristic Soviets with an anomicpunk design are extremely small.

These are the things that have a higher chance of happening:
>The crazy Volknet will be like his prototype, the recharged Volkov.
>There are 2 Yuri's in this timeline: one time traveler from the original Soviet campaign and one from this timeline.
>Kryukov and Reznov attempt to restore the Psychic Beacons to protect Moscow from the influence of the Mental Omega Device.
>Cyber Boris and Chitzkoi then infiltrate the Foehn Revolt base to obtain parts to restore Volkov.
>And the dumbest thing my coomer brain can come up with that has a higher chance of happening than the fifth faction: Chitzkoi will manage to kill one anime hero. Who knows who it really could be: the chances are 50/50.
>rise of the yeast
i can feel the yeast rising alright
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pick your poison
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Given the sad state TI has ended up in, it would be for the best if everyone just brushed it under the carpet and pretended it never existed.
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>I wanted to point out that it will never happen. But in fact I just created another mental omega bingo sheet.
I want to jump into a secret lab that is definitely not a hidden grinder.
>Mental Omega-Twisted Insurrection connection
What is that? Some easter egg about the original pitch for CnC 3 with Yuri being a Nod operative sent back in time thanks to a GDI time machine?
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> Mammoth MKII and Kodiak command ship as super units
For me, it's the Crossfire Mod, real amazed with the massive units here, especially the super defense (forgot its name, but love how the TW mods are compatible with the campaign, unlike the ZH mods.)
>Tiberium Essence 1.6
Yep, love that one, real liked their take on the Forgotten Faction, especially with the garrisonable War Floaters and that bug with their superweapon being ready to fire upon completion of building it.
Like what?
TI shall live rent-free forever
Rivals 2, Legions big update 3
>Compatible with campaign
My only complaint with Tib Essance is that I can't clear the first Nod mission with the limpet drones not kamikazeing properly.
Yep, Nod's fanatics-turned-limpet drones suck, and the usual workaround is to go vanilla in similar instances. Also, got overwhelmed with Scrin and GDI's support powers in that second-to-the last mission, at least specific to that TW Crossfire mod.
I am looking forward for Red Alert 2 remaster.
Don't count on it. Play the mods.
>Allied Commander survived
But isn't the Allied commander in mental omega an experimental AI? Okay, never mind.

I have an idea about Red Alert 3:
What if we replace Einstein's murder with Yuri?

That is, General Kryukov convinces Cherdenko that the defeats against the Allies are the work of Yuri. Cherdenko waves it off and considers Yuri to be nothing more than a swindler and a conjurer. But he agrees with General Kryukov, since because of Yuri he was unable to obtain the highest leadership position.
They go to the time machine, which takes them back in time, in front of Yuri's laboratory.
Yuri had just started setting up the lab, and upon seeing the general and deputy minister, he quickly removed the blueprints that looked like mental omena (LOL, this is what a Soviet scientific center was supposed to look like).
General Kryukov reports on Yuri's excellent work and wants to shake his hand. Kryukov notices that he has a glove on his hand and tries to take it off. But he can't. And then the general brutally tears the glove, freeing his hand.
Yuri sighs and as if he is about to be shot, he stretches out his hand and...
Well, then Red Alert 3 as we know it begins.
There's this, in beta anyways:
My only complaint is I can't smuggle conscripts into the World Trade Center with school buses anymore.
when is the hit game tiberian alliances hitting steam??
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Their Vietnam faction is unique, although I find that the NVA in Vietnam Glory Obscured for Zero Hour is much more fun, like with the modular structures, pretty much.
Dead franchise
keeps crashing
So I never played any CnC besides Generals and ZH, but am in the mood for some fun CnC campaigns that are not Generals. I have the Steam collection. Which of the games do you recommend?
Yeah it was (and I played it), it was cool to coordinate with people but it got old quick
Big boobed pirate anime girls are inside the tesla trooper armor?
Any of the RA ones are my favorite. I'm playing through RA3 now and the canpaign is amazing
Greetings. I bring not one, not two, but four mods centering around the GLA for Tiberian Dawn!

Do give them a try. They can all be used independently of each other,. but its recommended to use at least two to three of them together!
RA2, YR then get mental omega
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>mental omega
no you don't need to get the schizo fan mod
yes get it
>you don't need to get some of the best cnc fan content ever made
Why are you retarded?
You mean Rise of the Reds, ShockWave, Contra, Red-Resurrection, Twisted Insurrection and Combined Arms
What part of "some" don't you understand?
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>you don't want the most overrated mod with an obnoxiously bloated unit list and gameplay?
>tfw you will never be as cool as Kane
how to play TibDawn, TibSun, RA and RA2 on win11?
TibDawn, TibSun, and RA should be freeware already? IS google not giving you results or is Win11 specifically giving you trouble thinking it is piracy?
I bought C&C4 and I'm super mad.
Westwood really did a great job with their structure designs in a lot of the C&C games. Memorable yet simplistic with high visual clarity.
>It will be the 30th anniversary of C&C
I feel so old.
I remember first reading about Generals in a gaming mag, I remember when The First Decade was first announced, I remember when they first revealed C&C3, etc. etc.
Discord really has been a net negative for game modding and hacking.
Should I buy this?
Which artist was responsible for this? I need names
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>>1843504 (OP)
Status is nostalgic, sir.

Please give FiveAces some views:
Competitive OpenRA is so much better than vanilla/remake Red Alert.
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here's a direct link to some action in the latest video since that should increase the chance that (You) give it a watch:
https://youtu.be/p6trDMlZegY?t=461 [Embed]
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I wonder how Renegade X is doing player-wise, I played it when it was new and were impressed.
The leaderboard link on that page is 404 which is worrying but the game got a patch December of last year. https://totemarts.games/forums/topic/80583-renegade-x-patch-585815-patch-notes/

And it seems like they are working on a Renegade X version based on C&C TS Firestorm:
looks like there was some internal drama, which is why the renegade-x.com domain no longer works
If Mammoth tank and Medium tank don't hit their targets 100% on the mark, their damage becomes something like 10%-20%, vs a faction that has buggies and motorcycles, you're fucked, what good are tanks if fast shit just speed tanks your damage? bad design.
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New update dropped.
>what if i took red alerts 1 and 2, tiberian sun, kane's wrath, and put it all into tiberium dawn?
It's an interesting effort, I guess
>Competitive OpenRA is so much better than vanilla/remake Red Alert.
I actually really like to watch high-level vanilla Red Alert, the one without unit queuing.
that's very cool, sounds impossible to balance. does it have more than 10 players? seems like it was released 2018 and this is the first i see about it ._.

too much vehicle spam in the original games for my taste
Combined Arms is sorta like Mental Omega-lite. It's balanced for experienced players and has a full campaign.
campaign sounds fun, hope it uses the same units as multiplayer so you can learn the ropes with it (i doubt that though)
Just downloaded this for the first time and played one skirmish as Scrin. Pretty cool so far.
>the one without unit queuing
high level unit queuing is NOT high level competitive gameplay. It's unironically worse than gookclick, just clicking the UI button every 2 seconds
Well I don't enjoy doing so, but it tickles my fancy seeing players being able to train & build without unit queuing.
So some dude on a C&C fangroup was actually talking with EA to make official minimodels of Tiberian Dawn buildings. He now says EA decided not to follow up with his project because they don't intend to invest more money in C&C. Your favourite RTS series is deader than dead. Gg lads.
>official minimodels
sounds like something you'd 3D print for fun.
would be fun to have a little TD or Red Alert 1 base on my bookshelf.
there are models on thingiverse
that's so cool! now i wish i had a 3D printer
Sweet minimodels! Reminds me of this limited release and quickly abandonded mod, RA3 Paradox with the Confederate Revolutionaries. Love the rustic and petite aesthetics associated with them (especially with the RA1 units and buildings.) In a way, looks like it can be a tabletop thing, but it's just as a nice collection like with that tiberium crystal and tesla tower from that remastered release a way long ago.
>Some shitty 3D printing model of buildings and unit didn´t get aprove for obvious reasons, so the C&C license as a RTS videogame francise is """dead""" I guess.
EA invited him first, you idiot.
this guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RN0ZbHnL4Og [Embed]
I read that. Such a bummer really.
Eat a bag of dicks, anglo.
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EA are such fucking fags. The Remaster got them a little bit of goodwill and they immediately trashed it.
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You being reminded reminds me of this Red Alert remake fan project (RA Origins) but it was abandoned pretty quickly.
neat but why is he dubbing his video? specifically noticed it at 11:15 onward. or maybe his exaggerated mouth movements make it only look dubbed or something.
open-sourcing tiberian dawn and red alert 1 has bought them enough goodwill from me that i never say anything bad about EA. parts of the remaster was open-sourced as well so the new graphics can be used in OpenRA if desired (though you need to own the remastered collection to use the new gfx, though i bet it could be pirated in some way i dunno).
EA trashed the official source codes of several C&C games iirc, so they'll always be on my shit list
How the fuck does that happen?
nobody was responsible for anything, so they literally trashed it. I remember some pic where the guy took framed awards for old C&C games out of the trashcan outside EA office
Same shit with homeworld cataclysm source code being lost. No one was responsible for keeping it safe, so no one did.
>>1843504 (OP)
Still no one of you "veterans" want´s to being a EA CEO to bring C&C back, and still, making indie trash after indie trash.
Ok, go ahead, speedrun becoming a CEO of a multibillion dollar tech megacorporation to prove a point or something
>prove a point or something
That point being that you people are being a bunch of old grumpy crybabies.
*teleports behind you*
*smashes you with the greatest fusion of electro and synth music ever seen by man*
>>1843504 (OP)
Did... did you just emerge from your cryostasis? C&C has been dead for like 20 years man. I'm sorry.
I have no fucking idea what your retarded ESL babbling even tries to convey
He's saying that if people want to C&C back, they should become a CEO at EA

Much easier said than done
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ph9wqY2EXRw [Embed]
Playing through the entire franchise for the first time, here's my ranking and thoughts so far:

1. Tiberian Dawn
I fucking love everything about it, it's the second best game in the series in terms of atmosphere, it has the best sountrack in the franchise, the missions are all bullshit hard and you have to cheese a lot of them just to work around crap pathfinding and AI cheats but not a single game feels as cathartic to beat. It oozes 90's and I love the military gear that's used as well. It's very simple, straightforward and comfy at the same time.

2. Tiberian Sun
Nearly beat Dawn for me, but it feels like a bigger time investment and more of a slog (played it on fast and Dawn on normal, but Sun felt a bit slower-paced).
Underground units were great, best atmosphere, loved Cabal and Slavik, loved Tib fauna. Tbh the only real reason I prefer Dawn over it is because I played them in order so I played Dawn first.

3. Red Alert 2
I enjoyed it a lot in terms of gameplay and the campaigns were great but the art style was a bit of a miss for me. I don't enjoy all of the wacky stuff as much. Best waifus in the series I guess

4. Red Alert 1
I'm warming up to it a bit, but I disliked the mishmash of reused Tib Dawn sprites in light blue and vivid red colours with 50's stuff and wacky tech. Thematically it feels all over the place. Missions aren't as fun as Tib Dawn, even if the gameplay is way smoother.
Might bump it up in rating, maybe? Since q-moving is fun

5. Tiberium Wars
I don't like it much and I don't know if I'll finish it, it's very gray and the arsenal is a bit flanderized.

I'm not done with Tib Wars yet, I'm not sure I'll even try RA3 because it looks like RA2 with all the fun of it removed.
As for expansions, I'm playing through Firestorm right now but I don't enjoy the missions that much which is why I started Tib Wars too.
Firestorm has great looking levels but they suck to play since they seem to be very script heavy in a way the original campaign wasn't.
Get this mod for Tiberium Wars, it makes the faction arsenals more like Tiberian, essentially what Tiberium Wars should have been. Also don't get Tiberium Essence 2.0 since its bit unstable for the campaign.


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>I’m proud to announce that EA is releasing the fully recovered source code for Command & Conquer (aka, Tiberian Dawn) and C&C Red Alert under the GPL license!

>I'm not sure I'll even try RA3 because it looks like RA2 with all the fun of it removed.
RA3 is just okay, but the Uprising expansion is great.
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>you people are being a bunch of old grumpy crybabies
>I'm not sure I'll even try RA3 because it looks like RA2 with all the fun of it removed.
The best aspect of RA3 is that they went full meme with the campaign cutscenes.
>generals and zero hour source
Holy shit, that's amazing. There's an open source reimplementation of Generals in (extremely slow) progress I wonder what's going to happen to it now. Generals is kinda buggy so I hope the dev working on it can fix the bugs now.
I just came here to post this. Fucking incredible.

I'm looking forward to the megamod that crams together Tiberium timeline, Red Alert timeline, as well as every major Generals mod's factions into a single free for all once we blow the lid off the hard cap on factions.

Yuri versus GLA versus NOD soon.
So can we just bolt the Rise of the Reds' factions onto another mod now that we can probably edit maximum faction limits? Mashup Shockwave, RotR, and whatever else?
Why not releasing a fucking official patch in order to make C&C4 an offline game and let modders mod it out? Seriously...
If you have the source code, you can do whatever you want.
Did they seriously released source codes just to cover up the re-release of Tiberium Alliances on Steam?
The only motherfucking smart one around the C&C community right now, everyone
You know the saying.
No pain, no gain.
>Average Command & Conquer™ Tiberium Alliances player
I love this image so much.
I know, is fucking retarded.
>no RA2 or TibSun
I wonder if their still think that the "we lost the source codes" excuse will still REALLY work at this rate...
And you motherfuckers had more that a decade to do that.
You can have *all* the factions
>Yuri versus GLA versus NOD soon.
I still remember when Paradox promissed that...
I'm putting Shockwave Chaos in everything. Sturmtigers vor.
I did try it and I like it a lot but there's still a lack of polish to it, like the very first Nod mission you have drones and fanatics and fanatics with drone icons.
There's only so much modders can do.
I disagree, RA2 was ok, Yuri's Revenge was pushing it but RA3 is too much for me.
I saw some of the cutscenes online, ayayay.
RA2 had some fanservice, especially Zofia, but RA3 looks like boomer porn and I hate how all of the units became more and more unrealistic.
RA1 had sky blue allies and vivid red Soviets using a mish-mash of about 4 decades of gear with some sci-fi stuff in it, RA2 already didn't feel like a real war anymore but in RA3 you get bears and Soviet paratroopers being shot out of cannons like clowns.
Since I didn't talk about YR, I loved the Soviet campaign in terms of premise but the gameplay sucks, because all missions were just Yuri spamming units infinetly regardless of resources, while I just bunkered up and spammed Kirovs to slowly take out his base.
That morocco mission and that island one sucked to play because they were absolute slogs where I plopped 3 desolators or whatever at a chokepoint to kill everything, while waiting for the Kirov armada to finish.
The cutscenes were great though, but Yuri as a faction sucks dick
>Day 999999 for a "old" Red Alert 1 and/or 2 player that still thinks that 3 is retarded
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6WHBO_Qc-Q [Embed]
abysmal post
Abysmal retardation for you part, wannabe e-sport champ.
Funny for the type of cumsumer that thanks for whinning like "get bears and Soviet paratroopers being shot out of cannons like clowns" and "but RA3 looks like boomer porn", we got the modern shit that we got in the hobby.
>anon not only fails of how well using animal in tactics works, but also of how ferocious and agile a female is in battle (problem number 1 for no touching grass)
Well, they did this with Rivals and Remaster, and then with Legions and Ultimate Collection re-release
>anon not got the message
Now need source codes C&C 3 TW and KW, RA 2 YE, C&C TS and FS.
I'm not an old player, I literally said I'm playing through the games for the first time.
And I didn't say it's retarded, it's just a jarring tonal shift and I don't like it, since a big appeal for me was how cool and grounded Tib Dawn was, how atmospheric Tib Sun is etc.
Nah, I enjoyed Natasha or whatever even if she's just a reskinned Boris that can swim
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>TW & KW
seconded, but I feel that could happen on a few years
>RA2 and TS
didn't EA literally threw the source code into the trash when they acquired Westwood?
>Soviet paratroopers being shot out of cannons like clowns
fuck, I forgot about that. Don't even remind me. RA3 soviets got flanderized to the newest simpsons season and back
>downloaded tibsun to play the campaign from my childhood again
>consistently crashes every two missions
This is annoying.
Easy solution, being shooted while being inside of capsules.
>>1843504 (OP)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_7r9LJgqjg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_7r9LJgqjg [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_7r9LJgqjg [Embed]
Modders are fags, you'll never get them to unite about anything.
Maybe they learned from the disappointing fizzle that was Red Alert: Paradox.
Where did you download it from?
There's a full client on moddb that you might want to try, it has the full game + fixes.
I kinda wanted to wait for the GOG release, but I bought it on Steam because of the sale. I have been getting into RTS adjacent retro games, and I think I will like this a lot.
It's a good thing you can buy it again from GOG when they go for sale and on sale there, goy
bet she gives good footjobs
chick on the left is one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen
which version of what game is a good starting point? i've only ever played openra
Remastered Collection
oh nice, it's only 6 bucks on steam
i picked up the game, but i'm not a fan of the default hotkeys. do you guys have any suggestions?
git gud, cope seethe and dilate
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no thanks
Wow, it only took them some 20 fucking years and an early access to the source code under the NDA from EA the last year to finally release this shit
is there any counterplay to tank blobs in tiberian dawn/RA?
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Always been neglected by EA but kept alive by fans.
The gap in tone between RA2 and RA3 is much, much smaller than the one between RA2 and RA1.
What kind of a retard tried to port C&C 4 to TS?
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>nerf entire chinese faction to shit
>can't even beat GLA unless your units are in huge groups now
>overlords nerfed to shit
>propaganda is now mandatory (unlike being a luxury like in the base game)
>add in shitty flamethrower overlord variant that can't do anything to enemy tanks, needs to have both numerical superiority and propaganda to be worth a shit
get the fuck out of here with this garbage mod
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how does she smell?
EA does not have red alert 2 source code
Apocalypse Rising is a Renegade mod
with her nose.
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Command & Conquer? Real-Time Strategy? Video-Games?
Yeah all of that
like a bloody benchod bastard
like shit on a street
Ok... Maybe i accidentally opened /aco/ instead of /vst/
>talking about a character from a strategy game isn't allowed on the strategy game board
Ok, what C&C game she is from?
>here's your Tiberian Sun Remastered bro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLU3eEUSvng [Embed]
mental omega
How do I install & play Red Alert 2 onto Windows 10?
grow up
Seriously. How do I get past the SafeDisc bullshit?
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The best one
burn alive
it's yuri's commando Libra from Mental Omega, THE Red alert 2 mod to play.
stop using the board to shill your shit tranny mod. MO is trash
The Steam version runs fine, if you buy/pirate that it should work.
Greatest RA2 mod needs no shillin
NoCD patch, W10 doesn't support these old DRMs
That's C&C 3, anon. 4 doesn't have tiberium.
Then why there's that fucking ugly mastodon and craters with tiberium pillars straight out of TT
Didn't know that behaving like mindless gooner now fares for a game discussion
Is this your first time on the 4chans?
First time seeing such obsessed behavior outside of specified boards
Like the ones about vidyas?
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>get to nod mission 8
>my entire squad gets crushed by a tank
>restart and kill the tank
>my entire squad dies to a grenadier
i'm taking a break
Thanks bro. I'm gonna try that out.

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