Previous thread: >>699231797Discussion regarding 4nig combat and how it can be improved. I brought up how darkest dungeon had the most interesting 4nig combat that felt actually strategic. Sure this game (but definitely its sequel) is roguelite, but the combat portion itself was actually interesting. Was one of the reason I got hooked into the game since I never cared for standard RPG's but do love tactical strategy games. Was curious on other anon's take on this combat structure or others that can be an overall improvement.Also for that one anon that said he couldn't find combat breakdown on the DD Fandom site, it's in the "Getting Started" section:
>>1929615Shit, wrong board
smartest shartest dungeon fan
>>1929615Since the /v/ thread you made died immediately I'll just post here. Personally I think brutal orchestra's combat (also a roguelike) is much more interesting than darkest dungeon's, though darkest dungeon ultimately has a much more fleshed out experience because you build your characters. The reason is that though positioning is important in brutal orchestra you can move each character every turn, and you are expected to do so in order to beat the enemies, while in darkest dungeon you ideally don't want to move at all because your units are only good in certain positions.
>>1930114Units are good in certain positions in darkest dungeon depending on what skills you have selected, since you have up to seven different skills per class. Each skill having specific utility for back row or front row capabilities. But I'll definitely check out that other roguelike. The bad thing about moving positions in combat within darkest dungeon is that you have to waste a turn and move if your guys shift from there or the enemies attacks. So there isn't a way of penalty of Shifting around during combat.