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Is this piece of shit ever going to fix infantry AI?
>tell squad to throw AT grenade at tank that is within throwing range
>one guy pulls out AT grenade
>runs all the way to the end of the trench to exit it
>runs along the entire trench again to reach the tank
>tank moves a tiny bit when he's close
>stops in the open, standing straight
>slowly rotates towards the tank that's moving backwards at a snail's pace
>thro- gets shot and dies

>select squad and tell them to attack a trench
>they all run in one big blob or line at it
>when an enemy is encountered they stop in the open field and start shooting from standing position
>even the MG gunner is hip firing his MG
>none of them use grenades to attack the trench unless manually told to do so
>don't even think about autopopping smokes when under fire with no cover
>they all get mowed down
Seriously, infantry combat is a pain the the ass.
Thats why I uninstalled too. I dont think its ever going to be fixed and I rarely see people complain its weird.
Try installing this mod, I see infantry actually using grenades on their own with it
Thanks anon, but I am sadly mostly interested in online pvp which makes it harder to use a mod.

It also introduces its own issues.
>manually controlled flamethrower infantry stutterstepping left to right while roasting your entire infantry formation which is completely helpless due to retardation
Really wish you could turn off direct control only for infantry. It facilitates so much cheese.
The game balance is very fucky. those 75mm and 76mm field guns are so crazy strong and losing 3/4 crew members basically doesn't hurt their performance at all.
>settings on lowest
>game loads 100% then hangs for 2 min while ram usage climbs from 3 gb to 10
>dev on forum says its not a memory leak...but there are some performance issues
Literally what the fuck why cant they code. They must be loading every res of every texture into ram for no reason
Is Call to Arms worth playing for single player campaign?
I love MoW series and play for the single player experience only.
>Literally what the fuck why cant they code
It's pretty evident from the AI and pathfinding that they can't.
the pathfinding is looney toons bad. Still somehow better than men of war 2 but boy are they both bad.
Don't bother, Men of War 2 is infinitely better than this despite what the fanbase might say
>that one lone MoW2fag on the board trying to shill his piece of shit game
Just go play CoH or something, at least it saves you the humiliation.
>mow2 is better
Ive only just started playing, no chance they fix it?
Men of War has not been fixed for 20 years. There's no hope, it's Slavjank that gets a partial fresh coat of paint with every release.
They did. With Men of War 2 :^)
You know, an actual game from the dev and not just a mod like GoH
Call me when they unfuck this soulles arcade.
it's dogshit anon.
Which fat youtuber gave you those opinions?
playing the game gave me that opinion.
>but it's better than GoH
it's not and GoH is not good.
>I totally played it
Proofs? Any argument beyond "it's bad?"
>Neither proof nor arguments that show he's actually played
Oh ok cool, yeah.
Sorry, GoH is objectively more buggy, more simple and runs way worse than MoW2. Your feefees don't matter over facts.
I don't want to play this game because people are saying it's trash.
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>Men of ACK!
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I just want them to make conquest an actual campaign instead of random maps
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"Panzer General" style dynamic campaign would be great
I want them to add the Frontlines gamemode back, asymmetric gamemodes are the best for this kind of game.

Just up the defender prep time to 5-8 minutes.
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lol, thousands of players decided that mow2 and returned to previous games, but the schizo thinks he knows better.
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I fucking hate nazis so much
>le crowds... have decided
Check out this NPC
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>Is this piece of shit ever going to fix infantry AI?
brother, they've been re-releasing the same game since Men of War with minimal improvements to the game engine / AI
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Since Faces of War you fucking newfag
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fair enough, i concede
>Faces of War
Arguably even before that in some respects:
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I remember playing a demo version of this that came with PCGAMER magazine and man did we all think this was only the beginning of greatest ww2 games ever once they ironed out the problems
>minimal improvements to the game engine / AI
Do they even know how GEM2 actually works? It shouldn't be that difficult to fix it.
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>everyone is wrong except me!
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pretty sure the engine runs on some sort of occult slav magick, sort of like the x-ray engine
i'm sure if they knew how to fix it they would've done so by now
Yeah, slav magick whose creators are either drafted, dead or working somewhere else.
>Dumb AI is good because players are forced to micro harder and RTS/RTT games are all about micro!
Aren't the devs and playerbase mostly these people?
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who are you even arguing with nigger save for the few whimsical little pranksters I think everyone agrees that the A.I needs to be unfucked asap
They are. Look at Steam threads pointing out the AI is shit and you'll see retards that go "oh it's supposed to be like that!" or "maybe play more casual games???"
>pepe poster is a retard who gets all his opinions from other people
>mow2 fag is a contrarian shil
GoH would benefit from some of the features in MoW2 and its engine. Sad that they couldn't get that tech from the publisher niggers
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are we enjoying the new open beta?
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>doing QA for free
couldn't be me, lmao
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>Added Frontlines game mode + 5 Maps
>Added reload progression bar for vehicles weapons to left control panel, left unit panel, and overhead unit icon (active weapon only)
>Added ability to click on enemy and visualise their Line of sight (only works when Fog of War is on. Plan to expand later to when Fog is off)
>Added vehicles will stop and engage enemy when given an F5 (Attack) move order
>Added full destruction to Ostfront buildings: factory_barracks and sov_2st_build1
>Added unit limits to display on multiplayer purchase menu and hint UI
wow, I'm just astonished
I pretty much only played Frontlines in Assault Squad so that's a great addition. Did they actually up the prep time though? AS had like 90 seconds which was fuck all.
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>fix conquest
I think the A.I department is being held back due to the devs furiously trying to make infantry combat and moving inside multiple floors of a building work. I've seen footage of them prototyping that where they succeeded making infantry use stairs to move to the second floor of a building. No idea what issues they're facing that prevents them from moving it into the main game.
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So it is a spaghetti code.
I suppose so
>A.I department
Calling it a department is very generous, there's probably 1 guy on AI at most, but most likely he's just a normal programmer who gets AI tasks assigned to him rather than someone focused on AI.
tbf hasnt the differences been adding up since faces of war?
Call to arms goh feels, plays and even looks different than faces of war.
why don't dms help them?
there is a big leap with as1 when they modernized a lot of stuff
the games had left click issue orders before then
but in terms of gameplay they've just made stuff tankier and progressively removed dumb fun stuff or alternate uncommon munitions
i've never forgiven them for assault squad 2 which was almost entirely indistinguishable from as1 to me and which you had to buy because the servers died
dms are an utterly creatively bankrupt company who will happily turn the games into coh and best way are entirely responsible for everything which makes mow unique but they are slavshitting retards who needed robotic germans to make their game work better
>lazy retards
average game dev these days
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Meanwhile, in a game not coded by malnourished modders who fancy themselves devs...
>retard sees criticism of GoH and thinks it means the thread is fertile ground for shilling his (dead) arcadey piece of shit "broader audience" disaster
>N-noooooooo stop talking about the game that plays better, has better AI and is less arcade than GoH!
>less arcade
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Your game is so dead you have to come to unrelated threads to shill it.
Obviously? GoH lacks things like being able to build and camo emplacements, has a much more basic air support system, less vehicle types, basic engineering troops and worse AI. How is it supposed to be more indepth than MoW 2? Having units use german names? Please.

>man eating a gigantic bowl of shit
>he thinks realism is when you have more stuff.
my sides
>he has no argument because he never played men of war 2 and thus has no idea why it would even be "arcade", according to whatever youtuber fed him that information
>he blames youtubers when he can easily go to the steam charts and steam reviews to see how much of a disaster men of war 2 is compared to goh
what levels of cope is this
>le wisdom of crowds NPC
>le everyone else is wrong except me stupidity
>le no argument man still can't tell why MoW 2 is supposed to be arcadey
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>the absolute highlights are the new flamethrower-based units
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>meanwhile in a paid GOH expansion
Now compare the total amount of units
how do i disable this god typewriter damn sound effect in frontlines
You do know MoW 2 has more, right? lmao
Not going to bother with all factions but
>MoW 2 german units that are not in GoH:
>5cm leGrw 36
>Medical truck
>pak 37(t)
>minenraumpanzer III
>pz.kpfw b2 740
>sPzB 41
>pz. 2h
>232 rad
>ju 87g

>b-but GoH has a million identical halftrack variants with one extra/removed machinegun somewhere!
I sleep
Anyone know of any WW2 strategy games with sandbox campaigns?
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I feel conflicted about GoH and MoW2, although I didn't buy MoW2. Both are kind of stuck feel a bit stagnant. The GoH mission design is just lacking and it is just sad that there is nothing that really comes close to the FoW or MoW missions. The direct FPS control is cool, but it just feels so raw with the shitty animation system in place. Infantry feels unresponsive unless you micromanage them. Conquest needs more mission types than just attacking/defending a point out of context. Would it be impossible to script the ability to get missions where you blow up fuel depots, steal freight trains, fight with a ship or boat in a river or anything that could at least be considered a variant of defending/attacking a point?
Yeah, some variety in the missions would be nice.
>>select squad and tell them to attack a trench
>>they all run in one big blob or line at it
>>when an enemy is encountered they stop in the open field and start shooting from standing position
>>even the MG gunner is hip firing his MG
lol i fucking hated this shit
Moved on to what?
These games scratch an unique itch
Probably trash like Warno and Steel Division
This, a SD2/ Graviteam Tactics style campaing with GoH's gameplay would be my dream game, casual enough but with some cool mechanics under it
If they had that + made it so that the attack move for infantry made them retain their formation instead of blobbing together, it would be the best shit ever
it aint coh for better and worse you gotta micromanage everything. you set units to automove, and they'll autoprone not sure how much the former helps havent tried it, I assume they'll autoseek cover
you can set units*
>most people moved on from this game
Who is 'most people'? GoH has been gradually gaining players over the years.
>>b-but GoH has a million identical halftrack variants with one extra/removed machinegun somewhere!
the americans are the worst offenders in that regard, with gazillion sherman variants that don't feel that different
thats reality senpai.
Very true but allowing it to be fuck hard was some of the best times I have had in this game.
>Only have Panzer 3's and just the short barrel Panzer 4.
>KV 2 appears and proceeds to take apart all my forces.
>Can only track it and then it is just a matter of time before they repair it and it continues to murder

>Hide out my last men in building an through luck, smoke and timing one satchel charge latter I beat it and turned the monster against the soviets
>Conquest needs more mission types than just attacking/defending a point out of context. Would it be impossible to script the ability to get missions where you blow up fuel depots, steal freight trains, fight with a ship or boat in a river or anything that could at least be considered a variant of defending/attacking a point?

Literally what MoW 2 does. You GoH cucks are hilarious.

Press shift
In reality they were quite different. OG Shermans had poor AP performance and had to rely on HE or trickshots to disable heavier German armour. The upgraded versions steadily improves armour and AP firepower at the expense of HE firepower, eventually necessitating assault gun and rocket artillery variants to compensate for the decline in infantry support capability. Amphibious variants could cross water but at the expense of reliability and speed. and flamethrower variants were cool but we're so prone to igniting and cooking off with 100% crew mortality that they were basically only practical in combat where they enemy totally lacked sufficient anti-tank firepower, such as island battles against the Japanese.

Neither of the game's really do enough to differentiate these variants. The high velocity Shermans are just a direct upgrade with no loss of HE efficacy, the assault gun and rocket variants are just treated as armoured SPAs to match STuHs and SUs, and there's no practical downside to amphibious or flamethrower variants except their arbitrary cost. Both games try to build the US roster to be doctrinally parallel to the Germans and Soviets which is just not reality, and ends up being like shoving a square peg into a round hole.
>exact same gun
>less HE firepower
HE wants a low velocity gun so it can arc it's shot slightly, which results in a much more effective distribution of the blast and shrapnel vs soft targets as well as the ability to shoot over obstacles like trenches and earthworks. Many low velocity infantry support guns used timed fuses so they could even airburst for maximum efficacy.
AP kinetic penetrators want smaller calibre and high velocity to maximize kinetic energy in a single point to defeat armour, but that high velocity on a HE shell just causes it to fly straight and then waste most of its explosive force into the ground is strikes. In practice, a high velocity HE shell has a smaller lethal zone and a lower kill rate within that zone, and is less effective at overcoming earthworks since it can't arc shots over them.

This is why most early war tanks were split between low calibre high velocity AP guns and larger calibre low velocity short barreled howitzers (ie Panzer III and Panzer IV), with a gradual transition to dual purpose medium velocity guns as a compromise to improve the versatility of armoured groups.
The Sherman was conceived as an Infantry support platform and only carried token anti-tank firepower on a low velocity gun, because the US doctrinally expected Shermans to avoid combat with heavy German tanks and for tank destroyers to combat them instead. This proved mistaken, and the Sherman was gradually upgraded throughout 1944 to perform more of an anti tank role.

However the early Shermans still proved effective against most German armour (including Panthers in Italy) because quality control issues causes many German tanks to fail mechanically from the concussive damage of 75mm HE. Same logic behind the APHE shells that latewar Soviet tanks used.
is this mod actually good?
was thinking of going back to goh
the last update put in some auto throwing nades anyway
so why are you sitting in goh thread instead of making proper mow2 thread showing to everyone how super good is your game?
Every mow2 thread gets shat up and spammed to the ground by one obsessed goh shill. So here we are instead.
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funny you explained exactly what is happening with goh threads too also i remember you had mow2 threads where goh was mentioned rarely
you're straight up just making things up at this point
>Well, well, well... isn't it the consequences of my retarded actions
>consequences of my retarded actions
That's your dead game.
>everyone in this thread came to shit on mow2
please take your meds
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you keep seething and coping about goth, did you get assfucked by the devs? gangraped in their office and made into their personal cumdump? thats why you're such a whiny faggot

everyone here knows the pros and cons of both games but everyone except you stupid autistic whiny nigger can live with it
Do they? Why can no one ever answer why MoW 2 is supposed to be arcadey then?
then why simply you will not fuck off and make a thread to show how mow2 is superior are you really such afraid of those evil goh shills?
Why do that when it's much more fun to shove your face into your own shit like the retarded mutt you are?
you are the one shilling for eastern monkeys from bestway
>waaah I play a worse game because I don't like the devs waaaah

lmaaaaaaao really that's what this is all about? Hilarious
you literally called me mutt bc i don't go to shill so white and proud game made by oinkrainians
Shouldn't you be dead in some ukranian field somewhere?
good job now you totally shown you are bestway shill
And here we see some fucking retard believing he just found some grand conspiracy based on the reply to a stupid comment he made, because he doesn't know that dogs get their snouts shoved into their own shit when they poo somewhere they shouldn't. He thought it was some reference to americans, like the imbecile he is.
too long don't read
that's what the GoH devs say when checking their bug report forums lmao
it's kinda shitty imo not enough uniquess to it
Did they increase the preparation time for the defender? That was my main gripe with it in MoW.
if mow2 was better then why does it have less player retention. Why does gates of hell have more players?
And this isnt even a cod scenario. The potential audience for mow2 and call to arms is around the same.
So accounting for that why does call to arms gates of hell have more players? More players than even mow assasult squad 1 2 and all the other men of wars? If mow2 was so good shouldnt the players have stayed for mow2?
>>1921298 (You)
And to further prove my point
Why did the initial 3000 + players leave. If mow2 was truly better then shouldnt they have stayed?
and if gates of hell trully was inferior why did players not leave this game instead? Why did gates of hell continue to grow?
You cant say youtubers caused this, because 3000+ players directly experienced mow2. They played it and directly judged the product. And a lot of them seemed to have not like it as seen by the lessening player numbers and steam reviews.
The only way mow2 would look good here is if players prefered playing an inferior product. That mow2 was better but players who played that game decided to keep playing the "worse" gates of hell. But that doesnt make sense because why would players play an inferior product?
You could even ignore GoH and look at MOWAS2 stats. Despite what that schizo says, there are no "GoHfags", only MoW community, where vast majority decided to continue playing AS2 or GOH, instead of that failed F2P abortion where offline mode took half a year to add.
A very good point
Lets look at mow assault squad 2 player numbers.
assasult squad 2 slowly increased over time stabilized and is only recently going down. And even its decrease is a very slow process.
Compare this to men of war 2
which had a complete nosedive immediately after its launch
I picked up goh for 2 dollars on sale. Mow2 is still full price
That doesnt explain the initial player retention numbers though.
assasult squad 2 retained a lot of its initial player numbers (may 15th release date)
gates of hell suffered a player drop during its initial release
But retained a lot more initial players than men of war 2 had.
men of war 2 expirenced a massive downward crash. A lot of the initial player base left. To the point it retained way less initial players than gate of hell did....even tho men of war 2 had MORE INITIAL PLAYERS.
For example look at the combination chart
Look at mow2s player line compared to the others.
Holy shit this was a failure
The answer is pretty straightforward. Look at the steam reviews, the overwhelming majority of obvious bot reviews parroting the same script played the game for less than 30 minutes and refunded.
It's initial "player" numbers were just bots putting in the bare minimum playtime to generate a review before refunding to costlessly sabotage the game. In reality the game was poorly advertised, basically unmarketed and had a tiny following. Sub-1k is a more realistic number for a game of its nature, and it's inflated launch numbers are obviously not a realistic representation of people who bought and played the game, while the crash just represents those bots refunding after completing their reviewbomb and a regression to the mean.

It's current abysmal player count is a direct result of matchmaking issues that drove the mo player base away.

What's more interesting is why gow, despite having basically no multiplayer to speak of, no multiplayer community and very limited singleplayer content with no replayability, remains one of the most played RTS on steam. Mow2 was never going to compete with it for numbers, but then neither were the vast majority of RTS games, which settle in around 1k average players for the most part. Goh is an anomaly, but seeing how it's "proponents" handle competition I'm beginning to understand why.
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>a dozen posts discussing why the 5 dollar game memed as "great" has more player than the full price shat on for imaginary problems
then why 3000k players fucking gone away and never got back even when new updates dropped if problems are >imaginary
Outside the tragedy of people fooled into thinking GoH is better because some wannabe nazi youtuber said so? Because the kind of people who can afford full-price games finish their game and move onto other ones, pidor. The people stuck playing five dollar games can't afford many games. Hope this helps.
>one youtuber said so so this means everyone watched him and decided to listen to him and not bought the game or refunded it
>>1921587 (reposted since I posted the mow assasult squad 2 link insted of gates of hell)
lol very disingenuous. Half of the posts are talking about people who initially bought the game and played it.
Even with the price shit. more people initially played mow2 over goh. But mow2 still experienced a way bigger drop of initial player numbers than goh ever did.
And im not talking long term, im talking about immediate drops. As seen here.
Prices only explain long term differences not this immediate drop. Especially when mow2 had HIGHER INITIAL PLAYER NUMBERS THAN GATES OF HELL DID. The only thing that explains it is if people play the game and decided oh this is shit
Don't be retarded, anon. Single player people moved on and the MP was too small to live for long without seeing the same faces over and over. After that the price comes in.
>nazi youtuber
lmao, you're mentailly ill
I'd link you to the ebin SturmFuhrer PK comparison videos that show false info about how the game looks/plays in comparison to the others but you are too retarded and entrenched in your filth for a fair analysis of it.
A big thing for me is AS2 has the best conversion mods like W40k one
so 3k people who paid full price for game at release then listened to literal pakistani shitskin to leave mow2? Well if thats the case nothing of value been lost so why you are seeming so hurt?
Try following the conversation better, retard. Nice job shooting down that airliner by the way.
ok sar
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>one youtuber decided the fate of the game
ok, retard
Can I pirate the DLCs if I have the base game?
dead thread
you're a bit late considering the last 50 posts were just spergs arguing over which game is less dead
gates of hell isnt dead though? its suprisingly alive
It's really weird.
I can never find anybody talking about GoH, or talking about playing GoH. When I get on GoH I can see that there's between 1 and 0 lobbies up. When I go onto the GoH discord it's just full of off topic discussion about the ukraine war and /pol/shit and nobody actually playing the game.
Despite having a limited scope of singleplayer content, which isn't really replayable, it's among the top-5 highest playercounts among any RTS game on steam, at all times. Russian primetime? Over 4k on. Asia primetime? over 4k on. US primetime? over 4k on. UK primetime? over 4k on.
It never seems to drop below 4k players--all evidently playing singleplayer since MP is dead--at all times of day, across all timezones despite the lack of content and no matter how long it's been since the last time it got any substantial content.

How odd.
>anon is surprised that SP is massively more popular than MP in a strategy game
Are you a game developer, by any chance?
I never bothered to play mp in GoH. I only play skirmish domination against AI and its quite comfy
I think its a combination of the workshop and that theres nothing like goh.
Can you really point to another game like goh (besides mow2)? There really isnt another thing like goh.
Why are you lying? I just launched the game and saw 13 open lobbies.
AS2, the game it spun off from.
MoW2 is an unequivocal flop but AS2 is the biggest and most well known of this genre and was the biggest in terms of player count for ages until one day someone decided 4k concurrent players was a believable number.
you think bots might be filling the player count?
I find multiplayer is pretty lively, i host 1v1s and usually get ppl within 10 minutes. the only exception is when frontlines came out no one was joining because everyone was playing that I assume. I've also made like 5 steam friends in less than <25 to 50 hours just 1v1ing
That would be a pretty serious accusation. I just think the game's stats really stand out in its genre and I'd be curious to get more insight into it.
You guys were right about Men of War 2
I shouldn't have been fighting the controls like that and the pathfinding was hilariously awful! I saw my opelblitzes doing donuts just trying to drive down a road.
>men of war 2 receives a price drop and the firestorm update
>player numbers barely increase
Never happened.
ive realized that conquest in this game needs an inventory management system before you go into a map

nothing worse than bringing in an engineer truck and having to tardwrangle your two engineers for the entirety kf 5 mins to lay mines
never mind bringing two trucks
>price drop
In english we call it a SALE, Ivan.
Is there a Vietnam War Call to Arms?
If not, there should be.
This is why MoW 2 completely changed engineering.
and this is also why i like MoW2.
men of war rocks but they clearly stopped giving a fuck after AS2, and their fucks were starting to go even then (or really, they started to run out of low hanging fruit problems for sequels). if you kept buying MoW games you kinda dumb as hell.
I can't micro fast enough in normal difficulty and I keep skill issue'ing.
Any tips on how to manage a bazillion little groups of soldiers faster?
I also get mad vision tunnel too.
you really need all the hotkeys down, particularly stance and fire mode change. dudes on return fire tend to get into less trouble during movement. if you're moving your guys forward they will stay relatively spread out, if you move them laterally you will get them single file. single click move will make them stop to shoot/sometimes take cover if they happened to stop near an object. try to reserve the sprints for short distances because they get extra stupid. otherwise you really only have to pay attention to them during the initial order and when they arrive. move them to just before where you want them to go firm, then micro them. get in the groove of alternating between your squads like this. acknowledge you will only be able to pay so much attention to so many things, and incorporate this into your movement and fire plans. sometimes you just have to park shit in a really strong spot and come back to it later. this is the main way things get killed, of course, as keen players tend to look for things being ignored and focus them as they will not provide as stiff resistance as units being micro'd. that's pretty much the gist of it. if you're playing the computer you will never out micro them, so instead focus on setting up scenarios that abuse the goofy pathfinding and unit AI because the computer player does not care about those quirks like us. all of this falls apart if you don't get good map vision, so make sure you figure out which units are recon (some games recon units even get expanded sight radius and not just extra optics/mobility).
>if you're moving your guys forward they will stay relatively spread out, if you move them laterally you will get them single file
>single click move will make them stop to shoot/sometimes take cover if they happened to stop near an objec
>try to reserve the sprints for short distances because they get extra stupid
Damn so many things I didn't know.

And to assault enemy AI positions backed up with mortars what is the plan?
crawl something up so it can look at the position without being seen and then mortar the shit out of it until it is dead. march your guys in after. this game is all about seeing something before it sees you and then killing it without ever giving it the chance to shoot back.
I see, so in conquest I should invest in bigger ammo truck and mortars to delete the enemy?
Also I play with fog of war off as it is the default setting I think.
there's plenty of ways to exercise the basic concept. but usually your infantry are your info gathering tools which allow you to use some kind of force multiplier to it's best effect (arty, mortars, tank, sniper, etc). iirc there's granual FoW settings, so reveal map or reveal everything. but yes if you have perfect knowledge then you are actually just playing "shuffle things around constantly so i'm always outranging their shit or getting them at angles they can't shoot back."
Fog of war affects the AI too?
they always have perfect map knowledge but they adhere to unit vision rules like you do.
Well then I'm gonna restart the conquest(easy) with fog of war.
Now to decide if keep playing as a german or try as american(brits when, they were my favourite faction in CoH1 and 2).
I pretty much well like all the factions, and their unique quirks have been pretty smoothed out by GoH for the sake of multiplayer, but if you like really thicc guns on tanks Germany is p gud. Americans get 76mms eventually but for most the game you're getting bullied in direct fights. otherwise the main difference is that German units tend to specialize a little harder.
oh I also forgot to mention that drag click line move can oftentimes be better than cover click move, cover click move tends to bunch your guys up. send them with the line/facing move then come back and micro them to individual good spots when they arrive. get in the habit of drag clicking shit after individual commands to keep squad cohesion (only matters for making unit selection not turn to chaos).
er, box selection shit after individual commands*. realized I need to be specific teehee
>The AI in this game is utter shite
No kidding, I just watched an entire squad of Germans crawl in the open 10m in front of 4 of my guys behind sandbags and they fired like 2 rounds, wounded one guy, then just watched.

Other times a soldier will instantly dome anyone coming around the corner.
No one is going to play MoW2, sorry
no one is supposed to play MoW2 for better AI. it's for fun multiplayer
I've spent most of this thread shitting on MoW2, fuck off retard. Doesn't make the AI in GoH any better.
>Shit on the game with better AI
weird autism
CoH has better AI too, but I'm still not playing it.
The game is just shit, not worth the time playing it
They are literally the same fucking game.
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Soooo has anyone managed to get this mod ?
Never heard of it, what is it called?
Not sure, I think it’s a skin pack a Chinese dude made, but i haven’t found a download link, only a sketchy website where you can buy some models... and it’s all in Chinese ofc
'Aight, if it was made by a Russian I might have been able to dig it up, as I have done that before with old ass MOW1 mods, but I know jack shit about chink mods.

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