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How did Slay the Spire achieve such perfection? There's no way the sequel can possibly live up to this legacy.
And yes this is a strategy game
there was a retard here previously who argued fighting games like tekken belong here. They don't. Neither does your thread
this game stops being fun once you're good at it so the sequel can easily improve
t.ascention 20
Well I'm not good at it so it's still fun. :^)
How many hours do you have in it?
>retard can't even tell between genres
Go figure.
it's unequivocally a strategy game
I suck so bad as watcher. Ascension 2 btw.
Watcher is literally the strongest
I don't care much for the artstyle, but thanks to it's popularity there are many different-looking "clones" to choose from now
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>pure RNG games are strategy
frfr no cap baka
r8 my new meta opener of 2 queens of hearts into 8-9-10 color J-slam, gotta counter full flush with my no flush street shitting and hand wiping
Getting a good or bad start location in Civ can entirely decide the game, even a king-level player can beat deity if they get a god tier start. If that's not too much RNG then there's no reason to exclude card games.
Stop pretending to be an oldfag. Slay the Spire threads used to be respected here. Hell, most wouldn't have even made a fuss if a slightly non-strategy game was posted here. Stop trying to infect his board with cancer from /vrpg/
Fuck off back to /gsg/ Robbie.
StS is not the first deckbuilding game, and not even the first solo-only map crawl deckbuilder. It had a lot of predecessors to draw understanding of balance from.
If you're interested in the genre and havent heard of Dominion then you're doing something wrong.
>pure RNG
lol, lmao, and maybe even ijbol
I got filtered by the fugly art. Good thing there are so many deckbuilders now, genre itself is pretty fun.
>Win first three games effortlessly
>Bash my head against the fourth character for a while, decide to go back and see what my successful runs were like
>Just happened to hit more random events that remove the shitty starter cards from my deck
>Win effortlessly my next run
Terrible game, just like Dominion. Now Mystic Vale, that is what deckbuilders should aspire to be.
slay the nogger is a rougelike
Explain how top players can win 40 times in a row on ascension 20
The Watcher needs card removal the least, her starting deck is good enough to beat act 2 on its own.
By removing their starter cards via prioritizing random events on the map over fights. It's a design philosophy issue, I want to play the fights and I want to add more cards to my deck, skipping fights for events and removing instead of adding cards to my deck removes the fun.
The problem I ran into was more that I would add cards that don't fit well with the starting cards and then be caught between styles as I hadn't realized how important hitting events to remove cards was.
>skipping fights for events and removing instead of adding cards to my deck removes the fun.
For you
One of the big reasons Watcher is so strong is because her starting deck is good enough to reliably carry you through the first 2 acts. This means you can afford to be way more choosy with what cards you take. Other characters have cards like Carnage, Dagger Spray, or Streamline that are kind of bad later but you need to take in the early game just to be able to survive. But because Watcher's starting deck is so good, you can play very greedily and start building your deck for the endgame from the very first room.
people that think games like this are strategy are the reason the strategy tag on steam is useless.
every fucking game is considered strategy now even battle royales apparently.
Why is a game about long-term decision making and resource management not strategy?
You could say this about 99% of the games that exist
Alright then a less abstract question:
Why is, say, Into the Breach a strategy game but not Slay the Spire?
>I would add cards that don't fit well with the starting cards
Strategy issue. Try to git gud.
>Why is, say, Into the Breach a strategy game but not Slay the Spire?
Because it has a board. When people say "strategy" game, what they implicitly mean is that the game features euclidean geometry and isn't an action game. Once you fulfill those two prerequisites, then you must also ensure that there is more than one way to win the game, else it becomes a puzzle game. A deckbuilder generally doesn't have any type of geometric element.
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>Because it has a board
Oh good we agree StS is a strategy game then
You surely wouldn't reply with "uhh but the board has to be used in a certain way"
Is shilled by retards in every board, yes. That's the opposite of "respected".

>trying to flex your time here in one of the new splinter boards
Quake III confirmed as peak strategy game.
>You surely wouldn't reply with "uhh but the board has to be used in a certain way"
I don't need to reply like that because I anticipated your wellackshuallyfag pedantry by stipulating that the typical strategy game has Euclidean geometry. If we did things the way that you wanted then we would just end up calling Tetris a strategy game.
You asked for a board and I provided a board on which you move a piece
there's even a literal BOARDGAME
Okay go post on /tg/ then.
>When people say "strategy" game, what they implicitly mean is that the game features euclidean geometry
Ah, my favorite strategy game: drawing with straight edge and compass. Such strategic depth, mmmm
Oh and then, does that mean Achron is not a strategy game, just because it has timetravel fuckery as part of it's dimensions of player influence? That's very non-euclidean, almost to the same degree as portals(as featured in Starcraft, both in lore for Protoss and in gameplay for Zerg) or hypergeometry(only reason there's no strategy game in hypergeometry is that there's too much space so fun stuff like flanking attacks will take forever to set up)
He said strategy GAMES, like Frogger or Mario Golf.
Yes. Pic related is what i meant but in my haste I forgot it could be technically seen as a puzzle game, so instead here's two actually strategy drawing games: Pictionary and A Fake Artist goes to New York. The possibilities are endless when it comes to strategy games, truly.
4chan doesnt pet me upload the pic
The game's name is Pythagorea. It's pretty fun and has multiple ways to finish levels.
oh I didnt know the game revolves around building a deck and then not playing it. Pray tell, do you get to pick and choose your cards from the total card pool? Or do you get 3 at a time, RANDOMLY selected from a giant pool, and then you RANDOMLY pull them into your hand? You fucking retard
Still less randomness than in XCOM
draw better, scrub
Risk management is part of strategy games. If you don't draft enough card draw or you fill your deck with too many shit cards and can't get to your good ones, that's on you. Like the other anon said, this is like saying XCOM isn't a strategy game because the chance for a soldier to hit or be hit by an alien is random.
God, I love Balatro.
I like the game but damn I hate the art style. Same with Monster Train.
the art style has, ah...
*licks lips*
>Or do you get 3 at a time, RANDOMLY selected from a giant pool,
Fight card rewards are weighted towards synergy-enabling cards, and shops have way more than 3 cards plus relics and potions on sale. The boardgame has no such card weighting and because of that it's way harder to get synergystic decks and thus to win, so they had to rebalance everything.
>and then you RANDOMLY pull them into your hand?
Usually, you draw your entire deck in the span of (deck size / cards drawn per turn) turns, so you should keep your deck thin if you wanna see your good cards more frequently. Sure, you're not guaranteed to draw combo cards A and B in the same hand, that's why you have a backup plan. You do have a backup plan, right? You are using strategy in a strategy game, right?
>are weighted towards
and my shit is weighted towards my anus, this doesnt make shitting a strategy game
>Usually, you draw your entire deck in the span of (deck size / cards drawn per turn) turns
usually I take a shit in the span of 24 hours, that doesnt make shitting a strategy game
kys retard
>The boardgame
is the definition you're looking for, fuck off where you belong to your tranny containment board >>>/tg/
>Risk management is part of strategy games
PART OF, not foundation of, not core of, not the essence of. Shitting diarrhea is also risk management, that doesnt make shitting a strategy game you fucking. Retards.
I would rather take a food analogy than your explanation of why RNG card games are strategy
It's not the core of Slay the Spire though. Learning to not fill your deck with useless trash is like StS 101, there's a whole depth of strategy that goes into the deckbuilding and the minute to minute gameplay beyond that.
>Fight card rewards are weighted towards synergy-enabling cards,
No they aren't. The only weighting is that you're more likely to get rare cards if you haven't gotten offered one in a while.
either the game is a strategy game, or it isn't There are no half-strategy games. Rougelike deckbuilders are not strategy games, they are rougelike deckbuilders. Next thing you're going to say is "but if you cut off your dick you become a woman", guess what. You don't. You're still a man with his dick cut off.
>get explanation to why game is strategy
>reply with "nooo it doesnt count its only a half lalalla cant hear you"
your strategy for winning debates sucks, go read The Art of War
>either the game is a strategy game, or it isn't There are no half-strategy games.
This is just nonsense. Is Warcraft 3 not a strategy game because it has RPG elements?
Spaghetti bolognese is a soup.

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