New roadmap has dropped, what do we think?>no major DLC in 2025>two separate ships released as mini-DLC in 2025 to keep Egosoft afloat/afford lamborghini maintenance>apparently a graphics update>some shit nobody cares about like new copypasted sectors to obliterate your CPU>addition of diplomacy between the player and NPC factions when there's still no financial incentive to holding your own territoryLooks like they want to keep going into the Timelines direction exploration gameplay instead of the strategy/economics that many of the players are interested in. What are your thoughts?
>>1904069I hope "new diplomatic options" means real diplomacy and not some quest crap
>>1904069>What are your thoughts?I don't want the game to become too destroyer centric and I hope that they come up with a way for factions to interact beyond invading their nearest enemy.The DLC direction has also been terrible for a while now so I hope that the new ship packs idea lets them make ships that are entertaining to fly with decent gimmicks and not just a repeat of the astrid that has a really fancy interior but you can't actually interact with it meaningfully. Like we are still lacking a mobile HQ ship that can act as a wharf.
I was going to start a new run next month but I suppose I'll wait a bit longer. I hope the diplomacy update means factions can war with each other now.
>>1904240It looks like the minipack is in january or maybe late christmas.
>>1904316I'm more waiting for the update than the pack but I'll get that too. It'd be good if it was meaningful ships for each faction and not gimmicks.
>>1904069>What are your thoughts?A DLC that ads the X:R sectors would be great to finally finish the universe, but the larger part of their effort is probably the early work for X5.
>former RSI employee redoing the physicslooking forward to it, if there's one nice thing to say about that clusterfuck it's that the ships feel good to fly
>>1904069i just got this game, extremely disappointed. i heard the tutorial explains things better now but it’s just a bunch of “graph” mission zones and the difficulty is all over the place. some missions took several retries to pass while other missions i got 5 stars without even realizing what i had done. zero explanation for anything. telling me to “deploy laser satellites” without saying what that key is. terrible performance for a game that looks like a reskin of mass effect 2. why is this rated so high? this is worse than a unity asset flip slop.
>>1904575What you're describing is egosoft SOVL that has been a core part of every game in the X series. X4 is actually much better on this front that the previous iterations. Some missions are just bullshit and not worth it, others you do just until you get miners up and running to start making numbers bigger.
>>1904580I remember wearing out the physical manual of X3 Reunion as a kid. I think I still have it, even.
>>1904580i'm talking about the timeslines missions. the ones that are supposedly "geared towards new players" by refusing to elaborate on anything.
>>1904575>i heard the tutorial explains things better now but it’s just a bunch of “graph” mission zones.Do you mean timelines? That's a dlc that nobody wanted that is the weakest thing in the game. It should never have been made and everyone views it as shit. The main and only part of the game worth playing is the open universe starts. It was so bad they had to issue an apology, rework the few ships in it to be fairly OP, and still managed to add a smug and condescending note about how ACSHUALLY timelines helps them test the sandbox and is really important and we should be greatful and how modders(the superior class of people) all love timelines, despite none of them having done anything with it since it released.My only guess is that some retard really pushed for timelines to be made internally.
>>1904643i guess they don't feel ashamed of it quite enough. once you complete the tutorial it STRONGLY recommends you to play timelines.
Are the dlcs essential or should I just try the base game first and see how it goes?x3 was pure soul even if janky and complicated for my smooth brain, is x4 a worthy successor and is it at least slightly more approachable?
>>1904875Take the basegame and see how you like the very basics. The DLC give you new factions, sectors and ships and station parts but don't ad any new basic functions and features. If you like the base game get the terran, split and boron DLC, ignore timelines and avarice, get those if you ever make it past 500 hours.
how do i even get things rolling early game i failed a mission, tried some trading but the money is SLOW
>>1905010x4 is shitty for space trucking. The easiest way is piracy.
Cant do real piracy when U can't tell Ur ships to do their own piracy
>>1905010Unlike the previous x games trading is dogshit because the profit margins are very slim and there's no reliable loops until you've explored most of the galaxy and have satellite networks set up. The few you do find early can crater instantly if the AI decides to funnel their own traders into it or the demand dries up for one reason or another.Instead the way towards passive wealth is mining, specifically hydrogen or methane. Once you gather your first 500k or so and get a pair of miners set up you can just fly around exploring while the money rolls in.
>>1904875X4 is less obtuse than X3 but it still has a very german software engineering feel to its internal systems and UI design. It's enough of an improvement that I can't consider playing the previous games again.You really should get split vendetta and cradle of humanity. The others are highly optional because they aren't integrated that well and I even sometimes disable them.
I finally got into the game after multiple tries with Timelines and 7.0, so I can't say it didn't do what they expect it to do. But the only part I actually liked was learning about the previous games I had to cheat through Timelines with Steam Workshop mods and I highly recommend everyone to just do that.And they're really stuck up with their design choices, selling Timelines as a bundle clearly aimed at new players while also insisting that it's supposed to be difficult and also aimed at veterans, if that's the case they should've put only important missions in the first two graphs and stuffed the rest into the optional graphI'm not sure if it was a dev that said this but I saw someone on Steam forums saying>For the mining missions you should go into the trade menu while the ship is still landing so you can take off immediatelywhich is just insane for anyone learning the game if you think about it
>>1905140>500k that’s insane. i’m 8 hours in and only have 220k. missions pay like shit and there’s so much fucking travel involved. i can’t believe i wasted money on a german autism time waster going purely by steam reviews.
>>1905010piracy, ship salvage, small-scale miningi just get a mod that reverses the asteroid crystal nerf and hunt blinking lights for 15 minutes, then i buy some miners for passive income
Trading is only worth it with NPC traders. Spacetrucking yourself is a waste of time. The real money comes from manufacturing, especially during periods of war. Start small, with just some solar arrays in a good solar output system, preferably with some energy-hungry NPC stations in the same system, sell them dirt cheap to out-compete the AI energy producers.Slowly start scaling up with building faction-specific rudimentary components, at first importing AI ores and gas, but start phasing out importing by getting your own miners and harvesters. Then keep scaling up, adding more modules, more miners, go up the tech tree and add on your own traders to sell your output. Hell, leave the game on overnight and wake up to infinite money if you've done it right.Keep adding to it until it lags the game so much you can exclusively interact with it from OOS. Enjoy being able to produce an Asgard every 15 minutes. Declare war on the universe. Nobody can stop you now.
>>1905181You aren't doing the right missions.Fly around doing station criminal traffic shooting for easy spending cash. Buy a suit laser when you can afford it to safely open lockboxes and keep an eye out for lockbox missions. Some of them run rewards upwards of 200k for like 5 minutes of work.
>>1905219I used to use cheat menu to skip tedium but apparently that mod has secretly been completely breaking the game and nobody noticed.
how the fuck do i “find” the inactive jump gate dumbass fish is telling me to use the long range scan but it does nothing
>>1905597unbelievable. i’ve never played a game where i had to look up a fucking video on how to do the mission objective for every single mission imaginable. the majority of my time is wasted outside the game looking at videos instead of playing the game.
>>1905649You have to do this for every mechanic because the UI is terrible
>set a mining ship to local auto mine >it just flys from one place to another but doesn’t mine anything oh great time to watch a half an hour video on how to auto mine and hope nothing presented in the video has been outdated or anything i fucking regret buying this game
>>1905597>>1905649>>1905665There's a reason everyone just ignores storyline stuff until they need something from it or have finished everything besides it. Watching a video to figure something out doesn't matter much when your industry brings in millions in that time.Also if you're doing boron stuff, just don't. It doesn't help you at all, it doesn't integrate into the galaxy at large, and judging by your reaction to looking for a gate you're going to have a coronary when you have to find a small entry point on the destroyed ship and shortly after play diplomat.
>>1905669everything here makes more sense when you learn that ships are more reliable when you're not in the same sector as them (OOS mode)
>>1905810The only benefit to the boron area is an initial surge of demand and later if you set up the terran war they will send a fleet to argon prime that will be hostile to terrans. The boron will generally lose most of their fleet but manage to stop the occasional asgard. You can also let them take over heretics end but that's not super reliable. Egosoft really dropped the ball with boron not having more integration with the argon and should have at least connected more of their sectors so you could see them together but I am pretty sure tides and kingdom end are both the way they are because Egosoft was afraid of breaking the sandbox.
>>1905810>Also if you're doing boron stuff, just don't. It doesn't help you at all, it doesn't integrate into the galaxy at large, and judging by your reaction to looking for a gate you're going to have a coronary when you have to find a small entry point on the destroyed ship and shortly after play diplomat.I actually think the all the highways and closeness of the sectors would make the boron a good starter region, instead of flying through half the commonwealth to do anythingterrans don't have highways and their economy is a good crutch but then people still have to learn the commonwealth economysanctuary of darkness should not be mandatory though. fuck that shit
is it it worth playing the base game and DLC for the story?i played so much x2 as kid all the way to x3tc that I'm pretty well done with galaxy spanning empires and 100s of hours of seta
>>1905010Sigh...Go to PIO space, find Freelancer Katanas, shoot down their shields and the hull to 70 or so percent, let them regenerate shields some and repeat. The crew wills lowly bail out and you don't get any reputation hit for them. Just one infinite money glitch.
>>1905945>the storyThis isn't really going to be Freelancer, this is sandbox empire building nonsense
>>1905999I enjoyed the X2 story
>>1905010The game is unironically packed full of infinite money bullshit that trivialises the early game, you can very literally go to certain sectors to get free ships worth millions ten minutes into the game, and once you have a bit of cash you can abuse boarding to get into 8 digits in half an hour
>>1905852It still makes me mad there's no boron industrialist start right after the gate opens back up and you have to go out and get materials to rebuild everything.
>>1904069>no major DLCthey have no excuse to release any dlc after that lackluster last release.
>>1904879I really like avarice in concept I fucking hate the tides. Its just tedium. This isn't an mmo.
>>1905945fuck no
>>1905945The best story bits involve the terrans so you need cradle.
>>1906076Can we even call Timelines a major DLC? Feels like Egosoft have gone into full cruise control
>>1906094It was priced as if it was significant...
>>1906076>>1906094Aside from cradle of humanity the major dlc hasn't been much beyond a ship pack anyway. Tides has one decent story that still sucks to replay and one glorified pirate dlc. If mini dlc is priced appropriately I am happy enough. I think we are all expecting the Hyperion and Ego have gotten really good at making ship interiors over the years so maybe this one will have the extra focus on making walking around the interior enjoyable. On the other side the forums/reddit have a fetish for L size carriers so it will probably just be something like that, probably with a few other ships attached for a "player faction" feel.
>>1906134Thats great but charge 5 instead of 15 for it.
>>1906094I feel like they've decided that they don't even have to make impactful DLC because a lot of players are fine throwing money at trash DLC to keep the studio open as long as the free updates are good.
what is the fastest way to grind reps
>mission explicitly tells you to avoid the death area >the only way to achieve the objective is to dip in and out of the death areawhat the actual fuck
>>1906191Not them and I get it but when you can get full games for 20 bucks that you can play for hours and hours that are unique experiences its kind of asking a bit much for 15 and to not do shit with it.It isn't even the amount for me. I can easily afford it in my case. It is comparison and effort spent. If I can tell you spent hardly any effort to produce it and don't care about it, why should I pay you as if you did?
I've never played any X games, should I start with X4?
>>1906318Sure.It's by far the most approachable of any of them aside from rebirth which is barely an x game.
>>1906318Yea probably just don't get the dlcs unless you're getting the full edition or something. Get the main one and see if its worth a fuck.gmg has the 2024 pack for $40 usd
i was inches from quitting this game in the 8-button “puzzle” last night. what an amazingly bad design. i’m not gonna touch the main missions anymore. what’s the first step in building up my empire? i do have some miners going in boron space but no station yet. i’m guessing the system where the big ass asteroid station is located at is where i should start building things but i don’t have enough money and blueprints seem very expensive. also that system seems to be far away from everything else but everywhere else is already taken by npcs…
>>1906519make sure you run the highway at least once so you unlock the main route all the way. That makes it easier to see what is where. Then get an explorer after your miners so you can start checking out areas while you check out other areas. Its worth doing story missions to get the player hq but the rest of them are fucking miserable.
>>1906519I simultaneously love and hate that puzzle. It's so bad primarily because it's at the end of a long generally unfun segment so the bad is multiplied by the fatigue of the segment, yet it is also pure nostalgia for similar puzzles in games from a long time ago because devs just didn't know better back then. It's a pretty easy puzzle but is made insufferable by how they make you interact with it.The ship is worth it though.Don't worry about stations yet. Just fly around getting miners set up first. Keep an eye out for sectors with big demands for hydrogen, methane, or silicon and look to see if those are present in the system. You can out of system mine using repeat orders too but it's less set and forget as you have to check that they're still mining occasionally and maybe move their mining area around.Also don't be fooled by "taken" sectors. You aren't claiming space until the end game when you can actually fight the empires. You're just filling holes in the economy for now.
>>1906689The one I hated was the one where you're out of the ship so the game doesn't give you proper notices because I got fucked over badly, most of my AI boyz died and my whole chain of moneymaking ruined. Makes no sense you don't have a PDA on your suit or something kek
>finally figure out how to create a fucking fleet>set miners to mimic commander's behavior>order commander to mine an area (it's for a timelines mission) >fleet does nothing >sigh in frustration and look it up>apparently MIMIC option doesn't mimic orders ackshully i fucking hate germans
>>1906967It "works" but its busted. Once you get the PHQ you can assign them as miners and set an input for the ores you want and they'll go get the ores themselves if they are nearby. Also sometimes they just break in general regardless of settings. All the automation works way better when you're nowhere near it which is fucking stupid.
>>1906967if things couldn’t get any worse, apparently “transfer wares” order has been bugged since beta and they haven’t fixed it well why did they make a fucking mission in the timelines dlc that requires the usage of it?
>>1906982What do you mean by bugged and why are you bothering with the trannylines missions?
>>1906971not him but assigning to stations is retarded since once your manager skill goes high enough they'll fly several sectors away to mine regardless of danger or efficiency
>>1907043true. you can use mimic or mods to assist you but overall despite the various changes it's still best to have separate fleets of traders and miners. it's also best to utilize the custom orders/blacklists and tweak each individual ship as well. Mimic among other mods like tatertrader will generally break at some point and require babysitting to get working.
>>1907084>>1907043>>1906982>>1906971>>1906967Imagine if automation was intuitive, just worked as advertised and wasn't an absolute bamboo shoot under the fingernails to do
>>1907011>not playing with some of the coolest shipsThey might not be used by factions and you might not get them until it is far too late for them to be interesting to have, but they really are nice ships.
>>1907043There are many ways to control this, also if you're using a station you should have an escort for your miners at that point anyhow. Its a stupid interface though across the board.>>1907098Yeah.>>1907134>pay 15 dollars to play as nog noggerson and do shitty missionsNah I'm cool bro.
>>1907011if you order one ship to transfer wares (e.g. nvidium) to another ship, the order never gets resolved even after the sender successfully docks to the recipient. the order doesn’t resolve even if you go in to the sender and transfer the stuff manually to the recipient - you have to clear the order manually in the info screen. the earliest mention of this issue i could find was in the beta and there are other mentions in 5.0 and other versions. it either resurfaced in 7 or it never got fixed.
>>1907162Ah, I always move to a station first. Never even bothered to try and get them to do a ship to ship transfer.
there's a convoluted way to hire marines/crew by the bulk WITHOUT parking in the shipyard, right? there's probably an autistic german way of interacting with the UI for this purpose that i haven't figured out yet, right?
The public beta for the 7.50 flight model update is out so it's obviously coming soon.
>>1907297And is it any good?
>>1907301Not him but apparently very good, yes. It also connected boron and terran which will hopefully be more exciting for dynamic wars.
>>1907303>apparently very goodYeah and apparently timelines is a good deal and adds good content. I wasn't asking for preddit or twatter's opinion kekI wanted an actual human to tell me what THEY thought :P
>>1907303Took them about year to realise that putting boron in corner of galaxy with single sector connecting them with rest of galaxy that is flagged as uncapturable unless you capture it yourself then destroy sector HQ is rather stupid.
>>1907306I'm downloading it now.
>>1907325TOO LATE I DON'T CARE ANYMORE (cool let us know what you think)
>>1907270?Just order it to refit at a wharf/shipyard/equipment dock and take on marines. I don't understand the problem.
>>1907376I think they want vet marines instead of junk ones?
first impressions>DLSS does not let me play 4kI get comparable fps in stalker 2 4k as I do x4.
>>1907411What settings are you using because I can use gpu scaling to 4k with fsr performance so it's just taking the 1080p image, upscaling to 4k then shrinking it to a 1080p screen and it's basically the same performance as native 1080p with ssaax2 but the image quality is better and there's no need to run internal aa so there's no huge performance dips with volumetric effects like ssaa has.
>>1907411X4 is very CPU heavy
>>1907098The entire X4 experience is jumping through hoops to get the half broken systems to do what you want
are there any must-complete missions that either unlock something or change the sandbox in some way?
>>1907773player hqone of the first things i do after exploring the highway and setting up some miners is get the phq and teleport
>>1907527You might be better off just using lossless scaling.
>>1907303>more dynamic warsThey said diplomatic options. I'm thinking that just means more quests because why not, X4 is a story game right?
>>1907773most missions unlock something somewhat neat or change the sandbox. to be honest i would recommend just doing every questline on a first vanilla playthrough, it's not like there's anything better to do while you're waiting irl hours on construction
>>1907932I fucking hope the diplomacy update is a proper dynamic war one and not just fucking quests but I'm sure it will be.
The engine changes take getting used to but they're great. Finally combat engines aren't the de facto best and each one has pros and cons.
>>1908194can you outline what the changes are
>>1908422The shift from shields being the boost fuel to having a dedicated boost pool is the big thing it let them seperate travel performance out as its own thing since you can boost to travel short distances. Combat engines have high boost performance but take longer to spool up into travel mode than travel engines which have comparatively poor boost performance. Inertia is also a big thing. You're not just travel moding right into stations since it takes you a good bit to slow down. For reference it takes the kestrel in the unworthy entrepreneur start a good few seconds to go from full speed in one direction to even come to a stop and start accelerating in the opposite direction using the travel engines while the kyd is quicker to respond to changes with its combat engines. Need to test the other races engines too as based on what they've said and I've seen engine choice is no longer an issue of raw straight line speed and more an issue of I like how these engines make this particular ship handle based on how I use it. I suspect newtonian flight skills are also going to be more of a thing.
>>1908422>can you outline what the changes areMassive amounts of drift and drag on many ships.
Tried to explore the new sectors. Sanctum verge wasn't a fun one.
>>1908463>>1908578i'm not sure if i'm going to like this change i don't want to be forced to autopilot everywhere
>>1908587You don't have to.Autopiloting is worse even because of the spool up time and the fact that it won't boost. All you need to relearn is handling characteristics.
>building my first station >just need 49 more claytronics to show up and the station can finish building >wait 10 mintues, it's still coming >wait 30 minutes, still coming >wait an hour, still not there yet did the npc contractors just fleece me?
>>1908463>>1908624Have you tried capital ship performancecan't wait for my kyoto to impact my shipyard at 2km/s
>>1908665It's probably stuck wedged into geometry somewhere, or fleeing from something. If you just want it done, just get the claytronics yourself. It's actually the one commodity that's kinda shit to produce margin-wise, but there's never enough of it.
>>1908665There is a bigger chance the guy just fucking died and the claytronics are just sitting in space. I had this happen and ended up with like 250+ of a few materials just hanging out near a gate.
>>1908763space trucking is tough work
>>1905010shoot criminal traffic around a starbase to get +10 fly around ferrying people to stations to get to 15get escort mission or kill missions now they give 200k each.use that to buy miner for passive income.find signal leaks some give kill missions for 500k u can buy 2 miners for that.the rep loss for killing some M ship is almost nothing. just bug out of the systemafter u have 20 miners build a energy cell plant board a L freighter use factory and L trader to sell.upgrade station to make the next cheapest thing
>>1908896If the factions were a bit less lifeless early game would be more fun. Plus if they could ever figure out how to make combat directly profitable and fun.
>>1908849kek indeedI didn't know it was happening until one of the patrols I was setting up found some scumsucker near the gate and when I went to loot some junk I noticed piles of the stuff I needed for construction.>>1908896>shoot criminal traffic around a starbase to get +10this gets mentioned a lot but people forget the key part, it has to be a small enough craft for them to even show up. Frigates? Too big, no criminal traffic.
>>1908932imagine being the station construction foreman watching in dismay as shipment after shipment of material keeps getting blown up at the gate >fuck, PlayerCorp CEO is going to rip my balls off for this delay
>>1908960Thing is unless you're paying attention you may not understand why your construction budget changes and just said yeah sure whatever its not much more (I didn't have this happen to me I swear) so you're not even in the loop since its not YOUR ships dying. If you assign a trade ship they can buy the materials also if there is a place within the manager's range.
>do some quest in terran space with absolutely awful switch puzzles in the spacesuit>utterly tedious mission chain, really unfun>when I'm finally done I find out my gas miner got blown up with no notification or anything because I was "undercover">no ship no moneyis the whole game like this? I was enjoying it until I bumbled into that awful quest chain
>>1909111That mission is quite an anomaly in how long and restricted it is. You do get the ship out of it though.
Welp the beta bricked my game.It was freezing randomly when activating autopilot, always after a few hours when I had other ships also off doing things, never when I was the only ship. Anyway I reverted versions and now I have the no ui in the ship designer bug and nothing I do fixes it aside from going back to the beta.Guess I just have to not use autopilot ever and quicksave every time I land until it gets patched.
>>1909202You shouldn't play the beta expecting it to not eventually randomly freeze up and lock you until the proper update.
>>1909220The previous beta was flawless for me though.Anyway it's not that I wasn't expecting some issues with the beta, it's that now the stable version is unplayable even with a clean install and I'm stuck with the beta.
is there a way to see WHY my ship was destroyed something keeps destroying my small/medium miners and i’m not getting any “i am under attack” warnings or anything like that. i’m going broke because i keep losing miners before i can even recoup the costs.
>>1909467Could either be catching stray missiles from fights going or they're getting kha'ak'd. Sometimes the warning flags don't reset because the kha'ak just fly away.It would help to know where they're mining.
>>1909555the void i don’t see any enemies around
>>1909557They're going into radioactive areas and just dying anon.L miners for the void.
So something neat about the new flight models. The nova has extemely fast vertical strafing because of the rotating engines.
>>1909467are they in The Void? I kept silently losing gas miners to the radiation fields
>>1909647oh I just saw your second post >>1909557that's almost definitely what happened
I'm hoping they're actually going to get around to normalizing the ship types with their rebalance push. It's been a long time coming since they cut the variations when they released the split.
>>1906085>X3 peaked at Terran Conflict>X4's best DLC was the terran oneI bet the ATF glowniggers are behind this
>>1909647>>1909559i don’t get it. i thought those cloud hazards don’t affect ships if you’re oos.
>>1909865The pathing in the void is set up so that any ship traversing it is above the plane where all the hazardous zones are. They still exist in oos it's just nobody has to interract with them unless they're mining or trying to dock at a very poorly positioned station.
>something like 30 hours into first game >can’t progress the terran story because xenon are too strong >wasted millions of credits because of misleading or nonexistent ingame info >only have a half-functional station that produces hull parts and 4m in cash >cant research or build my way out of the deadlock due to chronic universe wide shortage of every other manufactured resource >now xenon are about to conquer haktivah’s choice and cut argon’s in half >not enough money to buy destroyers to kill their destroyers well, it was a nice run fuck the devs for making everything either opaque or downright misleading though
>>1910412Xenon taking over hatikvah might bleed the argon of ships but it's hardly game ending. I've never seen Xenon actually start kicking Terrans shit in unless you mod the fuck out of it. >start terran missions>got to defend solborn outpost>A bunch of Is and Ks spawn in>outpost gets destroyed>get told to retreat to the gate and mission completesFun times.
>>1910412sounds more fun than my first playthrough where literally nothing ever happened without me initiating it
>>1910438If you want a fun run set up in free families and be a pirate. You could do the same in vigor but they're not half as fun and you won't have to fight zyarth occasionally. I wish we had a mobile refinery ship for piracy and ship building.
>>1910443honestly i think picking any faction and rping with them would be more fun than the min maxing profit obsessed game i played
>>1910454It's too easy to fall into because pissing off any faction makes doing plots way harder.
>>1910438xenon has been constantly sending in destroyers to haktivah and was only barely held back by the argon defense station and my own salvaged hairdryer destroyer stationed nearby. and then they sent 4 of them at once and i barely ordered my hairdryer to leave in time. the defense stations and the northern half is gone to xenon and the T intersection in the middle is a no-go zone with argon freighters constantly dying
>>1910454agreed. playing since the game launched. I've gone through several phases.big issue with my larping is custom start is very lackluster in terms of customization. you essentially need deadair and other various mods for quality of life. the only total conversion mod is star wars, unfortunately.
i feel like local automine is worse than useless for early game. for whatever reason it’s rare for sectors with a resource to have stations that consume that resource. for sectors that do have the corresponding resource+station combo, the demand for refined stuff is so low that it takes less than 2-3 miners to saturate the stores.
>>1910889>the only total conversion mod is star wars, unfortunately.That has performance issues and is currently bloated with a bunch of RPG mods that just make the game harder. It's a shame, the ships are nice and I could have gotten over the VRO balancing, but scope creep is getting out of control with it.
>>1911083Every game has a couple sectors that start with big shortages and will keep you going for quite a while. Usually black hole sun and grand exchange are good. In my current game I had 8 sunders saturating hydrogen and methane there. The hydrogen buy orders ran dry eventually and I just moved that fleet over to grand exchange. Also have a fleet of 4 drills just doing ore in second contact.But it's annoying how it takes an eternity for captains to hit 3 stars just by mining or trading so you can actually use the good orders.
>>1909559now my Magnetars are dying in the Void. someone please explain this shit because the game sure as hell isn’t. no attack warnings, no nothing, just sudden death message.
>>1910412Finish the Terran story, you'll get a destroyer. You have to take the thing over like an ownerless ship. Other than 10 rep there's no prerequiItes to this, you can have a Syn within an hour of starting the game.
>watching a chimera getting bullied by a pair of faf balaurs>order him to surrender>he bailsThanks for the free ship.
>>1910412just sell raw resources to Terrans for very easy money, you don't even need to produce shit yourself
>>1909779Reunion was my childhood X game. Have no idea how many hundreds of hours I sunk into it.
The fleet comes along
>>1909779t. AGI sympathizer
>finally get my hands on a Syn >finally, i can leave haktivah defense to the fleet while i go do other shit >see a lone K floating about >send in the Syn and watch it with glee from oos>it gets closer >closer >too close? >both it and the K shields go down at the same rate >for fuck’s sake >teleport in, manually turn the fucking ship around and start using the main gun >1M repair bill god i hate the ai so much
I really need to set up a custom game pirate start for myself
>>1912486Turret settings. Capships infer their combat tactics based on what their turrets are told to do. Small turrets should be set to fighter defense, otherwise they'll want to move into small turret range instead of sensibly hanging back and pounding with the big guns.
>>1912486why not just build a defense platform?
>>1912647i don’t have the money also i need to push them back to the gate first because they have the northern half of haktivah’s choice 1
You know what I would like? An option to skip entire mission chains if you've done them before. It could even be balanced by just giving you the final reward and ignoring all non story critical rewards for each mission in the chain.Like I don't want to do the hatikva chain anymore, but custom games are such a chore to set up. I would gladly skip the callisto and the buzzard just to have Dal pop up in my hq.
>>1913455I can't remember when I started without PHQ Boso and Dal. It's been so long. I'd make a custom game profile with some base settings. I've been at the point since ToA was released where I want all missions plot QTEs to have an option to be disabled.
>>1912642it didn’t worki put flak on fighter only and plasma on capital only. these fuckers are still trying to melee the enemy. this is beyond stupid.
xenon destroyers are leaking into getsu fune and i’m at a loss i can’t defend this and haktivah at the same time
>>1913551Which plasma are you using? You want to use paranid plasmas on caps because they have the longest range.There's also the issue of obstacles. The AI can only really remember one task at a time so if he sees asteroids and tries to maneuver to avoid them he completely forgets he's also fighting something and wants to stay in a good position to apply as much damage as possible.
>>1913618argon plasma it’s a wide open area with no asteroids, there shouldn’t be any reason why it chooses to burn forward and attempt to dogfight the thing
>>1913551what skill is your captain? the ai is more likely to make retarded decisions on purpose at lower skill levels
>>19138293 stars >the ai is more likely to make retarded decisions on purpose at lower skill levelsfucking why i was willing to bear some stupid mechanics and terrible ui but automated fleet combat is so fucking terrible that i might stop playing because of it
>>1913847i'd recommend a mod that speeds crew leveling up a lot
>>1905219It's crazy to me that people want to rush the early and mid game since they're the most fun. Personally I nerf the shit out of my economy with mods. Halved ore ware prices, mod that adds salary for your employees that I crank up, mod that adds property tax for your stations that I also crank up. Economic struggle makes the game so much more satisfying when you finally get your empire rolling. It also feels closer to X3.
>>1914112Probably don't really need most of these if the economy was just rebalanced in a way that makes M and L ships more expensive. Game really needs it overall to give S miners an actual niche.
>>1905181>i wasted money on a german autism time waster going purely by steam reviews.Played X3:TC a bunch and it was pretty comfy after cranking the SETA up. In X4 I just can't get into and it's one of those rare games that really does feel like a waste of time a bit.
>>1914238X4 kind of splits the difference for me. In X3 I mostly just played it as a logistics simulator. I never manually piloted any ship except for when the autopilot couldn't handle obstacles. I just got my autotrading fleet going and then sat in the corner of the map somewhere letting seta go until I could afford capitals and construction ships then I still did the same just while playing admiral too.In X4 I play a lot more of the game but fuck I wish they'd make some aspects less painful without mods like an actually useful explore AI, non glacial skill gain, and actually useful auto mine/trade options earlier.
>>1914168I initially did massively increase the price of L and XL ships, but then they're so divorced from the cost of the wares to build them that it triggered my autism, so I went with this solution instead. It's also p realistic in that as you grow your costs grow as well, so you have to balance revenue vs expenses. I also use kuertee's mod that makes ships incur damage if they don't have enough crew, so I have to crew every ship with at the very least half the crew spots filled.
>red message in textbox >check map >new spacesuits in your assets list do you rescue them? further, do you take revenge?
>>1915252Is there profitsss in it?
i set my haulers to NOT travel to hazardous sectors but i see them dying all the time in The Void it’s honestly getting fucking tiresome
>>1915524They shouldn't be dying in the void unless they're trying to trade with stations there. The AI is deliberately programmed to fly above the central plane when transiting between gates. I've had freighters trading with antigone and segaris in every game and I've never seen one die due to the hazardous zones there.
>>1915058What are the mods you're using?
>>1914238>In X4 I just can't get into and it's one of those rare games that really does feel like a waste of time a bit.X4 has huge amounts of pure dead time. It's crazy.>hours to build factories>significant amounts of time to fly capital ships anywhere>an early game of busywork missions where most people will even say the best is just sitting in a station for 20 minutes to "patrol"There's a portion of time near the start where you have so little to do that's worth the effort that I usually spend it in an M ship tediously(but very easily) taking over XL builders that can't fight back and have no support. I think you are meant to do war missions around this point but they're usually extremely unbalanced or unrewarding.
>>1915700Getting Paid, Finance Hub: Taxes, Kuertee's Wear and Tear, and my own little mod that nerfs ore ware prices.
>>1915741The missions are mainly to farm rep with a faction outside of landing one of the 300k credit salvage contracts. The big early money comes from capturing minotaur raiders if not capturing the katana at the start of terran cadet or just beelining the paranid destroyer.
who the fuck designs these dlc missions every single one of them are absolutely miserable and full of stupid gotchas i especially hate the motherfucker who keeps insisting on adding a SPACESUIT "PUZZLE" to the fucking thing pixel hunting is not a fucking puzzle you retards
>>1915252I fucking wish you could collect enemy pilots and sell them at the salve market like in X2. Why the fuck did they remove the slave trade.
>>1916638probably for the same reason they heavily weighted negress NPCs. Sensible Demographics best X4 mod
>>1916249So timelines is all shit to the point that I wonder what their thought process was when they made them but there are some missions I like.Like the last mining mission where you fight off khaak while your ships mine. I wish we had more fun low level combat like that, ideally with xenon who are far more fun to fight.Anyway did you see that the hyperion start has been data mined? The only thing left to see now is how fancy the interior is and exactly what Egosoft think is value for money in a mini ship pack of theoretically one ship.
Split ships feel REAL GOOD in the beta.
>>1916638Because you would enslave the new Terrans.
i got my free Syn, it's loaded with marines, but i can't board anything with it >spot an L freighter >order boarding action >i can only send 90 ish marines in, apparently >Syn just circles around the freighter in melee range while doing nothing>finally decides to release the pods>half of them get shot down mid flight>stage 1 "completed">freighter fucks off to somewhere else >nothing happens
>>1919246Blow up the engines and turrets
>>1919246It takes an absolute lifetime to get boarding ops done, I recommend SETA. As for the cap on sending marines - that's based on how many free slots for crew the target ship hasyes it's fucking retarded
>>1919330>yes it's fucking retardedNot as retarded as how easy boarding actually is.
is there a rule of thumb on how to divide up my production stations?for example i have a station that produces claytronics by taking the raw mining materials and producing all the prereqs on-station. i kinda feel like i'm bottlenecked by the slow build times because every time i want to expand claytronics production i have to also wait forever for the prereqs to finish building. but on the other hand i have a silly situation with advanced electronics where all the prereqs products are nice and cleanly divided into multiple stations but i'm bottlenecked by pirates constantly killing my freighters (my patrol fleet just watches and does nothing, which is a different can of worms i really don't wanna rage about)
any mods (You) consider to be mandatory?
>>1919428i personally like to have stations that just refine raw materials. then i have several production stations that each make 2-4 final resources which have similar inputs
>>1919431Sensible Demographics
how do i deal with pirates/ka’aks? these fuckers continuously kill my freighters in a particular system that happens to be a main arteryway. i have 10 corvettes on patrol order but they don’t do jack shit. if the “intended” way of playing the station game is to continuously upgrade your haulers they sure as hell didn’t make it easy by not allowing multi-ship refit orders.
>>1919246Is fly-by boarding still a thing? If yes then you board it while in full travel drive. Otherwirse it's better doing it with a small fighter like a Chimera using one of those anti surface structure lasers and some plasmas or fragmentation launchers. Disarm all weapons, engines and shields and blast away the shield, then use some small, quick firing and low damage weapon like those boron ion gattlings to make the crew bail the ship, shouldn't take too long. When only the captain remains you get your second, waiting M class ship full with marines to board it. Put up satellites in pirate sectors and search for Telaid Phoenixes or Argon Behemoths with piraty words in thei names like marauder and shit. When you have the ship sell first the equipment and then the hull. Easy 20 million per hour.
>the hyperion is a new ship role, the expeditionary shipWhy do I get the feeling we are going to get another guppy deal where the ship role barely has a niche worth dealing with.
whyjust why
>>1920396thats why i disable khaak hat faf etc. they just spawn out of thin air. the timelines dlc also has khaak fleets just popping on top of the player via encounter system like in rebirth. it gets retarded. hat is only one where they start with some faction mechanics and some stations so semi salvageable with effort. free senpaitachi is another.
>>1920834i just watched a cluster of the cubeprism motherfuckers spawning right next to a boron freighter in rts mode. absolutely stupid design.
>>1921217Yeah they can canonically teleport in but they're supposed to be attracted to mining activity, not just spawning randomly near freighters.
>>1921365ive had them spawn on top of me in heart of acrimony. no stations no mining. only thing there is the split plot ship that waits there. it's that immersion breaking behavior with the spawns. it seems worse now due to the effort of timelines and a big bad.
>nobody's selling field coil blueprints? >look it up >the only way to get it is via emp bombs >scour the entire map and there's only one station that's selling field coils, over at argon prime >go there and emp it >cops immediately show up >scan what i can and escape out of the sector at first i thought that was it, but >a wing of argon fighters literally spawn on top of the station where i stole the blueprint (one of my freighters was going there), hostile from the beginning >they shoot my freighter dead >more fighters turn hostile across the sector >they keep shooting down my freighters or attacking my stations >i try to quickly blacklist the entire sector >hostile fighters jump to adjacent sectors and start attacking my other stuffthis is fucking beyond stupidapparently they de-aggro after a few minutes but it's been 10 minutes. they're steadily destroying all of my freighters. there's a totally unrelated argon behemoth that's hostile and pounding at my food station. is my run actually fucking over because of this bullshit "feature"?
>>1921913i disabled everyone's turrets, stared at the map with SETA on, and nobody's de-aggoring. +23 reputation my ass. fuck this stupid ass game, this save is fucking ruined. i'm downloading the cheat mod and hoping it has a magical "de-aggro everything" button. the mod apparently destroys saves but this run is ruined already.
>>1921916ive been using cheat menu off workshop and havent had any weird issues. ive been using it to alter starting conditions. deadair mods for the rest. i dont use it to spawn anything though which is what ive read has some caveats. no engine or modules weird stuff. i like to do a custom then teleport to certain areas to trigger the qtes so they dont interrupt me later or leave the ai in some sort of holding pattern.
>>1922341>ive been using cheat menu off workshop and havent had any weird issues.So I hear this a lot but it's mostly repeated by people who heard it off someone else with only major source I found being the VRO guy. It could have a range of issues causing thousands of cascading issues that eventually cause all AI scripts to break, or it could just be a grudge since this problem came out of nowhere for what is the single most subscribed mod on the workshop.
>>1922844in my case i generally have several mods including vro deadair that alter god jobs or other various functions from vanilla. treybors stuff besides his sector addons generally alter behavior quite a bit. it's possible that you're correct that it could be a nothingburger or grudge. I've been using cheat menu off and on since it first came out. it has been that useful of a swiss army knife. i actually used it to fix my latest save after all my traders kept erroring out. I finally went to egosofts forum and saw a few people posting about docks not being built if you have deadair plus foundations corps mod installed together. something vanilla or other mod wise is causing some sort issue with one or the other. in my case cheat menu let me add build resources to the added corps in my region to get beyond this failure.
>>1921913>commit act of war>salty when the victim retaliates
is Advanced Automine broken? i have a fleet configured like this >Leader: advanced automine for ore and silicon >subordinates: mimic but they keep on mining nothing but ore and causing a massive silicon shortage >just assign them to the mining station no. station commander keeps sending them 2-3 jumps away. this causes shortages AND gets miners killed to kucks. >just use blacklists this also restricts how far the assigned freighters can travel, so fuck no. i don't get why this is even suggested as a solution in the official forums. >break up the fleet in two then why does adv. automine even exist? the whole point is to have a combined hands-off fleet that just works, not get mired even further in micromanagement.
>>1923202I always thought the point of advanced automine was to allow the fleet more flexibility in where they operate. In this case yes split it into an ore and silicon fleet.
>>1923202>AND gets miners killed to kucks.use Ls
>>1923774Or get the Reaction Force mod and deploy patrols of fast corvettes in every system you mine in.
I'd just like to say that as someone with gaming ADHD, X4 is the game I've stuck to most in the past decade. Over 100 hours in a game is very rare for me. I have hundreds in X4. Fantastic game that speaks directly to my autism.
>zyarth lost the northern penis that connected them and the FRF... to xenons i've got a wharf and i'm thinking about letting zyarth have exclusive production rights to it. the thing is, they're at war with argons at the moment. i see argons and zyarths occasionally fighting in Heretic's End right next to my HQ. are npc factions capable of stabilizing itself (i.e. don't get involved in pointless conflict and focus on immediate crisis instead) if you give them enough ships from the wharf? i might even lower the price to 100% just so i don't have to deal with xenons trickling into my back yard.
>>1924691>on't get involved in pointless conflict and focus on immediate crisis instead)No, they throw ships away immediately. That's why the only way zyarth especially can really stabilize itself is if you block off all xenon for them and really give them a chance to build back up to critical mass.
>>1925058what's the best way to SUPERCHARGE the npc economy so they can LEVERAGE their fleet properly? i've managed to plug the hole for now but they basically have Phi and Valka to draw resources from now that they've lost Zhin. no shipyards in this western segment either.
>>1925234ZYA loses a lot of ships, so hull parts, engine parts, weapon and turret components are a big help.
I hope we get the hyperion soon. My expectations are very low all around though.
>>1926685i hope we get some fucking bugfixes instead of another new half-baked half-broken thing. literally every little thing in this game is broken in some way or another and it sucks the fun out of everything.
>>1927011works on my machine
>get a Syn>pilot it and wreck a K relatively easily>"hahaha, yes! go humanity!">give the Syn to AI and go back to my Katana>Syn fucking dies before even getting 10% shields of K because it just fucking charges into point blank range(????????)I read on forums that K was designed from ground up to be OP with their combat model but fuck meam I required to get an Asgard before I can even think about gatecamping?
>>1927135Generally you need to manually fight K's until your industry is in a position that you can lose a destroyer here and there without batting an eye.
>>1927135>because it just fucking charges into point blank range(????????)Let me fix that for you>Be dumb bitch>Put all turrets, including short ranged M flak, to destroy all enemies>Give ship to AI>AI reads instructions: All turrets destroy all enemies>AI follows instructions and charges into range of all turrets>Dies
>>1927216nope, I had M beams set to fighters onlyplease stop being disingenuous, capital ship AI has some serious issues
>>1927216>blaming the user for not understanding the autistic "gotcha" behavior you're either buckbroken or one of the devs. >>1927135oos (out of sector) combat is asinine because all physics collisions (and presumably turret blind spots) are removed. gatecamping is best done by abusing the oos combat system. don't worry about "playing fair" in this game or you'll lose your fucking mind running into all the slightly broken things permeating this game. get 8-10 Nemesis Sentinels, each equipped with 2x flak turrets and 5x plasma guns. set them to guard a max radius position somewhere near the gate. refrain from personally entering that sector unless you have to. it should be enough firepower to kill most xenon incursions, including a K every now and then.
>>1927349yea agreed. oos turrets have been an issue forever. my caps and npc caps do sit at appropriate distances most of the time on stationary targets. the other issue when you observe odd behaviors is to reload your save. I can't stress how many times ive had to keep saves in short intervals because the game gets a lil crazy. reloads and often help greatly.
>>1927216Isn't this just a myth spread by people who want to suck off the game?
>carrier keeps complaining about "not enough cargo hold" when told to get supplies >look it up >it's been a known issue for YEARS wow what a surprise please tell me there's a mod that fixes this or lategame combat is dead in the water
>>1927474OOS turrets were nerfed so hard in 6.0 that there's a mod to unnerf them
>>1927517This is also why you guys think OOS is easy mode against Xenon. They only use turrets. Get that mod on Steam Workshop and Xenon will do well in OOS combat again.
>>1927486They still haven't even fixed fighters getting stuck on carrier ship geometry you think the retarded fuckface devs would fix that?
The new flight model is awesome. All the people complaining about it just need to git gud.>NOOOOO I CANT STOP ON A DIME WHEN DECELERATING FROM 10KM/SEC AAAAAAThat's right, nigga. We Newtonian now.
>>1927844>we're going to focus on this needlessly realistic thing in a space arcade shooter that has a pile of outstanding issues that prevents existing features from being enjoyable or playable ok, dev
>>1927931Works on my machine. I think you're just a crybaby faggot who doesn't know what he's getting into when he buys German games. The jank is a feature.
>>1927844I played it and am genuinely completely uninterested unless AI is performing combat with it much better than it was in beta 1 for it. It has always been too easy to either run circles around the AI or simply stop and shoot it when it goes in to try and joust with you.
>>1927935imagine being this buckbroken and feeling proud of it
>>1927937It is better than beta 1, but not much better. Obviously there's some work to be done on the AI here. I was referring to the flight model itself. It's so much more interesting and fun to fly now.
>>1927940I just accept the game for what it is. If you require AAA perfection then just move on because it will never be that.
>>1927942in what world is wishing for basic feature polish equivalent to wishing for "AAA perfection"?
>>1927949Because you're grossly over exaggerating the issues with the game.
>>1927967Not him but if the diplomacy update adds decent dynamic wars and more polished events then fucking fleets through gates, I'll consider the game in the best position it's ever going to be in. They already fucked up the crisis and khaak hives so a system where vig is able to actually do real piracy is the best we can hope for.
>>1927844I'm just happy the afterburner no longer drains your shields.But the new flight model is good, drifting around caps in my Dragon Raider has been fun. Needs a few tweaks here and there. I'm interested in seeing how it will impact VRO and interworlds.
>>1928146The decoupling of boost from shields makes xenon a lot more threatening since now they can actually just skirmish and boom and zoom you until you die. It's no longer just a take their shields down and they die issue. Early piracy is also less of a surefire thing since if the target takes long enough to bail they can just run to friendlies in that time.
beta 4 when
>>1904069How does this game compare to stellaris?
>>1931926it's out. hyped to test it later, especially the turret accuracy buffs.
>>1931936It's nothing like stellaris. Stellaris is more like GalCiv and other turn-based. X4 is more of a sim with RTS-like gameplay. You don't play as a faction in a traditional sense even though you're technically a faction yourself. Faction mechanics for the player are very rudimentary even with mods. If you want more arcade space combat with a more robust faction mechanic, look for games like spacebourne 2. You can definitely build an empire of player owned sectors and everything but it's very lacking. Typically most do a merchant/pirate type of playthrough.
>>1932077>still no mention of hyperionThis is taking a bit longer than I expected.
>>1905047what *is* a good game for space trucking nowadays?
>>1932120I've been curious about underspace but it looks more like an RPG than a simulator
>>1932144It's a freelancer clone
>>1932144As someone said Underspace is more of a Freelancer clone with shitloads of fantasy morrowind elements (the dev modded it), the trading's more complicated but I don't think it'd be a space trucker game, it's heavy on exploration. SPeaking from personal experience the only time i ever traded anything was dropping off things i looted off wrecks
>>1932120Star Trucker
>>1932120Just wait for picrelated. It's all about space trucks