Talk about new mods, mods you're hyped for, etc.CTS:
>>1910439Upon a cross of globalism is so dumb and out of date, the idea that the culture war wasn't important is laughable.It was the defining issue that moved swing voters towards trump according to exit polls.
Something that really fascinates me upon replaying 2002Netherlands is the point it makes about how entirely preventable Fortuyn's death was. Besides obviously the choices you make in his own side, with a VVD player character he survives unless you ignore all the threats of violence against him and refuse to take the choice to monitor him, and with a PvdA player character he also survives unless you keep radicalizing the left by calling him a fascist threat to democracy.
Are there any coming soon mods that you guys are hype for?
>>19105992005 UK
>>1910482I tried plating PvdA to intentionally lose yet I somehow did better than they did in real life.
>>19105991996 - Weeks Where Decades Happen
>>1910439I have a question, is TCT actually about governing or just literally trying to get yourself elected and the game ends once you succeed? If the latter is true, what's so special about it?
>>1910690TCT is 95% the latter, although there are some campaigns such as 1920b where you RP as the incumbent head of state and make governing decisions in between running for re-election. Most of the appeal is in the strategy element where you have to weigh the risk of choosing precisely which issues to campaign on and where.
This community is so embarrassing
>>1910719What can we do about it?
>>1910641Melkert fumbled the ball in real life, he consistently made poor decisions, and his image among the public was rather poor.
>>1910719woah... it's like he's being controlled like some kind of controllable person !! like a doll with ropes !!!
>>1910719Are we just not getting mods of anyone to the right of Bernie Sanders, that doesn't read as a 13 year old doing a Hunter S Thompson impersonation?
>>1910439>CTS:>NCT: which of these two is the /vst/ approved page?
>Release 2 years ago>Still fucking mog every mod sinceHow did they do it?
>>1910941That's not Midnight though?
>>1910920CTS has the benefit checker which is easier to use than bigshot if you wanna cheat.
>>1910920Honestly there should be a third page. Free Campaign Trail or something where all the mods are posted without censorship.
>>1910920I genuinely cannot remember the last time I used NCT. CTS just has a so much nicer interface that it's infinitely preferable.
>>1910719But...but...Republican bad...
If the continental congress chose monarchy as a form of governess what would been the title for both head of state and head of government?
>>1910719Uh oh chuddies, Astro is weighing in on this one
>>1911109>using the word 'chud'Opinion discarded
>>1911109Astro is retarded.
>>1911109Astro is a literal tranny fucker so I'm not surprised in the least that he has these kinds of garbage takes.
>>1911109the redditors are criticize his shitty modits joever
>Aussie campaign literally lets you say "fuck off we're full"kino
How bad would it be if the following individuals became presidents?Pat RobertsonPat BuchananJerry BrownJesse JacksonDavid DukeDonald Rumsfeld
>>1910719So far, no one's replied to Pull My Strings on YouTube with the intro text. Even the half-finished Hillary Clinton mod that got leaked here had that.
>>1911679It really is a shit mod then.
>>1910439How do I win as John McCain in 2008?
>>1911744Play on an easier difficulty or use the bonus checker cheats to identify the best answers and hope for good RNG.
>>1911744>>1911880McCain is winnable on normal. Pick Tim Pawlenty for VP, focus on Ohio and Minnesota and use benefit check
2032: SS is.. alright. I guess I've expected something more. The coalition system is nice but more info on how it (and the highlighted answers) works would be nice. Here are the codes in case it's not allowed on the loaders.
>>1912074They are already calling it the Turner Diaries in mod form.
>>1912074kino desu
>>1912073the closest I got was missing with one state (closest I lost waswas colorado)my vp was ridge, and I won Pennsylvania
>>1912074This is much better than the other Vance mod, jesus. Really solid stuff. Still accurate to how retarded rightoids are, but it does understand how they think and why.
>>1912104>Still accurate to how retarded rightoids aremaybe running civilisation based on best wishes, hopes and prayers isn't a good idea????
>>1912074>mod is trying to make the point that tct leddit and discord is too left wing >immediate melties calling it the turner diaries 2 How many weeks before another mod maker is purged?
>>1912133I give it a day before Naimina is banned and I'll be surprised if the mod ever makes it to a mod loader
>>1912074This is fun.It's a bit goofy, like I don't think 'technocapitalists' or 'darwinist' can seriously be said to be a group as important as Christians or populists in the GOP coalition.
Are there mods that came out recently that you guys like?
>>1912133>>1912135He quit
>>1912153>feels like the community will benefit from the mods with fuck-all stakes like 2020 realignlol
>>1912153Many such cases
Here's my 2032 Swan Song review:I really like the new tech with the coalition mechanic. Having visible stats like this makes for better CYOA mods and a better playing experience. Mods like Obamanation, American Carnage, or even W. suffer from not telling the player what they are doing wrong or how to do thing right. This solves that issue.Writing-wise, I think Swan Song is solid. It isn't anything to write home about, but the creators clearly know how to write and that shows.It seems the retards on the reddit don't get how this is from the perspective of the New Right's own vision of reality. The mod creator isn't saying that there is one big international regime which oversees all elections and causes riots. But that is how the New Right sees things.Also, it probably isn't that far from the truth. The main thing which feels wrong is how organized the Regime is in the mod, in reality I bet it's a complicated and disorganized collection of rich people and NGOs and the politicians they've bought off.The mod isn't partisan, which I appreciate. Vance isn't some 'le ebil nazi' just because he's a right wing populist, but the mod still acknowledges how those policies aren't necessarily going to help all people, how global warming is a real thing, the atrocities committed by Israel and so on.I don't really get why 'darwinists' are a part of the coalition of the Movement. Like Tecnocapitalists, sure. Since Elon Musk will basically own the government in January. While that's not a large amount of people, it is an important block of donors. But Darwinists? Who are they, what the fuck is their deal? There's an adolescence here which shows through. Though, that does add to the novelty, tone, and gimmick.Overall, pretty good. I hope the faggots don't block it from a mod loader just because they can't understand what it's going for.
>>1912153Record time.
>>1912153>um no radicalism chuddie>1972d is wholesome praxis chuddieThese are not serious people
>>1912153It's sad, this dude is a genuinely talented teenager with a vision I think he succeeded on.But because the dumbasses didn't understand what it was going for, he gets bullied and leaves. That sucks.>>1912152Look at this fucking child. Why are so many of the people in this 'community' like teenagers? I'm older than most of these bastards and I'm only 22.Fucker has a creeper over a bisexual flag as his profile pic.
>>1912153This just makes me sad man.
>>1912160>Mods like Obamanation, American Carnage, or even W. suffer from not telling the player what they are doing wrong or how to do thing right. This solves that issue.Naimina made a sub-mod for W. and Obamanation that labels the effects of all answers>It seems the retards on the reddit don't get how this is from the perspective of the New Right's own vision of reality. The mod creator isn't saying that there is one big international regime which oversees all elections and causes riots. But that is how the New Right sees things.I don't know if he got to implement it, but Naimina had said about a week ago that if you chose specific answers and lost by a big enough margin, the game would shift out of the New Right's perspective. The "Regime" would change to "Progress" and the "Movement" would change to "Reaction"
>>1912155Routevenus is one of the W guys, he's being facetious.
>>1912153>routevenusIs that not the creator of 1972d?
>>1912164They aren't.These people on these servers and that subreddit are all fucking 17yo commies, sometimes younger than that. They're all 'neurodivergent' so heavily mentally ill and autistic. Hence why so many of them are trans.I remember back in the day, when mods were just first starting to be made back in like 2020. Before the Dan Bryan scenario for 2020, before both NTC and CTS even existed the whole space was politically nuetral. You had commies, libertarians, right wing populists, centrists, progressives. Generally if anyone was attacked for political beliefs, the group would insist that politics were irrelevant and we went back to talking about history or new mods.This happens with all 'communities' I'm afraid. When fandoms stop being just a place to passively talk about a thing, and instead become a replacement for actual friendships, autistic, lonely retards congregate and form an internet hugbox.Most of those mentally ill, lonely, 'digital natives' are lefties, so these communities become hives of gayness
>>1912153Why do modmakers try to kowtow so much to the amorphous liberal blob that is the TCT discord & reddit community?
>>1912177Because both of the main sites people use for this game are headed by that blob.
>>1912177Everyone who has the time, the dedication, and motivation to make a full TCT mod is probably an autistic kid who really likes American politics and political history.These people are lonely, they want a large group of people who understand them and their interests.They want a community.But the community is rotten, they're bad people. Typical with leftists. Righties tend to be much more pleasant even with our penchant for slurs and insults.And so another lonely dude gets betrayed by the people he thought were he friends. It won't be the last.
>>1912152>Regime Change was criticized for being too easy to win, not as much for being isolationistOh bullshit, there was an entire thread on there that the mods removed and was filled with people calling it Russian propaganda.Difficulty was the least of my issues with it. It was criticized for piss poor writing and for taking an unfunny joke and beating it like a dead horse
>>1912153A bit cowardly, ain't it?
>>1912179>Make conservative mod>liberal blob recoils in disgust>conservative mod rejected from loaderSo what's the solution here?
>>1912182Regime Change was one of the worst mods made so far.The whole thing was a one note joke mod built around a singular point of 'political satire.' But that satire was dated as shit. It acted like the year was still 2002 and everyone is just rearing up for war. That wasn't even true in the 2000s. If Nikki Haley promised war, she'd lose in a landslide.And outside of that, there was nothing else to the mod, it was one note. There was more fucking nuance in genuine meme mods like Spongebob 2008 or Sumner 68.
>>1912184Make our own site? It's on github so we could make a copy.
>>1912184Well unless some 'Free Campaign Trail' website is made, if someone here stole the source code or something, than nothing can be done.I suppose the people who make these threads should make a document with all of the banned mods linked in it for people to play with the custom loader.And then that document could be linked in the OP for these threads?
>>1912184Well we can just archive the more uncomfortable mods here through the github/pastebin analogues. Then you can just put them into whatever loader you want.
Yet again 4chan proves itself morally superior to both Discord and Reddit
The yellow highlight is determined by this question, it's basically a guide for a VN (populism, christianity, dark enlightenment, objectivism respectively)
>>1912153okay to be honest, this mod is Godawful, but for no reason should it be taken down
dan bryan pls come back tards have taken over your game
>>1912103Maybe its just me, but the writing for the Percy stuff is noticeably weaker than the FBI and Vietnam toozers. The whole thing is stilted, it lacks the personality and punch that the initial posts had. Maybe its thanks to Chuck being not super interesting as a person, maybe its a problem with the writing being stretched thin across what seems to be two paths per candidate, but its not a great opening to TTNW's opponents. Hopefully Agnew will be more promising.
>>1912236I dunno, I think all the opponents will be underbaked since the are introduced when there are only ten questions left.
>>1910439New record with Pawlentycloset state that would cause me to win was Iowa by 1%
>>1912242Here's your McCain win bro. Just dump all visits into Ohio.
>>1912246Wtf I love Dick now?
Swan Song secret uber-prog ending is broken, text goes past the text box and you can't access the second slide.
>>1912259The Israel ending is also broken
>>1912256I got this with Ridgemy margin of victory was under 1% in 3 states, if any fell I would lose the election
>>1912153>>1912165Reminder that a decent chunk of them are literally children.
>>1912246Hello everyone,this is /u/TCTRichardBCheney.I've been banned from the TCT subreddit and discord server due to this AIDS joke, and now have had my hand forced to do something extreme.The bad news is that vic𝖊 will not be on the Showcase *or* NCT.The good news is that I'm working alongside some other folks on OpenTCT, a free-speech, lower restriction community *and* website with banned mods.I will keep you updated.Love you guys, you help me stay motivated. - DC
>>1912293Thank you Mr.Cheney, glory to the Patriot Act.
>>1912293Message received, patriots activated.
>>1912293How would they even know if you used another account?
>>1912314I've had enough of dealing with these people lmao, they're doing too many purity tests for my own sanity.
>>1912293>I'm working alongside some other folks on OpenTCTAnyone well known in the community?
>>1912293Of course you got banned. Didn't you know the only jokes that you can make are 'republicans are chuds' jokes?
>>1912319Understandable honestly.
>>1912293I like what you're doing. I think a TCT without this clique-ish nonsense is terrific.And as such I will avoid making fun of you for being a redditor and typing like one.
>>1912293love ya king, hope y'all can finish it soon and provide an actual alternative to Astro and the others.
>>1912237People were calling this guy racist and taking his mod entirely serious.I don't even see how the mod is racist. Because riots happen after a BLM type shooting? That's just a fact of life at this point.
>>1912293Standing back and standing by
>>1912331I'm simply being formal, I get why it sounds reddit though. Expect me to be a lot more chill in the upcoming server
>>1912333I wish people had at least bothered to go through all of the endings before forming an opinion. Just open the Code 2, scroll to the bottom and read all of them.
>>1912333There's already someone having a melty at how it portraits Biden as an evil racist for that. You just can't win with these people, folks. is born!Website coming soon. Stay tuned in the Discord for updates. -DC
>>1912336That's not what I was referring to. I lot of people here may be tourists from the reddit, so they wouldn't know, but on 4chan you don't hit 'enter' and break each sentence into it's own line, really.And if you wanted to, you couldjust hit enter once.No one here spaces a sentence between empty lines.Just in case you ever post here more, you have to type correctly or you'll be mocked.
Now I see why Reddit hates the mod
>>1912340The fragile lefty teenagers on the sub and discord were imminently put off by how the mod had a right wing slant which wasn't a disguise for how the right wing sucks or whatever.Then when the BLM part came in, some siren came around in their autistic brains and they called the mod racist, fascist, and evil.
>>1912344Oh I know about that, I'm not that much of a newfag. I just felt it looked more "formal". Anyhow, it doesn't matter. Join the server, we're making something beautiful out here.
>>1912343holy LARP
>>1912343t b h I don't care about a discord, but a new website would be a huge step in the right direction for this gay ass community
>>1912368If it helps justify the Discord more, I need it for feedback and improvement(s) once the website is actually out. It's a way to keep contact and organize a parallel to Astro's Reich
>>1912342>There's already someone having a melty at how it portraits Biden as an evil racist for that. You just can't win with these people, folks.I checked that guy's post history, he's a disingenuous fuck. Multiple comments accusing Biden of both being complicit in genocide and being fully senile.
Hey I'm the "right wing friend" Naimina talked about. We did all of the writing and he did the code. He's not in the best mood but he'll recover. He's gotten both a tremendous amount of hate and support for the mod.I'm admittedly new to 4chan, so I can't say much. I can confirm that the Naimina guy has a larger community of friends, so don't worry about him. I can answer any questions in regards to the development of the mod. I was there for enough of it I can say pretty much anything.
He's also done with modding... On TCT proper. He's thinking about moving to the new OpenTCT webpage that was just set up. What do you guys think?
>>1912398How did you not see this response coming from a mile away?
Chudtct website launched, very barebones atm but it does have some gems.
>>1912446Children of the Dusk is back? Fucking based.
>>1912446The audio and image links are almost all busted, and frankly I find it pretty boring, but here's 1972 TNO for those who want it.>Code 1>Code 2 (Yockey/Byers)>Code 2 (Yockey/Madole)>Code 2 (Yockey/Crommelin)
>>1912333From what I understand the dev is Chinese, so they're getting mad about him having an outsider view of US politics/not understanding cultural taboos. (
Something I've kept doing since 2021 is give crazy progressives the benefit of the doubt. And every time I've been wrong. October 7th was a real wakeup call for me. I keep falling for it because I want to believe there are reasonable people on both sides.
>>1912426Sorry that was meant to be a reply to you. I'm new to 4chan. I apologize.
>>1912564In the meantime, Reddit found>>1912346And got even more mad!
>>1912526oh so its some chink mod? who cares what ching chongs have to say
>>1912578What they apparently have to say is that if Trump-Vance do tariffs hard enough, Xi will lose the Mandate of Heaven and Grosscantoniums will rise.Which is much more interesting than most of the mod's story.
>>1912592For me? It's banning Facebook and flooding 4chan with newfags
The 1930 Weimar codes. This one actually faced little backlash, but isn't on the loader because, well, it's Hitler.>Code 1>Code 2
>>1912746I went all in with the SA but I just got the real life endingI'm disappointed
>>1912761You can get special endings by either throwing your lot in with DNVP or Strassers+SA. You probably didn't get enough points for a Strasserite ending.
>>1912761You must've missed some. Successfully going all in with the SA leads to Ernst Rohm kicking off a civil war.
>>1912761>>1912767>You need to have at least 20% of the votes and support SA at least 7 out of 8 possible times, which have to include giving Rhöm control of SA and starting violent campaign in the last question. The option that support SA are often obivious, though moblizing youth also counts.
Al Gore played the campaign trail mods.
>>1912798*Will play TCTStill feel like a weird shitpost though, like why tell people before hand?
Someone made a wikipedia page and it's already getting deleted
>>1912879>Speedy Delete. Not notable nor does one source make something notable enough for a page, per all the above. This is an encyclopedia, not a playground for 14 year old Redditor's who appear to be fanboys of George Wallace or Nelson Rockefeller to make a muck in. Ha
>>1912898You aight this time wikipedia jannies
>>1912898Wouldn't mind this turning into a bitch fight between tctcord tismos and wiki tismos.
>>1912898That is fucking funny, not even the simps 'le wholsem libural Rockefeller' is gonna work lol
>>1912746>OpenTCT makes a groveling apology about this mod on RedditThat’s fucking pathetic
>>1913185It's because they didn't have permission to host it, not because of the mod itself you fucking retard
>>1913185I think the problem was that the mod was put on there without the mod maker's permission
permission is a spook.
>>1913190>>1913191Fucking pathetic
I don't get why permission is a big deal, especially for mods with their codes publicly available. I can see the argument for not putting up leaked or unfinished codes that the creators don't want out there at all, but theres no real difference in having the codes up on a reddit post and having the codes be hosted by a site. The latter is just way more convenient to the average person. Regardless, trying to adhere to the permission thing is going to strangle opentct. It looks like Identity War isn't going to be on the loader because of this, and thats probably the most famous banned mod that a lot of people would be interested in playing. It would attract some serious publicity and make the whole project a bit more notable.
>>1913325Yeah, I feel like going up to people who pop in every three months and going "Hi, can I put your mod on my free speech TCT fork?" is a dead end.Having stuff like 1930 Weimar and Identity War on there would help give people a reason to use it.
>>1913325Not personally attached to whatever modmakers think but it's kind of the big thing about 1930Weimar that it's not on any of the loaders not because it's a no-no mod but rather the guy behind it didn't want to "normalize nazis" or something to that effect.
>>1913457The mod is made. The mod is out there. Normalize nazis my ass. It’s a fucking niche political web browser game.The terminally online redditors have already written off the loader and everyone associated with it as homophobic bigot chubs fascists and there’s exactly zero chance of having any sort of conversation with them
>>1913457it was because they were worried about getting the site blocked in Germany
>>1912197Still the best site on the internet, no matter how shit it gets
>>1912256>Republicans win Minnesota, lose IowaGross
>>1912246didn't he get banned for telling people to kill themselves
Wow, considering what the modding community is like, I never thought I'd see a Campaign Trail thread on here. I guess autism truly knows no bounds. Anyway, where can I find OpenTCT? I wanna see if there's any interesting mods on there that got ignored on the other sites.
>>1913996it was linked earlier itt my dude
>>1913998thank for botnet
>>1912746What's the song in this?
>>1914734Mack the Knife, Lotte Lenya version
>>19123464chan's never ending cultural enrichment.
Every new teaser for TTNW kills my hype just a little bit more. I mean, when you say that Agnew vs RFK is going to be a show, I expect something a little more interesting than Agnew going "RFK bad" and RFK having four barely different flavors of "this guy is freaking nuts" to respond with.
agnew is freaking nuts !
What the mods that you feel can't win?
>>1917582draft lodgethe 1904 one (can't be beat on normal mode)1972 (with mcgovern)1964 the eighth crisis1872 (as greeley)and a couple others
Hey /vst/!Try going on the TCT Discord and type "OpenTCT".They're so desperate lmfao
>>1917970How desperate from 1 to a Nixon?
>>1917974In fairness I'm not saying that OpenTCT is an active and horrifying threat that will take down mainTCT but the fact they don't even let you call OpenTCT evil in the main server feels like some pretty draconian censorship.I just realized my initial statement didn't quite explain what's happening -- you're basically unable to say the words "OpenTCT", "Open TCT" and I think even "ChudTCT" is blocked too.
The Wallacemod is quite good.
What's with content named W. and them portraying Bush in a sympathetic light?
What would the differences between a Carter second term and Reagan first term?
For seven months now, Sleepy Joe Biden has barely left the basement of his house. That ends now, and I'm pretty confident the American people won't like what they see from him.
>>1918767What is this from?
Hey friendsJust a reminder that /r/thecampaigntrail removed a post showing that it's possible to do more than 4 answers per question exclusively because OpenTCT did it, even though it's a good thing for everyoneThat's all :)
>>1918931How did you manage to allow six questions?
>>1918938It's very, very, very simple but required engine changes that I haven't figured out how to make customizable from code 1/2 yetI won't say it here because CTS and Astro will likely steal it as is, let alone if I just hand it over on a silver platter like this, but it was very easyFor all I care, mainline TCT can eat shit after removing the post instead of asking me how I did it, which I would've gladly said how
>>1917582I've won the primary twice in Fire on the Prairie, but never the actual election.
>>1918931Actually expanding gameplay features? That's solid, dude.
>>1918931>actively expanding on what the game can doShit, that's actually really good; you can put more content into less questions then, plus six answers can expand how much CYOA you can set up. Look forward to see what else you can do with it.
Which scenarios that you a while to get a landslide? Also what would have happened if pic related happens, it's 1976 Regan beats Ford in the primaries.
Hi, I just want to confirm it's more insane than that. We added a parameter e.max_answers you can customize. You can have 500 answers to a question for all we care, it's easy as setting one parameter in code 2. Looking towards adding a scroll bar if it gets too long in a future update. loads like shit for me for whatever reason, the other OpenTCT mirror works fine.
>>1919744They're both hosted in the Americas so idk why you're having this issue. One uses Cloudflare's CDN and the other uses Github's so I guess it depends on traffic
Say "I'm 4chan and I feel the luvv."
>>1920266I'm 4chan and I feel the luvv.
>>1920266Astro should give the reddit, discord, and website to luvv.
>>1917609>1872 (as greeley)i forget how but you can definitely pull this off
>>1920341You have to pick Sumner as VP instead of Brown.>>1917609You can also win The Eighth Crisis. Draft Lodge can't be won on Normal mode, you have to choose Competitive difficulty, that'd let you win with at least Taft. The other two can't be won on Normal.
>>1911117His xitter account is nothing but posting about Trump, of course he is.
>>1920266my name is 4chan and I feel the luvv
>>1920266return to your cesspit you pavement ape
>>1910439W. bump
I really enjoyed Angola 1992 it's simple but very nicely put together
Tom here. Checking out these new modmen for Christmas. Interested in "Open TCT" - what is this?
It's apparently a more open community for TCT without as much toxicity or censorship
>>1921881Its for gay niggers, you would love it
>>1921881>Tom hereProofs?
>>1921881Fake post. Tom double spaced his full-stops and also doesn't want to come back to the community because it was terrible for his mental health. The real question is if this post was made by a discord falseflagger or not.
>>1922062Aryan autist uncovers random larper as a faker
what do you all think of the 2008 Clark mod that got announced yesterday? it looks pretty good from the screenshots in the post
>>1922330It looks great so far
>>1922330Literally who? First time I hear about this guy. What makes him different from other democrats from that era?
Jesus Christ they've gone all in on censorship
>>1922370used to be a Republican and is very hawkish. he's also an opponent in W.
>>1922375Jannies gotta janny. Reddit isn't exactly known for tolerance of different viewpoints
thanks obama
>>1922467What's was the offense?
>>1922475Posting on 4chan, probably. Not a big fan of all these redditors dragging their drama in, but admittedly it can get very funny at times.
>>1922475Cited reason is "ban evasion".It's because of my Dick Cheney account which I exclusively used to give an air of mystery to Vice. Before I created that account I had zero warnings or poor standing with the moderators, but it got banned because of the AIDS comment so now they banned my main for "ban evasion"???
>>1922547That's retarded.
>The chrischan 2012 creator is the same guy that made the Vance seethe modAn interesting piece of tct history, and a microcosm of the tct community's faggy transformation.
>>1922660When did guys like Mango come into the picture? The reddit and discord were probably the vectors that caused the transformation but I'm curious when his ilk got in.
>>1922679I think it was when they made 1972d
Is there any scenarios/mods that you wish existed?
>>1922660Someone should make a mashup of the two mods. Elegy of the High Functioning Autistic Male, in which Chris-chan runs for the Virgina senate while being controlled from the shadows by Sonichu.
>>1918815I think it's just the Dan Bryan 2020 scenario
Have you guys played 1932: Happy Days Are Here Again! yet?
>>1923801Played the Hoover side, it was meh. Astro's attempts at CYOA remain confused and underwhelming.
>>1923967Did you beat it yet?
>>1923971Yeah, I squeaked by against one of the alt-opponents.
>>1923973Which opponents did you face off? Also how would you make it better?
>>1923967Astro is the only coder that produces reliably good CYOA
>>1923983Jesus dude if you want discussion in this thread post something actually interesting. You always post these low effort questions in the hopes that someone will do the work for you. If you're the best bumper this thread has to offer then it should just die already.
>>1924076>low effort questionsHey that's like your opinion.
>>1923967I thought 1924 did it really well.
>>1924055Astro is also a really annoying troon doe
Reminder that Carter pass away.>>1924076Fuck off just fuck off.
>>1912103I feel like the drip-by-drip weekly teaser thing is going too far.A TCT game is only a few minutes long, at this rate there's going to be nothing left to show off by the time it actually comes out.
>>1924669Lol autismo
>>1924678In a way I'm thankful for it. The candidate teasers have been so damn bland that I've stopped caring about TTNW for the most part.
>>1924669ESL and autistic? You really are the total package lmao
>>1924076dis nigga jus chillin n u bein mean wtf
>>1923967Their CYOA makes sense once you get the hang of it. I do think that 1924 and The End of History would benefit from some sort of meter to track the different values similar to 2021 Germany.
>>1923801Feel it's has pro FDR bias.
>>1923801I wish these mods would have path guides and tell you the available options.
>>1927528Do you want the guides from the start or after completing it?
>>1912182it's a shame because it's actually a very interesting scenario, and there isn't any way to play it except through the meme path
>>1927488This is like complaining 1988 has a pro-Bush bias.
>>1928661The explained to me why both Newton and Owen wouldn't been good presidents.
>>1910439If you guys could make a mod what would it be about and why? I'll start with 76 Reagan vs Brown cause there yet to be an election where all the candidates are from the same home state.
>>1927542From the get-go, frankly.
Vice teaser
>>19288722012 Ron Paul vs Obama
>>19288722024 Trump vs Kamala historical Cause I wanna go on Adin Ross's stream and cause the end of tranny idealogy in America
>>1931210Whose the President?
>>1931408Obama, I want to run against him
>>1931210It should be a win for Paul if Obama doesn't win 50 states
>>1931433Doesn't Obamanation do that?>>1931488How?
>>1931516I don't want to play as obamaI want to beat him, especially after his humiliation in the 2024 election
Why people having buyers remorse for Carter?
>>1928669because they're retarded
>>1931844Do you have evidence?
>>19288721976 Ronald Reagan (G.O.P.) vs George Wallace (D) vs Vice President Tom McCall (I).
>>19288722024 Obama vs Trump
Every candidate reveal for TTNW has been so ass. I can't believe they managed to make Goldwater's political resurrection boring. The only toozer that was even slightly interesting was Lindsay's, and even then that was just the subpath where RFK gets too close to the south. That was the only one where they showed an interesting scenario. Every other toozer is just "This guy is like really strong, RFK goes fuck and shit when he sees him, btw the FBI is a thing remember that RFK can use the FBI get it he does bad stuff too".
>>1933023The FBI thing just sounds so useless. Like they give you a free win button.
>>1933023I don't get why they even made two separate paths for Lindsay. Dixie RFK has so much more narrative weight behind it than the standard Lindsay path they showed. Honestly the two routes aren't even comparable. In one route, Bobby Kennedy has compromised his ideals and faces a sobering reflection of the man he used to be. In the other route, Lindsay is just a lame Kennedy copycat that nobody likes. How the hell would Lindsay even get the GOP nomination if RFK doesn't mend fences with the south? It seems like Lindsay getting the nom should be in reaction towards a conservative pivot by Bobby, otherwise the republicans should still be the party heading in a conservative direction.
>>1933137>How the hell would Lindsay even get the GOP nomination if RFK doesn't mend fences with the south? It seems like Lindsay getting the nom should be in reaction towards a conservative pivot by Bobby, otherwise the republicans should still be the party heading in a conservative direction.RFK mends fences with the south in both Lindsay routes going off of the narration, it's merely a question of how well the fences are mended. In the less mended route, the implication from the writing is that Lindsay only becomes the nominee because the party is offering him as a sacrificial lamb. RFK's term has been such a runaway success that all the usual suspects have opted out of running, discouraged by his apparent invincibility, leaving RFK-lite as the last man standing
>>1933214Still seems far-fetched, if RFK doesn't alienate his own base then there should be no impetus for the GOP to nominate a guy as liberal as Lindsay. Hes just too far outside of Republican orthodoxy. Reagan would make far more sense as a sacrificial lamb. Hes a person that would absolutely run against RFK even if theres little chance of victory, and his politics (far right as they may be) are far more palatable to the Republican base than Lindsay's democrat-lite liberalism.But really, even if it did make total sense, having two routes for Lindsay would still strike me as pointless. The way they set it up you get one route where Lindsay flips the race on its head in an unexpected way, and one route where hes a lame flop. I don't see the point in keeping around the lame flop route, it just diffuses the narrative weight of Dixie lover RFK.
>>1933220>having two routes for Lindsay would still strike me as pointlessI mean technically the FBI mechanic itself presents two routes for each candidate, except possibly Rockefeller. Percy, Agnew and Goldwater all have unique questions where they can get fucked over by the FBI, but without that benefit they can all present competitive matchups for RFK.
>>1933214The Doylist answer is that a handful of the dev team enjoys John Lindsay as a historical character and they wanted to add them in. it's just that simple.
>>1933257If anything the FBI makes Lindsay's flop path even more pointless. If theres already an entire mechanic dedicated to making your opponents weaker, whats the point of Lindsay having a separate (weaker) path from the start? You could have just had Lindsay's stronger path be his only one, and then let the FBI be used later to weaken him. That would have preserved the narrative twist that Lindsay vs Dixie Bobby provides while still allowing the player to weaken a strong opponent.>>1933383I mean yeah obviously, but adding stuff just to add it sucks. Its a problem that W+ had in spades.
>>1933137>It seems like Lindsay getting the nom should be in reaction towards a conservative pivot by Bobby, otherwise the republicans should still be the party heading in a conservative direction.IIRC American Carnage was very similar in this regard. Where you usually end up with the candidate who's diametrically opposed to Trump based on your decisions. Except when you run a populist administration, which gives you Bernie Sanders.
>>1933525When I'm playing W+ and they bring out my favorite senator GARY HART!!
You know what's the worst part of Obamanation being a dogshit flop? The dev fucked off and didn't finish the Gingrich side for Mouths of the South.
>>1934568The dev had said for months prior to Obamanation’s release that it was going to be his final project. He was fucking off regardless of the reception
>>1934681Yeah? Well he's a fag then.
>>1934568>You know what's the worst part of Obamanation being a dogshit flopReddit bitching and moaning not because of the mechanics, but rather because they think it was too mean to the hecking first black president
>>1928872Either tried to become President of Congress under the articles of confederation that got amended or play as a candidate to get crowned as king in America that chosen monarchial system of governess.
>>1910439is the only way to block the election in 1860 is to go all in on new york and do the fusion tickets?I played the scenario 20 times and only got new york once by 500 votes.
>>1936621Yeah, that's the only way. The anti-Lincoln vote was split, so unless you do what Douglas didn't and agree to the fusion tickets your basically screwedThat said, the 1860 mod is REALLY outdated, as there was a lot more shit that happened during it and a lot more stuff was suggested that the fusion tickets by the anti-Lincoln vote too. Same with the 1968 election, they could really use expanding on.
>>19368831860 isn't a mod.It's one of the original scenarios by Dan Bryan. Hell, we probably should stop using the word 'mod' to refer to the scenarios which aren't on AmericanHistoryUSA.They used to be mods back before NCT and CTC were made, now they are just scenarios or levels even.
>>1936975Come on mate, why not call them 'campaigns'? It's literally in the name.
>>1936981Oh, yeah that is much, much more logical
>>19288721932 John Nance Garner vs Floyd B. Olson vs Hubert Hoover
I really liked 2012 Shattered
>>1939202All The Way looks promising as well
Vice is out!
>>1940021Hell yeah, this mod is awesome.Great new tech, I love the 'threat' bar and the option which you can see but not always take is also great.I beat Obama while fighting like 7 wars, including one with China. Which is ridiculous - I love it.Is there a way to bomb so hard Paul becomes the nominee?With mods like these I always like some guide to more easily see the varied options.
>>19288722028 Bernie Sanders vs Tulsi Gabbard vs J.D Vance.
>>1940021Fun mod. Gave it a shot and got the Assad ending.
>>1940152>2028 Bernie SandersHe will be 86, or 87. Tad old to play politics.
>>1940021I am once again asking you to check your website, it doesn't work correctly from Europe.
>>1940364im from Europe and it works fine for me
Hey, it's one of the devs from OpenTCT. Just here to tell you that 1948IW's images and music have been fixed. We found someone who made a hotfix for IW and with his permission put it in. Enjoy!
>>1940387A pleasant surprise but goddamn is it a welcome one. Great work guys!
>>1940293Forgetting about the 47th President are we?
>>1940542If you ask me, both Joe and Donny should have retired by now. But even so, they were not going to reach NINETY while in office, unlike Bernie 2028. We are reaching the levels of gerontocracy that would make a Spartan blush.
I dunno if I'm retarded or what but how the FUCK do I get opponents other than Obama?!
>>1940744missing how to against both powell and Kucinichwhich I stumbled into
>>1940744ok this is a super big help, thanks for the info
fucked up electoral map
>>1940748I think that always happens with Kucinch
>>1940744How do I fully win in Iran?
How do I get Mefo bills achievement?
>>1940824Basra to Ahvaz, OPLAN 8044, get out of here>>1940936Iraq is a sovereign nation, Assad must go, defend Taiwan, France thinks too much, blame Europe, tariffs
Would the US been better off if Carter won the 1980 election?
>>1940744I did all this and didn't get John Edwards
>>1924055His writing is so stilted and wooden I just dont know how to describe it
>>1911679where to find leaked mod?
>>1941657Someone posted the codes a few threads ago but it got taken down on pastebin. Dunno if anyone still has them
>>1941680any clue where the archives are? they're not on archived moe since vst doesnt have search enabled
>>1941682>archived moeThat place is drowning in pop ups lol, how have you not come across b4k by now? This is thread you're looking for, like I said, the codes have been taken down
>>1941650I think John Edwards shows up if you come out as anti-NATO. I may be misremembering but I believe that in my last run where I told France to fuck off he became my opponent.
How do I export my mod from OSEG?
it's that easy, bros
>>1940293Do you have any proof?
>>19288721976 McGovern (D) vs President Rockefeller (G.O.P.) vs George Wallace.
>>1942578all chips cashed
>>1942803That Sanders is pushing ninety? Sure
>>1943063Pretty sure that no-one cares about age.
>>1943147Pretty sure that you are wrong.
>>1943171Again provide evidence.
WTF is that Cheney 2020 mod
Apparently they deleted all the posts on the reddit about Vice lol.
>>1943728But why though?
>>1943728How long until all discussion of ChudTCT mods are banned
I did my part and I supported luvv4kevv to bring the place crashing down upon itself but mods were anti-democracy, what can you do
>>1943728Wow.They are insecure as hell.Should we create a new subreddit?
>>1943728Is this based on a movie and if so was it any good?
>>19288721976 Republican Primary where Ford was assassinated by Squeaky.
>>1943171Okay then who should replace Bernie?
>>1941656like, how do you make Trump dying in Butler boring
>>1944329/r/opentct exists
>>1944705>2024 is getting not one but TWO leftist modslollmao even
>>1940021fuck powell fuck powell fuck powell
>>1945157Would Powell even been a good president?
>>1944932Three actually if you count Biden 92
>>1945219What's the appeal of this mod?
>>1928872TCT Trail: Astro/Mango vs Ragy/Namina
>>1945258Who are they?
>>1945265Have you been hiding under a rock this whole time, you ignorant faggot?
>>1910439This is the best I could do so far in identity war with Strom, cheat slider is at 100, all visits to Colorado.Is there a way to outright win as Thurmond?It looks impossible even with cheats.
>>1945351There is a way to outright win as Thurmond. You have to choose Byrd as your running mate (he's deliberately overpowered anyway so you'd be insane not to), and then on Q32 you have to choose the "judge me not by the actions of my past" answer. It hurts you in the South but it gives you an enormous boost in Pennsylvania, enough to make it a competitive state.
>>1945363I've done an all Pennsylvania focus game and have never come close enoughI already picked bird and acknowledged my black daughter and it still was not enough, by about 5%
>>1945553This wasn't even with the cheat slider at 100 like in your playthrough, this was from my playthrough on Cakewalk with a multiplier of just 1.25. See that solid blue PA? My dude you are doing something wrong.
>>1945560Should add this is NOT with an optimal strat (I once one both Cali and PA lol), this is just a proof that winning PA isn't impossible.
>>1945560I must be
>>1945157How do you win against Kucinich?
>>1945777It doesn't work consistently, but I've won doing this a couple of times. Visit Arkansas and New Jersey twice, and use the rest on Kentucky.
>>1946708Hell yeah, I got this first try with this strategy .Thanks, anon.
>>1946708I didn't do the vists like you didwon by the skin of my teeth
TTNW has a Republican side and every opponent on it will be playable
>>1945157wtf is this goofy ahh map
>>19288721992 George H.W. Bush vs Vice President Albert Gore Jr. vs Ross Perot.
>>1940744this is slightly inaccurate.To get Edwards, you don't need specifically Jeb! or Giuliani, or just need to not to qualify for Jane Fonda's conditions.
>>1946708A correction, for question 14, do not pick 'middle america' you really should pick 'minnesota'You see, picking the middle america answer buffs the third party, so in this case it buffs Powel significantly.
>>1947100lost Delaware by 1.7%
How do I bury buttinigger in American Carnage?
>The RFK Mod? I shan't be playing.
>>1948232It insists upon itself
>>1948232You know what I shan't be playing? Fucking demos. Finish your shit before publishing it.
>>1948310>Astro still hasn’t finished 1912 five months after releasing Wilson’s side
>>1948349Was that one of TNO guys? Because that sounds like TNO schedule alright
Even managed to flip California, but I feel like a part of me betrayed true Cheneyian values by only invading Iran, Sudan, and Venezuela and failed to vaporize Assad
>>1948354Not TNO but he’s adjacent to those people
I've probably played most of the scenarios but have never coded one before. Is it simple to take the code from an existing mod and edit text and values? I want to slap together a short parody mod as a test run for making a sincere idea.
Probably the funniest possible endingWon Iowa by 0.1 and Michigan by 0.2Lost PV by 14 million votesThe seethe would be immense
>>1950000Mass suicide guaranteed.
Some of these open campaign trail mods are getting unhinged
>>1950820Am I supposed to hate this? sounds kino desu
>>1950820My favorite mod is the William Jennings bryan 2008 one.Just imagining a man walking down from heaven on national TV to run in a presidential election is both crazy and hilarious.
>>1950820That sounds extremely kino wtf.
>>1950820K I N OINO
>>1950849>Am I supposed to hate this?i never said unhinged is a bad thing
>>1951395My bad for incorrectly assuming, then.
>>1950820Gay nazis are kino, but I also love the idea of the POD, and how it could be expanded upon. I can totally envision future mods focusing on all these weirdo local races and how they gradually shift American politics, maybe eventually culminating in a mod focusing on a presidential election where you play as a surprisingly strong weirdo third party.
>>1948349At the very least he made two or three other mods in the interim.
I wonder if they're still making this
>>1951996For Want of a Nail shit is always cool to see.
Why are people fixated on George Wallace, Nelson Rockefeller, Jerry Brown, and George Romney?
Where the FUCK is 2024?It's almost march.
>>19585882024 never ever
>>1958588they really don't want to review the reasons why they lost
>>1959689ngl I have zero faith in reddit's ability to write a 2024 election mod that isn't a straight up character assassination of Trump.
>>1958588They all planned for the 2024 mods to be a victory lap, and then they lost.
>>1958588Well he just asked for potential writers to apply a few hours ago, so it looks like it may still be quite awhile yet lol
>>1910439I fucking hate the mods that give you 0.003 for selecting an answer when playing as a historical loser, while giving the historical winner 0.01 against me.What the fuck is even the point of creating a mod where I can't change or even improve upon the historical outcome.
What are your thoughts on The Community Trail scenarios?
>>1964630>another splinter sitewhen did this happen
>>1964630It's dogshit and as long as CTS and OpenTCT exist I have no intention of using it.
>>1964630I don't say this often but I could've made something better than this shlock
>>1964630It literally only exists for phonefags too lazy to play it on a computer
>>1964696unfortunately everyone has abandoned OpenTCT after the owner had a schizo breakdown
I think the FNAF one has an interesting concept but did the dev really expect you to play it with the benefit checker?
>>1966082The whole opentct thing shows how unsalvageable the tct community is. Making an alternative to the main community is impossible because the entirecommunity is filled to the brim with spergs. Any attempt at an offshoot will either end up like opentct where the discord king is a total retard or it will just become a repeat of the main community except smaller.
Genuinely baffled that there are people that like Sundance. Literally what is there to like? It has to be the most boring mod on the loader. Dan Bryan scenarios are more interesting.
Were Carter, Mondale, and McGovern really bad campaigners?
>>1966307Carter wasnt, he was the wrong man at the wrong time. even his infamous speech was actually quite well received at the time. Mondale was a retard
Quick reminder "I WILL FOLLOW HIM" is still in the works.
>>1966820this looks like shit, who cares about these stupid fucking fags
>>1966820looks kino
Cold Famine isn't really bad, but it's rather bland. That Florida Fallout mod executes small scale crisis scenario much better.>>1964730Hey, that's me!
>>1966860I feel like Cold Famine suffers for only being 17 questions long and not even devoting 1/3 of them to the titular crisis. It's a good concept tho.
How much of Carter's presidency is based on incompetency and how much of it was just bad luck>>1966603Forgetting about play boy are we?
Which scenarios that you convince that win you have pick a certain running mate.1976 Reagan primaries FordAs Reagan choose James BuckleyAs Carter choose Walter Mondale
>>1967838>Which scenarios that you convince that win you have pick a certain running mate.Holy shit this is legitimately one of the worst constructed sentences I've ever seen on /vst/. Kindly fuck off back to remedial English class.
>>1967838ESL king
>>1967004I liked the arc with the childhood friend who won't stop stealing from everyone
>>1967890>tfw duty and societal pressure drives you to execute your childhood friend as punishment for his crimes>tfw you try to comfort his grieving family but it feels insincere and hollow>tfw you never really forgive yourself for it and you name your son after him out of guilt
>>1967854Its hilarious that out of all the threads on /vst/ the barely functioning esl chooses to haunt the one for an english text game about american elections. How does this guy even play the game? Does he throw every question and answer into google translate? Its all so peculiar.
>>1967493I have to say, I have absolutely no interest in the LBJ mod. Shattered was alright, but American Carnage was absolute trash. Not looking forward to this guy's next cyoa abomination
The "dark Scholz" joke path from Germany2021 is in my opinion one of the funniest cases of a mod acknowledging self-sabotage playthroughs. Keep choosing unnecessarily angry-sounding answers and Scholz just loses his shit during the debate, blowing your whole campaign to smithereens.
>>1910439My favorite campaign Idea is 2008 Cheney vs Edwards. Bush can die earlier to Cheney a little bump, and Edward's affair gets exposed to better level the playing field.It's a great bad vs bad campaign, you can even throw in Ron Paul as a powerful 3rd party candidate.
>>1967239>How much of Carter's presidency is based on incompetency and how much of it was just bad luckWay more of the former. Most of what people retroactively complain about Reagan doing began under his term. Volcker being nominated by him and kept by Reagan is an obvious example of this. Carter wasn't the only one responsible for things turning out the way they did. Still, he didn't have the political will to improve the state of the economy or make any tangible improvements that voters could identify with. Those solar panels weren't going on any rooftops beyond The White House. Carter having the hubris to run for a second term in lieu of giving Ted Kennedy a shot was his final coup de grace. As an aside, Brzezinski was just as much of a psycho as Kissinger but doesn't get talked about nearly as much.
>>1970376>giving Ted Kennedy a shotThat drunk fuckup couldn't even tell Roger Mudd WHY he wanted to be president. He didn't deserve a damn thing
>>1970426Never understood the fixation on Ted Kennedy.
When are we getting a PWH-style Biden mod?
>>1974155Astro's 2024 is set to be something like that. Candidates will all be playable.No set release date, but he says development is going smoothly.
>>1974155You mean like with a bunch of opponents? I saw a concept chart posted a few months ago on the reddit with branched out opponents like Glenn Youngkin and different third party opponents like Gabbard and Manchin, but it just got a bunch of seethe about realism
>>1974656Looks interesting, but what do those other buttons do?
>>1974855State of the Union tracks your opponents, and Campaign Data is a variable tracker.
>only follow freaks who truly enjoy this shit. Because I do not run simulations of fictional elections for fun unfortunately