DOW is so kino I love playing UnificationRecommend your favorite RTS Games surrounding base building belowI like Rusted Warfare, DOW, and the SupCom series.Anyone else love the RTS genre even though they suck/ are too dumb to properly play? I just like turtling and then sending a wave of strong units lol. I usually just play campaigns.Hope they remaster DOW or something I didnt like DOW2 because no base building and DOW3 doesn't look great and i havent heard great things either. What do you think?Feel free to mention other genre of RTS as well. Preferably not grand strategy FOCUSED>900 second captcha every time i want to postCOAL
Pic related needs to be more popular. It's so good
I have played dow crucible today, but coh 2 did some damage to my brain and now I think the infantry game in dow is shit.Also play Advanced Powers mod, it makes the game playable.
The whole reason I don't like RTSs is because the bases you build only last until that particular match is over, 30 minutes or whatever, there's no continuity, nothing you build matters outside of the immediate future (the whole point of "strategy"), it's kind of boring.
>>1933871you're autistic
>>1933871Colony sim games let you build a base and also micro an army against threats.
>>1933871Dark Crusade saves your bases for if you get attacked in that province in the future.
>>1933919Dark Crusade really was lost technology. We didn't know how good we had it.
>>1933871There's been a few RTSes with persistent bases like Earth 2150 or Warzone 2100, but it's always been a shallow gimmick that doesn't do much good. In any case the best thing about RTS is indeed building new bases from scratch to deal with specific objectives the way you like.I'd say you have a good reason to dislike the genre.
I don't know where else to put this. If you haven't downloaded DoW: Redux, I cannot stress how important it is you do so now. This is the mod that I had been waiting for years. 1d4 (now 1d6) never properly updated its DoW recommended mods, so there's still outdated information on it mixed in with pointless e-drama.If you loved Purgation/Firestorm, then you will love Redux. It is everything Firestorm was building up to before it died unexpectedly. At no point do any of my losses feel like total bullshit. I can see where I made mistakes and accept the loss. This is better than DoWPro and Calamity. Unless you're going for Unification/Titanium, this is it.Also the Riptide model is bitchin'.