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What's the consensus on the game? It's been out a bit now and is only $10 on Steam at the moment. I loved Civ IV. Never got into Crusader Kings though and I hear the game is partly Civ + Crusader Kings
>What's the consensus on the game?
That you should stop making the exact same thread asking the same fucking questions every month, you cunt. You clearly don't care about answers, so simply just buy an ad
>inb4 this is the ad I bought
Then drink bleach and die
Is good if you like CK and civ.
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its fine but nothing special, have plenty of customizable options and some interesting ideas
but i didn't like it enough to keep playing
It has a lot of good ideas.
It also has a lot of bad ideas.
The different ideas it tries don't always work together too well in practice.
It's worth buying if it's on sale. Right now it's about $10 on Steam which it is definitely worth.
Maybe a DLC or 2 if you like the particular DLC's subject matter.
There's a DLC for people who like Ancient Greece (and the Hittites for some reason).
There's a DLC for people who like the religion mechanic.
There's a DLC for people who like Ancient Egypt (and Ancient Kush which at least makes some sense)
There's a DLC for people who really like Wonders (and half-baked leader bonuses)
There's a DLC for people who like the Crusader Kings style character/politics management side of the game and want more of that (and letting the game play itself with the Grand Vizier mechanic)
The combat system is really counter-intuitive and kind of ass until you get the hang of it at which point it's still kind of ass but not as frustrating
The tone can't decide between historical, highly embellished historical, Hollywood trying to be historical, or just straight up fantastic with a vaguely historical aesthetic.
Parts of the tech tree and unit upgrade paths feels really generic, arbitrary, and ambiguously defined. Also some of it was basically copy pasted from CIV IV with small changes (I'm looking at you Warrior-becomes-Axeman-becomes-Maceman-becomes-Swordsman they literally just swapped Maceman and Swordsman it is otherwise the same upgrade path from CIV IV yes it's the same lead designer but still. And that's not really how infantry developed during Late Antiquity but I get that there really isn't a good standard development path that most cultures of this place and time period took regarding infantry so it was always going to be rather arbitrary and whoa this is turning into a rant)

Overall, it's a mix of good and bad that you may or may not like depending on your preferences and tolerance for highly variable historicity.
it has by far the best AI in any 4x game that can play competently without cheats. that alone makes it standout. it also doesn't really have any blatantly superfluous mechanics that plague other 4x games (won't even talk about pdox, but stuff like religion, tourism or global warming in civ6).it's also great from technical standpoint, good UI, amazing start game customization (i think it's the only game where i couldn't find any setting i might miss. it has everything you'd want).
the obvious downside compared to other games is that the focus is entirely on classical period. if you're fine with the more condensed setting, to me it absolutely blows everything else out of the water. i can't overstate how great it is to have a game where the AI is good and you're not playing against braindead opponents that only rely on resource boosts and nothing else.
but as always, just pirate and see for yourself.
The AI is definitely better than the AI in Civ VI, but I think you might be overselling it a bit. It has basic competence at best, though given the state of 4x game AI that's probably about as good as it gets at the moment. It still gets bonus resources (especially Orders) and it's "skill" in combat is mostly because it takes human players a while to learn the combat system's counterintuitive set up (hint: don't keep your army on your border, keep them one turn of movement away from where you think the enemy will be if they choose to invade). Once players learn how combat actually works the AI's sub-optimal decision making becomes more apparent. The AI also doesn't seem to actually simulate character management and barely simulates domestic politics so it isn't quite playing the same game as you. Kind of like CIV in a way. Or Total War.
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thank you anon. I did purchase it just haven't played it. I am one of those dorks that must watch countless videos and read the manual before even booting up the game. (same type of guy that reads the manual for his new vacuum, or his new car...)

I am curious and interested about this Grand Vizier mechanic. I do enjoy elements of games that play themselves out. Distant Worlds. Out of the Park Baseball (a baseball sim).

on a separate topic what 4x /vst/ style games have very good AI? I have found the MoO1 remake called Remnants of the Precursors pretty good. but again that game is much simpler and so I suspect easier to program good AI.
>I am one of those dorks that must watch countless videos and read the manual before even booting up the game
Really not necessary with Old World in my experience, the new player contextual tips coupled with great integration of nested tooltip system make it very natural to learn in-game as you play.
>on a separate topic what 4x /vst/ style games have very good AI?
It's not a standard 4x and I still haven't gotten around to trying it, but a lot of people say AI War
I found it incredibly boring and formulaic.
No matter the map/game setting and faction/leader I played all games felt the same.
It's also very disjointed feeling.
I prefer Millenia, even Humankind over it.
>It's a DLC platform
HARD pass
Why the fuck does this game still have performance issues, I don't care if you think I'm a poorfag for running it on a 1050Ti, the memory leaks are from the UI OVERLAYS! Inexcusable!
It doesn't, upgrade your computer, thirdie.
learn to code poojet
game was made by whites rajesh, try again once you get a graphics card from this decade.
>game was made by whites
whats next are you going to tell me, that Saarifield was made by Todd himself?
bot broke
people complained about it being unoptimized since its release, you really must be shit eating jeet/marketer to defend this civ5 looking slop.
works on my machine ranjeet
Keep projecting shitskin, i will not buy your game
you already bought it, since you complained about your machine's inability to run it. Please go away until you purchase a modern gaming PC rajnet.
Not only game has demo i would never pay for a shitty clone of mediocre civilization game. Should update your script Kumar.
>discord troon lingo
>fanatically defends incompetence
kek, was obvious from the start im talking to mentally ill faggot.
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Don't you have something better to do with your time little gupta? You'll never get an H1B if you don't study!
>gets BTFO so hard he copies my insult
i accept you concession
I accept your consneedsion.
>$10 on steam

It was in a humble bundle which means you can get a key for less than $2 now.
>browns calling each other brown
"Works on my machine" kind of solution, but it got more stable for me when I updated my BIOS for whatever reason.
I picked the game up cause it was on sale and ive been looking at it for a while. Between the government stuff or science, faith etc. which is the best to focus early buildings and stuff into?
Science is always good, and you will need lots of civics. You don't get courts/libraries until midgame, so early you usually just want to get a stable stone income because all wonders and tons of other things need stone. You only need enough food to not be negative really and then either wood or metal depending if you want to mass archers or melee.
yeah this game performance is all over the place devs had no idea what they are doing. Before the game was running flawless for me while everyone complained about perfomance. They updated and now the game runs like shit. There's 0 reason for this game to have such a shitty performance other than devs have no idea what they are doing.
My biggest complaint about the combat is the movement on and off water. It makes it hard to setup a choke point or play defensively around the coast if they can just zoom around it.
I bought it on sale and dropped it after 5 hours. It feels very tedious and it was very hard to discern if you are progressing fast/slow or if you have made decisions that suit you more than others.

It's cool to have the rpg-like interactions between the characters in the game but I frequently forgot to use influence mechanics or check if my characters where happy because It was often not really clear why someone is unhappy without climbing through 4 tooltips. Worst of all, I had to move more units around than in any civilization during wartime which makes every round take unnecessary long and tedious. I liked the setting and the civs but playing roman vs playing persian did not feel any different.

THE WORST THING though is the lack of any useful AA. You can enable FXAA or TAA (or no AA), so you can have either eye cancer by trying to distinguish details of the environment from another or just look at a blurry mess like you forgot to wear your glasses. Just looking at the screen was painful.
The orders system is a neat idea for strategy till you have to burn over half of them just moving armies across your empire, i feel like orders shouldn't burn if military units move through friendly territory.
Eh I kind of prefer it to the classic civ requiring dedicated transports or nu-civ allowing units to magically swim. It gives you a good reason to build a navy to defend and shows the advantage of having one to give you more options in attack.

I find it leads to a different kind of strategic thinking. I usually have my army deployed around frontier cities so in the event war were declared there will be forces nearby which can stall until units from the other side can arrive. The game also gives you midgame/lategame options to produce or stockpile more orders.

I'm not gonna claim the AI is amazing but whatever they did to make it work with orders somehow makes it much more effective at combat than civ 5 and 6.
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There is new expansion coming up.
>new civilization, Aksum
>natural disasters
>Wrath of Gods scenario that has supernatural flavor
>new traits, projects and events
>Two new map scripts featuring unique game settings that transform the world as the years go on – from massive mountain ranges that become passable over time to islands that recede from coastlines, dynamic terrain introduces strategic considerations that unlock new opportunities and threats.
Endless Legend 2 already getting mogged before release
That sounds neat. One thing i would like is for them to do something somewhat like what Civ 7 is adding with those nation specific tech trees. Just something extra to make playing specific countries a little different.
wow if only they took the time to fix the game so we were not forced to play in "small" maps 4 players.
works on my machine
Nice to see the publisher don't just drop support because the game didn't score.
Is there any benefit from just sticking with the pagan religion and not really messing with the ones that spawn up.

I thought i remember reading that they set moderate expectations and they keep reaching them so content keeps coming.
If anything they might support it too actively, with constant biweekly patches, many of which are balance changes, I often find I have to rethink my entire strategy each time I come back to the game after a few months
Related to that, i wish the game had a pin system like you could in Civ 6. I like planning stuff ahead cause ill forget stuff between playing sometimes.
Oh dang i never knew that. Thanks for pointing that out.
You can utilize shrines in conversion and propagating your religion when you are a pagan, which can be useful if you just don't want to spend time and resources organized religion. It pretty much requires going with polytheism to get any value out of it.
I feel like even if you want to focus on an organized religion going polytheism is better just cause the shrines are one of the few unique things the civs have so its nice to get more use out of them.
we all know you are playing in small map too nigga.
Is the economy in this game kinda fucked or what? Far enough into the game you end up stockpiling so much shit that it becomes trivial to sell and buy large quantities of stuff and you only really struggle with mana points like civics.
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still the reigning champ now that we see that Civ VII is a shit show
up the difficulty, build more wonders.
It's got a demo. There's genuinely no point asking for other people's opinions or reading reviews when this is the case: just download it same try it out. I did, and it became pretty clear I wouldn't enjoy it
>Civ VII is a shit show
Aye, I wish Soren Johnson's vision of Civ still had sway of what the series looked like
I think this game occupies a terrible spot between classical 4X games like Civ and more character focused games such as crusader kings or total war. Every turn you got to interact with your characters who do not exist on the map and who don't do a lot of the game. It's like Civ IV but slower and much more tedious
Yeah I'm learning and getting a bit better at generating more mana, but I still think that goods and money become inconsequential too fast.
This game reminds me a bit of Seven Kingdoms, I like that you can succeed both as a murder hobo and as an insidious "pacifist" spying on everyone.
The character stuff is pretty set and forget mostly, I find myself spending way more time laying out my city improvements than I do on character interactions and events. Also no way it's slower than any civ game if you're talking about playing a game to completion
Missed the sale for it, based on everything I've read I'm buying it next sale.
Well a bunch of characters do exist on the map, like unit commanders and governors. But I understand your point. The extended noble families are annoying, but I think they are meant to be. Most games you will have one or two happy noble families and then the third seem to exist only to cause you grief. Which is kinda realistic. You just learn to minimize the damage those idiots can do. Kind of like a real government you can't control everybody and one moron in the wrong place and time can cause a disaster. Remember, if somebody is an absolute menace you can assassinate them.

The new DLC is March 3, base game will probably go on sale then.
I've still got Dune Wars and Fall from Heaven 2 to play while I wait for next month.
you can get it for 1$ on key sites
I want to be a good goy and support the devs (at a discount)
they dont get money from keysites?
no, they do not
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I had a crazy series of events as Rome where I invited the Babylonian king and queen to a celebration, bet one of my cities in a competition, lost the competition, then proceeded to assassinate the king and go to war with the Babylonians. In the meantime, a bunch of Scythian hordes began invading me and shortly after Carthage also declared war on me too. I was able to fight off the Scythian hordes by using spearmen and sticking to the forests to mitigate their ranged damage, hold off the Carthaginians as they tried to push two of my cities, and take out a Babylonian trireme with a couple of biremes. After taking out the trireme I was able to get a neutral peace treaty with the son of the king I murdered and have been able to focus my attention on the Carthaginians. In the meantime some beautiful latin chant is playing in the background while I have the camera panned to the bottom of the map so you get that mix of thunder with storm cloud visuals while I finally get a breather. What an amazing game.
New DLC just dropped, added natural disasters and Aksum.
Also the base game is on a -75% sale.
Why isn't this game popular?
Game is 4 years old now and not civ, fantasy, or a Paradox game.
First launch was on epic, so it got the usual stigma. It was never a AAA and it's a niche genre as is.
The Epic money saved the game, because original publisher Starbreeze almost killed itself with the Overkill's The Walking Dead fiasco and pulled the rug from under the games it was publishing.
Of course, it's not a bad thing, thanks for beta testing and all that. But it was one of the earlier epic exclusive games and people were salty/it didn't get publicity on steam.
>blatantly superfluous mechanics
What do you mean by this?
its a 1 era civ game with retarded events and pointless rpg relationship mechanics from paracocks games, what a wasted potential.

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