>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4Grim.https://www.paradoxinteractive.com/investors/financial-reports/interim-report-january-june-2024
Have they tried not being retardedMy illiterate farmer father that didn't even go to middle school has better business sense than these chimps
>>1808793>try to pozz up every franchise you acquire>no one wants to play any of the gameswow just like Disney lol
>>1808793weird they keep shitting out hundreds low effort dlcs tranny playerbase love so much, maybe should reduce useless diversity hires and bureaucracy leeches in their multiple divisions then they they would start making money.
Paradox Tinto will save them, at least in terms of actually good GSGssome of the other games they publish will profit, it's inevitable with how many projects they have going
>>1808793Where's the funny horse ck3 dlc with bipoc and farting content? That'll save the company
Eu5 will save them, nobody gives a fuck about Crusader Kings or Victoria. The Hoi4 fad ended and stellaris as a whole is a meme.
>>1808793fire all the pointless bloat of esg u dont need women or HR or commies or disabled.stop injecting globohomo into games and just lean into the far right power fantasies.add fun mechanic instead of black people.litearlly just rip off the popular mods that already exist.fix the core gameplay and engines.fire all the community managers and just let the forums be toxic.1 good idea between 100 racist post is better than 10 bad ideas between 100 circlejerking shitposts.respect the player more with cheaper dlc.the more u increase price the more pirates.
>>1808793>>1808802>waaaaaaah waaaaaaaah paradox is LE BAD!funny... and yet thougheverbeit no one else shant attempted thou action of generating their own god seed as evidence of thou argument....as they say...Jam a man of fortune, and J must seek my fortune...
dont reply to me you soulless tranny demonmy ancestors used to burn freaks like you alive
>>1808840>litearlly just rip off the popular mods that already existThis.
>>1808793profit dropped by 90% because of the write off retardthe original CEO is back, and is cleaning up the dumb bitches mess, Wester owns around 1/3rd of all PDX stock, he's got the biggest incentive out of anyone around to do a good job in the futurePDX also bottomed out recently, and is up by 17% in the last 30 days
Why don't they just make a GoT game?
>>1808793>Fire most staff>Outsource all work to 10 White Latinos (in South America)>Restart work on East vs WestProblem solved
>>1808887This, also Life by You was pozzed and had obviously completely mismanaged development. Axing it was the right move though they should have done it way earlier
>>1808893They will make a GSG based on GoT and hten people will be like>CK mod did it better>EU mod did it better>We never asked for this
>>1808793Good maybe they will learn to make a good product.
>>1808840>the more u increase price the more pirates.It's like a slider.... woah old paradox had it actually right after all...
>>1808816this is why you must keep your company private. Never sell shares. Raise capital only by loans instead of investment. Basically be like Valve before Steam corrupted them.
>>1808816Use that grey matter of yours anon, those are the only areas still making them money. The danger of this is they're looking at the low effort dlc slop they released being the only thing holding them up and thinking "yes we just need to nickel and dime harder"And the sad part is it probably won't even backfire.
>>1808962>Revenues in the quarter are mainly attributable to Age of Wonders 4, Crusader Kings III, Hearts of Iron IV, Stellaris and Victoria 3.It's genuinely crazy how everyone jumps on the hate train thinking their narratives have been justified when just a quick skim of the report proves the opposite. The thing they all hate paradox for is the one thing still keeping them afloat.
>>1808840I pirated Stellaris recently. I was considering buying it but the price of the game is 454 leafbux and there's no way I'm paying that much money for one video game so I pirated it instead.
>>1808973expecting functionally illiterate ESLs to read is genuinely crazy
>>1808793Because they are using all their money on EU5 and that will become the most successful game they have ever made.
>>1808793>>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4I feel like no one plays AOW4; Its subreddit is basically dead, but I'm glad they're at least making some money on it because it really scratches my fantasy itch, even if parts of it are pretty barebones (like the campaign)
>>1808840are you retarded?The report literally says their core games already make profit, so people don't care how pozzled CK3 or VIC3 is, they still buy it.The issue is that their published games don't make money, I guess that means Cities Skylines 2 is operating at a loss
>>1808893HBO license will cost 100 million and must be renewed every 2 years, there is no way to make it profitable
>>1808984>The report literally says their core games already make profit, so people don't care how pozzled CK3 or VIC3 is, they still buy it.They make games for normgroids now, who either don't see the problem with or have been outright conditioned to love wokeslop
>>1808840>just make things betterWow what a fascinating idea. How has no one thought of that before?
>>1808887What did they write off?
>>1809015So? $$$
>lean into the far right power fantasies
>>1809022Their Sims clone for seemingly no reason
>>1809022Life by You and the California branch which was responsible for developing itPDX pumped 6% on the day of the earnings report, and another 6% this Friday, investors clearly see it as a good sign that Wester is focusing on the core strategy game businessAnd I was slightly wrong, it was a write down, not a write off, meaning they deem it to be almost worthless, but not entirely, likely so they can reuse the assets in the future without any tax/accounting issues, since a write off would mean they aren't allowed to use it again afaik (See how Warner Bros. cancels movies at times to write them off instead, pissing off fans because they can't ever legally release it after writing it off from what I know)
>>1809045Eh I think it was a good decision, the cali studio was probably draining money and accomplishing little, Wester ended up believing so little in the game and studio, that he believes the tax advantage of writing them down will be more beneficial to the future of Paradox instead
>>1808821>>1808833>Paradox goes bankrupt before eu5 releaseHeheBut seriously what would Johan do then? Just scrap everything and retire?
>>1809054PDX has a debt to equity ratio of about 0,37 if I didn't misread the reportThey'll be fine
>>1809048>likely so they can reuse the assets in the future without any tax/accounting issuescan't imagine why, game looked and ran like absolute ass from everything they showed off
>>1808840All they need to do is get rid of the bloat, hire 10 guys from Anbennar and let Joahn direct a new Anbennar together with J and it will sell a bazillion copies.Trying to copy other companies is retarded, everyone knew millenia was gonna be a masive flop, just focus on GRAND STRATEGY and make it good, no more victoria slop, no moe space garbage. A good, low fantasy late medieval with polished mechanics a\nd production value. It bothers me so much that there isint a single person inside this fucking company management team to slap some sense into them and make shit the people actualy want to buy, its like creative assembly all over again.
>>1809094Who knows, they are probably banking on being able to salvage even a tiny portion of the assets for something else
>>1808921>They will make a GSG based on GoTYou mean like the stellaris mod gone game release of star trek? Yeah groundbreaking stuff. I can see them doing a reskin based on the mods and calling it their own again.
>>1808793good, they can either fix their shit or die, both work for me
>>1809078They're not exactly swimming in it, but they got a solid base to work from. Even if five games is a lot, and spreads the dev team a bit too thin.
>still profitable after writing off $20,000,000 in a single quarter>"dire straits"
>>1809118Don't know why they aren't going into the fantasy genre desu. Look at Total War, Warhammer is a massive fucking success.Stellaris is basically already fantasy. Why aren't they giving us something for all the peopl who thirst for more?
>>1808793>>1808816>weird they keep shitting out hundreds low effort dlcsNot weird at all, those DLCs have been making them more money than anything else they're doing. It's their investments in original third party games that's the issue. Life By You is obviously the big one which they expected to be a huge moneymaker. It was a gamble for them and not even an odd one, even if they could only grab a small part of The Sims' consumer base it would've made them loads of money, and if there's one fanbase that's okay with buying overpriced DLC for years it's The Sims players. Apparently the studio they were working with to develop it completely failed on all fronts so instead of free money it's a huge investement that they had to write off as a loss. LBY isn't their only third part loss though, they've had some less severe losses before this with stuff like Lamplighters League and Millennia underperforming and Bloodlines 2 still being a risk factor that has a high chance of underperforming if it ever releases. Age of Wonders 4 is their only recent third-party title which has consistently done well.The thing is, the huge dip you're seeing now is almost entirely them writing off Life By You in Q2. It's not really indicative of the company's overall performance. They're not doing great obviously, but the 90% decrease in profit is something they'll quickly bounce back from since it's not like they're cancelling a would-be flagship title every other month. Unless Q3 is when they finally cancel Bloodlines 2 (which I admit would be hilarious) I don't think Paradox are in nearly as much trouble as the OP seems to think.
>>1808862what did he mean by this?
>>1808862profit margins don't lie
>>1808862>thougheverbeitgo back to your discord chamber troon
>>1809481lamplights xcom clone was also a huge failiure.bloodlines vampire masqurade is also a huge flop and endless delaysall 3rd party studios are missmanaged ever since the DEI directives
>>1808906fuck off alex
>>1809546Ah well, I guess that's the kind of illiterate reply I can expect from the retards on this board.
>>1809561Did you really expect reactionary dipshits NOT to make it about the culture war?
>>1808793>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous>look it upLmao, did P*radox's success against the poorly supported SimCity really make them think they could compete with The Sims (a game series actually supported by EA due to its significant share of the casual normie gamer market)?
surprised jannies haven't deleted this thread. Usually criticism of paradox is deleted here.
>>1809701Pretty sure they just roll dice and use the results to select arbitrary games to publish. No rhyme or reason.
>>1808793Paradox will never go bankrupt because even "chuds" like Spuddgun keep buying all the slop. Even the sloppiest bottom of the barrel slop like Milenia.
>>1809795They're trying to branch out from grand-strats, and it doesn't seem to be working. Or were. I keep hearing stuff that it's all previous CEOs fault for trying, Ebba. While Fredrik is basically the Old Guard, and the "Gang of Four" are now in control.
>>1808793Have they tried making games people actually want to play
i love ck3its so cozy when you know the game enough to make it your bitch
>>1809510It's Faggot for "make your own game, chud"
>>1809891Learn to code first.
>>1808862This board is just shills and fags.Ywbaw
>>1809481>Bloodlines 2 still being a risk factor that has a high chance of underperforming if it ever releasesHow long has that game been in development? 8 years (I THINK I heard about it in 2016)?I think they dev team managed to string along Paradox for so long that they've ballooned the budget up beyond what they could reasonably expect to make back on the game. And that's if the game didn't aim to be divisive.I could be wrong, but I'd imagine it would need to be a smash hit at this point to be profitable (so, like you said, high chance of under performing).
>>1808833EU5 is going to be a shit-show on release like all of their GSG releases. It will have too little content/flavour compared to the current EU4 build, and won't run on 90% of the consumerbases PCs.
This thread got me to finally load up and play eu4 last night for a few hours. I didnt play fairly tho. I started a custom nation down in the deserts near the mamluks and than console commanded myself 1mil gold and maxed my tech tree in 1444. I than proceeded to sit and bully everyone around me and start fights constantly and forced people to give lands back or restore kingdoms and in general just didnt play serious at all past crush you all. I even got into it with the mamluks and crushed them to the point I took half their lands. it was fun and im going to do it again today. So even if the company dies cuz it keeps overcharging for games and making shitty dlc to nickel and dime everyone i'll forever have my arr matey version of eu4 to play and enjoy. based on the borders and regions in eu5 I can already tell its going to be a subpar low quality game on release. yes usa borders in 1400s total legit and shows the company is putting in the effort to make a top notch game and arent just cutting corners and making cheap slot to cash in on oh no no no.
>>1808833Its crazy shit. I fired up EU3 a while ago and again was blown away by the genius that went into the creation of that game and its predecessors. Simulating the economics, technology, governments, and grand strategy of the entire world for over 4 centuries, with all the checks and balances. Representing political power, religion, reputation, money as sort of currencies to be consumed. Not perfect but still fucking amazing. I just expected things to keep getting better, more refined, more complex, more accurate, and with better AI. So that even with intimate knowledge of game mechanics the player would always be severely challenged.But then Paradox started dumb fagging everything up. What a shame.
>>1810272its an honest shame they keep dumbing down their games and trying to nickel and dime with so much dlc content that isnt needed. I want to like them as a company more but the games are getting dumbed down for casual babbies and they are trying to branch out into other genres and none of it is working out for them. just make the best possible games you can with best effort and stop with low quality slop and 500 dlc packs that are always overpriced by way to much.
>>1810188>EU5 is going to be a shit-show on release like all of their GSG releases.If CK3 is any indication, that will no longer be the case.
>>1808833Lots of people care about Victoria. They just don't care about goyslop like V3.
>>1810269>usa borders in 1400s total legitThose are placeholder borders, dumbass
>>1808983>I feel like no one plays AOW4Because it's the biggest pile of shit i've ever had the misfortune playing in the 4x genre. I can't for the life of me understand how it got hyped up in the first place. I don't think i was so bored with an AI that pulls armies out of their ass since HOMM5. The units are soulless, the spells are soulless, the combat is soulless.
>>1809118>hire 10 guys from AnbennarWhat for, to administer their administrators?
>>1808926>Kill all troons and non whitesWhy do they have to kill them and not just fire them?
>>1810567Because if you just fire them they will just move to another gaming company. Have some love for your fellow gaming enjoyers and put the undesirables to rest. Better quality games will arise as a result. White men created masterpieces such as Tetris, we can still create them as long as the insidious elements preventing it are removed from the equation.
>>1809340They might be worried such a game would compete with Crusader Kings and dilute its sales.
>>1808833>nobody gives a fuck about Crusader Kings or VictoriaI fucking do, look how they massacred my boys
>>1808974>I pirated Stellaris recently. I was considering buying it but the price of the game is 454 leafbux and there's no way I'm paying that much money for one video game so I pirated it instead.was it worth it?
>>1808793Age of Wonders 4 is kino
>>1814767i actually like victoria 3 but everything else they've made is like embarrassing but normies really like crusader kings 3 i think
>>1808793>Paradox in dire straitsGood!
just fire all the whitemen and hire cheap asians.
>>1814861The competent Asians aren't cheep
>>1808793I just tried vic3 to discover mid run that navies won't intercept troop transport and just stay ther letting them pass, I just burst out laughing at how absurdly stupid this company went
>>1809885>its so cozy when you know the game enough to make it your bitchyou mean after finishing the tutorial?
>>1808793I have to wonder, is it worth it hiring a bunch of artists and 3D modellers for their map autism games? I doubt a single person buys their new games or dlcs because of the 3D character models, in fact I would guess it just hurts sales cause now its harder to mod. But I assume they did research on this, and it must be helping?
>>1808926This but in reverse. Kill whites and santificy the company with the rightous shedding of blood.
The derserve bankruptcy for what the did to CS2, Surviving Mars, and HBS.
>>1809118Don't hire anybody from Anbennar jfc
>>1810563Managers can't properly manage unless they have a manager managing them.
>>1808793Glad i bought aow4, if its making money but barely getting any posts from you schizos its gotta be good
>>1808887It's down over the last 30 days, no? Or are you referencing something else?
>>1818077That's because the global stockmarket shat itself this week. Almost everything is down from last month.
>>1815716>I assume they did research on thisYeah I bet they did a lot of research for Victoria 3 military mechanics.
>>1819553It was made with WWI meatgrinder in mind.
>>1808973>>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%>>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>>1816743whos managing the manager whos managing the managers?sounds like they need to hire a project specialist and synergy organiser.which in turn needs managers and add some directive managers for those managers.then they also need some DEI officers to make sure that the managers are 50% minorities and women.better increase legal too to make sure they are protected from imagined harassment.u need managers for those too.infact they should just drop game production and just focus on magaging the babys they hire to shitpost to the investors.
>>1814993there is no such thing as navies. there are no actual ships or HP. its just a container for manpower which depletes. they have no function to actually patrol nodes. its just a RNG to a mock battle where manpower depletes on a rng.the entire vic3 is just a facade pretending to be a game where everything is just bloat ui to tank fps because the engine relies on awful slideframe to reduce cpu load
>>1808793>>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%>Grim.This is good news anon, this means they have to stop being faggots or face going under.
>>1809340they did startrekllaris and it did horribly
>>1820374u really think they will make the correct choice and fire the bloat, start making good mechanic dlc instead of commie tranny shit.my money is on them axing vic3 doing another imperator just to keep adding black women to ck3
Bloodlines will be the death of them. Millions wasted and nothing to show.All they had to do was make sure cities skylines 2 delivers and they would have been set for a decade of dlc milking.
>>1820374All DEI funded games have a clause that forces Ceo's to go bankrupt instead of fixing their game if there are money troubles.There is no golden parachute if this is not enforced.
>>1820502half the production expense was just making tranny and black character with insane texture scale. the hair on the afro had more triangles than the buildings.they completely deleted any sort of sim of the city. it took a year just to get barebones economy.
>>1820453>u really think they will make the correct choiceNo, but watching them crash and burn will be funny
>>1819556>made with WWI in mindYou mean the conflict there is not even a mechanic for in Victoria 3? Because Great Wars are not a thing in that game.Or perhaps do you not remember the timeframe of Victoria 3 is the most peaceful period in History? As the devs said themselves.
>>1820450Prolly because it was exactly like the mod for the game lmao
>>1820590What sort of retard did they put in charge of that project?
>>1808793I miss when paradox cares
>>1820701They made every war the western front.
>>1815716>I doubt a single person buys their new games or dlcs because of the 3D character modelsMy theory is that it's to try to get more women to play PDX map games. It's very difficult to get women to play wargames, but we have research showing that women like playing games that are very character driven (The Sims and Fire Emblem are good /vst/ examples here) so now Paradox is trying to make all their games have some levels of character interactions because their returns must always be larger every year to appease the shareholders so now they're trying to get the girl gamer audience for larger profits. I've seen at least one e-girl on YouTube who plays CK3, so I guess it's working? I guess now we're on the "bring women into the community" stage of that one image that /v/ likes that shows how a fandom collapses.
>>1808793They have been shit ever since they went public. They deserve this.
>>1810272Is EU3 worth trying over EU4?
>>1826625The only thing EU4 does better than EU3 is multiplayer, because EU3's basically never works. Constant desyncs.
>>1826620Many such cases!
You said it yourself, the games they themselves make sell but everything else doesn't. Okay, so jettison everything else. Problem solved. It took them YEARS to unfuck CK3 after that previous bimbo CEO was at the help and tried to push through like 23 cell phone games before she was sacked. The company is just now righting the ship.
>>1809016They have.Then they get fired for being honest about it in front of HR.Then you have roastie, faggot or nigger come up with a bad idea and they try that.
>>1808793Imma say something, which is factual, but harsh, for the Paradox employee who is OP: >people were super used to civ 5's look and gameplay>people somewhat tolerated beyond earths look and gameplay, it was just 5 but sci fi>people loved XCOM 2 back in the day>civ 6 looked like shit, war was not fun and people had to unlearn almost a decade of civ5 mechanics>civ 6 had NOT EVEN HALF the civs and content of BNW, and people were pissed>missed hundreds of mechanics, whilst BNW modding community already had thousands>for years both games were tied on steam player count >civ 5 modding community was so large and advanced we basically had civ6, 7, 8, 9, etc which just kept the GOOD look of 5 and GOOD mechanics of 5 and IMPROVED everything else>civ5 modding community became so advanced legit cant imagine people prefering 6 to ANY mod pack of 5>civ 5 was many zoomers first civ and made the franchise explode in popularity on youtube>the new games dont even feel like civ>new games look like some mobile phone trash game>new games have too many dlc>new games's civs arent that varied or interesting>ui is atrocious in 6 and 7 (according to trailers)Basically, i could go on, but i legit think you peaked with 5, and then you couldnt surpass it, you either embraced the modding community and hired it to make a new game, or just improved on civ 5 yourselves to make civ 6At this point, make a new sid meiers pirates with everything the fans want, from a bigger map, to better combat, to more historically accurate detailed ships and 3rd person in city exploration, etcCiV, not VI killed the franchise, because VI came too late and was too little
>>1830596Hmm, SAAAR, pdx is not responsible for civilization
>>1815716Modders do want 3D models, but they wanted it outside the maps for essentially animations in the event windows and status screens.
>>1830603Yes, it is you faggot. Paradox also publishes Anno, and ruined that too with endless DLC.
>>1830631Firaxis is owned by Take 2.What the fuck are you talking about.
>>1830649Take Two closed down ten years ago. Did you just wake up from a coma?
>>1809761Maybe jannies have finally grown to be good people, I also noticed Paradox was basically holy and could not be criticized despite being so bad
>>1814936They are, I really think you don't grasp the difference in salary between american dollars and asian currency, for them being paid 2k - 4k a month is considered rich status, while for western people that's poverty and dying of hunger status. You could easily hire a really competent asian. Offer him 5k - 10k in salary and he would be like "woooow sugoi this is the best job evahhhhh"
>>1816634>get relreases of vic3 for eternity or until bankruptcy
>>1808793>give the middle finger to the audience that got you where you were>invest lots of money developing games to appeal to normgroids>your old fanbase moves on>normgroids aren't interested enough in your games, now you're losing money>panic mode timeThis is the reason Johan is developing EU5 with as many long-requested features as possible to try to win back older fans btw. They're desperate.
>>1830668If they actually put out a good game with stuff I want in it, then they’ll win me back. That just seems reasonable: make a game the fans want.
>>1826628unmodded EU3 doesn't even try to simulate the Sengoku Jidai, we get this weird anachronistic mix of Heian period families instead.Also, while AE is too easy to game, too much of EU3 is spent waiting for badboy to tick down. (which is realistic, but there just isn't that much to do in those periods, just speed 5 and wait I guess.)
>>1808862paradox wastes their money paying you to shill for them
>>1830650https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TTWO/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive?
>>1809033Chuds won the culture war, all the biggest mods and dlc’s are chud power fantasies and all wokeslop fails. Even the mods made by woke trannies only do good because of the chud power fantasies within them
>>1808793>Stellaris Was fun before patch 2.0, is now gay. Patch promised less micro, better AI and better endgame performance. Delivered the literal opposite in every area.>HoI4Was okay except navy. Man the guns was supposed to improve it, makes it more complicated and worse, fuck any further DLC.>Don't give a shit about Linux support anymore Paradox was taken over by corpo scum who only want to make money from idiots. But idiot's don't usually play grand strategy so they're failing to milk the playerbase effectively.
>>1832790>Stellaris unfun after 2.0Mah nigga. So trueI hyped it a lot and it took away my eagerness to play anymoreLast time I played hive mind DE to avoid the absurdities of complex systems. And even then it was a choreBut I finished my first and only game cracking planets
>>1832772>the victory was real in my fantasiesWhatever you want to tell yourself, as you cry to sleep at night.
>>1832790Hey linux support and multiplayer are based and parajew would make insane amounts of money if they literally just patched their old gamesAlso what if they turn HoI III open source like Doom. The game is ancient at this point and the game unironically is better foundementally better than most paradox titles
>>1832790>>1833050I played Stellaris a bunch and eventually realized my "grab chokepoints then never expand" play style lent itself best to Inward Perfection and now I play that exclusively.
>>1830650I genuinely mean this but you may have missed your meds. Take Two still owns fuckin Rockstar and Grand theft auto.
>>1808833Crusader Kings and Victoria are the white man's paradox games
>>1830650Nta but you're a retard.You're probably thinking of THQ.Sounds like Take Two and are both random bumfuck companys that don't do anything but own other companies.
>>1832790>Was fun before patch 2.0, is now gay.They got rid of the plopping of individual plops onto squares on planets and removed the silly 3-ftl starters. That was a win in my books. That is when it stopped looking like a mobile game and became an actual statistical pop sim.
>>1814788Killing WoD is the one good thing Paradox ever did.
>>1814936Cheaper than incompetent Americans.
>>1808793Good, I hope they go bankrupt so that a better company can step in and make actual grand strategy games.
>>1830596WTF are you talking about. where do you think you are?
>>1808793>>1808802>going woke and getting brokeshocking, not really
>>1830596good rant!sadly you missed the Venezuelan raid gang and shotgunned the cat
>>1808793Paracucks seems to have a fetish for creating flops. Fucking faggots. They will crash and burn within 2 years.
>>1808821>Johan saving paradoxLol no. He started this trend with imperator. eu5 could be very well end of paradox
>>1832790>linux gaymingLol, you are so out of touch
I wonder what has gone wrong around 5-6 years ago
Was there a stream from fred? Him sulking through those streams are the best content paradox released in a long while
>Pony has one trick>Trick gets boring>Tries dressing the old trick up as a new trick>Customers prefer the old trick that they already own>Don't want to buy the same trick again bit by bit over years and thousands of dollars>Pony no longer has the talent to create new tricksNext stop dog meat factory.
>>1846382Lol, good.