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Non-generally, what's your favorite capital? For me it's the Asgard.
I hate jannies so much I want to send them to argon territory.
get all the dlc's?
Its worth it just to do the awful missions once so you know what the fuck we're talking about when people go FUCK YOU I DONT WANT TO GET OUT OF MY SPACESUIT
I got all the dlcs other than timelines (just haven't picked it up yet) with the bundle package and don't feel like I wasted any money. Also on steam if you go to the store page you can get the "community of planets" bundle I think its called at a discount depending on what you have purchased.
All except Timelines are easy recommends
Jannies are bad enough, but imagine being the absolute faggot who reported the previous thread because the title was vaguely reminiscent of a general.
As a frequent starsector thread poster it doesn't remotely shock me. Got back from their spree at the local park to find that GASP someone is having a conversation about a video game. Gotta shut that down.
Timelines adds cool ships to find in the universe. But since you know you got them with dlc it takes the fun out if you deliberately search for them.
Half of them are worthless in the sandbox and the few remaining absolutely are not worth $15. If you just wanna support Egosoft then yeah whatever, I bought it, but I'm not gonna recommend it to new players.
experiemtal and odachi are pretty good but not actually fun to use. That cockpit is massive though.
What turrets should I put on a station that is very likely to get attacked by xenon Ks and a lot of fighters?
I got terran pulse everywhere but I doubt that's the play.
Are you sticking to pure terran or are you willing to get commonwealth turrets?
Well I dont' have the commonwealth production online just yet, so I'm stuck with terran stuff + missiles/torpedoes. But i'll work on the commonwealth tree in the meantime if you give me a recommendation.
Would Flak be a good pick for defense platform discs?
Yes, I like to pair them with plasma on the L turrets.
What's so bad about argon?
They are the janny "race"
They do it for free.
I'm a pirate that takes refuge in the Teladi Company. I'm an honourary shareholder
All that money spent on stations, but the most profitable member of my company is still a cheap-ass fighter looting a xen gate.
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I spent all weekend being incredibly frustrated that the traders assigned to all of my stations were doing nothing, only to discover by chance it was because when they have orders to restock drones stations stop doing everything else.
argon plasma and flak, construction method set to closed loop
paranid plasma are technically slightly better but can't be built in closed loop
closed loop means you just need hull parts and claytronics, nothing else
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Is he going to be okay?
at least a jannie does it for free
a tranny pays to be retarded
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Hatikvah's choice has fallen... it's over... they can't bounce back from this.
>support Egosoft
The only reason I bought the DLC honestly, I don't know what they were thinking.
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Give it to me straight, fellas. Is ARG gonna kick the bucket? They're basically split in two now.
Hard to snipe S/M on the superhighway, but anything bigger will be fuckt if that's 3 I's roaming around there. Hope you're helping their econ somehow otherwise, good riddance Argon scum.
>I don't know what they were thinking.
They chased the casual space sim audience with rebirth and it bit them. Now they are doing it again.
It was worse than not helping. I was actively sabotaging their weapon components and advanced electronics whenever my looters had a hack ready.
I was praying for their demise but not so soon. My microchips are on the other side of that blockade (they have to take the long way around but you know)
Story old as 4.0
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>I was actively sabotaging their weapon components and advanced electronics
>ARG gonna kick the bucket
Yeessss, kill those Argon sons of bitches!
t. erran
Hatikvah's gotta get their shit together. This kind of raid show up every 2 hours in Getsu Fune, and between my anti-surface moreya and the terran fleet we can easily handle 3 xenon K's and an capital I.
There's a lot of savescumming involved though, not gonna lie.
Ironman X4 should be a thing. Hard mode: with VRO.
We had it in X3,too bad it was restricted to one scenario and you start with boron M5 in order to make money early on you had to scavenge for stray missiles or do very easy missions worth nothing.
I have to say, this DLC is a bit shit but at least it isn't as janky as usual. Maybe this is the start of the Egosoft de-jankification era?
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I thought it was just an option for any start, but I booted AP to check and yeah, it's just one start. I've always wanted to try a serious run of it but it's terrifying as fuck. The last time I tried I died in about 20 minutes to a stray missile.
After early game I'd probably just stay forever in some space station and micro whole game from there, collision in X3 is very deadly and accidentally ramming happend more than often
The scope for jank is very low with scenarios. However their execution is maxmimum jank since over half the missions are racing or spacesuit. They failed to even follow their own marketing and make them lore relevant.
>it isn't as janky as usual
And then there's the last graph, where you lose a mission after suiciding, because the mission told you to suicide. Or how you are supposed to disarm bombs stealthly, but the game has a mandatory noise tutorial that makes you get caught every time. Also, enjoy getting slinghot into space, have to fly back for 15 minute, only for your weapon targeting to no longer work.
You also have the secret last graph that seems important but has absolutely no bearing on anything. It even has a really unique mission that serves no purpose except to make you think you need to 5 star it.
Someone get Dal Busta on the phone
>it isn't as janky as usual
Some people apparently need to redo missions half a dozen times (or more) because the secret lady refuses to contact them after fetching the things she needs.
Conversations can randomly bug out, with NPCs saying one line and then fucking off for no reason.
Two ships were flat out broken on release. Iirc, another one is currently still half broken with the elevator command reading "door".
The Odachi's turrets are effectively non-functional and the frontal landing gear is having a seizure. A couple other ships somehow caught the same illness, despite being old ships that shouldn't have even been touched.
The final epilogue mission can have the main NPC fucking off thousands of km away from her intended destination.
The old "loading while being too close to a ship/station can fling you 1500 km away" can now happen when leaving your ship.
Leaving an F in your spacesuit occasionally results in the ship becoming invisible until you re-enter and leave.
I had to restart stranded twice because I kept getting stuck in station geometry while using the airlock. Still needed three more attempts after saving right before operating it.
Do I need to continue?
I ended up buying the components ahead of time manually via a trader and THEN setting up the drone orders on stations after the first time encountering this fun
i was surprised how this game has crashed on me zero times. I've had sim games 10x less complex than this one crash every few hours, but 100 hours in and I'm still crash free.
Brainfog moment. Forgot my point. I just wanna say usually games have technical issues that warrant savescumming but this one seems stable enough to deserve an ironman mode.
Yeah my use of savescumming is more to do with the retarded AI having spergfits than any sort of actual engine stability *knock on wood*
I still cannot get over how deceptive they were about the timelines ships.
Intercept fucking sucks for big fleet battles. Fighters just go in one by one and die to the enemy's fighter blob.
If you're outnumbered, you lose your whole fighter wing. If it's equal, you just take more losses than necessary.

What is it actually for, then? Catching a few stragglers so they don't bother your logistics ships? Maybe it was just never meant for fleet battles.
I think I'm gonna start up a self imposed Ironman attempt(s). Just not sure if I want to let myself teleport since it's such an easy escape. Def no escape teleport mod and no pause+teleport.
What's the best "pilot rescue" ship?
Or do you just have some spare fighters drop the fight to go rescue?
Same ships that can be used to board enemies with marines. I'm using a Falx to pick up people, then send use them for crew in L-sized freighters just to keep them working somewhere. The problem is that managing large number of crew can be very tedious because the UI sucks.
And it's still less janky overall than usual
When I'm using fighters I set up fighter groups with the leader on intercept and the members on attack with leader, that seems to work okay.
>Fighters just go in one by one
Make subfleets. The leader should be set to intercept, the subordinates should be set to attack. That way your ships move in small groups. I pair Katanas + Takobas in a 1:4 ratio becasue they share roughly the same high speed.
Just found out kuertee's alternatives to death mod includes a dead is dead option. Based.
forgot link
Okay that's smart as fuck.
rogue squadron into attack position
>spend over an hour setting up a fleet of M fighters
>buy out the entire universe's supply of hull parts and guns
>they all die to a single squad of duke's buccaneers with their bullshit shotguns
mod to remove BUC from the game? they just fly around killing my satellites and literally nobody cares about them at all
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Without getting too spoiler-y, does the game ever throw anything at you that can defeat this?
The most threatening fleet I've ever dealt with is this >>1792890 three K's and like 60 fighters, and I'm hoping the game actually has more invasions that warrant even more over the top measures.
no, that's massive overkill
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You can build it over the gate by expanding the plot, and you can add automatic scrapping to it, to make your own xenon farm
>pirates don't follow the economy rules, they just spawn fleets and stations out of nothing
what the fuck is the point of having a fucking economy then
What is the point of having pirates if they have to follow the rules?
you're a funny cunt, aren't ya
They fund it via a hidden black market that you're not gangster enough to know about..
The economy mostly exists for a reason to build factories. I'm pretty sure if the player never builds factories every economy would collapse from xenon incursions. I also bet a player could single handedly destroy a factions economy with an M ship, except for terran and boron who don't have any real enemies.
Are you using 7.0 or sticking with 6.2 until mods update?
7.0 is pretty good vanilla due to improved AI although egos hiring of the vro guy and several questionable dlc releases have me pretty worried for the future.

Then there is the xenon H which is extremely hard to board which makes me question why I would bother to try.
I'm a Classic Mode chad myself, but VRO is way better than vanilla combat so idk why them hiring Shuulo concerns you.
At that point why not just disable xenons?
Because I don't consider vro combat good, at all.

Destroyer centric gameplay is the opposite of what I want.
>'m hoping the game actually has more invasions that warrant even more over the top measures.
It does not. 3k 1I is basically the top tier fleet you will ever come across. Defense fleets are a bit different because the game is somewhat balanced around no faction fielding a fleet that can actually push through and take a lot of territory except through sheer attrition.
Ok but a move toward better destroyer combat and away from fighter centric gameplay is a good thing. Vanilla will never be VRO.
If I thought it was really possible I would overhaul the entire game so L destroyers are really rare and the main faction fleets were just light carriers with fighters and M ship support with destroyers taking up the same rarity and role as the Asgard does now. I absolutely detest how powerful destroyer blobbing is and would even add in limitations on player fleets.
Ideally I'd like to see carrier-centric gameplay but at the moment carriers are deeply unpleasant to use.
>carriers are deeply unpleasant to use
How come?
Not them but they are broken for orders like attack and the like, the ships they carry don't actually give a fuck what the carrier's orders are. As people said above you're best setting up 1 fighter on intercept and then a "wing" of attackers on it, and putting gunboats and shit on defense for it, but it basically makes carriers moving platforms that hardly ever use their weapons at all.
Large combat ships are just kind of disappointing in general given how the AI moves around in space.
>Not them
Go back >>>/lgbt/
Sorry xir I didn't mean to use your pronouns wrong. You go first we'll catch up later sweetie.
You're the faggot using singular they/them. Not only are you gay, you're retarded.
I don't like the way takeoff/deploy works, you have to do a ton of work to get your fighters coordinating, and it's harder to get around the AI's incapability compared to battleships.
>n-no you used something in a way people have used it for decades before but because trannies are rent free in my head and on my discord you're gay!
anon you project so much that not only are your programming socks in the mail but your dad is disappointed in you.
Aside from some faggot academics, no one used singular they before the 2010s, you terminally online zoomer. In English we default to the masculine.
Not just decades, centuries.
>posting in an autistic space game thread on 4chan
>has to refer to another poster with a pronoun
>uh oh there's a .1% chance it's a girl
>better play it safe and go with they
nigger even if you believe in this dumb shit everyone in this thread and on this board is a guy
Ships still do tiny trades with 5% of their cargo space. Why does this happen.
Personal singular they/them is brand new. What existed in the past (also muddied by differences between modern and Middle English) was the HYPOTHETICAL they/them, which referred to a hypothetical person, such as this example from Chaucer:
>And whoso fyndeth hym out of swich blame, They wol come up
You will not find a single example of a personal usage (such as seen itt) of singular they/them before the last few decades.
Actually its because we're on the internet and it doesn't matter what the fuck you are. Been online for over 3 decades. I don't give a fuck what anyone is and asserting gender is the most faggot thing you can do. Post tits with timestamp is a thing for a reason. Still going to mock that faggot for sperging out and projecting so hard regardless. It also doesn't change the post itself which was about shitty carrier control and large ship combat sucking due to retarded hitboxes and movement AI.
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>I don't give a fuck what anyone is and asserting gender is the most faggot thing you can do.
>nooooo I'm a man you gotta know I'm a man it matters so you know just how sad and pathetic I am!
ok, your father is really disappointed in you btw.
who are you replying to?
>Actually its because we're on the internet and it doesn't matter what the fuck you are.
uh, yeah it does. it matters a lot. imagine if this thread was filled with women. it would be horrible.
what pronouns are we allowed to use for boron itt?
I mean you're not wrong there.
larrs only itt
passive aggressive tranny garbage, you're projecting because you failed at being a man so you decided to "transform into a woman"
>t. larr
All people on the internet are hypothetical
You will never be a hypothetical woman.
Good. Women are gay.
How different are the dart and sapporo now that the new beta buffed them.
What are the odds of the next DLC adding playable Kha'ak? They almost have an entire roster of ships now and I can't see what other factions they could add at this point.
The FAQ says the next updates are going to be expanding the 4x part of the game. Than a snide remark about how scenarios make it much easier to test their AI which is pretty much bullshit.
Playable Kha'ak wouldn't be totally unprecedented. X2 has a Kha'ak start where everyone is at absolute maximum enemy disposition against you.
I guess alleged improvements to the bulk of the game is the next best thing I can reasonably hope for. Still a bit disappointing though.
Station subordinate traders? I think it's because the game prioritizes closer trades over far away ones that give more volume.
Which is weird considering it already knows how to estimate the time it takes for a trade to arrive.

I used to have that issue until I set
Blacklists for Subordinates > Trade Restrictions > a trade rule that only supplies from my own faction
Well also carriers make zero sense as you can just send fighter blobs by themselves. This is especially true in vanilla and highways.
Carrier would give the fighter blobs a place to repair at least if the AI actually took advantage of that
Faster less micro to send em to a wharf. It was like this even in rebirth with the drawn but at least that looked like a capital ship and had plenty of guns to be of use regardless.
This is a major point for Classic Mode for me. Carriers have much faster travel speed than fighters.
Why would you disable a free scrap farm?
>sapporo is now a missile destroyer only for the player
So it begins, the great vroing. When I said it needed buffs I figured it would be like double the turrets so it could fight khaak foragers and not enter a stalemate. The experimental shuttle also got beefy shields but since it's an S ship I can give it a pass.
Power fantasy mode, activate.
If the game had fuel or was much bigger carriers would matter a lot more. But every x game plot starts and usually ends within 3 gates of each other.
Bummer. When I got into this game I thought the xenon or some other faction would eventually turn into an unmanageable game ending menace if you sit back and develop too slowly.
Sure I guess... I'd rather make fucking aliens into scrap than camp gates like its eve online minus redditors and retarded devs who forget their past.
>retarded devs
We still have those.
Yeah but they don't tell me to "harden the fuck up" and then tell me "no don't say mean things to people you wouldn't want to hurt their feelings" within the same gamespace.
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It does now.
Just bought this in the sale and I'm so lost, at least the Terran DLC was worth it
>referring to a ship with masculine pronouns
based Shuulo
I was actually looking for a better one where he posts a destroyer test and someone says it looks the same and he gets super pissed off.
This has nothing to do with my post.
I'll take any opportunity to rage at destroyer centric gameplay.
Ok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgvM7av1o1Q
Destroyer type play would be more realistic no? If you favor fighters there are much more options as space themed games tend to go for the fps dogfighting gameplay. Actual capital ship or even destroyer on up is much more rare. You should likely install something else since you have more options old and new.
I mean he doesn't have to install anything else because vanilla X4 is very space cowboy in a fighter friendly.
Assuming realism is at play I'd assume that while destroyers would be really good that concentration of resources isn't. It's the same reason we moved away from battleships in reality. I don't want fps dogfighting so much as i want dogfighting based around L ships as backbones of a fleets. VRO relies too much on blobs of everything. Even vanilla x4 favors letting you blob too much but that's half due to terrible AI.
Capitals should be about projecting force while smaller ships should be the main force of factions, in my mind.
If the AI could design their defense modules about as well as we do, that would be well represented. Then there would be something that even fighter blobs can't beat.
Makes sense. This wouldn't be that hard to mod, really. Every faction has a set number of "jobs," which are the amount of each ship type it tries to field. Change the jobs to greatly reduce L and XL ships and increase M and S ships. Then for the player greatly increase the cost of L and XL ships. Ironically this would work best with VRO since its cap ships are much stronger. Of course, performance will suffer because now you've turned every faction into VIG-lite. idk maybe I'll take a crack at it.
You reminded me I should pick up starpoint gemini 3.
I hate them. I hate every single faction in the game. I have ships parked at every important factory of theirs so I can rotate my hacks every time they're spent.
I am the biggest hater in the galaxy, bar none. I want them gone. They all fucking suck for one way or another (mostly because they're aliens).
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If we start going off of realism, then there would be no fighters at all in space battles. Space travel != ocean travel despite how often we use naval allegories in sci-fi.
I think in full realism people just fling speed of light rocks at each other and cause extinction events easily.
>then there would be no fighters at all in space battles.
>shows small fighter ship
Anon, that "small fighter ship" is a 134m tall (book version is listed at 46m but the show version was made bigger for film practicality reasons and also because the book version makes no sense with how many people are supposed to fit on it with supplies to last flying around the solar system), 18 man (12 naval, 6 marines) frigate with a railgun, 2x missile launchers, and 6x 40mm point defense guns. The one in the show is being run by a very small skeleton crew. This is 2nd smallest class of combat ship in the Martian fleet.
Small spaceships in general probably wouldn't be a thing. Even on short trips if something fucks up you're dead, and for longer trips even in a universe with FTL travel your jumpdrive might die and leave you stranded literal lightyears away from anything else on an otherwise functioning ship.
Gotta be large enough for redundancies and able to sustain passengers for a long time.
>all those words
and its a small ship in that universe.
It would really depend on the military situation in space.
Its not a fighter though. I wouldn't consider something the size of a nuclear submarine a fighter.
you keep bringing this up but just like in x4 the scale is a thing when its compared to other ships in its class or those above it.
In the world of that show and the books its a small ship. In fact its so small its considered more of a scout than a fighter if I remember right.
I should mention though at the end of the day I don't really care just pointing out that its not a large ship in that universe at all and would not be that big in x4 either.
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>No you see, you actually have to give your M ships a long weapon on top of the launcher to fool them into using missiles at range otherwise they just dive in
>As a matter of fact you have to divide your fighter squads into smaller squads and have the leader to intercept and the subordinates to attack with leader
>You can't have your sector patrols react to Kha'ak attacks proactively, you have to set a repeat order to attack all enemies in routes of a probable attack
>Trading works, you just have to setup a curated blacklist for your trading subordinates
99% of the game is jumping through hoops to fool the existing terrible systems into doing what you want, if they had things that work it would seriously reduce the amount of extensive micromanagement that you have to do on basically every single conceivable aspect of the game, and then there is anything related to the fucking spacesuit. It honestly feels like a miracle that now L ships instinctively pelt stationaries from a distance, just took them several years.
It's designated as a corvette or frigate in that universe.
It's also the second smallest class, the smallest being patrol destroyers.
You're practically saying a benson class destroyer is a fighter because it's smaller than most other naval ships of the period.
No I'm saying its a small ship and the ships above it are way bigger and in the universe its not a big ship. No need to go in circles. Have a good day.
I've seen many factions getting obliterated by xenons but never HOP a isolationist faction, hostile toward 80% of galaxy with at best decent economy. Just how they are so stable.
Hop has bigger fleets than other factions.
and they can't give such treatment to ZYA?
are there any other good x4-esque tv series aside from the expanse?
Only one gate to a Xenon Sector that is usually very heavily guarded and they only fight Argon/Antigone at another. Despite the Paranid technically being in a state of civil war, I have never seen HOP and PAR ever actually fight each other at their border. Funny enough in my current run, they "lost" True Sight to ANT.
Compare to to ZYA that have 3 gates that directly go to Xenon space, a 4th past two backwater PAR sectors to their "west" and the argon sectors to their "north east."
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Babylon 5 and Farscape are very close to how the X series is like. Hell, most 90's to 00's space shows fit the bill.
It' more that rattlesnakes die to Ks at a ratio of 3 to 1.
Any tipps on destroying Xenon defense stations? How many destroyers are needed to defeat the station in a reasonable time and what are some do's and dont's regarding fleet management and general strategy?
I have finished x4. All plots and saved the yaki. Unified zyarth was still falling apart.
Now you can just set them to attack and I only lost all my ships to a station once!
As for speed you need like 20, I also had two asgards and it was still a snoozefest.
If you don't want to lose S/M ships, don't group them with your destroyers. Dock gunboats on your destroyers if there's M-sized docks, set the gunboats turret to attack fighters and they will even when docked. Set your destroyer M turrets to attack fighters or defend to avoid them going too deep. About 8 destroyerrs can take out a station in a timely matter. If you want to have interceptors/bombardment fleets, make a carrier and set it to position defense behind the destroyers and away from the station, far enough to not target the defense drones as they come out of the station. You *can* use torpedoes/dumbfire missiles to try to kill stations, but realistically you'll burn 1000+ projectiles before they actually destroy the station.
Had to grab a friendly fire mod because Ministry of Finance fleets were constantly going aggro over stray shots between my transports and Argon transports.
>Build Hull Parts factory
>Profits come in yet very slowly
>See what is happening
>Traders (both mine and external) are filling meager trade orders across the galaxy
So how do start earning the big money? I feel most of my profits are invested into building more factories without having any real spike of gains
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For me it's the X2 Argon Titan which is almost literally straight out of Starship Troopers. They also scaled up the marine dropships for the TL designs.
You really start exploding once you've built a full production chain and can upgrade your stuff without spending money
Having funded a war against the xenon I can say there is a big difference between making your own ships and buying them. I could print out 15 ships for free but in terms of credits I could only buy around 3 L ships without going bankrupt. I'm not sure why, it's like the AI just sucks at buying and selling from your factories.
ROI on factories is slower than most things you can do.
Mining, for example, earns a lot more.
>Suddenly out of the blue notice ZYA Split Wharf under attack quite literally at the other side of the galaxy
>Manage to get in time with the entire fleet and save ZYA Split Wharf from an I
>Alive at only 2%
I wish the game would broadcast when big menacing ships are inbound to one of your satellites, meanwhile I just get useless notifications like faggots are mounting a defense against gay. I could have perfectly missed that just to find out later that a wharf is suddenly gone.
>I wish the game would broadcast when big menacing ships are inbound to one of your satellites
It does if you set an alert
Playing whack-a-pirate is starting to get really old.
>want to grab that abandoned destroyer in Faulty Logic
>open map
>wtf the sector is purple instead of red
>go there and don't see any Xenon at all
>Seems like Faulty Logic is now a Paranid sector
How the hell could they wipe out the Xenon on their own? I'm in midgame and didn't even boost Paranid economy that much besides setting up a single hull part factory in their territory early on.
Also can npcs claim these scripted abandoned ships if they happen to stumble upon them? I can't find that destroyer and I fear the Paranids grabbed it before me lol.
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Don't think so, don't think they can claim bailed ships either. Here's one I've left sitting for a few days now.
Xenon destroyer in Faulty Logic? You mean xenon H found in Tarka's Cascade XV at the end of mini highway?
They did that on my game too, but the HOP lost one sector to Antigone (not totally, I'm helping them bounce back).
He's talking about the abandoned Odysseus that's been there along with a number of abandoned ships spread out around the map, since the game came out. Its so old its the default variant and not the E variant. Basically the easiest way to get a fully outfitted destroyer in the game.
>Hey I know it has been 6 years since we released the game but haha but you still cannot enable/disable repair drones
>We also made some changes to have them always activate themselves on the worst moment and get in the line of fire of the ship they are repairing, killing themselves
>We also nerfed the crew repair rate
>And no you can't have a small ship resupply them either haha
Didn't solve shit in the end. The lesson learned? Don't go hostile to any faction if you want to do operations across the entire map.
I keep losing Paranid and Ministry relations because their police forces keep reacting to my ships, who are set on defend, firing back on Argon ships firing on me.
You can't even eliminate a faction, as they can order their ships from allied factions. Even if I eliminate every Argon station, they will still shit out whatever ships they want from whatever shipyard they want as they have infinite money, thus the cycle cannot be stopped.

Think I will finish this Patriarch Spear 'goal', and send this save to hell. Turns out the intended route is to be the shadow jew, causing wars but being everyone's friend.
>he shadow jew, causing wars but being everyone's friend.
The older games were just sandboxes where rep grinding and doing plots were the main goal. x4 is in a more godforsaken in between state where there is a relatively functioning war system it disincentivizes you from participating in and all the plots are subordinate to the sandbox it doesn't want you to work in.

Unless you like peaceful space trucking, then the game is fucking ace except for how bland a lot of sectors are.
>start a heavily modded save for my second playthrough
>do a custom start with all the plots completed because they were a horrible slog
>putter around for a few hours and then quit
I need plots to drive me to do things but I need them to be fun too. Is that too much to ask for?
Yes, this isn't that game.
Sandbox only can be fun sometimes. Just RP as part of a specific race and set everyone else to your enemies.
Wrong game, even X3 had this problem, but it at least had "you just beaten sandbox" plot.
Indeed and I have fun with it but that anon is looking for something that isn't in the X series.
They promise diplomacy and more 4x stuff next update but fuck really knows if they'll deliver consider the crisis is a fucking mess they were told by everyone to abort and they kept it in.
I miss the hub and wouldn't mind a randomized map generator either.
Even if you treat it as a total sandbox, what are you supposed to do for 6 hours while your factories build if you aren't putting yourself through horrible plots?
According to the devs themselves you have fun mining and exploring.
Don't tell me you don't use SETA
>what are you supposed to do for 6 hours while your factories build if you aren't putting yourself through horrible plots?
I can't catch a break trying to save ZYA from total extinction by the Xenon, and only because I want their blueprints. So I'm constantly waging war against a superior enemy while being under budget, if anything it has made for fun adventures.
In my first playthrough XEN was anemic and none of the factions did anything so it was just sitting and waiting (or doing plots) until I had overwhelming firepower. Maybe the mods will fix that and I just need to give it more time.

I'm paranoid about it because I read in a mod description that it can break the economy
I don't use SETA.
You have to learn to love global blacklists if you're hostile to a main faction.
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How do I get to this thing? Is it the Khaak base I am looking for?
If you drag your move order to the objective it will "snap" near it sometimes. Also... just fly to it?
I'm using 7.10 beta, where ship engagement allegedly got improved, and I just had 7 behemoth E's suicide to a solitary K without firing back at all.
OOS too.
It didn't got worse so we can call it improvement
>prease understand smol team of 20 devs
>Instead of relying on diplomatic subterfuge and espionage to steal blueprints you have to give a bunch of ingredients to an annoying alien fish hag and then playing scanning whackamole with stations
Fucking Germans
Don't forget, you can't even steal or reverse engineer bp's for ships or equipment. Just station modules. So fuck you if you want to be a pirate or just hostile to everyone and want to do what the Yaki did with Paranid ships.
They had to hire a modder who was so talented he was able to implement the arcane algorithms that allowed ships to stop moving toward a target when they are in range.
I wish we didn't have to make the decision whether to use the newest update which has essential fixes or mods that haven't been updated yet which also have essential fixes.
There's a mod for that.
Is there a mod that makes live view actually useful? Like being able to switch cameras and move them.
>Trading works, you just have to setup a curated blacklist for your trading subordinates
Not so fast. You also have to give your station money, even if they're supplied by your own stations entirely :)
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All the blueprints, factories... just for this...
the argonians don't even have a wharf anymore.
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How do I stop being shit at this? I have 6 stations pulling maybe 20 mil in per hour but I can't seem to increase this in any meaningful way. Every time I try to expand outside Terran space the Khaak pop my large miners and I don't can't afford a fleet to hunt them down yet.
>the Khaak pop my large miners
That means there's a KHK installation somewhere in the sector where you are mining. Take 6 cheap scout ships (200k credits each) and set each of them to explore in the 6 corners of the hexagon until you find the station. If you've already explored the corners you can instead try to build a station to see the exact position of the KHK station. These stations respawn every 1 or 2 in-game days, so if you start getting attacked again you know why.
>can't afford a fleet to hunt them down yet
>I have 6 stations pulling maybe 20 mil in per hour
It takes a single destroyer with more than 7km of attack range (about 20-30 mil credits) to take down a KHK station. If anything, using a fleet is an easy way to lose a lot of small ships to the station turrets.
L size miners should be able to outright ignore Kha'ak while continuing to work even with only mk1 shields. You do have them equipped with guns along with their mining lasers, right? And they are actually set to attack enemies? And they also have some repair drones? Might be a good idea to hang out with your miners to see why they are dying to enemies that shouldn't be doing enough damage to get past their shields. I'm assuming you're using Terran ships from what you said. Make sure all the M turrets are pules lasers, unless ofc you are open to using Arg Flak.
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I'm taking it back. It's picking up.
Every few hours the Terran police will turn hostile while inspecting one of my miners and then destroy half a dozen of my miners and traders. I have global orders to comply with police searches and my miners have no illegal cargo.
Anything I can do to stop this?
>my miners have no illegal cargo
Spacefly eggs and unstable crystals can spawn randomly from destroying asteroids if you are in sector. If you have orders to destroy contraband your miners may accidentally attack the police in the process of destroying said illegal cargo (friendly fire). Get a friendly fire mod to make it less annoying.
>if you are in sector.
I had been several sectors away in Teladi space for quite a while when the Terrans last turned hostile in Asteroid Belt.
I will still try this though, because it is incredibly frustrating to keep losing 10s of millions worth of ships. Thanks anon.
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>ingredients for spacefuel production: water, wheat
>ingredients for medical supply production: spice, water, wheat
Just like in real life!
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It's great for business that they use my wharf as a PvP area but I think I need to build branch offices now, this is getting ridiculous.
Nahh, set up automated collectors for even more money
It feels like drugs are the biggest example of the half baked economy in the game
>serve no purpose
>not that profitable
>nobody really cares if you make it
>find black market traders who buy it in amounts almost too low to care about
Yeah if drugs let you have faster grown of population or boost your productivity it would be great. Ofc it's abusable in player owner sector but who cares
I thought X4 was a spaceship simulator but all the screenshots I see in this thread are awful looking maps
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Here you go.
>SETA mode aborted
you didn't beat the game
You're actually looking at the screenshot of me clearing the way to the yaki after finishing everything else. Good luck making dukes mega factory without seta.
Also the reward for doing this is a
>thanks bro
and nothing else.
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Will we ever have a space game with the scale of Elite and the depth of X?
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>have 3 shipyards that can produce ships almost indefinitely
Is this good enough to go waging war with the terrans?
>go to war with the good guys
how is the rate of progression in this game? reunion had a really comfy grind but the later versions threw rank and credits at you and it wasnt anywhere near as satisfying.
>start the game with xenon jobs mod, because everyone says they are too.easy
>invaded from all sides by K destroyers
>whole world economy stalls and I can't build ships anymore because no one can make anything in time
It's too easy if you know how to play. You should still be able to go hide with the terrans or the borons. They don't have xenon issues.
>All except Timelines are easy recommends
bro tides of avarice is the worst DLC ever released. easy rec for a retardo mebbe. timelines is a close second. best hands down if we include x3 is terran conflict followed by split and terran. albion prelude is third worst. boron is better but by a smidge since half the people don't realize how bad the story and placement of boron sectors are in the game.
>bro tides of avarice is the worst DLC ever released
all timelines ships suck. sapporo is the only one that is worth using if you mod it with a main gun or some extra turrets. it also doesn't help that the new stuff is similar to the boron where the models are too small for what's already in the game. mods for equipment mixing alleviate that issue however the ship models get nutso. boron ships and designs look good ngl but ego has equipment in the game already and the last two DLC can't utilize the content already there which is disgustingly stupid.
>best hands down if we include x3 is terran conflict followed by split and terran. albion prelude is third worst
I'd say Farnham's Legacy is worse than AP, but otherwise pretty good opinion. FL is made by nudevs who took a look at the sandbox and said "Yeah, uh, if you don't play how we want you to play, get fucked". AP at least lets you still play how you want, not how the game wants.
i totally forgot about about that FL release. I even had it installed but never got around to jumping back into it. good to know I didn't miss squat. it would ruin my rose tinted glasses on the game.
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the people disagree
I don't like how the tides are implemented.
>blowout soon fellow spacer
>*dies due to buggy AI*
Timelines had the erlking and the astrid which are at least decent ships for player fantasy.
I don't understand egosofts approach to adding ships. Timelines is such an odd selection, absolutely nobody expected them to add old terran ships when they advertised iconic moments from the X franchise.
I hope whoever had the idea of Timelines gets fired
Yea tides did add some cool ships like the erlking barb and Astrid. The casino station and asteroid base was cool too. Tide mechanic was lame as was the implication they were gonna beef up black markets and piracy and the associated factions. That's all they had to do. Instead we got another two useless factions and useless sectors. Hell it would be nice if they just gussied up what sectors they did have ala rebirth with some more interesting backdrops that won't eat more frames like roids etc.
Is it that bad? I've been out for a while.
At the very least put a thing on the map showing the fucking tides.
At least the patch is good
Is it though? I loaded it up and had to keep turning my glow down. The patch weirdly took all the wind out of my sails on my current save. I load it up and just go "eh" then close it.
The TAA alone is worth it.
Just lost an hour of progress (mostly planning stations with all that entails and rerolling mods) because my Syn's 4 star pilot decided to hug the nearest I, because Hatikvah gate patrol. Guess the big "Autosave in progress" notification that popped up mere minutes before that didn't actually accomplish anything.
How many torpedoes do I roughly need if I want to repay the Xenon in kind with a single Falx against a single I? Never used them yet.
It looks horrible though.
Where do I start with this series? I remember trying X3 at some point but the tutorial was jank, took 20 minutes longer than it needed to and didn't teach me anything beyond just flying the ship.
X4 is cheap often enough its not a bad spot to start though 100% I would suggest watching some guide videos.
https://youtu.be/z_F6kx7ElkE this guy has a kind of retarded voice but he has a nice 4 part guide that showcases the gameplay nicely.
You know I said this and went to check and this is the first time I've seen x4 NOT on sale in like 3 months.
I'm dumb its still on sale on steam quite a bit until the 11th I was looking at the old planets version on isthereanydeal
Looks like the best thing that happened to X4. Finally my eyes don't bleed out. Looks even better with DLDSR.
Or - get this - you could just accept bad outcomes and not save scum. Sometimes that leads to the most fun gameplay.
>nvidia trash
no wonder you think it looks better kek
>poorfag cope
>cope cope cope
Aww predditor got mad when reality struck.
You sound upset.
>VRO straight up adds the timelines blueprints on new game/game load so you can just pretend the expansion doesn't exist
>it's made by an EgoSoft dev
Dunno I have all that turned off. Game looks meh with that stuff on for me. I play at 4k tho and dial down to 1440p if necessary later game since I have 75 mods or so going. Love doing the chillmatica chillfx mod to watch station sieges or decent battles. I have dynamic wars so typically I set the universe on fire making everyone enemies. Good times.
VRO is only good if you want a destroyer power fantasy.
I want a carrier power fantasy so I'm out of luck
You need to download a mod just to have carriers not get stuck recalling their subordinates. In the same way I struggle to find a use for light carriers. I understand the concept of a light carrier but you are putting a lot of money in expendable AI hands and the guppy itself doesn't really give enough fire support to matter.
Still in the early mid game, the loss of Hatikvah's Choice (and the defending minifleet therein) crippled my empire when I tried it on this save before, since I rely too much on the Argon not being terraformed into oblivion.
And I'm doing that regardless, due to losing the B I managed to steal 15 minutes into the game I forced myself to use a Kuraokami with 5 Mk2 Beam Emitters, quite an experience.
The AI has a lot of defense fleets. Losing hatikvahs choice doesn't mean the xenon have any real hope of breaking into argon prime.
Not what's happened this time I'm afraid, seems that the Argon are just too preoccupied with both the Holy Order and the southern Void gate, my ragtag fleet of a single Syn and poached Scale Plate destroyers have been the only useful capital ships in Hatikvah for many, many hours now.
I've even set a global alert up, the only capitals passing through there that don't want to exterminate all organic life are the odd PAR ships on their way to the Boron territories.
Unmodded, btw.
I have xenon I casually flying around argon prime, and I'm at the very start of the game. Also highway is so saturated with flying xenons it's kinda crazy
Chances are you got no stations near the Hatikvah-Tharka gate, so Xenons have easy access to the highway and enter the ring undisturbed. Same thing happened to me in one of my playthroughs last year. Funnily enough it mattered little, since the terrans decided to park a beam asgard (plus two osakas plus god knows how many Ms and Ss) right outside the argon prime gate for shits and giggles.
In my current one I have two stations (one of which a defense station armed with god knows what) right at the ring entrance, with at least one behemoth hanging around. Last time I checked I saw the shattered corpses of an I and two Ks, with the stations no worse for wear.
This is why I turn off all highways. It makes the game lame. Off since 2018. They were retarded in rebirth as well. That dumb mini game with traffic via gates too.
Same. No highways ever. The sectors are small af anyway why would you want to make space feel even smaller?
I assume the highway exists to let the xenon have easy movement between their pockets and assist in their ability to raid.
I've never played the game but I've own it and was a little overwhelmed by it but I recently watch someone play as a carrier I think a raptor, so I'm thinking if I try to play it by working together that carrier and the ability or facilities to support it and its fighter complements might make it easier to expand out from there. What start would be good for it? people say terran cadat is good for learning but the split one looks fun
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Fucking around with Terran construction for once and damn, why isn't this the default Terran housing? It's a little tricky to get it right but once you figure it out, looks pretty good in my opinion.
Suppose I'll have to enjoy a bit of extra effort to have 1750 population in the space of 1000.
Highway idea is likely due to rebirth and german autism. The way they laid out xenon leaves much to be desired as a threat. The sector/map layout is a mixed bag. It doesn't make sense as a whole since you had jump drives in prior titles with fuel and now it's retconned. The same applies to paranid and terrans knowing how to build gates but the nids are split up. I also have no idea why they made argon the buffer faction for boron instead of teladi.
I miss that minigame. It was soul
Are borons the safest start from all the pirates and enemies?
Yes boron are the gayest start
This game would bang if transporting people was a part of the logistics.
X2 had dedicated passanger ships...
like a taxi or like a split slaver?
What were they thinking when they made it?
"god i wish i were lar"
>Germans are full into transport autismo
>They somehow didn't include passengers into the game other than the shitty "I MISSED MUH FLIGHT"
You want more sandbox? Fuck you! here is le reddit popsci epin gamer storyline DLC!
>why do all the boron habitats have that third pod in the sleeping tanks in the corner?
>don't worry about it.
>Timelines is recommender for new players after playing the basic tutorials.
The tutorials are good enough. All I did was do the tutorials, read a guide on how to deal with khaaks, and now I have 10 billion net worth.
Based on the few quests I had to do, I don't think Timelines is worth anyone's time.
Both I suppose. But I don't really have an idea on how to factor it into the economy once all habitats are filled.
>Entering...Gay-an Prophecy...
What did the Germans meant by this?
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I'd love dedicated passenger ships. Especially if it meant I could haul workers from one station to another to quickly populate it. 100+ passenger liner type missions to transport people from one station to another, or those old tourism missions where you had to visit a list of sectors with bonuses for flying near spaceflies or interesting phenomena.

But dream ship? Some kind of dedicated marine transport that rams an enemy ship and directly injects the marines into it. None of this using freighters in boarding actions, marine transports both medium and large.
where is the mod for slavery and slave trade
Sex with enslaved boron females
Man, I miss X3's designs.
How do you even fuck boron females? Can they even leave the water?
Like a chastity belt but it’s an airlock straight to her genitals, her internal moisture will keep the lube needed on short order for the few passionate moments your average Terran male could last inside for.
Seriously?? They are the fucking worst and most soulless in whole series.
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Eh. I liked the Terran and Argon designs. Argon Mercury felt very much like a space truck.
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And the Terran Rapier was far better in X3.
X3 had some okay stuff same with all releases including rebirth (scaldis etc). I do kinda miss some of the older designs. They did sorta keep the samey designs on some keyword some ships up to x4.
Are destroyers just for destroying stations?
A fleet of torpedo fighters shit on xen Ks more effectively than like 7 destroyers.

Okay OOS they do kinda well, though.
Deathball figthers are strong but destroyers are stronger in smaller groups.
>Are destroyers just for destroying stations?
Destroyers are not exceptionally good at this. They are better than they used to be, but stay vigilant.
How to tell traders to completely ignore pirates? It feels like "flee and deploy laser tower" means completely stopping and slowly moving in a totally wrong direction, which makes them even easier to target. In 90% cases they could run away by just not stopping.
A lar will never experience this.
Is there a mod that gives every faction unique elevator designs or at least different textures? This would be great for immersion, every elevator in the whole universe looking the same bothers me more than it should.
Are M ships a waste when larger ones are involved?
I had a Syn, 4 Katanas and a dozen fighters take down a Ravager. Despite the ravager being destroyed pretty quickly, it still had time to delete one of the katanas.
Am I better off just going fighters + destroyers for a mid game fleet before I can afford XL ships?
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They'll never make a ship as sexy as the Osaka again
Just got this game and holy shit what a buggy, boring mess. Autopilot for 20 minutes to deliver 10 antimatter cells using the transfer cargo menu. Hm guess I'll navigate 30 fucking menus to figure out why 'transfer cargo' is greyed out and maybe I'm doing something wrong. NOPE, just bugged shit, you have to trade it instead of transfer it. Now send 3 ships to various nav beacons. Well I only have 1 ship, but he told me "he has friends that will help" NOPE, just a lie or bugged shit. Exit to desktop.
I only hope you got to refund it because there's more bug wrangling waiting for you if you ever wanted to keep going.
I like using them as interceptors with fighters set to attack with them, obviously they're going to be shit against an L.
But really in vanilla there's no reason to use anything except destroyers in a combat fleet
I died inside when the borons had a generic lift with two doors.
Those sound like a skill issue. Bugs are with AI, not stuff likr that.
>About to destroy that Vigor station for the quest
>Obviously can't hack the defense as they won't let me dock because of low rep
>Fly there with a civilian ship and enter space suit
>Ask a Teladi trader heading to the station to rescue me
>He picks me up and brings me to the Vigor station
>Now I can hack the station's defense and even go to the manager's office to say hi to the guy I'm supposed to kill
I feel like a genius for this.
What's your escape plan?
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Boso will figure something out
At first I wanted to flee the station with the spacesuit in the middle of the battle for extra style points, but then I pussied out and just teleported myself.
>remove the old station dock
>it actually destroyes every docked ship
>think i'm going to do something fun and side with ZYA
>they have no ore refineries, can't jumpstart their economy at all
maybe they deserve to get wiped out by xenon every game
>You now remember that this thing exists and that during the entire Boron storyline the Terran crew of that carrier that showed up, are all dying of laughter in the background, at all the commonwealth dumbfucks effectively "banging at rocks" to figure out how to turn on a jumpgate.
don't forget jump drives that the xenon forgot about as did the terrans and argon.
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>spend 50 mil on two stations in Argon prime to pump relations with them
>they make maybe two sales per hour each
Fuck me, I guess I'm hunting criminal traffic then
Just make your own trade fleet and dump the price lower than the market.
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I love space
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Do wharfs/shipyards make a lot of money or are they for when you already have a huge income and just want to pump out your own ships?
Yes, if you can produce everything yourself and sell ships in +50% value missions, they might be the best moneymaker. It's still horrifically slow if you're trying to buy every blueprint though
>>Ask a Teladi trader heading to the station to rescue me
That's cool, didn't know they could do that.
My wharf sold like 4m in ships per hour, so the ROI on the wharf blueprint is approx. 25 hours, not including the actual cost of the wharf and the other blueprints.
the main point is trivializing the cost of ships for the player. I'd actually consider not using the wharf at all and the game stays balanced much longer.
>Do wharfs/shipyards make a lot of money
There hits a point in all games where factions just start to suck at buying your resources as fast as you can make them no matter what.
Is there any good reason at all to have your own construction ship besides saving the measly 50k to hire one? Does it build faster or something?
AI often doesn't have their construction ships fully stocked on construction drones, so your own ships often build faster.
Faster construction time since ai ships usually have bare minimum amount of drones.
Realism goes out the door when space and combat are combined, due to physics making everything horrendously complicated, and every shot is basically a kill shot due to projectile energy going 100% into the ship itself, as opposed to most of it being dispersed by an atmosphere, as well as the harsh environment of space making the subsequent internal damage either guaranteeing a death sentence, or taking the ship out of the fight.
The only "realistic" method of space combat would be lobbing AI-controlled missiles through the void from the comfort of your planet.
Everything regarding this genre of Science fiction is pure flavor. I prefer spaceships being close to their real-life naval and aerial counterparts myself.
>I prefer spaceships being close to their real-life naval and aerial counterparts myself.
I've been playing a few other space games and x4s combat and economy are both actually pretty primitive.
Where does the dev time actually go.
Comparing egosoft to the spacebourne 2 dev also begs the question. Game is more rudimentary and uses ai voice and asset packs. It still makes me wonder though since it has a more in depth faction station system. Ego has yet to do anything player faction related. What is in x4 is the same as in rebirth from years earlier.
How is spacebourne 2? I have looked at it but it still looks super rough. You're right in saying that x4 is rough too though. The only thing I can think of is having their own engine is really eating up development time.
How to restore the big ass yaki jacket version for terran female pilots?
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nvm fixed it
Your ship is too long when you need a car and have to drive 20 minutes to get from your quarters to your crew station.
Do you get to do that in this game?
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a true gentleman of strategy picks the obvious choice.......
I've had fun with spacebourne 2 but it is janky and repetitive. The rudimentary AI works well enough for sieging stations or giving sector orders all that. Rock paper scissors so fairly simple. Ai voice was the hardest thing to come to grips with for me.
>complete the Vigor plot
>think to myself "finally these fuckers won't annoy me anymore by attacking my stations
>several hours later, want to buy some Teladi trading ships
>where the fuck is the wharf
>I swear they had a wharf in this sector
>See a shitload of Vig ships chimping out there and destroying one Teladi station after another
>Obviously this is also why the wharf is gone
I swear to god the first thing I'll do once I have my own wharf is wiping out these annoying fucks.
Yea. New saves I generally set vigor and riptide to -25 or -30 with teladi and argon before I unpause. That's if I don't manually delete all their stations/ships or change the owners to whomever like teladi argon or say hatikvah.
when i tried purging vig most of their stations respawned themselves
x4 but magic fantasy?
player onslaught is so much better than a player conquest and it's not even close
X universe ships don't get quite that huge. Not sure if anyone's done detailed stats of X4 ship dimension, but in X3 the longest ship is the Teladi Phoenix at 4516 meters which is like an hour on foot to cross, and most capital ships are around 2km.
I always assume large ships in sci-fi have interior transports like horizontal lifts anyway, and economically placed rooms so all the frequently used areas are close together. People aren't going to be walking the whole length of the ship several times each day.
I've never seen it done well. Although I am not sure what it would be either.
>your army of mages cast fireball and all hit each other in the back, starting a war with an allied army
To me the main draw of X is that every single good is used somewhere tangible, and not something like "if this town doesn't get enough Grog Pearls its stability reduces by 0.01". Which means attacks on the supply chain can eventually be felt in the military force of a faction. If X4 even supported it, not only can you reduce the numbers of a faction, but their capabilities (e.g. targeting their Shield Component factories will force them to install weaker shields to not get bottlenecked). The possibility is there nonetheless.

So far Songs of Syx is the only fantasy game I know where everything is used somewhere, but the AI economy isn't simulated as well as in X4 (e.g. their luxury consumption doesn't match their population so you can quickly saturate their market), and you are actively penalized from being richer than your trading partners (they grow resentful and jack up your prices).
Just imagine kenshi, but good. Basically a large scale rts. Or supcom, but with economic simulation. Add some factorio bits instead of stations.
Totally doable, if gaming wasn't dead.
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>imagine kenshi, but good
It's good, but only because it's the only game like that. Quality wise it's bad.
Kenshi might be one of the worst games I've ever played, honestly. It's popular in the same sense people still play skyrim because nobody has made anything since.
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Asgard is 2.9km and Raptor is 3.2km. Makes them about twice as long as a Star Destroyer (1.6km)

Interestingly the typical destroyer in X4 are 1/3rd the length of a Star Destroyer, while large freighters tend to be the length of one.

Is yasur the best fighter in game?
I'd like fantasy X more than regular x4 the more I think about it.
You mean like change the Boron into elves, the Split into orcs, Teladi into gnomes and Paranid into dark elves? And make the Xenon undead?
A warhammer 40k mod for X4 would be interesting, but that setting doesn't have many 'small' ships.
Is it worth investing in a scrap recycling and processing set up in Getsu Fune to feed the Terran economy?
>"if this town doesn't get enough Grog Pearls its stability reduces by 0.01"
I've only seen that in Port Royale games.

The Distant Worlds games do it right by having both war economy goods and consumable luxury goods. That way, you could still cripple a faction's ability to produce ships by destroying their supply lines, and the consumable luxury resources ensures the game's economy won't grind to a halt if there isn't enough war.
Distant worlds is a little too opaque and grand scale to really do that. It's not really possible to hit anyone hard enough to do that since resources are too abundant and even if you could ship building around not using a certain resource is tricky.
It's still possible, but yes, it's a lot harder to do; but the main point still stands. X4 is, at its heart, a trade empire game, but it relies almost exclusively on goods used to build ships, which can become a game-breaking problem if not enough ships are being destroyed. And that happens enough that people have made mods to force the factions into perpetual wars. X4 could use a lot more grog pearls imo, which could make terraformed planets and faction trading stations a lot more useful.
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I bought a dozen gunboats and fitted them with flak, thinking I was being smart. The Vigor fighter swarm still obliterated them and my destroyers.
Being enemies with factions is so much more fun than being a war profiteer friendly with everyone. Only fighting Xenon gets really old. Right now im doing a playthrough where I side with Argon against united patriarchy split, war with Terrans, and with Tri who has declared war vs everyone. Second Contact II is an absolute clusterfuck, Argons fighting Tri fighting Xenon with Ant getting absolutely demolished. Sadly the Split are a bunch of useless shits just sitting in the north doing nothing, they haven't lost to the Xenon at least but they haven't launched a single attack. Tel is in a stalemate with Tri in the east. Resources are bottlenecked to shit so I have to buy stuff from the Boron and the Vigor syndicate to even build anything. Quite fun so far. Might go for a Split playthrough in the future with dynamic wars mod and put them against Teladi too.
Found a funny way to deal with pirates by assigning a fighter escort to them instead of a trader. Just send a few strong fast ships to follow them, even if they already turned red. Now they never attack anyone anymore because the stronger enemy is nearby, and the game doesn't seem to spawn more in that sector. This helps in sectors where just destroying a pirate shio sends your faction rep into negatives for "unauthorized assault".
x4 is a half assed combination of about three genres and indie games are rapidly catching up. I don't know if they just need to release x5 already or what but x4 hasn't been hitting anyone right no matter what they do although they at least seem to understand they need to pivot into 4x stuff.
Oh fuck off, 4x has nothing to do with X-series. Keep that boring garbage away.
If you increased consumption of food and energy on stations, would that go a way to shifting production balance?
I'm always worried that the AI would spaz out at things like that, and not supply enough of the right goods so everything grinds to a halt.
not exactly the same thing, but the deadair mod buffs workforce a lot so that you need them for a strong economy
It's more that they flopped at everything else already. The people have spoken and want 4x stuff. But they also wanted more interior ship rooms but what fucking use has the two or three rooms like the crew quarters been?
The sandbox is straining right now anyway since the AI is competent enough to not collapse completely but not smart enough to do anything but wipe out the xenon while feeling like it's doing nothing. X Rebirth was such a flop i think they consider story heavy space sim stuff toxic.
Rebirth had way more issues than just being story heavy, most of which people identified from prerelease info but Egosoft wasn't interested in addressing them.
>only 1 pilotable ship
>no jumpdrives, no SETA, only having your face pressed against some ship's bumper in the highway minigame
>trading only by manually walking through each station every single time instead of through a fast menu like X3
>massively simplified economy
Then it came out and people were fucked by
>lack of joystick support
>terrible, terrible performance
>AI ships with pathfinding so bad the "solution" was to just let them openly phase through stations and each other
>lots of collision glitches in general
>worthless AI in general, like the resource gathering command worked by flying to the center of an area, picking a random direction and flying in that direction hoping to come into physical contact with resources, then flying in a straight line back to the center and trying again over and over
It was not a good game, story or otherwise, and Egosoft are retards if that's what they took away from it.
It would be nice to have an alternate, RTS-style camera angle for mid-/late-game, when you have a fleet and multiple stations.
Maybe link it to a HQ station module or a capital ship, so you aren't controlling your interstellar empire from the seat of your fighter ship in the hanger bay of a frigate.

Making it optional should minimise upset.
The game needs diplomacy
Are you trying to destroy that vig station for the quest? Use two fleets. One with as many cheap fighters as you can afford (and are willing to loose) to keep that ridiculously huge vig fighter swarm busy, another one with destroyers and a few gunboats + fighters to attack that station. As long as you can keep that vig fighter swarm away from your destroyers, finishing that station is just a matter of time.
You will loose dozens of fighters this way, but it gets the job done and is pretty neat to watch.
>not PHQ nuking the swarm
X4sisters, new player here. And im curious does this game have dynamic politics between faction, like systems goes from one to another, peace/war etc? Can i be a part of kino war but just like dude with one ship and not like general with unga bunga massive carrier?
Going teran cadet campaign and seems pretty ok so far, but control of the ship is really something else, feels hard at start
political relations are static unless you install mods or iirc play through some story missions

your player faction also has a hard time deliberately increasing or decreasing relations (unless you declare war)
Hmmm but what then has dynamic element except maybe economy?
Pretty mucn no. The AI right now absolutely sucks at war and while there are some static wars in the game that can theoretically flip sectors the only faction that is actually any good at it is xenon. The rest all seem to have supply issues that are too major to deal with.
In my last playthrough I was surprised to see even Terran couldn't manage to field an effective fleet against the argon and just suicided ships into their stations every now and again.
>The rest all seem to have supply issues that are too major to deal with.
This is entirely RNG dependant. In my current playthrough (brand new 7.00 game) Xenons are doing fuckall. They occasionally send Ks and Is in Getsu and Hatikvah, murder whatever sorry excuse for a defense fleet is hanging around the gate and then fuck off wherever they came from. Meanwhile, ANT took True Sight, Intervention decided to buttfuck #451 (with TEL immediately taking advantage of it), HOP took Faulty Logic I and the Split are somehow faring pretty well.
Note that I also stole three Asgards. God knows what would be left if I didn't.
It's not like the universe is random, so games turning out differently must be entirely down to AI decision-making.
They must just draw a card at random from a deck of bad decisions and just fuck themselves up.
>It's not like the universe is random, so games turning out differently must be entirely down to AI decision-making.
>They must just draw a card at random from a deck of bad decisions and just fuck themselves up.
Every start is a new universe seed that alters certain things. Stations (some are fixed) and some resources are the big ones. Faction civ/mil ships ratios. The premade starts last I looked you could not pick a seed manually. I think the workaround to that was to use a shortcut command like the -nointro etc. You can also use mods like FOCW to edit specific factions so they have more capitals fighters and more.
Damn I guess I'm retarded then. I thought it was the same layout.
It can seem that way depending on the seed generation. Some are very similar plus details like how many stations of what in which sectors will go over your head. The resources are static but can change inside the sector itself. Something often overlooked. Ship ratios as well. You need something akin to Dynamic Wars mod or a tool/script to inspect the stats of each save. Seed gen is tagged in each save.
Curious, does X4 has random type of missions where i can join some expedition forces wich will attack enemy territory? Because in solo with my S ship i cant do shit
I did not know that
Not missions, but if you pay attention you can join in when certain ships are fighting each other and force one to bail after npc's do most of the work for you. I stole a dragon like that.
You get announcments when a certain faction is mounting defence in some sector, so you can join the party.
just find the odachi in getsu fune
everytime i bring up an issue or offer a solution i get a pigheaded no i know better stop insulting me im the dev answer.
im starting to suspect every one of them is a incomptetent lefty narcissist.
Oh it's nice, gonna try this

Can you explain please?
A mod that they later included into the base game allowed you to comm via the ship and was the most popular mod for a long time. Think they hired the guy too. I forget if it was Euclid or someone else. Anyways EGO added the mod that fixed that specific issue and it they somehow made it worse than the mod. The game was also unplayable for the most part until like patch 2.0+ or 3.0+. I think 2.12 or the one after that is where they finally fixed saved game corruption issues. The game would just shit itself and destroy your save. The economy was mostly spawned same with ships. Despite that thin air magic the economy would grind to a halt within an hour or two of gameplay (not kidding). You also could not just sit in empty space or around a station for any length of time and go afk. Random encounters! stuff would just spawn to attack you even off in BFE. Oh wait x4 has that too. They also had NPCs specialized for each station so an ice refinery would need an agriculture or water engineer or whatever I forget. You had to hunt around for these specialists if you didn't know of any already.
spoiler alert
Oh, i see, thanks. Might be a bit overkill for a new player but anyway gonna try it
>Northriver plot finale, time to decommision the VIG station
>done this before so this time I opted for two fleets, OOS
>first, my personal Asgard, modded to perfection, escorted by 3 expendable Ody Es, to aggro the swarm and slowly thin it out
>second, following close behind, a fleet of brand new ARG ships, 1 carrier with 20 torpedo Eclipse bombers and 10 gunboats
>send the Asgard in, give it a minute to engage the swarm, then order the Colossus to attack the station
>ARG police squad decides that now is the time to inspect the carrier for illegal wares
>3 times in a row
>minutes later, the carrier finally enters Windfall, zooms past the swarm... and waits for orders
>as do its bombers, despite being fully loaded with torpedoes
>no matter how many times I order them to attack *anything* and reaasign them, they instantly revert back to holding position
>all but the carrier, the Asgard and a couple fighters perish with 0 kills, had to order the Asgard to delete the station, order completed within minutes
I guess that instead of reading through the Encyclopedia I was supposed to read the Beta patch notes to know that torpedo fighters are FUBAR in 7.0. Also, it's the first time I'm really trying out the Asgard, always preferred the Raptor and the Erlking, how can this be considered balanced?
Why does the X series have idiotic terms for ship classes?
Destroyers are escort ships, and light ones at that. Why are they considered 'capital' ships? Why don't cruisers exist in X?
You're seeing the same mirrored in modern naval doctrine. Cruisers that still exist are leftovers. You have carriers and you have destroyers. Cruisers are deprecated as they are more expensive than destroyers but don't do anything that destroyers don't already do better.
>turn a fully armed Prometheus with all the best shit into a trader ship for lulz
>pirate still tries to harass it, despite being completely outgunned
>immediately runs away as the default response is attack
>I cancel attack order to save my trader's time
>pirate immediately turns around and tries to harass it again
"I yield, I yield!.. NEVER SHOULD OF COME HERE"
Love me some skyrim tier AI
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Just been doing the PHQ missions
>get a new ship, put 3 antimatter cells in it and fly it into this area
>look on the map, find a station selling cheap ships on the other side of the map
>realise I have to give it orders to get it to where I am (I have the cells in my ship)
>figure it out, manage to get the ship to my location
>"awaiting orders" oh, there's a cute girl piloting it
>drop the cells from my ship
>order her to pick them up
>order her ship to the objective area
>"orders complete! ^_^"
>the fish alien thing says "there go the antimatter cells!"
>the ship with the cute girl in it explodes like a fucking nuke
Guessing you missed this line?
dont be fooled by the cute voice boso is basically mengele. hes traumatized from being hatched all alone locked away from his people.
hes become schizoid from being in a tank as a prisoner.
he just casually uploads malware to other scientist and sends u on deadly errands for fun.
> boso is basically mengele.
Wasn't Mengele responsible for many medical advancements? Seems like you should support such a person for the good of all.
Oh well, got a station now lmao
I'm at the point where I need to make a bunch of money to build the docking port, is there any good way to do this? I'm new.
That will change quickly if two naval powers ever go to war.
>assistant I need you to take readings of a stellar event
>oh blast a large asteroid is in the way
>I could just fly in front of the asteroid
>nonsense, a few hundred meters will compromise the integrity of the scans of objects hundreds of lightyears away, we will detonate the asteroid
>ok I guess you want me to find a ship with enough firepower to blow it...
>climb into your space suit assistant and deploy bombs onto its surface
>really I could just fly in front of the as...
>no these readings are crucial climb into your space suit and bomb it.
Boso is an actual psychopath.
You're right, in that any modern war between naval powers will quickly change the structure of navies from "existing" to "not existing".
They call them destroyers because they have giga firepower. The only real strange classes are Corvettes and Frigates, otherwise it's
>small transport
>large transport
>personnel transport
I still cant find odachi even with this map, i am so bad
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Destroyers are what you use to destroy.

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