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Is Pharaoh Total War an Attila 2 or not? My necessity for more Attila has been reaching critical levels, I've begun having withdrawals, even considering playing the non-human (not roman) factions.
looks like the same slop as nu total wars but all the youtuber shills say its the greatest thing ever so idk
You're just a hater of everything new. I bet you hated Atilla back then faggot.
I don't have it, but it seems like CA is attempting to pull an engoodening on their historical series as part of the apology they released some months ago and Pharaoh is what they're trying to cut their teeth on to make good historical titles again. I'll probably get it eventually just to see what they've cooked up. That aside the artstyle is fantastic, it doesn't have to rely on 2D art to make appealing looking characters like three kingdoms.
>looks like the same slop as nu total wars but all the youtuber shills say its the greatest thing ever
Exactly like Attila then
If an youtuber shill ever said Attila is the greatest game ever made and a human achievement, they spoke the truth.

But I remember vividly that Attila filtered them because they couldn't beat the prologue.
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No ROMA AETERNA no buy, sorry.
I tried it. Archers stupid strong with the new lethality system. Infantry doesn't have shieldwall like rome 2/attila so they have zero counterplay against missile units. Fucking chariots can't charge for shit and drop all momentum the moment they slightly brush an infantry model. I refunded this gay shit and bought the gay ass wh3 shadow of change dlc for the same price instead.
legends says attila is shit and i trust him more than some /vst/ subhuman
I have no brain and I must follow what youtuber say
>Archers stupid strong
So just more TWW
tww has cavalry and magic to deal with that. Pharaoh has fuck all but chariots.
I was playing a sea people campaign for about 100 turns and archers aren't all you're saying. My spear and axe hammer and anvil worked just fine, in fact half my units had a shield wall ability
Just flank the formations to get to their squishy archers retard. You should be flanking at all times anyways to break enemy morale idiot.
flank with what? Chariots that fight like cavalry and get destroyed in combat by archers? Or infantry that's slower than archers?
try it in the latest update nigger. They reworked the combat.
Flank with infantry???
If the archers are RUNNING they AREN'T SHOOTING. You don't even need to hit the archers, you can force them to run, and use the opportunity to rear charge the enemy inf line and break them, then go back to the archers.
It WAS on the latest update
>chase archers with infantry
and chase them all the way to the end of the map and still not catch them? Have you even played a TW game before CA shill? Infantry are almost always slower than archers, not to mention faster. Archers can just kite your stupid ass infantry.
>rear charge the infantry before going back to the archers
genius plan. One slight problem though: if your infantry stops chasing the archers to rear charge their infantry, their archers will just stop running and shoot you in the back. fucking retard.
Want to know HOW I know it's a genius plan? Because it WORKS. I've won 99% of the battles in this campaign this way. If you got filtered by ARCHERS of all things maybe you should play something like openttd, that seems more your speed
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doesn't work on my machine therefore fake and gay. Infantry never manages to chase archers and you're a Bulgarian shilling your shitty game that doesn't even see a minuscule increase in player count after a major update.
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Please stop being retarded
Have you tried not sucking nuts at total war battles?
very interesting. This will surely make chasing archers like a merry-go-round and not contributing anything to the battle a viable tactic. Those infantry will catch those archers any second now.
I politely asked you to stop being retarded.
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have you tried playing a real total war game? A one that doesn't solely consist of meleemanii and archermanii?
retarded is when you chase archers with units that can't catch them.
And you can argue that all you want with the other anon, I was just proving your statement about player count wrong.
that doesn't have anything to do with anything but ok.
Please exercise use of reading comprehension
if your reading comprehension is higher, you'd know how retarded you sound. But it isn't, and life's like that sometimes.
>reduced the date scale to cope

>he still doesn't get it
I enjoy it but I don’t get the same apocalypse feel in the new update as I did in atilla. Cities are too easy to keep happy and I miss the sanitation from atilla. Also I have not run into a problem with food but to be fair I am playing as Babylon. Maybe playing in the levant or Anatolia will be different. My next play through will probably be a Canaanite and I’ll focus on unifying the lavant and destroying Egypt.
>Archers stupid strong with the new lethality system.

Nice to see a total war game historically accurate in this regard. In antiquity armies were almost entirely made up of slingers and Javelins. This only changed after horse riding and armour was being mass produced
>flank with what

The dozens of fast moving expendable infantry while your beefy mainline and your archers kill their mainline.
Legends is a faggot who loves warhammer but is too much of an ADD retard to actually paint TOW or AOS models.
I tried playing Troy today because I only play Rome. It was merciless, I got wiped by the greekoid barbarian sea peoples.

I only lasted 30 turns, so I don't know if the game gets apocalyptic like Attila or the advertisement.

I found very interesting how when two undisciplined units fight one another, each individual soldier seems to seek another on the other side. It looks ridiculously organic how brawls start.
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How's Assyria? They're the ones I'm most interested in.
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By the way, this is a stealthy Attila thread, because one is not enough AND Attila players need a containment board only for them to discuss all things Attila.

They are a very violence-oriented faction, both leaders. I only dislike that the bodyguard unit for one of them is a ranged, always like my bodyguard unit to be badass chariots or super heavy infantry. They also have horsemen that are not chariots. Clearly they are meant to play the role of the bad guys in the region, just like the greekoids to Anatolia, the jews in Egypt,

In my game, the AI Assyria wrecked Hatti faster than the canaanites to the average country.

Also, it is nice how the creators bring in historical letters that inspired them, like the king of Cyprus complaining to the egyptian pharaoh that they had sent him pyrite instead of gold and why.
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ok based???
Attila is the best total war ever made
fantastyfags need not apply with the easiest "smashing my toys together" gameplay ever conceived
I don't understand how this Aegean Dynasty mechanic works. I get that Troy is somewhat of a de jure satrapy or something like that of the old Hittite authority, but it can get very hard to play when nations keep disputing this title that Priam has. So we have to fight both the greekoid subhumans and other breakaway states.
Would be cool if melee units before enganging formed a no manda land between them before killing each other
Troy is an illegitimate state
nu total war slop
just bought it ill let you know how it goes
Attila was and will always be shit. It is unplayable without extensive modding.
The last good Total War game was Shogun 2. After that, it was a rapid decline into mediocrity and being forgotten.
So just like the real thing, according to the little records we have right now.

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