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Whats the peak of Total War genre?
Shogun 2 or Medieval 2
Shogun 1 or Medieval 1
rome 1
If it weren’t so nickel and dimed, I’d say what they did with Warhammer is pretty impressive. Otherwise it’s Shogun 2 by a large margin. 3 kingdoms was pretty good too, but the battles just feel so anemic and impactless.
shogun 2 or fall of the samurai
depends on your taste
Medieval 2
after it was at least one step backwards for every step forward, becoming three steps backwards after Shogun 2
Rome 1 and Medieval 2. I played every once since Shogun, and Empire sucked so bad that I never bought another one again.
Medieval 2.
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NTW3 for MP
Empire Total War for SP
opinion discarded
opinion embraced
Rome 1 for antiquity, Medieval 2 for steel and early firearms, Shogun 2 for later firearms
firearms in medieval are notoriously bad
Attila because of the difficulty, the setting and the battles.
But beign serious, Troy and Pharaoh are the best.
>But beign serious, Troy and Pharaoh are the best.
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R1, S2 with FotS, Tilla are the best games
M2 gets a special place because of the attention to detail

WH3, Pharaoh, and Hyenas are the best at making this shitty company kill itself
warhammer 2 and no amount of historyfag circlejerking will change that
as a historyfag i have enjoyed wh2, it felt really polished if confronted with that shitshow that was wh3
i can only bring myself to play lizards and egypt though
RTW with EB. M2TW with many mods.

Non Warscape Engine games in general outside S2
No wonder why CA is like that when people keep sucking that M2 poopsicle this hard
Shogun 2. Anything after it was just downhill
>b-but muh 3K
A slight bump up doesn't make the red arrow go any less down.
I wouldn't mind, being fa/tg/uy and all, but the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
But I got to admit, CA taking GW style of marketing and pricetags was giving me a familiar feeling of being ass-raped over my hobby
Attila is amazing but the dogshit modern province system will always chain it down
None are the peak. Only playable in multiplayer.
Rome 1 and Med 2
Fall of the Samurai for the gameplay, Empire for the map
>shitscape game >:(
>shitscape game, Japan 8^O
Med 2 > Rome 1 > Empire > every newer entry > couldn't get Shogun 1 and Med 1 to run on my pc > Rome 1 Bloatmastered
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That would be Total War: Warhammer III and it will be until Warhammer 40k is complete after 3 games
The dogshit battle engine drags Attila down more
the original
>he wasn't there in 2004
>he didn't see the original trailers and get hyped
>he didn't get to enjoy the exhilaration of leading massive 3D armies of antiquity against each other when it was a new and fresh thing

I pity you
>33 posters in
>only one mention of Attila

This board is dead
I would only quibble that I feel the battle speed was a little too fast, especially Romans Vs Barbs. The 'unlock faction' annoyance didn't help. But yes. It was a good time. And I do miss that the battle map was generated from your location on the world map; you could quite literally pick your ground.
Empire Total War
Fall of Samurai
Warhammer 1
>warhammer 1
it's b8
Nah. It's easily superior to 2 or 3. It's actually still got the essence of total war unlike the sequels which just turned into DLC power creep and pressing the "win now" button in your kewl unique faction mechanic screen.
Also best map in the series.
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I was there. I was 10-11 at the time, going through a pretty big LOTR bend because the huge battle scenes were awesome. When I saw a video that promised that sense of scale, I couldn't believe it. Managed to get my folks to buy me both Medieval 1 and then Rome. I loved it. It and the original Call of Duty is what got me into history and they're still just great solid games even as the years pass, the games age and the franchises they're a part off devolve further and further into cancer. Father Time ruins us in his own special way I suppose.
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I did have a modicum of enjoyment slaying the demons, the undead and the heretics as Repanse.
Medieval 2, Shogun 2 FotS, Attila
>have severe historical RTS phase in HS
>find previews for RTW looking for new games
>the screenshots look unbelievable, think the game is fake
>there's no way it lets you command huge 3D armies like that
>there's no way you can command thousands of 3D units to around a battlefield
>there's no way you can garrison city battlements and defend against huge siege machines
>even if it's real, there's no way my PC can run it
>it comes out, pirate it instantly
>it's everything the previews showed and more
>somehow runs smoothly on my PC
>instantly hooked
>play for hours and hours every day
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elaborate, i played it for 2 hours and got bored, warhammer 3 at least hooked me (as a shitty rpg) for 18 hours
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this is the peak.
It's a series of games, not a whole genre.
3 is great, but i wouldn't call it peak due to the shitty practices CA pulled and the absolute state it launched in
absolutely, was an amazing game
Games Workshop i think
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Don't forget getting absolutely AWED by the History Channel series using RTW to depict battles

for me its
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how come that in 20 fucking years there aren't more songs with his wife doing the signing
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CA shafted him and his wife probably can't speak Japanese and thus couldn't sing for S2
People dick ride Fall of the Samurai but Rise of the Samurai is actually goated

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Rome Remastered solely because mod support is what makes or breaks this franchise, and because it has the old proper engine.
If we're talking about vanilla then MTW2
FOTS is just better but ROTS is not terrible at all.
what's the best mod for the original RTW? i tried darthmod but it's very buggy
ROTS is terrible, but mostly because they just weren't thinking. If someone cared you could probably mod it into an acceptable state, but nobody does.
If they were gonna have this 9001-province-count clusterfuck of a map they ought to have just pushed the start date back to around the same time as Imperator Rome so you could fight the Etruscans and Samnites..
Roma Surrectum and Europa Barbarorum.
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in 2 years when they release their roman/italy update, they will most definitely have etruscan and samnite troops, probably make them a playable emergent faction too like they did with the other emergent factions.
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Does anyone actually play and finish a campaign on these maps with cheesing it by skipping over 500 rebel territories to capture the 1 city the victory conditions call for?
>victory conditions
i dont pay attention to that. i play until im satisfied or until the save bug gets me.
These maps always filter world conquest blobber spergs
Me too
What's the alternative? Spend 40 turns walking through rebel provinces to get the city you want? That's homosexual.
Simply recreating Trajan's imperial borders here should be like a vanilla world conquest x4

>Spend time not conquering rebel provinces in Germany and the Carpathians and simply roam around sacking and enslaving them instead
The only right answer
It would be Chadtilla if the AI was actually capable of dealing with its mechanics. As it stands, most AI factions that aren't the Huns just tend to crumble towards midgame and fighting nothing but steppe niggers gets old fast.
there is absolutely no need for a map this big. played a campaign as Syracuse and gave up after conquering Sicily and sacking Carthage
but sicily is only like 10 settlements you havent bloatmaxxed properly
I assume the mod author will get to it eventually but he's agonisingly slow. I mostly want a world map instead of 10 gorillion greek cities but whatever.
I need europa barbarorum updated to take advantage of this autism map. It would be perfect. No rebel script spawns would be needed, they could just have them exist and spawn in as a horde or some shit.
I don't even know the state of EB2 but it probably got updated once in the past year.
the map could be bloated down though. any area that has a settlement more than 5 tiles nearby needs to be eliminated. the scale is great, but the amount of settlements, not so much. 10 tile minimum distance between each settlement.
Agreed. Greece looks fucking ridiculous. I'd rather have the scale applied to a full Eurasia map with the same number of settlements.
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>all that greek shit
>all that shit in spain
>all that shit in fucking GB
Holy fucking bloat.
Pharaoh is actually fun as fuck. It just got shitted on by warhammer fanta$oy fans butthurt that CA wasn’t releasing the newest toy action figure pack fast enough.
The forum discussions leading up to Rome 2 were some of the kinoest I’ve ever had in my life. Shame all internet forums died out shortly after and got replaced by reddit shit.
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It was a time to be alive. If only we knew.
>The 'unlock faction' annoyance didn't help.
you could unlock all factions by editing a plain text document with notepad
wrong, scale should be reduced, province density should be increased
imagine Tsardoms-level scale with this amount of provinces
Empire/Napoleon was the bomb until you figured out the janky AI

That's all I want man is a non-janky line infantry game
it will all be worth it in the end when the mod is complete in ten years. the ultimate total war mod. nearly every area of the map filled with factions unique questlines and govt buildings for ever culture, thousands of variants of troops. the mod itself will probably be hundreds of gigs by the time its finished, but by the time its finished, nvme will be common place and load times wont be a big deal.
and to add, think of how great a modding resource this mod will be. everything from the troop textures, to the map itself, to all the scripts, this thing will be the ultimate modding resource for decades. not just for total war, but for other games as well. think of all the fighting games like warband and bannerlord that will be able to use the mods team research and troop equipment for their own mod, they dont have to waste time researching and making troop equipment.
Medieval to Medieval 2 is the hard peak. Empire to Shogun 2 is decent but the broken AI with cope doomstacks began to overwhelm the gameplay loop. Honorable mention to Warhammer II.
I'm uhhh not seeing much love for Napoleon
i feel the ris map if almost perfect for small local campaigns where u build up your kingdom then end it without having to slog through 6 gorrilian bad composed roman or selucid armies. ideally you could cut down the max amount of units able to be recruited by 90% and have 3 or 4 major battles in a war and take some land with a peace deal rather then having to beat the shit out of them into useless nigger-tier provinces
I hope they implement that script recruitment pool by milkman or whatever that he used in his cultural mod. Would greatly help reduce AI spam as they too can only recruit from the same pool as the player.
3 kingdoms. Yuan Shu is the rightful emperor btw, everything else is just cope.
This post was sponsored by the Zhong Dynasty
Bros, is Warhammer 3 worth 20 bucks (from a steam key site, so that CA won't get a dime from me) if I'll just play immortal empires with some friends?

I'd say Shogun 2
I don't think that's gonna happen because RTW is 20 years old, everyone who bought the Remaster was a pre-existing RTW fan in their late 20s at the youngest. A mod like EB2 could stay alive and maintain development and interest for 20 years since first release because people were like 15 years old when they started following it. By the time the remaster came out, they were just looking to recapture some nostalgia. It's already dead with <1,000 players on any given day. Mods are gonna keep this small number of oldfags interested for a bit, but how much longer can you play a 20 year old game?

And of course some nuTW players bought it too due to buying every single TW product that comes out, but they're not playing it anymore. I wish the remaster was more successful, specifically for its great modding potential, but it appears to already be dead.
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>don't think that's gonna happen because RTW is 20 years old, everyone who bought the Remaster was a pre-existing RTW fan in their late 20s at the youngest.
A modding resource doesnt have to be played for it to be useful. At the very least when they drop the roman update, modders will be able to use all the high quality texture for the republic era troops, empire era troops and the million other troops of sammites and whatnot, not to mention their research for other mods. That will always remain useful whether the mod itself is played or not. The remaster has actually gained players since launch and thats because of its small modding scene and imo a large part because of RIS. Its the most subbed mod and like DEI for Rome 2, I think RIS is doing most of the lifting despite other great mods on the workshop. Every time an update drops for RIS, the average goes up for a month because thats how much people are interested in this mod. I have no doubt that with the italian update, it will have the biggest boost to both the playerbase and modding scene since, romans aside from carthage is one of the biggest draws for that era.

If it was as fruitless as you say, we would have seen dwindling numbers for the remaster continue and continue but its held steady with slow growth throughout its time. People love the older games and until CA makes such a great sequel to these older titles, people will keep playing them and modding them. The devs will at the minimum complete the mod until the roman update. They had worked on RIS when popularity for RR was at its lowest, I dont think they will stop anytime soon.
Was Three Kingdoms actually much better than most nu-TW or is this just because it released next to Troy and Pharaoh. Battles just looked really awful in 3k.
Warhammer 3 with CreamAPI
James workshop
I've been playing Warhammer II. I can't get through a whole campaign. Its awesome at first when you learn a faction and watch the up close kino battles, Necrosphinx fighting off a dragon, etc, epic stuff.
But then the game starts to drag and I get burned out. I defeat a faction, the next thing to do is defeat another faction until I take over the map? It gets old. There is too much waiting out turns. When I accumulate multiple lords, heroes, provinces there is so much frivolous stuff to keep track of and its no fun, I want more battle kino not a hyperscale empire management sim
Many fights are skippable, it seems you just bunch your lords together and auto-resolve with 4 combined armies ftw since I don't have 6 hours for each battle
Can you a make a big difference micromanaging the battles? That's the only part of this game I really enjoy. Should I turn up the difficulty, play in battle mode, and focus on micro skills instead?
i want to play a fucking late firearms tw game but i fucking hate japan
good diplomacy but battles are probably the worst in the entire series
>single player
why the fuck are you doing this to yourself anon
>total war atilla
>ai reinforcing ally just sits in the corner not doing
even fucking medieval 2 AI helped you in fights this is bullshit
They are loads better than in Rome II/Warhammer. 3K gives you a lot of tools to attack the enemies morale (fire/night battles/musou). Just avoid the trebuchets since they trivialize the game.
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TW Bros, any advice an how to win this naval battle? I'm on the left.
opinion based
> Empire
Excellent opinion
opinion ignored
Atilla is a Rome 2 dlc that they decided to sell separately to make more money, what do you expect?
Nobody is playing Pharaoh as it is just a reskin of Troy, another game that nobody is playing.
What's left of the historical fanbase are still sticking with the pre-WH titles.
Kek good ol' Anibal at Portas. The autism to surpass Anthonius

Anybody else read this?
Medieval II. The greatest game + dlc combo of all time
great read and it basically confirms what people have been saying all along, management marketing and the designers are all retarded and should go fuck themselves.
I just can't get into Rome 2. I can't explain why. Even with DEI. The province system is just so...weird even though I eventually got the hang of it in the Total Warhammers. The battles are just bland compared to the others. What's wrong with me?
Kinda of unrelated but as anyone else here only found out about rome total war because of the documentary “Decisive Battles”? That shit changed my life, turned me to into a strategy game and history enjoyer
Medieval 1
Nearly win, all forces cowering before you, a couple countries fully occupied...
......... Switch to barbarians
It's a fucking crime that Fall of The Samurai is now more expensive than the base Shogun 2
nothing at all, you have a working brain
the game is not built to support shit like this so it ends up as a boring slog fest of conquering the same garbage towns. ideally the devs would have expected autism projects and thought of features to help deligate tasks and auto manage way better, imagine an army template system where you can raise armies to your choosing easily from a overview map or the ablitly to cut down micromangement by having armies follow a lead vanguard force saving time on moving troops, possibly the abilty to plan town construction giving a decent template for the automange system to work from instead of build garbage. a more out there change would be to raise the unit cap to 60 or 80 or add the abilty to combine units into larger ones lessning the army spam which slows down the game.
Shogun 2 definitely
Least nostalgia-addled TW fan
AI in Shogun 2 is not broken, certainly not compared to M2
It literally can't play it's own game. If you wait enough any clan in Shogun 2 gets mass rebellions since the AI can't stop itself from upgrading its castles and markets which causes food shortages.
When I played Shogun 2 last year as the ikko ikki, I cannot recall encountering any rebels I did not incite myself. Maybe this only happens on lower difficulties, or after a very very long number of turns.
I have such sunk cost with Warhammer that I keep buying the dlc's. I keep trying to play it but it just isn't fun anymore.
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Medieval Total War, no fucking suffixes. The abstracted Risk-like strategy map is still the best. I often only play the world map and autoresolve the battles.
I'm often tempted to try out Three Kingdoms but then I remember that ROTK XI PUK is way better anyway.

I tried it out and it's not bad. The battles are typical nutotal war fashion ie bland garbage but the diplomacy system actually met the decently steep expectations everyone that gushed about it set. But that does not make a game good by itself. The battles as said before are bleh, the UI is bleh, the nutotal war campaign mechanics ie recruiting and managing your empire are bleh. Still, probably the best of the nutotal wars. I do enjoy the Total Warhammers but not nearly as much as Shogun 2 or Medieval 2.
>often only play the world map and autoresolve the battles.
There's no fucking game left if you do that

Compared to other nutotal wars I appreciate how 3K gives you multiple ways to attack enemy morale. Also the first game where you can set forests on fire as enemies march through them IIRC. I enjoy the extra empire management officers provide, and greatly appreciate how enemy factions will surrender after you beat them up enough. Vassals are useful for speeding up your conquest if you don't mind letting them have the counties. Probably the most fun TW out of all of them to do a full map conquest for that reason.
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Probably Shogun 2. The limited roster means the AI doesn't confuse itself with weird army compositions, when guns become more readily available you're open to completely changing your tactics by retiring samurai for cheaper ashigaru pike/shot stacks that can hold their own against more expensive samurai armies. Last time I played I had my Daimyo and older generals keep a traditional army while the heir and the next generation would use gun focused armies. Realm divide, while not perfect, stops the lategame from being an autopilot affair.

I'm a 3 Kingdoms nerd and would have loved if they kept it more grounded. The female generals, one man armies and the overly fast battles killed it for me. A major campaign defining battle should last longer than 10-15 minutes.
Rome 2 with DEI is fun
>friend wants to try out more total war games after playing Warhammer and Shogun 2
>"sorry, Medieval 2 is too outdated for me, I'm not getting it"
>"yeah I don't really care about knights and medieval things either, I'm more of a viking guy, tribal stuff only"
>buy Attila
>gets his ass whopped as the danes early on
>play ostrogoths visigoths in coop campaign, has fun raizing cities
>doesn't bring up the game in the next days

its not fair, why can't people appreciate dark ages kino...
I would say attila with Ancient/classical empires mod if it weren't an unfinished piece of shit filled with retard nostalgia.
God I hate nostalgiafags so fucking much. They are not trying to put attila as a game in the times of Rome, they are desparetly clinging to their fuckign childhood nostalgia and it's so fucking vomit inducing.
Replace the music with R1 music because "they don't make 'em like they used to" instead of making new building icons or doing any sort of adaptation, they just take actual ungly and old R1 icons and put them into attila.

Holy fucking shit you boomer niggers please get over the fact that your childhood is over and has been over for decades.
Strange that nobody makes clones or sidegrades to Total War games.
there are a couple actually.
Like what? I would maybe try them out.
Basically this. Empire was TW at its logical extent, representing almost the entire world map (At least the parts that matter) and a particularly interesting period in time and technology.
Have him install the age of vikings mod for attila
historical TW peaked with Medieval 2
only Total War Warhammer was able to get on the same level
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Been playing shogun1 after my dei rome2 game. Holy smokes, does this lag like a motherfucker on modern systems. I haven't tried the campaign yet and not sure if I may, might just move on to med2 more.
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Do you think it's possible for CA to give up the license for engine 1/2 willingly? Is it just a pipe dream that'll never happen? Just imagine over 40-100k battles with sprites and properly optimized. It'd be GOAT. Not just for a shogun 1 remaster (but that'd be interesting) but just as an engine in general -maybe an original IP fantasy setting like mount and blade or of course reimagining of med2 and so on.
I really doubt they even still have the source code.
Anyone know what that text means?
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my notes
Med 2
Shogun 2
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komissar is back and will apparently release an update for total conquest after being MIA for years
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R1 and S2, for different reasons. Thought 3K might be on to something but alas, CA fucked it all up.

>picked up Med 1 in 2003
>Rome 1 kino launches the next year
>Get into Warhammer the same year
>Dream of a Warhammer Total War
>12 years later CA finally do
>And they build it off the back of Rome 2
The greatest of Monkey's Paws
The Senate and the people of Rome.
The divine Titus son of divine Vespasian
Vespasian augustus.
Las sentence doesn't make any sense as it's repetitive.
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I like the era, I liked UG:CW, I like long term strategy games, I like logistics management in strategy games, would it be worth picking this up?
(cant make new thead for some stupid reason so Im just posting it here)
they prolly never would even if they still had the source code, CA as far as i know is the only company with a decent battle system (excluding manor lords as that is not the main focus) they would be giving a lot of their possible market share away
>CA as far as i know is the only company with a decent battle system
Warscape is dogshit and killed company
The answer is yes.
He probably meant montee de l'empire
Yes. It has everything about a linear warfare game I want.
Rome 1 is the best (or Medieval 2 if you are a woman or a faggot).
Shogun 2 on hardest is the most interesting challenge.
Shogun 1 or Medieval 1 get honourable mentions, but mostly because they were my first.
Total war warhammer 3
Shame the game sucked
Weird, it runs fine for me in W10.
don't listen to the others, it's incredibly repetitive and boring
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>divo and divi is declension of divus
>f as filius
I see. Thank you, anon. I thought about writing to Feral and asking them, but all I could find was a tech support contact, and I doubt they would care about some inscription from a three year old game.
>and I doubt they would care about some inscription from a three year old game.
edwin is pretty active in the twcenter discord. im sure he would have replied if you pinged him.
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Field of glory
Based taste anon, not many had played this game
i played the viking one, does that count?
Spartan total warrior on ps2
Empire was so botched it’s unreal. Inwill never forgive CA for that shit.
>the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
so you're saying the problem is it's a total war game?
>1 province France
what the fuck were they thinking seriously ?
I think it's the musket/arbquesus particle effects for sure.
The interface is the real FPS killer, somehow. Switching to the reinforcements menu makes the framerate shoot up immediately.
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I am fond of Empire because there's so few games set in that time period but fuck me the AI is probably the most broken still of any game
>anons unironically naming shogun 1 and medieval 1
Holy shit, take your arthritis meds with your apple sauce and go to bed you out of touch, contrarian geriatrics.
Hating modern shit doesn't make you cool.

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