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TFR stream and release date here.
>Association of the Freed Cut
Dead on arrival
Yet another mod where not even a single one of the developers are straight white men
>It's actually coming out
Neat, shame theirs no content for best Korea on release
>Association of the Freed
The Atomwaffen is right there.
Different Kind
Ah, you mean fake libertarians? No, they're not in.
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Why play as any other country if the focus of the mod is the ACW?
Your mind is gonna be blown the fuck away
TrooNO getting dunked on by TFRchuds as we speak
This dogshit slop is absolute garbage. I’ve been in the playtest and it’s a massive fucking disappointment. 70 day trees, endless walls of autistic text and tons of LARP
But enough about KX.
Kalterkrieg 0.1 released last Thursday ignore the DMCA report filled by some troll
>TNO devs got so salty they actually convinced steam to take it down
That's not even funny it's just sad
Do we have any proof they did it?
>enforced silence on tfr discussions on discord and reddit
How is that "winning?"
>just your run of the mill modz
Better than TNO or that mini game ridden 'safe althist' mess that is KR
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I hope they pulled a TNO and gave Vaush a hundred different death events depending on how shit unfolds.
>p-pedophilia is a sexual ori-
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iirc it was some random nobody that like to DMCA hoi4 mod on the workshop to make steam give access to developer irl informations, so tl:dr they're trying to dox hoi4 modder by DMCA.
The same dude that complains about loli, yet has an extensive collection of it?
I don't get the references to horses, though.
he just loves horses. Loves 'em. Like literally
MLP, or actual horses?
He's one of those people that made pro-bestiality political arguments IIRC so actual ones.
I really hope Vaush is a leader/can become a leader for one of the civil war factions
If I were the TFR devs I'd split up the APLA. It's made of subfactions that only barely tolerate each other and, the left being what it is, those subfactions would see no problems fighting each other AND the right/far right factions
he said some sussy things about horses on discord
So how is Kalterkrieg? Worth reinstalling for?
He talks a LOT about horse cocks. There's a video running around just looking up the word horse cock on his discord server and he cannot stop mentioning constantly.
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I saw someone played the game as Germany and you basically do nothing but sit around, reading events and playing minigames while everyone else are having war like 2ACW with Pacific State, Union of America and New England, Russia fallen to CW between Gorgulov in Western Rusia and a dictatorship guy who I forgot the name of- in Central-Far Eastern Siberia, Chinese Civil War continue and Kongo war. I don't think Germany ever enter the war and mostly send volunteer to other nations so yeah, it's really boring I guess.
It's the third. The second happened during KR in 1937
It's currently temporarily hidden due to a copyright troll. Most likely it'll return in a few days as was the case with mods hit by a copyright troll earlier in the summer.

Anyway no, not worth it. It was released in a very unfinished state. Basically an early alpha version. If you already uninstalled it, I'd sooner recommend that you get Old World Blues if you want an excuse to play HOI4 again, or one of the other of the more established mods. At least then you'll have an OK time.
My last playthrough before uninstalling was the Enclave, so I guess this means the game stays off my HDD for now.
Not the worst life choice to be honest, I'm more of an EU4 person myself even.
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I want an event about him getting into cis >>>white male gulag.
>It's currently temporarily hidden
You can get the mod on paradox plaza
Wish this mod would update.
I haven't been following this mod super closely, but let me guess the factions
>drooling old man
am I right?
Should I go for End of a New Beginning or the redux?
lol good luck. They might add him in an april fools update. jokes aside he's more fitting in TOTA since they've even got Kanye as a potential US leader if Pence fucks up
I don't mind walls of text but TFR's are full of typos and weird grammar. They could really use an editor. >>1796027 is lacking a few commas for example.
70 day trees are shit, that I agree with.
This would attract all the worst people to the mod, no thanks
He should be a general with the Cavalry Expert trait.
TFR is literally made by latinx mexican troon chuds
TOTA is a slop meme mod with an incompetent dev team barely able to put together an alpha release that doesn't look half-baked as shit
This right here, Economy system is shit to, for reference of how bad it actually is Kalterkrieg's economy system is just ever so slightly better feeling and don't even get my started on the self smug writing, its not TNO level bad but its worse then Calm Before the storm
>sneeding about TNO on a mod that has nothing to do with it
cope harder kaisertroon
They're still in
They might get content later, but not for first release but yeah as a faction they're still in.
kalterkrieg is certified slop dogshit with 0 content
Did they ever release the mod?
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Yeah this mod is 100% Going to be released very soon
I watched there APLA stream and even saw there little show of the atomwaffen which included showing the starting focus tree so yeah basically confirmed development on the atomwaffen so a teaser for them is probably happening this month or the next one
My suspension on development? right now there probably finishing development on the last bits that need to be developed on other faction and once that done they focus full development on the atomwaffen and finally on the last weeks of development they probably finish/make GFX events and that and with probably a big popularity campaign releases right on time
Depending on how good it is on release it either kill TNO and take it places or doesn't but is still quite popular mostly because it allows the far-right and the far-left to larp there fantasies
We now have a confirmed release date for October 18th so I guess wait till october
I remember when people here and outside said that this mod was never going to be released lol
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Calling on all the faggots in previous VST threads that said they had a TFR leak to actually leak it.

>if its a 2021 or 2022 build, rope yourself
If the mod does get released what faction(s) are you guys would play as?
Atomwaffen division
50% because i'm a edgelord and 50% because it basically what the mod have built itself as in the atomwaffen division to tfr is what burgundy is to tno
ACG first, check out Japan then
Russia and China
Always thought they should have been something else.
What do you mean?
Should been a faction station at either Philadelphia or Boston that sees US that had both political and governance drifted too far from the constitution
Eh, we kind of have democratic patriot front path for that and really the name is just a way to equalize the name between biden and trump america
I remember originally that trump america was simply just called the united states but they changed it to ACG since they thought it was kind of weird for the fact trump america is given the USA moniker as in lore both countries call themselves the united states so as i said it a bit weird only trump america is offically called the united states in-game so they changed trump america name to something similar to the union of america
>Picked Germany
>Sat on my ass and built civilian factories for 4 years
>Took decisions that gave me even more civilian factories
>Got bored and quit

I sent one (1) tank division around to various proxy wars, Rommel and his level 5 boys beat everything. That was kind of fun. Also no ESL is good. Glad this mod has good spelling and grammar; that's suprisingly uncommon in HOI4 mods.
>american civil war mod
>no confederacy analogue
Pretty sure Arkansas supposed to from the confederacy.
That's still going to be a thing, Assuming development doesn't collapse post release of course
There a league of the south which the jannies have said will immediately have a focus tree developed when the mod released so yes you can play as the confederacy
>uh acktually it isn't the confederacy its the league of the south and there won't be slavery or antisemitism now be sure to join the discord ;)
Really? Look man I don't know what the plans are for the league of the south but since we have the atomwaffen and other insane shit than yeah you probably will be able to kill the kikes and enslave niggers while playing the league of the south once a tree is developed
Oh yeah on a scale on 1 to worser than tno, how horrible do you think the fire rises community will be?
Personally I think it going to be a 9, Mods 100% going to be filled with larpers and spergs but well the jannies on the cord and Reddit seem to ban you if they find you annoying so maybe that will cull the more annoying spergs
Makes a little of sense but also what
who the fuck is Wicked?
is cwic any good?
There actually was an LoS focus tree in 2022, but it got cut. It wasn't very exciting
Something something Leo Frank something something.
Sounds trash.
no it really isn't unless you like waiting around to do fuck all
Why APLA focus tree look like trash?
MD updated changelog in last 3 hours. Patch imminent.

Trees for Libya, Tibesti(small mountain region of south Libya) and African Union(shared) being added in hotfix aswell as rework/improvements to Belarus, Ukraine, DPR, Crimea and Greece.

Still no sign of Israel and UK.
>18th October

chat is this real
No, it's dolphin porn
>millennium snooze
wow Kalterkrieg really fucking sucks
aside from tfr is there any other mod in development worth caring about
- NEW TREES: Libya, Tibesti, African Union (Shared)
- NEW REWORKED/IMPROVED: Ukraine, Crimea, Donetsk People's Republic, Greece
- New building "Commercialized Agriculture District"
- New Internal Factions events and decisions
- Decoupled the Corruption Events from their old pulse and mixed them with the other random events. It should make it a bit less spammy
- Added "The Eurozone Debt Crisis" event chain spurred from the USA Global Financial Crisis
- Added "Migration Rate" mechanic to the game
- Added a new law "Migration Law"
- Updated content for nations to the new Migration Mechanics
- Added the "Migration Crisis of Europe" to the game
- Added the idea "The Casino City for the Rich" for Monaco
- Added the "Naval Power of the Continent" mini-mechanic to the power ranking system
- Added the "Campaign for Lower Government Spending" decision
- Added an event in 2010 regarding the formation of Constellis
- Added four new releasables: Cyrenaica, Fezzan, Tibesti & Tripolitania
- Added new country leader traits: Skilled Lobbyist, Inexperienced General, Scholarly Challenged, Substance Abuser, Playboy Lifestyle, Aviation Engineer, Agrarian Expert & Convicted Criminal
- Added African Union mechanics to accompany the shared tree
- Added a discourage population decision for those who want to make their country have less people pre-maritally holding hands.
>Added a discourage population decision for those who want to make their country have less people pre-maritally holding hands.
Jesus Christ is MD a porn mod?
African Union powerhouse would be a good playthrough if the tree is good when unified, starting in some failed state cesspit and slowly taking over Africa with modernisation of tech,industry, economy,influencing neighbour nations for peaceful annexations and reforming the military to become one of the most powerful places on the planet due to sheer resources and manpower would make a good AAR aswell. A militaristic African Union vs militaristic European Union(has paths for full federal takeover with an all powerful single leader and player appointed cabinet mechanic) would be pretty funny.
>- Added "Migration Rate" mechanic to the game
>- Added a new law "Migration Law"
hmmm interesting
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Can't wait to have my country get BLACKED through the new immigration rate mechanic!
>literally who countries
>the entirety of central and south america completely ignored
>Convicted Criminal
It's bandit time.
I'm just happy to kill niggers
>play as Germany
>1/3 of the focus tree is a political reform that's barely explained and has no impact on anything
>nothing happens for a year
>random commie uprising in the ruhr cause why not
>resolved in like 2 months
>nothing happens for another 4 years
>mittleafrika randomly implodes (nothing you can do about that) and replaced by random wholesome nigger warlords
>nothing happens for another couple of years
>Willy III dies, Willy IV comes and the only thing he does is institute feminism
>nothing happens for one more year
>third american civil war
>is supposed to be able to escalate into a reichspakt vs entente showdown but doesn't, union just stomps everyone
>nothing happens for 4 more years
>le end
There isn't even TrannyNO VN elements, the whole mod is one big nothing where you wait for focuses to complete in hopes something would happen other than your economy getting a little better (it doesn't)/ I suppose you can call sending a div to help in the three proxy wars and spending 5 civs for a year on your puppets so they can get an extra mil "gameplay" but it really isn't, millennium dawn is fast and thrilling in comparison
Are these guys gonna drop something playable after years of blueballing or can we admit that this mod is dead in the water?
Nope, easily the most dull and boring mod you can play. No matter which country you're gonna pick the only gameplay you're gonna do is doing focuses
7 New countries for me to look at while I wait for 10 years at speed 5 before something actually happens
I watched there streams and the mods seem pretty good and i am a relative optimist so i do think it going to be a pretty decent mod
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Red Flood coming in with another pretentious art student tooze
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>a cold war between a constitutional monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, and some kind of nationalist russia
Am I getting this right? More like Kaiserbookrieg kek
I wish they actually released the Burning Memories update finally. And that other mods had as pretty focus icons as RF.
Banger trailer
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If they don't release on the promised release date then we can consider it dead, im not sure how common it is for devs to stream pre-release gameplay but that shows atleast some confidence
TNO did it recently with Brazil and talked about a June release date. It was only a matter of fixing the last bits of loc, we were told.

Well, we all know how that turned out.
>pretty focus icons
do you actually think their cookie cutter dime a dozen focus icons are pretty or are you just a troon shill
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Still better than vanila gfx framing desu.
>Le Golden Grains and Circle
I'm honestly so tired of this shit. You can criticize RF for many things like the lack of warfare mechanic, the focus tree layout, which is just linear top to buttom and even their pretentious ideology presentation but you have to give it to them that their GFX department are far better and more unique from any other mods that do the same Vanila or TNO assests.
would be cool if they added demographics though, so you can simulate multiculturalism and genocide
>Ethnical Economics
TFR devs spend so much time hyping themselves up about their mod and it's future success I think it would be hilarious if they managed to be less popular then Red Flood
Idk but this mod has been in development for years and so far the only thing coming from is hype. Reminds me of Long and Happy Life
LoHaLi never got even close to announcing a release date though, no? Not that I trust the chuds from TFR to meet theirs, mind you, but at least they backed it up somewhat.
What is this from?
I wish LoHaLi was real. It seemed fun. Alas, just another dead dream in this shitty scene.
RF hurts my eyes but at least it has a distinct and unique style
I feel the same way.
Objectively, the style is pretty hard on the eyes.
But it fits the world so perfectly and really lends to the atmosphere. Wouldn't have it any other way.
what does the Atomwaffen focus tree look like?
any toozer of that?
Holy kino....
Besides this one which is part of a teaser that showed all factions, none at all, devs mentioned that when Atomwaffen gets teased that they're nearly ready for release
why are they using minecraft font
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TNO focus icons are actually quite kino I think, while they are constructed similar to vanilla icons they at least do a good job using interesting assets to get the attention of the player.
>Those focus names
>They're all outdated because of reworks
lmao literally none of this ever made it into the mod.
lmao literally all of this is deleted by now.
>hoi4 modding is dea-
How does that invalidate what I said about the artwork, retard
It doesn't nor did I claim that. They're nice.
But just like all other nice things in TNO they've been deleted. All that effort and creativity for nothing because muh realism. It's just sad and pathetic.
What happened to Mason? I thought he was the leader instead of this literal who.
Blame the TNO dev team as always, the new leads have been running the mod into the ground a few months after Guangdong dropped.
There a thing where before florida is reunified the leader is brandon russell who irl is the actual well first leader of the atomwaffen but than once florida reunified or even a bit before that mason come in to become the leader
They never said that.
The mod was in steep decline after that but ever since Mango and Corn took over things in particular things have just been in complete freefall.

Bet they never said that Brazil only had a few pieces of loc left before they could release it for several weeks straight before going completely radio silent either.
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Imagine if they spent that time actually creating content instead. TFR could have released two years ago.
Except Ron Paul, I have no idea who any of these people are.
At least I know Joe Arpaio and Oliver North on top of that. Some of these leaders seem interesting at a glance at least. But knowing how these things go I wouldn't be surprised if it's just space fillers without any actual functions.
>Ron Paul
Is Ron really dumb?
slop toozer meme mod like twilight of the anthropocene
African Dawn is out.
>implying it's a playable mod
Does algeria have content
Looks interesting, thanks for sharing anon.
>Republic of Ni-
That's gonna be difficult to stream
>goes into the near future, but has no futuristic weapons

What's with the hippos and crocs?
I need some help modding more effeciently. I'm trying to make a "hoi4 classic" mod and it's mega tedious. My goals are to
1. Give every nation their OG focus tree so only the 7 majors and poland would have their classic release day focus trees.
2. Give them the proper starting units, technologies, airwings and production but add in the new ship/tank/plane designers
3. Set the world map to be like the og one and remove countries that didn't used to exist like most of the colonized nations Afar and Manchukuo

So far my method is adding a blank .txt to remove the focus tree for a nation or for the ones that do have focus trees a copy of the 1.0 focus tree. Next I copy paste a copy of the nations country file to set their starting national spirits, tech, and units and add in the modern game like early truck tech, the ship/tank/plane designs inplace of the original stuff.

I also copy pasted the 1.0 events file and country tags file and placed a blank .txt file for every other event file and balance of power and dynamic modifiers file. I'm currently in the process of going through every single state file and removing the cores and ownership for countries that did not exist in 1.0.

The only problem is I have 22K errors in debug mode and manually going into every single state file to remove country tags is mega fucking annoying so is there a more effecient method I could use? (I'm only using notepad btw so should I use something else?).
You pronounce it NAI-JER
>finally try Millennium Dawn
>play for 15 hours straight
>mod updates very next day
Oh well.
It's a boring mess of a mod
How the fuck does Steam not have an option to disable automatic updates for a game/mod yet?
It does
Well, press it
>another american civil war mod
why do we need 7 of them again?
Don't think there's a problem with there being a lot of them. It's a popular alt history premise. Problem is rather that a lot of them feel like they didn't have much thought put into them besides a premise and wanting some funny leaders.
The problem with the 2ACW setting is that everybody, including the potential leaders of the conflicting factions, know that a civil war will fix very little, if any, of the issues that caused the civil war in the first place. It will also cause more damage than simply letting things be.
Even now that the country has never been more polarized and divided it's widely acknowledged that a civil war is a really bad idea.
>everyone is always hyper-rational and calmly analyzes all situations and realizes that cooler heads should prevail for optimal progress
I'm saying that no 2ACW scenario is realistic. Maybe they can sell if the writing is good enough, but apparently the HoI4 modding community can't produce that level of writing.
>It will also cause more damage than simply letting things be.
90% of americans dying in a civil war would fix most of the problems america causes i.e climate change
Your definition of realism is terrible though. You're just like the people that predicted that WW1 could never have happened because people are making so much money from trade connections when humans clearly don't operate like that throughout history. Also even if things are unrealistic and don't have the best writing most people are clearly fine if the gameplay is fun which the popularity of mods like KX prove.

Stop being a grump and just stick to early vanilla or TNO if you want to focus on domestic politics while the world burns around you.

>90% die
>California survives
>everything is now worse
california is a fiscal black hole and would implode in absence of the fedgov or would end up splitting into pieces
maybe it'd become financially and resource stable if the vast majority of the post-hart-celler "americans" and "undocumented migrants" in California ended up fleeing south because it turns out in the presence of war, people who were previously terrified to return to their oppressive homes suddenly realise their old homeland wasn't so oppressive after all: see every single non-slav with no ties to the land fleeing Ukraine the moment the Russian invasion happened
I was just joking around that California surviving would invalidate the "90% dead solved our problems" joke, no need to over-analyze things.
Telling an autist to not overanalyze things is like telling a fish to breathe air.
Based and rudypilled.
>TFR team tried to assassinate trump to promote the mod
Hi... I have a question, if I make a formable nation AFTER making another formable do I lose the cores I had before (that are not part of the new formable)
Hi... no, you will keep the cores unless it explicitly states otherwise
nah going formable A to formable B gives you cores on both A and B

ie: denmark into nordic union into north sea empire lets you core england and the nordics
A couple like Red Dusk, Over The Horizon, and Melting Pot/Love Thy Neighbor at the moment
Melting pot and Love thy neighbor are dead, over the horizon is too ambitious for it's team, Red Dusk is probably happening but I played the leaked build and it wasn't that good
Does anyone still care about Make America Again mod? it got a new update in early July
shit meme mod full of no effort chatgpt/ESL written paths
But enough about TFR
Darkest Hour update
yes, they are both meme mods written by ESL spics using chatgpt. it seems like this is a trend among american civil war mods.
>complains about ESL writers for mods
>is Brazilian
stop talking to robbie
Opinions on Brave New World?

Original dev was a vaush loving retard but from what I can see new management is pretty competent.
Opinion on this new HOI4 mod?
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it's a barely functioning joke mod, fun for a meme path or two but it's not very interesting
Russian cancer
>There's a fucking /pol/ focus
Looks generic. I feel like I've seen that aesthetic and presentation used a million times before already.

They dissolved a while ago my guy
>highlight random words in a focus name to be edgy
TNO niggers doing this was a mistake
Shit just like Extremis Ultimis, North America Divided and Land of the Free. American Civil War mods are always shit.
Why is that?

I think this is the mod being referenced. Original dev was a massive retard from what I understand. Super pro vaush and antifa and all that crap
This makes TNO look subtle.
I personally like NAD a lot.
>Western countries are neo-colonialist using hard influence rather than soft-influence
>China belt&road debt traps not even a thing
>Russian PMCs are "liberators"
Sadly another mod ruined by propaganda brain rotted individuals who can't put aside their personal beliefs.
>>Western countries are neo-colonialist using hard influence rather than soft-influence
>>China belt&road debt traps not even a thing
>>Russian PMCs are "liberators"
All true btw
Seems pretty accurate to how things went down in, say, Niger.
>please come back and get IMF loans, africa
>muh bleeding africa dry
>stop hiking up prices for debeers you slanty eyed chink FUCKS
chinese loans unironically have lower interest than those from the IMF and the world bank and are more often than not used to invest in infrastructure
this makes westies seethe because of reasons
they (the westies) sure as shit don't actually care about the africans otherwise they wouldn't be trying to force weird social engineering programs on them
in b4 "it's OK when we do it."
If its alt-his it should say so.
Pretending to be based on the current situation is misleading and leads to retards thinking the British Empire is still alive and well.
It's a hoi4 mod you retard
The engine isn't built for soft power shit
Honestly you guys that defend Russia and America are both retarded morons defending two different but equally evil empires.

Keeping slurping authoritarian balls

History will laugh at you
They did my boy Ron very, very dirty
Thinking infrastructure is a magical tool that will by itself increase a country's economic development to first-world tier is exactly why non-white economies are and will always be glorified bubbles. Which hue of shitskin hands typed this post?
The fuck kind of argument is this supposed to be?
>we're better because we don't even try, and all the loans we give are explicitly meant to disappear into various functionaries' pockets
The world in general did him very dirty and crushed his dreams forever.
Anon, why do you think western investors put so much money into infrastructural projects first before making any further investments? Without infrastructure, you cant do anything else.
A house needs foundations before you can build anything on it, anon.
How do I fix this

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[18:00:02][1936.05.19.11][containerwindow.cpp:776]: interface/topbar.gui (line 3 ): Could not find "threat_value" in window topbar
[18:00:02][1936.05.19.11][containerwindow.cpp:1009]: interface/topbar.gui (line 3 ): Could not find "dismissed_alerts_button" in window topbar
[18:00:02][1936.05.19.11][containerwindow.cpp:776]: interface/topbar.gui (line 3 ): Could not find "threat_value" in window topbar
[18:00:02][1936.05.19.11][containerwindow.cpp:1009]: interface/topbar.gui (line 3 ): Could not find "dismissed_alerts_button" in window topbar
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idk anon its fun for the first playthrough but after that it just becomes map paint...everything feels the same in the mod
>be weak and shit
>do some insane focus
>do the "purchase weapons" and "hire mercenaries" decision
>invade weak neighbor and gain cores on them via OP focus tree or dumb formable
>game now becomes a cakewalk and u can now map paint

also the focus tree quality is all over the place and it generally feels unpolished
Does the 7/2 offensive infantry meta apply to Kaiserreich? What about defensive infantry formations?
One, who's "we"? The IMF is a UN organism, not just a Western one. That countries taking its loans are utterly incompetent is their own fault, especially considering how generous it is. Yugoslavia, Argentina, Greece: all these countries suffered of their own accord. Two, infrastructure loans are just as likely to fall into bureaucrat hands, in fact it's much more common for it do so, both through actual pocketing and structural nepotism in contracts. This is where China is really devious, as continuous expenses on questionably useful infrastructure chain countries to it, as they need more and more money to keep current infrastructure working and build the future infrastructure China asks of them. Three, we (the West) shouldn't try to develop Afreaka, it's a waste of time and not our mission anyway.
They don't? What's the share of Western investment money that goes into infrastructure?
The economy is not an house and "good" foundations don't mean a good house will be built on top (especially when those foundations require continuous attention by an exclusive company). Also lmao at anything made by chink or nigger hands being "good".
So true, bestie. Niggers and chinks are retarded, and that's why we need to replace ourselves with niggers and pajeets, because we aren't breeding and niggers are.
>Oh these groups are just controlled by western institutions and only do things that benefit western globalists but since they aren't under direct federal control they're independent
Imagine falling for this lmao.
>A good foundation doesn't guarantee a good house
It's a metaphor you blithering retard but even then obviously you're more likely to have a functioning economy if you have actual infrastructure to carry goods and people from point A to point B. How you'd even try to argue against something this basic is just baffling. It's hard to tell if you're literally a child or just being contrarian on purpose.
Chinks have a lower birth rate than any white country and are getting replaced by Mongolians, don't throw stones from glass houses.
>western globalists
Globalists aren't westerners, their operations are global (it's in the name). What benefits them may not benefit the West per se.
Actually rent free.
>It's a metaphor
Yes, a shitty one. Excessive reliance on metaphors to explain reality is another element of shitskin psychology.
>if you have actual infrastructure to carry goods and people from point A to point B
What are "point A" and "point B"? If the volume of trade is not enough to justify infrastructural expansion (as it often is in Africa) investment often becomes just a way to pocket money. Hell, you don't even have to look at Africa, there are notable examples in Asia or Europe. Modern infrastructure is extremely expensive to mantain. China doesn't need high-interest loans when it can spam African countries with low-interest ones that force them to take other loans following mis-investment. And when it's not mis-investment (because China is overseeing the operation) it's often programs that are strictly in its interest and push the countries in question into its sphere. Their investment policy is so moral they're taking over mines in mass from those evil globalists you cry about and somehow worsening standards.
I'm not a chink.
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>It makes no sense that you'd want to build functioning roads between cities and industries
>Normal Americans don't benefit from the oligarchy ruling over them therefore these institutions have nothing to do with America
Literal retardation.
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Kornilov rework sounds very based
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And more monarchist paths
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I hope the right side can actually crown a member of the Imperial family as Emperor of America.
Neat, more KX content to look forward to.
FPS Equestria at War is real!
Has anyone played this game? Is it good?
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If every other HoI4 mod dev had half the autism of the EaW guys we'd be living like this.
I remember someone saying the reason why Eaw is so much better than hoi4 mod is because it a mlp mod

Most mods usually have real ideologies and take place in the real world so the devs there usually take it quite seriously and usually push there agenda

but since Eaw is set in a fictional land with magical talking ponies, the devs there well know that trying to push a particular ideology and agenda is quite retarded and so focus on making it actually fun
this is false, communism gets wanked because the original devs were russoids
>since Eaw is set in a fictional land with magical talking ponies, the devs there well know that trying to push a particular ideology and agenda is quite retarded
How come almost every country, including the Crystal Empire which is ruled by a literal goddess, can go commie?
>so the devs there usually take it quite seriously and usually push there agenda
This is exactly what happens in EaW too.
The reason why EaW is "better" is because it requires more effort to see the fuckups since you have to be able to discern them on their own rather than being able to reference real history.
Then you're certainly on the mutt equatorial line and a SEAnigger, spic or dandnigger.
Pajeets generally don't advertise themselves as replaces (they offshore this to imaginary niggers) and niggers themselves are too stupid to argue so.
>It makes no sense that you'd want to build functioning roads between cities and industries
What cities? What industries? We're talking about Africa retard. Anything that isn't a railroad from mine to port is a waste of money.
>these institutions have nothing to do with America
Not any more than they do with China, correct. If we want to talk about globalists, there is no meaning to qualifying them as exclusively westerners. China takes part (often a leading one too) in all big global initiatives, they're the foremost supporters of free trade right now too. Xi's daughter studies in America. You're either suffering from /pol/ overdose (if white) or just a chink smoothbrain/brown slave defending his new master.
Either way, your economy is a real estate grey market bubble.
>Then you're certainly on the mutt equatorial line and a SEAnigger, spic or sandnigger.
Americans genuinely cannot grasp that someone who is like them might be in favour of Sino-Futurism because as shit as the chinkoids are, they're still marginally better than the Jews. Fucking Mexican drug cartels, the Taliban, warlords driving TURBO DIESEL Hiluxes with anti-aircraft HMGs mounted in the bed, the Italian mafia, anything is a better alternative to these nation-wrecking kikes.
Sino-Futurism is indeed not ideal. Personally, I would have preferred a world run by Europeans and people of European descent like actual non-black Americans, as things should have stayed forever after the Industrial Revolution. But Europeans (and neo-Europeans, like the Amerricans) decided they didn’t want to do that, and instead handed over all of their power to Jews, because they saw a photo of a pile of shoes along with all the other goofy evidence that was presented at Nuremberg.
So, we got the Chinese instead, who want to build an empire based on trade and not absurdly comical violence waged against anyone who threatens the international trade system/the state of Israel.
I think we should stop selling the Chinese our land. That's actually insane. But whose idea was that?
Oh, the same people who are now trying to start a war with China.
Huh. Weird.
>Africa has no cities
>Africa has no natural resources
Yes, great empires fought over these lands for centuries and to this very day for no reason at all, uh-huh.
Not realistic. There is no such thing as a neo confederate movement. All the right wing movements are either national socialism/fascism based or just boomer libertarian shit who also probbaly think the confederate flag is racist
This shit is so tryhard and cringe
what's the value of africa's natural resource exports, averaged over the last century? please answer in fractions of california
Is Red Flood update anywhere close to release
So the faggy glownigger shit like marxism is ok but the other glownigger shit like slavery good is not ok. Gotcha.
Not anytime soon. For amod about fast schizo they work incredibly slowly.
Nice to see that you've backpedaled and admitted that the continent has large amounts of resources since you've devolved into basic "muh GDP" arguments.
Do you understand that the resource exports would go up if the relevant countries had modern infrastructure, or does that still completely elude you?
???????? How are they dead when MP has github updates everyday? Are you retarded
Fuck yes
Over the Horizon is too concerned with making dumbass GUIs to compensate for the lack of completed content
I sure hope the mod doesn't https://youtu.be/vQUF9M7horo?feature=shared !
By the way United No More isn't dead yet, the development restarted
Too bad that's no UN isn't playable.
You'll want to cross reference your version of topbar.gui with the vanilla version, your version of the file is outdated.
That's not me.
Can you read? I mentioned "mines" multiple times (not just once). This is the problem with third world monkeys, barely able to read 4 lines without misinterpreting them. Also it wasn't centuries, it was barely half of one from Berlin to WW2.
Not American (you're obsessed).
>someone who is like them
I'm European, you're some sort of mystery meat with a submission fetish and latent homosexuality. The only thing like you in my area is a trash can.
The Han have no future, much less futurism.
>they're still marginally better than the Jews
...says the Jew of the East. Laughably wrong, really. If they're willing to torture their kids with 19 hours of classes, I only fear what they will do to others' kids.
>Personally, I would have preferred a world run by Europeans and people of European descent like actual non-black Americans, as things should have stayed forever after the Industrial Revolution.
This is still largely true you dumb retard, Jews being harmful parasites doesn't change this and there's no point in supporting any other alternative that isn't just the same without Semites in the way to fuck shit up.
>because they saw a photo of a pile of shoes along with all the other goofy evidence that was presented at Nuremberg.
The Holocaust happened (except for the gas and most of the shit in their "diaries") and it was great. You want to live in a world with twice the amount of whining kikes?
>who want to build an empire based on trade
Because that's better than kikes in what way exactly?
>absurdly comical violence waged against anyone who threatens the international trade system
America never even got close to waging "absurdly comical violence", if it did perhaps it wouldn't have failed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
>Oh, the same people who are now trying to start a war with China.
Broken clocks are right twice a day. A war with China would devastate Semitic parasitism and cripple international trade.
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Who do you think the American Caligula will be?
Dick Cheney
we don't need another trannie mod
woke mod
the only ones that are interesting to play in the entire continent are the afrikaners
Kamala harris probably
we all know that bitch is a egotistical wanna-be dictator who probably jumping at joy at the fact biden might die and combined with the fact there need to be a evil path for the union of america as trump america already have the evil dictator trump path it pretty likely there choosing kamala
If it is an evil dictator's path then it would be Tiberius. Not Caligula.
Funny, all the The Campaign Trail mods by Mango (guy who is ruining-running TNO) has a boner for Kamala, she is always portrayed as that battered housewife, tragically cloistered in the White House by the evil genocide joe when she could be saving America. You can even see it on the xitters for Mango's mods's team members, theres so much talk about Harris saving the election and how much americans would love her if they saw her.
Conveniently "forgetting" that she had less than 1% support in the 2020 primaries, I see.
Calling it now, it's dementia-mad biden with alot of FEMAesque conspiracy stuff in it.
>did a lot of fucked up shit, ruined the economy, but when push came to shove did the right thing
Doesn't really fit anybody thus far.
And conveniently "forgetting" her record is there for all to see. The more I hear about the TNO team the more I think they're brainrot
That brain rot is unique to the US dev team which sadly is the last place where you'd want a group of hyper-partisan radlibs. Other parts of the team are still awful but not in the same way since it's not just Mango's TCT clique or retard friends.
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>play Kaiserreich as the Netherlands
>realize I'm 80 or so years too early to get legal hookers and blow
Also I have nothing to do. My first war will be against a major that has well over 20 times the amount of dudes I can get.
Kamala means "horrible" in finnish, think about that for a minute
w*stoids seethe because russia and china don't play by their jewish games
KX is goyslop the hoi4 mod
Do not redeem saar
t. TNO screensaver maker
Are you ready for things to get more insufferable given recent events? I sure am.
It going to be hilarious to see the liberal and r/politics user lose hope again when they realize how terrible kamala is
dude are you fucking retarded, indians hate china
why would an indian shill china you stupid kike

>if you don't like hundreds of chatGPT-tier meme paths written by 13 year-old third worlders you must be a TNO nigger
lmao kys retard
>chatGPT-tier meme paths
It's some tryhard that complains about everything being "ESL/chatGPT" and can't write like a normal person for some reason.
Indians actually often do shill China when they're being anti-West, just as they shill niggers when they're being anti-White. Brown people don't get to call anyone else kikes (they're the same).
Go back to /uhg/ with your edgy faux-racism.
I have never been on /uhg/. As I've said, you have terminal /pol/ brainrot. Edgy faux-racism as opposed to wholesome real racism? You are a joke, you will NEVER be a real national socialist.
Indians and Chinese aren't even that racist with each other. It is more about rivalry to be the top dog in Asia, and that rivalry goes as far back as Mauraya and Qin.
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Weren't the actual Nazis absurdly varied foreign policy wise? Weren't they actually going to help China before they threw in with Japan? (I can't believe Hitler-kun would betray my entire US-centred worldview like that!)
I genuinely don't get what argument you're trying to make here.
>Weren't the actual Nazis absurdly varied foreign policy wise?
They were quite pragmatic, yes.
>Weren't they actually going to help China before they threw in with Japan?
They had missions in the country (since Weimar) and traded heavily. Same goes for South America. With regards to the conflict between China and Japan, they were neutral and thus were chosen as negotiators during the first attempts at peace.
>US-centred worldview like that
The USA only matter post-WW2, after it killed off Europe and united most of the White world under its leadership. Either way, Hitler (and Nazi Germany as a whole) admired America (especially that of the past and the Far West). Hitler greatly admired Lothrop Stoddard, the man who write "The tide of color", whose books he read multiple times.
>I genuinely don't get what argument you're trying to make here
The point is, thinking salvation will come from non-Whites is dumb. These people are only interested in stealing our wealth (misattributed to "looting") and land. You can't hold a view of history as racial struggle and then violate all its principles by creating multiracial fronts which are ultimately only creating further complications down the line.
This, Indians have no problem presenting China as this titan of Asian civilization whenever arguing with Whites about economic development (since they don't have any themselves).
>The point is, thinking salvation will come from non-Whites is dumb.
Wasn't the original argument about muh chinese debt traps in Africa?
I feel like this conversation has become increasingly divorced from its actual starting point.
>everyone on 4chan is the same person
lmao even
Well said, me
who is this "4chan"?
An ideal.
A feared hacker!
It indeed was, not exactly my fault though. Blame the chinkoboos.
It's not outdated, I removed the mentioned parts of the gui and the game keeps crying about it
Are pocket battleships good in Black Ice?
Looking at stats they should completely shut down heavy cruisers and be of some use against shittier capitals, but I don't really know how much the extra cost or loss of speed/light attack over normal heavy cruisers hurts
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Red flood update fucking when?
Western europe team sucks so probably never, I will laugh hard when the eastern europe releases its shit before them.
Southeast Asia has 4 countries there in HoI4 so why there is not any DLC yet for them?
any good mods for each countries there?
it's a "literally who" region in WW2 which does nothing at all
So is South America.
nowhere else to do shit besides belgium
(and nobody, not one person, gives a single shit about belgium)
Chant of the Forgotten
Legacy of Ayutthaya
>Dutch East Indies
Hollandia Historica: East Indies Reworked
>Malaya (also Burma and Indochina)
Road to 56
fuck you
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old chinese toozer for people who aren't TFRpilled
86 more days until the mod comes out
>all are vanilla-esque mods
>extensive historical focus tree
exactly what i needed
PDX needs to hire the authors
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>6 playable factions at release for america
>each having multiple paths
>flavor depending on which groups win in state-wide conflicts
yep... its kino
>Japan's main target in WW2
>literally who
and i'm the prince of Nigeria
>Japan's main target in WW2
That would be China, Japan wanted to secure control of China and the Pacific Islands before moving into SEA and Oceania.
They wanted both, China to finally become Emperor of it and properly larp as Tang and SEA fro resources.
>China to finally become Emperor of it and properly larp as Tang
Absolutely delusional. That's not why they invaded China.
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### Join the HOI4ModdingDemocracy Revolution!

At HOI4ModdingDemocracy we believe in transparency. For too long modders have locked down devlopment and not allowed direct community input and democratic engagement at all stages of development. This ends now.

If you are a developer in a private GIT, leak the mod files here! Help us create a truly democratic community!!! No more secrets, no more gatekeeping! Mods are for EVERYONE!

Join us and take back the power!

Why would a dev leak his mod on a non-anonymous site?
Speaking of leaking, genuinely surprised and disappointed no playtester has leaked TFR yet.
The TNOification of RF was a mistake
Not your personal army fuck off nigger.
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>started off as your average haha funni le schizo mod
>ended up as TNO-lite, emphasizing on narrative and ideologiesbabbles
I would say they certainly improve alot from the original RF, with new GFX icons and art style plus more coherent game flow but then I look back to their server and most of them are just "what does this guy believe in" or "how does [insert economic/ideology] work?". It's just TNO minus the minigame and NeoLiberal wanks really, still looking forward to BM update though. TSF1+2 only show the small glimpse of what their mod philosophy is and I'm kinda curious what the full version will look like.
>removing Kekkonen
very unbased and boring, Kekkonen is hilarious
God forbid people actually want to learn history.
The entire Japanese foreign policy for the last half a millennium was about emulating Tang.
The issue is that they don't even do anything interesting with it. Because actual paths are like 10 focuses of nothing, and then you don't even get any cool foreign policy, or form some cool alliances, or redraw the map in an interesting way. This especially shows in the Bulgarian and Ukrainian and Caucasian reworks. Because you get your funny flavour of a schizoid and then they basically do nothing. Bulgaria ALWAYS joins Rotfront which is just weird. Ukraine always dismantles Russia and all they annex is a few border regions and that is all. And Caucasus doesn't even do anything after uniting Russia. They were absolutely more interesting before the rework because they had alternate expansion into Persia, Central Asia and Tibet. Which is just cooler than just becoming Russia.
Red Poop is more aggressive in terms of political bias than TNO, at least TNO is neoliberal which is 100 times better than literal socialists and hohol nationalists
You don't learn history from a hoi4 mod made by a teenager who's research is two wikipedia pages.
yes I wanna hear more about Sir Longiunus Abzudalda LePetalia and his writing on "Economic of man integrity" while he was active in obscure socialist club in France with 3 members. I'm probably a hypocritic for pointing this out when the entire premise is to bring obscure people to light but I don't really resonate with these people for all these hype up. France is the only exception though because there's lots of unorthodox political ideologies/ideas like Acephale trying to make Surrealism as religion, PSF's Year Zero cultural revolution, Fast Futurist Escradron thugs, EVROPA UNITED Carnaliste and the mysterious Invisible Committee which sound fucking interesting than many other mods.
I don't disagree with what you say but to play a devil's advocate, TSF was just basic standrad bugfix and small reworks. Hoi4 needs to have restriction or else it will be boring free for all sandbox games like vanila. My only main grip with the mod is that it doesn't do anything unique with the gameplay and only focus on Narrative aspect. TNO at least have mini games to back up if you don't like narrative. Which is why modern RF is just TNO-lite to me.
>Red Poop is more aggressive in terms of political bias than TNO, at least TNO is neoliberal which is 100 times better than literal socialists and hohol nationalists
I disagree. NeoLiberals wank are way worse than Socialists and Hoholists because these are way more interesting than enforcing faggot liberal democracy. These guys research obscure people and actively try to be not blantally bias unlike TNO devs.
RF's research goes deeper than wikipedia.
>NeoLiberals wank are way worse than Socialists and Hoholists because these are way more interesting than enforcing faggot liberal democracy
Not really, they just take everything wrong with liberalism and crank it up to the extreme. At least neoliberals can be right once in a blue moon
>These guys research obscure people
Research in this case means looking over a wikipedia page of literally who person and trying to shoehorn him into your path.
>and actively try to be not blantally bias
You are fucking retarded if you think that Red Poop isn't more blatantly biased than TNO. If you actually know history you would notice how much propaganda and lies they spew, but since you don't know anything about the subject you just accept it as a fact. But you don't have to read a book to realize that Red Poop devs are fans of bolsheviks and have an axe to grind against russian empire, say what you want about tno devs but I don't think most of them are retarded enough to believe that whites were worse than the reds
Are you... are you seriously defending the whites and the Russian Empire?
>source: trust me bro
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gimme Austria + Luxemburg + Ireland DLC, it's better than literal who countries
Wait... are you not?
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african dawn is gone from steam.... I guess I will never play as my beautiful country algeria
No it doesn't, in the leak you posted they've just taken nazis and turned them into monarchists and reactionaries because nazis surely wouldn't be socialists because they're evil and socialism is good
This mod has more than 1 dev, and when you play the mod it doesn't look like there wasn't any research done and it really doesn't matter what they speak in discord since the final product tells everything you need to know
you missed one there
that Indonesian anarcho-socialist guy (i forgot his name), they turned him accelerationist just because
Anon... There's literally a nazi leading the NATIONAL SOCIALIST faction of the reds.
last time i remember Hatta is a soclib and Tan Malaka is at Malaya
Goebells is like 10 years old and doesn't reflect the new directory of RP. Literally every other nazi is some kind of monarchist or reactionary which is retarded if you know anything about national socialism
I'm talking about the Finnish teaser.
Yeah, because they're hardcoded. If you want to hide vanilla elements, you need to move them offscreen, not delete them.
>There's literally a nazi
He was a socialist and had nothing to do with nazis. A real nazi is a reactionary guy who's now a monarchist for some reason
Ernest Douwes Dekker
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>nothing to do with nazis
>Ruudun suhde fasistisiin aatteisin on ollut myöhemmässä tutkimuksessa jossain määrin kiistanalainen aihe. Ruutu osoitti 1920-luvun lopun ja 1930-luvun alun kirjoituksissaan kiinnostusta fasismin ja saksalaisen kansallissosialismin teoreettisiin lähtökohtiin, varsinkin pyrkimykseen poistaa luokkaristiriidat kansankokonaisuuden etua ajavalla talouspolitiikalla, mutta hän ei ollut lainkaan vakuuttunut Benito Mussolinin tai Adolf Hitlerin käytännön politiikasta. Ruutua esimerkiksi kiinnostivat Italian fasistien pyrkimykset korporatistisen järjestelmän luomiseen, mutta hän kavahti liikkeen väkivaltaisuutta ja Mussolinin anti-intellektuaalisuutta. Samoin Ruutua innosti Saksan kansallissosialistisen puolueen sosialistinen talousohjelma, vaikka hän vierastikin voimakkaasti natsi-ideologiaan sisältynyttä rotuoppia, militarismia ja aggressiivisen sotaisuuden ihailua sekä Hitleriä henkilönä. Ruutu kuitenkin sympatisoi natsipuolueen strasserilaista siipeä ja pettyi katkerasti, kun puolue vuonna 1933 Saksassa valtaan noustuaan luopui sosialistisesta ohjelmastaan. Vuoden 1934 pitkien puukkojen yön myötä Ruutu katsoi Saksan siirtyneen porvarilliseen luokkadiktatuuriin ja todellisen kansallissosialismin joutuneen tuhotuksi maassa. Hän kritisoi tämän jälkeen natsismia hyvin voimakkaasti nimenomaan sen omien ihanteiden pettämisestä.[37]
>quoting wikipedia
>Vuoden 1937 alussa Suomalaissosialistinen puolue lopetti toimintansa ja Ruutu liittyi sosialidemokraattiseen puolueeseen (SDP), joka hänen mukaansa oli luopunut aiemmasta jyrkästä luokkalinjastaan. Hänen kanssaan SDP:hen siirtyivät SKSL:stä muun muassa Yrjö Kilpeläinen ja Unto Varjonen. Oman puolueensa epäonnistumisen Ruutu katsoi johtuneen siitä, etteivät suomalaissosialistit kyenneet tarpeeksi selvästi erottautumaan natsismista. ”Hitleriläisyys voitti meidät”.[46] SDP:hen liittymisen jälkeen Ruutu hylkäsi lopullisesti pohdinnat diktatuurien oikeutuksesta ja siirtyi varauksetta kannattamaan parlamentaarista demokratiaa.[47]

>Hän oli jo vuosia ennen toista maailmansotaa vakuuttunut siitä, että läntiset demokratiat ja Neuvostoliitto tulisivat liittoutumaan Saksaa vastaan ja voittaisivat mahdollisen suursodan. Suomen olisi tämän vuoksi entistäkin välttämättömämpää luoda ystävälliset suhteet Neuvostoliittoon. Talvisodan alla Ruutu kannatti liittoutumista Neuvostoliiton kanssa sodan ehkäisemiseksi. Talvisodan jälkeen hän kannatti edelleen liittoutumista, nyt luovutettujen alueiden takaisinsaamiseksi. Ruutu oli jo ennen sotaa solminut ystävyyssuhteita eräisiin hyviä idänsuhteita kannattaneisiin SDP:n vasemmistopoliitikkoihin, ja välirauhan aikana hän ajautui yhä selvemmin eri linjoille Väinö Tannerin ja SDP:n johdon kanssa Suomen ulkopolitiikkaa koskeneissa kysymyksissä

>Ruutu suhtautui myönteisesti Suomen sisäpolitiikassa jatkosodan jälkeen tapahtuneeseen muutokseen. Hänellä oli läheiset suhteet moniin rauhanoppositiosta vallankahvaan siirtyneisiin tärkeisiin päättäjiin ja vuosina 1944–1945
look at the wiki
he's never commited to socialism in any forms so >>1807375's point is moot
no rightist made left (or on the other way around) in RF anyway
Tldr: He was attracted to fascism because of it's socialist elements and later became disillusioned in it and started supporting socdems and communists. By that logic you could call Lenin a nazi since he praise Mussolini
well, yes
he hangs out with Hitler in Vienna
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Thank you TFR
That is Stalin, he and Hitler hang out in the same café as they did irl.
What am I looking at here
Im sure its gonna be a stripped down release like tsf1
This is ironic, right?
Will some retard just leak TFR already or are we just gonna keep dicking around pretending this bullshit vaporware retardcore poop/slop is real?

Insufferable damn morons, fucking shit sucks and hate this community so much suck my cock and lick my assh*le
aint no way bluds be gooning to anthropomorphized political parties in a hoi iv American civil war mod :skull:
Here's a leak: the non-American countries have no content. The whole mod is about the 2ACW.
Does the TFR team plan on giving North Korea any content?
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yes after release.
why does every mod want to be TNO so bad is every mod developer a tranny or something now why can't you trannyniggers do something original for once
how is this TNO?
TNO is when you have Civil War so real.
i don't think they have any devs left just tooser artist
Fucking the fire rises shitting up this board.y’all realize this is just a shitty knock off TNO made by retard chuds instead of actual modders like TNO?

So sick and tired of the shilling for this unreleased tooser slop
Wonderful, more shitty paths for shithole nations with no real content for fun nations other than the usual 70 day focus wall of autistic fucking retard text bullshit.

Millennium Dawn is the best hoi4 mod, always was and always will be

>the usual 70 day focus wall of autistic fucking retard text bullshit.
>Millennium Dawn is the best hoi4 mod, always was and always will be
>he says, when America has like 50 years worth of nothing focuses for all of the alternate political paths
Minding numbing moronic take. Millenium Dawn YSA has probably the most fleshed out tree unless you’re into larpy right wing trash
>instead of actual modders like TNO?
wait your serious?
let me laugh even harder
More does not always mean better.
it's a shame that the writing quality is so bad
they really need an editor
Is every RF dev a fucking nerd?
Every single mod does research. It's not a RF thing.
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All that and you still censor the word asshole.
The Coop isn't sending their best...
>having to answer the most basic thing
Are people really this stupid? It is common sense that this is how you research things. You read a book on a topic that interests you and then look at the bibliography used to dig deeper. It is beyond me that this is considered as some big revelation.
I blame the american education system.
But never to this level
Usually it's wikipedia, the usual books referenced a million times by tiktok historians, or some obscure russian blog
Thanks for taking the words and belly laughs out of my mouth, anon. Truly TNO devs are the lowliest niggers in the HOI4 modding scene.
obvious SEA shilling is obvious
your region is never relevant in the world history whatsoever
>t:illiterate who didn't read any history book
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haha it's the funny 2016 meme
it's cool, really needs more content
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I'm currently doing a "mini-ToA" mod for the Latin American minors. I'll make one for the Guianese states soon.
release date when? we can partner up our discords if you wanted
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So it is another ded mod, just like TNO? More reading poorly written event logs than normal gameplay?
No, TFR has war.
I have to admit NegroIce is a really fun mod to play coop with friends. Especially if none of you know what you’re doing. It’s fun going from one catastrophe to the next. My friend and I got absolutely hammered by the USSR because we didn’t mechanise any of our infantry and we built really crappy multi role fighters in an inadequate quantity. We also forgot to optimise supply
I'm not planning for any releases at the moment because:

1) I do this as a form of relaxation away from work/life in general and I don't want to fully commit to it.

2) I'm not satisfied with the way I'm modding it because I lack the historical backgrounds to make Centroamerica/Haiti's political paths as well as generally not being familiar with Paradox's modding work.
>Haiti's political paths
Make it so that one of the conscription laws adds both available manpower and factory output by the usage of zombies.
Also an infantry division template that has a metric fuckton of organization but almost no attack and allows no attachments of any kind (other than more zombies)
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I already did that don't steal my idea
As a playtester of TFR, it does have war but it’s boring stalemate dogshit with endless walls of text when you capture who fucking caresville and seventy day focuses that give 1% stability because that is “le funni”

I’ve voice numerous complaints and the mod teams just laughs and calls me a yard so here is my only outlet
leak the mod if you're that pissed off
I don’t understand, are these the right files? Doesn’t load in my hoi4 launcher
They have ways of verifying who I am if I leak
Why would you care?
Because it could compromise other playtests I’m in
Don’t you fucking dare. We will nuke the mod and hack your computer if you do
you're not. i don't know who started this tfr 70 day focus meme. this is verifiably not the case.
you write like a child
TFR shot me dog and shagged me wife
Same, even stole my car
Red Flood force me to read erotic books by George Bataile.
For me it's Artaud's masturbatory biography of Heliogabalus.
Kaiserredux crashed my computer. No, this is not a joke. It took so long to load the computer restarted itself.
the difference between this and TNO is that shit actually happens
i love TFR but it's writing is still a bit meh from the dev streams i've seen
TFR pissed on my face and farted in my mouth
TNO and its consequences have been a disaster for mankind
Fuck off discordtrannies
I wouldn't mind a good modern day mod that goes into the near future.
MD doesn't scratch that itch. Hopefully TFR does.
Fuck off 4chinner
This is my place, not yours.
John titor will there be sex events in the tfr?
With your mom
Hoi4 modding threads are the lowest of the lowest in all the board.
What the fuck is TFR? Is it also some mod set in the 21st century?
and this is why i preferred vanilla+ mods like >>1807156 instead of overhaul memery mods
The Fire Rises

>set in the 21st century
Will TFR be a good mod? My quivering anus emphatically says yes! Oh dear! Just shit myself again!
Claiming a website as his “own.”

Absolute state of incels
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Clean it up janny
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name fag retard, rope yourself or post skin tone
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Everybody hop in the discord, some retard is leaking the mod
It's called the Devs aren't retarded and let anyone join it.
It comes out in a few months retard, just wait.
Can we just all agree to boycott these threads and the devs that are clearly using them for self promotion? It’s so sad and honestly fuck TFR at least TNO didn’t do this retarded shit
mr. john titor stop namefagging 4channel.org doesn't like it
I’m honestly writing a community letter to y’all as are so sad to see how much hate this community has for our mod and I honestly don’t get it as we have tried so hard to appeal to you guys with our funny memes and references to hilarious 4channel hijinkies. I hope we can rebuild the trust you guys had in us and make a great mod that you’ll laugh and “kek” at!!

No, it did worse.
can you stop shilling your autist 'vanilla' mod here?
at least TFR is open about it
>fighting on the basket-weaving forum over trannycord drama
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"Take a trip to the tropical paradise of Kaimauna! Originally settled around 3,000-4,000 years ago by Polynesians and East Asians, the archipelago was divided between tribal kingdoms for most of it's history, as well as when it was discovered by American explorer John Pearson in 1810. Joining our great Union as a territory in 1905, it's people and culture are celebrated every day across Nuilau, Koai, Na'pana, and all the rest of it's 320 islands! See the sights of the capital Kaoloa, see the wonders of the Ma'homoa Falls, take a ferry tour across the archipelago, the possibilities are endless..."
-US-Pacific Travel Guide, C. 1928

(From Left to Right:)
John Sasilvia, Democratic-Republican Front, (Liberal Conservatism, Con)
Martin Se'nam, Kirinam Party, (Kleptocracy)
Hoko Idasa, Social Democratic Party, (Left-Wing Populism)
Chris Palila, Civil Protection Party (National Liberalism)

Unironically, never fucking come on this site again. Your disgusting retard drama has shifted up this site enough and we’ve all had it here reading your dented fanfics. I don’t know why Jannie’s haven’t cleaned up this shit stain yet, but the sooner they do the better.

Fuck you.
Wow what a retarded thread lmao. Hoi4 is the worst
tiny brown pecker meltdown
Kill yourself niggersynm
Alright tough guy, let’s see you leak the mod

Hint: you won’t because your a low t manlet
i.. i just wanted to shill TFR....
why did the discord people start namefagging and acting like annoying faggots....
>Why did Discord users act like Discord users
Boggles the mind.
>Shaddai Prejean reunifies America super event
>Shaddai Prejean reunifies america
How long before every country in the world unite to nuke shadman america?
Shaddai Prejean is shadman
That new "Collapsing World: Rise of Radicalism" mod sure looks great.
Starting leader by the way.
>TFW your mom take your portrait and now all the other world leaders laugh at you for having such a shitty portrait
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Ahhh hell nahh
>Amogus in 2024
what the fuck is this mod?
this appeared so abruptly and randomly i genuinely don't know what to say about this mod and how rushed it is
Jesus did they made this mod in a week? can anybody explain the background for it so we can find out how it turn so bad?
Freud as leader of Austria sounds actually like an interesting concept for a mod. But it would actually need a proper research and actually implement his ideas properly.
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Opinion on Red Dusk?
>le evil purges
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I just had a run in this, it's pretty fun, but the Confederation should probably be nerfed.
Just release TFR already and stop all the stupid ops
Listen here Jack, you can't rush out a mod like that. We live in a fast-paced world where everyone's always in a hurry. But the truth is, some things take time and require patience, dedication, and a commitment to the project. Sit down and wait like everybody else and maybe play other mods or vidya or s-ssomething.
Never heard of it
Try to sell it to me
Schizo dev had a dream of a world where nothing happens for a millenia straight, suddenly things start happening.
That’s not really the issue so much as the devs being on this site 24/7 doing these stupid games pretending to be leakers or playtesters. It’s so painfully unfunny and childish
>coherent speech
This isn't Biden.
Yeah agreed. They are reposting some of this stuff on their discord. Just trying to drum up support and retard drama for their mod which just shows the mod itself is interesting enough
*is not
Maybe if they posted more toozers and content other than the 2ACW?
It’s not surprising though because their entire community is terminally online mentally Redditors and poltards. Their whole premise was just ripped off a 4chan shitpost that they then took and turned into a mod. At least the TNO folks came up with a somewhat original idea
John Tittytor is lurking in this thread as we speak
Hop in TFR discord right now, one of the devs is going apeshit on 4chins lol
Please stop making fun of us dudes it’s not cool and stop making fun of my voice bro!!! So unfunny dude
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Believe me, majority of the devs here aren't 4chan users from my time interacting with them, with only 2 or 3 few exception that fit the bill. As for the leaker or playtester? It's just some random guy with hateboner for our mod keep bringing up TFR in the conversation. (>>1807759/>>1807822/>>1807819)
Of course, we have our fair share of blame as well with the tops dogs keep mentioning this place and feeding attention to random anon shittalking when it could be easily ignored. (Looking at you Mr. Plague and Wizard)
If you really want to move on from the discussion why not talk about other mods? We have no problem with that because frankly this entire conversation is stupid and should be put down already.
Stop namefagging and ignore these people. We got works to day than arguing with retards. Thx
Yeah agreed TNO was way better, despite the contrarians on this shithole board
And what came of that idea?
would be nice if we can have one of the three (RT56 is already here) as the next OP image for a fresh start
TFR raped and killed my dog
Sound like a run of the mill wedensday for mod devs.
Latest TFR release date?
Sometime late next year I believe, October 18th, 2025
A actually good mod you absolutely inbred scumfuck incel chud retard
>diddled by panzer

Napoleon lost.
Wilhelm II lost.
Slopdolf H*tler lost.
Sadam lost.
Trump lost.
Putin lost.
TFR lost.
I thought you were talking about TNO, not TFR.
Sorry what were you saying? i heard you saying that you were talking about the Tfr and how bad tno is
>actually good mod
No, you weren't
So sick and tired of this low iq take. TNO objectively is peak hoi4 modding with its incredible GUIs, in depth storylines and deep political philosophical musings. Just because it doesn’t whitewash fascism and conservatism isn’t my problem buddy. Get off pol
Uhm buddy you are the racist here? i am a black man and i think you saying low iq is something only a racist white supremacist would say and your just pretending to be a leftists so you can say racist thing to us proud black man
so get off pol and 4chan now racist
and yet your mod tries to be TNO
stop copying trannies and do something new for once nigger
Holy shit do the Tfr retards have nothing better to do than post here all day and all night? No wonder the mod is stuck in development hell lmao what a bunch of spergs
Yeah and John Titor and PrivateHazard are the worst of the crew, dumbfucks are on here 24/7 playing games pretending to be leakers and linking to malware filled google drives like a that namefag did earlier
Ok so anyone here actually gonna leak or just keep jerking off and shitting on TFR? What happened to the days when this site was actually fun?
No one is going to leak as they’ve got the shit on lock with their recruiting process. Anyone who would want to leak would be easily found out as well as I think they have a text file in each file repository with the name of the playtester
Why do you faggots act as if you can't leak the mod because they have your name?
it a hoi4 mod not a government file your not going to get killed or affected by this just leak it fags
What happened to the Information Age mod and Godspeed?
There are actually very possible real world confluences as they have name and address so can doox you I think I heard so it can be scary
t. Average soi 4 player
too bad that TNO is ded mod with barely any gameplay.
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>Peak HOI4 modding
>Zero examples of actual HOI4 gameplay

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