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All these ww2 rts and cold-war-gone-hot rts and we don't have a korean war rts do we?
muttistan is still pretending they didn't lose that one and generally try to avoid talking about the entire war

the bioweapon used against china, both local troops and civilians on the mainland, is another detail of the war they prefer not to talk about
>Amerikkka is so heckin evil for killing muh gay poc trans baby chinks
the worst thing that america did in the korean war was not nuking chinka into submission
>muttistan is still pretending they didn't lose that one and generally try to avoid talking about the entire war
You will have to be more specific.
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Wasn't Wargame: Red Dragon about that exactly? Idk, the only RTS I've ever really liked was BfME2.
>gay poc trans baby chinks
I wonder if you realise that you are what you think they are, while they are prohibiting what is your "normal" everyday degenerate existence on the fucking legislative level.
No red dragon scenario was "second korean war" happening much later. Wargame and especially warno pushed the setting well into 90s tech
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Oh well, I guess that's the closest that you can get.
Americans are probably still butthurt that they lost to a bunch of cunt-eyed gooks and some Soviet MiG-15 pilots, same reason there's not much Vietnam-themed strategy games out there.
because the only military action in the entire war that would work as an RTS level is the landings at Inchon, otherwise you're just playing out boring as shit "hold the line" missions, on both sides of the war
i've also always wondered why it's such an underutilised setting
>late ww2 tech
>but not lame modern warfare
>asymmetrical which is cool
you do understand that if one team is holding the line then the other is attacking? not since the turn of the 20th century has this not been the case for engagements either because armies don't charge into each other
the korean war shifted both very far north and very far south so obviously there was a dynamic
This, it turned into a stalemate less than halfway through and it isn't culturally relevant. Nobody cares.
Exactly, just reuse your ww2 rts assets gaw damn
>you do understand that if one team is holding the line then the other is attacking?
tell that to general haig
Regular ricecel or haha Elliot Rodgers 2.0? Go get sucked up in an escalator Chang
it's funny cause the chinese wedding is actually a western one, and you gotta replace "western" with "american" everywhere
>Wasn't Wargame: Red Dragon about that exactly
No there's a korean war campaign but it's not the korean war, it's like a second korean war that happens later IIRC
It's incredible when you think of how the western allies basically saved the chinks from total genocide and subjugation at the hands of the Japanese in WW2, then 10 years later the chinks stab their western saviors in the back.
Can't expect morals or gratitude from those bugpeople I guess.
Like other anons said, Americans would rather not remember it, while non-Americans hardly know a single thing about it.
It's completely overshadowed by Vietnam's productive themes: heroism and brutality, lush jungles and eradicated villages, warmongers and pacifists, futility, shell shock, horror, insanity, etc.
That whole thing was memory holed
w8 until elections are over to post tourist
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>Muh Korean War RTS!
... you again?
>Failing basic fucking WW2 history this hard
You know the difference between Nationalists and Communists... right?
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oh yeah those would never be popular
>Heh, this game had one mission like that, and universally loathed, too
>Guess we can make an entire game about it!
Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, now is it?
>and universally loathed, too
you're embarrassing yourself, zoomer
American pizza > Wop Pizza
>difference between Nationalists and Communists
yeah, nationalist did all the fighting and communists sat in the mountains and ass fucked each other all day
>UFC is a filthy barbaric western sport while choreographed mystical bullshit martial arts is true, refined chink sports
tai chi is a scam perpetuated by the chinese government. it's why they don't like it when UFC fighters mog the shit out of chinese "masters" in actual fights.
the only reason why that complete sham of a "martial" "art" survives is because of government gibs and protection
>western allies basically saved the chinks from total genocide and subjugation at the hands of the Japanese in WW2
>then 10 years later the chinks stab their western saviors in the back
Jeez, it's like the Axis dudes were right or something.
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Ah, so that's why you're all squealing and crying like a bunch of little bitches about how "boring" it was when Russian churkas with their wrestling and sambo skills came to UFC and mogged the living bloody hell out of all of the western show clowns.
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Inderesding. Looks like jankcore kino
yeah aside from this you have to resort to winspmbt and other boomer wargames for korea war era.
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>ywn play hill defence and farm hundreds of frags by ordering a single napalm strike on PVA human wave.

Shame, at least we are getting a combat flight simulator set during Korean war next year
Korean War was at worst a tie. US was trying to keep SK alive. China was trying to keep NK alive.
Even in the propaganda there's absolutely no room to breathe for the average Chinese person, adult or child.
>"west is Le bad"
>your fighters can be killed by ours
>"y- yeah b- but russia"
Which is a good thing. Healthy competition makes for stronger warriors. Oddly you can fit probably 20 Americas + Russias in China and yet it still only produces sticks that break in the wind.
Theatre of War 3
Vietnam was way more embarrassing and there’s countless movies and games about that war.
Cold War gone hot always suck because they're in late 70s and 80s rather than 50s or 60s, when tech was actually interesting and still very conventional.

I think most devs and gamers just don't like games set in Asia outside of the nips. There's a whole theater of WWII with tons of geographic variance and there's just no games utilizing it. A Vietnam War RTS that actually implements asymmetrical warfare is one of my dream games.
>korean war rts
>Early war balance impossible because north units will have to eat everything
>mid and late war will need to be Chinese units against USA + other mercenary nations
>every trannie in the planet will cry for representation and they would be right
Genuinely curious, how do you expect the game to be? The only relevant thing Korean could do in such a game would be dying
That's the problem.
>WW2 tech
>WW2 tactics
>But not WW2
WW2 is a popular war with a clear foe and stakes. The Korean war is an unpopular war that didn't really have stakes or either side. It doesn't offer anything unique except being ww2 in a jungle but where you don't fight the nazis

It's also hard to realize in practice because it was highly asymmetrical. The UN had tanks and air support and a plethora of other vehicles and the chinese really just had a lot of infantry and artillery, but the terrain made it so that infantry could move unseen and limited the effectiveness of air support and ground vehicles. How do you work that into gameplay in practice and still have it be fun? Why even bother when you can instead have tanks clashing head on at El Alamein or Kursk?
>war torn shithole has disease
>it must be da muuuttts
>also we won even though we tried and failed to take the south 3 times
Post drinkable tap water
It is practically training lvl 3. Get better at it & you can actively push them back.

Do you have sources to support your stupid claim?

>Reading comprehension isn't your strongest suit, now is it?

Maybe if he's hella homeschooled. Otherwise, that is boomer talk.
embarrassing bait
>Mad Dog boxer beats the shit out of ching chong yooooooooo dancing fairies
>government has to lie to everyone that the old mystic farts actually won the fight despite the whole thing being on camera
>turn hostile npc switch to On so they unperson Mad Dog
China isn't fragile at all. A fragile country would have a wikipedia entry about how they got their feelings hurt... oh wait lol
We despise you for your abhorrent anti-human and inhuman degeneracy and filth as much as the gooks do. As stated before, "gay poc trans baby chinks" is a part of american """culture""", not anyone else's, so it's pretty fucking hilarious when americans open their filthy fucking traps trying to use this against literally any other nation on earth.
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>50s or 60s, when tech was actually interesting
Lol. Literally just tin cans in the air and RHA cans on the ground. The most boring era of warfare. WWI and II at least have the historical appeal. 50-60s is just boring, as there's neither any real historical appeal to be found outside of Koreans mopping the floor with proto-natocucks. Past about mid to late 60s tech started to get interesting in the air, on the ground and at sea altogether due to the advancements in rocketry, radiodetermination, composite armour, engines, etc.
Niggas really do be out there hating people because of their governments. Is this the casual racism I hear so much? Should have checked the ladder instead
Russians have a word for raping other men and think they're the moral center of the world.
it's really amusing to watch kommyhuct_ussr having a melty on a rts thread XD
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Yes, we are wholeheartedly repulsed by you on a grassroot level, just like all sane people are repulsed by diseases. One can't be racist towards a disease or a virus.
The only creatures that unironically "think they're the moral center of the world" are americans.
>lots of blabbering just to say "no u"
Typical vatnik
>early jets
>early MBTs
>still relevant heavy tanks
>early HEAT and infantry AT weapons
>infantry organization is still WWII but with better weapons
>NATO and Pact at technological parity
>still lots of WWII equipment in the inventories
It's everything you'd want in a balanced RTS and there's enough protoshit and scope to adjust and vary things however you want. It's just WWII extended, with the Nazis as a side character. It's anything but boring. How can you say kino like Mig15 vs F86 sabre is boring?
It's a sport even chinese manlets could get good at in flyweight/bantamweight categories, yet even then they get absolutely mogged by japs and thais.
Chinks are truly a pathetic race.
>It doesn't offer anything unique except being ww2 in a jungle but where you don't fight the nazis
Korea is a bunch of mountains and valleys that get as cold as Siberia. A ton of US troops died of frostbite especially when they pushed towards the Chinese border.
Chinese an NK had loads of WWII Soviet surplus vehicles. The Chinese in particular were given basically all the armoured vehicles that Japan had abandoned in Manchuria which helped them win the civil war. There were engagements between Shermans and T34s not to mention the air war between actual Soviet pilots and US/UK in the first jet to jet engagements.
>we don't have a korean war rts do we?
War hasn't concluded.
This. It was a masonic genocide.
based US
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>that image.
Fucked around and found out didn't they?
wtf I love US now
>source: us cope
No one gives a shit about wars without Germany in general
No one but a very small fraction of mutts gives a shit about 50+ year old mutt imperial wars
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>No one gives a shit about wars without Germany in general
Everyone else just sucks at War.
you are losing
How come Germany hasn't won a single war in over a century?
>yeah, nationalist did all the fighting and communists sat in the mountains and ass fucked each other all day

Daily reminder that the Nationalists had everything ( American funding, arms and the industry left behind by Japan in Manchukuo ) and they still end up fucking losing to the Communists through their sheer incompentence ( by virtue of antagonizing the same peasants that would eventually join Mao ) and their corruption ( by pocketing every single cent the US gave them to fight the Communists ).

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