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post bannerlord bugs and why you hate bannerlord
>The idea that having the most expensive weapons and armor makes you invincible
no one claims this.
plate gives significant protection against cutting weapons and is almost invincible to them. the blunt part of the strike will carry through so cutting polearms should do much better than swords.
piercing weapons (spears) can pierce the gaps in the plate and blunt weapons simply don't care about getting through the plate (but is even better if it "bites" and deforms the plate).
now, low tier units use swords and looters use farming equipment and rocks.
how the fuck are they hurting fully lamellar armoured (with mail underneath i think troops)?
>there are plenty of historical accounts of dudes in full armor getting wrecked by stuff like a stray arrow or a couple of peasants with spears.
post them.
i will two up you
>Joinville later recounts an incident involving Walter of Châtillon in which Saracen missiles were ineffective:
>...and whilst the Turks were fleeing before him, they (who shoot as well backwards as forwards) would cover him with darts. When he had driven them out of the village, he would pick out the darts that were sticking all over him; and put on his coat-of-arms again... Then, turning round, and seeing that the Turks had come in at the other end of the street, he would charge them again, sword in hand, and drive them out. And this he did about three times in the manner I have described.69

>During the 3rd Crusade, Bahā'al-Dīn, Saladin's biographer, wrote that the Norman crusaders were:
>...drawn up in front of the cavalry, stood firm as a wall, and every foot-soldier wore a vest of thick felt and a coat of mail so dense and strong that our arrows made no impression on them... I saw some with from one to ten arrows sticking in them, and still advancing at their ordinary pace without leaving the ranks.72

you can scroll down for accounts of even lances not always going through.
this seems to be a mod bug.
i tested on vanilla and the calculations do add up.
I like Bannerlord.
the factions just don't feel as characterful in bannerlord and the economy sucks omega
>the factions just don't feel as characterful
They are more coherent and true to the time period game apes. Some Warband factions felt like they were out of place compared to others.
i believe he means that almost every faction has cav for a noble troop tree and every unit type in normal troop tree.
the samey factions in warband were swadia, vaegir and sarranids but vaegir knights didn't have shields so the samey factions are swadia and sarranids.
Good, I prefer it that way, because it makes sense for all those factions to have horse and or shields.
They are not fighting some Mesolithic hunter gathers, after all, or gunpowder empires.
i'm no historian.
but the empire is the only "organized" state in bannerlord and the other kingdoms just fight with whatever they can get their hands on.
for me, it makes sense for the empire to have troops of every type but not the other kingdoms.
>Some Warband factions felt like they were out of place compared to others.

That’s what made them all fun and unique.

Damm mamalukes invading renaissance Italy while an early Middle Ages German kingdom is fighting Russian princedoms with dark ages Vikings and fuckin mongol hordes constantly threatening the world’s peace.

Bannerlord is just
>knight with pointy helmet wearing blue fighting knight with pointy helmet wearing red

When I switch factions mid play through in bannerlord nothing really changes. I use the same troop compositions and tactics then get bored and quit.

When I switch factions in warband it completely changes the game.
>true to the time period

My brother in Christ, Caldera is not a real place. Your opinion of history doesn’t matter and is completely irrelevant to the games setting. Anything can fit in a fictional world.
You don't need that much organization to at least have basic cav or shields. It would be more down to tactics, maybe horse archers being more unique as well.
And that's especially true for early medieval period that Bannerlord is taking after.
I don't like kitchen sink.
>You don't need that much organization to at least have basic cav or shields
but every faction has
>shield infantry
>2 handed infantry
battania is the only one that doesn't get a basic archers line.
Aserai, Khuzaits and Empire get a horse archers troop line.
That makes more or less sense. Shields, holding a weapons with 2 hands, bows and even basic cav are not rocket science.
having them all together needs organization.
>holding a weapons with 2 hands
it's a 2 handed weapon, anon. not a 1 handed weapon that you simply chose to hold in 2.
>basic cav
armored cav.
imagine yourself being in that era. why would you fight with anything except a shield+1 handed weapon?
maybe a horse+shield+1h weapon if you could afford the horse.
why would you discard the protection of a shield unless you couldn't afford one and can only serve as a bowman?
2h infantry is specialized.
armored cav is specialized.
not all factions should have access to them.
>iT's MOre rEaLIstiC iN my FAntaSy GaME
*posts the bmw with optional heated seats pic*
I hate jannies not bannerlord.
I think every faction should have armored cav nobles. Just makes sense. Well armored on their final tier.
>I don't like kitchen sink.
No you prefer every faction being a near copy paste of each other with no gaps in their arsenal.
It's not a bizzaro fiction setting where anything goes.
More or less, desu. If they have somewhat different visual designs, and if they also put emphasis different tactics and weaponry more, have different stat, even if they have most options covered in general.
I hate bannerlord because it feels hollow. The only difference seems to be the colours. Also for some reason it just feels like a chore to play. Im not sure whats really wrong with the game.
>My brother in Cringe
I would feel the same about Warband, I would take long breaks from it then.
havent played singleplayer in years. but multiplayer captain is very fun
The armors are too shiny.
Nah thats you.
you're never going to convince anyone people love their homogenous slop games it happened to total war and now it has happened to mount and blade
every faction in warband stands out as unique with specific emphasis on an area
knights and balanced infantry
crossbows and polearms
thrown weapons and heavy infantry with literally no cavalry
horse archers
mameluks and skirmishers
archers and being not good

it gave them all a very pronounced feel and really coloured the map while fitting with the geography
>rhodoks are in forested mountains where cavalry is less effective
>sarranids are in the desert where it makes sense to be light
>swadians are in a plain with some woodland
i could not tell you the difference between sturgia and vlandia or them and the empire because everybody gets two handers, everybody gets horse archers, everybody gets heavy cavalry, and everybody gets infantry and archers and while i'm sure there is some nuance where vlandian knights are a bit better than sturgian cavalry it's a very far cry from the nords having literally no cavalry and the rhodoks having basically none versus the kergits where everyone is on a horse or the lightly armoured sarranids against the mail draped nords
the end result is boring and i am completely indifferent to wherever i am on the map as opposed to having to compose and prepare my forces based on who i'm going to fight
When your people get captured by bandits can you ransom them back?
in Bannerlord*
aww :3
>I don't like kitchen sink.
That is exactly what bannerlords troop trees are
Reminds me of all the garbage fluff units in newer total war games like attila
To an extent, yes. Vikings notably never really used horses in combat due to the difficulty in building up a logistical train and culture of horsemanship when your entire region is hostile to cavalry (fjords, heavy forests, mountains, etc).
>archers and being not good

Vaegir knights are underrated. Also spamming horsemen and keeping them from being knights is a very cost effective cavalry force. Useful for beating kergits.
The infantry gets nice weapons but only top tier is properly armored. And the throwing knives are terrible. I enjoy playing as them.

Also some of my best memories from warband are defending my cities and castles as a vaegir lord. Melting any and all attackers with archers is fun to watch. I’d usually go for archery too in those play throughs and get hundreds of kills shooting people off ladders.
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.
good man
what about that warband mod?
Economy is passable for the kind of game that Bannerlord is.
What really fucking sucks is the entire fucking skill system and character progression, along with vast majority of perk system.
Never been captured by bandits in Bannerlord, so can't tell. How do you even lose to those sorry fuckers?
I didn't. One of my trade caravans did. Paid the extra for better people too. Hence the question.
>He uses caravans
>He pays for guards
Don't bother. It's a complete waste of time, especially by mid-game or later. The sheer level scaling is going to butt-fuck you.
Ok that still didn't answer the question though.
try asking the ransom broker in person in any tavern.
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So why no generals in vst? Is there some sort of trans-purism that I'm too cis white straight male to understand?
I hate bannerlord because it's sucked up nearly 1k hours of my life.
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can't believe this piece of shit actually starts somehow
although I can't turn on better fief trades so I'm fucked by the AI
>So why no generals in vst?
we have a board for video games generals, sweatie.
>can't believe this piece of shit actually starts somehow
it's because of all the bug and crash fixing that they're doing.
I should mention the whole reason I was doing that was because I use all cavalry and was letting my companions rank up a bit and keep me earning slow money along with my workshops while I was ranking up my clan. Just got curious if my only option was to sit around and wait for them to show up on their own.
I have over 300k so its not like I need the money just don't like bleeding income.
Good idea thanks.
What, the Dynasty Warriors one?
>I have over 300k so its not like I need the money
my sweet summer anon...
to win, you either chop heads making everyone hate your guts or invite a bunch of clans to overwhelm the enemies.
clans demand anywhere from 200k to 1.11 million denars. most ask for 400k.
you need ~10 extra clans to take over Calradia.
that's 4 millions if they ask for 400k.
Ok and? Just saying I wasn't doing the caravans for anything more than stopping a slow drip.
I'm not even to the making a kingdom phase I just have a city. Simmer down there anon.
Just get the stupid interest trade perk that gives you 1k/day
Daily income was a mistake
Warband's faction variety was a big part of its charm. None of the factions felt out of place for me, there weren't centuries separating them. There are fantasy settings where it's way too disparate, with early modern designs appearing next to early middle age ones. Warband covers a range of 2-3 centuries, which is the sweet spot for medieval-inspired fiction. You can have your maille and partial plate, faux-vikings, etc. But it's not going overboard as something like Game of Thrones.
The one notable out of place thing was full plate armor being available in stores, but only Harlaus wears it so I can forgive.
Whereas BL factions are very similar, which reminded me of Viking Conquest. I like realism and I enjoyed VC, and of course every kingdom would have the capacity to train counterpart troops. However, vanilla shouldn't have been that strict with historicity. This was a departure from the charming soulful factions of the original that I consider a negative.
>I'm not even to the making a kingdom phase
those 4 millions are needed for the extra clans.
i'm counting on (you) being elected as the king of your current faction
Hard disagree. Just because it's fantasy doesn't mean it shouldn't pick a lane. Warband did it well by capturing beloved high middle ages stereotypes and including a lot of other details and concepts most medieval fantasy fans wouldn't know. Despite being fantasy, it ends up contributing to a player's understanding of concepts from the middle ages. Whereas something like Warhammer does it by cramming together references that are 1,000 or more years apart, it doesn't care about generally setting itself in something resembling a real historical period. For the record I lean heavily into "historically authentic" games and media rather than fantasy. For me, Warband's Calradia was a good balance between creative fiction and authenticity to the high middle ages.
I was working as a merc for the vlandians but I'm solo now. Fuck everyone they smell and they suck.
Inviting other clans to your realm is a mistake.
I just got done playing bannerlord for the last few days off and on. Its very samey and boring and the constant rebellions to stop you from snowballing the map with your forces is bullshit and needs to be toned down. For every 2 province I conquer it seems 3 or 4 rebel against my lords. Its making conquering the remaining of the map a chore and sucking the fun out of the game. So I might not even play today because I know its just more hours of sieges and people magically rebelling to stop me from conquering the map cuz taleworlds is shit at game design.
What changes would you like to see?
It's easy as shit to stop rebellions in Bannerlord, the AI is just retarded and doesn't give two shits about the plebs and serfs of Calradia. Occassionally they will be smart enough, and if they have a clan member who is another culture be governors of foreign occupied cities, but that can be rare even if they do have such figures in their clans.
NTA obviously but one change that is desperately needed in the rebellion system in Bannerlord, instead of always popping a new rando-named clan, is there should be ways to invoke an existing clan (especially a fiefless clan of the town's culture) into the rebellion instead. Also merciful and/or generous trait lords should try to promote friendlier-to-the-masses policies to help settlement loyalty growth.
Also fief trading and distribution should be more varied in kingdom proposals with more weight to clan leader culture and fiefs they own.

But yeah back to your point, especially with the Nimps, it's so bad with the perpetual rebellions and they never change how they operate; just shit over the town, then it rebels, then they go in and devastate it, leaving it angry after the takeover, then try to leech any cash from a burnt husk of a town for a season and of course it rebels again. And the worst part with Imps especially is they have the garrison cost reduction bonus, but they are always complete cheapskates with garrisons so while they are bumbling away Tyal or Makeb to rebellions, their actual Imperial fiefs get undergarrisons for counter-attacks.
I think based on what you said, a cool way to go about that is having the rebels loyal to the clan that previously owned that fief, if they were in good standing - like if loyalty was 60+. Maybe have the leaders of the city rebels become companions of the clan they’re loyal to. Just spitballing.
On a different note, I wish the units for each empire faction had their own flavor
>the constant rebellions to stop you from snowballing the map with your forces is bullshit
i've just completed a simps playthrough and only dropped it because i have diplomacy and Rhagaea is friends with the Vlandian and Aserai kings (Unqid and Derthert got deposed) so we cannot declare war anymore.
we own half of Vlandia, and couple of towns from the Aserai.
i don't deal with rebellions. i let the AI do it.
Chaikand, Husn falq, sibir and Varcheg constantly rebel.
Pen cannoc and Seonen rebelled a couple of times.
i find that bannerlord is won with money by inviting clans. or by chopping heads.
i stayed a mercenary until i accumulated a bunch of millions and a party full of top tier units then i joined the simps.
i owned Jalmarys, Zeonica, Poros, Amitatys and Onica castle.
i had 150 elite units in each town and filled Onica to the brim with top tier troops to replenish losses.
i made 10k profit per day with 4 clan parties that i refilled regularly with 100 or so top tier units.
i had party AI controls mod to prevent garrison donations or joining armies of course. otherwise i would have had to run with an army 24/7 and being slow is very annoying.
Reintroduce claimants and have a civil war invoke if a faction gets so big, where some clans join the claimant
Claimants were a good idea but poorly implemented, it's stupid to put all of the impetus for their claim on the player
Where did Manor Lords thread go?
>100 vs 100 battle on an empty field
>my 50 infantry and cavalry vs pretty much an entirely foot ranged force
>should be a piece of cake, that's what cavalry is made for right
>send in the cavalry for a head on charge, battle should be over by the time the infantry reaches the enemy
>end up losing my entire cavalry force for pretty negligible damage
is ranged just OP as shit or is cavalry garbage
>is ranged just OP as shit
>is cavalry garbage
cavalry is good but you need something to distract the archers before sending them in.
you should have sent shieldwall infantry first then flanked with the cav.
10 clans?!
Fuck that. I was gonna do it with 6, one clan for each culture. Have those midwits do stupid shit during the war while you and 4 of your clan members march as an army around the map. No influence gets spent increasing army coherence if it’s just clan members, your influence skyrockets as a result, and the members get leveled up in fights so you can micromanage their skills better; because the companions’ ones are dogshit.

I will concede that I might end up doing it with 12 clans, but only because a secondary clan offered a marriage proposal I was looking for and so now I’ve felt obligated to take them on, and now need to have the other cultures as 2, so as to make things even.
But part of me does now want to prove a point and do it with 6

My headache was the fact that the kingdoms kept initiating peace too easily; but I suppose that’s to push you into starting your own kingdom, and to save you from getting immediately destroyed when you do.
Yeah I think Notables in towns who support certain clans should have an influence on what clan gets the fief in the rebellion would be another consideration, too. In general I think notables are underused in Bannerlord (it would be nice to be able to retire companion characters and make them into notables, like giving them a severance and one of your workshops, and they become a notable in that town (at the cost of another notable who gets competed out becoming a rival or something).
>I wish the units for each empire faction had their own flavor
They sort of do because they integrate troops of their frontiers as well; Simps often have more Aserai and sometimes Khuzait influence, Nimps can have Khuz/Sturgian/Battanian influence, and Wimps have a lot of Battanian and sometimes Vlandian and Aserai integration in their armies. But yeah it might be neat if Garios' faction had Hastati/Princeps/Triarii like the Legion of the Betrayed, since he was more of the old school legions era.
Considering the three Imperial factions are basically Claimants for one major power, I'm not sure how the claimant system works with the Bannerlord AI outside of it. Usually there are realm flippers if there is enough beef between vassals and rulers, and when you rebel if you have the cash you can easily flip clans (especially if they are poor and fiefless) to do the same job, the claimants are just middlemen.
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As strong as cavalry is the main infantry blob is still the real killer on the battlefield. What type of infantry troops did you face? And as someone else pointed you need to distract the enemy force before charging cavalry in. But that is good as otherwise Vlandians would sweep the map easily but their impetuous behavior allows them to get fucked up by a solid infantry force in the field because if numbers are even or close to it they will headlong charge their cavalry to break the enemy right away, which depending on your infantry crew and captains can be extremely effective (Imperial Menavlitons are spectacular in melees against heavy cavalry).
Vlandians are scary to fight. i'll go as far to say that they're the hardest to fight against if they chose to advance slowly.
>they spread out their crossbowmen
>shieldwall advance with infantry
>charge infantry and cav while their crossbowmen shower you with bolts
>if you manage to beat the first infantry and cav wave, the crossbowmen retreat and shower you again while the new wave is keeping you busy
i found the best way to deal with them is to have archers advance on the crossbowmen and kill them off first.
and i still sustain decent casualties
How's realm of thrones nowadays? Is it fun? interesting to play for a Asoiaf enjoyer? Are there questlines?
I found that talking to Unthery about the Battle of Pendraic is a decent primer about them; hit Vlandian ranged divisions with your heavy cavalry to get them to fuck off. His implication that cataphracts don't feel crossbows isn't accurate but cavalry can pretty much bully them; worst is later when Vlandians blob most of Battania, and Vlandian armies are like 1/3 Battanian, the fians mixed with the crossbowmen can be tough and the twohanders of the fians can be a danger to your cavalry attacks on them.
Your point of reinforcement waves is dangerous with Vlandia given their heavy-cavalry centric strategy; even after a major rout of their first-line cavalry and infantry, their crossbowment can hold a skirmish line enough to make their opponents tired for the second wave. Vlandians are basically Warband era Calradians, if you have a ranged weapon sit on a hill, if you don't, F1-F3 baby!
True Swadian Master Race.
>wanting everything to be some variant of spearmanii
>My headache was the fact that the kingdoms kept initiating peace too easily; but I suppose that’s to push you into starting your own kingdom, and to save you from getting immediately destroyed when you do.
Are you guys talking about a mod or something?
is there a version of dickplomacy that has freelancer?
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Apparently so, because they just released Beta v1.2.11.

>Something something Multiplayer
Well ok then. Look forward to the Sunday event I guess.
>oh wow another patch *the other day*
>chinese localization fixes
>why you hate bannerlord
I don’t hate it, on a technical level it’s way better than warband.
But I will explain the things warband (actually) does better.

First problem is the terrible potato faces bannerlord has. And by potatoes I mean the absolute Hapsburg tier goblinos you seem to bump into every second. Warband had PS2 graphics but at least the people you met looked normally proportioned. This not only is a bonerkiller for immersion, but it also ruins combat because you can’t take your enemies (or allies) seriously when they look like ugly retards.

Secondly, warband generally looked a lot gloomier than Bannerlord. As in the lighting was simply less saturated. The artwork was grittier as well. I think the gloom-core approach wins between the two games.

Thirdly… uh feasts or some other nitpick? Idk it’s mainly the first two points that ruin Bannerlord’s vibe. I honestly don’t care about shit like feasts.
why hello there, warhammeranon!
i missed you.
>you can’t take your enemies (or allies) seriously when they look like ugly retards.
ugly grinning retards

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