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Whats the peak of Total War genre?
Shogun 2 or Medieval 2
Shogun 1 or Medieval 1
rome 1
If it weren’t so nickel and dimed, I’d say what they did with Warhammer is pretty impressive. Otherwise it’s Shogun 2 by a large margin. 3 kingdoms was pretty good too, but the battles just feel so anemic and impactless.
shogun 2 or fall of the samurai
depends on your taste
Medieval 2
after it was at least one step backwards for every step forward, becoming three steps backwards after Shogun 2
Rome 1 and Medieval 2. I played every once since Shogun, and Empire sucked so bad that I never bought another one again.
Medieval 2.
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NTW3 for MP
Empire Total War for SP
opinion discarded
opinion embraced
Rome 1 for antiquity, Medieval 2 for steel and early firearms, Shogun 2 for later firearms
firearms in medieval are notoriously bad
Attila because of the difficulty, the setting and the battles.
But beign serious, Troy and Pharaoh are the best.
>But beign serious, Troy and Pharaoh are the best.
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R1, S2 with FotS, Tilla are the best games
M2 gets a special place because of the attention to detail

WH3, Pharaoh, and Hyenas are the best at making this shitty company kill itself
warhammer 2 and no amount of historyfag circlejerking will change that
as a historyfag i have enjoyed wh2, it felt really polished if confronted with that shitshow that was wh3
i can only bring myself to play lizards and egypt though
RTW with EB. M2TW with many mods.

Non Warscape Engine games in general outside S2
No wonder why CA is like that when people keep sucking that M2 poopsicle this hard
Shogun 2. Anything after it was just downhill
>b-but muh 3K
A slight bump up doesn't make the red arrow go any less down.
I wouldn't mind, being fa/tg/uy and all, but the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
But I got to admit, CA taking GW style of marketing and pricetags was giving me a familiar feeling of being ass-raped over my hobby
Attila is amazing but the dogshit modern province system will always chain it down
None are the peak. Only playable in multiplayer.
Rome 1 and Med 2
Fall of the Samurai for the gameplay, Empire for the map
>shitscape game >:(
>shitscape game, Japan 8^O
Med 2 > Rome 1 > Empire > every newer entry > couldn't get Shogun 1 and Med 1 to run on my pc > Rome 1 Bloatmastered
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That would be Total War: Warhammer III and it will be until Warhammer 40k is complete after 3 games
The dogshit battle engine drags Attila down more
the original
>he wasn't there in 2004
>he didn't see the original trailers and get hyped
>he didn't get to enjoy the exhilaration of leading massive 3D armies of antiquity against each other when it was a new and fresh thing

I pity you
>33 posters in
>only one mention of Attila

This board is dead
I would only quibble that I feel the battle speed was a little too fast, especially Romans Vs Barbs. The 'unlock faction' annoyance didn't help. But yes. It was a good time. And I do miss that the battle map was generated from your location on the world map; you could quite literally pick your ground.
Empire Total War
Fall of Samurai
Warhammer 1
>warhammer 1
it's b8
Nah. It's easily superior to 2 or 3. It's actually still got the essence of total war unlike the sequels which just turned into DLC power creep and pressing the "win now" button in your kewl unique faction mechanic screen.
Also best map in the series.
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I was there. I was 10-11 at the time, going through a pretty big LOTR bend because the huge battle scenes were awesome. When I saw a video that promised that sense of scale, I couldn't believe it. Managed to get my folks to buy me both Medieval 1 and then Rome. I loved it. It and the original Call of Duty is what got me into history and they're still just great solid games even as the years pass, the games age and the franchises they're a part off devolve further and further into cancer. Father Time ruins us in his own special way I suppose.
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I did have a modicum of enjoyment slaying the demons, the undead and the heretics as Repanse.
Medieval 2, Shogun 2 FotS, Attila
>have severe historical RTS phase in HS
>find previews for RTW looking for new games
>the screenshots look unbelievable, think the game is fake
>there's no way it lets you command huge 3D armies like that
>there's no way you can command thousands of 3D units to around a battlefield
>there's no way you can garrison city battlements and defend against huge siege machines
>even if it's real, there's no way my PC can run it
>it comes out, pirate it instantly
>it's everything the previews showed and more
>somehow runs smoothly on my PC
>instantly hooked
>play for hours and hours every day
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elaborate, i played it for 2 hours and got bored, warhammer 3 at least hooked me (as a shitty rpg) for 18 hours
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this is the peak.
It's a series of games, not a whole genre.
3 is great, but i wouldn't call it peak due to the shitty practices CA pulled and the absolute state it launched in
absolutely, was an amazing game
Games Workshop i think
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Don't forget getting absolutely AWED by the History Channel series using RTW to depict battles

for me its
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how come that in 20 fucking years there aren't more songs with his wife doing the signing
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CA shafted him and his wife probably can't speak Japanese and thus couldn't sing for S2
People dick ride Fall of the Samurai but Rise of the Samurai is actually goated

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Rome Remastered solely because mod support is what makes or breaks this franchise, and because it has the old proper engine.
If we're talking about vanilla then MTW2
FOTS is just better but ROTS is not terrible at all.
what's the best mod for the original RTW? i tried darthmod but it's very buggy
ROTS is terrible, but mostly because they just weren't thinking. If someone cared you could probably mod it into an acceptable state, but nobody does.
If they were gonna have this 9001-province-count clusterfuck of a map they ought to have just pushed the start date back to around the same time as Imperator Rome so you could fight the Etruscans and Samnites..
Roma Surrectum and Europa Barbarorum.
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in 2 years when they release their roman/italy update, they will most definitely have etruscan and samnite troops, probably make them a playable emergent faction too like they did with the other emergent factions.
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Does anyone actually play and finish a campaign on these maps with cheesing it by skipping over 500 rebel territories to capture the 1 city the victory conditions call for?
>victory conditions
i dont pay attention to that. i play until im satisfied or until the save bug gets me.
These maps always filter world conquest blobber spergs
Me too
What's the alternative? Spend 40 turns walking through rebel provinces to get the city you want? That's homosexual.
Simply recreating Trajan's imperial borders here should be like a vanilla world conquest x4

>Spend time not conquering rebel provinces in Germany and the Carpathians and simply roam around sacking and enslaving them instead
The only right answer
It would be Chadtilla if the AI was actually capable of dealing with its mechanics. As it stands, most AI factions that aren't the Huns just tend to crumble towards midgame and fighting nothing but steppe niggers gets old fast.
there is absolutely no need for a map this big. played a campaign as Syracuse and gave up after conquering Sicily and sacking Carthage
but sicily is only like 10 settlements you havent bloatmaxxed properly
I assume the mod author will get to it eventually but he's agonisingly slow. I mostly want a world map instead of 10 gorillion greek cities but whatever.
I need europa barbarorum updated to take advantage of this autism map. It would be perfect. No rebel script spawns would be needed, they could just have them exist and spawn in as a horde or some shit.
I don't even know the state of EB2 but it probably got updated once in the past year.
the map could be bloated down though. any area that has a settlement more than 5 tiles nearby needs to be eliminated. the scale is great, but the amount of settlements, not so much. 10 tile minimum distance between each settlement.
Agreed. Greece looks fucking ridiculous. I'd rather have the scale applied to a full Eurasia map with the same number of settlements.
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>all that greek shit
>all that shit in spain
>all that shit in fucking GB
Holy fucking bloat.
Pharaoh is actually fun as fuck. It just got shitted on by warhammer fanta$oy fans butthurt that CA wasn’t releasing the newest toy action figure pack fast enough.
The forum discussions leading up to Rome 2 were some of the kinoest I’ve ever had in my life. Shame all internet forums died out shortly after and got replaced by reddit shit.
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It was a time to be alive. If only we knew.
>The 'unlock faction' annoyance didn't help.
you could unlock all factions by editing a plain text document with notepad
wrong, scale should be reduced, province density should be increased
imagine Tsardoms-level scale with this amount of provinces
Empire/Napoleon was the bomb until you figured out the janky AI

That's all I want man is a non-janky line infantry game
it will all be worth it in the end when the mod is complete in ten years. the ultimate total war mod. nearly every area of the map filled with factions unique questlines and govt buildings for ever culture, thousands of variants of troops. the mod itself will probably be hundreds of gigs by the time its finished, but by the time its finished, nvme will be common place and load times wont be a big deal.
and to add, think of how great a modding resource this mod will be. everything from the troop textures, to the map itself, to all the scripts, this thing will be the ultimate modding resource for decades. not just for total war, but for other games as well. think of all the fighting games like warband and bannerlord that will be able to use the mods team research and troop equipment for their own mod, they dont have to waste time researching and making troop equipment.
Medieval to Medieval 2 is the hard peak. Empire to Shogun 2 is decent but the broken AI with cope doomstacks began to overwhelm the gameplay loop. Honorable mention to Warhammer II.
I'm uhhh not seeing much love for Napoleon
i feel the ris map if almost perfect for small local campaigns where u build up your kingdom then end it without having to slog through 6 gorrilian bad composed roman or selucid armies. ideally you could cut down the max amount of units able to be recruited by 90% and have 3 or 4 major battles in a war and take some land with a peace deal rather then having to beat the shit out of them into useless nigger-tier provinces
I hope they implement that script recruitment pool by milkman or whatever that he used in his cultural mod. Would greatly help reduce AI spam as they too can only recruit from the same pool as the player.
3 kingdoms. Yuan Shu is the rightful emperor btw, everything else is just cope.
This post was sponsored by the Zhong Dynasty
Bros, is Warhammer 3 worth 20 bucks (from a steam key site, so that CA won't get a dime from me) if I'll just play immortal empires with some friends?

I'd say Shogun 2
I don't think that's gonna happen because RTW is 20 years old, everyone who bought the Remaster was a pre-existing RTW fan in their late 20s at the youngest. A mod like EB2 could stay alive and maintain development and interest for 20 years since first release because people were like 15 years old when they started following it. By the time the remaster came out, they were just looking to recapture some nostalgia. It's already dead with <1,000 players on any given day. Mods are gonna keep this small number of oldfags interested for a bit, but how much longer can you play a 20 year old game?

And of course some nuTW players bought it too due to buying every single TW product that comes out, but they're not playing it anymore. I wish the remaster was more successful, specifically for its great modding potential, but it appears to already be dead.
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>don't think that's gonna happen because RTW is 20 years old, everyone who bought the Remaster was a pre-existing RTW fan in their late 20s at the youngest.
A modding resource doesnt have to be played for it to be useful. At the very least when they drop the roman update, modders will be able to use all the high quality texture for the republic era troops, empire era troops and the million other troops of sammites and whatnot, not to mention their research for other mods. That will always remain useful whether the mod itself is played or not. The remaster has actually gained players since launch and thats because of its small modding scene and imo a large part because of RIS. Its the most subbed mod and like DEI for Rome 2, I think RIS is doing most of the lifting despite other great mods on the workshop. Every time an update drops for RIS, the average goes up for a month because thats how much people are interested in this mod. I have no doubt that with the italian update, it will have the biggest boost to both the playerbase and modding scene since, romans aside from carthage is one of the biggest draws for that era.

If it was as fruitless as you say, we would have seen dwindling numbers for the remaster continue and continue but its held steady with slow growth throughout its time. People love the older games and until CA makes such a great sequel to these older titles, people will keep playing them and modding them. The devs will at the minimum complete the mod until the roman update. They had worked on RIS when popularity for RR was at its lowest, I dont think they will stop anytime soon.
Was Three Kingdoms actually much better than most nu-TW or is this just because it released next to Troy and Pharaoh. Battles just looked really awful in 3k.
Warhammer 3 with CreamAPI
James workshop
I've been playing Warhammer II. I can't get through a whole campaign. Its awesome at first when you learn a faction and watch the up close kino battles, Necrosphinx fighting off a dragon, etc, epic stuff.
But then the game starts to drag and I get burned out. I defeat a faction, the next thing to do is defeat another faction until I take over the map? It gets old. There is too much waiting out turns. When I accumulate multiple lords, heroes, provinces there is so much frivolous stuff to keep track of and its no fun, I want more battle kino not a hyperscale empire management sim
Many fights are skippable, it seems you just bunch your lords together and auto-resolve with 4 combined armies ftw since I don't have 6 hours for each battle
Can you a make a big difference micromanaging the battles? That's the only part of this game I really enjoy. Should I turn up the difficulty, play in battle mode, and focus on micro skills instead?
i want to play a fucking late firearms tw game but i fucking hate japan
good diplomacy but battles are probably the worst in the entire series
>single player
why the fuck are you doing this to yourself anon
>total war atilla
>ai reinforcing ally just sits in the corner not doing
even fucking medieval 2 AI helped you in fights this is bullshit
They are loads better than in Rome II/Warhammer. 3K gives you a lot of tools to attack the enemies morale (fire/night battles/musou). Just avoid the trebuchets since they trivialize the game.
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TW Bros, any advice an how to win this naval battle? I'm on the left.
opinion based
> Empire
Excellent opinion
opinion ignored
Atilla is a Rome 2 dlc that they decided to sell separately to make more money, what do you expect?
Nobody is playing Pharaoh as it is just a reskin of Troy, another game that nobody is playing.
What's left of the historical fanbase are still sticking with the pre-WH titles.
Kek good ol' Anibal at Portas. The autism to surpass Anthonius

Anybody else read this?
Medieval II. The greatest game + dlc combo of all time
great read and it basically confirms what people have been saying all along, management marketing and the designers are all retarded and should go fuck themselves.
I just can't get into Rome 2. I can't explain why. Even with DEI. The province system is just so...weird even though I eventually got the hang of it in the Total Warhammers. The battles are just bland compared to the others. What's wrong with me?
Kinda of unrelated but as anyone else here only found out about rome total war because of the documentary “Decisive Battles”? That shit changed my life, turned me to into a strategy game and history enjoyer
Medieval 1
Nearly win, all forces cowering before you, a couple countries fully occupied...
......... Switch to barbarians
It's a fucking crime that Fall of The Samurai is now more expensive than the base Shogun 2
nothing at all, you have a working brain
the game is not built to support shit like this so it ends up as a boring slog fest of conquering the same garbage towns. ideally the devs would have expected autism projects and thought of features to help deligate tasks and auto manage way better, imagine an army template system where you can raise armies to your choosing easily from a overview map or the ablitly to cut down micromangement by having armies follow a lead vanguard force saving time on moving troops, possibly the abilty to plan town construction giving a decent template for the automange system to work from instead of build garbage. a more out there change would be to raise the unit cap to 60 or 80 or add the abilty to combine units into larger ones lessning the army spam which slows down the game.
Shogun 2 definitely
Least nostalgia-addled TW fan
AI in Shogun 2 is not broken, certainly not compared to M2
It literally can't play it's own game. If you wait enough any clan in Shogun 2 gets mass rebellions since the AI can't stop itself from upgrading its castles and markets which causes food shortages.
When I played Shogun 2 last year as the ikko ikki, I cannot recall encountering any rebels I did not incite myself. Maybe this only happens on lower difficulties, or after a very very long number of turns.
I have such sunk cost with Warhammer that I keep buying the dlc's. I keep trying to play it but it just isn't fun anymore.
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Medieval Total War, no fucking suffixes. The abstracted Risk-like strategy map is still the best. I often only play the world map and autoresolve the battles.
I'm often tempted to try out Three Kingdoms but then I remember that ROTK XI PUK is way better anyway.

I tried it out and it's not bad. The battles are typical nutotal war fashion ie bland garbage but the diplomacy system actually met the decently steep expectations everyone that gushed about it set. But that does not make a game good by itself. The battles as said before are bleh, the UI is bleh, the nutotal war campaign mechanics ie recruiting and managing your empire are bleh. Still, probably the best of the nutotal wars. I do enjoy the Total Warhammers but not nearly as much as Shogun 2 or Medieval 2.
>often only play the world map and autoresolve the battles.
There's no fucking game left if you do that

Compared to other nutotal wars I appreciate how 3K gives you multiple ways to attack enemy morale. Also the first game where you can set forests on fire as enemies march through them IIRC. I enjoy the extra empire management officers provide, and greatly appreciate how enemy factions will surrender after you beat them up enough. Vassals are useful for speeding up your conquest if you don't mind letting them have the counties. Probably the most fun TW out of all of them to do a full map conquest for that reason.
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Probably Shogun 2. The limited roster means the AI doesn't confuse itself with weird army compositions, when guns become more readily available you're open to completely changing your tactics by retiring samurai for cheaper ashigaru pike/shot stacks that can hold their own against more expensive samurai armies. Last time I played I had my Daimyo and older generals keep a traditional army while the heir and the next generation would use gun focused armies. Realm divide, while not perfect, stops the lategame from being an autopilot affair.

I'm a 3 Kingdoms nerd and would have loved if they kept it more grounded. The female generals, one man armies and the overly fast battles killed it for me. A major campaign defining battle should last longer than 10-15 minutes.
Rome 2 with DEI is fun
>friend wants to try out more total war games after playing Warhammer and Shogun 2
>"sorry, Medieval 2 is too outdated for me, I'm not getting it"
>"yeah I don't really care about knights and medieval things either, I'm more of a viking guy, tribal stuff only"
>buy Attila
>gets his ass whopped as the danes early on
>play ostrogoths visigoths in coop campaign, has fun raizing cities
>doesn't bring up the game in the next days

its not fair, why can't people appreciate dark ages kino...
I would say attila with Ancient/classical empires mod if it weren't an unfinished piece of shit filled with retard nostalgia.
God I hate nostalgiafags so fucking much. They are not trying to put attila as a game in the times of Rome, they are desparetly clinging to their fuckign childhood nostalgia and it's so fucking vomit inducing.
Replace the music with R1 music because "they don't make 'em like they used to" instead of making new building icons or doing any sort of adaptation, they just take actual ungly and old R1 icons and put them into attila.

Holy fucking shit you boomer niggers please get over the fact that your childhood is over and has been over for decades.
Strange that nobody makes clones or sidegrades to Total War games.
there are a couple actually.
Like what? I would maybe try them out.
Basically this. Empire was TW at its logical extent, representing almost the entire world map (At least the parts that matter) and a particularly interesting period in time and technology.
Have him install the age of vikings mod for attila
historical TW peaked with Medieval 2
only Total War Warhammer was able to get on the same level
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Been playing shogun1 after my dei rome2 game. Holy smokes, does this lag like a motherfucker on modern systems. I haven't tried the campaign yet and not sure if I may, might just move on to med2 more.
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Do you think it's possible for CA to give up the license for engine 1/2 willingly? Is it just a pipe dream that'll never happen? Just imagine over 40-100k battles with sprites and properly optimized. It'd be GOAT. Not just for a shogun 1 remaster (but that'd be interesting) but just as an engine in general -maybe an original IP fantasy setting like mount and blade or of course reimagining of med2 and so on.
I really doubt they even still have the source code.
Anyone know what that text means?
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my notes
Med 2
Shogun 2
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komissar is back and will apparently release an update for total conquest after being MIA for years
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R1 and S2, for different reasons. Thought 3K might be on to something but alas, CA fucked it all up.

>picked up Med 1 in 2003
>Rome 1 kino launches the next year
>Get into Warhammer the same year
>Dream of a Warhammer Total War
>12 years later CA finally do
>And they build it off the back of Rome 2
The greatest of Monkey's Paws
The Senate and the people of Rome.
The divine Titus son of divine Vespasian
Vespasian augustus.
Las sentence doesn't make any sense as it's repetitive.
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I like the era, I liked UG:CW, I like long term strategy games, I like logistics management in strategy games, would it be worth picking this up?
(cant make new thead for some stupid reason so Im just posting it here)
they prolly never would even if they still had the source code, CA as far as i know is the only company with a decent battle system (excluding manor lords as that is not the main focus) they would be giving a lot of their possible market share away
>CA as far as i know is the only company with a decent battle system
Warscape is dogshit and killed company
The answer is yes.
He probably meant montee de l'empire
Yes. It has everything about a linear warfare game I want.
Rome 1 is the best (or Medieval 2 if you are a woman or a faggot).
Shogun 2 on hardest is the most interesting challenge.
Shogun 1 or Medieval 1 get honourable mentions, but mostly because they were my first.
Total war warhammer 3
Shame the game sucked
Weird, it runs fine for me in W10.
don't listen to the others, it's incredibly repetitive and boring
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>divo and divi is declension of divus
>f as filius
I see. Thank you, anon. I thought about writing to Feral and asking them, but all I could find was a tech support contact, and I doubt they would care about some inscription from a three year old game.
>and I doubt they would care about some inscription from a three year old game.
edwin is pretty active in the twcenter discord. im sure he would have replied if you pinged him.
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Field of glory
Based taste anon, not many had played this game
i played the viking one, does that count?
Spartan total warrior on ps2
Empire was so botched it’s unreal. Inwill never forgive CA for that shit.
>the AI is brain-dead and the engine struggles enormously to make things work.
so you're saying the problem is it's a total war game?
>1 province France
what the fuck were they thinking seriously ?
I think it's the musket/arbquesus particle effects for sure.
The interface is the real FPS killer, somehow. Switching to the reinforcements menu makes the framerate shoot up immediately.
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I am fond of Empire because there's so few games set in that time period but fuck me the AI is probably the most broken still of any game
>anons unironically naming shogun 1 and medieval 1
Holy shit, take your arthritis meds with your apple sauce and go to bed you out of touch, contrarian geriatrics.
Hating modern shit doesn't make you cool.
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Europa Barbarorum is where the series peaked. In my eyes EB is the real Rome 2.
turn base strategy with actual turn base map movement, if you move an army in a hostile province expect a fight or a siege, things were done in that way no bullshit attack enemy army she retreat my 2 turns move

battles where decided by positioning, moral fatigue and maneuvering, that was the core aspect of the game, running around without a plan for 30 minutes was the best way to lose a battle

overall better experience, battles were the core game and the campaign map was a good way to link them together in a straight forward way
I'd put Thrones to D but otherwise I agree.
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I hope you guys are playing darth mod for empire.
Nice list anon. Fair. Why did you omit Troy?
I meant pharaoh
Bring Rome II to top of A above Attila and it's good
I recently got Rome 2 and tried out the DEI mod which is quite good apart from the horseshit population mechanic which makes it absolutely unplayable. Is radious mod better or should I just give up? Don't have a lot of time to game these days so I want the precious time to be enjoyable, DEI is just like getting kicked in the nuts
Fuck you, keep that shit out of total war.
Total War games should have victory conditions and a turn limit and that's it.
I hate being told how to play my campaign.
Senate/pope/council quests in RTW/MIITW were good. I haven't played nuTW for longer than a few hours so I don't know what direction this went.
But in the classic games, you don't have to do them but, yet you can get some good pick me ups if you do. Also, this mechanic was used really well in the MIITW Americans campaign when playing as Spain to simulate the historical situation.
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>Senate/pope/council quests in RTW/MIITW were good
yes especially this one :)
Pharaoh is peak history and WH3 as something special.
>Pharaoh is peak history
lmao, historical my ass
Wish they would go back to the slow paced combat of Medieval 2
Shogun 2
Shogun 2, Napoleon with LME, Rome 1, Medieval 2.
It was kino when I first saw it pop up 20 years ago.
rome total war remastered is the peak of total war
it's in my shoes for almost 20 years, and I have to say it: med2 battles are a downgrade from rome1.
Yes, it feels less "arcade" but, cavalry suck ass, unresponsive, slow, and the charge sometimes don't work. pike formation are just the bare minimum, no possibility to move in formation like rome1. crossbows are weird, sometimes they just shoots in arc mode, and yes even with clear LoS.
Didn't you play any other TW?
nta but buff stacking and some arcade'y "click button to get stuff" adds a lot of enjoyment to the game while not making it too immersion breaking.
not with that dogshit eyesore UI
>and the charge sometimes don't work
If they use lances they need a long run up otherwise they'll drop the lance and switch to sidearms. A lance charge can also only be done once since the lance is discarded once it is 5 feet through a Frenchmans body, all subsequent combat is with sidearms. The charges are, like everything else, are simulationist and are working as intended.
the nu total war stat stacking and RPG army and generals absolutely are immersion breaking. obviously there always were stat bonuses even in the older games but theyre way over done in the newer games. theyre anything but immersive.
Why does empire suck?
What makes it different from empire?
Wonky engine + extra dumb AI + no unit variety
Nappy > Empire desu
Med2 charges are the best charges in the franchise.
>cavalry suck ass, unresponsive, slow
Yeah a big formation of heavy cav can't easily turn on a dime
Pike formations are glitchy as fuck, I'll give you that.
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Most people formed that opinion when it just came out and they didn't really play it, because it was unplayable. Terrible performance, constant crashing. The original version of the warscape engine had no unit collision whatsoever so the unit blobs blobbed around like they were liquid, which they still kinda do, but it was to the point that the modern games look good in comparison.
Off the top of my head:
>poor unit pathfinding
>traits, ancillaries and character attributes near completely gutted
>mocapped 1v1 animations making melee combat extremely wonky
>diplomatic AI making baffling province trades for no apparent reason
>uncommon time period without the historical flavour to make it worthwhile (copypasted unit descriptions etc.)
>map is big but lacks detail
>automatic agent spawning adding busywork
>little unit variety
>pretty sure it crashed sometimes too
i went from RomeTW1 to empire recently cause of shilling here and even with mods (napolen particles, sound effects etc) that game combat and cav charges felt abysmal and didnt even come close to decade older RTW. I uninstalled it promptly and prmised myself to never fall for /v/ meme games.
forgot to add soundtrack and unit voice lines were the most disappointing thing about it, compared to RomeTW its like they didnt put any effort.
at least they made every faction have its own-language'd voice lines, which was neat


Now can anyone help me out? In Age of Charlamagne - Franks, am I supposed to go to war with my brother? seems like I'm just supposed to have a civil war and retake have the kingdom, but I'm a little thrown that my brother is on my family tree page.

Does this mean he will rejoin my house? Is there a diplomatic solution or when I reach my target imperium?
fall of the samurai for sure.
It made me go from "why did soldiers line up to get shot at in that era? wtf are they stupid?" to "line up everyone, I need you all shooting at the same time"
Empire was rushed as fuck, iirc there was a whole 1 year delay due to design and technical issues

It's pretty easy to see how Napoleon felt more of a complete game when it came out despite not having a significant difference to Empire
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There's nothing more satisfying than stacking thin spaghetti lines on a hill and watching them demolish an army three times their size.
Damn, I thought I was the only one getting hooked. Gates of Pyre is another RTS that's probably going to reel me in again.
Evropa Barbarorvm 2
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Has been usurped
Am I right in taking it that DIVO TITO is ablative and DIVI VESPASIANI is gentitive?
As in 'From the divine Titus (son) of divine Vespasian'?
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I think so.
Ablative is a word? I speak English for 20 years and haven't heard it once dammit.
Some more research:
DIVO TITO (ablative(from)) DIVI VESPASIANI (gentitive(possessive/of)) VESPASIANO (dative(for)) AUGUSTO (verb)
>From the divine Titus son of the divine Vespasian, in veneration of Vespasian.
Do correct me if I'm wrong.
Romans didn't actually have a V sound. His name should be translated as Uespasian.
Yes but we only speak it like that when we're speaking Latin, we use the Anglicised forms when we speak English. We read Virgil in translation, we read Publius Uergilius Maro in Latin.
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shitty list
dumb cai and bai, bugs, sieges, dumb ai
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>dis nigga making 0 florins
I fucking love traits. Even the absolute shitter characters have humor value
The Divide and Conquer abd Europe Barbarorum 2 mods for Med2TW
Wrong, that's fucking gay. Micro-scale just means less faction variety and smaller stakes.
>less faction variety
>smaller stakes
these are good things
Well, apart from the sanitation, medicines, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
>Natural born merchant
>Is the worst merchant ever born
>tfw born a jew and still bad with money
For those playing the OG Rome Total War, you need to look into the latest version of DXVK. My game is now running smoother than it ever has with any other method.


For techlets:
-Remove anything you may have downloaded to try and fix performance before
-Download dxvk-2.4.tar.gz from this page
-Right-click on it and open the archive with 7zip
-Keep navigating through the files in here until you're inside of the x32 folder
-Copy both d3d8.dll and d3d9.dll into the game's install folder

That's it. The game should be noticeably smoother now as long as you have a recent-ish GPU with updated drivers. There are no drawbacks that I've found- flaming arrows etc all render correctly, there are no glitchy textures. It's just RTW as it should be running very smooth. It runs even better if you use the Total War Eras/disc release instead of the Steam version.
did not notice any improvement, but my pc is old and i use w7 so always had 40-60fps
Yeah, that's a fix for people having performance issues stemming from modern hardware/OS. People with older hardware should also check to see if their setup meets the DXVK requirements seen here: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/wiki/Driver-support
Oldest GPU I've personally tested this on is a 1070ti and performance is definitely fixed with it. Should also mention that I don't use the Steam version since the post mentions that. I know that version has additional inherent performance issues due to whatever they changed in an update.
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Still can't believe he won.
If you're an autist that likes watching paint dry yeah. But for anyone with a functioning brain it's worse.
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Will i regret downloading that game? it cant possibly be that bad they patched it for like 8 years.
I think Shogun 2 is my favorite in terms of gameplay, even with the warscape matched combat it still feels fun. I've tried so hard to like Warhammer but it just doesn't hit for me. I like Rome 1 and Med 2 a lot as well. I didn't bother with Rome 2. Empire I want to love but it's got too many problems. I want a good Napoleon campaign, and I love the multiplayer for it a lot actually. I think my hot take is that FotS isn't that good and I don't understand why people love it so much.
They never patched out the biggest issue which is the battle system that lacks proper collision and makes every battle feel like floaty bullshit where units just slide and ping-pong around in the fight. Medieval 2 is the last game that had battles with proper weight to them.
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>Got Empire in 2010 when I was in high school as a gift, played the hell out of it but was told that Rome was better.
>Picked up Rome, thought it was going to be a little bad because the graffix were old
>Every weekend I would play until 2am, absolutely addicted
>Rome singlehandedly removed my graphics bias forever, potentially making me love games as much as I do today
There really was nothing like it.
Just get Rome: Remastered and use the mods. It has the same setting but with a proper combat system.
>It has the same setting
It was basically a fantasy setting loosely based on a historical one.
That's why I said use the mods.
The mods are bloat mods with thousands of cities and units that are just slightly different from each other.
>due to whatever they changed in an update.
gay launcher
>use w7
>It was basically a fantasy setting loosely based on a historical one.
so the official one, its all a fanfic
Total war warhammer 3, all other answers are histoid cope
>Can you a make a big difference micromanaging the battles?
Yes auto resolve is horrible
>That's the only part of this game I really enjoy. Should I turn up the difficulty, play in battle mode, and focus on micro skills instead?
Yes do all three, save auto resolve for late game decided fights
>When I accumulate multiple lords, heroes, provinces there is so much frivolous stuff to keep track of and its no fun, I want more battle kino not a hyperscale empire management sim
the old style TW had simpler management model and focus on battles(that actually mattered)
>thousands of cities
that's one mod and there are plenty of lighter mods in the workshop. plus when you buy RR, you also get the original rome with all the expansions too so you could switch between the two for the different mods.
Almost like it's a history game or something
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Personally I think the series peaked with Rome 1. I play a LOT more M2 these days though because it has so many more mods. While I like R1 more as a platform / battles feel more fun I prefer EB2 as a game. EB1 on R1 hasn't worked for me (yet) I'm a loonix fag so maybe that's what I want to be playing but yeah never really tried it.
As far as mods go, I honestly think Divide and Conquer is the most fun / best. It's only slightly less polished than EB2 and the factions are more fun and easier to play imo. SS is honestly a meme that only exists on lifesupport because retarded redditors still spam about it. RoC is a better medieval experience, or SSHIP but that suffers from the same issue as EB2 where the campaigns stop being fun and more a micro hell.
Also even vanilla M2 is still fun (and better than SS imo too!) IDK why people talk shit about the vanilla game. I had an entire HRE campaign last year and it was remarkable in that I actually finished the game lol. Massive maps and boring slogs of campaigns make most mods tedious if not boring to finish. I've had the same game of Rome EB2 running since the latest patch dropped (Christmas I think?) and I'm still fighting the punic wars
My issue with the newer games is LITERALLY that I don't like the way the arrows look. That's it. I can't play even Rome: Remastered because the archers and spear chuckers shooting lazer beams kills my immersion. M2 arrows look more real
I just don't care enough about the time period desu. That's nothing against the mod but I can't even start a campaign as I'm sitting there looking at the factions going "IDK who any of these are"
I'd go Romans but they start out in rebellion and IDK who the good guys are
I could go evil RUM or whatever the Turks are called but that's kinda cringe
I played a fun game as Wallachia back in CK2 a long time ago, or maybe one of the italian or Balkan provinces but i don't have any connection with any of them
Rec me a good starter faction I guess
Rome 1 or Shogun 2, Med 1 is also up there. Med 2 if we're counting the mods.
I wish Empire had been good, so much potential.
>It was basically a fantasy setting loosely based on a historical one.
So is Rome 2's. The former just decides to embrace it and gave us more fun units to mess around with. Rome 2 tries and still fails to be historically accurate and we don't get fun units.
I don't like Rome 2 but you can't equate their campaign maps. Rome 1 is heavily fictionalized with not only mythology but stuff they simply made up. Rome 2 at least attempts to be grounded.
>Rome 1 is heavily fictionalized with not only mythology but stuff they simply made up.
yes but the underlying mechanics feel far better. you can interact with a population, they have various needs, in BI there is even a religion mechanic, the characters feel more grounded.

rome 2, you have color coded buildings with no pop to interact with, all the generals end up being the same with the stupid RPG leveling up mechanic and shitty building limits like its some shitty board game.

thats why despite rome 1 having literal mummies in the game and flaming pigs, it is still a far more immersive experience than rome 2 and any later history total wars despite the dressing of the setting being more historically accurate. because the dressing doesnt matter, especially when there will be an autism mod that will fix that around the corner, the mods cant fix shitty base gameplay mechanics.
the pop mechanic in R1 kinda sucks too and leads to abuses like using peasant units to move population into smaller towns, also its in no way realistic a 30k pop 200 BC? lol. On top of It falls apart when you increase unit size from default cause suddenly you are recruiting major part of city population and it wasnt balanced around that.
those things you listed were all based though.

moving peasants around>>>>4 slot settlements
>you can interact with a population, they have various needs
Which needs? Which interactions?
You had growth and happiness, biggest difference was that you could disband peasants to grow cities.
>shooting lazer beams kills my immersion. M2 arrows look more real
you can disable that in options but then you don't even realize you are getting shot by arrows, Med2 really had the best effects
>I can't even start a campaign as I'm sitting there looking at the factions going "IDK who any of these are"
Relatable I have the same issue with that one
> Romans but they start out in rebellion and IDK who the good guys are
Basileia ton Rhomaion, the ones with the 4 B flag, represent the Palaiologos dynasty which were the last line of byzantine emperors.
The House of Kantakouzenos, the ones with the eagle flag, represents the current regent which fights the civil war against the Empress-Mother which tries to establish a new regency.
Historically Kantakouzenos won the war with the help of the Ottomans and declared himself senior-Emperor. He lost the next civil war, which started 5 years later, to Palaiologos.
Both of those wars messed up the Empire quite badly.

>good starter faction
I've only begun dabbling in the mod, so this is of questionable value, but my first recommendations, from a gameplay perspective, would be Bavaria, Milan and Trinacria. They mostly share similar aspects and have a simple goal to go for in the early game.
All of them have decent early game rosters and their later roster only gets better, especially for Milan and Trinacria.
They have small starting regions, 3-4 provinces, which are near a map border and unified without exclaves
Milan is surrounded by rebel cities and armies
Bavaria starts at war against Bohemia and the Pope while Trinacria is together with Athens in a war against Naples.
Bohemia is small and directly borders Bavaria while the Pope is far away and Trinacria is only connected to Naples trough the Strait of Sicily.
>also its in no way realistic a 30k pop 200 BC? lol
too low or too high?
Cool didn't know that desu. gave it a try and was still immensely disappointment. In classic TW the arrows stick around in the ground when they miss their mark, but in nu-total war they're just magic even with lazer trails turned off they just dissapear. Why did these games have to get worse over time? All we wanted was 10 times more units on the field at a time and a smarter AI. WTF did we get this shite for?
Thanks for the info anon. Trinacria sounds kinda neat desu will give that a try when I come back around to Tsardoms. Have you played their 15th century mod btw? Fall of Constantinople I think it's called.
>go to custom battle
>rome vs rome
>hard difficult
>you get 3 leavy spearmen and 2 light cavalry
>enemy gets 3 strongest heavy infantry
If you can win with careful maneuvering and hammer and anvil tactics, then the game is good.
>I think my hot take is that FotS isn't that good
This is fine
>I don't understand why people love it so much.
This is autistic
>On top of It falls apart when you increase unit size from default cause suddenly you are recruiting major part of city population and it wasnt balanced around that.
In fairness, having unit scale above Large is unbalanced in general. It makes pathfinding even worse and also negatively affects unit effectiveness in many cases.
Depends on what you want. Mechanical perfection of the hist formula was perfected in shogun 2.

Total Warhammer 2 was the peak of the spectacular "light" tw, for me at least
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(with mods)
so is it good?
After all the patching, it's somewhat okay. There are still issues like the AI sending boats into the middle of the sea to starve.
Holy shit it runs so much better than before, thanks anon for sharing those github files.
>Have you played their 15th century mod btw? Fall of Constantinople I think it's called
No, didn't know it existed.
From what I can tell after taking a look it is the same mod at its core, what a surprise, with different start positions and only the late game roster.
The map is technically larger but at least thus far france and the like aren't playable, they plan to add events and diversify the roster some more but this far it seems to mainly offer a start with late game units.
BI port Scorched Ground released

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>having shit merchants
couldn't be me. This nigga's name is literally monopoly
tried it, but it doesn't seem to perform any differently from dxwrapper for me
>You had growth and happiness
There are several different factors that affect these states, and many tools at your disposal to manage them. If you didn't know that then you never played these games.
>tried it, but it doesn't seem to perform any differently from dxwrapper for me
At the very least, it won't have the texture corruption issues that dxwrapper has
>several different factors that affect these states
Law? No wait that just happiness with a corruption bonus
Health? No that's just happiness with squalor reduction
There are no needs in the game, nor are there interactions. It as complex as it is in Rome 2.
Absolutley not.
I tried to play Medieval 2 yesterday but i cant stand that using SPACEBAR to see unit destination constantly flickers and is barely visible, its such an annoyance i uninstalled :<
While rome 1, med 1, shogun ect... might have been the series all time high in terms of quality, Rome 2 I consider the last game worth even playing
Give this fix a try: https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1cxq8g5/m2tw_possible_fix_for_flickering_unit_destination/
By the way, the flickering is apparently caused by playing the game over 30fps, you could also limit it to 30 to fix it but I doubt many would want to do that
Yes, there are different stats that affect happiness and growth metrics representing people's needs. You've conceded despite trying to oversimplify it to support your point. I don't think you played R1/M2 enough to understand how it works and are now googling it to save face on an anonymous board.
>nor are there interactions.
Recruiting takes pop, you can move pop around, and on huge, a big ass war can drain your economy. That is more meaningful interaction than +10% building modifier found in Rome 2 and the new total wars.
tried method from that thread and it didnt work for me, also 30fps cap with NVIDIA control panel doesnt work for some reason, M2TW is only game i have that problem lol
The fix can be finicky to get working, but once it's set it just werks. You may want to try the method from the thread again but this time set your medieval2.preference.cfg file properties to "read only" before deleting the keys file again. Medieval 2 likes to reset the .cfg at game launch which will delete the added
section, causing the method to not work. Then load the game and apply settings in the keyboard shortcuts. That's what finally worked for me. Now the unit path preview is fully solid without having to limit framerate.
i too noticed it auto removed the
so i also did the "read only trick" to fix it, the only thing i was confused about is he says in that thread to rebind hotkeys, for me after launching the game all default bind were still there.
Yeah, they were still there for me too. I hit apply settings anyway to refresh them and that's what got the fix working. I had to keep messing around with deleting the keys file, resetting the .cfg file etc and testing in quick battles and eventually it was working for me. I think an easier method may involve unpacking the files like modders do, so that you manually overwrite the normally-packed descr_shortcuts.txt file, but I haven't tried that yet since I got it working without having to do so.
all-in-all Medieval 2, but its too dated by now
Rome 2 is the top tier in 2024
Medieval 2 still has a much better battle engine than Rome 2. The fact that units actually have weight to them goes a long way especially in a game mostly about heavily armoured melee combat.
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even if its true, the compaign part isnt very interesting compared to the later games, and the visuals are not good enough anymore...
even napoleon can be enhanced by mods to a reasonably modern level, but i guess medieval 2 is using a too old directx version or some such
between these two issues i consider rome 2 to be a more fulfilling experience these days
not going to judge anyone who is still enjoying medieval 2 though
For me these games are nothing without the battles. I really don't like how melee battles play out in the series since Rome 2 so while the graphics may be more modern I just don't have as much fun playing them. I don't like how the units skate and slide around and bump off of each other like pinballs which can be seen if you watch battles closely, or how units don't have weight and will not gradually push lines back, which could create gaps in lines. I still have fun in the older campaigns whether we're talking endgame boss Romans, hordes in BI, technological advances in Med 2 or the LARP potential in Kingdoms campaigns so that's just not an issue for me.
Why does the top pic seem more real despite being low res textures on low polygon models?
I want to try Alexander, without buying remastered. Does anyone know a safe place to download it?
search for the total war eras 6-disc set
the method worked for me, instead of editing your medieval 2 cfg file, just edit your game/mod shortcuts and add "--io.file_first" (remove quotes) to the target field, delete the keys.dat and make sure the descr_shortcuts.txt file is named properly
Did anyone find a way to fix camera bug in original Rome Alexander, where you double click on unit tab to move to it then tap arrow (or WSAD) to instantly snap the camera to that unit it resets your positions and doesnt go to it, kinda game breaking for me.
Rome 1 is the best,followed by medieval 2.The thing is that vanilla rome 1 is always fun,but vanilla medieval 2 isn't really that great to be honest.It's uplifted by mods.After that,i would say shogun 2.NTW and ETW are shit.Rome 2 is shit.I heard good things about attila but never played it.I tried warhammer 2,it's actually not that terrible but ultimately boring compared to the older ones.

Another shit about the older total war games is the limited amount of buildings you can build in provinces.In shogun 2 i'm not really sure,maybe because of the smaller map or something it doesn't really feel that bad,having specialised provinces.But i also tried warhammer 2 and it sucks,and i can imagine it sucks even more in attila.Ultimately the old rome/mtw2 system is the best,building up your cities is fun.

Like others said,units don't have any weight to them,they feel floaty,watching cataphracts in rome 1 charging into a unit is awesome.I play mtw2 with sship where cavalry feels much more stronger than vanilla,cavalry charges are orgasmic.

Ultimately,rome 1 is the best.Even after all these years i still enjoy vanilla.It's annoying how laggy it is compared to mtw2 though,i'm gonna try this fix >>1823722
Wtf it actually works,i used the 64 bit version.I had dxwrapper but it didn't really have any effect ,thanks anon.
Meant for >>1823722
Great to hear, but bear in mind that RTW (the original release anyway) is a 32 bit application, so if you use the .dlls from the 32 bit folder it will run better
The 32 bit version seems to make my game unstable...I'm playing europa barbaroum and when i try to start a new campaign my game stops responding.My game also crashes sometimes when loading saves.
Are your GPU's drivers up to date? If they are and your graphics card isn't too old, then I guess just stick with what was working before. I recall EB could be fairly unstable in general, it really pushes the game engine to its breaking point.
True,i already have several crashes after winning battles in EB,very unpleasant.I just said fuck it and used cheats to win the battles on auto resolve with just 1 unit.
rome 2 have shitty province system, limited slots, army only generals, agent spam, shitty battle engine and shitty exp system
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photo realism and visual noise kill enjoyment in video games
>the compaign part isnt very interesting compared to the later game
sure the CAI is better but the later games are horrible immersion wise and thats a huge part of the campaign playability.
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As long as your constantly quicksaving. Insularis Draco is a blast. It's the really annoying crash that happens when browsing unit/building cards. It's bearable if you just quicksave constantly. My Roman campaign is fun as fuck.
but its still the best TW game
rome 2 + Divide et Impera = ultimate total war experience in 2024

honestly, how is medieval 2 campaign more immersive?..
Modern TW CAI can still be a bit lackluster even if it is perhaps more sensible in some titles.
The big thing are additional mechanics, the way Troy and Pharaoh moved away from just cash as a resource was a good thing. Similarly with replacing agents with outposts solely because it curtails the AI's agent spamming.

>rome 2 + Divide et Impera = ultimate total war experience
Lol, lmao even.
It's the textbook example for an overrated mod.
>how is medieval 2 campaign more immersive?..
>better character system
>better province system
>better recruitment system
and the characters are really important here. they feel like irreplaceable people while the generals in the newer games are just walking aura bots that you never feel any attachment to because you will just move onto the next general and just skill him up the exact same way.
Does sound neat, especially the roman roster.
I have to ask but is the player supposed to win the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains? First try ended with my allies leaving me hung out to dry.
And I suppose the small unit sizes are the intended setting?
I use huge unit size. You can win the battle manually. You can actually autoresolve and win most of the time.
Scraping the motivation to finish this Attila WRE game. The Huns are back in Dacia, but I'm not concerned with them because the Sassanid juggernaut came sweeping in through the Tarsus forest along the medieration sea. The eldest idiot son, was killed, a few turns prior he was assigned to a legion to accompany his father Flavius Honorious. I hoped I could raise Quintus (the idiot son) stats a little since I forgot he was posted away along the Danub guarding any incursion from Germany. Previously, he did assist in the reconquest of Thrace and diverted his men to populate a few Antolian settlements before I lost rack of all these characters dying of old age and shuffling them around. The emperor himself, who survived the titanic battle was assassinated while recovering somewhere in the dense Cicilian interior. It's going to hurt to recover from this because I may now need to leave Hispania and Aquinte exposed in case Attila starts sniffing. As it stands, I'm possibly only leaving 2 legions to protect Europe, and one in Carthage. Two new legions are being raised around Corinthus, but it may be too late to save Anatolia, and I don't think I'll have the nerves left to repeat the same siege scene for 10 turns until I can refit legions with archers and heavy onagers.
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Some screencaps, sometimes I switch between sharex and steam screencaps because how annoying it is sometimes.
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For most of the battle, the imperial cavalry prevailed over their eastern counterparts.
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Perhaps sensing that the Sassanid army would be in complete route—all four generals were killed, he pressed forward with his legio battalions, leaving his spearmen and artillery on the hilltop. Unfortuntely, records of the battle past this point are hazy, as the Emperor and his son were both on the front lines advancing with the infantry, unaware that the remaining Sassanid army rallied and advanced on upper ground, and despite his efforts to regroup the infantry and spearmen, he learned too late that only a fragment of his brave cavalrymen were still on the field. Realizing this meant he could no longer be mobile, the emperor realized the battle was soon lost, as the spear formations disinigrated one after another into a route. How the son died remains a mystery, perhaps getting lost in the chaos and mistakeing Sassanid company for his own.
Need to see your campaign map anon. Curious about the size of your empire.
How is SSHIP and what is a fun faction for it?
so do i understand it right in modern TW games AI just spawns stacks out of their ass, doesnt pay upkeep and has massive combat bonuses? I have to apologize paradox AI i always called it braindead but CA is on another level of incompetency, they do not even try to make functioning AI.
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The situation as of Summer 441AD. Once Cilicia and Syria is taken, I'm burning Palaestina to the ground and creating buffers, then shuffle things back to Greece and Italy for the Hun's inevitable incursion into Italy.
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After the emperor Honorious's death earlier in the year, the Sassanids pressed on the attack—and several legions retreated knowing well Antaolia was all but lost. However, the Sassanids were denied lower Antolia at Iconium after a bold counter offensive took near there. Facing serious casualties, the remaining Sassanid field armies withdrew back into Syria. Similiarly, Sassanid rebels have become active, taking Caesarea months later. It remains to be seen if this will be a buffer, as the Emperor reached Nicomedia, musing how on to deal with discontent subordinates.
>Medieval II
>Shogun II
In that order.
it's pretty damn good if you like a challenging campaign with a bunch of RP stuff. Sicily is my current campaign and I've been enjoying it so far
>I have to ask but is the player supposed to win the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains
you can win it, yes. Just turtle hard and hope the AI arrives in due time.
>And I suppose the small unit sizes are the intended setting?
yes, since that scale is historically accurate to the size of armies in that time period
Three Kingdoms is so good bros.
>just needed one more bug/balancing patch
The one that has the most conversion mods.
Thanks anon for posting map.
I like it. My only issue with it is how small the battles are. Fucking absurd that a chinese total war has such tiny battles
My favorite's Medieval 2. Has a lot of details subsequent titles are missing. Like visible upgrades on your units, captains, a real economy with infrastructure and lots of cool graphs and charts to look at. Crusades and jihads are awesome. Cavalry is king and satisfying to use although the game is clearly janky at times. It has a lot of charm to it. Shogun 2 with FotS is probably the high watermark for the historical franchise as a whole. Newer Warhammer games are fun but I just want another good historical title more than anything.
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Both are good, but Rome 1 is more mechanically sound than Medieval 2. A lot less buggy, too.
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Rome 2
3K was the peak of modern Total War, but they fumbled it by making the first DLC an era that westerners wouldn't give a shit about and Chinese people look down upon as a dark era in Chinese history
The campaign map is fucking dogshit lol china has awful geography
I was playing Wh3 today and overall there is little point in manually playing battles
its like game lost its focus
Every Total War game since Shogun 2 can be won with auto-resolve only even on hard difficulties. It's only the older games were the auto-resolve was rigged against the player.
Just total war things
Since rise in popularity of grand strategy games, CA has been focusing more on campaign map

I remember not missing battles in Troy at all
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Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. In the Pharaoh promo videos they kept yapping on and on about the campaign and its gazillion menus you can click on. It could be because of grand strategy games becoming more popular, but I think a big part of the campaign focus is because of CA simply not knowing how to make good real time battles anymore.
My main issue with battles is just how fast they are. the largest battles are over in 5 minutes. I dont like micromanaging, that is why I play strategy games
De-facto end of WRE Attila game Winter 455 AD. For a time in 452-454 I struggled for the first time balancing budget with 18 full stack armies that was partly because of 4cav of the WRE tier3 cav, I think the scholars ones that I painstaingly ran around putting in each army. Never had to actually fight Attila once because of a early snag at NAP that he and his heir kept to the very end, eventually they evaporated after he died of old age which I think was 445 or something in 449-450. I suicide ran a few legions into the Sassanid heartland. Just like in my dei rome2 game it simply just wasn't fun fighting Eastern cavalry blobs, and having to cycle in armies through mostly unplanned military productions wasn't fun either. Interestingly there were something of a bigger German state up north somewhere east of the Danes,, but they must've squabbled and burned each other to the ground. Tragic.

Last great hurrah (after the heroic yet fruitless rampage through the Sassanid empire) was probably leapfrogging to reclaim the anglo isles. For a few turns I did believe the Danes could pull off a successful reconquest of their lands and shredded one of the initial legions after particularly careless blunders. I was playing particularly haphazardly by that point so I decided to risk pulling a third legion from the Rhine to pacify the region.

Fun game overall.
them being fast is not issue, them being not fun and shit to watch is
plenty of visual noise and other shit, lighting or lack of it - it all make it hard to watch compared to older titles
even 3k have option to turn off day/night cycle so you have your preferable visuals but no you gonna watch spooky night because vampires live here - no matter that you can't see shit and what you see look like shut anyway
the other thing is stats and leadership inflation or hero units(o ever don't mind that much big single entity units because at last you can shoot them and you can see them - nothing worse that some unkillable faggot who blend into one of your unit and nobody can't shoot him), leadership is also high so many units fight almost to death
and then killing routers is pain and hardly work where in older titles you would just massacre them
AR with always wipe out loser is also clearly superior to manual battles as it grant full exp and cash rewards compared to manual because killing routers hardly work
its just a mess
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its just bloat, there is nobody who would say less is more, they keep adding shit and never pruning it because some retards would cry about it
essentially this
I cant go back to old TW games (m2 and R1TW) purely because of camera control, its too zoomed in and giving orders in big battles feels like shit, i also think that Rome 2 combat got patched to the point its enjoyable, still has vastly inferior music and units sound effects tho.
I don't know about RTW, but you can unlock the camera in medieval 2 by editing a text file.
>Sicily is my current campaign
which way did you expand?
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I've been stuck in a permament war with HRE for the past 50~60 turns and it's been painful because I literally can't develop most provinces while juggling retraining units. Did I progress too slow or did I just get too unlucky with a blood thirsty westward HRE? Lost Dijon despite my stack being nearly right next to it, little QoL we take for granted in later games makes playing losing things I could've won a little frustrating at times. It's somewhat brutal going from Attila to this.
You could sneak to their eastern side with a half stack containing a trebuchet or cannon and sack some of their undefended cities. That's typically how you rek a large faction since M2 AI often leaves cities undefended. You'll get lots of money and take away their recruitment ability.
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Since then I did take Bern and Staufen after reclaiming Dijon, and I've essentially crippled them because I can effectively retrain and recruit units there, also took a serious gamble getting Bordeaux as a secondary fortress which paid off because Portugal declared on me. So far it's been turning my hair gray from stress but all my diplomats fail in overtures to peace. Amazingly the only faction to secure peace was Spain when they sieged Rennes briefly.

it's about turn 100-ish right now and I've effectively paralyzed the HRE. I got lucky yet cursed because I got excommunicated after bidding for the wrong candidate and being warmed in a missive not to attack the hre even though the hre was siegeing me initially when I received the mission(???) and they sent I think 2 crusade stacks to Cairo (didn't attack those though), I haven't seen them since the Cairo crusade was declared successful. To be honest I want to peace them out (thy ALWAYS refuse) because I wanted to focus on the Iberian peninsula first, or even a pevlis thrust into Itaky since Milan is just sending me template armies of trebs and xbows now. Essentially my threat for now is maybe the Portugese, it's been a back-and-forth headache over Toulouse and Bordeaux. Marseille was lost for a while, but it's been peace of mind knowing I can finish off Milan now.
>little QoL we take for granted in later games makes playing losing things I could've won a little frustrating at times. It's somewhat brutal going from Attila to this.
That's just you being pampered by intentionally-lowered difficulty. They deliberately made the game easier overall to appeal to American audiences who get frustrated when they lose and stop playing games.
War with the HRE is almost inevitable. Then you also have England, Milan and faggots down south to worry about. Suing for peace is almost always just a waste of time since AI loves to backstab you. Send those diplomats to countries you are not going to be at war anytime soon to get some trade agreements. Leveled up assassins are also OP that can kill generals, faction leaders and sabotage military buildings. Use spies to detect targets and assassins to destroy them. Also military forts are good in chokepoints. They can buy you some valuable time so your settlements aren't getting constantly under siege.
>Everything I read says gunpowder is shit in medieval 2
>Try it out
>The first handgunners perform okay they do mostly morale damage and have poor accuracy but kill about 5-10 per volley at close range and can somewhat acceptably hold their own in melee
>The upgraded handgunners perform reasonably better with about the same kill rate but a lot better melee stats
>Then comes the Arquebus
>They kill about 10-20 per volley with long range fast rate of fire and high morale damage
>Anything short of a massed heavy cav charge will be routed either before they even make it to the line or shortly after impacting the line if you bend the line around the point of impact so they're getting shot by 2 arquebus while meleeing a third
>god help the enemy if you have any expendable melee unit you can charge through the arquebus before impact wih zero care of any friendly fire
>these are supposed to be bad units and I haven't even gotten to muskets yet
Never seen this in a single game
How long did it take?
Most definitely not the first game you can burn up forests to plummet morale
>cavalry sucks
u wot m8?
Why would anyone ever think
>Duhhh whyd they all line up
>must have been stoopid surely I know better than Malbrough, Savoy and fucking Napoleon himself among many many others
It's like the mongs who can't figure out why people wore a variety of bright uniforms when even today niggers are putting high Vis tape on their camouflage uniforms
Obviously you bait one unit off, kite the others off with a unit, and then just swarm and cycle each unit onto the isolated one until you win
If you need you can probably run them about a bit to drop their fatigue and waste some javelins
They are considered bad because they can be unresponsive or take a long time to get into good position. Sometimes they won't act until the last straggler who got stuck along the way takes his place, so you have to micromanage them by clicking halt to make them shoot.
Still, I never thought it was that bad. Once you get the hang of maneuvering them, musket units can perform very well. M2 is the only game that actually simulates the ballistics of musket fire so mods that tweak them and enable fire by rank feel better than Empire to me. The only thing that sucks is cannons are hardcoded to be highly inaccurate against units so you can never have reliable field artillery.
Huh? But my history teachers always told me that gorilla warfare is much better than retard redcoats standing in a line? That's how we won the Revolutionary War!
I did notice some bizarre formation issues where a part of the formation would for some reason not follow orders or them not firing for some strange reason until I force them to, but that's just your usual tw jank that was present even in s2 where the gunpowder units were also said to be bad but were actually great. I guess people just don't use them enough because they're unwieldy and slower to recruit. They're well worth it though. They pivot the battle into a pike and shot type of battle where the massed gunpowder units all but invalidate the enemy infantry and you keep a few units of spears or other infantry to fight off or occupy the heavy cav. By far the most effective unmounted units.
Serpentine cannons seem to be the best at the field artillery role. Even though cannons with their explosive shot is cooler. Serpentines usually get double the kills of cannons.
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Some progress. Lately hRE and Milan has been executing captives because tey're either poor or cruel; this battle was a 6k ransom and they're too far to random(gee the template treb/xbow template armies don't help...), took Genona after this ss and gained 26k so I might be able to kick back and l can set taxes tp lo low for a while... hopefully Ican frenconile the pope with that money. only about 80-ish turns left, feels like I won't be accomplish the lon-term campaign goals. I think I might do a 2nd campaign as france, maybe, if I still have the motivation to doo another one.
diff levels?
vanilla and normal difficulty
last time i played Poland on hard and it was cake walk and i must stop myself from overunning everybody
I wanna play a line infantry game but I will NOT play nuTotal War
I also really hate the 20 unit cap as it makes reserves pretty much useless and I'd also really much prefer a real time grand strategy game as well
What game is there where I can be executing a grand strategy on a massive map while also using smart deployment and tactical choices to win battles
Something like Napoleonic warefare where the army is physically marching along a road or whatever and then must be deployed in a line for battle and as the battle progresses things like time of day and reinforcements affect the battle map
Total war basically just has you play a mini game where there's no reenforcements or anything like that whereas paradox games just have you manipulate the grand strategy to bring more numbers to a specific area than your opponent which is also neither realistic or fun
Does this game exist? Is there a reason why we can't have this game in 2024? Like why hasn't Total War progressed as a game at all in over 20 years? WTF is going on??
Grand Tactician: The Civil War.
Scourge of War Waterloo.
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Shogun 2
That games looks really good Anon. Have you ever played it before?
I can't find any posts about it here. Is it just unpopular or not really fun?
Steam reviews seem mixed as well
I don't care much for Yankee history but I watched a video and it seems like I'd enjoy it.
Holy fucking shit lol
I understand why Total War has decided to keep the level cap, because when you remove it the actual gameplay is transformed. This is honestly a bit overwhelming and I kind of agree that around 20 ish actual regiment is about as much as one person can really tactically control during a battle
I love the courier system that's exactly the kind of game I was looking for.
Did this team do anything else? This is actually an incredible platform for gaming.
IDK how replayable it is being just the one battle (I see something about sandbox games but I haven't been able to find any videos of that so I have to assume it's not that great) but this has to be one of the coolest wargames I've ever seen and I'll definitely have to give it a try (assuming I can get it to work on Linux)
Which mod is that?
>Did this team do anything else?
Scourge of War Gettysburg, which they are also working on remaking.
>IDK how replayable it is being just the one battle
There is the one main battle, but since the battle lasted pretty much the entire day they are able to split it up into multiple smaller battles that took place at different times. Or you can just play with the full Armies. I recall that I did not really enjoy the Sandbox mode. There is an overworld type map where you move armies around and fight battle with them, but I could not figure it out. Maybe they will improve it in the remastered version they are working on now.
medieval total war 1
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exact copy of this:
(Senatus Populusque Romanus divo Tito divi Vespasiani filio Vespasiano Augusto), which means
The Senate and the Roman people (dedicate this) to the deified Titus Vespasian Augustus, son of the deified Vespasian.
>ambush them in marching formation after a traitor reveals their location and path
Germoids tout this as a great victory
Nearing the end of this game. Peace was finally secured with the empire that is neither roman nor holy and I was able to stretch and build tall for a while. Portugal I wrestled northeast Spain from, and quickly secured peace with them, and been scrambling to get arquebusiers and cannons since. I declared war on the English—probably the only offensive war I've initiated—and quickly overran them in Caen and Flanders. The Pope threatens me with me with excommunication after the king encamped outside London... which he died and a new pope I supported was elected. It's only for another year, so it buys me time for my captains to marshal arquebusiers from Italy. Been strongly neglectful of army barracks building until now, but by this stage, it doesn't particularly matter now.
Im happy for you anon my attempt at the game ended in misery, should be noted I was playing stainless steel on the crazy ai
>Be Genoa
>Old fart king dies on turn 2
>Make merchant
>He is -3 finance
>Papal states excommunicates me
>Rename Toulouse to "faggot pope"
>Next turn city is being crusaded
>Mfw am at war with every faction on the fucking map
>Turn 20
>>Verification not required
What's the best total war for just battles.
As in which game has the most accurate style battles for the time period with the most realistic tactics possible
Mods are OK
Shogun 2 by far.
NTW with NTW3 for MP >>1776157
Shogun 2 doesn't even really have battles, because everything dies instantly on contact and the fight is over in 5m.
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More or less done with the med2 game. Reflecting on my playthroughs this year, med2 was probably the most fun overall nearly all across the board, the only grievance I had was the nonstop constant struggle of retraining units. It is practically nightmarish and later on it was getting demotivating cycling in units at a pace that was starting to become stressful. Even now I feel conflicted about retraining, playing med2 right after rome2 and then attila just felt so awkward, because you know that it was a feature that was essentially dropped after med2.

It's partly not that much of a difference than when I first played Rome2dei and experienced army staple for the first time, and had to drag a army often though the empire/Imperial Greece to get slingers for example (startling rude awakening fighting the Parthians for the first time... only to get annoyed with the Sassanids again in Attila).

I sort of miss the missions your senate/council/pop gave you, it felt every emergent. I peaced with the emperor a few turns before this at the son's discreation, so I killed the father, and then the emperor tried to invade me again. Amazing. There was just so much passion in that it just deserves all the praise it got, I think this was the high water mark of the series. They completely dropped the ball with diplomacy though. At least they improved with each title... somewhat.
This is true in most total war if you play well.
>>Make merchant
>>He is -3 finance
Morale and terrain matter, that puts it above every single other TW warhammer shitter.
You don't need to retrain in M2TW. You can merge units by pressing M and bring new units to your army without a general.
Probably M1.
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Napoleon. Blackpowder warfare is absolute kino no matter what, no other era ever comes close to it.
The problem anon was outlining is that the system is needlessy micro-intensive and bogs down your turns late game when you have lots of armies fighting lots of battles. Merging and then just training new armies isn't any less micro-intensive.
Knights of Honor 2: sovereign
diplomacy is bugged in the steam release, assuming that's what you're playing on. It's an easy fix if you know what you're doing.
>Most likely the fix will make the game significantly easier - as long as you act chivalrous it will delay your wars and make your enemies much more likely to agree to cease fire. On the other hand it will make AI factions hate each other less too - so who knows, maybe they'll unite against you? At some point you'll be big enough to overwhelm your reputation-based bonus, so maybe it doesn't matter that much...
seems like a double edged sword
I need my pike-and-shot era knights with guns kino... But modern CA would never be able to deliver it and even old CA never quite got pikes or formations right.
Retraining was particularly bad in m2 because you had city units and castle units and you couldn't retrain the city units in the castles or vice versa, so it just made it infinitely worse because you had to have an equal level settlement on top of it being the right type and if you dared to mix city and castle units in one army get fucked lmao.
in Rome it was a lot better. You play Rome, Italy is your core. Odds are very high that any Italian city could reinforce your whole army, further on in the campaign you get the more that spreads out. Sorta like how it works in r2 DEI where you need the right amount of pops to reinforce your armies and as Rome it will basically just be Italy for a good while.
Is DEI worth buying Rome 2 for?
Europa Barbarorum clears battles and campaign
TBF R2 was when I gave up on Creative Assembly tho. Ledditors will tell you it's 'fixed' but it feels as shitty as the first day I bought it. Just disappointment.
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its either that or what we have now, with this in mind I prefer older system more although there is old and older systems and they have their quirks
for example in S1/M1 if you played on Large+ size units take 2 turns to train but one to retrain(you still have only one slot to train or retrain per province) and fresh soldiers usually have lower valor/honor than veterans so retraining usually lowered chevrons on unit
Rome 1 had a bug that make unit keep it exp level even if retrained by 0lv province and it stayed that way
*well, in Empire you could reinforce units in the field - you just needed paid for it which make battles quite costly(especially that they were not loot pinatas like in warhammer)
personally I prefer oldest system most even if its micro intensive(if you wanted preserve veterans) and competently despise general only armies and free replenishment
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DEI is good
dont listen to autismo anons itt who are pretending to possess some deeper knowledge
>ackchyually is completely overrated
fuck right off
idk if its worth buying rome 2 because of DEI - probably not, but if you do buy rome 2, give DEI a chance ( add a few official submods and you can sink lots of hours exploring the different factions and units )
It's pretty good.
I said this in a different thread but it's the first time I actually used Roman tactics. I actually combined Hastati, Principes, and Triarii and I used them exactly like Rome would with a multi-rank system that rotated based on fatigue or casualties. Until Polybian where Triarii were mostly phased out, but instead Velites formed a core part of my army with their very effective skirmishing as the AI, even on the offense, likes to position fight.
Also Carthage is an actual real threat because it takes multiple turns to cross the sea with armies and navies can take undefended coastal settlements, so the punic wars that started on turn like 10 had me only able to invade Corsica around turn 50, Sardinia around turn 60, and Carthage around turn 70 despite owning Sicily by like turn 14 because I, as Rome did historically, had to build and lose multiple fleets to finally start to be able to control even a small part of the sea.

one bad thing though is that there's no real peace with Carthage. I tried multiple times to peace out with them and they're having none of it. It's just a death war that kinda cripples your ability to fight anywhere else.
It's a decent game on its own, and probably the only TW where diplomacy actually works.
Pirate Rome 2 from fitgirl (CA kikes asking for almost full price purchase for all the mods LMAO) and slap DEI on it.
theres few hoops you have to go through to use pirated rome 2 with mods, you need custom mod manager and it needs to be legacy version cause updated version checks if you own it on steam, no idea why they did it.
I really wish there was a mod for Attila that changed the setting without completely and utterly destroying the game mechanics by doing shit like making every building take 20000000000+ turns ,reducing movement to a crawl, and raping the economy so you can't even wield a single full stack until the midgame.
Type the CAPTCHA here
There's only one hoop to jump through, which is the mod manager, if you use the fitgirl version. Funnily enough, the 5 yearold reddit guide on how to use mods on cracked rome 2 still works perfectly.
getting the mods can be annoying too if they dont have alternative source besides workshop
i know about that site but a lot of people might not, also not saying its complicated but i can easily see zoomers getting filtered considering a lot of them have hard time understanding even basics like file and folder hierarchy.
the fuck you boomer talking about?
>you need custom mod manager
You don't.
All you need is the userscript file. I never bothered with a mod manager for any newer total war game. appdata\roaming\the creative assembly\insert total war game here\scripts\user.script
if it doesn't exist, create or copy it over from a different game. Add one line like
>mod "insert_total_war_mod_in_data_folder_here.pack";
for every mod then set it as read only after you're done and you're good to go.
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>never played rome 2
>wow... the battle turned into one mixed up melee blob
>try DEI mod
>notice every city has at least 8 units worth of garrinson by default
>outnumbered by the enemy 1:2 at the first battle
>just send my cavalry to charge at the back, that'll do the trick
>it doesn't do the trick
>AI is actually outflanking my retarded hoplite frontline with barbars of all things
>fucking pyrrhic victory
>...followed by a close defeat
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Whats a good vanilla+ mod and not some glacial autismfest where battles last 4 hours and moving a army from Apulia to Nicomedia takes 15 turns
>Whats a good vanilla+ mod

cultural conquest
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Very interesting. Does this work for Stainless Steel or is it needed for that mod (specifically, because of Steam)? I did the simple "click-through" Stainless Steel installer for Steam if it matters.
No. It's like sprinkles on a pile of turd
RTW1 and MTW2
>verification not required
Stainless Steel (and most mods, for that matter) already includes that fix
Hearty kek similar scenario for me
Sometimes I feel DeI is less historical than vanilla itself. Also the garrison stuff really filtered me, even if the mod is pretty impressive work all in all.
The garrison amount should be 1/4 quality troops the others basically mob units since that's what most garrisons in most cities were
Agreed. iirc the garrisons in DeI at their minimum are 9 or more units, forcing you to manually play every single battle or siege since autoresolve isn't reliable.
You make it sound like vanilla garrisons can't be gigantic either.
In vanilla each Suebi Artisan building adds 2 Bloodsworns, 2 Hex-Bearer and 2 Spear Brothers to the garrison. And you can build up to 3 of them in pronical capitols. The last building slot can be some Horse or Craftsman building for 2 extra garrison units. The main building gives up to 9 garrison units + 6 artillery units. A port adds another 4 units too.
The garrisons are spooky but almost entirely worthless unless it's an extremely developed city. most have stats so bad they're practically filler units that exist solely to die. They're only a real problem if an army is inside the city too. The exceptions are stuff like phalanx hoplites in a walled city sitting at a gate entrance with oil when you have no good ranged units. The solution to that is there aren't enough garrison hoplites to guard everything so assault every gate at the same time and scale the walls with ladders, the AI will have to choose where to send the hoplites and you simply breach and secure the gate where hoplites aren't at or win the battle on the walls.
Garrisons only worked in Shogun 2 where the castles could fit inside a sports arena and a couple yari ashigaru to phalanx against the walls and the samurai retainers slipping out the back to slaughter the archers rendered them impregnable
The difference is that in DEI every garrison is huge. In vanilla a province has to be dedicated to having a garrison for a garrison that size.
any medieval 2 total war mod with a full europe map but takes place before or around 1066? I want to play as the anglos before they got raped by the normans
Just play insularis draco you're not missing out on anything by removing random eastern european tribes, the roman emipire, or Africa if all you want to do is play M2 as a dark ages anglo tribe.
Game is very polished but not as stable as something like EB2 or DaC but it's much better than say SS. Units are balanced for small size which is kinda cringe but it's actually historically accurate. If the limited map is a deal breaker for some reason then IDK what to tell you CK2 early start date maybe
good recommendation but I'm more of an early medieval kinda guy.
Garrisons are practically worthless outside of a few scenarios like I said in an earlier post.
I'm 120 turns in with a highly developed Roma and while it has a garrison of 20, it has 1 horseman, 7 italian swordsmen, 7 italian towns guards, and 5 italian slingers. These are pre polybian units and I'm a marian Rome. To give you a stat example, a basic legionairii has 11 attack, 15 defense, 18 charge, 26 damage, 4 ap, 1 bonus vs infantry, 38 armor and 49 morale. the italian swordsmen has 7, 14, 17, 24, 4, 1, 35, 43. They are worse than the most basic bread and butter unit at my reform level, and the swordsmen are the strongest ones there, it just gets worse. It doesn't even have a Velites level skirmisher, it's slingers. Now, granted, I do not use Roma as a recruitment center, it's way way too valuable for that. But for such an important city that I sunk a ton of money into it has a garrison that would fall to any actual threat that makes it to Roma.
>send 2 diplomats across the Mediterranean to trade with the Fatimid dynasty
>it takes so long both end up dying before they arrive
>3rd one finally arrives at the nile
>pope calls for crusade and wants me to join against the fatmid
fug : DDD I guess I could just pay off the pope whenever he gets around to excommunication me I suppose.
With Stainless Steel, and a better grasp at building, and some tweaks in the SS launcher, Med2 is maximum comfy beyond belief. It's music choices on the campaign map are just so beautiful.
One big problem I'm noticing with dei, maybe works the same in vanilla dunno, is that diplomacy is extremely futile. I'm an imperium 7 empire from taking africa and iberia and the diplomacy penalty is so damn high it's impossible to have any friends. I had good relations with Masalia who wrapped around the alps which was extremely useful for me as a buffer state and they just randomly decided to join a war against me for a faction that was dead but still had an army sitting around. Even the african tribe I liberated because I had no interest in pushing into egypt right now is starting to hate me solely from the expansionism penalties and probably the only reason I'm not at war with most factions on the map is because I signed trade and non aggression treaties with anyone I could unless I was planning to go to war with them within the next 100 turns. But the AI are starting to break their trade agreements so it's only a matter of time.
Is this normal SS or SSHIP?
Because I will want to play one of these mods and I'm still confused. SS is not in development anymore apparently.
Yes, SS is not really being developed anymore. SSHIP started as a submod you install on top of SS, but is now fully packaged as stand alone.
Not sure. I think I'm just using SS 6.4.
Try The Last Kingdom. Also centered around the British isles but includes bits of Europe, 9th century AD.
Medieval 1
>3 battles over Winchester castle
>army is completely bleeding dry, my 2nd field professional army is still on the mainland
>this happens
Conclusion, Voloundwas right. Rome 2 fucking sucks. I'll go lick my wounds in Shogun 2.
idk cuz i only played rome 1 and it's the best gsg i know
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>rome 1
This made me consider something.
Why do soldiers in total war games always route? if they route they all die. I had a desperate siege defense in rome 2 where I had to send my archers into melee after they ran out of ammo, after I had regained control of the situation I pulled my entire army back to better positions that allow a few to rest up to coup de grace the enemy army, but the archers all routed during the fall back, straight into the enemy they were falling back from, and all died. all 4 archers 100% to completely wiped out, the only units wiped out in that battle. If they just didn't route they would've been perfectly fine, they only took light casualties compared to the hoplites they were fighting beside that were down to 60 men. The hoplites made it out, likely partially due to the enemy being distracted by the routing archers but still, certain death vs potential survival. You'd think more of these soldiers would fight to the death if they're going to die anyway.
The crashing is the single worst thing about Med2. If nothing else this is why we need the remaster.
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I found a fix, you just need the 4gb patch. The crashes don't happen anymore since I applied them.
You can't make a reasonable judgement as an individual soldier in the thick of fighting. The commander can see the battle playing out, you can't. Fight or flight often supersede reason, especially for soldiers whose nerves have not been steeled by years of training and campaign experience. I bet you've fought many battles where routed soldiers got away, so it's not like there is always a 100% chance of being killed. Specific circumstances that would cause 100% wipeout are only apparent to the commander, not the scared guy at the front who thinks he can get away.
What do you mean you are not sure?
damn. Didn't know that there's a med2 adaptation of that book.
I think it's not always the same

Like, obviously, much as in real life, soldiers will rout if their morale breaks. The issue is that the AI is retarded and will waltz directly into the enemy line of fire or some stupid shit like that.
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Just wanted to get back to you about 2 weeks late
I ended up buying this game and was completely blown away. THIS is the game I was looking for. Is it perfect? No. Neither is Total war. But it is SOOOO much better than Napoleon for what I wanted to play.
I finished an easy campaign as the CSA and it must have been the best video gaming experience of the year for me. I ended up buying all the DLC just because I wanted to give the developer more money lol
I really want to thank you for telling me about this. I also really hope more anons learn about this so the developer is incentivized to build on the foundations for something bigger / better (A napoleonic version or really more like Victorian age would be ideal I think)
10/10 game anyone reading this owes it to themselves to check it out.
I did pick this one up as well. I think the battles are better but the interface and lack of a campaign map make it not as much fun as Grand Tactician to me at least.
I think this game as a platform holds a huge amount of promise but in it's current state you would need a large group of people playing regularly with one person acting as a 'dungeon master' like in DnD deciding things like army placement and campaign details and stuff like that.
Glad I have it and if I ever feel like "playing with toy soldiers" this will be great but I can't say it captivated me the same way as GT:CW
I didn't know about SSHIP until these posts. I'm using just SS 6.4, I got it from here.
I have been thinking about getting this game for a while, mainly for the Whisky and Lemons DLC that has you play as a single officer.
My main concern is the reviews talking about the poor AI. How did you feel about the AI opponents in the game while you played? Did it feel retarded or was it alright?
Not him, but yeah the AI is retarded. But so is the total war AI so its not like its a huge downgrade. At least, not for me. Its still fun for a couple of campaigns and being able to sandbox the civil war is fun, alongside being able to arm all of your armies with the Mississippi rifle.
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I played the full CSA Spring 61 campaign on the easiest settings with auto manage turned on, no fog of war, but left order delays on as my first (and so far only) campaign
I played around with Whisky and Lemons and would suggest you start with the base campaign as well so you can better be introduced to the game concepts (which are not executed perfectly no one will argue that. The W&L DLC is especially disappointing in some ways which I will get to but again I haven't done a full campaign in that mode yet so take it with a grain of salt)
I will first split the AI into two groups: Strategic (campaign) and Tactical (battles)
In the strategy map the enemy AI was very good at moving it's armies (usually)
For example when I made my final push to take NY I over extended my right flank and they RUSHED several armies to take advantage and forced me to send Stonewall Jackson back with half my army to cover the retreat. I had not expected them to do so and it presented me with a nice challenge despite the fact the campaign was already essentially over.
In the west I actually lost the war but that was a combination of factors including that I wanted to swiftly decapitate the union and diverted resources east.
As I mentioned I had automanage turned on and while I'm not completely familiar with the economy or policies I have to assume the AI did pretty poorly. I mean the economy didn't crash but several times I had run out of rifles and had to manually select the 'import from europe' options myself. Maybe that's because I rushed manpower because I was pursuing a decapitation blitz strategy IDK. My credit also tanked and I never fielded a serious navy either.
The strategic AI overall was good I enjoyed the campaign and felt it was a nice challenge. I'm sure after a few games I would start to notice patterns it follows and learn how to exploit them but this is true for any strategy game especially total war.
I will address the tactical AI in the next post
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As for the tactical AI I will give it more or less the same review: It's fine.
What the actual drawback is with the battles is that unlike total war where it's a straight death match this game includes capture points which gives objectives to each battle. Depending on the objectives the capabilities of the AI will either be hidden or put on full display.
As I mentioned earlier I played with the fog of war turned off. With that turned on you would first need to send skirmishers or cavalry out to scout the positions and movements of the enemy army. I played with all that info available to me which obviously helped me to design better tactics to win engagements.
Overall though the AI created strong defensive positions when the time called for it, orchestrated intelligent coordinated attacks, and successfully exploited mistakes I made during battle.
All of this is dependent on the particular objectives for the battle though.
I think the toughest battle I fought was when the AI had a very strong defensive position in a grove surrounded by streams and trees. There wasn't much for them to do but stand back and wait.
The final battle of my campaign saw me fighting in Antietam (I should also mention there aren't as many maps as you might like but this isn't as much of a problem as I thought it would be. Each map is very large and with different capture points and army arrivals the battles all play differently) with two very large forces on both sides. I built a strong defensive position in the town and deployed my second corps along the river crossings to prevent an encirclement.
The AI correctly diagnosed the unassailable position and instead went for the river crossings where they split their force evenly at each bridge but was ultimately pushed back. They briefly took one bridge crossing but were quickly pushed back because I had called another division to reinforce those defenses
Summary in next post
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Overall my personal opinion is that the people on the Steam forum have a valid point, but they're not being fair to the game or to themselves.
The AI is not perfect, after you get experience Im sure it won't even seem 'good' because you will have had time to study it's tendencies and exploit them. This is true for probably every single single player video game ever made. It's not an actual intelligent opponent, it's an algorithm
What I can say definitively is that for a first time player the AI will provide you with enough of a challenge both strategically and tactically to make the game feel like a struggle, which gives meaning to your wins and your losses, and ultimately makes this the best strategy game I've played all year.
I too was hesitant to try the game after reading the reviews but I really think it all boils do to this: The game is not perfect, no game really is, but this game is amazing at what it offers which is a grand civil war campaign tied together by massive tactical engagements. I truly believe every fan of Total War deserves to play a game like this, that the developers deserve money and recognition so they are incentivized to make more games like this, and Creative Assembly needs to take note of what kind of game is possible in /current year/ and either pivot in this direction or understand they are going to lose business to their competitors.
If you're still not convinced, just wait for a sale. I'm not sure it's worth $60 to everyone, but it's certainly worth $25.
As for W&L it's a bit frustrating as the AI will make poor choices for your unit and army but there's an in game function to take command of your entire army so it's not a huge deal. I may play a W&L game next not sure but I would personally start with the base game and buy the DLC after if you decide you like the game as it is.
Playing the last few weeks convinced me the GOAT game will be like this on Victoria 2's map with CK2 focus on individual commanders
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I forgot to mention something that I really enjoyed was managing the order of battle and getting to know your individual commanders and doing things like promoting Col Walker after he led his unit in a desperate charge at the enemy after running out of ammunition ultimately routing them. Then watching Walker's Division hold a bridge crossing at a later battle you can say "Oh I know that guy"
In game I saw Stonewall Jackson go from a colonol all the way up to Lt. General and commander of the field army I sent south to protect my flank on our NY blitz as a direct result of my orders, his execution, and ultimately my decision to promote him and give him command. It was really great getting to know the commanders and taught me a bit about the historical figures as well
Some people may not enjoy the micro management though, especially as the CSA, it's important to find, develop, and promote your best commanders which takes time but I really really enjoyed this part of the game
>I really want to thank you for telling me about this.
You're welcome.

>I also really hope more anons learn about this so the developer is incentivized to build on the foundations for something bigger / better (A napoleonic version or really more like Victorian age would be ideal I think)
Same. I made multiple threads over the past few years hoping that it would get people to play it, but almost nobody replied to them, unfortunately.

>As for W&L it's a bit frustrating as the AI will make poor choices for your unit and army but there's an in game function to take command of your entire army so it's not a huge deal. I may play a W&L game next not sure but I would personally start with the base game and buy the DLC after if you decide you like the game as it is.
It's my favorite kind of playstyle. I enjoy starting at the lowest rank and being put in shitty situations by the AI and then have to do my best to deal with it and doing good enough to climb ranks.
SSHIP with unlimited factions would be amazing
They should do the remaster already, while avoiding the negative aspects of Rome's remaster (UI, weird colors, too many nuTW features). There are mods out for the remaster that demonstrate massively optimized scripting capability, hundreds of factions, thousands of cities, etc. The end turns last seconds despite cycling through so much shit happening on the map. Of course these mods are overkill, but they show what's possible in the upgraded old engine.
>There are mods out for the remaster that demonstrate massively optimized scripting capability, hundreds of factions, thousands of cities, etc.
Funny thing about that, is that some limitations are actually good. The RIS team recently had a save corruption bug around turn 300, and they found out it was due to how many objects were in the campaign. Somewhere around 60k and past that limit, The game would hang forever on the loading screen if you tried to load that save from that campaign. So this limit to the object was from how many armies, agents, buildings, cities family members, dead or alive, were all in the campaign. Of course most mods would never ever encounter this limit since most mods have a world conquest by like turn 350, but the giga map of RIS with all those armies, settlements, meant they now have to reduce the amount of settlements since that was the biggest amount of objects found in the campaign.

TLDR: RIS mod is going to cut down the number of settlements to avoid a game ending corruption and thats good because the map was too cramped and some pruning would be perfect for it.
Man I loved Rome 1
6 billion dead lobsters kill em all 1066
Medieval II
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What about a Medieval 2 remaster that has an even higher upper limit?
That'll be good for the mod. I like the high concentration of settlements around med coastal areas, but it's overkill to include every tiny inland village known to exist just because.
It would be fine if it was a newer total war with towns and cities being seperate but every 5 feet being another fully fledged city is indeed way too much.
Honestly, I love maps, but even I agree that the RIS map went overboard. Imo even in a small-ish map like SSHIP's you could fit some more relevant factions without the hardcoded restrictions.
Just german sausagefest things
since there is sales
should I grab TW3? is it finally good?
tempt to get 3K as well
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The coolest thing would be tons of tiny settlements in key coastal areas. You could finally do proper seafaring trade empire LARPs instead of conquering the entire inland every time you take a coastal settlement.
The Ogniem i Mieczem II mod for Medieval II has something like this going on around Crimea and adds some navigable rivers as well. But it maxes out Med II's limits so it's not that developed. It would be kino to sail around taking over coastal forts and river chokepoints all over the map and dominate trade and the sea.
I genuinely enjoyed Arena especially drawing swastikas and dicks on the map before the match started
Sounds kino desu
Are there any decent mods still available for Medieval 1? Specifically for the Viking Invasion map?
Awesome, that's exactly what I'd prefer. I love playing as say, Venice or the United Provinces, and control a chain of islands and strategic coastal provinces for my empire.
No idea, but you can try starting here https://steamcommunity.com/app/345260/discussions/0/523890046873941980/
Hell yeah. Even with Med IIs limited naval sphere and diplomacy, it would be kino.
Thank you, anon. I used to have an account on TWCenter, but I think they deleted it for inactivity.
As God intended.

As long as you log in they won't delete you. My last post was around 2014 when I started drifting from forums to 4chan, I just never really logged out since you often drift to these threads for tw questions anyway.
How are phalanx units so fucking bad in rome 2 dei?
I ended my Rome campaign because I was well past the point of no return for money and power and was just auto resolving everything and started a game as Macedon and having to rely on these useless shits as my sole infantry worth anything is crazy. They felt amazing as Rome because I only rarely had two of them in my legions specifically to just hold a point and they worked fantastically for that. But having most of my infantry be phalanx units is pure pain. The most cavalry I ever fielded in one legion as Rome was 3 and the most archers was 4, but it's not even turn 40 yet and I now have an army with 8 cavalry and an army with 14 archers because I'm having to figure out how to actually win these battles with such unreliable infantry.
Maybe it gets better when I stop fighting other Greeks, having fucking phalanx offs where neither side dies or routes unless they randomly get a formation breach morale hit from the front, with such low impact that it takes multiple cycle charges under fire arrows to break even militia hoplites.
Medieval 2 for the mods
Fall of the Samurai for the artillery/semi modern line infantry
They are not bad. They are actually good.
I think you use them wrong.
For me, i use my phalanax as defensive core, while my cav tear their flanks.
What actually bad is dei, it's archers. You no need more than 2 of them.
I don't see how I could be using them wrong when they have next to no interaction. I enable phalanx, I line them up, make sure they can't be flanked, click the enemy once they are engaged because they will end up with 20 kills if you don't, and then that's it. As Rome 3 cav was overkill, a single cavalry charging into the rear of an enemy engaged with my principes or legionary would usually route that enemy because they were already losing that fight. But as Macedon every victory is down to cavalry carrying the battle instead of just being a win harder unit. Some legions didn't even have cavalry and were perfectly fine but I can't imagine a Macedonian army without 4+ cavalry.
Archers are pretty good though. As Rome my archers would get about 250-300 kills each. As Macedon my archers get about 100-150 kills each. The Macedonian archers are just your basic greek archers you start with too. They definitely pull their own weight.
Isn't that literally how Macedonians fought? Hammer and anvil?
It's not even hammer and anvil, it's hammer and pillow. The phalanx contributes so little to the cavalry that a unit of slingers could replace them during the rear charge and nothing really changes. The only time it matters that they're phalanx units is before I start cycle charging because they don't die or route easily, most of the time. Which lets me win my cavalry fights and then deal with the enemy falling asleep against my phalanx units.
>and then that's it.
Of course they won't get any kills that way. Enabling phalanx makes the pikes knock back the enemy so you have to keep pushing, either by clicking attack again or using the pike advance button, with your phalanx for them to kill faster. However, your phalanx line might get disorganized and take more damage that way.
The pros of a phalanx just standing there in formation is that they can stand there forever taking no casualties but dealing no damage (if they don't get flanked), as you described, giving you time for your cavalry to win the battle.
they made it so the phalanx wont kill things on their own in DEI. you need other stuff to shoot them from behind or a cav flank.
Medieval 2, easily. The base game is already fantastic, full of flavour and mechanics that have STILL not being implemented in modern TW games. And when you consider the mods and the community: best game for sure.
i got med 2 for eb2 but never played even a short campaign game of med 2 so i guess i need to do that. what's a good meme to play as for a first game
Definitely this. After Medieval we kept on getting side grades instead.
Play England for the default safe experience.
Are you both tards?
Rome 2 is notorious for heavy infantry absolutely dominating battles while cavalry fucking sucks. It's not the phalanx that's an issue, it is the cavalry.
I had a meme campaign as Sparta in which I exclusively used infantry and I could demolish every army easily. Using hoplites to flank is much better than using cavalry in Rome 2 and even heavy infantry such as oathswords break after fighting decent phalanxes for a while.
>Using hoplites to flank is much better than using cavalry in Rome 2
I don't know what hoplites you're using but I trust my greek archers to break the enemy with a rear charge more than I do the 4 spartan hoplites I recruited. Cavalry are way better. Hell cavalry was how I beat Sparta in the first place, they would handily beat my infantry with their elite bodyguards so I used my superior cavalry to encircle and cycle charge the Spartan generals any time I encountered them. 5 cav would only take minor losses routing and killing the elite Spartans with zero infantry support.
Man, logistics uber hell, but in a fun way. I've kind of gotten the hang of merging units (I thought this unholy in modern games because much chevrons) but the necessity demands it less I go insane. It's really biting I have to send english longbowmen back to England though and even more irritated I have to sometimes make sure the pathfinding didn't result. Those sarcaen archers don't fuck around. Interestingly they seemed to outrange my longbows but I might be imagining things. 3 games later and I still hate fighting eastern factions though.
I've heard the Irish campaign is fun in med2 britannia, is it true?
Any tips?
reconquer Éire and just sit there for two decades booming till you get so rich you can just spam heavy cav and infantry and bumrush everyone else
easiest campaign in this senario
Hey, that's exactly what I was in the middle of doing.
Wales is dead, The English have been pushed back, and I'm raking it in, building up infrastructure and money. Any pitfalls to be aware of?
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not realy, at this point you litteraly can not die

england is probably still interlocked in civil war where they just stand next to each other doing nothing so you can easíly take them appaert

the scottish have lots of armies but they are all realy pathethic light infantry and archers, you can probably sweep away the whole faction with one doomstack of heavy cav and heavy infantry
just don't get landed, the ai sometimes tries that so don't leave your homeland compleaty undefended

pic related way scotts caught me with my pants down, invading some of the islands I took from them and that one knight and comander soloed like half of the scottish army
Nice, nice, good to know, good to know.
I'm allied with the scots, so I'm not anticipating a war on that front, but I'll keep it in mind anyway.
As I've been fighting more non-greek factions I've started to notice the phalanx units started actually pulling their weight, so it seems it may be
>Maybe it gets better when I stop fighting other Greeks, having fucking phalanx offs where neither side dies or routes unless they randomly get a formation breach morale hit from the front, with such low impact that it takes multiple cycle charges under fire arrows to break even militia hoplites.
Baffling decision to make phalanx units so bad against the most common enemy they will be fighting.
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Recently I played playing HRE in the Teutonic campaign. It's a fairly easy start conquering Denmark and Norway at first, then gradually gets more challenging the further east you go. Once you start pushing you can't stop because everyone will immediately try to attack you. Mongols are pretty tough since they start with established diplomacy, castles and cities. Teutonic order has tons of castles producing the toughest troops, and Denmark mas a piece in the Baltics so by the time you get there they're dug in and already hate you.
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How do you block the 2 straits so land units can't pass them? Is it even possible or will I need to make forts there?
I don't know if you can block straits with fleets, but you can block a strait with a fort. A common strategy I employ is building a fort at a chokepoint then putting a single low upkeep unit in it.
Of course, as the Byzantines, this may interfere with crusades. I don't know what the crusaders would do if their land path is blocked by a fort. They may attack you, they may go through Iberia, or they may be softlocked. None of which are particularly good for you. Either being forced to respond to attacks from Europe or the lack of battles empowering the muslims against you.
Good thread lads lets do this again sometime (Just make a historical TW thread, not in general of course)

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