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Share builds, self challenges, pets, robots, whatever.

Also, Anne my beloved.
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I gave in and I bought her skins.

Also, I kind of forgot to make a new thread yesterday. I had no idea that I had to wait like 10 minutes to make a new thread on this board.
Anne is flat! FLAT!
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What are your least favorite missions? Mine are 17S - Time Alone (pic related) and 21O - Mara Swamp (Repair the electronic web in a yasha infested swamp). They're not hard, they're just time sucking and extremely unfun. 17S because you spend more time watching the police move back and forth than actually playing. And 21O because swamp+webs+gas clouds everywhere means nobody can hit anything, and nobody but ranger Heixing can move very far.
Mungo hell without a doubt.
Litterally me on the left when i saw the dlc.
Flat is JUSTICE!
She is so pretty.
1/2, I dislike a lot of maps
For me it's
>18S - Tangled Skein (the first White Tiger map)
Similar reason to why you hate 17S. It's not really that bad difficultywise if you know what you're doing and serves as a good introduction to the Tigers, but there are so many of them all in one part of the map that turns take absolutely forever
>22S - Angry Tiger (the Irene solo with backup)
I feel like this one always comes a bit too early in the progression. Often the White Tiger Swordsmen are strong enough to one-shot Irene with Retaliation, which sucks if you forget to take off Counterattack. Throw in mandatory civilian safety and it becomes a real pain in the ass.
>Scent of the Past during normal progression
Too many ways to sneakily lose the map, especially when your units are still slow from early game equipment and don't have enough power to one-shot the beasts. I wish the beasts didn't move their entire movement distance towards the exits every turn.
>38S - Shadow Play (the Spoonist tunnels)
So much AT delay in such tight spaces
>42S - Role of Each (the Albus and Isaac marketplace escape)
You either know how to cheese it in 1 turn or die. Either way it's a waste of a mission.
>48S - To Not Regret (Irene's exam)
Kind of a nothing mission, just one that you have to go through to progress
>53S - Telepathic Communication (Alisa and Bianca escape)
Requires extremely degenerate builds on higher difficulties. When it was the second last mission in the entire game that was alright, but now it's just part of normal progression
>57S - Monster
What a waste of time. You don't even get exp.
>9O - Silver Rabbit Park (the one with lots of reinforcement groups)
If you do this map at the recommended level it's pretty fun, but if you do it later in the game you spend an eternity just waiting for enemies to show up. Sucks extra because aesthetically it's one of my favourite maps in the game.
>15V - Magenta Backstreets
This one is pretty cool in early playthroughs but gets more annoying with exposure. It's packed with enemies for super long turns and 90% of the enemies on the map have suppression because it's the only tool the devs had available at those levels
>18O - Blue Fog Street (the one with spoonists and a cargo quest)
Something about this map's layout just makes it annoying for me. Its pathing sucks and it's one of the few quests I dislike doing
>19V - Iron Forest Distribution Camp
Has the opposite problem of 15V: It's empty as fuck. Unless you deliberately wait the 2500 action time for the timas to arrive, then oh boy does it get hot. I doubt more than a handful of players has ever seen that happen because 2500 AT is excessive.
>20O - Magenta Street (the one with the drone recovery quest)
It's just a group of regular White Tiger units that you already know how to fight. This map doesn't even have a boss.
Yeah it sucks
>44V - Draki's Nest
I like this map because it gives crazy amounts of raw masteries and crafting materials, but I hate it more than I like it because when the eggs hatch you spend about 15 minutes alt-tabbed between turns. If you set up Field of Zero before that happens it takes even longer.
>47V - Northern tip of Shadow Wall Culvert
>54V - Iron Forest Secret Base
I actually don't like this map. It feels like a high level version of 19V with hardly any enemies, somewhat made up for by the destrons being gigachads, but once you can kill them the map just feels like going through the motions. At least it gives massive amounts of crafting materials.
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>Seriously considering buying Anne's costumes pack.
It's worth it, even if it lacks her cute casual design from the artbook (picrel).
Her party dress variations and the sportswear are peak moe.
>I don't really like the dlc costumes, most does not feel like they fit the character
IMO they all have their merits except for Albus' and Irene's. Hers just look silly with the weird hero designs and sailor uniform, and Albus' costumes either look like his default clothes or some cringy cliché rocker outfit.
My favorite costumes are Heixing's Combat Sweeper, Giselle's party dress, Kylie's yakuza kimono and Giselle's casual hunter attire.
Good choice! She's so cute...
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Mono & Vivi, m8
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>even if it lacks her cute casual design from the artbook (picrel).
Also lacks pic related
>>42S - Role of Each (the Albus and Isaac marketplace escape)
>You either know how to cheese it in 1 turn or die. Either way it's a waste of a mission.
I remember being stuck on that mission for a week at least.
Fuck that mission.
>actually using legendary mungos
Everyone I've seen in EU multiplayer has either been using crabmits or no pets at all.
Not even the Golden Draki!
In Asia most people run crabmits as well because they like to autokill you with Inrush Training + Killer's Mark for guaranteed Luck + Awaken, but I've seen a few Drakis here and there.
I like the legendary Mungos because they're fun to build. Simple as.
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Spotted a T-posing Alisa. It fixed itself after 10 seconds or so.
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>taking a close look at Pascal's skills that he never uses
>Burning Mushroom Protocol
>Attack Range: 16
>Damage Range: 16
>"Deals [damage] to all targets within the targeted area"
If this works how I think it works and it isn't just a line like his regular skills (which both state "in a line") Pascal's got a fucking 16-tile radius aimable nuclear bomb as an overcharge.
The ice one is similar but has a range of 9. Time to go stall him out and see if I can get him to actually use i-
>his regular protocols use 0 vigor so he never actually gains SP and can literally never use his overcharges
>Consecutive Attack does use 10 vigor, but Spirit SP only increases on attack skill costs
That's why he seems like such a wimpy enemy! God dammit, this almost annoys me enough to make a forum post. But people already struggle a lot with 60S so they probably won't enable it.
>royal garden
Sounds more like a Chinese restaurant than a troubleshooter company.
I've been reading it as Royal Gachin the whole time
>>1791904 (me)
Oh yeah now I see the teeny tiny dendens. He's been around the server for months and I never noticed them.
It is most likely by design. Considering the ending of that mission.
Change Pascal's personal mastery to give overcharge on hit pls Dandylion
I mean >>1791923 like a half-assed resolve
maybe you can test it out with vindictive spirit and awakening spray? I'll give it a go tomorrow night if I've got time to play
That's a good idea. Now I want to try that myself to see if it has a fuckhuge targeter
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Vindictive Spirit + Awakening Spray worked. Here are the targeters: The red mushroom is a free-targeting line effect and the blue mushroom is an extremely wide cone. I only had 1 Awakening Spray so I didn't get to see both of them, but after seeing the targeters I used the blue mushroom
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Also looking at that webm having posted it, I wonder what happens if I try to hack his destron with Vindictive Spirit active? I doubt his percentage chance is very high as an Engineer, but it would really stuff things up if it works probably
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Yeah, 0%. Although something really interesting is that Pascal actually has a running animation that he doesn't use while enemy controlled. He's probably bugged to hell and back.
Kinda tempted to get this with the sale, is the story worth the read?
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If you're not doing it, I may just make that forum post. Can't imagine that it was intended considering they went to the trouble of designing three unique Overcharge skills for him.
>you can actually summon drones as Pascal
What a cool mechanic. Would've been nice if he had a fourth secret drone you could only find that way.

>He's probably bugged to hell and back.
That last mission took them so long and still felt unfinished at release, so probably true. They didn't even manage to include all of their finished Pascal CGs into the story in time.
Two of those unreleased artworks made it into the artbook (picrel), and would've expanded upon his connection to Dusk Companion and the first dlc.
31S, trying to repair the webs version. npc Kylie is slow as balls, repairing webs is slow as balls. getting rekt by the big lightning negoori is funny but then you have to do it all over again if it was Kylie that got rekt (or you want to tame Snow)
Scent of the Past, 42S see >>1791463
47V i get that it was the challenge map for the original game but its difficulty comes more from frustration than anything, if flare etc worked on climbing yashas like it does on burrowed crabmits it might almost be enjoyable. thank fuck neurotoxin got nerfed
27V fun once to see all the pokemon and beat the big rainbow dorori, grinding-only mission afterwards
54S what the FUCK were they thinking
very nice, thanks anon

>cone so hueg it turns into a semicircle
it's certainly aesthetic, and giving your framerate frostbite is a nice touch.
Pascal has some pretty interesting (abilities/masteries/gear) but it just doesn't gel
>it's certainly aesthetic, and giving your framerate frostbite is a nice touch.
It inflicts Freeze on everything in that aoe, including your own PC!
If you like connecting the dots yourself it's a lot of fun. Taken at face value it's underwhelming but gets better as it progresses. The DLCs are well worth reading.
Translation isn't irritating to read?
Every once in a while there are sentences with a lot of 『』 but generally the wording is pretty good, and when it's janky it's still understandable. It won't fool you into thinking it was written by a native English speaker but it's not in retardese either.
For 10 bucks, that's good enough. Retardese is always my breaking point.
What's wrong with 54S? Do you just not like how much of an anticlimax it feels?
ah, I meant Misty's intro mission, 54S Red Sand Mining District, a bunch of new mechanics and masteries dropped all at once on a solo mission with a new character 90% of the way through the game, and you can't adjust her build or gear until you win, and then you never see half of those mechanics again AAAAAAA
54S Crow's Ruin is cool and good, I just wish it had Ben
That mission makes me glad I waited until Crimson Crow had a few maps before I bought it.
>here's your new party member and a stealth mission solo map, now go back to running 54V over and over while we try to figure out how to make her classes useful
might be fun to vindictive Jeff/Jim and try to tame something with them.
I tried the flower crab's communion taming hax, result, taunt but no tame...
>tfw no hacker mungo to steal your drones
I mean it's impressive that Dandylion grafted GoldenEye onto a turn based tactics game, and it could have been a great early mission introducing stealth and patrolling mechanics but
>here's your new character bro, prebuilt, enjoy reading the "i" menu until your eyes bleed because it's just her vs 35 enemies and she's definitely no Luna
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>hacker Mungo that places down illusions that give you heavy AT penalties when you kill them by blindly AOEing into the fog and shuts down/steals your machines
>might be fun to vindictive Jeff/Jim and try to tame something with them
They don't have Tame Beast as a skill, but you'd still be able to unsummon/resummon their stuff to take out whatever beast you want.
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Made a god-tier offensive drone. I still haven't upgraded it to Legendary tier items and it absolutely wrecks face.
>basic attacks hit for around 4000 damage on crits to challenge mode 54V units
>similar damage to player units
>rapidly gains Heating SP, enabling Annihilation Shot which does unsurvivable amounts of damage
>Improved Auto Overwatch Movement for instant turns back if it kills anything from Overwatch
Only weakness right now is that it's kind of squishy, but when it hits as hard as this does from as long of a range as this does, that's not really that much of a problem.
Also it passes the "Can solo Weiss Destrons" benchmark with ease. I had it slaughter the Blut Destron in 54V when testing as well.
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Here are its items. I have enough weight remaining to juice it up a little more. Might also swap Auto Rearrangement for Auto Dodging Response so it isn't at as much risk of getting killed from responsive fire before doing anything useful.
Just cry about it on the forums.
And honestly, the overchart/vigor problem is also a thing that happens with Kylie as well. I mean, if I don't focus on giving her SP, she just won't gain it.
Already did
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Recreated the board of a Red Sand Sniper because I was curious what it looked like laid out properly. Such a simple looking board causes so much rage.
To be fair, one of the reasons why they're so good is because Red Sand Snipers always start placed in high cover on buildings or towers, which makes them hard to reach and prone to punishment shots if you try to take them out from afar.
In general, I think the entire last DLC is obviously thought of after the rest was done, so it feels disconected from the story. Bianca and Alisa were there since the start,but CC is very clearly writen and thought of way after everything else in the game.
Pascal urgently needed a previous prescence.
impressive anon.
who knew that drones could be actually threatening, back to the drawing board for me
Drone have always had potential for damage.
The fire drone is by far the strongest in that regard. So Im wondering if the same can happen to Rifle and Ice.
Yeah only foreshadowing I remember was the "Monster!" loading screen
And I guess the early gacha dev shot of hooded serpentbros
Rifle damage is pretty good. Ice is kind of weak imo just because they have so much less base ESP compared to flamethrowers, and all the Red Sand guys have that Mungo armour that gives massive resistance to ice damage.
In general, if you want a high damage drone you need
>an Overheat engine
>Sub Attack Equipment with crit damage in it
>that reinforcement management set that gives you base weapon damage per Reinforcement mastery (Attack Balance Control + Defence Balance Control + Reinforced Machine + Unified Reinforcement Program)
It's uncomfortable to build because you lack so many slots after putting so many real masteries into Frame slots, but it's totally worth it. Machines have a lot of masteries that don't do very much.
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Some actual numbers to back up what I was saying.
Overheat is unreasonably good, singlehandedly doubling your damage. My reinforcement fuckery together provides another almost 100% base damage, or a 50% boost with Overheat taken into account.
Sub Attack Equipment isn't listed as a big bonus because the main thing it gives is crit damage
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Here's the crit damage breakdown. By itself the attack booster system makes your crits go from +90% to +150% damage, or 1.9x to 2.5x for about a 30% total damage increase. The reinforcement bonuses (which also are giving base damage) push it a bit further and crank the damage up stupid
There's another way to get good damage with Control programs and the firefighting drone base, but I haven't killed the Enhanced Schwarz Destron enough times to enable it yet on this file
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I just ran into my other file's team in Joint Drill vs AI!
This is my autokill infinite chain Overcharge Irene build from that destron webm in the other thread. I never played this build against a Human but I did use it against bots. I'm going to swap files and see if it's what I have currently active in my masteries.
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Yep, it's exactly what I have equipped right now, so whatever teams you run into when playing against bots are what people have equipped in real time. They're not snapshots of teams that have won PVP like I thought for ages.
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Just in case someone thinks I selected the wrong Irene by mistake or something. Once I get Kylie to Detect some of the units I'm going to swap files and see if it changes equipment mid-match. I'm guessing and hoping no, but this game is pretty janky sometimes.
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Okay they don't update mid-match even after saving and reloading. I swapped out Leton's wrist guard for a ring to check.
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8 vs 1 and I'm genuinely not sure I can kill him
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Here's the build. It's far more cancerous than it looks.
I just realised he has Veteran and Sturdy Headgear. He's effectively missing his gear slot, so I could put on a Draki's Fancy Scale for even more cancer
Imagine unequipping all of your masteries for an overhaul, only for some fag in Joint Drills to roll your team and think that you're a complete shitter.
I once saw a team where the guy was in all first tier classes with mostly empty boards despite being in the mid 50s. Had no idea what was going on, but this explains that
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The fabled base class meta build.
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3rd classes never ever

I still think Anne should receive Tamer as a 3rd class. With mastery sets that allow her to give beast the I love Anne trait.
>Troublemaker May Cry
>With mastery sets that allow her to give beast the I love Anne trait.
God I wish. Anne's past with Silver and her grandpa never being addressed is such a waste if they're just going to make an all new cast and setting for Banished Children.
Slaughterer Alisa could be a fun 3rd class
or battlemage Anne for a Skull Crasher memebuild
What would a /vst/-approved Troubleshooter mod look like?
Nude Anne mod, or micro bikini Anne.
I want costumes for beasts too.
If I dream without limits:
>tier 3 classes
>nude costumes and portraits for at least all the girls
>some way to change the SP types of characters (Dandy said it's easy mechanically but difficult to do cleanly considering everyone's movesets are built around their current SP. A mod wouldn't necessarily give a fuck)
>maps from level 61 to 70 with new class enemies and some hard as fuck violent cases
>machine masteries drop on death like regular masteries
>party sizes for repeatable pre-DLC1 maps raised from 8 to 12
>beast loyalty permanently maxed
>beast property limit masteries
I think that's about it
I'd like a mod that lets me tame Silver (even though his moveset is probably really barebones compared to lategame beasts) and Mungo King.
black skull masks with clown masteries to grenade you out of cover
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A mod that allows Silver to be tamed would probably expand his moveset. Turquoise has Silver's entire moveset and more.
Quoted the wrong post like a retard
You got the masteries to go again when you kill a bleeding enemy?
I don't use it because it feels like cheating
>more HP than his clone who shows up 45 levels later
impressive, very nice
>infinite mastery slots
And of course
>everything you identify is always 5 ranks.
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What the fuck, I found an event in 27V that I've never seen before
>dash up to the platform where the Big Rainbow Dorori spawns
>Heixing thinks !? in a bubble and then has a short event that gives him Excitement and Overcharge as he does his victory pose
>the music from the store page trailer begins to play
I don't think I've ever triggered this event before. Also while looking for the track on Youtube I found what looks like Dandylion's Troubleshooter channel.
There are some ancient development videos on it, one of which is what looks like Chris Lowe doing an Earth attack
>keep the early access(?) version of the game as a trailer
Kino, I think that I've only ever triggered that event with Albus or Irene.
Makes me wonder if Anne has a unique trigger as well? Considering her relationship with Rainbow Dororis...
>unique Chris attack animation
What the fuck?

Also on that channel are
>unused attack animations for Heixing, Leton and Ray
>cute little Irene video

It's all ancient stuff from early development though.
I think think it was being up on the platform that did it. I've used Heixing to wipe those guys out a lot because he can dash from the canyon up to where the Rock Yasha spawns and I don't remember it happening before.
Oh, the only other options would be Albus, Bianca, Kylie and Misty then, and I heavily doubt that the latter three got unique event dialogue for cases from before they even joined the company.
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Theoretically you could get anyone up there with the Mutant Negoori. It's got an active skill that lets you pull an ally next to you. Then the question becomes "Are Dandylion mad enough to make events for characters who wouldn't naturally be able to get up there?". Which is probably no.
Or they could add a unique event for the Big Mutant Negoori instead...
>VHPD unit with rocket launcher
>Ray blowing up a VHPD car with a spray can
>civilian crawling with briefcase
>skull mask Leton without ice ESP

what is going on in this thread . jpg
what a weird event. is Heixing the undying empathising with the reviving rainbow dororis, or does he expect to die himself??
i'm surprised it even got a translation, there was a whole mission untranslated when i started playing late BWBW
If this game devs had money, I can see them making a custom map editor so you can play your, friends and anyone's custom maps.
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I recreated Martin's board from 60V.
>Dandylion makes a huge 61-point board based around long range combat for him
>absolutely no defences
>Hideout in his defence slots on a map with absolutely zero cover
This build is like an even more questionable version of Gaia's. No wonder he normally just dies without doing anythiing.
He suffers from being a sniper in a map without elevated position or high cover. They really didn't expect to get raided in that underground laboratory.
It's unusual to see Spirit mastery sets on anyone though, that's a pretty interesting board.
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Never forget to feed your drones.
You can give them the snacks so they can eat by themselves when they are hungry. These drones are not kids anymore!
>drobe: Oh loog a deliciuous snag! :D:D:D
>mungo: fugggg
>Wet Sack of Mucus
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I ran into my team again, and after having changed my real items slightly they're still using the same ones as before. I suppose that means their builds are recorded when they win against a bot team rather than in true real time.
>>1797868 (me)
huh, wet-oriented Misty does some serious damage, even to destrons.
before dying to one (1) stray bullet...
probably not as good as fire-Irene but imma keep fiddling with it
While Irene's always on fire, Misty is always wet.
>Stone cold Steve Anne
>Bibi has wind
>Bidoof (Irene) is on fire
>3 story missions about Ray's low spirits
checks out
What exactly is the point of Sion's flash kick? I mean, I see how it could do tera-dick damage if you built around it, but all his other attacks already do giga-dick damage. So who cares?
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It's for physical builds that otherwise do mediocre damage with his other ESP attacks. If you're scaling his basic attack for Counterattack / Forestallment his ESP-based attacks fall off hard, but Flash Kick just keeps going up.
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>Another MC: "Lumi Headlock," 23, leads Public Security Team 1 of the Black Mountain Tribe, supported by her father, head of the security organ.

>Her rapid promotion sparked jealousy and envy among tribe members, and she had to struggle to prove her worth to earn their trust.
>big ass suppressor on the barrel
Sniper/Assasin. Calling it.
I like her design but fuck I'd hoped Sniper wouldn't appear again, especially with Aurora having Hunter as an advanced class. Also causes me to question the party's SP makeup.
Possible. Or Sniper/Bodyguard, sharing one of Tyra's classes and playing into her security team position.
Something good and that makes me feel it belongs in this game
You mean you guys never used one to one shot a destron on overdrive?
Now I'm sold.
She looks like an Ace Attorney character with a play button for a belt buckle.
That said, I still quite like her.
>sniper is the best girl
There's a pattern there.
She's cute. Glad to see a semblance of society here. I thought the Kalter mountains were just inhabited by farming villages and shaman tribes, but they have a military order as well.
That'd be too OP, I love it. Marco (and Vendetta as a whole) would greatly benefit from having proper Assassin masteries in the game as well.
What masteries would be good to use on Jean?
Regular Exercise.
Speed. She needs it badly, Satan.
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this is all I got for now, the fat fuck is pretty fast all things considered
Wobbly Belly
Lunatic Beast
You know after using him through the first few missions with mods Jean basically is a fucking melee character hiding behind a pistol
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If his melee attacks are tagged as responsive/counterattacks you could do a funny build with Forestallment + Base Defence + Hide Yourself Well or something.
Also I counted his slots and he's missing one.
Ranger has
>4 basic
>5 support
>5 attack
>4 defence
>7 ability
and Jeanne gets +1 to Attack slots from Spirit SP which is why he has 6, but personal masteries give mastery slots as well, or +1 Basic slots if they don't have one. It's not that big of a deal since the mod probably lets you give him Training/Genetics board expansion masteries, but it makes me wonder if Dandylion forgot to give his personal mastery a slot
Are you telling me that I can customize my mastery board by choosing specific personal masteries?
600 hours into this game and I've only just learned this...
I haven't gone through them one by one and checked, but I'm pretty sure the three masteries for each character all give the same slots. I often swap between Irene's, Sion's and Leton's individual masteries and it hasn't made me change my board.
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He does at least get to use pistols which are usually just dead weight but no none of them are tagged responssive/counter attttack

And yeah just checked, at least NPC Jean's mastery hot temper adds no slots, I do find it interesting trying to build characters who weren't meant to be kept and they work better than I thought

Had to fix Luna's voice lines myself though, no idea why Luna and Marco are mute in game when their lines are still there and functional.
>no idea why Luna and Marco are mute in game when their lines are still there and functional.
If it isn't deliberate there's probably a typo in their file paths or something. I remember in one online game I was involved with there was a ghost monster type that had no sound effects and all the players thought it was deliberate, but it turned out to be because the person who set the monsters up had their sound effects set as "ghots/hit_01", "ghots/death", etc.
That’s funny, in this case they just never assigned them which is curious because they had them in the trailer
Granted some of them refer to Chris as some sort of mission but there’s enough lines for them to have lines like Don
Did they reply?
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Not yet.
This post got me to look through the localisation files. There aren't any translated lines for their voice files as far as I can tell, but there are a lot of lines for the player characters that never get used, and Heixing's Field of Zero line is actually clipped in-game.
>My life is lent. A life for he who fixed my stopped clock to go. If he needs me, I am ready to comply to his words whatever it takes. But now is a break time. I can spend some time with you
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I actually had to translate them myself, no idea how accurate they are but I had a friend listen and translate for me

Luna makes chainsaw noises and taunts people for example
>Luna makes chainsaw noises and taunts people for example
We were robbed...
Why does her hair look like that? Are the physics fucked or is it just because she's mid-animation?
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mid animation, its her select pose or whatever, its similar to Anne's
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Don't worry, we'll get to use her in Troubleshooter 3 in 20 years if Dandylion doesn't collapse
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At the very least you gotta hope the new games will be easier to mod so you can just do it yourself if they don't
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Honestly of all the modded characters I have the hardest time using Don
Does his moveset just suck? I'd have expected a Spirit MA to be pretty good.
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Could just be me but it feels like his stats simply aren't scaling well enough,

I mean the concept behind his moveset is literally just push someone into a wall and stunlock them and that works if he can hit them,, also he wears 'shoes' and now that I think about it does anything in the game even drop shoes?
I want Luna to "crit" me...
Giselle and Heixing also use shoes. I know Wei and the skeleton masks drop them, don't think many other enemies do though.
Yeah I forgot about those two, haven't played in a while since I started over

That does suck though
Luna pantsu
>Mara Swamp
Oh I remember this one... And lemme tell you those are not fond memories of mine.
For me it’s
>To Make Matters Worse
I just finished this on my cruel challenge mode run and it was cancer. I had to retreat with Kylie because there were like 40 beasts between me and the fences
>Northern Tip of Shadow Wall Culvert
Fuck yashas, all my homies hate yashas. They wait until you start getting really good trinkets and then they throw this mission at you with an absolute wind pressure grenade requirement
Isekai into L Corp mission pack, if that’s even possible
>They wait until you start getting really good trinkets and then they throw this mission at you with an absolute wind pressure grenade requirement
Magic Knight / Alchemist enjoyers, we can't stop winning!
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Found a really godly Irene on EU. The guy's party isn't even level capped!
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Not lacking %damage either. She's gonna hurt like fuck.
Verdict: Hurts like fuck yes, but AT helled herself against my own martial artists and had no way to get out of it.
Marco can use thief masteries but I'm not sure how to build him to use his personal mastery properly if that's even possible since there's maybe two assassin specific masteries
Doesn't his personal mastery guarantee crits if he's out of sight or something like that? How's that related to Assassin masteries?
I'd imagine if that class actually had masteries it would play around being out of sight/provide ways to do it easier
Yeah that mastery is pretty wasted on a gunman, but the few missions he does appear in are always 1v1 or small group skirmishes where it's easier to lose sight of him with unfortunate positioning.
His personal mastery might just be handcrafted with that in mind, without considering the overall usefulness.
I'd imagine it's the same principle as a Battue-focused Hunter: Headshot, damage, more damage, even more damage, Overwatch, Fire Support since he doesn't have to re-hide every shot. Then just a case of using V to make sure you stay outside of sight range with him.
Enemies often have blindspots even in large groups since they can't see around corners or below/above ledges very well, and a lot of enemies have shitty night sight that you can easily outrange with a gun user. It's why pretty much every sniper from 46V onwards has a night scope.
I think the thing that sucks about that mastery is that you have to be out of sight of every enemy, not sure why they felt the need to make it a blanket effect instead of the enemy he's targetting
If he's out of sight of *every* enemy unit, he could realistically (according to anime logic) assassinate someone and immediately move in for the next kill.
If the person next to his victim already sees him from afar, it wouldn't make sense for Marco to get his turn back for a "sneaky" kill.
It's not hard to do once you get used to it. Camouflage Hunters work the same way, and he even has the benefit of autocrit instead of just disabling enemy evasion so Lightning Reflexes can't mess him up. If he outranges enemy sight his Overwatch cannot miss, and even in brawls there are usually a tile here and there not in range of anyone.
Just gotta get used to checking with V.
Interesting ideas, I'll give it a shot, no idea if I will take any modded characters to the endgame but I do wonder which one will fall off the hardest
Just based on my experiences with the Mungos, Luna will probably fall off quite a bit. Slaughterer is a really shitty class despite its exclusivity and her moveset is just single melee cuts. She'll be like an unpromoted Albus that heals on kill and lacks his ESP.
I am curious if any animations work with Luna to give her more moves but I doubt it,

I do think she could be better than white mask mungo and her personal mastery is okay.
Other than that you have to hope that her stat growth is good
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Slaughterer gets high offensive stats and HP, and not much else. 854 HP is above most classes except Barbarian, MA and White Knight, 522 Attack is slightly below Martial Artist's 540 which is otherwise the highest base attack for Human classes, their crit rate is among the best in the game, their crit damage is above average but a far cry from critgod classes like Sweeper and their block/dodge is mediocre.
Spirit SP throws a little bit of every resistance onto that as well.
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Here are the stat bonuses from Spirit SP
So if I'm reading this right with equipment statwise she should be usable but her main issue is that she just has only 1 range melee, I also have no idea how much her mastery scales for the evasion buff
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it is funny seeing people pop up in cutscenes
Failed my millionth attempt at making a Leton build with lots of Ice masteries
>cram all the ice masteries in
>great, now he has mediocre damage, accuracy, speed and durability even with Frosty Fortress
>start swapping them out for MA masteries
>effectiveness skyrockets but it rapidly becomes a Martial Artist build instead of an Ice build
I’m trying to mix up class masteries, ESP masteries, and common/human masteries all in one build for each character. I take them into the next mission and find out what needs to be improved on and tweak it from there. My Albus and Sion are pretty good but I somehow built Irene wrong enough that she’s a consistent casualty and I have no idea how to fit earth masteries into a healbot white mage build for Anne.
Probably about half the people in Joint Drills are running Sand Castle on their Annes and a bunch of people (~20% I'd say) use White Sandstorm on her.
Even in my most recent playthrough where I tried to make her more of a hybrid healer / damage dealer I just ended up filling her board with the typical WM sets as the game progressed. She gets so many little effects from all her mastery sets that add up to really broken combinations when taken as a whole and it's hard to not run with them.
I literally can’t play online mode due to third world (burger) internet, I’m doing a cruel challenge run with all of the additional things activated (except for high risk high reward or whatever it’s called). I don’t think I even have that many earth mastery sets discovered, I’ll have to start looking to see if anything fits into my current build
During the campaign Anne gets pretty good use out of Earth Magician and the blind-related masteries regardless of class. There's even a Shaman set that uses Earth masteries for some reason.
>Shining Light
>Shaman + Shooting Star + Abundance + White Heat
>gives another 50% chance of blind, increases your ESP damage by 15% and increases your HP by 50% of your vigor
My current build’s battle plan is sprinting in and benefiting from march, providing miracle shield and using recovery support while using altruist as an AT economy bandaid to hurry up her turn, at which point someone probably has a billion debuffs or needs healing so no attacking. It’s not perfect but it’s something
would it be possible to extract these? i'm curious to hear them
You can use trouble tool to extract stuff
Can you also extract sound effects and soundtrack?
I wish you could NG+ a company but keep the pets. My EU team is unsalvageable but it has the most overpowered pets of all my companies.
bicron pingpong is such a fun map
you'd think the black tigers would take a few potshots for the lulz
That's my favourite map in the game, both narratively and gameplay
>White Tiger, as vicious as they are, are holding onto the ideals of a past that no longer exists and it's all starting to fall down
>their side of the map is the same old White Tiger units that your own units can now mop up without much issue
>Spoonists, the jokey faction from earlygame, have continued to grow and make deals in the background
>they rock up with advanced classes and juiced up Remodelled Bicrons that can and will slaughter every White Tiger on the map including Darius if left alone, before turning their attention towards you
>Black Tiger wants to leave the gang lifestyle
>their side of the map is completely devoid of action, except where Bicrons cross over through the train
>Turk and Na-am both have reactions to seeing Ray and Heixing, but they're committed to Spoonism now
Then there's the choice Giselle gives you of leaving the teams to fight (what Valhalla as a whole is doing) or charge in yourself.
It's an absolute marriage of story and gameplay and probably one of the few perfect maps in the game.
Agreed, altough it's not my favorite map. Very nice analysis.
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Compared to the Frosthorn Tribe they showed earlier, the Black Mountain Tribe seems a lot more modern.
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Hard to speculate, maybe they're teching the factions up, or Black Mountain is just unusually advanced. Frosthorn Tribe is later into the game on the map they gave so it's going to be weird going from security forces with sniper rifles to barbarians, and unlike with the Drifter Clowns it's not for concealment purposes.
>Frosthorn Tribe is later into the game on the map they gave
The starting point might be the Gray Forest, and you progress the game towards Valhalla's border where most of the recurring characters lurk.
"Dragon's Sanctuary" sounds like an endgame area too.
Yeah I suspect the same. The Witch's Shrine being so late in the game doesn't make sense considering we already know the witch apprentice girl joins the party relatively early on.
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>260mb update
>no patch notes or announcement
>can't find anything different
>the only localisation changes are a couple of male VHPD gameplay lines saying "Target seriously wounded"
260mb is a map-sized update. Spooky.
The reason I figured it went the other way is because the Fortress of Suffering is where all the things are happening, and the trail continues off the edge of the map. Plus Hannah is a member of the Frosthorn Tribe, which is located relatively close to Dragon's Sanctuary. Claudia is an ex-witch, not a current witch. There's also what Dandylion said about Dark Moon
>They are very dissatisfied with the situation that the 5 tribes rule over the region, and wish to change the situation by overthrowing each tribe’s system of power and thus starting the new era of Dark Moon.
They look a lot like a group that would hang out in Gray Forest.
Plus, I don't think Dragon's Sanctuary sounds like an endgame area. I think it sounds like a safe place. If the trail starts there then the journey ends with the spooky locations rather than a lake, some caves and a snowy area next to a volcano.
Needs more Dandylion info.
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Granis and Claudia are both said to have left their respective homes to go and live with Ari.
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>wailing caverns
A WoW reference? In my Troubleshooter? Impossible. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to grind all my bonds to Exalted.
if that's all it is then I ain't updating my game due to mods
They've probably made a change to a map somewhere but the game's way too big for me to check one by one. I thought they might have changed 60S after the Pascal overcharge discussion but I ran it and it seems identical.
Oh, I didn't see that one yet. Makes me wonder how many missions we'll get per area and if it'll be a straightforwardly linear game.
My best guess is maybe they'll do 5 missions per location to go with item tiers, with the exception of Dragon's Sanctuary. That way they'll end up with 45 missions and a level cap of 48 (if it starts at level 3 like Abandoned Children does).
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Man FUCK this mission. By the end it was only Irene and Anne left, Irene because she was at the far side of the map chasing bicrons she did no damage to and Anne because she tanked two destron slices like an absolute Stacy while Albus and Sion fought against the remaining clowns and skeletons (my right side folded completely). I just about shit my pants when it said the last destron had no fuel to attack with but then it fucking counter attacked Irene
Yeah, counterattacks and responsive attacks are free except for the small fuel cost. Sometimes machines have Fuel Conversion Program as well that gives them fuel when they take a big hit, I don't remember if Weiss destrons have it or not.
Nice job anon! Violent cases and Crimson Crow next
Where banished children
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Won't even be in early access until late 2025.
Fun fact, even though Ray's Chaos Brush friends have real names in Abandoned Children they're still called WhiteBrush, RedBrush and GreenBrush internally, so every time Dianne is speaking her portrait is
Probably explains why she has a map model and animations for that one mission at the warehouses.
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Damn, even with fog of war cheats she's not on the map during the actual mission. That's Lee the Trucker next to Ray.
Neat. The game files are a great source of lore and interesting tidbits, I appreciate you and any other anons who share your finds.
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I'm too much of a wuss to decompile them, so it's just whatever I can get from server logs and localisation files.
>Trickster, Bishop and Red Mage still in the game's systems
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Hot leaks incoming just for you
Or should I say cold? We know Maria was planned to have Ice ESP, because she has voice lines for three abilities: Frost Slash, Frost Jail and Frost Tear. Unfortunately she only has extremely limited animations, only one of which is for attacking. The hair thing is just an extractor glitch, but it's funnier this way than if I manually tried to fix it.
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Ryung Lee has Frost Slash. It's his 8-range freezing wave. The other two don't exist in the localisation files, probably didn't actually get made
Ryung Lee is Steelhead affiliated in the localisation files, Carter's old gang
I got the game during sale and it was pretty easy dealing with stuff until chapter 3. Its starting to get harder and harder to deal with stuff and i did farm here and there. I think that i don't really understand the game enough to survive on Xcom experience enough. Right now i am at the mission where the white tigers declare full assault and i have to rescue the police. There are way too many enemies to be able to deal with comfortably. I no longer kill enemies in one attack and hit rate is starting to show its fangs. What i mean is that missing an enemy or not killing it in one turn is a mistake that i can't afford.
That mission is a particularly hard one, you're meant to have trouble with it. Try to quickly reach the police units without dealing with every enemy in sight, and then retreat.
There're far too many enemies to defeat them all on your first try. Kind of like that mission with Luna at the graveyard.
Marriage and impregnation with Anne!
>Right now i am at the mission where the white tigers declare full assault and i have to rescue the police
That's when shit gets real.
I was able to finish the mission and now i got Heixing. Any suggestions from this point onwards? Masteries to farm?
The first Magenta Street violent case is probably quite clearable now. On Hard and higher there's a boss with a unique Magic Knight mastery called Death Bringer, and a really powerful MK sword. The other bosses have a bunch of useful stuff as well, though the majority of them also appear on other maps.
The only other thing I'd really say to farm is the third violent case, iirc it's level 23. There's a guy named Julio in it who has literally about 8 or 9 unique masteries for White Mage Anne, plus Sharky with the only source of Recluse in the game, and on higher difficulties a guy named Aizia with a unique Human mastery called Informant that's used to craft a bunch of later masteries.
So i should go hard and challenge mode on magenta street?
Challenge Mode is optional since it doesn't affect spawns, but it does double enemy info gain which can cut down some grinds. Also gives a lot more exp just because the enemies are higher level if you're not worried about overlevelling.
Most violent cases have some bosses that only appear on certain difficulties. On Hard everything spawns. Cruel is the same as Hard but every enemy on the map is Elite (the bronze icon) instead of being picked randomly. So yeah, you need to be on Hard or Cruel to get Pink Horn to spawn on the Magenta Backstreets.
I seriously don't get it. They keep on coming from all corners even if they aren't being summoned or called. These guys never stop coming. I am trying to deal with them in pockets where i kill a group and then go to the next one while healing and shit.That is not happening when another group of 3-4 enemies come from the fog of war. It's 12 vs 60
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>It's 12 vs 60
Get ready for Mungo Hell.
Yeah, violent cases are pretty dense. Most of them have around 60-80 enemies. There's one map with around 150.
Eventually you'll learn how a well-built Albus can clear the entire map in a single turn.
Aaaan Heixing got taken out by neville. FUCKING HELL he one shot him. He activated Luck collector beforehand
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Yeah, he does that. Luck is supremely broken. Fortunately only a handful of enemies in the whole game have it, all of them bosses.
Yeah there was no way i would be able to finish that mission. The last 2 bosses fucked me up badly. That fucker has second heart.
What would continue from checkpoint do in this situation?
At least you probably got some new masteries
I did it by retrying. I didnt get the mastery or the sword, just hasan's bangle
I thought about fixing her animations so one could play with her but christ it doesn't seem to be as simple as giving her somebody else's otherwise the chaos brush girls would be fine in my testing
The animations are built into the character.skeleton files. I think you'd basically have to create your own from the ground up. Or insert blanks and have her tpose across the map
yeah might not be worth it, though you could give some characters moves since they had animations for it despite never using it, like the civllian office woman can use magic moves and for some reason civil boy has some moves in his animation xml
>Fortunately only a handful of enemies in the whole game have it, all of them bosses.
Unless you're playing challenge mode. Then every other random asshole comes out of the fog of war with a luck buff. Yes I am salty.
Block is the best stat, you'll need a lot less downtime for healing if your melee chars have at least the Survival Training, Stretching, Sentinel, Tactical Sense masteries equipped, plus mastery sets (gatekeeper, defensive choice) as possible
I feel like building Luna for counterattacking may be a bad idea, little girl barely gets to move since her initiative seems to suck
I feel like karate destron and gundam destron are the only enemies to make me think about dropping down from cruel difficulty. Literally everything else on that map is a piece of cake then I aggro those assholes and it’s over
They're still there on lower difficulties. The only change is that there are less/no Weiss destrons.
It's unintuitive but Counterattack is actually really good on slow units. When your turn normally takes 70AT getting to attack for 30AT is a pretty good deal as long as you're not getting locked down by Shedding, and Luna being a Slaughterer has access to Retaliation and Swordsman bleed masteries for Blood Thirst to prevent that. Both of Dandy's builds still have Quick Grasp of the Situation on her to help with her slowness though.
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I see, with that in mind this is what I have so far
>3(3) support slots
And I thought Alisa was annoying to build. You could probably drop Strategist for Extreme Speed, get some Sen no Sen up in there once you have a few more points for Forestallment.
I know they’re still there but they would be easier on normal rather than cruel right?
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Ryung Lee, Pink Horn and that fire SP swordsman are three of my favorite characters in the game.
We definitely need more Magic Knights in Banished Children.
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pic related is Marco's board
Ryung Lee's a bit weird too because he's an ESP-using Great Swordsman like GS Albus. Every other GS is Spirit like Ryo and Joshua.
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Same as Sniper except with a Support slot moved to Defence, and missing a slot from his personal mastery (Giselle's gives +1 Basic)
I wish someone would make a game like Troubleshooter.

I know Banished Children is going to take a long time to come out (and at least twice as long to actually get finished), so I'm kinda jonesing for something similar to play. There are a lot of XCOM-like games out there but none have the kind of satisfying build autism that Troubleshooter has. If anything most of them are even simpler than XCOM itself.
You know I beat this game and only just now did I notice the class icon behind the masteries, probably because this one is a dude's cloaked face >>1806223
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There's an SP icon in the top right as well, and the background colour is based on their SP type. It goes deeper though because Dandylion are fucking madmen: Each Zodiac sign and arcana also have their own symbols and colours, but you only ever see them in the Synergy menu.
I bet every character has one of those but its pretty much impossible to actually see them
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Probably. Dandylion made bond setups for most of the bosses when they set up that one difficulty option.
Units without a SP type have a symbol and colour as well.
Though honestly all of this is probably just because of how the game was originally made, all of the characters were gonna be playable ones one way or another
for me it's gold, those two are more tedious than difficult
Violett is pretty underwhelming, I haven't seen anyone bitching about him anywhere
I think Violett's the most balanced of the four. It hurts like fuck but it doesn't really have any bullshit and whenever it murders your guys it feels like it earned it.
Schild is a pointless wall, Meister is annoying but not party-wiping dangerous and Gold is a living god that kills everything it sets eyes on.
Gold really makes me appreciate the Draki's Perfect Scale.
it doing fire bolt damage to counter final resistance is a nice touch, millions of dead Alisas
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Dandylion responded to someone on the forum asking about it. It was an artbook translation update, apparently.
Hello everyone. This is the Troubleshooter development team.

We hope all of our fans are well.

We are continuing our development of “Troubleshooter: Banished Children,” the sequel to “Troubleshooter: Abandoned Children.”

This is happening because of your love and support. We cannot thank you more.

For today’s announcement, we’re sending you fresh news about the current development state of “Troubleshooter: Banished Children.”
Some more news about the sequel.
>Claudia: Shaman -> Astrologian / Witch
>Gravis: Axeman -> Barbarian / Warrior
>Azul: Lancer -> Dragoon / SpearMagician
>Reed: Thief -> Rogue / Trickster
>Lumi: Gunman -> Marksman / Sniper
Have the pictures of the characters been given more detail from when they were posted in these threads? I didn't save any of them but Reed in particular looks a lot less generic than I remember him looking.
>Shadow fog slum
>Objective: Defeat Sharky before he goes away
>Defeat him
>Kill all enemies
>They all storm the gate from the sides while i am still in the corner where sharky was
>15 enemies completely annihilate the guards
Well there goes 2 hours...why the fuck doesnt it say you also need to protect the exit? IT SAYS DEFEAT THE ENEMIES. I can't get as fast as i want over there
>We were also aware of that feedback and tried to improve its quality while we were updating the game, but it didn’t go well due to our lack of skills.
I like how Dandylion isn't afraid to admit they simply don't have the skillset for certain things, rather than coming up with some dumb excuse like most devs would.
That new style looks great, can't wait to see it in action.
I'll actually need a new PC to run Banished Children.
>Thief's name and backstory completely changed in a month of development.
Yeah, that part of the mission is bullshit. Once you know it’s going to happen, it’s easy to play around. But the first time having a two hour run nuked is not fun. I’m surprised it’s not brought up more often as a flaw in the game.
How should i play around it? Leave 1 unit back? Clear everything beforehand?
Clear everything before hand is the best way. Leaving all the police units back also helps (you can put them on sentry to autoskip their turns until you need them). With a few player controlled VHPD, you can usually hold long enough for your troubleshooters to make it back.
I somehow did get Recluse though. Maybe i could try again and go right to farm the white mage guy
Oh yeah, you should also know that any items you lose by wiping out will show up in a couple of shops to buy for vil, so if you die and lose something you really wanted you can buy it anyway.
Maximillion in town and the weapon seller in Silverlining.
The coloring and shading have been improved.
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Sex with Sophia Ironstone.

I really like the new designs and what little we know of the story so far.
Somehow I've missed the first announcement post (or simply ignored it because I left a reply regardless), so here're some excerpts that particularly piqued my interest.
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>Thief's name and backstory completely changed in a month of development.
Eh, I figured that would happen. Going over the old devposts about Abandoned Children, you see many story/character changes. Only one name change I can think of of the top of my head though.
It even happened during Crimson Crow.
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With Ben as good as confirmed for Banished Children, these remnants of Aterian nobility (possibly "war heroes" like himself) are very interesting.
He, as a former peasant who was banished after receiving the highest of honors from the Emperor, and them, a group of rejects who desperately wish to regain their former glory.
These two factions might even form a link to Sion, if he were to appear, since nobility would likely know of his family name.
I hope they change their mind on the "10 main characters" thing and add another loli heroine.
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>She's a friend of Misty and a troubleshooter of Vermillion
Very cool, I liked Misty's company mastery. It'd be nice if characters had unique personal *and* affiliation masteries in this game, considering that they're all from different tribes and groups.
And another link to Abandoned Children; I'd be surprised if Misty and Rion didn't at least get cameos.
Incidentally, did we ever see Tyra in CGs? I do remember there being a few known Vermillion members, but I can't be assed to look it up now.
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>one of the high commissioners of Valhalla
I knew that he seemed familiar when I first saw this image here, but it's still a surprise that one of the council makes an appearance as an enemy unit (?) for once.
And he's closely tied to the Nine Dragon Gang and Kylie and Ryo's story too...

When I saw the new concept art for the first time, I assumed that Abandoned Children wouldn't be more than a footnote in Banished Children. But now, with all of these references and recurring characters, it really feels like a proper sequel.
With the Wind Wall District relatively close by, I wouldn't even be surprised if there was a mission in Valhalla.
dlc loli is my bet.
>cutting off the cool shit
>Every member is from the noble houses of the Ater Empire. They started their quest for the artifacts in the Kalter Mountains that the Emperors wanted so that they could be redeemed from the dishonor of losing the Garter region to enemies.
>At the end of the war, their ranks were nearly one hundred, but now they are reduced to only 6. The residents of Kalter think that they are continuing their quest just because of their pride as the so-called nobles of the Empire.

>elite troops from 20 years ago who were active in Garter
>all Ater Empire nobles, which means they have ESP
Yeah they're Ben tier.
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>Incidentally, did we ever see Tyra in CGs?
She's in one CG telling Heimdall to let the hacker kid hack
>six members
>one for each ESP type
Kino. If they all have different classes too, Dandy will need to implement some more ESP tiers.
>White Mage
>Witch (female only, so it's out for them)
>Black Mage
>Red Mage
>Battle Mage
Honestly can't imagine it, but it'd be kino if their leader was an ESP martial artist or something like that.
Two black coats, two red coats and two white coats. My guess is on 2x White Mage, 2x Red Mage and 2x Black Mage.
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You might be onto something.
On the other hand I thought Ortega, Mash and Gaia would be Black Mage, White Mage and Battlemage and look how that turned out
She's pretty, but that hairstyle really isn't my type.
She should get a boob upgrade at least.
You know I just had a perfect setup where I shut down then froze both karate destron and gundam destron and everything was going so well until goldface sprinted out of the fog and started indiscriminately beaming my entire team, so maybe I’ll have to concede on this
Warrior is an advanced class now?
Yeah. I suspect they might be merging it with Slaughterer.
I can't wait to get a sniper of my own. The two tiger missions just show me that there is nothing more op than a retard with a sniper who can 1 shot my Irene through smokescreen. Fucking cunts in that overpass map. The left side is just filled with those fuckers. Any tips?
Bro your Giselle?
There is no Giselle right now. Just finished chapter 3
Usually they like to spend their first turn using Mark Target instead of shooting you, so that's your opportunity to rush up to them. If you have any VHPD Defenders in range you can chuck a Wind Pressure grenade to stun them. Otherwise movement skills like Albus' Wind Walk are your friend to get to them quickly. Heixing's basic shot has +50% accuracy so it's alright for disrupting Mark Target or even killing them as well.
>add another loli heroine
We need a loli full cast. Maybe for the 3rd game, "Troubleshooter: Future Children", set 20 years after the first game with Punished Anne and her husband Adventurer Dodori who raise a new team to teenage ESP uses (totally not an X-Men ripoff).
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Wow that actually looks like a major improvement.
How? It just looks brighter and less sharp.
I think it looks more similar to the portrait art which I'm all for.
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Not really seeing the improvement tee bee aich.
Damn those are massive.
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Taming is confirmed to be back (unless they change their mind (which they won't)).
With all of the new beasts we've seen thus far (Crocas, Ummer, Zephygle, Fogri, Wag and Varg), and the old ones that were stated to return (Tima, Yasha, Negoori, Dorori, Mungo, and Crabmit), we'd have a total of 12 available beast types.
Interestingly enough, the only ones that weren't mentioned at all from the previous game are Drakis. That might just be a coincidence though.
I agree, but Giselle always had the prettiest model out of anyone in your team. They should've shown someone like Ray or Jane instead.
>Taming is confirmed to be back
I wouldn't have expected otherwise. It'd be a real shame to just throw away a fleshed out mechanic like that.
Some guys on the TScord dislike taming for being "too grindy" and "too OP" of a mechanic.
I wouldn't be surprised if they flooded the steam page with complaints in the past. There're still people even now demanding Dandy to nerf certain enemies because they got filtered.
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The final boss of Banished Children.
I guess faggots can't help but be faggots.
>every enemy has "I love Anne" mastery
>Anne is your party member
Can't really tell which one is supposed to be the new version
I hope that taming now is not locked to 1 class and more like a mastery set or something like that.
As much as I liked taming beasts, only using Giselle (a ranged focused character) to tame was annoying most of the time.
Taming is a risky endeavor and requires you to weaken the enemy first precisely because Giselle is such a weak character.
There'd be no stakes to it if you could just use a Battlemage tank to tame everything in your way.
I guess so. But it is kind of annyoing sometimes, in big maps especially.
John put the fear into me. The civies saving mission was easy enough that i though that i can just clear the map. Julio can heal himself to full hp and it was fine but John nuked my Heixing and Albus, final resistance just ate all my attacks and then i saw second heart and third heart. I knew what second did and i realized fast what third did. Fucking hell. What was the best thing to get from him? I got Great Wizard and a ring of promise from Julio
I expected it would be considering they confirmed ages ago that Aurora is a Hunter and 80% of Hunter masteries are beast-related
Besides the obvious Second Heart, not much. His bangle is pretty sweet for that point in the game but nothing really worth farming him for.
I didn't expect the robot mission to be this hard. I am 100% failing it. Is there a trick to it? I found the robot pretty fast in the warehouses but then every spoonist spawned near me again. I can't deal more than 100 dmg to it
Not really. Jane can make it squishier with her melee attacks when Rend activates but otherwise it can take a while to kill.
>There're still people even now demanding Dandy to nerf certain enemies because they got filtered.
Are the discordfags still mad that Red Sand Snipers make 1-turning maps impossible? lol
One thing I would love to see nerfed, is enemy alerting the entire map the first time any of them see any of your units. It lead to pretty much every map playing the same. Holding position until you clean the map of every enemy chasing after you.
I play a lot more aggressively but it's still annoying to have the whole map aggro at once. It might as well not exist as a mechanic once you get midway through the game. Most DLC maps even start with the whole map pre-aggroed.
It's fun to go through each map Misty only all stealth kills and see where characters are supposed to start.
That's kind of the only way to beat monkey hell map.
Nah, Barbarian Alisa and Heixing in general are pretty good on that map. Giselle as well. Misty is really useful on it but it can easily be done without her.
I wish I could use Alisa, she just fucking dies in every map. Honestly, after capturing every unique beast there, that's the only map I never want to replay ever again.
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This is the mastery set that makes Barbarian Alisa work. It lets her give herself Rage which keeps Forgotten Pain always active as long as it's up instead of worrying about removing Frenzy by attacking and losing the buff.
>Roar of Victory + Sweet Home, Battlefield + Encourage + Outrage
With Encouraged Warrior it also gets reduced to 1 AP so you can still attack after using it as well.
Guess I'm gonna try that. My main problem with Alisa, is that she bitch is so fucking slow that sometimes you lose your immortality buff before being able to take your turn with her.
Bro, your Ray? Freezebot Leton?
>sometimes you lose your immortality buff before being able to take your turn with her.
That doesn't happen unless she gets Surprised, which Tough Spirit makes her immune to.
>>Bro, your Ray? Freezebot Leton?
>Attack once, now you are going to die to an endless stream of ice grenades
Bro, your Warming Up? Your Furious Lightning Gale? Your Wind Veil? Your Shout of Concentration?
Can bleed clear in one turn without it actually doing anything? Garry had 3 hp and i just bled him. Fucker did a charge, 1 shot my full hp Albus and cleared his bleed.
>attack once
>mungos in AT hell or frozen
Yep, hover over "Slashing Resistance" on one of your characters for a relevant tooltip
Tales of Arise is an ugly game so they have a really bad target goal.
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829/830, only missing Mass Extraction
Even the devs forgot to add them on the latest dlc, lmao.
I hope that psi stone extraction makes a comeback as an even more integral mechanic.
Is there anything that i want from John? Does he drop second,third heart and immortality?
He does drop Second Heart. Third Heart is a mastery set, while his immortality is boss hax. His bangle is pretty decent too.
So i don't want to deal with him them. Did that the first time and this time i just wanted to farm Julio so i'll bounce after rescuing the civilians
If you've already killed Julio a few times, go into Troublemaker Info in the office and see how close you are to maxing his info. You might not need to farm him anymore.
What level of info do you need to be able to research the masteries? Is it 5, the one where they reveal the drop chances?
Whatever the max is, 8 I think. Full yellow bar.
Thanks. That's way too far away. The only thing i feel that is game changing from him is Apostle for another use of Recovery Support. I'll do it later
>Defeat all the beasts in the park
FAILED because the beasts actually try to run... A simple mission just turned impossible because i can't possibly deal with all the exits
The trick with that one is that beasts all start on the ice which only has 4 exits, and the White Tigers are pretty good about covering the top one. Send a couple of fast guys down around the bottom of the park and don't aggro the beasts early.
Its crazy how powerful my team is when i have to fight against it. I tried the Albus vs team challenge in the police exercise. EVERYBODY HIT EVERYTHING. I got decimated. My Albus never attacked more than once
Is there a trick that i am missing on Together Again? Giselle and Albus are far too weak to survive that slaughter
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This is honestly making me foam at the mouth. I replayed this mission 8 times already. I changed my Albus from MK to GS and put bleed on him and its the same shit. Do i really need to drop my difficulty to Normal for this? I did way way more longer missions on hard and it wasn't this stupid
It's a pretty simple mission, just don't let anyone get near Giselle.
Is your Albus built for lifesteal? That many enemies without a dedicated healer, you need good sustain and I don't think you have access to Wind ESP healing yet.
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Nah, just target prioritisation and good micro of Giselle with her line attack. She's going to need to recover her vigor at some point as well. If you push left or right from the starting position you can get to some overlooking ledges which are generally pretty safe. Give Albus Wind Gust and he and Giselle can just shoot ducks as they try to run up the stairs.
>I don't think you have access to Wind ESP healing yet.
That's because it doesn't exist in this game
>That's because it doesn't exist in this game
Yes it does, it's a mastery set that makes Albus heal 10% of his max health whenever damage brings him below 33%.
The way you worded it made me think of skills like Anne's healing, not Second Wind's regeneration
You could try giving Albus a potion (useful) instead of a psi-stone extractor (complete waste of 1/5 of your equipment slots)
They don't go into the same slots. I assume he already ate his potion. Psi stone extractors go into the grenade slot
I lowered the difficulty just for that. Also got catharsis from Bianca after 2 tries and now Heixing is powerful beyond belief with his one shot + catharsis
Are you going Sweeper or Ranger?
Its Sweeper right now
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Good choice. Ranger is easier to build but Sweeper kicks more ass.
Honestly i am just blindly going through the motions. I am trying to understand more but every time i just realize i still need another new party member or another new violent mission to get the masteries i need. I kind of understand the importance of some masteries but i still get jumpscared like right now when i used heal on one party member and everybody in an area got regen...i think its one of the masteries but i didn't read that part of it. At the same time Albus is still pretty weak,i can send my Irene to tank and even Sion can survive most of the time but Albus has some hiccups. Is there any way to put Status effects on grenadier Ray? I see she has bruise but i wanted something like poison,fire or electric.
>Is there any way to put Status effects on grenadier Ray? I see she has bruise but i wanted something like poison,fire or electric
Yeah, you can give her poison, fire or ice by crafting or buying different element sprays (Maximillion in the town sells them). The default type of spray is the physical one she comes with. If you go through Alchemist you can also give her active skills for wide area Frostbite and Acidic Poison attacks.
Should i change her to alchemist?
Absolutely not. Grenadier is one of the most OP classes in the game, while Alchemist is the only class that can actively hurt you and your teammates through terrible mastery effects.
At least to get class level 16. Characters permanently learn active skills from each class and Alchemist has some good ones.
This guy got filtered by Unstable Chemical Concoction.
Grenadier IS better though
>here's a skill that causes your character to explode occasionally unless you keep a close eye on her status at all times and throw a grenade in time even if there's no enemy in sight
None of Alchemist's benefits outweigh the absolute cancer of Unstable Chemical Concoction, and it's not like her skill to turn items into different items is that good either.
You can just toggle it off if you're getting too high on stacks.
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I get hopeful when i feel like i am finally getting the game and then reaching situations like this one here and wonder "What did i do wrong?" I didn't overreach, a guy in a corner who didnt even see me did a mass alert and this is where im at. Even with good skills on i have no idea how i am supposed to navigate such a situation
>a guy in a corner who didnt even see me did a mass alert
Enemies who do see you can request backup from other enemies in their line of sight which sets them off. It's pretty normal to have entire violent cases aggroed on you at once, and Starlight Junction in particular is infamous for being a clusterfuck
>Even with good skills on i have no idea how i am supposed to navigate such a situation
It is time to fight!
Welp, i'm retarded. Carry on, good-advice-anon
Starlight Junction my beloved
I usually navigate around the side first, back to the map edge and all that
I remember getting fucked up hard in Starlight Junction the first times around, but managed to beat it pretty well on my second playthrough of the game.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't as proficient in video games as I am... hopefully Banished Children will bring a challenge like Crimson Crow and WLBW did.
Mert is the only one left. Irene got one shotted, Albus got countered with the accessory that lets me survive a death,Jane got one shot,Giselle got fucked by the guys who have distortion field
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I DID IT! I got the Twinkle Jack boxing gloves and some pretty cool masteries.Anything to look out for from the list?
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>4 hours 14
Well done Anon. Pretty much all of Twinkle Jack's items are useful at that point.
>anything to look out for
Shandian has some nice Wind masteries that make a set an anon mentioned earlier, called Second Wind. It's a really strong defensive mastery set for Albus. In terms of items, I think the best one on that map is the Glittering Shock Absorber from Twinkle Jack. It's a gear item that gives you 3 uses of Impulse Fields per map.

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