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>quarterly operating profits of Paradox Interactive are down 90%
>their own games still earn profit but pretty much nothing else does
>cancelation of Life by You was genuinely disastrous
>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4


Have they tried not being retarded
My illiterate farmer father that didn't even go to middle school has better business sense than these chimps
>try to pozz up every franchise you acquire
>no one wants to play any of the games
wow just like Disney lol
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weird they keep shitting out hundreds low effort dlcs tranny playerbase love so much, maybe should reduce useless diversity hires and bureaucracy leeches in their multiple divisions then they they would start making money.
Paradox Tinto will save them, at least in terms of actually good GSGs
some of the other games they publish will profit, it's inevitable with how many projects they have going
Where's the funny horse ck3 dlc with bipoc and farting content? That'll save the company
Eu5 will save them, nobody gives a fuck about Crusader Kings or Victoria. The Hoi4 fad ended and stellaris as a whole is a meme.
fire all the pointless bloat of esg u dont need women or HR or commies or disabled.
stop injecting globohomo into games and just lean into the far right power fantasies.
add fun mechanic instead of black people.
litearlly just rip off the popular mods that already exist.
fix the core gameplay and engines.
fire all the community managers and just let the forums be toxic.
1 good idea between 100 racist post is better than 10 bad ideas between 100 circlejerking shitposts.
respect the player more with cheaper dlc.
the more u increase price the more pirates.
>waaaaaaah waaaaaaaah paradox is LE BAD!
funny... and yet thougheverbeit no one else shant attempted thou action of generating their own god seed as evidence of thou argument....

as they say...

Jam a man of fortune, and J must seek my fortune...
dont reply to me you soulless tranny demon
my ancestors used to burn freaks like you alive
>litearlly just rip off the popular mods that already exist
profit dropped by 90% because of the write off retard
the original CEO is back, and is cleaning up the dumb bitches mess, Wester owns around 1/3rd of all PDX stock, he's got the biggest incentive out of anyone around to do a good job in the future
PDX also bottomed out recently, and is up by 17% in the last 30 days
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Why don't they just make a GoT game?
>Fire most staff
>Outsource all work to 10 White Latinos (in South America)
>Restart work on East vs West
Problem solved
This, also Life by You was pozzed and had obviously completely mismanaged development. Axing it was the right move though they should have done it way earlier
They will make a GSG based on GoT and hten people will be like
>CK mod did it better
>EU mod did it better
>We never asked for this
>Fire everyone who is not a chud straight white male
>Put every single coin on johan EUV project
>Kill all troons and non whites
Good maybe they will learn to make a good product.
>the more u increase price the more pirates.
It's like a slider.... woah old paradox had it actually right after all...
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this is why you must keep your company private. Never sell shares. Raise capital only by loans instead of investment. Basically be like Valve before Steam corrupted them.
Use that grey matter of yours anon, those are the only areas still making them money. The danger of this is they're looking at the low effort dlc slop they released being the only thing holding them up and thinking "yes we just need to nickel and dime harder"
And the sad part is it probably won't even backfire.
>Revenues in the quarter are mainly attributable to Age of Wonders 4, Crusader Kings III, Hearts of Iron IV, Stellaris and Victoria 3.
It's genuinely crazy how everyone jumps on the hate train thinking their narratives have been justified when just a quick skim of the report proves the opposite. The thing they all hate paradox for is the one thing still keeping them afloat.
I pirated Stellaris recently. I was considering buying it but the price of the game is 454 leafbux and there's no way I'm paying that much money for one video game so I pirated it instead.
expecting functionally illiterate ESLs to read is genuinely crazy
Because they are using all their money on EU5 and that will become the most successful game they have ever made.
>>only Paradox published game by other studio that makes them money is Age of Wonders 4
I feel like no one plays AOW4; Its subreddit is basically dead, but I'm glad they're at least making some money on it because it really scratches my fantasy itch, even if parts of it are pretty barebones (like the campaign)
are you retarded?
The report literally says their core games already make profit, so people don't care how pozzled CK3 or VIC3 is, they still buy it.
The issue is that their published games don't make money, I guess that means Cities Skylines 2 is operating at a loss
HBO license will cost 100 million and must be renewed every 2 years, there is no way to make it profitable
>The report literally says their core games already make profit, so people don't care how pozzled CK3 or VIC3 is, they still buy it.
They make games for normgroids now, who either don't see the problem with or have been outright conditioned to love wokeslop
>just make things better
Wow what a fascinating idea. How has no one thought of that before?
What did they write off?
So? $$$
>lean into the far right power fantasies
Their Sims clone for seemingly no reason
Life by You and the California branch which was responsible for developing it
PDX pumped 6% on the day of the earnings report, and another 6% this Friday, investors clearly see it as a good sign that Wester is focusing on the core strategy game business
And I was slightly wrong, it was a write down, not a write off, meaning they deem it to be almost worthless, but not entirely, likely so they can reuse the assets in the future without any tax/accounting issues, since a write off would mean they aren't allowed to use it again afaik (See how Warner Bros. cancels movies at times to write them off instead, pissing off fans because they can't ever legally release it after writing it off from what I know)
Eh I think it was a good decision, the cali studio was probably draining money and accomplishing little, Wester ended up believing so little in the game and studio, that he believes the tax advantage of writing them down will be more beneficial to the future of Paradox instead
>Paradox goes bankrupt before eu5 release
But seriously what would Johan do then? Just scrap everything and retire?
PDX has a debt to equity ratio of about 0,37 if I didn't misread the report
They'll be fine
>likely so they can reuse the assets in the future without any tax/accounting issues
can't imagine why, game looked and ran like absolute ass from everything they showed off

All they need to do is get rid of the bloat, hire 10 guys from Anbennar and let Joahn direct a new Anbennar together with J and it will sell a bazillion copies.Trying to copy other companies is retarded, everyone knew millenia was gonna be a masive flop, just focus on GRAND STRATEGY and make it good, no more victoria slop, no moe space garbage. A good, low fantasy late medieval with polished mechanics a\nd production value. It bothers me so much that there isint a single person inside this fucking company management team to slap some sense into them and make shit the people actualy want to buy, its like creative assembly all over again.
Who knows, they are probably banking on being able to salvage even a tiny portion of the assets for something else
>They will make a GSG based on GoT
You mean like the stellaris mod gone game release of star trek? Yeah groundbreaking stuff. I can see them doing a reskin based on the mods and calling it their own again.
good, they can either fix their shit or die, both work for me
They're not exactly swimming in it, but they got a solid base to work from. Even if five games is a lot, and spreads the dev team a bit too thin.
>still profitable after writing off $20,000,000 in a single quarter
>"dire straits"
Don't know why they aren't going into the fantasy genre desu. Look at Total War, Warhammer is a massive fucking success.

Stellaris is basically already fantasy. Why aren't they giving us something for all the peopl who thirst for more?

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