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gsl soon
world cup soon
>gsl soon
about time
Sorry I only watch evo
i wonder if they'll ever nerf zerg, so it's not OP. nah, then foreigners wouldn't win nearly any tournaments.
protoss buffs soon
zerg has been nerfed year after year but it doesnt matter because their top players are just too skilled
no one cares about this dead on arrival slop
70%-80% of my sc2 games are against protoss its actually worse than if you had to wait a couple minutes to find a game
Cannot wait for Tasteless Time Warp #2
Want to see the matchups develop, see some more BW/SC2 team games
can broodwar terran win?
only doing bbs
feelio when the ASL patreon will still be collecting money 20 years after ASL is canceled
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They deserve it
finally gsl is back
>their top players are just too skilled
You meant Serral, Jona Sotala and the Finisher?
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9.5h until ro8 group A GSL.
i hope/predict maru continues on, and i hope/predict soo loses. between byun and cure, i'm torn as i like both of them for different reasons.
maru and soo
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maru byun
fuck zerg
when are they going to launch the evo mod tournament? SC2 is mid but when you throw Brood War into the mix it becomes interesting again
soon brother
In their PTR they are testing big balance changes to make the bw races more competitive
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did you guys reserve your username on soop yet?
wtf is soop
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remember when soul
Yeah, I remember brood war
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fucking kino stream
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Sex with Matt Horner
>lose 6 drones
>have an army outside your base
>lmao you cant attack me because i have le queens
>drone up to 76 drones
kek. too bad zerg will never be nerfed since foreigners suck with every other race. cant have the yuropoors suffer.
i hate the way sc2 shook out in the end and how lame the offline asl casts are compared to the old ones
blame blizzard
did no one watch gsl besides me?
i fell asleep during the tvt
I saw that the goat won
>starcraft 2
Uhh... No? Better question is why did you watch it.
I still need to catch up on esl or whatever that tourney was called
Tasteless is hosting another EVO event tomorrow...
alexa remind me to watch the tasteless thing
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i'm afraid i can't do that dave
why not?
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it's time mother fuckers

thanks alexa
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deez nutz
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serral would of won
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holy FUCK start the stream nick
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oh there we go
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What is up everybody
where's the female representation in this tournament?
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could the 'goat' handle her?
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put him up against a real bitch let's see what happens
Terrible tournament so far
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actually it's fucking epic
>and then you have the tanks nigger rigged together
woah tasteless... language...
artosis got noregret in the divorce and tasteless got this gemini weirdo
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we are watching the zombiegrub tournament
are those "we" in the room with us right now?
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i just want to get a hug and maybe a kiss and handholding
hulu and anal with zg!
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what are we watching tonight?
>watch a lot of 'pro' terran players
>go for valks
>send them to attack overlords when mutas/scourge are nearby
>they lose it for free
everytime. terran players with valks are ALMOST as dumb as protoss players are.
What's the point of building valks over rushing straight for science vessels if you aren't going to kill overlords? The problem is that valks are extremely unresponsive units and so they sit there and die instead of running away from the scourge.
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valks are sexy aryan girls
science vessels are nerdy niggers
the real goat is back
heard rt talking about it too
i used to feel bad for protoss in pvz in broodwar, but then i realized how easy of a time they have in pvt and now i dont have any sympathy for them
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we are watching the battle aces showmatch tomorrow
why not use current pictures to show how old they are? maybe add a wheelchair logo to it.
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battle aces BO15
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this is it... the tie breaker for all the marbles

get hyp-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
look at this DOOD
the savior of rts
were there vods? too lazy to sit through that whole thing
david kim is a moron
at least he's a millionaire
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GSL ro8 group B in 4h 14mins.
hopes and predictions?
my hopes are both zerg players get knocked out, but my prediction is that both zerg players make it through since zerg is OP and protoss players are a little dumb.
dark and hero
if hero and creator win i will riot
DRG Dark
fuck protoss
5am I guess i'm going to sleep now...
Did anyone screenshot the brutal mogging?
im getting a bad feeling bros...
>toss so OP now that creator of all people is beating dark
this is just getting ridiculous
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what happened to him?
>talked about how casters are "sikrit club"
>went SJW
>did major events in a tank top
Allegedly, he just signed out and moved on while trolling people as a goodbye.
Maybe he was a Cali-type faggot all along.
Who knows.
did he go SJW? i just remember how he shat on a yuro zerg who was crying about zerg not being good enough by saying all the yuro zerg did was drink and smoke all day lmao.
the quintessential diamond terran
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;_; It's like Serral has beaten em all with a club into complete submission.
0 GSLs
sorry we only watch EVO here
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literally who ?
big gaybe
The lair zerg wins again!
protoss buffs when?
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rip putin
Oi vey! Buff protoss!
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clemsissies getting plowed by gumichads
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how do you go from this?
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to THIS?
hate europoors
>Not even 2 minutes
No I wanna watch the actual game.
all this retarded shilling for stormgate is ridiculous, i cant believe anyone would fall for it
I believe
I'm going to play it and enjoy the campaign
I believe
I'm going to play it and enjoy compstomping in broodwar.
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we are playing battle aces
how do you get a beta key
I know david
here's a key for u
nice try youre not stealing my steam account
Sirs I just uploaded a new video
Was there ever an organized effort of preserving starcraft history? I know it can be iffy on a site like youtube, since shit can get copystriked/taken down for whatever, but maybe there's some site in the dark corners of the web I'm not aware of?
The whole of tl.net? Liquipedia itself has a lot, but the insane amount of articles written by tl staff are covering lots of history in a more story-driven way. https://tl.net/forum/final-edits/67171-i-loved-victory-part-one
Pretty cool article.
Youtube link is dead though, as expected. :D
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the most popular starcraft guy
damn, i could use some pizza right now
Wait wat, was he ever at HSC?
but there's no debate it's far better than continuing sc2
no its not, that piece of shit will be forgotten in a year and sc2 will continue to be played
stormshart looks like utter garbage, its a grift that they will abandon as soon as they run their final scam on the gullible redditurds
kys retard starshit has been abandoned for 4 years how can you bring yourself down to play a game the devs literally despise
you're pathetic cheap shit
oh nonono how much did you "invest" anon
>has been abandoned for 4
I really hoped that was the case as it was the reason I returned to the game, but they kept pulling out "balance" patches, that I personally didn't ask.
looks fun!
kys stormshills
can't wait to try it!
mike was at the last big one right before esl got the contract to run sc2 for a couple years
That game casted by morhaime was nuts
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I just made a new starcraft song
what do you guys think?
which of these new shit games do I play?
you can play ba right now give us your thoughts
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At 34 they should had 3 kids already.
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last gsl confirmed
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they've been saying last GSL season EVAR for a couple years now.
anyways, hopes/predictions? i predict/hope cure/maru win then maru takes it all, but there's a chance maru or cure throw.
dark maru would be the most kino finals
not really, cure at least has a chance, maru destroys dark every time
rather watch dark get destroyed than a tvt snoozefest
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winner plays serral, right?

I just realised that serral looks like my son
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you were supposed to reproduce with a gook, man
he also has literally asburgers like him
SC2 proved that you don't need gook genes to be good at rts you just need autism
>SC2 proved that you don't need gook genes
You damn right anon
game time. soon.
>dark using roach/ravager
zerg OP
you guys dont really watch it on youtube with that shitty border right
i change it to an embedded video so it's bigger without being fullscreen. i cant watch on afreeca because it just sucks.
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>screen says bo3
>liquipedia says bo5
heh. i sure hope someone got fired for that blunder.
>more roaches
kek. im glad zerg never gets nerfed.
where is artosis? who's that new guy?
>stop making OP roaches/ravagers to go into lmao ultralisks
i guess you need to give a free win to nonzerg from time to time or zerg might be nerfed.
you just don't get it
ultras are good now
that was sick tho?
>final ever GSL
>20 people in the crowd
Damn it's crazy how Serral isn't the GOAT because it's uncertain if he could win in this environment

lmfaoooo come on now
that's just gookcel cope.
/scv/ representative on stream
the final GSL final...
great way for gsl to end
yeah its great that OP zerg will win another GSL before it dies
dark deserves the win
>first GSL won by zerg
>last GSL won by zerg
how did it turn out that every after every single tournament these days everyone just balance whines
the game is actually pretty well balanced, you rarely see someone who isn't the most skilled player winning
dude, it's just me bitching about zerg winning over 60% of tournaments.
zerg op
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lmao what a faggot
imagine crying because you just had a kid and you need money but you can't focus in your practice because she cries a lot, then you argue with your wife because you are in a bad mood and start thinking about divorce
We are watching the Montreal Brood War LAN featuring artosis
>yuros control the balance like a certain international clique
>wont nerf zerg in any meaningful way
>if they did, itd take money out of their own pockets
>if you suggest any real nerfs, they threaten that theyll nerf T/P even harder
Isn't he one of the top sc2 earners in korea though?
yeah he just earns and gets everything for free
well yeah. he plays zerg.
why do the casters suck?
Because there isn't professional bw casters
tasteless and artosis :)
they aren't, we are just donating money to them
>be terran
>get roached
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nice cope but actually terran is overpowered, zerg just has the by far best player.
ffs every second game is a zvz now, fucken dark wannabes
Amphion is my least played map. How come it's more banned than Dynasty, Crimson Court or Ghost River?
oy vey shut it down
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arty casting montreal the grand finals
now what bros...
wasting my life refreshing 4chan and watching random youtube videos. the same i do everyday....
>terran is overpowered
Always been the case. The secret is to whine the loudest, I guess.
>whine the loudest
>get nerfed the most
i dont think it's working for terran
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what went wrong?
It all started on April 3rd, 33 Anno Domini. When Christ died for our sins. What people don't know is that he was also a strong proponent of trying to get terran buffed, and the dirty tosskikes and zerniggers wouldn't hear it.
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She looks great.
What's up with Sc women? They're all kind of decent looking. o_o
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repeat after me /scv/ sc2 general
trans women are real women
nina (puck) can kys himself but scarscar is heckin cute and valid
(this is the official position of /scv/)
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what's that chik shit bro?
happy 4th niggerfaggots
ewww we are eurasians here
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July 2024... I am forgotten...
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that was like a month ago
the scene is dead if the only events are known sex offender nick "tastesless" plap's
that's in 6 hours retard
you don't have to be so antisemitic
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I should've bought a carbot zerg plushie and that dumb pylon lamp
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Please outsource Starcraft to Netease so we can continue to have updates
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I just put a frozen pizza in the oven
stem mogs them all
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>not enough pictures of spyte posted
I wish I had stocked up on SC2 t-shirts @JINX when they were like 6$ a piece on sale.
I could print my own shit on shirts, of course, but it's not the same.
>finished all the campaigns on brutal
>play multiplayer
>placed diamond without any sweat
Too easy
What the fuck is that picture?
anon brutal is only brutal to people 12 apm people
>reynor fails to ape smash gumiho's superior strategy
>allows him to take a lot of bases without any harrassment
>all the while trying to fight an army with superior positioning and superior upgrades
>to counter a very immobile army, he went for an even less mobile army and refused to use his races advantages such as mobility and burrow
>terran OP
are there any funny casters left
that feardragon guy is pretty cool and not afraid of anything
All the funny words are prohibited and can't call Scarlett a man.
Though TooGood has returned (un-blacklisted) to DOTA 2 scene, so maybe you can fleece him. His thing is make everyone uncomfortable so other casters will probably not be okay with him.
Although Feardragon probably wouldn't mind it.
I have 30 apm
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>tfw losing
>and looosing
>and coooming
If I post the appropriate picture, I'll get banned. Sorry.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE nerf terran! zerg needs to win 80% of tournaments instead of 60%.
Todd was too much for the ESL team
2Gd would get fired before the first cast ended
link it using catbox
I want Selendis to purify me
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I find it hilarious how the gookclickiness of SC2 made it almost impossible to balance. Move any one tiny piece of gameplay, all the others start vibrating through walls at 500APM frequency and putting one race above others with a ridiculous statistical advantage for that balance change period.
are the nerazim or the taldarim the blacks of protoss society
Yeah I don't think I've ever seen a game as autistic as starcraft at the higher level lol
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I spilled a glass of milk on my keyboard and I didn't disconnect it right away and now it doesn't work
battle asses is pretty fun
stop posting, nick
File deleted.
I hecking love battle aces
Is it legit better than stormgate and zerospace? I haven't checked anything about it out, are you saying I should?
battle aces is quite simplified compared to sc2, but its pretty fun to play
stormgate looks like shit and will be DOA, they are almost out of money
zerospace i havent paid much attention to
stormgate will get the ESL money normally allocated the sc2
its not going to even make it to a real competitive scene, its being made by a bunch of ex-blizzard grifters who want to get paid their ridiculous silicon valley blizzard salary to make a tiny indie game
its unbelievably hopeless, investors know it and have already abandoned them to the point that they need to beg redditurds to invest in their company
it will go into EA release, do a few more marketing runs to squeeze a last couple of extra dollars out of the gullible reddit shitters they hooked so far, a couple of smallscale tourneys, then the money will be gone and the devs will abandon it
keep coping
how does tasteless live without a job whats his secret? he better not be selling those darkweb vids again
david kim is giving him tencent money
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remember when olivera won so ESL just didn't send him a visa for their next event? hands down the most based thing they've done for the game since they took over and started running it into the ground with the balance council
Why haven't we gotten a starcraft 3 or another expansion
an aeon of strife (a decade of bad blizzard direction and games)
sc2 exhausted all the lore and gameplay so a new game would be hard anyways. they'd need to cater to the awful competitive rts community (that they nurtured) which we all know instantly rejects all new games. they'd need writers for a new setting since sc2 ends with the infinite cycle broken and everyone living happily ever after. and all the other game development shit like starting anew from a new engine

a new heroes of the storm is 10 times more likely to happen
Yeah if they made SC3 I could see blizzard trying to make it less autistic in some way and it'd be utter chaos
sc3 will be a moba with 3 teams
screencap this post
each team/race will have 3 heroes so 3v3v3
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I've noticed three Starcraft commentators using the word "casted".

You know who you are.
And you wonder why esports is a fucking joke.
What's wrong with that albeit?
>Get Dawn of War 3ed
blizzard should have just went ALL IN on coop commander
coop is boring as shit
it's up
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Why do siege tanks always point in the same direction when sieging? Can't it be patched or something-- just speed up the clamping down mode animation and then spin the turret to make it more random.
Isn't TVT 3 o clock auto better than 11clock because of aforementioned siege mode?
I know people are terrified of patching the holy Starcraft Broodwar, but listen... about dem Scouts. Make their ground farther. Since they're extreme late game nonsensical units for battle conditions I can't imagine, I think they might come in handy for shooting... defilers. How about a new skill for them: pierce dark swarm. Because it's fucking bullshit.
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>im in a thread with trichromatic niggers
leave the thread until you become a tetrachromat like me.
colorblindness isnt real
>to counter these dark swarm ultras i shall mass scouts
no women on the internet
>the blizzard vs kespa war started with the latter going over blizzard's head to sell BW broadcasting rights
>plenty of BW pros wanted to switch over to SC2 but kespa wouldn't allow it
>even after they came to an agreement, kespa suddenly tried to pull all their players from GSL due to ""scheduling issues"" (they'd previously killed a rival league in a similar manner)
I'm coming around to the idea that blizzard did nothing wrong
weren't 31/32 players in gsl from kespa at one point
that 1 ESF players name? Joona "Serral" Aspie
The One True GOAT
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no one cares about shitcraft poo
I'm 100% blind to details or the context and not taking any sides, but why wouldn't I be able to sell broadcasting rights to the tournament that I fucking hosted?
because kespa didn't get the broadcast rights from blizzard to begin with
>broadcast rights from blizzard
What for?
I buy a ball, a hoop and few niggers of the plantation and proceed to establish my own league.
I mean, I buy a broodwar CD and blizzard can fuck off making Overgay 7.
i hope maru wins but i predict he'll choke like a bitch and some patchzerg will win?
it's okay to admit that you don't understand how licensing and copyright works
>buy product
>not allowed to do with the product as i please
hmmmm. are you perhaps a zerg player who happens to be jewish?
I accept your concession.
we only play coop here
coop is for n00bs. real gamerz play 3v5 broodwar compstomps.
>pay money for our product if you want it
>e-e-even if you paid money for it, doesn't mean you own it
So kespa was in the right? Got it.
Byun/Spirit/Oliveira/any toss
Serral vs Maru 5-1 finals
My captcha says "HM" so maybe he'll win.
>Serral vs Maru again
I sleep
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We are watching battle aces tomorrow
> parting
> clem
> stephano
> demu
Is it sc2 all over again ?
I thought he was a doctor or something
doctors can play poker, man
>no artosis
>no interesting broodwar players
>not even any good sc2 players
>no aoe2 players
why would i watch this?
you got something better to do?
Just started playing SC2. Where can I learn how to play.
i have noticed you didn't post this to the actual battle aces thread, what's up with that?
theres a battle aces thread?
why should I go to other threads?
battle aces is the future of rts
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>david kim
this fag got cucked by his gf last year lmao
you would go to other threads because that's what they are for
>women are horrible
I had a hunch.
I just recently came home from hospital after a car crash. I've suffered severe brain damage. What Race should I main in SC2?
mass ling zerg
Depends on which hemisphere was damaged. If right, play terran. Left, play protoss. If you started feeling urges to wear skirts or suck dick, play zerg.
how u know
It's because david kim is currently working on the future of rts
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me watching battle aces
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>no english cast
the mere existence of this clip makes me want to kill either him or myself
top's youtube channel does really well its weird to see
at first i thought it was botted to shit but hes gets lots of comments so i dunno
that's better than wardi
what did tasteless do?
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Irradiated and defensive matrixed 5/3 ultralisks running through plagued units.
8 hours from now? i cant into timezone
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wait that shit was yesterday?
u dumb nigga?
next time spoonfeed me better
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I hate this faggot
I'm over 30 and I can't get masters. I feel bad,real bad.
What race do you play?
Looking like a short stack AVGN
What are we watching tonight?
gay porn (lesbian)
why is it so hard to find a video of this dumb drone attack
wrong thread
when does ASL start?
its soop starcraft league now
when does soop starcraft league start?
did artosis give up casting sc2 on mondays? are those cups even still going on...
there is literally no point, those cups don't give points anymore
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>only 1 video per day
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how do I get a waifu like this
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Just be yourself
how much gook pussy did he get
he's not a race traitor
RT was based all along?
is artosis's wife that nevergg photographer woman from teamliquid's storied past?
yuck shes into boy-love man-ga
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gamer hours
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could a new game with broodwar graphics be successful in current year
honestly a based barcode
look at dorf
why arent more players racist?
That term makes no sense outside of mental rations.
An Asian doesn't need approval of kikes to be repulsed by blacks who look nothing like them.
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sorry, i meant race realist
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sneeb is back
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>polo-shirt pilled
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will there be a vod anywhere so i can play it on my 2nd monitor while i play l4d2 or bw compstomps?
hmmm today I will produce vultures and research mines and then use my nine vultures to place mines around the map while knowing I'm being tailed by an observer-goon party that immediately clears them
Alright I'm sold
every single euro streamer has something to say about russian protosses and russians are honorary nigerians of wrong color
Long shot, but does anyone have the vods for the dragon invitational tournaments? twitch deleted everything back when they decided to stop keeping them, and I can't find them on youtube.
the dragon-casted ones specifically.
ASL when?
Where are ASL replays?
>aren't VODs replays?
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is this it or am i tard
Many such cases
That's the one, but I want to find the original dragon-castered videos.
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Blame the community.
nah, it's blizzard's fault for refusing to add LAN support and also making the game gookclick central also heart of the swarm killed any hype SC2 had
Sure buddy, keep sucking that piece of shit korean TV channel anon, is the best choice of course.
keep coping, wardii
Same to you, loser.
Get outside and touch grass.
>blizzard's fault for refusing to add LAN support
>in a age of wich is fucking useless to have LAN considering how wide spread the internet is globally
>saying this fact to stupid people in 2024
>making the game gookclick central
As say before:
we only watch evo here
>useless to have LAN
Cool it with the low IQ rhetoric.
It's insane how two computers can be a few feet apart and there's still retards like you screaming how computers should be sending data miles away and should be subject to the state of blizzard servers.
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When is the next USA Lan?
what a disgusting country
All Starcraft Broodwar games should be on the smallest maps possible with the game speed set to vanilla 'Normal' speed. This way everyone can have a semblance of insane APM and even the enfeebled has a chance in this "strategy game"
that saudi tournament is gonna be played on NA west to EU levels of ping again
one week until stormgate and we'll all finally be free
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stormgate lan in korea
>paying to play sg
>dyke with a sodomy flag
>white granny with a brown grandchild
>half the people in the frame are overweight
What else did I miss?
I NEED my campaign
I NEED my coop heroes
I NEED my chicken pet
tranny dress
tfw bad mechanics
were clem or elazer high on sg ladder? where is parting? were celestials removed from the game?
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starcraft will soon be an olympic sport
we aren't in 2012 anymore
no shooters or fps games. it'd be funny if starcraft wasn't put in because marines use guns.
I'm asking the same for Gates of Pyre cos I'm hooked after watching the video.
bro no one is gonna play that goyslop
Goyslap it may be, but it's not that bad to play.
i dont know how they can afford to run these tournaments, they must be counting on a massive influx on early access release
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We are endorsing ZeroSpace
for me, its battle aces
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Cute tradwife
I'm tired of marketing BS so much it's unreal.
What ambitious vision? There's nothing impressive about either ZS or SG.
I've played SG and so far it's an okay game, but it has nothing over SC2. What's the fucking point of it?
>unreleased game already has three documentaries
walled hard
this is getting ridiculous, what kike bigwig is pushing this behind the scenes?
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my wife and I
name a single objectively good Heart of the Swarm addition
August 26th is when it starts
we only watch evo and stormgate here
haven't watched sc2 since that clem vs serral final
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We play Immortal Gates of Pyre here

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