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Everyone knows this state is a shithole in every regard. Someone please rec a better /out/ state to move to for a former NorCal fag and list your pros/cons. Money's not much of an issue.

>inb4 inb4 inb4
Aren't you guys hated in every state you move to?
>west coast is the best /out/ coast11!
>all that brown
Your passport out of California is a firearm that's illegal in California.
You can head over to the southeast. Kike propaganda and democrat shenanigans have made it a shithole too, so you'll fit right in. I'm saving for a couple of years and moving off the grid to live off the land. Somewhere no dumb nigger or dim witted woman will ever set foot.
The Midwest really sucks, don't go there.
I heard Idaho is great. Its still affordable and regulations are lax, because not enough Californians have raped it yet. Try that.

There should be a 10 year voting cooldown for ex-Californians.
you'd fuck it up anyway. just stay where you are.
interesting, I thought it would be more white. I knew it was all lizards anyway
>new york green
>oregon brown
yeah fuck yourself
Stay in Cali, but go to Colorado if you have to move
This. The Midwest is a decrepit bigoted shithole. It sucks go to Idaho
>dark green
kek, I take this was done during corn season when the stalks were green still
>fly over Midwest
>its brown 75% of the time
They don't call it flyover country for nothing
Listen to >>2784569 and avoid the Midwest. That's where George Floyd was murdered after all, its basically the 1800s still.
Colorado is as far east as you want to go. But Idaho, Idaho is nicenive heard.
I went out west on vacation and in Idaho all I saw was shirts, stickers, and magnets saying "We're full" and shit like that.
Colorado is fantastic, maybe not the east plains side of it
Utah could be cool i guess. Half of it felt like a barren desert, the other was mountains and civilization
I only saw parts of West and East Wyoming but I'd imagine it's mostly tourist hell to live near the cool parts
Northern Idaho seems great, Southern not so much besides a few spots
Western Montana is great, The entire North side of it east of Glacier should be avoided at all costs, especially around the Indian reservation
I was only in a bit of North Dakota but honestly it was pretty built up area and not too bad looking. Lots of oil pumps though at least where I was.
South Dakota has some great spots, but I also imagine it's just tourist hell year around for normal citizens living there
Can't say much about Minnesota, some of the cities have good food though
Wisconsin is great. Been there multiple times now, would recommend.
Kansas also had its moments of cool rolling hill landscapes (central , east). West appeared to be flat farm hell where I was.
or is like half desert

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