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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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>You wrote the same thing as me
And you revealed yourself as a terminally online imbecile. Practice talking to people IRL.
You tell us, never set foot in wogistan.
You want to cover yourself with a shelter half. In the summer. Have you ever left your house?
Do you also wear strap shoes because you can't tie them? Fucking hell the mental cases of this board.
Get a bloody grip you sad clown, you're not quirky just pathetic.
Anyone have any recommendations for a dumbphone that can call/text, with long battery life and thats rugged enough to handle being in a pocket that might get bumped by rocks and other stuff? I was looking at some CAT phones and the Nokia tough phone, but I figured yall may have some tips.
I would never buy Nokia again, CAT seem to have laughable prices.
I'd get a non-touch brick cellphone, preferably old Nokia, and put it in a small drybag.
They don’t. I’m literally the only one here who’s ever done it. I’m not joking.

Logistics differ by location. You’ll probably need two accommodations to bookend your trip. After your flight, you’ll have to buy fuel for your stove then travel to the National Park. Popular spots have shuttles, many have buses, and some have trains. As far as I know, there are no trailheads at any airports.

So you either land, buy fuel (and bear spray), then head to a hotel or get to a campground in the NP, or you land, stay at a hotel, then buy fuel and shuttle in the next morning. The latter is safer because flights can be delayed but shuttles and busses don’t run 24/7.

The same goes for heading home. You’ll want a shower somewhere and probably some junk food. Hotels are more comfy, have laundry service, and rides are more flexible. If you can only afford one, the second night in a hotel is the better option.

TSA has a pretty extensive list of things you can’t bring onto a plane. Trekking poles, tent stakes, pocket knives, axes, saws, and shovels (even tiny aluminum trowels) have to be checked. AliExpress sells cheap trekking pol storage bags that are perfect for this. Fuel and bear spray can’t be brought on a plane, so unless you’re using a twig stove you’ll have to buy them when you arrive. Firearms have their own rules, so look into that if you plan on carrying. Each airline has different size requirements for carryons, but unless you have a monstrous 70L pack you’ll be fine.

I’ve never checking everything. If it’s a regular travel trip for business or vacation or whatever and they lose your stuff it’s not that big of a deal. But if you’re going hiking and they lose everything you might as well turn around and go home.

Also, you could just roll the dice that the dumbfuck TSA tards done even know the rules. There are lots of anecdotes about people just bringing everything into the plane. I wouldn’t risk that either.

please help anons
what can I do to save this san pedro?
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*Atleast 5 hours of direct (Overhead) sunlight a day if you want it to flower. Evening and Morning sun aren't as good as full afternoon sun if those are your options.
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Do you think this cactus is doing good? Its a cutling I planted three weeks ago, it seems to get green in the middle and I hope it will grow roots soon. How can I judge its fine without digging it out?
Just leave it. They take a long time to root and sometimes won’t even start growing until the next season, then they will take off. As long as it’s not shriveling up after 3 weeks, keep doing what you’re doing.
Cactus flowers are a trip
The pot looks way to big for that plant but if it has really good drainage it should be fine.

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Ignore all rumors of cancelation , the gathering is still happening and cant be stopped.

Shall we have a /out/ meetup again this year on the 4th just after the ceremony ?

Who is coming?
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Why are americans obsessed with their excrement?
Who says we are?
Ok Gabriel Traveler has another video out explaining everything that happened and its fucking crazy.

Those hippies dug up a dead indian when they were digging latrines,
Thats why it got cancelled
The whole story is totally fucked up , the natives still bury people illegally in the forest up there
why wont this thread bump

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Old one is about to 404 >>2639545

Last minute discussions and hopefully some sweet pics after the fact will go here. Fair warning to DFW area bros, there's some weather foretasted for the 8th so plan accordingly.
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I dont like those anus eclups as much
Tropical Storm Beryl (soon to be Hurricane Beryl) is ready to make landfall. Does its projected path look familiar to anyone?
Nature does that to wipe the slate clean
Anybody catch a glimpse of eta aquarids?

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Why do governments constantly preach about protecting the environment and indigenous territories, then pull shit like this? It's THEIR territory! Just watch the oil leak that will happen here in 5–10 years, like has occurred countless times before.
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>It's THEIR territory!
No it's not. We're letting them pretend it's theirs out of kindness. If it were really their land they would be able to defend it.
This isn't really the environment unless you classify injuns as fauna
Half of the Indians there want the pipeline cuz they care more about the comforts that come with liberal capitalism than they care about owing their own land, and the oil companies work with those ones to develop it
do we really need more oil extraction? does nobody care about the environment? even indians are selling out...
until anybody cares enough to explain to liberals that nuclear power is the only practical green way to power a nation this will continue

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*blocks your path*
Well /out/, what do?
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walk it back >>2745410
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Stay mad samefag
There won't be a response.
absolutely based where2cop?
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These long nosed shits are annoying as hell
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Eat less sugars, bathe less often, and use nicotine. Since i have done this, mosquitos hardly bother me. May just be genetics but they are generally on everyone else and not me. And im from northern mn so i know how bad mosquitos are.
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DEET is the goat. Mosquito nets for sleeping, some tents have their airvents covered with a net.

An old school way is to smoke. Nicotine is a pesticide, I brought my smoker fren camping and insects never bothered us although we have not done this in North Europe or North Canada where mosquitos are way more pervasive.
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DEET works
You can also build a pretty good resistance if you are willing to risk blood parasites.
One summer I managed to build up complete mosquito resistance but it goes away after a few months.
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Do you think planting certain plants would scare them off certain areas? Like lavender, chrysanthenum or tobacco?

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do people living /out/ or in very rural areas have different psychological characteristics than city dwellers? do /out/ people (born and raised) around the world share a common mentality? like a person from the Appalachian mountains and the Alps
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On average, people living in urban areas are healthier and live longer.
>People who talk about environmental destruction are cringe
Yes, you think like and behave just like a locust. Eat it all cut it all down and anyone who isn't just like you is "cringe."
It's amazing how any hint that your shit house, shit roads, shit technology, shit education and shit relationship with nature is made obvious you parasites only cope is brain garbage ejaculations of nonsense.

Locusts, I can see your destruction from space.
Bugpost. You just keep outing yourself as a city dweller.
rural ppl, especially older people; they never throw things away. probably a ww2 era leftover from their parents and grandparents.
Got out of bed this morning and took a short 30 minute drive through farm land and then walked for a few hours through national park and made myself a coffee then walked home. Good to be back in the country, I wouldn't even be out of the city in the time it took me to get to the trail head.

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What did anon do?
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Probably is, idunno. I just remembering him posting on /out/ probably c.2016
If you mean the Yuru fire, that was posted on /a/
4 guys 2 gerbils was much better.
100% shot some normies off leash Lab that trotted up to say hello to a new friend.
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>he doesn't know

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Second and third drownings this season at Glaicer, a woman drowned in June in St. Mary's falls.


>Drowning (826 deaths) is the Leading Cause of Death at national parks and national recreation areas.

>Drowning is followed by motor vehicle crashes (725 deaths), medical events (643), suicide (563), undetermined (544), and falls and slips (478).

>Interestingly, despite the abundance of wildlife at national parks, only ten people were killed by wild animals.
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It was a santa fe. Quite impressive how they fucked up that badly
Kek one of those pictures is in China lmao
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>Kirwan and Ratliff had not read
probably par for the course for those guys.
retard detected
>Yosemite half dome
>Smokey mountains Clingman's
>Arches NP
>Yellowstone Old Faithful
>Zion narrows
>Yosemite glacier view
>Acadia that dumb wave that makes a noise
>Yosemite falls
>Grand canyon
All in america

Do you folks carry a camera on you when you get outdoors? If so do you carry a DSLR, a compact or are ya happy with your phone?
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I just use my phone to take pictures of nice scenery or cool stuff
like this frog I found some years ago
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This is my favorite picture I think
Yes, mirrorless camera. Sometimes phone pics but phone sucks at anything once you zoom. Then I send them to my friends, some of which enjoy them. Some of which pretend to.
how $$ is the mirrorless?
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I used to take a DSLR out with me on day hikes, almost religiously
until I started going away for extended, back to back, long trips. Swapped to a little mirrorless compact because its much more comfy
small and light. If you get a good one it can still capture the vibe
I do kinda miss the DLSR though, its kinda amazing to come home and make a pano out of several massively high resolution crisp images of a landscape
Been carrying a little gopro with me on my last trip though because I've just started recording videos of my /out/ings, rather than purely being a photographer
>vidrel: https://youtu.be/nSy4QErUJh8?feature=shared

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Title pretty much explains it, live in eastern KY, close to WV and i'm looking for spots to hike during the colder months, as I hate the heat.
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You moved away?
I did, Kentucky ain't what it used to be. It's going to get worse too. I need freedom, and Kentucky is going the route of the insecure religious zealot and I'd be sick to see the lack of freedom in a place that used to be so free. Just another white washed landed gentry tourist destination it is becoming.
4Cs trail at Carter Caves State Park is a fun little trail
What’s the public land situation in KY? I’ve visited the first time recently and the nature and backroads are gorgeous here.

Is it worth it to go to Death Valley in July?
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I went there in the middle of July 2001 when it hit 119 degrees. It felt awesome for about 15 minutes and then I fucked off back to my air conditioned car.
It's just like standing too close to a campfire, but you can't escape. It's marginally tolerable if there's wind but when the air is still you literally have minutes before it's too much, you have to stay moving to keep sweat evaporating. it's all the same above about 108, you just can't do it for any meaningful length of time. You can spend a few minutes in the sun and retreat to shade, but you'd be feeling pretty shitty in even half an hour unless you're taking other measures like wetting yourself or constantly sipping cold water or misting or whatever. I moved a wood pile the other day while the air was still and felt like I was going to die but then I started pressure washing and felt great.
How big of a concern is it to your car being there? How dangerous driving alone?
Watch the temp gauge, may have to turn off the a/c or worst case turn the heater on, but if your car is in good shape it should not be a big problem. I wouldn't go adventuring off the road alone. If you broke down and lost your a/c 5 miles from the highway with little water you're suddenly in a lot of trouble. If you're just driving on the highway and break down you have a pretty good chance of getting picked up
Oh yeah I would just drive through the main road to the ranger station or wherever you see in pictures, then back to the state highway that runs north/south

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Does anyone here ever stop at paid campsites, i know most people here are super into wild camping but for some trips it can be more relaxing camping in a managed site, usually it's cheaper and better than a hotel or motel, sleeping bags are much cosier than the shitty beds they have.
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Never. If you like it, go ahead, but to me it just takes away everything I enjoy about hiking.
My back and hips are messed up from my time in the military, so sleeping on the ground really doesn’t make for good experiences anymore. We bought a scamp 16 and we camp in National or state parks and only do private campgrounds if there are no other options. Gives us a way to bring our 22 month old camping with a quiet cool dark place for her nap.
>I enjoy about hiking.
>not the same as camping

I took my 10yr old out the other night for her first night ever camping. It was awesome. Had s'mores the whole deal. We took a day hike and then had a cozy camp to come back to right on the creek. The campgrpund was chill and no knucleheads. Car camping can be awesome- its not either/or but both car camping and backpacking have their place.
I hope you have many more such great trips, anon.

paid campsites are typically overprovisioned to maximize revenue. It would have to be weird situation that someone is charging for camping but at the same all sites have ample room and privacy.

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Hello /out/ I will be flying to Milan then Geneo and Venice in a couple of weeks. I saw on the hitchiking wiki that there are no fines on going on trains without tickets but could not find a recent confirmation. Also how is hitchiking in Italy? I saw many negative and positive responses so I am not sure what to make of it. What else to watch out for while freeloading in Italy?
>there are no fines on going on trains without tickets
There are. You will be fined and removed, do so repeatedly and you will be barred from public transport.
>Also how is hitchiking in Italy?
Not a thing. You might find the odd foreign truck driver that picks you up.
>What else to watch out for while freeloading in Italy?
Knuckle sandwiches. Stay home.
Don’t care
info from summer 2022.

i boarded the train from Venice to Trieste. guys are capable of issuing tickets on the train itself but charged me about 30 eur above regular price. it was itemized as 'Regolarizzazione Passegeri' on the receipt.

similar thing in Slovenia - Lubiana to Capodistria, except charged just 5 eur extra.

My understanding is while you are technically not issued a fine, as long as the train jew get to fleece for doing it the difference is academic.
That's if you accept to pay. If you don't you'll be removed and fined, if you become belligerent, refuse to leave or
such behaviour is reiterated police will get involved.
I wish they charged you more.
Culturally Enriching European Public Transit

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