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Found coyote shit by the pond.
Have heard them nightly for months but never found sign this close to the house before. Have livestock and the wife has a small dog.
Looking for advice on a good setup to trap coyotes. I've got a pair of #3 footholds, a jar of bacon grease, some coon paws in salt, and an un-fleshed rabbit hide in salt.
Also, if anyone has good tips for other trapping, drop it here.
Personally, I like sardines and a dog proof trap for coons or possum
Another good trick is putting aluminum foil over the trap pan and leaving the whole setup in a pan of water.
Holy shit, is this board anything other than day hikers and city fags that occasionally go fishing?
If you lean a medium sized stick against a tree, wrap some wire around it here and there and make loops about squirrel head height, they will repeatedly get caught in it and hang themselves, even if there's already dead squirrels hanging from the bottom.

however, only do this if you're hungry because it's not a quick death for them, it's slow and painful.
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move back to the suburbs. setting out attractants only draws more critters in. keep your invasive livestock in a secure pen and your mutt on a leash. it's really not that hard. what's the point in living in nature if you want to kill every single creature that steps on your lawn?
Lmao, no. I've set up my land as a quail recovery property since they're all but extinct around here. Part of that is fence rows and certain livestock that help manage the property. I then eat my livestock.
>your lawn
My yard is mixed grass, mown once every 2-3 weeks to promote insect growth.
My ponds are set up between growth ponds for things like amphibians and insects on one hand, and fish on the other hand.
Predator management is part of wildlife conservation
I've done more for wildlife conservation than you ever will.
Tldr: stay mad rentoid
I would watch some videos on camouflaging the trap sites if I were you. Some of them are savvy enough to avoid suspicious shit out in the open. Might even want some scent to entice them if that doesn’t work.
Smoke em with a rifle from 200 yards

Or run em off with a dog, a mile or two is good
>place traps to protect dog
>dog gets stuck in traps
You can figure out where they normal walk around by watching and taking note of any new places your dog pees at.
the most likely outcome because dogs are fucking stupid
fuck dogs
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What you wanna do is drill a hole in the dirt with an auger, not too deep. Inside the hole, place a stick inside that is covered on the end with bait/lure.
About a foot in front of the dirt hole you'll dig up a little bit of dirt big enough to bed and stake your trap. Set it, and use some sort of sifter to sift the dirt you dug up to cover the trap.
Maybe pack a little dirt behind the dirt hole you made first.
Then use a bit of coyote urine on the mound to lure them in.
It's called a dirt hole set and it's by far one of the most effective ways to trap canids. Look it up and learn how to do it, it's very basic and pretty much the bread and butter of big-ish predator trapping.
Obviously keep your dog away from the traps and don't think about doing this if someone near you has a dog. If a dog gets caught in a trap, they most likely won't get hurt if you use the right trap (use #3 coilsprings/MB-550). Using the appropriately sized trap will keep catches from escaping and also reduce the harm/damage the animal will do to itself while in the trap.
Look at the Trapperman forums and the thousands of Youtube videos that exist. Watch Coon Creek Outdoors.
If a dog gets stuck in a trap he might have a bruised paw but it won't hurt anything seriously if you're careful about the traps you set.
This and check for tracks. Coyotes like to rendezvous at unique places, lone trees, field edges, borders and corners of fields, walkways etc.
You will definitely wanna use scent. Camouflaging the trap isn't entirely necessary if you use a dirt hole set, but you'll wanna make the site look as inconspicuous as possible. throw some leaves and sticks around.

Also, use gloves when you're setting the trap, and use a different pair of gloves when setting lure/bait. They can smell all the crap that gets on your hands and all the oils that rub off on the metal traps. You'll also wanna give the traps you buy a quick rinse in dish soap to remove factory grease
This is a slow board, posts stay on page 1 for hours. Chill out.
They really are so fucking stupid and actively try to kill themselves at any given moment.
If you're trapping one type of canine, why would you be surprised if another type is also vulnerable to the trap? Makes perfect sense.
>wild animals near me?
>how DARE they

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