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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
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I watched the video recently in which he camps in an abandoned cabin close to a forest's edge in the middle of fall. While he was lighting a fire in the fireplace there were the hoos of an owl outside and the wind was blowing, rattling the walls of the cabin and the leaves of the trees outside. Such a nice, calm moment.
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Found his latest victim.

the new gold mining content looks sick, what better use of stealth than to claim jump and steal nibbas gold
anybody inspired by steve to camp in a meme stealth spot? how'd it go?

Apparently Saltic is making a "barefoot" kind of climbing shoe, the model is called "Eliot".
Do you think acceptable precision can be achieved with such a seemingly wide tip?
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They look like they might be a decent crack shoe and maybe passable as a slab shoe and absolute shit for anything else.
I'm interested in reading your argument.
NTA but I get what he’s laying down. For crack (hand/fist size cracks) I’ve always thought some Vans with climbing rubber resoles would be one of if not the perfect shoes for such a task. These shoes just have a lot of rubber, flat footed (not rounded for edges like traditional climbing shoes or even pointed like super gnar v15 shoes) and would give pretty good area to just slap a foot in the crack or on a wall and get the purchase you need with the added bonus of your little toesies not hurting so much. Toe fatigue is real man!! The area/purchase argument applies to slab too (though not hard slab as by then you’re abusing the edges God/the FA’ers provide you.
They'd be okay for bouldering I guess, but climbing is not a natural activity it's gear assisted and good stiff shoes are part of that gear. You really don't want to load your tendons all.day in your meme shoes.
Rubber compound seems to be the same as other Saltics.

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What do you guys hunt with? Whether its small or big game
What kinds of guns/bows/knife equipment do you use/recommend
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I cant give you any specific french resources but a bit of advice:
Look up what kind of game animals live in your area, focus on animals you will see more often than others (boars for example over specific species of birds)
Look up the seasons for those animals and try to rmember them. Learn the life cycle of the more common animals (when do they mate, how long are they pregnant, when do they give birth, how long does it take for them to grow up) what does the animal eat? What are their mating strategies? How do they live? Where do they live?
To add to this anon: find water. Seriously find water and shelter that these animals use and they won't be far off. Squirrels in PA, USA, at least, hang around small streams and specific types of trees in areas that often are easy to spot once you know what these areas look like. Foxes hang out in fields and around fresh dead animals, like deer, and often come back day after day. They also prefer the woods, often valleys with streams; in the area I know they often hang out, turkeys and other game birds (as well as squirrels) are in the area, so there's a food source. Even when the animal is not legally able to be hunted, getting out to your hunting grounds with binoculars/a monocular and camo clothes is a big part of researching before the season. You get to learn the layout of the area, paths you can take, and what is and isn't too loud to walk on while hunting. You can also spot areas you can either make a blind to hunt from or simply sit and wait at. These can be marked simply using google maps; "pinned" locations can be saved to a folder/list named something like "hunting blind" and used as a reminder at any time.

When you're out, if you see game, write down the date, time, conditions, and location of an animal if you spot the game you're after while doing research for the upcoming season. I'm currently making myself a list of fox sightings for next season so I can finally get one. I'm also making a list of what days I go out, how long, what time of day, and where so I don't accidentally skew my data to be biased if I only go out 1 time at location A, 4 times at location B, and 34 times at location C. Yes I may have more sightings at location C but is it because they're more common there or did I just go there over and over?
All right, thanks for the advices, it seems like a good start.
Also, look up if there is a standard textbook for students. In germany its "Vor und nach der Jägerprüfung", carried me through the whole course and exam no problem. I dont know how it is in france, but in germany you have to put in considerable work in order to pass the exams, so dont half-ass it
Yes, I look it up, and there's also a text book in France but I can't buy it now, they sell it during the first class.
That's the reason for my first post.
But thanks any way.

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I need some cheap but good hiking shoes for this summer for dry rocky trails on the Mediterranean coast.
I was recommended the Colombia Escape Thrives, are they good? Anything else I could consider?
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Two paths are available to you anon

>hiking ''shoes''
some anons argue they are more comfortable, dry faster and allow you to move quicker.

generally tougher, better waterproofing, ankle support and offers better protection from rocks/uneven terrain, not to mention snakes etc

Personally I don't wear fabric shoes much in daily life, I just prefer work boots or combat boots (I'm autistic) because they last longer and in most cases are built better.

Salomon are great for footwear. I have heard Merrell make good products too but I've never used them. For the past 3-4 years I've had a air of Salomon Men's Quest 4s. They're harder to get on and off than other boots but have held up great for me, other than a bit of wear they're as good as they've ever been. I'd recommend them.
Military, lightweight, desert boots. You can get them for about $50. Speed laces for quick on and off. Good ankle support. Check the tread, older boots had shit sand channel treads, but newer have good, multi terrain treads. But they suck in the rain, they're designed to wick moisture away. When it rains, they become sponges. But if that's not an issue, they're great.
NTA They make waterproof lightweight desert boots too. Not sure if you want to give bezos your money but there a zon link. Pretty cheap.
These come in a boot version if anyone’s interested. I just wore out both - horses for courses and so on.
personally I would advise against getting something with such a thick sole like that or hokas, on rocky technical ground you'll be at higher risk of rolling your ankle or at least that's my experience. Other than that get something with decent grip and at least some protection/tough material around the foot, other stuff like low/high and wide/narrow is a matter of preference. I'm using a pair Topo Terraventure and I really like them on rocky terrain.
I'd avoid goretex if you'll go in the summer, on the mediterranean coast your feet will get cooked and unless you walk right into the sea it's unlikely that your shoes will ever touch water (and if they do they'll dry up very quickly)

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Any of you guys done the Forest Service sawyer cert courses? What are they like? Useful?
Depends how often you think you're gonna be carving up trees
If you just want to cut up some wood in your backyard then it could help learn the basics for sure but it's probably not necessary.
If youre looking to be on a fuels/fire crew then you should consider them downright mandatory and fight for as much trigger time as your body can physically handle
I'm looking at volunteering for trail maintenance, to be specific.
Talk to your team lead for whoever you plan to volunteer for and see if they offer training. No sense in paying for training independently for what they might provide for free
Otherwise, depending on your location, you might be able to find a place (usually a tech school) that teaches S212 (Chainsaw Intro) certified via the NWCG. I'm not aware of any classes the FS teaches to the general public, by the time I got my saw certs with them I was already signed on as full-time fire. Maybe they have some.

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Is pepper spray any good against wolves or dogs?

What can you do about wild boars?

How about beavers?
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Sounds like a classic false charge. Didn't need bearspray
>bear turns around and charges again at full tilt with different body language
> it was just kidding
>coping this hard

extremely effective against cunt dogs that want to bite you....the only problem is the owner after they figure out you maced their shithead dog, so make sure you have can with enough juice left to spray them as well

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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I guess these are more common than I thought, just found another
hows the tension on the cables doing
only one cable as far as i can tell is left, and slacking by a couple of feet.
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Just started cold calling ranger stations where they had a hard time filling for job.
Tedious, but here is a map. You need to check each one to see if they say active and just call nearby ranger station.
Here's Eastern Montana for instance
Places like washington state are going to hire a lot easier than more rural places anyways.
I was a college dropout with experience in IT, so nothing to technically qualify me. The USA Jobs system failed me left and right.
I called places, introduced myself, and said I was willing to do paint, clean the place up, or whatever it took. I also called government job hiring places asking if any lookout positions in the state needed filling.
lol true. it's a job for losers in a dead end in life or retired people. bet you can guess which one i am
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*blocks you path*
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>not like there is any way to disprove the sky wizard snapping his fingers and making everything a few thousand years ago
It's pretty obviously disproven by the evidence that shows that the earth is several orders of magnitude older than that.
God could have created the universe as it is with evidence of age as a test of faith. It's not disproven at all even if you think it's bullshit which it probably is.
If this sort of reasoning was applied consistently, nothing could ever be proven or disproven. Unsubstantiated hypotheticals don’t render the facts obsolete.
I'm not trespassing bro, I'm travelling.
What's with the Zs?

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Moving out to Oregon for a job: near the cesspool called Portland. Any suggestions on places to hike for someone who has never been in the NW.
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Why would I tell a non local?
There's no communism out here in Portland, just identity-obsessed shit libs.
Did you really? I work there
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I am not a fag, and I don't live in partland like you do.
Ah yes some guy on the internet doesn't want me in their state, I guess I have to listen to him.

Every girl has hiking in their tinder bio. How do you know if she's really into it or not?
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While I am not ‘hiking’ on back country trails and in-general most men who ‘hike’ are literal faggots. I don’t see many attractive women on trails not sure if they are afraid of being alone in a secluded area or if they just larp as quirky outdoors girls. Even when I see girls with husbands or boyfriends they are always ugly.
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I see a resemblance.
Kill yourself and fuck mods for not deleting this retardation and banning you for being cancer
more cancer
Fat cunts
Opinion discarded
Tinder exists to feed hookup culture. It is the reason why modern woman are insufferable cunts that see men as entertainment to feed their own egos. Only beta cucks and simps use it.
I've never gotten a woman to go on one, you must look like less of a rapist than I do

Man I liked his stuff but he really comes off as a prick
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Bump. We need to keep this thread on page 1 all the time.
You normies ruined it. I was watching back when he had a thousand subs. Who tf are you? Once he became known I had to stop watching. Fuck you normies
Fuck you, entitled prick
You don't know how Zoomer cool works. He tries to shit on everything to make himself look cool. Normally, having a bunch of followers is cool but he is trying to look cool to other contentfags, so he tries to "mog" them the only way he knows. He talks shit on followers, which immediately should ingratiate himself into the community of contentfags that hate their miserable lives and their parasocial followers. Like moths to a flame!

Too bad that all backfired and now he has nothing, so he has to pretend that THAT is cool. Famewhoring kinda sucks, my dude.
White boy got his ass beaten up on another adventure of his and permanently retired lmaooooo

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You guys do mushroom and plant foraging/identifying?

You ever find anything cool or rare? I found these Datura plants recently and dug them up. Anyone ever found one of those plants that eat insects?
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brick cap / Hypholoma lateritium
looks like Suillus spraguei / west coast synonym so long as it's got yellow pores

the brick caps are A+ edible and easily tissue cultured/cultivated on logs/sawdust

I've eaten alot of everything in the genus Suillus, butterball (S. weaverae) and chicken fat boletes (S. americana) are all I really bother with anymore - entire genus is mycorrhizal with pines, damn near the entire genus can be found beneath Eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in the northeast
>Hypholoma lateritium
>Suillus spraguei
Thank you, I will mark this in my notes,and hopefully they return this year,so I can verify.Very helpful.
I saw a pitcher plant recently. It was either in a creek or an overgrown swampy area next to a river.
I see Muscaria Aminitas all the time in the national park.
Which national park, silly willy?

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc
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No, thats not what I said. Thats what your retarded brain managed to put together. I said: there is a fundamental difference between something meant to keep your dry, and something waterproof. Something thats waterproof will generally keep you dry, but only as far as condensation/sweat is allowed to air.
>I never said “there's a difference between something thats meant to keep your dry, and something thats waterproof.”
>I said “there is a fundamental difference between something meant to keep your dry, and something waterproof.”
Ok Anon, you win. Things that are meant to keep you dry aren’t the same as things that are waterproof, and items made from waterproof materials (like bivies) aren’t designed to keep you dry.

Also, you’re absolutely right about bivies. Whatever you say.
Yeah, resort to absurdum by making up one quote and then quote me next, be surprised when they magically contradict each other. Nice trick redditape.
>making up a quote
>literal copy and paste
You’re right though. Waterproof things aren’t designed to keep you dry. It’s ridiculous to think so.
My cousin drowned because he got on a boat. We all told him the water would just pass right through the hull, but he insisted it was waterproof. Such a shame.

If any of you ever went there / live there I'd love to hear your input.

Obviously I'll have to visit it for myself, but I'm curious. Is it all just hipster marketing or is it really the /out/ paradise?
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>they are incredibly inaccessible
It's one of the most accessable wildernesses on earth because you can use a boat.
this, unless also you have a trade.
>live there I'd love to hear your input.
I've got a mate living in Terrace. He's originally from the UK, came to NZ, and wound up in BC. Says it's basically like NZ on steroids, and fucking loves every minute of it. He's been there 10 years at least now.
I agree with his opinion from my brief time there, but that was only a month, and I was on the Ottawa river.
He's into whitewater, mountain biking, and I assume skiing or boarding now. He was pretty world class when we were boating together, but I think we've both toned it down since having kids.
Holy shit, said kid just texted me. - obviously the wrong number "friend just gave me $5 to put Deep Heat on my nuts and it hurts like fuk".
Just another moment of proud parenting.
Have a laugh at this anyway, some of my local runs in here:
(was looking for Terrace but got distracted) https://youtu.be/z_jzMwwWy2g?si=LstQlh5fCbfiW4gq
Terrace is based for backcountry ski touring/splitboarding.
A boat gets you to the coast. It does not get you through the insanely dense brush in the coastal rain forests.

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You do use one of these, right anon?
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>right anon?
you sound like a massive faggot
Yeah I do bitch! What the fuck are you gon do about it?!
No, I do not hit the Garmin vape. Sorry anon
I live in a small european country with mobile phone coverage almost everywhere
Yeah, but you can't send messages. Garmin has preset messages which are free or charges 50 cents for a custom one. If my car broke down or something I'd rather just text a friend or family member for help. Nice to be able to let people know if you'll be late as well.

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