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I can't be the only one who prefers going /out/ at night and I'm not talking about camping. What activities do you do at night?
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I used to enjoy walking in the local park until I ran into some homosexual gentlemen who enquired otf I would cared to engage in sodomy with them

No anon I am not any such person
u in hawaii? im down to go.
>i cant be the one who prefers going out when lost of the predators are awake? right
predators can't be seen without heat vision

how are my alpbros doing?

will it ever stop raining?
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>Tent. No hammock.
got a carinthia biwack sack, never used it so we'll see how it goes

> No sticks and lumber around so bring a camping stove.
got a pretty lightweight esbit cooker setup, is it a meme or actually usable?

also kino picture, love me some alps
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The sack should be super comfy.
Should be a good option for above the tree line.
Am not a gear guy but I wouldn't worry about the stove.

Remember to post your hike here or in the follow up thread.
It's inconvenient to do anything but heat up precooked food with the esbit, especially if there's wind.
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recently moved to the foothills of the alps. pretty dam nice out here

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Hello /out/ im looking to get into bow hunting. And im wondering what bows you reccommend/own yourself, not looking for something fancy just something that does the job well. I can bbrow 2plate for reps so i recon draw weight will mostly be a non issue (i think). Animals im looking to hunt are dove,rabbit and diffrent game birds.
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Bear G2 Cruzer

I would also buy a can of chrome spray paint for the arrows makes them easier to find
ok, go shoot a 110lb warbow.
Make sure to post the footage here.
Your comparison was dumb, I'm not talking about the bow part
Go to a pro shop and ask this retard.
the pro shop is just gonna give him the same run down we did.
let him find out the hardway

Anyone recognize this spot?
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>he said, casually bumping the thread back to page 1
Not really, no
It's inescapable, anon
Oh shit I almost forgot to bump this
body count? more like a genocide

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Are there any of these that don't require stupid subscriptions
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garmin has a monopoly because the american government gave it to them
Garmin has a monopoly because they put y'all on game.
>garmin has a monopoly because the american government gave it to them
tell me more
theyre the dod contractor its that easy
same reason why boeing had the monopoly on planes for a long while, until you know

these companies effectively operate as part of the government, thats how boeing got to have government sanctioned goon squads to axe their whistleblowers

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Has anyone managed to fit one of these remote canister stoves inside a 'pot cookset' with the fuel can? Like a 1L pot. I know people do the on top of canister type stoves all the time in small pots, but I want something closer to the ground for actual cooking.
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Primus sucks.
Pocket rockets and their knock off red headed step siblings from China are just super compact and easy to carry. You can put it along with a fuel canister in a standard 500ml pot, so they pack nicely for ultralight hiking/camping.
brrm brrm dum brrm brrm dum......my name is mud.....brrm brrm dum brrm brrm dum
Remote canisters are less stable, I assure you
I still use one

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Is Pine Mountain, that runs along the border of Virginia and Kentucky part of the Plateau province or the Ridge and Valley province?

It's a long irregular curved ridge running ~ 120 miles continuously from Cumberland Gap to Russell Fork and some geology sources seem to regard it as an extension of the allegheny front, which is both the separation point where the plateau begins running westward, and also where the terrain is most markedly divergent in steepness from east (much more) to west (much less).

But if you just look at a map, both Pine and Cumberland/Stone/Black mountains seem to be up on the plateau and the true Allegheny Front is at Osborne ridge roughly where Flag Rock is outside Norton, Virginia for example. Norton would be on the plateau, the other side (Dungannon) would be the first valley of the ridge and valley as the terrain gradually flattens eastward towards the sea.

The terrain SE of Pine Mountain has diagonal/dendritic shaped creeks - rather than the perpendicularly arranged creeks running 90 degrees into the river valley that you see in the ridge and valley.

So are these papers wrong, and in fact Pine Mountain is not the edge of the plateau or what is going on here? Why would a plateau have a long ridgeline like this geologically?
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usually there's a very defined, demarcated shift where the land on one side of the boundary looks quite different from the land on the other side.
I thought there might be a geologist floating around here.
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look what I found, not the same area, but similar terrain
so it looks like the plateau has a lot younger rocks closer to the surface whereas the surface of the ridge and valley is millions of years older and there's a discontinuity along the fault between the ridge and valley and plateau

I guess maybe there's multiple faults along pine mountain interacting and that might be what is so confusing
I'm more interested in geography
I hate that I can't live in the coolest geographic regions of America due to various reasons (money, sociopolitical reasons, government owns it)
what are the coolest geographic regions of America?

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Have you ever been CAUGHT by a forest janny?
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not very bussin of you boomer
The irony
More like have you ever been KEKED by a janny
The post that buck broke nigg/out/

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Unless you install some sort of toilets at the trailhead, I am just going to poop on the trail by squatting on the nearest log. I'm not going to walk 500 ft through nettles and dense brush just so you don't have to smell my stinky. Add a bathroom or expect poop.
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I squat down in a stream just till my asshole is submerged and then it's just like takin a shit in a pool or the beach, no wiping needed
You couldn't pay me enough to lock myself in a plastic box with a literal pile of shit.
Have you ever tried shitting yourself? Works for me
So flies don't lick its eyes.

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got this great view while walking about near Stowe, VT. this whole state is like if you set an epic fantasy movie in america, genuinely otherworldly in it’s beauty
That looks like any random town in the original DayZ. It took me a moment to think of what VT stood for because I forgot Vermont existed.
It's nice but not unusually nice and winter sucks unless you like to ski
I'd go on top of that foresty hill, right on the edge, to see what the view's like towards the other side but also back where I came from.
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I am happy for you but I don't see it

pic is OR

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For all things fire lookout / fire tower!

Previous: >>2694387
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Good, I need the overtime
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>steals your /flg/ job
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stayed at this little beauty last week, original treated timber poles. was interesting because it had full electric interior including a fridge and range. definitely unique compared to a lot of others i've stayed at which are lucky to even have a wood stove.

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Do you guys prefer short, but steep hikes, or long hikes with gentle slopes?

For instance, going 3000ft elevation gain in ~2-3mi vs 10-15mi
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this used to be "the steepest trail in idaho" (not sure if its true) but they redid the trail to make it less steep and its still a slog
I enjoy steep hikes I just need to remember you need to drink like 3x as much.
I would bet you my life's savings that my brother would never be able to make it up that mountain or even a mountain with half the elevation gain. Years ago, we hiked up a mountain with 500' of gain and he barely made it.

Over 40% of Americans are obese so there are more like him. Many of them would have no chance of making it up Quandary or any 14er that you couldn't drive up.
Fat people can do things, they just can't do them at the same pace as a fit person.

Fat people should hike with other fat people, if they try to hike with fit people they are going to have a bad time.
This. I've found people who I never would have expected at summits and shit. I can only imagine how long it took them, but they did it.

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I‘m sure I’m not the first one to ask so if anybody can link me some old threads, that would be appreciated. I want to get away from technology and everything and just live a simple life outside. I have a lot of different skills from all the jobs I worked over the years like carpentry, gardening and farming (relevant to this post I worked a bunch more stuff) and I know I can build a hut from scratch so I’m not some kind of dreamer who never worked with his hands, I know the danger, risk and difficulties of what I’m trying to do.

my question now is where?

I thought about Canada, Alaska or the Scandinavian countries (looked mostly at Norway) but the winters there are fucking hard and not having any sun for like half a year would also make it difficult to farm I think (and would simply be depressing). Where can you go and just built something in the woods and live your life? If I have to buy some land that would also work as long as it is not too expensive.
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You are goy swine and the world is a prison.
Thats the real truth.
Gone are the days of living like an actual human.
Now go stuff your face of McDonald’s and get grt the latest vax
Lame. Go outside.
Southern Oregon west or south of Grants Pass. You can fish the mountain ponds, the winters are usually mild enough. Grant's Pass motto is literally 'its the climate'. Just stay away from the people for the most part.

have fun anon, let us know how it goes
Romania. Untouched nature, cheap land for sale, cheap coat of living, lots of freedom. Can't shoot the bears though, not allowed.
>Can't shoot the bears though, not allowed
can I beat them up with my fists?

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My parents offered to get me a new bike, a hybrid for on/off road, but I really have no idea what's a quality brand for the money. Any suggestions? Preferably something around $500.

Thanks for any help!
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If you want to do any rocky rides then get mtb. Over time you can just buy a second set of wheels and swap them when you gonna hit the road.

Gravel is a meme. Wide tire makes you slow on the road and no suspension makes it unbearable on anything more than flat / sandy forest roads
not everyone's a spandex wearing faggot
Gravel is quite a broad term. They're hybrid bikes. They're somewhere between a touring bike and a mountain bike. There is no standard gravel bike. Some have 3 chainrings, while others 1. Most but not all have a lot of attachment points to carry bags. They usually have no suspension. Steel frames are common, but aluminum or carbon also exists.

I don't mind taking my gravel bike through the occasional muddy path, but it is certainly not made for extreme mountain biking or technical tracks. They're made for long distance unhardened but non-technical paths.

Meanwhile mountain bikes have gotten more specialized over the years. Can't really imagine doing long tours with one of them.
>Wide tire makes you slow
now this is a meme.
what about this one? https://www.decathlon.com/products/triban-grvl120-gravel-bike
do you think it's good? i had a 500€ MTB from decathlon which was shit, i literally couldn't go up 8% incline on it lol. and i drove sub 80€ bikes before for uber eats with no problems

do any of you have /out/ jobs?
i keep fucking failing since i’m a retard. don’t know what to do or even if this is the right board to ask.
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>Here's an engineering level certification for how to completely fuck up nature in ways that the government approves of.
Ah yes, the cancer at it's core.
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phase i's are for real property due diligence. every real property, except inter-state / tribal / federal shit. there are no requirements for SFR; however, interested parties can always pay two or three thousand for an ESA if they feel like it. 90% of the phase i esa jobs are commercial properties, like taco bell, apt complexes, malls, warehouses, etc...

if you want to discuss those federal reports where they investigate EVERY aspect of disturbing untouched land that travels across multiple states, you are thinking of NEPA reports. NEPA. NEPA. ESAs are local research reports, essentially. ive always been Pinchot kinda guy. Muir can suck a dick on some mountaintop.
i failed surveying and chemistry but chem was by 1%. bio was actually easy
and to your second point yes it’s all propaganda. they unironically shill shit like electric cars and “sustainable development”
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If you're good at memorizing things and kinda autistic consider wildlife. You get to live in field housing and do field work for grad students. You will have no money.

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