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Is this the ideal way to experience the great outdoors on a broader scheme and meet lesbians?

I have a little above $30k in savings I can blow on converting my Tahoe and don't mind picking up migrant jobs along the way.
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Based. Enjoy your life man.
It's cold here already, and you're not going to have a good time of it. You'll have to crack the windows for ventilation and then you're going to be freezing at night.
>Germany bros...
And you ask about the most ass clenched and over-regulated country in europe?
>everyone else starts buying them to protect themselves from the assholes.
that is literally what is happening
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Bathe yourself, tardó.

bros, camping is about to get a whole lot easier
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glownigger type tech
That would be based.
>expected something else from a place called “Yo Semite”
who cares about camping? this would be a wonderful tool to further my psychological warfare capabilities against my polish neighbors.
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Wrapping the whole limb, rather than just above the bite site, is essential for managing a snakebite because it helps to immobilize the venom and prevent it from spreading through the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, which is responsible for transporting lymph fluid throughout the body, does not rely on the heart to pump fluid, but rather on muscle movement. By wrapping the entire limb, you can effectively slow down the movement of venom by reducing muscle activity and constricting lymphatic flow. This gives the patient more time to reach medical care, where they can receive the appropriate antivenom treatment.

If you only apply a bandage above the bite, venom can still spread through the rest of the limb and continue to circulate, potentially reaching vital organs. Comprehensive immobilization of the limb also helps prevent further movement that could increase venom absorption.
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I don't have to because your mom pays me visits daily
Okay, but what about my personal alarm keychain? Or my tactical flashlight? Or my tactical pen? Or my tactical umbrella?
this is a quick way to let everyone know that you're fat, barely mobile, and chronically online. these traits are not compatible with /out/ activities.
Where does bending over and offering your boypussy fall?
Ask this guy

I want to build a city there.
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Your language is hateful and against Jesus Christ. You speak like the slave owners who have oppressed my people for generations, like the people who have attacked my family for their race. Repent to Christ and stop your hate and sin.
The most core economic activity is agriculture, farming and fishing. A fishing village revolves around producing fish, a farming village revolves around producing crops and animals.
That is why we must drill for oil in the sea lion oil field. Oil will be the falklands' main export.

ITT we post our /OUT/ing plan with info, maps pics etc, and then post an after action report on how it went and our experience
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Sounds like insecurity, anon.
bunch of bitter fags in this thread
Here's one^
Cool thread op was wasn't gay today

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I go through hiking boots quickly, typically I just deal with the smooth ruined sole and slip and slide. I'd like to get a pair of something resolable, which lead me to Jim Green leather boots.

Anyone hike in leather boots? I don't live in terrible heat nor do I wade through rivers. Thinking a single lined leather boot is going to serve me well in the long term.
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Im in EU
Limmer hikers fit most of the criteria, they're very expensive though.
What brands/models? A lot of boots are expensive but have dogshit design in order to increase profits (looking at you danner)
Jim Green makes a few models pretty close to that
My Jim greens arrived. Let the break in commence. Only regret was not going with some rough out leather around the toe and rear, but they are a pretty serious boot. Fit is perfect btw, use your standard size unless you are going to wear extremely thick socks.
>no shank
>tire sole
>standard black leather
>double and triple stitched wherever possible
>rough out green interior
>leather midsole
That's just a outersole not a midsole.

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i saw a black squirrel today!
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really awesome
loads of black squirrels around Kent, OH

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how hardcore are you?
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I live in redwood country and it's the story of practically all the small towns here. Before it was redwood, it was tanbarking. Same shit exactly: unsustainable extraction industry until the resource is utterly depleted, then the community collapses like a flan in a cupboard. And up to the end people act like like the party's gonna go on forever.
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the treebeard of our time

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These things are exploding in population. Why are they still protected? These are monstrosities early explorers feared more than cannibal natives. We had their populations down for a reason. Why are we welcoming back IRL monsters that literally want to eat us? We shouldn't be doing that until we have some sort of reliable technology where we can implant each one with a paralysis mechanism if it's close to a human and has the urge to attack. Hook up a bear nuerolink or some shit. But letting these things roam free is a hippie delusion. Wtf are we doing?
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>Black bears have killed just as many people as brown
They’re also a lot more common than brown bears, especially in more developed areas. If there were as many brown bears in suburban neighbourhoods as there are black bears those numbers would look a little different
This bot is hallucinating?

You are stupid
Wildfires to contained fires is an objective downgrade, especially for some overengineered appliances
awww cutie!
I'm always looking for beers to kill.

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/out/ tourist here, but it seems like an appropriate place to ask

What's a good, cheap flashlight?
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Unless you're suggesting that OP resort to primitive lighting solutions I will remind you that the language of this website is American English.
This is a common problem for pretty much every item on Amazon. You have one or two manufacturers making the same products for like 12 or 13 different 6-letter rangomly-generated brand names.
First OLight torch I bought was the Arkfeld Pro, fell out of my shirt pocket from ~175cm onto a ceramic tiled kitchen floor.

Other than some minor damage to one corner it's as though it never happened, still functions perfectly.

Have since bought two Baton 3 Pro's with a spare battery for each & the 2000 Lumen front bike light.
All solid.
"Blacklight" means UltraViolet, yes.

My dick rock collection is growing.
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I usually don't lurk this board but found this neat lil rock on the beach.
Seems to contain multiple minerals, probably worth a gazillion dollars.
wish i had a grenade
cock rock are good too
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Meant to post this right after I found it. Wouldn't even have picked it up if it wasn't for this thread.

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old >>2751133
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Spent a couple days in the WY/MT backcountry. Fishing for cutties.
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Amazon river - near Iquitos, peru
Looks gay
A bunker!

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You have up to $175 to spend on axes, do you buy multiple cheaper ones of different kinds or do you opt for an all rounder option?
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>last longer
Depends. A plastic handle won’t rot, a wood handle won’t degrade due to UV, a plastic handle will survive long-striking better, a wood handle won’t ever get frost-jacked.
Being longer lasting isn’t really a concern, a good wood handle lasts longer than a human lifetime if the tool is treated well and skillfully used. I have a mess of tools with wooden handles my great grandfather made when he was a young man. I don’t need a handle that will last 400 years, I need a handle that fits my hands well and performs the task at hand while causing minimal fatigue or pain to my hands and arms, and IMO the handle on my great grandfather’s felling axe and the handle on my Council Tools Woodcrafter are better by these metrics than my Fiskars axes. Don’t get me wrong, they are fine, but better is not simple and IMO they aren’t.
If you don’t know how to care for a wood handle and aren’t using your axes enough to make it worthwhile to learn this skill, they might be the best choice for you, but I won’t say that they are the best choice for everyone, because they aren’t the best choice for me.

I do really like the X7 hatchet for Quetico trips though, it performs well for campfire tasks and is under 650 grams.
I wrecked so many over the years and the amount of hassle it is to replace them and try to find a decent Hickory handle almost makes it just easier to buy a new one. The Only Exception was a small ax that I used for log hewing with a flat face on one side which is specialized and very hard to replace
the two main axes you need are general purpose one, think 26-30 inch 2ish lb head, and a big splitting maul, or a wedge and sledge hammer. other than those 2 a saw and small knife are better than third or more axes. if you're building a house you'll want big saws.

walmart chinesium pot metal axes won't hold up even when used for soft woods. you need to spend the 75+ dollars to get a quality steel and a good heat treat. you will hit rocks and dirt eventually, its only a matter of time. fiskars is the bare minimum, cold steel makes good value products. husqvarna is rebranded gransfors bruk at half the price. if money is really a problem look at pawnshops are refinish older ones, tools to do so are cheap it just takes time and effort.
>people shit talk fiskars because it's popular
Nah, I shit talk them because they're useless as felling axes and bad for splitting. The fellingstuff I wrote half a novelon further up, so not gonna repeat that all here. tl;dr: the handles are too short.
For splitting, the short axes you'd use for making kindling are too blunt, with blade geometry like a large splitting maul, and the plastic handles in general transfer much more shock than a good wooden handle.
>is it a good idea to sharpen up old rusty axes you got at home?
Yeah, and don't believe the fiskars fanboy. Don't sand them at all, they'll just rust again. remove the loose rust with a wire brush, then use either molten wax or thinned linseed oil to soak the solid rust. that'll stop it from rusting further. Then sharpen, preferably with a belt grinder on low rpm, or a file or an anglegrinder (with almost no pressure, and plenty of water for cooling) if you don't have a belt grinder.
Also, rehandle them, obviously.
I buy a cheap hatchet at some box store and sharpen it. I'm not chopping down redwoods I just need something to split already nfs chopped logs or maybe take down a dead small tree. Then I use the rest of the money on cocaine and hookers.

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Post friently /out/ encounters
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Stop judging a deer
Put em on clutch
He's drooling like a retard CWD. JUDGED.

I guess we can be nice to him tho, just open the gate and let him wander around the property.
His nose is wet. Have you ever seen a deer?
The zoomer just learned a new word in another thread so he needs to use it. If anything that deer has mange, not cwd.

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I like going out during the day or even night. But being home in bed at sleep time is better. I like the comfort and my electric blanket. And amenities of my home. Why would I camp? I only do it sometimes out of curiosity or necessity of longer trips.
A lot of people enjoy camping, being in the great outdoors and sleeping under all the stars. Sometimes you have to camp on long hunting trips, mountain lions can take multiple days to track.
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Based. Glamping is okay. Cabin camping is okay. Even car camping can be made comfortable. But nothing beats sleeping in your own bed and being cozy after a long day outdoors. I don't work hard all week to sleep like a fucking homeless person on weekends and holidays.
Imagine being the junior enlisted tasked with lining up all those 20mm rounds.
I camp for silence and darkness.
This is when you buy a trailer. Comfy mattress, comfy blanket, and a heavy rest after a long day of hiking.

Sorry, I'm not a welfare queen.

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