I went out hiking today for the first time during winter and came across this, what the fuck?
>>2805228This is the kind of content you guys want though.
Bait thread
>>2805027>>2805226People do bivy like that. They were probably perfectly comfortable.
>>2805257OP posted some guys adventure from some other social media site, and made it look like he found some frozen corpses on /out/.
>you have to buy trekking poles!>you need something lightweight!>if it's not collapsible it's garbage!counterpoint: just pick up a stick
>>2785161The level of faggotry and dependence on comfort that one has to be on to buy a fucking iron stick instead of just picking one up is actually disgusting if you think about it
>>2804263fencing pliers, good for recycling pallets
>>2804278>dependence on comfortYou best not be wearing shoes soft boi
i think sticks should be tall
>>2785177it must not have been long enough it feels wrong when it's crotch length and you're coming downhill you feel like you could trip and get staked on it chest height ones can poke your eyes or something but something taller than you will just slide by you
How real is it
>>2804667I said Canada lol. The 2000-3000 population can be along the entire range, I have no doubt that a creature like that could range that far without trouble. Mountain lions will go from WA to AK for the hell of it, then go back for winter. No reason a 9 foot apex predator hominid couldn't either.As for killing and capturing - yes. Allegedly one was captured and bred with (female) in western Russia back in the 1700's-ish time frame. One of the accounts from a pioneer in AK who claimed to have killed one around 1920 stated that he was overcome with fear of reprisal on seeing what he had actually killed, and chopped the body up and tossed it into the creek. Reasonable, IMO, when you're months away from civilization, and the same would be true for any frontiersman then - and most today. You have to sleep. You aren't an apex predator hominid likely coming in around 600-800 lbs. One of the early deaths in the Portlock account was a lumberjack who was hit in the head with a 130lb piece of equipment (that was then tossed off into the woods).It's nice to think that guns are the great equalizer, but they're not magic. I know a guy who shot a Kodiak grizzly with a modern bottleneck magnum (a .300 RUM iirc) through the heart. The bear turned, closed the 100 yards, and died on top of him. When we're talking creatures who would by reason have to be more intelligent, and people with much less powerful 100+ year old cartridge designs - it's not an easy or given equation. The Sierra sounds were recorded in the dead of night. If you're a nigger on the frontier with blackpowder weapons, are you going to want to tussle with something that will probably come within firelight range before you can shoot?
>>2800976To fit something for bears
>>2801992Fake picture is fake.
Is this the schizo thread? I have a theory that trees are God's eyes on earth. They photosynthesize which means they react chemically to light stimulation just light human eyes do. And they grow almost everywhere, especially where there are mortal humans to keep watch on. This has an interesting implication. Trees are green to selectively absorb red and blue wavelengths. This means that if my theory is true, then God would mostly see earth in shades of purple. I think that's interesting.
Hello anons, Floridian /g/ tourist here.I want to wander around the Appalachian Mountains for a few days, in the snow. I am fucking tired of the heat. I am fucking tired of people. I literally just want to wander around in freezing cold snow, alone, for a week or so, living off the land. Preferably I would like to avoid people as much as possible. I want to learn land navigation. I also want to bring a gun, shoot an animal, and eat it.My questions are:>how feasible is this for someone who has never been on a REAL /out/ trip aside from camping with his dad as a kid and hiking preapproved trails?>what skills do I need to learn, regulations do i need to read, and equipment i need to bring to ensure that I don't suffer death, grievous bodily harm, and/or arrest during this trip?>where should I go? my only stipulation is that there is snow present. I want to do this november or december.
>>2799939It was just a bait thread for (You)s. When it didn't get enough traction OP bailed.
>>2799923indians will work for half the money and double the hours
>>2801089I'm just a humble Shitpost Farmer, rotatin my crop of (You)s
>>2795483Bring what? A week of mres? Fu hat
>>2804870>I wouldn't do any less than 4 acres for a single cow>If anyone has them on less land they're buying feed and hay for the cows to copeI wish more people understood this.
>>2804870>>2804955>thinking anyone can afford four acreslollmao even
Better question: If I want to have my own ranch, where do I get the most amount of land for the least amount of money but with the best scenery?
>>2799863Depends on the numbers and breed. A Jersey will take far less feed than a full-size cow, and eastern asian breeds (who produce way less cream) need less feed than western breeds.And of course, if you let them graze freely, you'll need more land than if you produce high-calorie feed on a part of the land and give that to the cattle.tl;dr: I have no idea kek.Rule of thumb where I am is one acre (actual acre, not that retarded way of measuring the burgers use) per cow. In case you're a retarded burger: an acre anywhere else in the world is an approximate measure for the quality of the soil. It's the amount of land needed to provide enough vegetables, fruit and grain for a family of 4-5 people, and can be anywhere from 1000m2 to 15000m2.For the american east coast, it used to be 4000m2, and some (((businessmen)) decided to use that as a new unit of measuring areas so they could lure in fools with promises of "XX acres", then give them some worthless wasteland.
>>2805166See >>2804958
Have you hiked with your grandparents anon? Have you been a good niece / nephew and gone outdoors with your elders?I personally have with my uncle, on a few occasions. He's almost 70 so naturally he can barely do anything more than 5 kilometers without him finding it not enjoyable, but irrespective of his joint pain he still soliders through. Even though you will not get to hike spectacular trails with older people the hikes are still pleasant given the endless amount of discussions you can have with these experienced people about nature and the past. It is a little something like getting a personal guide who intimately knows things that no other does. I think that it makes short hikes more pleasant.
>>2805142I went up Mt Kosciuszko (tallest mountain in Aus at 2200m) with my grandparents back when they were both in their 70s. Neither of them are particularly outdoorsy but it was a nice afternoon.
>I NEED LE BEAR MACE>I NEED LE .44 MAGNUM>I NEED LE HUGE BACKPACK FULL OF STUFF I WILL NEVER USE>I NEED L-No. Behold, the humble makeshift spear. Perfect as walking stick, even better as a self-defense tool. Need food? Spear. Need to walk with assistance? Spear. Need to makeshift frame for shelter? Spear. Basketball American on path fidgeting in his pocket while speed-walking towards you? Spear. Need I say more?
>>2804370>Speak won't safe you from a Moose or Bear attack.No, but a spear will.
>>2804370Pushing forty and hike all over every week or two.Seen one black person in all these years
>>2804365>coated steel spearheadwhat is this, a glamping thread? sharpen a rock.
>>2804842flint knapping is actually pretty fun
>>2804365You are right, but if you are gonna hunt with a spear you better be able to make a new one if you're gonna throw them. Better to use it for stabbing, which means you will rely on confrontation hunting. I don't know if anyone has tried this recently though.
sup, 4chan! architecture student here!we've been assigned to make a project of bivouac, so I kindly ask y'all physicaly active anons to share with your experience! what makes good bivouac good for you? what makes it bad? what annoyed you the most, in a bivouac? what pleasently surprised you? what'd you wish were inside a bivouac? what if i make it 2story high, and you have to crawl up a ladder to get into the bed? does panorama vindow matter? maybe there should be a lower doorstep/threshold? maybe a higher one? what do you think about “Bivacco Gervasutti”?[spoiler]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHIjBjgtnN0[/spoiler]please share all kinds of experiences and opinions!
>>2804706why? it does block wind
>>2804636In the absence of a strong state, why don't you destroy bivouacs and kill all the weak hikers, of which you most certainly are not one. Be sure to wear an approved mask and stay socially distant.
>do my homework for me :)or, hear me out, you can go eat shit
>>2804931You sound insecure, work on yourself.
>>2804595This ^^We call it a bivy bag because it’s literally a waterproof sack that you pour your bag into. Never tried it in the winter but in the summer we would go kayaking and bivy on sandy beaches.
Does /out/ listen to outdoors podcasts or have any favorite outdoors movies? I just finished the Timothy Treadwall episode of the Tooth and Claw podcast and I hate Tim more than ever. It almost made me as mad as that family that wandered into the desert with their baby and a single bladder of water.
mesh cap or field cap?
>>2801516i have a mesh camo cap from dollar general ive been wearing for 5 years
>>2801516M43 Bergmütze.
>>2804746>>2804749Or black in colour
>>2801516The right cap reminds me of that older black guy who hung out with your friend group in high school and made you smoke weed and listen to Immortal Technique and talk about pyramids and speak in rhyme
>>2801516I like the mesh cap a lot. Covers my eyes, and shows girls that I don't have a bald spot
Just leaving this here
>>2803563>shoots a fucking fireball from my deer stand
>>2804792wait do people hike to get laid? lmao
>>2804792there are actually girls out therebut they look weird and smell real bad :(
>>2804792meeting girls, and or cute twinks, is for the bar, with a few social lubricants, and or other things.outdoors sleeping under a canvas tarp is for being nowhere near another human
>>2803563These are so fucking funny, I love that they are taking off. I am sure in a few years, they will be a cringy meme when normies discover them. But for now, they are fun
I am planning on starting a vegetable garden once it starts to get warmer. I live on long island new york and I have no prior knowledge about gardening other than a couple youtube videos. I have a pretty good idea on what I want to grow but might add or removes some. Yukon gold potatoes and maybe russets too, strawberries, san marzano tomato, carrots, a bush rosemary and maybe some other other herbs, onions maybe, and pepper maybe. I'm leaning towards using raised beds but might change my mind. I'm going to do all this in a small backyard and I'm most likely going to buy sprouts from home depot or something. I want to know basically everything I possibly could and should know as much information possible. And I have alot of questions to ask I'll put a couple here but I'll ask more as the thread goes on. What type of soil/compost should I use, does the water I use matter or can I use normal hose water, how should I setup a raised bed properly, what type of fertilizer should I use, what's the optimal time to start growing, should I mix different breeds of potatoes in one bed, are garden bags any better for glowing, how should I arrange all the plants, Is there a way to grow bigger potatoes or tomatoes, what is a surefire way to increase yields, what are some recommendations for other things I can grow, what are some other things that I need or would be helpful? As much help as possible is greatly appreciated
>>2804019You have no joy in your life
>>2803710>community garden>Long Island Good luck bwah
>>2802925I did big veggies gardens a few times. Disc'd and bottom plowed about a 50x30 spot in winter for a spring garden. I always hated it. Watering, weeding, picking, etc. I swapped exclusively to fruit and nut trees and have enjoyed it much more. You just fertilize and prune a couple times a year. Minimal spraying if you choose the right stuff. You can run a drip line too very easily. With a veggies garden you feel like you are fighting for months and get this one payoff for a few weeks. With the trees there is more longer term reward I guess. I still keep some rowd of perrenials like sugar cane but they are less trouble than the veggies.
>>2802925Grow watermelons-pretty easy and more bang for your buck
>>2802925Alpine strawberries are one of my all time favorites. Every day, there is one or two available to eat while I check my garden. They taste like candy. I also love Padron peppers
Do you wear sunglasses while /out/ing? What are your favorites? Or do you prefer "natural view"?I almost always wear simple dark aviators, since I can't really stand the sun, especially summertime. Just way too bright to be enjoyable. But in cloudy autumn/winter seasons I like to spend time in my yard in orange shooting glasses. Wouldn't dare to go somewhere wearing them, since would look like a total faggot, but man, that orange somehow lifts your mood/makes everything feel so warm and comfy.
>>2803538Nice shades, anon. For me, I simply make do with a hat with a large brim and my trusty polarized Wayfarers which I've had for about a decade and have never felt the need for anything more, except maybe in extreme snowy conditions, but those are rare. Good for /out/, good for the town, very decent filter, don't need anything else.
>>2803538if i'm going around town, i always wear sunglasses, but nature is different, the shadows & colors aren't the same as a townscape, and trees usually do a good job on the sun's glare too i also don't really wear hats, but i've been wanting to get into it though, i got a boonie i hosed down with a natural mosquito repellent, so when it gets warm i'll start wearing it
My big aviators. Nice and big, comfortable, and everyone stares at you like you're some alien
>>2805077I wasn't big on hats either but ever since I snatched some cheap big trim waterproof hat on amazon it's been a game changer by how well it protects the head from the sun/heat and it looks cool. Mosquito repellents are either a hit or miss, some are kinda annoying so I ditch them most of the time.
>>2805102>Mosquito repellents are either a hit or missyeah, thats why i chose ones that are known to work, like lemon eucalyptus oilso instead of slathering myself in it like a greased pig, the hat takes the brunt, carries more oil than my skin tooi tried it out last year when it was still hot, it seemed to work great, no bites at all, when before i was getting ravaged don't do it to your favorite hat though, its absolutely reeks
Hello everyone,What are good cars that are ideal to be bought and used specifically for the purpose of /out/ings?The car needs to>access crappy logging roads, in freezing winters or hot summers>4WD>be sub 5k ideally (used market)>big enough to bring 2 people minimum and gear such as canvas tent and stove (for winter camping in canada)>reliable enough to not shit out after non-daily use>have reasonably available and affordable replacement parts for a home mechanic>relatively simple maintenance, no computer lockout bullshitAm I missing any specifications? I'm really not a car guy, but I have a lot of experience fixing boats and boat engines so I doubt a car would be that much more complicated to maintain.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>2790963Suzuki Jimmy is ok. it's a smaller car than your usual offroader, but it's a standard here with lumberjacks, hunters and people like this. Suzuki swift is also not bad, both very cheap 4x4 cars secondhand.
>>2803426op here, i decided not to buy a car, because I realized im an idiot who spends all his money and also I got diagnosed with vision problems and there's no point.Idk, I agree with your point.. spending 10k so I could LARP as a real woodsman driving on forest roads was almost the dumbest financial mistake I did regardless of the vision issuesim just gonna get an ultralite or frame backpack, pack light and ask a buddy to drop me off in a park instead of all that expensive bullshit>>2794007>>2794007this comment actually kinda triggered something in me realizing that I'm dumb and spending a lot of my money on stupid shit when I could be enjoying my hobbies for far cheaper
>>2792654>>2790963I second the WJ, have had mine for 10 years and its been a great car. being 20+ years old though comes with issues, but they can be had for a couple of thousand, but are easily fixable if you can figure it out. There are lots of resources and even if you need a DRBIII you can get a chinese emulator knockoff for $150. Parts are available everywhere and are super cheap. If you need specific interior parts or body panels there are loads of them in junkyards.
>put on boots>walk outsideis it really that difficult?
>>2799970>"Uncle ted" was a literal faggot that had cock willfully inserted in his mouth and arse, for your information.That's false and you're a big faggot for suggesting that.
>>2800819His words. Sorry I hurt your paternal figure.
>>2799688>buy hiking boots for like first time ever>go hiking>end up with blisters and shitI'm afraid of wearing them again
>>2799686my entire life and everything I hold dear and need, birth cert, passports, etc. fits in one backpack. not exaggerating, but I could put on my backpack and just walk off into the sunset and I'll have everything I own in one easy to carry space. I've overdosed on minimalism
Some gear is fine dont want to end up like those guys who got airlifted for hiking in adidas and carrying jansports