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ITT: ultramarathons, the pinnacle of human endurance

>What is an ultramarathon?
An ultramarathon is a footrace longer than the standard marathon distance of 26.2 miles. The shortest ultramarathons start at 31 miles and the longest known one is 3100 miles.

What gear do you use?
What type of training do you do?
What mentality do you apply?
What are they like?
Any interesting stories?
Any kino pictures?

Share them all!
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fit, bounce, and longevity. you pay for what you get.

although I do agree they are obscenely overpriced.
update: I somehow went down the 'fastpacking' rabbit hole and Im now contemplating getting picrel. And altough this seems to be an actual reputable brand; there is basically no info on this pack online. Which kinda sucks.
What packs do you guys use?
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forgot the pic
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I use the Solomon Active Skin 8.
whats the difference between that and the ADV series that constantly gets shilled

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General thread for freediving and/or spearfishing, since I don't see one mentioning either.

My personal questions:
I've been thinking about taking a certification course so I can learn to do these things correctly and safely. I'm probably happy just doing the diving, but spearfishing seems like an easy and practical extension. I only casually skindive and rod-and-reel fish at the moment. Does anyone have experience taking such a course?
I know I'll need my own gear early on, but each instructor I can find seems to have their own equipment shops, so I imagine they wouldn't be impartial about the quality of other gear on the market. I live on the Pacific coast of the US, so I see that a 7 mm open cell wetsuit is strongly recommended. What good/bad features should I look out for on wetsuits and other equipment? For non-competitive diving, carbon fiber fins are almost certainly not worth the price, right?
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Seahorse lungs it sounds like.
Lots of divers around the bay, I'm sure you'll find someone. Though you might want to indicate what type of diving you like to do or where.
Looking to freedive spearfish! North Bay/Mendocino coast areas.
do you guys eat the fish you spear?
Nah, I usually seal them up in a freezer bag and set it adrift

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Have you ever taken a gril /out/?
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Time for a story
after carefully inspecting the 2 pictures I see no hidden merchant or anything, just some slight differences in the compression
It’s alright if you accommodate her. She’s there because of you not because of nature. Just do an easy scenic route and stop to look at flowers and rocks that look like faces or whatever. And handholding and hugs and reassurance and letting her babble and telling her how nice everything is and scaring her about random things and complimenting her pink water bottle and resting your hands on her shoulders from behind. Best woman hike is to a plateau facing the sun with a short but steep ascent. She can take her Instagram pictures and still gets sweaty enough so that her crotch is nice and steamy when you pull down her pants. And if you don’t like the smelly crotch mist experience then leave her the fuck at home and go hiking with the lads instead.
she fucked the bear
If everything goes according to plan, yes

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Hello anons,
I'm looking for a cheap (~100/120 euros) digital camera to ous when going /out/, preferably with a rechargeable lithium battery.

Complete noob in this field, what are you suggestions?
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>Using a screen cap as evidence of anything on a website known for image manipulation.
Breh, any idiot can use MS paint to fake a 4chan thread screen cap.
People that do it are cringe as fuck.
Cellphone retards killed the digital camera market. iPhone users are a plague on humanity and the reason we can't have nice things.
Cannon rebel is the entry level camera
phone pictures are completely devoid of soul because of all the retarded post processing and lenses without a hint of character.
at least digicuck cameras still have some soul.
>100 euros
if you're so rich and don't care about camerafaggotry just buy a ricoh gr III, because carrying anything larger and heavier is annoying.
t. struggling d810 chad.
60 including part is whatever, half the value of the phone. I guess its well enough.
anon, new ones are like 400.

Anyways Im kinda dissapointed in this fucking camera.
For one thing it is absolute cheeks for filming at low light, it gets this grainy blue effect filtered over top and it completely ruins every shot. So Im completely limited to filming during the day (The same goes for my gopro hero 3+ btw).
Another thing is that every shot looks... well... super amateuristic. Like, really, really forced. Its hard to put my finger on it exactly and it doenst help that im not verbose enough to describe it but it just looks embarassing. My shaky hands dont help either...

Are there any action cameras that have stabilization and can film good shots in low light? That and 1080p 60fps is literally all I care about. Any reccs? (Cheapest one preferrably)

what does /out/ think of this list? are these good locations for /out/ing?
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Top 25 places to AVOID. Same as the Top 5 National Parks or 'Popular trails in your area'.
Brasov again... bleh

I was only once in that city, and never felt the need to go away. My grandma brother was the head of riot police in the city... and while we passed by the buildings destroied by bullets, he said something in a depressing manner i don't remember. But i think he had something to do with the fights the people had with army during the revolution.
Again. Don't go to Brasov. Don't fall for Dracula novel... The human blood is still fresh on the streets of that dammed city. They shoot 200 humans and no one was arested and the colnel who was the head of the batalion is keept secret by army. It might be my grandmas brother... those killers and their childrenn still live in shadows of that city.
I actually had to stop scrolling because I was laughing so hard at this. Is this how far Nat Geo has fallen? Has Nat Geo turned into Vice?

I put someone else's email in :^)
You picked the most boring 3 off that list.
I've been to several of the places mentioned, seems like they picked them all out of a hat or more likely are being paid to shill by local tourism boards. It's only been a few years since NatGeo went for-profit and look how far they've slid.

Alright which one of you autismos did this?

>U.S. Forest Service officials are seeking information about the person or group that has been placing homemade spike strips and other dangerous traps across roads and trails in remote southwest Oregon.

>The federal agency said that in addition to spike strips, meant to puncture tires, there have also been wires across roads and trails reported in the Taylor Creek and Shan Creek areas of Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest.

>“Reports have stated that the boards that hold the spikes have been covered with leaves, so it may be difficult to see them,” a Facebook post from the national forest said on Monday.

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I'm not interested in grasping the logic of a clear retard, thanks.
This sounds like a serial killer
I'm now disregarding everything else your 19yo mouth spewed out.
>The forest service is run by the FDA
Do muttgrels really not know how their own country works?
They probably put it out there to find it

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What's a good model, i'm tired of eating pic related
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I've had a dehydrator for almost a decade now because I love jerky, and the stuff you can buy vs. Home made is like comparing sticking your dick in beach sand to passionate sex with the love of your life. And I just have a cheap one.
I used to grow a lot of chili and that's a great way to preserve them, anything you grow really
Salt is good for you, especially when you're /out/. Unless you have kidney disease that is.

This site has everything you need to learn bruh.
I think you buy a freeze dryer if you have the money. You get 10 to 20 year shelf life if packaged correctly, with no preservatives. Make your own beef stew or chili or whatever, exactly how you like it. Freeze dry it and put in Mylar bags. You can eat it 2 decades later.
It's ready to eat after soaking 5 minutes in hot water. It really is the way to go.
Fat fuck detected.

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how hardcore are you?
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imagine being such a greedy motherfucker that you want to KILL something which has survived for 1,000 years?

logging company CEO should've been executed by firing squad.
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(bump limit reached)
Her final breaths; Rip, 200+days old bread.
It's been a good one.
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downthetree.,,cant stay forever.
Break it down. Show me where you went stupid.

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I'm going to be homeless and jobless for at least the next summer and maybe autumn and I want to use this "opportunity" to try and spend that time outdoors in the woods. The plan is to only have to go to a store once a week or less to stock up on food.
Now for the real question: powerbanks are heavy and I would need at least 2-3 to last a week or more + recharging them would take a long time. How are solar rechargeable battery banks? I would be out 24/7 and in Finland meaning the sun sets after way past midnight and rises really early on. Would a normal sized bank recharge at least half way in a single day? If so, any recommendations for brands.

Also, homeless thread I guess.
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I own this one and it takes 5 days of 12 hours FULL summer sun to fully charge.

Which is 5000 mah per 12h of full summer sun.(a full phone battery)

In winter, given the duration and intensity of the sun you would get probably 1000mah during 7-9 hours of exposure.

Thus, much more efficient source is needed like a small generator.

This thing costs 100 eur in estonia and puts out 650 stable watts
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This. Don't buy a two in one solution, buy a separate foldable solar panel. I can recommend the Big Blue ones.
But how are you gonna catch enough sunlight inside the forest?
those 2-in-1 shits don't work because battery needs to be cool to be efficient meanwhile solar panel needs to be on the sun to work so you are wasting energy on both fronts. just get a foldable 40-100w panel and use it with a regular powerbank
solar power banks aren't good. I had one. you want the panel to be detached from the battery because if you have the battery and panel in the sun it gets so hot (which accelerates battery discharge) that the net energy gain is extremely low. it's unironically a gimmick for guys walking through walmart to see and buy because they think "oh cool, i can leave this out in the sun and never have to worry about recharging it or running out of battery again!".
t. that guy walking through walmart

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The purpose of this general is to encourage people to go /out/ and find cool fossils and artifacts. This thread is also a place to share our own collections and things we find when we are /out/ hunting.

Rules are as follows,
>To just post and discuss fossils and other related geological subjects.
>When you post about a fossil in your collection, please label it with what formation it is from, what it is, and where in the world it is from.
>If you don't know where it originated or the species that is ok, just label it as so
>You can post rocks and minerals as long a they are ones that you have found while /out/
Helpful Links
Geologic maps of US states (usgs.gov)
A Beginner's Guide To Fossil Hunting - Fossil Hunting Trips - The Fossil Forum
Listing of Historic Resources (alberta.ca)

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Pendle country in Lancashire, UK, is amazing for Crynoid fossils. I gave up collecting them years back, I have too many. Find any hill where the rock is visible and the ground will be littered with millions of fossilised crynoids. Shit, they are even in the old stone walls.
stop taking all the teeth from alberta, theres going to be none left for the rest of the people who live there. first it was horseshoe canyon, now the entirety of alberta, whats next the whole of canada?! such greed
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My albertosaurus claw. I have probably found 1000 of their teeth, but this is the first claw.
Anons, I'm totally new to this, I live in this area


(and I'll be living on the coast next to a river for a few months soon), how can I get started in the world of fossil hunting?

Please give me all the relevant information you have, videos etc etc.
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Not from SA so I'm not sure if I'll be of any help anon but I'd look for a Geologic map of the area, looks like a lot of sandstone in your area so there's a possibility for fossils though again I don't know the area so do some research, but good luck to you anon. another tip is to pick up anything that catches your eye, it could always be nothing but it's better to pick it up and it be a normal rock than to not pick it up and it be something cool like a fossil or artifact. also, along the lines of artifacts, if you do find any, take note of where it is with gps cords as I'm sure that it's probably illegal in Peru, if any artifacts are found report them to a museum or University. Good hunting anon
I took a drive north to just west of Waco and did some Hunting in what the Duck Creek Fm. might be, but I am unsure, but I did find this nice ammonite that looks to be whole, I just need to prep it out of the matrix - Fossil Anon

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What brand of knife is this? Can't find anything with that name.
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My guess is that it's some random chinkshit that's sort of ripping off CRKT's brand identity.
That's a lot of cocaine.
Clearly it's cement
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Columbia, nothing to do with CRKT. how can you not find it? just type in "columbia knife" into any search engine and there you go.
all chinkshit btw. nothing of value
The only knife i ever crack, on easy mode

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Can you tell what this fruit is called?
pic taken in northern dalmatia, croatia
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Squirrels eat the seeds out of them in my backyard
People misnomer them crab apples frequently though. A lot of people call osage that.
Growing up in western Pennsylvania I heard many people call them monkey balls. Not like it was kids claiming they resembled primate testicles, but adults using the term as if it were the actual name.
But what supposed to happen is a giant animal like a sloth a giant bear or something is supposed to eat the entire fruit and then shit the seeds out someplace new. I've only encountered this tree once in my trips through the states though. I think I was in Kansas and I was looking at this row of trees I was wondering what it was and then I realized that had been planted there for about a hundred years and it was almost impenetrable Thicket that you couldn't get through. I was taking a close look at it because some card crashed into it earlier and was being towed out so I got to walk around while we're waiting for traffic to clear up and it didn't do hardly any damage to it.
It's hard to eat and the flesh will burn you if you eat too much

What are these lighters filled with?
Everytime I add fluid the flame gets worse.

I need a recommendation on a good everyday lighter that works in wet hands and doesn't turn into a crack torch if left in a hot car
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This >>2787655

You’re probably not really filling it. IIRC, you flip the lighter upside down, poke the little brass valve for a second to shoot some of the air out of there, and then fill from your butane can. I’m sure there’s a good google about it, but it’s like trying to fill a gas tank without ever allowing the vapor to escape… if it were a sealed system, the vapor currently in the tank will block the liquid gas from ever being able to get into the tank to fill it.
guess im a retard. id ont know how to fil it.
i drained out all the fluid
put in a butane filler, it made some hissing noise and some got out, but the lighter (no window) still feels empty, and now nothing comes out.
i tried flling it a few times and nothing.
i tried filling a regular lighter, and that worked.
i plan on getting a zippo because those you just straight up put it in
Zippos are gay and the fluid evaporates from them in a week whether you use the thing or not.

Also retarded question since you sound like you may be retarded… does the butane bottle fit on the lighter you’re trying to fill? There are different size nozzles and adapters for different size fill ports on lighters.
im not OP but yes i am retarded thank you for noticing

What is the best one money can buy?
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Get a shemag
I just bought a tub of lanolin.
Tired of trying to use those things.
hat + scarf + lanolin.
It's more of a confection than a pastry desu
Does anyone know where to get a balaclava for a huge skull/ fat face
I cant find anything specifically xl in a balaclava
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Just get a wool beanie & neck gaiter. Cheaper, will keep you warmer, easier to adjust as needed based off temp.

How many biomes have you /out/ed in?
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frog posters must die
i've /out/ed only in the tropical rainforest; i am from the rural areas of Medellín, Colombia and never got out of here.
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>where is the savana picture
Well venus fly traps only grow in two biome types in North Carolina so that kind of narrows it down
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Got 'em all. I used to live in Colorado so definitely seen a lot of glaciers, just never photographed any.
Don't think some of these are real biomes btw

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