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I'm going to be homeless and jobless for at least the next summer and maybe autumn and I want to use this "opportunity" to try and spend that time outdoors in the woods. The plan is to only have to go to a store once a week or less to stock up on food.
Now for the real question: powerbanks are heavy and I would need at least 2-3 to last a week or more + recharging them would take a long time. How are solar rechargeable battery banks? I would be out 24/7 and in Finland meaning the sun sets after way past midnight and rises really early on. Would a normal sized bank recharge at least half way in a single day? If so, any recommendations for brands.

Also, homeless thread I guess.
What exactly are you guys powering out in the woods? When I go hobo mode all I'm using is my phone to read, play emulators, shitpost. You can get by with one recharge a day. Just start your car and run it for 10 minutes every day or two. That will keep your phone charged. Are you gaming on a laptop? Do you bring a tv?
I don't have a car. The only thing I use is my phone to game during evenings and night and it chews through my battery really quickly. Done dry runs with my 20 000 mA battery bank and that goes dark after ~two days.
Then how are you getting resupply every week?
Walking to stores. Doesn't take that long to walk from the woods to a nearby store and back.
So really you're going to set up a hobocamp just a mile or so from town and never move camp all summer? Europistsan is so weird. When I go to the national forest normally I'm around 20 miles from the nearest grocery store and the Forrest jannies make us move camp every 2 weeks. So I take a pickup truck.
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We have tons of woods no one who cares sets their foots in months. Moving camp wouldn't be an issue either. Just would go on the other side of town if needed. Or just 1 km the other way.
Picture is a 3 mile radius from some random outskirts store in a medium sized city. Loads of woods that, sure someone owns but no one would check up on
Someone post it.
The only solar charger I have experience with is the Anker mini and it was kind of shitty. I'd encourage you to get yourself a foldable solar panel and a batter though. These gimmicky 2 in one things are really shitty from what I've heard and you don't want yours to fail during a rainstorm or something.
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Probably a good idea given that the surface area also increases dramatically in these. The investment amount also went down assuming my old battery bank doesn't give up on me for some reason.
I don't have one, but I've seen a few people with a solar panel on their pack recently so they must be at least somewhat useful, and if you're mostly staying in the same place you could get something pretty big.
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all solar charger powerbanks are shit and a scam.
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I own this one and it takes 5 days of 12 hours FULL summer sun to fully charge.

Which is 5000 mah per 12h of full summer sun.(a full phone battery)

In winter, given the duration and intensity of the sun you would get probably 1000mah during 7-9 hours of exposure.

Thus, much more efficient source is needed like a small generator.

This thing costs 100 eur in estonia and puts out 650 stable watts
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This. Don't buy a two in one solution, buy a separate foldable solar panel. I can recommend the Big Blue ones.
But how are you gonna catch enough sunlight inside the forest?
those 2-in-1 shits don't work because battery needs to be cool to be efficient meanwhile solar panel needs to be on the sun to work so you are wasting energy on both fronts. just get a foldable 40-100w panel and use it with a regular powerbank
solar power banks aren't good. I had one. you want the panel to be detached from the battery because if you have the battery and panel in the sun it gets so hot (which accelerates battery discharge) that the net energy gain is extremely low. it's unironically a gimmick for guys walking through walmart to see and buy because they think "oh cool, i can leave this out in the sun and never have to worry about recharging it or running out of battery again!".
t. that guy walking through walmart

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